It’s like the blind leading the really, really blind
Dr. Mrs. Ole Perfesser is discussin’ Liberal Fascism with Jonah hisself:
Today, we interview Jonah Goldberg on his controversial new book, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning. He talks about how people throw the word fascism around without really understanding its meaning, why so many liberals want to turn America into a college campus with free food, shelter and recreation, and why the upcoming election is about collective vs. individual rights.
1.) When someone who complains about people throwing the term “fascists” around too freely then turns around and writes an entire book explicitly comparing his political foes to fascists, he should have less than zero credibility in anything he says.
2.) Giving out free food isn’t fascism. Look, Jonah, I’ve done some research into the matter and have determined that giving out free food is one of the least fascist things a government can do. Call this hyperbole if you will, but if the very worst thing the Nazis had ever done was to give people free food, they’d have probably gone down as the greatest government in history.
3.) I find it sickening to see you cast yourself as a champion of “individual rights,” even as you’ve actively cheered the Bush administration’s expansion of executive power, its advocacy of torture and its insubordination of both domestic and international law.
Oy. OK, here’s the podcast if you want to hear it. I don’t recommend it in the least.
UPDATE: OH. MY. GOD. The Ole Perfesser at 9:40:
I guess the last gasp of that [liberal fascist] Jamesian thinking was Jimmy Carter trying to get us to turn down our thermostats and calling that the moral equivalent of war.
And Jonah at 11:30:
I think there is this burning desire to prove Francis Fukuyama right and reach the end of history. And for a lot of liberals and progressives, the end of history is a giant college campus, or increasingly, Europe. You know, this place where you’ve lost any great ambition, everyone’s much more concerned with self-esteem, with caring for each other.
It’s like Jonah’s never talked to a liberal in his entire life. He reminds me of Steve Carell in the 40-Year-Old Virgin describing a woman’s breast as a bag of sand.
Aparently Jonah and his ilk never saw this film when they were going to school.
I blame the liberal fascist education system.
“college campus with free food, shelter and recreation”
Apart from term papers and final exams, that sounds really good to me! Goldberg must not have gotten laid in college.
I blame home schooling for the idiots that believe this tripe
So what’s my cut if I click on the link?
“He talks about how people throw the word fascism around without really understanding its meaning…”
O My Fuck…no fucking way she tries that!
Oh, and Jonah’s complaining at the Corner that you’re persecuting him as well as his servants.
Apart from term papers and final exams, that sounds really good to me! Goldberg must not have gotten laid in college.
I think that’s a given. Have you seen a picture of him in his college days?
I have gifuckingantic student loans that prove the words “college campus” and “free” go together as well as “intelligent” and “neo-con.” (OK, I didn’t pay for sex, drugs or booze but consumption took place in a very expensive setting.)
Now, if we’re going to talk about people who happily create huge debts while assuring us we don’t need to make any sacrifices I’d look bit to the right of the dreaded Libruls.
Blue Buddha said,
December 28, 2007 at 3:10
Aparently Jonah and his ilk never saw this film when they were going to school.
Great link, Blue Buddha.
As a community moves towards despotism, respect is restricted to fewer people.
Shorter Jonah: PANTS!!!
Damn. I guess I SHOULDA gone to college after all.
Didn’t realize it was such a free party.
D’oh!boy has never visited Europe if he thinks its like a Free College Campus! People there work hard and have plenty of ambition. Another reason the Euro has overtaken the dollar.
What makes me upset is that film was made in an era (1945-1959) that is often seen as “more conservative” than now, but that film shows that people back then were actually more progressive in their thinking than we have been in the past 5-10 years. This country truly is heading toward the 19th century.
a college campus with free food, shelter and recreation
Sounds fucking great to me!
“He talks about how people throw the word fascism around without really understanding its meaning …”
But she really understand its meaning: Jimmy Carter trying to get us to turn down our thermostats, by asking nicely and making common sensical arguments.
So, Doh’y finally realized that he received a College education, and therefore colleges suck.
It’s so obvious, I don’t deny this, indeed, it’s central to my point.
He talks about how people throw the word fascism around without really understanding its meaning,
correction: He throws the word fascism around without really understanding its meaning,
What makes me upset is that film was made in an era (1945-1959) that is often seen as “more conservative” than now, but that film shows that people back then were actually more progressive in their thinking than we have been in the past 5-10 years.
By Jonah’s standards, that makes that film fascist propaganda.
Oh noes, not the peepluz caring for each uthr!
All good anti-fascists know the only way to exist is by preying on the weak, grinding the faces of those who stand in your way, making a great towering pyre of the unwashed masses and dancing around the flames while you drink champagne from the skulls of children!
btw, Jonah isn’t even close to “a breast=a bag of sand.” His stupidity and ignorance is much closer to “a vagina = playdoh and bacon.”
Hey, I can think of a place where you get free food, shelter recreation, get paid a small salary, and even have a chance at a scholarship and free healthcare when you leave: it’s called the military. Of course, there’s the off chance that you’ll get called off to some bullshit war instead of actually defending your country.
But considering that Jonah has avoided the military like the plague while spouting that we need to go to war, and probably against every brownskinned person in the world… he wouldn’t have known this.
Anyway, let me know when Doh’y gets a good review from a respected source. Snark wasn’t meant for this level of teh stupid.
and, Lesley wins!
How ambitious could they possibly be? I don’t see Europe trying to conquer any middle eastern countries! And they have state-sponsored health-care, which as anyone knows will sap all desire to make money.
for a lot of liberals and progressives, the end of history is a giant college campus, or increasingly, Europe. You know, this place where you’ve lost any great ambition, everyone’s much more concerned with self-esteem, with caring for each other.
Where’s his good empirical evidence for those claims? I’ve been to college AND Europe, and that description fits neither. Mr Seavey may well be rescinding his invitation for dinner and a snuggle!
Who gave the smiley the filthy Sanchez?
Volvo gave us the smiley with the filthy Sanchez.
Isn’t trying to care for each other a great ambition? Or is “great ambition” only reserved for things like space elevators and self-refuting screeds of a Cheeto-stained idiot manchild?
Okay, how about the Greatest President EvarTM trying to get us to stop smoking weed and calling that the moral equivalent of war? More Jamesian, or less Jamesian?
people throw the word fascism around without really understanding its meaning,
Well, please! Don’t keep us in suspense one minute longer, Jonah!
What is the true meaning of the word fascism?
I would have hoped that you would cover that in your book, but… sadly, no!
You use the word as a synonym for “liberal poopyhead” without bothering to define its actual meaning.
It seems to me that Jonah had less than zero credibility some time ago–certainly no later than the date this book was first announced. It would now take a cosmologist and a Zen master to accurately describe the complete absence of credibility that Jonah has achieved.
