Shorter Brent Bozell

What Does “Family Friendly” Mean?


  • “Ugly Betty” could have been a sweet family show about a moral Mexican girl in the fashion industry, but the networks had to go and ruin it by adding a bunch of fags and a 12-year-old girly-boy.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 106


Bozell – “While [Heros’] good and evil characters are assembled to root for and against, some heroes are “complex,” that Hollywood euphemism for bizarre.”

And they wonder why they constantly hear giggling.

AND, as per usual the comments section is gold:

///Mother of 4: Thursday, January, 03, 2008 8:25 AM

That is indeed the main drawback of watching sports — you have to endure the commercials for that network’s “prime time” garbage.

I live-post on a Nascar forum while watching races and one commercial for that dumb show about the ditz with amnesia was so inappropriate, shouting into the mid-afternoon hours, “I don’t remember what sex feels like!” that it shocked even the people who usually complain when Nascar insists that drivers mind their mouths during interviews.///


damn that’s a nice potatochop…


Out of all the rightists, I dislike Bozell the most. He’s the sort of prude who would, you suspect, be offended if his wife came on to him. You ever notice as well how he always gets angry about the comparatively tame programmes on network TV, and keeps (comparatively) quiet about cable? Odd, that . . .


You ever notice as well how he always gets angry about the comparatively tame programmes on network TV, and keeps (comparatively) quiet about cable? Odd, that . . .

You’ll also note, if you hold your nose and read the piece, that Bozo doesn’t mention any FOX primetime shows. Funny, that.


This is “family friendly”? When a show can win both a Family Television Award and a Media Award from the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, as “Ugly Betty” has, you know there’s something wrong. With a pile of plots advancing the gay agenda, a GLAAD Award is appropriate. A “family friendly” award is insulting.

Yeah, because, you know, gay people don’t have families…they hatch from eggs.


CALIFSON: Thursday, January, 03, 2008 1:37 PM

The vast wasteland is not for kids. I am down to the Golf channel, ESPN,and Fox news, some of the programs on Discovery, and History, when they stay away from evolution and rewritting our history, which often happens. Local news and weather. I am a born again Christian, but I find much of the religous programming off target. Rick Warren is excellent, Joel Olsteen is a great speaker but very light on the gospel. There are others who just ask for $$$$$. John Haggie has a good message but we dont want to listen…Regular programming is not for children…


I like the way these assclowns throw out the proviso “…I am a born again christian…” in order to justify their willful ignorance…



Legalize said,

January 4, 2008 at 0:58

Bozell – “While [Heros’] good and evil characters are assembled to root for and against, some heroes are “complex,” that Hollywood euphemism for bizarre.”

Translation: Characters can’t be more than one dimensional! That’s crazy talk!

Arky - Fascitanata

Yipee. The Bozo of Clown Hall has puked out another pile of steaming worms for the knuckledraggers to nibble on. Do you think he grew that beard because he thinks it makes him look like Chuck Norris?

Here’s a radical concept: If you don’t like what you see you your TV, turn off the fucking TV.

The US population must have been some sort of genetic shift in the not too distant past. How else do you explain the fact that this country has become the abode of whiny ass titty babies who are so fucking sensitive all they do is scream “Noooooo! I don’t yike it!!!” Fuck you and turn off the damn TV. Go outside, play Scrabble, read a damn book and no, we aren’t going to ban all of the books you don’t like you testicle deficient beotches.

Smiling Mortician

I like the way these assclowns throw out the proviso “…I am a born again christian…”

It’s the redundancy that annoys me. Why can’t they just say “I’m a born-again christian” and then shut up? I mean, that little nugget is enough; we’ve already received the whole message. No point wasting time ‘splaining what you won’t watch on the TeeVee as a result.


By Jeebus, I get sick of these yahoos using “family-friendly” to mean “white-bread, bigoted, and unapologetic about it.” If they want to hates teh gey and are crass enough to do so in public, fine; but they should stop pretending it does anyone else’s family any good. Bigotry is stupid, hurtful, and morally wrong, and we need to beat them with that idea until it sticks in their narrow, fetid little minds.