Paradoxes abound. Each time I read one of your posts on Jonah’s book I momentarily forget there is even any such thing as credibility.
And so on.
college campus with free food, shelter and recreation
Fascism = Happy Hour?
My local TGI Fridays is going to hear from me!!
For awhile now I’ve been highly suspicious of the Animal Planet show featuring the ASPCA activities where they go around saving kittens, puppies and ponies from unspeakable horror and suffering. Now, thanks to the special genius that is Jonah Goldberg, I have an answer!
Why would he bother defining fascism, while pretending to be an ‘individualist’ – without bothering to understand that liberalism is based on it.
Of course the ‘rugged-individualists’ commenting on the Dr.’s blog would probably disagree.
Some people you just can’t reach…so fuck em, let em live stupid.
bumming real hard
on cold steel facts
i’m full of shit
– Minutemen
ASPCA = American Socialist Peoples Communist Alliance. Clearly a fascist movement.
And Ted, you owe me a new pair of eyeballs.
I don’t get it. These conservatives seem to think looking after people is a bad thing. Isn’t that one of the things the Bible (which many of these atavisms claim to love) tells us to do, several times, explicitly?
You wonder if any of these fools has been to college.
A quick scan of these comments indicates that there are likely more than a few fascists among the commenters here, not to mention – in the words of the inimitable Duncan Black – more than a few great, big Poopy Heads.
Goldberg clearly knows nothing about Europe other than Chevy Chase was there that one time.
Ve haf vays ov making you vear thermal undervear!
Smart moms don’t let their children die for their country. You’d never catch Lucianne Goldberg making a bonehead mistake like that.
So, it just occurred to me something that was obvious but I didn’t catch until now (forgive me, I’m slow). By using the term “liberal fascism,” I think Jonah is setting himself up for a semantic “out” for the blowback when this thing its the shelves.
Once the sharks start feeding on this stuff, I can just see him backpedaling with statements like, “Well, not all fascism is about gassing extreme nationalist expansionism or consolidating government and corporate power into the hands of the moneyed elite…See, I’m talking about liberal fascism!”
Which is a neat turn of trick, and a way for him and all the other corporatist sycophants like him to further shift that Overton Window and put out the meme, not unlike the myth of the liberal media, that liberalism itself is a kind of fascism–but in a way that slips around the conventional wisdom (not to mention the entire historical record) about 20th Century European fascism. And because we all know fascism is evil and oppressive, this easily cascades in the non-critical mind into liberalism is evil and oppressive, and in fact the fertile soil for two World Wars and genocide of 6 million people.
So I think his real feat here is putting the phrase in print, neatly packed to fit onto a bumper sticker. I’m just HOPING most people won’t buy into this latest rightwing desecration of language one bit.
Conservatives love authoritarianism when it enforces things they like (aggression, and persecution of ugly, problematic people). They call it “fascism” when it merely encourages things they don’t care about (energy conservation, health care, self-esteem) or discourages things they do like (driving bigass SUVs, owning guns, telling racist jokes).
Shorter handy: stoopid people will love Jonah’s false analogy but it would be nice if they didn’t.
“I’m just HOPING most people won’t buy into this latest rightwing desecration of language one bit.”
Well, it is the Christmas season, but, I wouldn’t count on that miracle happening.
What I want to know is, did they turn down their theromstats? Did they turn them down and then sit there shivering and and crying and whine about being forced to turn down their thermostats?
And btw:
And for a lot of liberals and progressives, the end of history is a giant college campus, or increasingly, Europe.
The fuck? Increasingly Europe? Jonah gotta shut up now. Just. Shut. Up.
You know, this place where you’ve lost any great ambition, everyone’s much more concerned with self-esteem, with caring for each other.
Think the doughboy has ever heard of Maslow’s Hierarchy? Nah, that would be too much like college or, increasingly, Europe.
i can haz giant college campus?
Think the doughboy has ever heard of Maslow’s Hierarchy?
I’d much rather fight bands of carnivorous, plague-ridden rats for table scraps, myself. Freedom, and all that rot.
First they came round with the canapés, and I didn’t protest, because I wasn’t a canapé.
Nah, that would be too much like college or, increasingly, Europe.
Thanks, now I gotta clean my monitor after the big spit take on reading that gem.
Here’s a near perfect representation of Jonah. Googly woogly clown requires only slight alteration in PShop to reflect Jonah’s ludicrous mindshit.
Who gave the smiley the filthy Sanchez?
Actually, it looks like something Jonah’s publishers got from the twin Nazi girls behind Prussian Blue, who last I saw were not at all liberal.
The *real* fascists, such as our Prez & VP & their Band of Merry Thieves are making a serious attempt to re-define fascist. Or at least blur the definition of the word. The even got a *real* publishing house to put the book out. Too bad they got B’ozo The Clo’wn to \”write\” it.
I believe mockery is a VERY effective tool in fighting evil, by the way.
Wilkommen, Andrew! Gott sei dank, Wir haben Platz fur Ihnen im Umerziehunglager! Mahlzeit macht frei!
The Kenosha Kid said,
December 28, 2007 at 4:42
i can haz giant college campus?
Aloha. My name is Mr. Hand.
Aloha. My name is Mr. Hand.
Hey bud! Let’s, heh heh heh, party!
“everyone’s much more concerned with self-esteem, with caring for each other.”
Oh, the horror! The horror!
You know, I’ve thought about this, and as far as I can tell, the most perfect fascist ever, according to Pantload’s theory of fascism, would be Victor Hugo.
Crikey. One characteristic that you would think fascists would have to possess is “great ambition”. Great evil ambition, sure, but great ambition.
You know, this place where you’ve lost any great ambition, everyone’s much more concerned with self-esteem, with caring for each other.
Says the wingnut welfare recipient whose great ambition has been to re-define up as down. Unless I’m wrong and he’s actually developed a workable nuclear fission process.
Self-esteem merely gets in the way of people knowing, and keeping to, their place. Uppity plebes are such an inconvenience. And as for that caring for each other happy crappy, Jesus would much rather you put your time and effort into persecuting your gay neighbors and punishing the poorest among you.
“I guess the last gasp of that [liberal fascist] Jamesian thinking was Jimmy Carter trying to get us to turn down our thermostats and calling that the moral equivalent of war.”
Ah yes. I’ll never forget the signs in Carter’s death camps: “Conservation macht frei”.
Correction: It should be Merry Band of Thieves, not band of merry thieves.
PS: I’m off tomorrow to visit my Conservative relatives. One brother is especially angry and vehement in his opinions…or is he? He used to work for “the War Machine” engineer for designing war-planes. He finally quit and has quite a different job. It’ll be interesting to see if he\’s calmed down any. I was often amazed at how such an intelligent, well educated, and basically kind person could have the views he espouses.
Wowowowowowowow. He just said that when Hillary Clinton tells people that we need to get past ideological differences, it means that she wants people to disagree with her to shut up, which makes her distinctly fascist. He’s like a goldfish, forgetting anything he did or said even 3 or so seconds before.
anytime I hear some conservatard pissing and moaning about awful things are in Europe, I just want to jab knitting needles in my eyes or ears or whatever. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!!!! In some ways, Europeans have it better than us. Much better in some cases. Their knowledge of how life is in Europe comes from where? The writings of other conservatards in the echo chamber.
Speaking as someone who has actually lived in Europe, my chief objections are 1) the bureaucracy can indeed suck ass, to a degree which most Americans simply can’t conceive of, and 2) there is more of a class structure and informal obstacles are put up to those who wish to transcend the class into which they were born.
This does not mean that Europe is mired in a debilitating socialist-induced malaise; after all, their currency is kicking the crap out of ours and despite what some economists say, it does mean something that the dollar is weak in comparison to the euro (and pretty much every other currency of a non-trivial country).
I remember being young and watching our mother hear the news that President Carter urged us to keep our thermostats turned down just a little more in the winter.
The President. Of the United States of America. He didn’t just suggest it — no, he barged his words right into our house and urged us to live in a slightly more chilly winter.
She collapsed on the floor. I could tell that every bit of faith she had in a solid world had vanished at that moment. It might have been exactly the same reaction as if a team of black-clad soldiers had broken in and gunned down every one of us before her eyes, and then her eyes stapled open as she watched them burn our bodies.
You might not appreciate what we survivors of liberal fascism have gone through, but we do. And the guilt of having been among the survivors will never leave us.
Indeed, you could apply that to pretty much anything on which Jonah pontificates. Including, as I noted, Europe.
My defining memory of Jonah dates from 2000, when he was on some weekend political pundit roundtable program. The topic was ‘compassionate conservatism’, and Jonah sneered [paraphrasing], ‘I loathe that term! What we need is more cruel conservatives!’
He wasn’t kidding, and that explains his condescending, sneering attitude towards those horrible Europeans who actually care about one another.
Note that the master scale in the EB film had no nonsensical Left-Right element?
It’s like – as noted by The Poor Man (what the hell happened to The Editors????) – a never-ending self-recursive Mandelbrot fractal pattern of stupid. All we need is the usual cast of idiots to link to it, and then have Fox News cover it all.
“You know, this place where you’ve lost any great ambition, everyone’s much more concerned with self-esteem, with caring for each other.
Says the wingnut welfare recipient whose great ambition has been to re-define up as down.”
Correction: wingnut welfare FROM MUMSY recipient!
Meh, IIRC the Nazis were mocked endlessly in Germany in the 1930s… at least until Hitler consolidated his power and crushed all dissent.
Mockery helps us cope with evil, but it does little to fight it. Taking the power out of the hands of the evil bastards is what fights evil.
The Spam Catcher here drives me crazy. Why can’t you have cute words; words like…SWELL!… and… “So’s your Old Man!”…or PIE?
r€nato: Oh Yeah!?!!?11! Well, then, um, howcome the NAZI’s CRUSHED humor if it wasn’t effective? (snark)
First Ramesh Ponnuru calls his book “The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life” then claims he’s not saying Democrats are the Party of Death.
Now this, via the Ole Perfesser:
What’s next, Sean Hannity’s “Deliver Us from Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism” doesn’t say liberals are evil? Or Buzz Patterson’s “War Crimes : The Left’s Campaign to Destroy Our Military and Lose the War on Terror” doesn’t say liberals are war criminals?
If this keeps up, once the Virgin Ben Shapiro gets his first taste of the snapper, he’ll be saying his “Porn Generation” book is all about horny wingnuts like himself.
I noticed that Jonah’s bio says “He is the 2001 winner of the prestigious Lowell Thomas Award. ”
He doesn’t mention that this Lowell Thomas Award (not to be confused with other similarly named awards) comes from the IPA (International Platform Association) an (ex?) public speaking organization.
It seems the Goldberg’s award may have killed the organization. The last mentions I can find of it are from 2001 here and here. In fact the web address given in the above link, International Platform Association, is available for sale.
If you look the two web links above it appears that the organization was taken over by right wing speakers and then collapsed. A shame, because reportedly The IPA was founded in 1831 by Daniel Webster and is the oldest free-speech organization in the country. It seems at one time they were somewhat respected, with people like Lyndon Johnson making speeches to them.
renato raises a good point. The right is not so much engaged in a circle jerk as it is in a mobius-strip wankery from which emerges impossible geometries of logic and truly Escherian assaults on reason and rationality.
Apart from term papers and final exams, that sounds really good to me! Goldberg must not have gotten laid in college.
One of the first male class members at Goucher, a formerly all woman’s college, right? I think there exists no parallel universe where he managed to get laid there. The odds were against him from the beginning. 20 years on and the Co-eds from nearby York Road U must still be laughing at his come-ons.
As for the free food and shelter on college campuses? Not any I’ve ever been too. All that costs a ton (see early stories of crushing college debt loads of graduating seniors.) Must be nice to get that wingnut welfare and then whine about it after. Assholes.
I’m not saying Jonah Goldberg is the stupidest human being who has ever lived on the face of the earth; I’m just saying…
Oh, fuck it. Jonah Goldberg is the stupidest fucking human being who has ever lived on the face of the earth.
What?! Todd Seavey’s not good enough for you?
In my day, Fascists were jack-booted statists, who’d kill their mothers to impress the Duce and dispense free elections and free-market economy. Later, the Germans came, and they were always talking about gay rights this, womens’ lib that–always trying to put the white race down, like Nazis, really–oops, I wet myself again. In those days, we called women “Tennessee Fuck-Horses” cause that’s what they were, if’n you ask me. Sometimes we’d pray the Hun would come, and free us of the Fascists Rosenvelt. Once, I was fishing right off Momma’ s house at 1135 Fifth Avenue
in Europe, there is more of a class structure and informal obstacles are put up to those who wish to transcend the class into which they were born.
There’s still more social mobility in Europe today than here in America.
Somebody ought to write a book and call it “Conservative Fascism”. And it could be all about conservative fascism.
Eurofascistmoney iz in ur base, killin ur dollahs!
Blue Buddha: “What makes me upset is that film was made in an era (1945-1959) that is often seen as “more conservative” than now, but that film shows that people back then were actually more progressive in their thinking than we have been in the past 5-10 years. This country truly is heading toward the 19th century.”
5 or 10 years!? You are being quite optimistic or generous. Guess I’m showing my age, but I recall this whole regression back in 1980, in fact some say it started with Nixon and was merely put on sleep mode during Carter’s administration.