Legalize: You’ll get plenty of T & A (sex) if you watch Fox Snews


It’s even worse than that, Paddy Mac (By the way, did you ever get a chance to give the dog a bone?).

Sex on TV? Very Bad.

Gay sex? Awfuller.

Killing on TV? Very good.

Torture on TV as a prelude to killing? Oh, man, now that’s some family friendly TV…



The truth is, back in the 1950s American television programming was wholesome and Patriotic, now because of the left and the homosexual agenda it has been polluted with gay characters and sex and drugs and acceptance of immoral lifestyles such as homosexuality. My ideal television show is about a wholesome American family in the Heartland where the children respect their parents and the traditional American values of Patriotism and faith and self-reliance and hard work are taught. And especially no gays not even a mention of them.


<What Does “Family Friendly” Mean?

Why don’t we ask Mark A Foley, aka maf54?

It’s been a while since we heard from him.


Torture on TV as a prelude to killing? Oh, man, now that’s some family friendly TV…

Oh you didn’t know? Watching good guys torturing and killing teh ebul terrists is a rite of passage for all wholesome ‘Murcan childrens.

Please, librul, get your talking points straight friend.


Bastion Booger said,

January 4, 2008 at 2:07

The truth is, back in the 1950s American television programming was wholesome and Patriotic, now because of the left and the homosexual agenda it has been polluted with gay characters and sex and drugs and acceptance of immoral lifestyles such as homosexuality. My ideal television show is about a wholesome American family in the Heartland where the children respect their parents and the traditional American values of Patriotism and faith and self-reliance and hard work are taught. And especially no gays not even a mention of them.

The sad truth is that if you strip away the racism and sexism from 1950’s culture, you’d find that the US back then was ten times more progressive than it is today.


The fact is, liberals keep using their biased control of the media to enforce their immoral classwar homosexual lifestyle on folks in the heartland, who they know nothing about. Well, we are sick of it. Who will provide programming that is not offensive, not unpatriotic, not anti-USA or Free Market, not anti-God? I hold out hope, and hope that truth tellers like Bozell, who is a straight talker and unbiased by any ideology except freedom, can force the eleitists on the coast to meet our demands.


“It’s even worse than that, Paddy Mac (By the way, did you ever get a chance to give the dog a bone?).”

Animals tend to stay away from me, for some reason. 🙂


Yet another case of Fundie dupage: voting to empower the cobags who support media consolidation and then bitching when the resultant behemoths don’t reflect their provincial mindset.

Oh, and, Booger, darling… why don’t you just wander off already, you ultra-nationalist shitbag.


Yeah I’m sure Bozell is getting through to those eleitists on the coast.


You liberals are the ones who polluted television with trash and homosexuality and pornography. And I know why, you liberals did this to try and corrupt us moral Christian Patriots in the Heartland with your immorality and hatred for God and America. But it did not work and will not work because we Patriots of the Heartand love God and love America and will defend them both till the death. Glory to God! Glory to America! Glory to the Heartland!


Parody troll is going to parody enlist?



If it wasn’t for the fine upstanding works of Bozell, American TeeVee would’ve been like this.


Teh liberal fascists who run teh liberal fascist medias are forcing Gary and BB to experience teh gehy thoughts.


What? No complaint about Salma Hayek being shown stripping down to her bra in an elevator?

I’m shocked. Shocked.


Damn, can’t we even get decent parody trolls around this place?

Smiling Mortician

The sad truth is that if you strip away the racism and sexism from 1950’s culture, you’d find that the US back then was ten times more progressive than it is today.

Well, at the risk of being rightly accused of a judicious amount of hyperbole, I assert that pretty much anywhere in the world, pretty much anytime in history, was at least on some level more progressive than the [official, sanctioned, Booger-approved] U.S. is today.


Damn, can’t we even get decent parody trolls around this place?

The effects of the writers strike are wide reaching, no?