Also, please note, we are not IN the New Guilded Age. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet et al, are now the new Dale Carnegie and JP Morgan. Social Darwinism is back with a vengence and all its attendant ills.
History will not repeat itself though. The greedy set has learned from its mistakes and wishes not to repeat the skinning that took place after the Great Depression when speculators and lassiez-faire proponents drove the national caravan over the cliff. Everyone starved in the desert for ten long years and there was hell to pay. The Industrialists’ hatred of the union and government lovin’ 1950’s created Joe McCarthy and even that wrest people away from their own interests. That mistake has not been repeated.
Oh yeah Jonah. Reading the writing of or reading about people like causes me to have fond remembrances of the stories of what oppressed peoples do their oppressors and the minions that support such, once they revolt. Fun times.
Is that pic real? Imagine, going to college, fully decked out in electronics, brand name clothes I’m sure, new care (european no doubt). And this ass believes he has the qualifications to speak to anyone besides his mother and housekeeper?
Off with his head!
If this keeps up, once the Virgin Ben Shapiro gets his first taste of the snapper, he’ll be saying his “Porn Generation” book is all about horny wingnuts like himself.
I wouldn’t hold my breath for that one.
Reality is not being kind to their beliefs, so they’re trying to invent a new, wingnut-friendly fantasy realm but they’re having to jettison rationality to do it. Dealing with these clowns is like going down the rabbit hole and entering some sort of paranoid, reactionary, vicious version of Alice in Wonderland. It’s ugly, but fascinating.
“Note that the master scale in the EB film had no nonsensical Left-Right element?”
A European college fascist WOULD have a scale like that!
yer right El Cid. I still have nightmares about that cardigan.
And who can forget the government cheese. The terrible, life-blighting thought that somewhere someone was getting cheese they didn’t deserve. Of course that was under the Reagan administration, but they were actually liberal Democrats if you think really hard about it, running up the budget deficit and all.
i think you mean ‘suborning’ rather than ‘insubordination’ in the # 3 bullet point, Brad
He’s like a goldfish, forgetting anything he did or said even 3 or so seconds before.
No, goldfish can be trained.
Speaking as someone who has actually lived in Europe, my chief objections are 1) the bureaucracy can indeed suck ass, to a degree which most Americans simply can’t conceive of, and 2) there is more of a class structure and informal obstacles are put up to those who wish to transcend the class into which they were born.
As a damn Eurabian, I have to agree with pnt 1, the bureaucracy can be a pain in the arse, but most of it is there for a good reason, and frankly, you get used to it after a while and figure out how to work the system. The flip side of this is that the police and law enforcement in Europe tend to be much more easy going than in the US and Canada. From my time living in the US, the attitude of the cops was way beyond anything I would find in Europe. Made a mistake of telling an asshole cop in CA that he should show me some respect because I paid his salary, jesus, that was a long night.
As for the class structure, yes it does exist, but is fading in most European countries, while the class system in N.America is growing. You need lots of money and connections to get anywhere now, particularly in politics, in the US. It may not be croquet on the lawn as in Europe, it is a class system.
But one advantage we do have, is that there is no way on gods earth that someone like Johan would have found a publisher.
“We must ask everyone to lower the thermostat in your home by at least 6 degrees so that we can achieve a national daytime average of 68 degrees. Incidentally, my doctor tells me that in a temperature of 66 to 68 degrees, you are really more healthy than when it is 75 to 78, if that is any comfort. In offices, factories, and commercial establishments, we must ask that you achieve the equivalent of a to-degree reduction by either lowering the thermostat or curtailing working hours.”
– Richard M. Nixon (November 7, 1973)
you fascists ate my comment, the gist of it was that for all we Eurabains are a bunch of nanny state, multicultural fools, there is no way that a British or French Jonah would have ever found a publisher.
(as for the European bureaucracy, sadly, you are right, don’t fuck with the Dutch garbage police……)
Even if this were remotely true, how the whistlin’ motherfuck would it be “fascist”? I know these chumps thrive on aggravating liberals, so, mission accomplished, but, day-yay-YAM already.
Where do these people come from? Bizarro World?
I’m not saying Jonah Goldberg is the stupidest human being who has ever lived on the face of the earth; I’m just saying…
Whew, you had me scared for a moment there. I’d hate to think there is someone even more stupid than Jonah.
As stupid, yes, but more stupid would send me right over the edge into alopecia.
comments aren’t working again!
I’m not saying Jonah Goldberg is the stupidest human being who has ever
lived on the face of the earth; I’m just saying…
Whew, you had me scared for a moment. I shudder to think anyone could be more stupid than Jonah. As stupid, yes, but more stupid would send me over the edge into alopecia.
“I’m not saying Jonah Goldberg is the stupidest human being who has ever
lived on the face of the earth; I’m just saying…”
Whew, you had me scared for a moment. I shudder to think anyone could be more stupid than Jonah. As stupid, yes, but more stupid would send me over the edge into alopecia.
It was amazing how a conservative President tried to help us prevent an energy crisis by asking us nicely to turn our thermostats down, but then that Stalinist left liberal gay fascist Carter destroyed our country by screaming every day about how we had to turn our thermostats down because there was some sort of “energy crisis”, because the liberal fascists are always trying to turn politics into a religion and also to get beyond politics like the French Revolution. This may not be the classical definition of an energy crisis, but, and this is central to my point, which is also different.
Sums it up perfectly. Fascism is free food. Bags of sand. I like pie. RAWR [ZAP]
Jesus gave out free food to the masses. (The miracle of the loaves and fishes).
Jesus went to a wedding party in Cana and changed the Night Train-type wine being poured for free into really gourmet shit wine poured for free.
The Good Book records no prix fixe for the food and wine dispensed for free at the Last Supper. So it must have been free, and this is what Jesus said he wanted to be remembered for. (“Do this in memory of Me.”)
Therefore, Jesus is the ur-liberal fascist.
Why does Jonah Goldberg hate Jesus?
And for a lot of liberals and progressives, the end of history is a giant college campus, or increasingly, Europe.
This from a penis-quota admission for the first year of Goucher going co-ed.
For fuck’s sake, you have a pisstake of the tenure system, a pisstake of the TN Psychology licensing system, and a pisstake of any kind of journalistic meritocracy.
The end of journalism is the Spawn of Lucianne getting a book published under his name that doesn’t require the use of crayons to fill in the numbered bits.
If history ended up in the whole world being like a giant college campus, this would be the most horrible fascist thing in the universe because then the whole world would make people like Jonah have to remember how dumb they are, and it hurts their feelings that there are people who do books & sh*t.
and therein you hit the fallacy nail of goldbrick’s entire argument on its all-too-large head.
the hardly-ever-right wing mistakes debate for disrespect, and mistakes asking politely to do someone one doesn’t want to do, for fascism.
they espeically hate it when we have cogent arguments and facts to back up our requests, that’s really fascism!
Why does Jonah Goldberg have a job? How much moronity can the mainstream media hire?
Sorry, just testing my ability to publish a post. The answers are easy: Mom, and infinity.
Goddamn it, have I been banned?
If so, just tell me!
Can we set up a fake grave site for Notorious DPL (Doughy Pant load) so we can all go and piss on it without waiting.
Ayup. They got kicked out for being too fucking stupid.
Der LdedHösen meant to say: “And for a lot of liberals and progressives, the end of history is a giant college campus, or increasingly, Europe, both places where I’ve never gotten laid.”
The election is about this to some degree, just in the opposite way that they meant.
Mitt and Guiliani place the collective right to be kept alive by Big Brother far above the individual right to trial by jury, Habeas Corpus, freedom from search and seizure, etc.
In those days, we called women “Tennessee Fuck-Horses” cause that’s what they were, if’n you ask me.
jeff: Excuse me?
Meh, IIRC the Nazis were mocked endlessly in Germany in the 1930s… at least until Hitler consolidated his power and crushed all dissent.
As Peter Cook noted, the Establishment Club was modelled on the Berlin satire of the 1930s, which did so much to prevent the rise of Hitler.
Still, it is important to mock Jonah, because it is proper to mock fools who set themselves up as models of seriousness, in order that others aren’t made greater fools by reading them.
Peter Cook noted that the Establishment Club was modelled on the satirical Berlin cabaret of the 1930s, which did so much to prevent the rise of Hitler.
But, mocking Jonah is right and proper, because the test of a fool is in the reading, and one should do one’s best to prevent him from making more fools.
I wholeheartedly support Der Pantload’s tireless advocacy for the basic right of all persons to starve and die from treatable diseases.
Actually, it looks like something Jonah’s publishers got from the twin Nazi girls behind Prussian Blue, who last I saw were not at all liberal.
I wonder who owns the trademark? I smell lawsuit. Someone get New York Lawfirm on the phone.
Behold the wingut-welfare queen extraordinare, a tadpole raised in an alternate universe where liberal = fascist, subsidized wingnut = individualist, and sheltered mama’s boy = ubermanhood. He simply cannot understand why repeating “liberal=fascist” does not make it true. His entire ‘book’ (if mama pimps it, it must be a book, right?) consists of ‘arguments’ with the intellectual heft of the cover illustration.
“All of this is objectively true, and thus contradicts my point. If I had one.”
I retract my earlier claim, that he’s lying when he equates liberism to fascism. He simply does not know any better. What an indictment of Lucianne!
What I want to know is, did they turn down their theromstats? Did they turn them down and then sit there shivering and and crying and whine about being forced to turn down their thermostats?
Of COURSE not, silly liberal! Good neocons turned their thermostats UP, just to show that ridiculous peanut farmer that he was not the boss of THEM. They opened all their windows, too. And then they put beans up their noses, because when Mom told them *not* to put beans up their noses, she was being a liberal fascist.
That’s one reason today’s fashionable Reichtards all have that Nasal Whine thing going on — residual bean damage.
[…] what passes for conservative intellectualism these days! The blog Sadly, No! explains the folly here. Phil Worden would find the musings of Goldberg and the insufferable Glenn Reynolds beyond the pale […]
Blue Buddha said,
December 28, 2007 at 3:10
Aparently Jonah and his ilk never saw this film when they were going to school.
The people saying the pledge of allegiance in that film didn’t use the words “under
god.” Damn commie bastards.
Antidote podcast (discusses why progressive civil liberties advocates prevent US fascism from arising):
I just get chills anytime someone invokes the horrible specter of cultured, affluent, healthy, secure. well-fed, amply vacationed Europe. OHMIGOD, THE HUMANITY!!!!
You know, the more I read those excerpts, the madder I get. It’s like these dumbasses don’t even think about anything before it oozes out of their mouths. Jonah’s book (which I finally got today) took him like nine motherfucking years to write, and it still reads like something he cranked out the day before yesterday to beat a deadline.
And this:
Yeah, because goodness knows the one thing you won’t find on a college campus is ambition. All the kids in business school, med school, law school, j-school, all the ones busting ass and breaking each other’s heads to get an unpaid internship? Not an ambitious one among them. They’re all just there, incurring tens of thousands of dollars in debt, for the free meals.
Also, what’s up with Jonah spending a whole book busting on Hitler, and then complaining that what’s wrong with Europe today is that they’ve lost their ambition? Say what you will about the Nazis, those were some ambitious motherfucking Europeans.
Shorter Jonah Goldberg.
Behold the ultimate expression of the alternate reality, promulgated by Lucianne, Mr. Limbaugh, and their cohort. A world where FDR was a fascist; where wingnut-welfare queens without military service are doughty, Churchillian warriors; where we liberals wound said doughty warriors by looking at them wrong. (And the laughter; ohmygod stop their evil liberal fascist laughter!) A world where “facts” are carefully managed to fit the predetermined narrative; a world where Wm. Buckley and Strom Thurmond were never racists, but Sen, Byrd still is; a world where a decidedly non-doughy pantload, deposited by the son of a philandering, failed home-wrecker, reaches the exalted status of a book.
Behold the attempted end of civilization and history, not with a bang (as in ‘lay’) but in a whimpering pantload of crap.
I just don’t understand what is wrong with taking notes from other governments’ policies. Japan has some good ideas; European countries have some good ideas; what’s the deal? Why do neocons have this bizarre aversion to using other countries’ experiences as good examples?
Oh, I think I know…because GOD BLESS[ES] AMERICA [ONLY]!!!11!
I had to make two doughbob lolcons with that college pic.
Mean, petty, lolcons.
Viva la resistance!!!!!!
Viva le Resistance!
Finland is in Europer, right?
Argh. I thought with the ip switch of going home the spam gremlin would eff off. Guess not.
I made doughbob lolcons.
One last try. Spam blocker hates me even more now I’m home. This makes me sad.
doughbob lolcons
What the fuck is going on with the spam blocker?
I plain cannot comment.
Final try with a different email entered.
“And for a lot of liberals and progressives, the end of history is a giant college campus, or increasingly, Europe.”
Two places where our doughty, Churchillian warrior-author has endured much derision, assuming has he ever set foot in either. Hence, his wounded outrage.
I spent a week in a place which had betting parlors on every street, and lots of great, cask-conditioned ale (and a liberal policy for quaffing said ale in public). It was called Britain, and somehow, I don’t think of it as inferior to Mississippi, or whatever stone-ignorant wingnut paradise our ‘author’ has in his ‘mind’ as better than a college education.
Futility test.
The spam blocker has outright blocked me.