The truth of the fact is Gary Rupture and Backstain Booger can’t out-spoof the real thing.


Dr. Zaius is right. Mankind is a pestilence.


“Ugly Betty” has several gay characters and a transgendered former man (improbably played by former supermodel Rebecca Romijn).

And we get accused of looksism…


homosexual = pedophile.


“Ugly Betty” could have been a sweet family show about a moral Mexican girl in the fashion industry, but the networks had to go and ruin it by adding a bunch of fags and a 12-year-old girly-boy.

Yeah. Because as we all know, the fashion industry in the real world is overflowing with moral Mexican girls. And gays are nowhere to be seen.

Hey goopers, leave your reality-blocking bubbles occasionally, the world you fantasize about is not the one we live in.

Ugly Betty could have been about a moral young Brussel sprout fighting against the evils of Italianate seasonings.


The truth of the fact is Gary Rupture and Backstain Booger can’t out-spoof the real thing.

If only they’d eat their brussels sprouts…


and a transgendered former man (improbably played by former supermodel Rebecca Romijn).

Really? Damn.

I’m gonna start watching that show.

Thanks Brent!


Galactic Dustbin

What? No complaint about Salma Hayek being shown stripping down to her bra in an elevator?

dammit! this is what miss when I spend too much time playing Halo.


As nasty a piece of work as Vince McMahon is, I will always be grateful for him for being able to make Brent Bozell shut up. Wish more media moguls would follow in his footsteps.

Galactic Dustbin

“While [Heros’] good and evil characters are assembled to root for and against, some heroes are “complex,” that Hollywood euphemism for bizarre.”

the favorite character on that she isn’t even white OR an American- man, thats just crazy talk!


Bozell and the other wingnuts are constantly aggravated because the Free Market of programming shows that America enjoys and watches programs that are inclusive and show the diversity of America in a positive fashion.

The kind of programming Boogerbot yearns for has been tried, over and over again… and America tunes out.

And that drives them crazy. Because it demonstrates in yet another incontrovertible way that they are out of step.

And Fake Gary is JEALOUS that the producers of TV programming are not on his side. Sucks to be a conservative, don’t it?


What? No complaint about Salma Hayek being shown stripping down to her bra in an elevator?

No complaints here. Frankly, I think the real Heartland (as opposed to the syphilitic fever dream of our house trolls) could use more shots of Salma stripping down to her bra.


Bozell, after complaining about the violence of “Heroes” said, “but “Ugly Betty” was an even less acceptable choice…”

Apparently homosexuality is even worse than lopping off the tops of skulls.


I’m just watching the Democratic caucus results come in via TMP, and my man Edwards is in the lead!!

I hope he wins.


That should read “TPM” above, as in Talking Points Memo. I think TMP is some sort of submachine gun.


I hope my candidate Fred Thompson finishes in at least third place in Iowa, he’s gonna have to finish in at least third place in order to be considered a serious candidate.


ABC just interrupted Ugly Betty to announce Huckabee the winner of Iowa, with Romney in second.


Who’s third for Republicans cleter?


I think TMP is some sort of submachine gun.

That’s an MP5. TMP is a directory or partition on a hard disk used for virtual storage…



“Hey goopers, leave your reality-blocking bubbles occasionally, the world you fantasize about is not the one we live in.”

Only if you’ll clean up after them. They tend to crap their pants whenever they think they see a Muslin, gay, or unafraid non-caucasian.


Yeah, that Thompson, he’s a real go-getter:

“I’m not particularly interested in running for president,” the former senator said at a campaign event in Burlington when challenged by a voter over his desire to be commander-in-chief.

“But I think I’d make a good president,” Thompson continued. “I have the background, capability, and concern to do this and I’m doing it for the right reasons.” […]

“I am not consumed by personal ambition,” Thompson also said Saturday. “I’m offering myself up…. I’m only consumed by a few things and politics is not one of them.”

Good thing he still has his role on “Law And Order” to fall back on. Oh wait…


“I hope my candidate Fred Thompson finishes in at least third place in Iowa”

Way to aim high! Iowans (the true representatives of the heartland) will not be swayed by some toe-tapping, fuddy-duddy, Holllywood has-been like Freddie.


The fact is, Mike Huckabee is the next president. Amen.


Hmmm… my calendar says it’s January, Gary. Guess you must have thrown yours in the Dustbin of HistoryTM.


Rackin’-frackin’ non-working superscript tags.


Holy crap! A show about the fashion industry that DOESN’T have gays in it would be, well, fantasmagorical!


Try using &trade; Clint.


Gary Ruppert said,
January 4, 2008 at 4:37

The fact is, Mike Huckabee is the next president. Amen.

Sexist pig.

You’ll say “awomen” when Hillry wins and like it, beeyatch!


Bastion Booger said,
January 4, 2008 at 4:00

I hope my candidate Fred Thompson finishes in at least third place in Iowa

Well, you can hope, but like the little ponies that were supposed to greet you in Iraq, your hopes are nonexistent.


Bastion Booger said,
January 4, 2008 at 3:27

homosexual = pedophile.

Listen, the confession booth is that way——————–>


Thompson appears to be finishing 3rd. This means of course that McCain (4th place) has won everything because Chris Matthews loves him.


Bastion Booger said,
January 4, 2008 at 2:07

The truth is, back in the 1950s American television programming was wholesome and Patriotic,


No niggers allowed.


Bastion Booger said,
January 4, 2008 at 2:33

You liberals are the ones who polluted television with trash and homosexuality and pornography.

When did Rupert Murdoch switch parties?


Gary Ruppert said,
January 4, 2008 at 2:18

The fact is, liberals keep using their biased control of the media to enforce their immoral classwar homosexual lifestyle on folks in the heartland

Which beats fucking the sheep.

How is dad, anyway?


Thanks, Simba! Let’s try this:

The Dustbin of History™

Yep, that’ll work!


damn that’s a nice potatochop…

Yeah, it must’ve been hard to get Brent’s digit out of his nostril, or some other orifice.

But, to be semi-serious: Polls consistently show that the longer gay marriage is legal here in our lovely commonwealth, the fewer people are willing to condemn homosexuality. Because even Homer Simpson’s fan club, once they’ve discovered that Legistimizing Teh Ghey makes absolutely no doggammed difference in their own simple daily lives, will stop jumping through the “oh noes, faggits will prevert my chilluns!!!!” hoop that’s provided so much funding to Bozell and his masters. Bozell is fighting on the media front, just as Rove and Cheney are fighting on the political front, to deter the hardcore 20-Some-Percenter remnants of Ghodly Amerkinism from apostasy into the 21st century (or, in some cases, the 19th century).


Here’s this lovely clip from the TownHall comments:
I think we should be pernitted to choose from a list of stations, and should not have to subsidize the TV viewing of the illegal Mexicans who only speak spanish.


I have to shower now.


Shorter middle America: “I wish somebody would build a nice big wall between me and everything that isn’t familiar”


Actor 21 said,

Bastion Booger said,
January 4, 2008 at 2:07

The truth is, back in the 1950s American television programming was wholesome and Patriotic,


No niggers allowed.

Psst! They’re called “hooligans” now. As in, “I watch NASCAR and hockey because they don’t encourage hooliganism.”

Oh, never mind. You’re probably a hooligan-lover anyway.


El Cid said,

January 4, 2008 at 4:48

Thompson appears to be finishing 3rd. This means of course that McCain (4th place) has won everything because Chris Matthews loves him.

…because Chris Matthews loves him humps his leg.

I’m from the gubermint, and I’m here to help.


Hey, can someone explain to me why RedStater’s love Fred Thompson and are aghast at Huckabee? Huckabee’s a good solid, family man and Christ-lover. Thompson’s a sleepy old Hollywood has-been. I’m so confused.


RedStaters obey their corporate dog-whistle blowers.

That is all.


Goddamn it feels good to see Hillary lose.
Let’s drown the DLC in a bathtub.