Personally, I think getting through law school, doing a study abroad in South Africa, taking an upaid clerkship, passing the NY bar on the first try, and getting a pretty good job where I work hard, long, satisfying hours, all while obtaining a hell of a lot of debt, was king of ambitious. But what do I know? We can’t all “earn” our alleged careers by being the offspring of a semi-famous mommy, can we Pantload?
To his credit, cover has nice, bright friendly colors.
And although most of the words are used incorrectly, they do appear to form sentences, which is not to say any of it is coherent, but it certainly looks like a book. It’s sort of like “Lorem Ipsum” but with right wing buzz words instead.
I lost my ambition to take Jonass seriously a long time ago.
Memo to self-
do not taunt spam blocker. Results make me look silly.
All hail Paddy Mac, the Shakespeare of snark!
You want the truth about fascism?
You can’t handle the truth, Loadpants.
“Galactic Dustbin said,
December 28, 2007 at 3:13
I blame home schooling for the idiots that believe this tripe”
The staffs of Republican legislators are littered with the home schooled.
>The people saying the pledge of allegiance in that film didn’t use the words “under
Congress did not add “under god” to the pledge until 1954. Stupid god-humping idiots think that the sky fairy will like this shit, I guess.
He’s like a goldfish, forgetting anything he did or said even 3 or so seconds before…
The key to the conservative, or is it the selfservative, mind.
NOOOOO “under God” was always in the pledge, ever since George Washington wrote it while crossing the Delaware to chop down a cherry tree I can’t hear your communist lies LALALALALALALALALALA can’t hear you LALALALALALALA don’t kill me God!!!!
Podcast sponsored by Volvo. Volvo?
Another good reason to never by one of those Swedish POS’s ever again.
The fact is, Bush and company do not systematically commit torture. Standing a man on a stool with underpants over his head is not torture. Torture is what Saddam did to 100’s of thousands of his citizens. Illegal wiretapping of American citizens is not happening. Illegal wiretapping of suspected terrorists is happening. The outing of a single so-called CIA operative was done by Armitage, not Bush. The war in Iraq is not illegal, it was sanctioned by congress and the UN. We are not occupying a sovereign nation. We are attempting to bring democracy to a sovereign nation which is in the interest of that nation and to our nation. The economy is not collapsing. We are enjoying the most robust economy in the history of the world despite an inherited recession from Clinton and despite the most severe attack to our nation in our history. The dollar is weak now but it is not worthless. I have seen the dollar go up and down numerous times. I get paid in dollars and am doing just fine. Our justice department is not destroyed. If anything, it is stronger now with the addition recently of 2 new supreme court justices who will not change the constitution.
The fact is, the worst torture ever practiced in the history of stuff was when President Jimmy Carter surrendered to Iran and then forced his citizens to listen to “messages” in which he asked them to turn their thermostats down. Also, the worst liberal fascism that anyone ever saw or seen was when the liberal fascists gave government money for send peoples to colleges where they had to go if they wanted, and then they would hear things about other something and sometimes they would not like it and this is liberal fascism which is also the fact is and but central to my point.
Oh noes! Volvos are made by an unambitious European nation that cares for its citizens! Da fascists have taken ovr everything!
Doughy Pantload:
for a lot of liberals and progressives, the end of history is a giant college campus, or increasingly, Europe. You know, this place where you’ve lost any great ambition, everyone’s much more concerned with self-esteem, with caring for each other.
The well-known “fascist” Jesus of Nazareth:
“Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me,
naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’
Then the righteous will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’
And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.‘
Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’
Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’
He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’
And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
(Matthew 25:34-40)
Those commie fascists without ambition appear to have revolutionized interpersonal communication by inventing cell phones (i.e. Erickson, Nokia). It must have been dumb luck or a complete accident.
I dunno about it being like the blind leading the really, really blind.
Maybe it’s more like the blind leading the stupid.
A world where FDR was a fascist; where wingnut-welfare queens without military service are doughty, Churchillian warriors;
For all Rube Goldberg et alia have said against FDR, guess who said “If I were an Italian I would don the Fascist Black Shirt” and called Mussolini a “genius” and “the greatest living legislator?”
Little Jonah one time saw a cartoon about a bunch of people who had everything they wanted given to them and it made them sad and he said Momma I wanna make a word-book from the TV and Momma said okay but you can write one about a man named Hitt-lur and he was the one giving all those people on the TV their stuff and he made them sad only it wasn’t really him it was his grade school teacher because she is the one who makes you sad, isn’t she Jonah, when she tries to make you learn the stuff which is hard and she doesn’t let you play like I let you play?
…or just teh stupid leading teh stupid.
May as well face the fact that the Pantload known as “Liberal Fascism” will become ingrained as a talking point by the right, indeed, it’s only a matter of time , I don’t deny this.
The Bottom Line of teh stupid (thanks Saul) is pretty fucking deep.
I like turtles.
[Still making more sense than Jonah Goldberg]
Leonard Pierce: Yeah, because goodness knows the one thing you won’t find on a college campus is ambition. All the kids in business school, med school, law school, j-school, all the ones busting ass and breaking each other’s heads to get an unpaid internship? Not an ambitious one among them.
Well now, I’m guessing he generalizes from his own college experiences. Seriously, you don’t suppose Jonah Goldberg was ambitious, hard-working, intensely motivated, etc., during his four-year all-expenses-paid vacation, do you? Imagine young Jonah, head bent over the library table, struggling in the pursuit of pure knowledge. What academic subjects do you suppose he ever “busted ass” to learn? And because he’s a snob, he probably never associated with anybody in college who wasn’t a vacationeer like himself, and because he’s incurious and insular and kind of illiterate he’s not even capable of imagining such a person.
So from that point of view he’s right: for “college students,” that is any students he can imagine, that is students just like his younger self, life at college is indeed an indulgent waste of society’s resources.
Am I the only one who’s still perplexed by him bringing up the end of history, particularly FRANCIS FUKUYAMA’S brand of end of history?
Fukuyama’s end:
“What we may be witnessing is not just the end of the Cold War, or the passing of a particular period of post-war history, but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of mankind’s ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.” (quoted from “The End of History?”, 1989)
And as for liberals:
“Finally Fukuyama also argues that for a variety of reasons radical socialism (or communism) is likely to be incompatible with modern representative democracy. Therefore, in the future, democracies are overwhelmingly likely to contain markets of some sort, and most are likely to be capitalist or social democratic.” (quoted from Wikipedia, asses)
So, in other words, the big bad end of history liberals are going for would support all the ends and means of nepotistic plutocratic fuckheads like Pantload and totally jettison us filthy disgusting leftists from the national debate.
What’s his fucking problem, man?
Romans I-II, Corinthians I-II….fascist as all get out, according to Jonah.