And yes, Matthews has been in particularly poor form tonight. He all but asked Rudy if he could wash his balls for him while he was busy fluffing him.


Underdog — thanks for the clue.

I like seeing Hillary lose, yes, but I hate watching Chris Matthews talking about her uterus. Sweet Zombie Jesus, it’s like having the T-Rex killed by the velociraptors — evil still triumphs.


owans (the true representatives of the heartland) will not be swayed by some toe-tapping, fuddy-duddy, Holllywood has-been like Freddie.

Aw, c’mon – Fred’s great! Here’s a guy who’s a more or less serious candidate for the presidency, and his qualifications consist of:
a): My wife has big tits.
b): I’ve been paid to pretend that I’m an real authority figure in television shows. Several times.
c): Once I was an actual United States Senator, but I don’t remember much about it.
d): Sometimes I can stay awake for hours at a time. Or almost awake.
e): On matters of national policy, I just kneel down in reverence and ask “What would George W. Bush do?
f): Did I mention that my wife has big tits?


Snorghagen said,
January 4, 2008 at 5:17

And the SADDEST part of all that? It makes him just as qualified as any of the other goopers in the race.


I just now checked the Iowa results. Giuliani got 4%?! Whooo-eee. All the Repub candidates suck bubbling shit, but Giuliani is the suckmaster.


I don’t know if Giuliani’s girlfriend has big tits, but I know he’s the kind of guy that would say, “Honey, here’s six-thousand bucks. Go get yourself a new big pair of titties.” And then he’d have sex with her, before she was even properly healed and still in pain, because that’s the kind of manly man he is.

And DB — You’re onto something there with Matthews. But I think Giulani must shave his balls. At least when I fantasize about him, his balls are shaved. And he’s wearing panty hose. But that’s neither here no there. The fact that he’s able to generate sexual fantasies in both men and women make him eminently qualified for the presidency.

Christ, now I really have to shower.

And not so I can have a private place to masturbate, either.


“I think we should be pernitted to choose from a list of stations”

The fact of the matter is, I happen to support this idea. Cable television should be ala-carte. Why should I pay for Lifetime, E!, any of the “Christian” channels or Faux News when I never, ever watch them?


My wife doesn’t have big tits. I can respect that…



Breaking: Obama beats Hilary! Some other guy, neither Hilary nor Obama, takes second place! Question: How will this effect the race between Obama and Hillary? Is Hillary doomed? Can she rebound? Has Obama finally defeated her to win the Democratic nomination? Can somebody who won second place even be considered a contender, if his name isn’t Obama or Clinton? The Village answers, after this.


Denver Hawkeye –

Yep. I actually agree with that, too. Why does every single cable package have three Christian channels (TBN, the Catholic one, and that other one)? Just thought it’s funny that this guy’s worried about “subsidizing” illegal mexican television because a) he’s a racist asshole and b) because those spanish channels are popular enough to be subsidizing his crappy christian television programs.


Who will provide programming that is not offensive, not unpatriotic, not anti-USA or Free Market, not anti-God?

Hmmmm….. this really begs the question. With all that capital, talent, imagination, and values, where IS that wholesome, patriotic, Godly television programming, anyway? Gosh…. Gary, Bastion, Saul – why aren’t you and your friends out there writing, bankrolling, and producing the kind of entertainment you want?



This is kind of a pointless question, since everyone’s moved on, but the best children’s television consistently comes from PBS. Why aren’t more conservative heads exploding?


I’m a Red Stater and I like Mike Huckabee alot, I think he would make an excellent President, I especially like his plan for a federal ban on all abortions. However the most important issue for me in the Presidential race is illegal immigration and on that issue I trust Fred Thompson more than I trust any of the other top tier candidates in the Republican field.


Good. Then I bet you’re pleased with Thompson’s showing in Iowa, huh?


Well, I wish Thompson finished in a stronger third place rather than a virtual tie with John McCain, however he has an excellent shot at winning the South Carolina primary which will greatly help his candidacy.