I believe this can all be put to rest if only we could find someone to write a screed titled:
“Conservative Fascism :It Would Be Easier If I Was Dictator”
With chapters like:
1. Valerie Plame and the Night of the Long Knives.
2. Conservative Fascism: GOP Faxes and the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.
3. George Bush, Dick Cheney and the Birth of Conservative Fascism
4. Conservative Fascist Economics, Debt and Damn my House is Cheap Now.
5. We Spy on Ourselves, Because We Have Nothing to Hide
10. The New Age: We’re Only 25% Fasicst Now.
It is the hite of liberal fascism for people to be bringing up all kinds of points here, and even though this may not be the classical definition of hite, this is central to my point, which has an outside and an inside, all inside the point, except where it is outside the point, and this is also my point.
“I guess the last gasp of that [liberal fascist] Jamesian thinking was Jimmy Carter trying to get us to turn down our thermostats and calling that the moral equivalent of war.”
You see, consumption of the earth’s resources is necessarily a good thing. We fucken EARNED the right to do it, so we will. But of course that’s not enough. The fact that we CAN keep our thermostats cranked to whatever level we can afford (today) means that we SHOULD do it.
I mean, that’s really what he’s saying. He doesn’t like even being suggested to that he should ever sacrifice a creature comfort, amenity, convenience, or Ho-Ho. Conspicuous consumption is freedom and democracy.
Foregoing conspicuous consumption – whether it’s voluntary or involuntary makes no difference, apparently – is “fascism.”
When you open your fridge, and see 2 beers left in the sixpack, and think, “Maybe I should stop drinking this sixpack tonight, so I have some left for tomorrow, and won’t have to make another trip to the store” – you’re a nascent fascist.
6. Franco: The Father of Conservative Fascism
7. World War I: Remember When We Were Kings?
8. 9/11: Great Tragedy or Greatest Tragedy?
9. Rush Limbaugh & Glenn Beck: Goebbels’s Grandsons.
I can’t believe Gary typed all that. It really was a waste of time.
When your mom says you ort to stop playin the video games all day and maybe get a job because she thinks that like some 30 year old got to have a job but you tell her but mom I almost got the neighborhood record on like 4 games and she just looks at you like you and stupid or something that is liberal fascism and it is 40 billion zillion times worse than that crap that happened in Germany a hundred years ago or whatever.
Only a silver-spoon moron like Jonah Goldberg would think that college campuses offer free food, shelter and recreation. What is that $50,000 tuition bill for? As dumb as the perfesser is, he works on a college campus; couldn’t he ask his students if they get a free ride?
Shorter Gary Ruppert:
I can likez drinkin’ thuh Kool-Aid. Cherry iz muh bestest flavr. I has man-crush on Boosh.
Be sure to wipe away your mustache stain before enlightening us again, Gary – it’s so distracting to your central point, which is, and such.
so many liberals want to turn America into a college campus with free food
Judgiing by his waistline, it looks like Jonah has spent a lot of time at that college campus with the free food…
“All the kids in business school, med school, law school, j-school”
You left out engineering, my own discipline. Also, from what I saw, the successful students in the music, drama and art departments were putting in as many hours as we were over in engineering.
They just don’t get credit for their hard work since memorizing entire plays, painting giant murals, and playing the same scale 1000 times in a row are considered ‘fun.’ At least to those of us who don’t have to actually do it.
No offense to anyone here, and of course there are exceptions, but as a general rule the business school students were the least hard-working, most alcoholic, and cheating-est of any of the majors I worked with.
But one advantage we do have, is that there is no way on gods earth that someone like Johan would have found a publisher.
I think everybody should start calling Jonah “Johan.” It seems more appropriate, somehow.
I recommend dneiwert’s writing of a year or three ago about actual fascism. You know, the kind with state sponsored propaganda, ultra nationalism and perpetual war? What a pathetic attempt to co-opt a criticism.
You know, this place where you’ve lost any great ambition, everyone’s much more concerned with self-esteem, with caring for each other.
I think you should start a weekly “Sadly No! Self Esteem Booster Post” where we all talk about how much we care! for each other.
In an effort to have Jonah Goldberg’s book forever linked with…something unintended, Blogtopia (© Skippy, The Bush Kangaroo) has decided to Googlebomb it.
So here’s to Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning , also known as Liberal Fascism
Lemme get this straight: Jimmy Carter asking for voluntary thermostat reductions by all of us is fascist, but Bush asking for voluntary caps on carbon emissions is somehow…democratic?
Standing a man on a stool with underpants over his head is not torture even if you attach electrodes to his danglies or beat his legs to pulp, but counseling folks that turning down the thermostat and putting on a sweater might help out in the midst of an oil crisis is beyond the fucking pale!
Lemme get this straight: Jimmy Carter asking for voluntary thermostat reductions by all of us is fascist, but Bush asking for voluntary caps on carbon emissions is somehow…democratic?
I recommend dneiwert’s writing of a year or three ago about actual fascism. You know, the kind with state sponsored propaganda, ultra nationalism and perpetual war?
Did they have gay prostitutes posing as reporters from non-existent news services throwing soft ball questions at government press conferences? I’m not sure if that was fascist, but it certainly was one of the more amusing stupid stunts the White House has pulled.
or a lot of liberals and progressives, the end of history is a giant college campus, or increasingly, Europe. You know, this place where you’ve lost any great ambition, everyone’s much more concerned with self-esteem, with caring for each other.
Hmm … liberals are messianic idealists? I thought the Bible had been trademarked by the conservatives?
But it sounds to me that he’s sayin’ we liberals want Moshiach to come and conservatives don’t want Moshiach.
I guess Moshiach is a fascist?
fascism to pantload and the perfessor and their ilk is when someone they dont like for personal and petty reasons tells them to do something, even if its for their own good. when someone they do like tells them to do something theyll do it, even if its not for their own good or the good of everyone else. and then of course theyll even have careers based on this childish world view.
pantload imagines this book is some weighty intellectual tome when all it is is the equivalent of a child pitching a fit when mommy and daddy tells them to eat their dinner and do their homework. meanwhile the cool kids tell them to smoke crack and spraypaint the school so they do that instead. mommy and daddy are fascists.
No, you liberals always get it wrong.
Carter nagging people and making them feel bad about their damn heat degree is really really liberal fascist because it sounds like a grade school teacher talking down to you.
Bush Jr. talking about voluntary caps is a little bit liberal fascist because he hasn’t really stood up to all the liberals in his administration who want him to be a lot more fascist but even so it’s kind of okay ’cause Bush Jr. just sort of talked about it but he didn’t get all up in your face and try to make you think he was all better than you and stuff.