What tickles me most about idiots like Bozell is the way he worships the free market, only to recoil in horror when that same free market delivers products that offend him. Hey, Brent, those shows and networks survive because they are meeting the demands of the marketplace.

By the way, I’m a born-again Christian. And I like Ugly Betty. And Heroes. I even know how to spell it.


Uh, I believe his name is Brett. That’s why you should never brag about your spelling.


Nope, I was wrong. He is Brent. This concludes tonight’s airing of Typo Theater.


I would luuuuuuuv to hear an Obama / Thompson debate. Hee hee.


Hm. So, do I vote for Huckabee, who seems like a liberal (with the exception of social stuff), or vote for Obama, who seems like a centrist?



Given the fact that Thompson is barely aware he’s running for president, l doubt he’ll show up for an Obama debate. Hopefully he’d just hand his car keys to Obama and walk off, which would make the six redneck yahoos who endorse him love him even more.


Marlowe wins.


Well, I wish Thompson finished in a stronger third place rather than a virtual tie with John McCain, however he has an excellent shot at winning the South Carolina primary which will greatly help his candidacy.

Sadly, no.

Mid-date: 12/18/2007
South Carolina
w/o Newt Gingrich
Est. MoE = 3.6% [?]
Mike Huckabee 28%
Mitt Romney 18%
John McCain 16%
Fred Thompson 15%
Rudy Giuliani 12%
Unsure 4%


<Bozell – “While [Heros’] good and evil characters are assembled to root <for and against, some heroes are “complex,” that Hollywood <euphemism for bizarre.”

You mean like having heroes who act like real human beings and not charactures? Who wants to read\watch something that is as whtiebread as he wants? There was a reason (famed children’s author) Beverly Cleary hated read as a child because most of the kids of the books of her youth were almost always goody-goody and the parents never got upset.


Excuse me, is this the Sadly,No! Book Club?
After a thread last year where various people were enthusiastically endorsing Christopher Moore, I’ve been reading ‘The Love Lizard of Melancholy Cove’. Hmm. Small town in North California… A barroom brawl in the first few pages… pot and meth labs…

Mikey, do you happen to write under the name of ‘Christopher Moore’?


I wonder if Bozell jerked off to Jessica Biel when she was on 7th Heaven?


I would luuuuuuuv to hear an Obama / Thompson debate. Hee hee.

I picture that debate going like this:

Obama: “…and that is why I believe Americans want CHANGE and UNITY in ’08.”

Moderator: “Mr. Thompson, how would you answer that question?”

Thompson: Zzz…zz..what…what? I’m sorry, um…Yes, I believe we need…to…zzzzz


Bastion Booger said,
January 4, 2008 at 3:27
homosexual = pedophile.

Got any good stories about you and your dad you want to tell us?


When I was a kid, my fundie thought TV was an instrument of Satan. But she at least wasn’t insane. She didn’t own a TV. Logical solution, right?



inkadu said,

January 4, 2008 at 5:01

Hey, can someone explain to me why RedStater’s love Fred Thompson and are aghast at Huckabee? Huckabee’s a good solid, family man and Christ-lover. Thompson’s a sleepy old Hollywood has-been. I’m so confused.

Because, dude, he was like, in Die Hard 2! DIE HARD 2, dude!!! And he was all like, “Stay outta my jurisdiction, McLane!” And the plane blew up at the end, it was all like KA-BLAM!!!! So, like, he could totally be president.



So does that mean that pedophile=homosexual? I knew that Humbert Humbert had too much of that fancy book learning! He musta been queer.

Plus, there are a good number of gay men who won’t touch a man unless he has at least 50% of his body covered in thick hair. Why the hell would they want a boy?


Plus, there are a good number of gay men who won’t touch a man unless he has at least 50% of his body covered in thick hair.

Hair plugs can go so much further.


Just to be sure:

He’s watching a show about a fashion magazine in New York. And he’s shocked,shocked I tell you, that the place is full of gays and sexual activity.

This is a man who really, really doesn’t want to know what happens at ballet school.


yes of course latina = Mexican
So many in Nueva York


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