That is what is liberal fascism, which is when you try and make politics a religion, but it is also about trying to get beyond politics, especially when fascism grows out of soil so that you could have the death camp type of fascism in Germany but you couldn’t have it in Italy because Italians are not Germans, but the French Revolution was fascist because their tree was poisoned, only it wasn’t the kind of poison that killed the tree it was the kind of tree that you poison and then it makes fruit that is also poisoned.
That is central to my point.
Quick! Switch the “WARNING: CLIFF AHEAD” sign with this “FREE CHEETOS THIS WAY!” sign.
Are we sure he’s not all in a knot about Liberal Factism? He obviously hates objective, or, “fact-driven” reality — so maybe he’s just got the word factism (liberal mind-control using facts) and fascism (a largely European, rightist, nationalist movement characterized by militarism, war and corporatism) mixed up.
Given the obvious absence of any editorial hand in the final product, it’s possible.
He’s like a goldfish, forgetting anything he did or said even 3 or so seconds before.
Jonah Goldfish, swallowing his own wail . . .
Yup…the worst thing about Hitler was definitely the caring.
El Cid, your channeling of the pantload’s arguing techniques is highly amusing but please be careful. What if someone were to creep up behind you while you’re doing that and yell: “BOO!!”? Aren’t you worried you might stay that way? Kind of like crossing your eyes except it’s your brain.
El Cid,
So it’s *not* fascist if you’re a pussy about asking?
So, like, Oliver Twist when he asked for more gruel, would have been a true fascist if he had said “Yo! Muthafuckah! Gimme more ice tea!” (h/t Bill O’Reilly) but not when he asked “Please, sir, may I have some…more?”
Ah yes. I’ll never forget the signs in Carter’s death camps: “Conservation macht frei”.
Ha ha! Thanks for that’n, synykyl!
Der LœdedHösen
Dammit, Arky…only a lifetime of beverage consuming practice prevented me from blowing decaf out my nose!
You mean, a woman’s breast is not like a bag of sand?
Do we have any evidence germane to the question whether Load actually believes this garbage?
Yeah, all the way to the bank…
I posted a comment on Dr. Helen’s site asking for her or any of her loyal readers to provide specific examples, along with reasons an citations, that show that Jonah’s book is “well researched”. Three hours and nothing. If the book was as good as they cheer about, wouldn’t this one would be a slam dunk for them?
Here’s you: “May I please have some more iced tea?”
Here’s George W. Bush Jr: “I’d like some more iced tea.”
How can you not see that you are the liberal fascist? If you can’t see that well I just don’t know, and that is central to my point.
Everyone knows that when Bush Jr. talks about voluntary caps of carbon emissions he doesn’t really mean it and he’s just trying to talk something so that you liberals might shut up for just like one minute about your precious greenhouse gases you are trying to save or whatever.
But when Carter says that he thinks we ought to think about turning the thermostat down he really means it and he is trying to make Americans feel bad about being American and he really hates America and he wants us to turn down our thermostats so we can all suffer and be miserable and not just to shut up some liberal fascist whiners who won’t shut up.
A good American patriot conservative is not gonna try and make other good American patriot conservatives feel bad about anything they do. But Jimmy Carter didn’t care if he made good American patriot conservatives feel bad instead that was okay and he liked it we all knew when we looked at him that he was just doing all this stuff just to lecture us and look down on us and laugh with his liberal friends in how he was making good American patriot conservatives just like my grade school teacher tried to make me feel dumb because I couldn’t add up all these stupid numbers she kept on saying I had to do after school because I hit that small crippled kid in the arm and that’s somehow some giant terrible thing that she didn’t like and that’s why she and Jimmy Carter are liberal fascists.
“A good American patriot conservative is not gonna try and make other good American patriot conservatives feel bad about anything they do. But Jimmy Carter didn’t care if he made good American patriot conservatives feel bad instead that was okay and he liked it we all knew when we looked at him that he was just doing all this stuff just to lecture us and look down on us and laugh with his liberal friends in how he was making good American patriot conservatives just like my grade school teacher tried to make me feel dumb because I couldn’t add up all these stupid numbers she kept on saying I had to do after school because I hit that small crippled kid in the arm and that’s somehow some giant terrible thing that she didn’t like and that’s why she and Jimmy Carter are liberal fascists.”
I think I’ve finally figured out why the wingnuts are so mindless. Oxygen deprivation from trying to read sentences like this *all the time*. Jesus, Cid, type a period, take a breath.
I’m pretty sure (I hope?) El Cid is being satirical.
The one known as El Cid tends toward the snark side of the spectrum.
“…prove Francis Fukuyama right.”
Hey Toddly, Fukuyama who is a nitwit but ten times smarter than you, has already conceded his neo-con concepts were trash. If he who dealt them can smell them, then you who lick them can swallow.
I’m afraid that Jonah’s book has blown Cid’s brain.
It has now been about 4-1/2 hours since I posted a comment on Dr. Helen’s site asking for her or any of her loyal readers to provide specific examples, along with reasons and citations, that show that Jonah’s book is “well researched”. Still nothing. If it’s so well researched, this should be a no brainer for them.
“I guess the last gasp of that [liberal fascist] Jamesian thinking was Jimmy Carter trying to get us to turn down our thermostats and calling that the moral equivalent of war.”
Does anyone have any idea which James it is that DP is talking about? William James? His brother Henry? And what on earth does this “Jamesian” thinking have to do with Jimmy Carter and the ’79 “energy crisis?”
Inquiring minds, and all that.
Yikes!!! “. . . caring for each other.”! What pinko-fascist came up with that one.” Why concern for others is positively un-Christian!
I just follow the old maxim: Keep your friends close, and your enemies, sometimes you actually have enemies — there really are bad people in the world no matter how the liberal fascists would deny it — and you have to keep those enemies somewhere. But because they may also be dangerous, most people would recommend keeping them far away. This would fit the classical definition of “enemies”. This is actually central to my point: I would keep them closer. Don’t that like blow your mind? Ain’t it like a sort of ju jitsu of thought I just pulled on your *ss?
There’s a quote in Christopher Hitchean’s book, to wit;
It is very useful for a blind man to lead the way in the darkness, for who knows better the twists and turns in the black. Only a fool would use a blind man as a guide in the daylight, however.
Or something like that.
That’s true, but less so if you’re using “blind” as a metaphor for ignorance, or a lack of knowledge.
Unless maybe there’s a sage Hitchens quote (particularly if it was recalled while he was at a cafe in an exotic location with a heroic dissident) about how the less you know, the more safe you are from facts which might confuse you.
The scorn of liberals like you is all the research we need, LFC. Mr. Goldberg has clearly touched a nerve and you are squealing like stuck pigs.
W was funning with us on carbon caps because a man like him doesn’t know what a carbon emission is because he doesn’t NEED to know. Go back to your freezing house and ridiculous little car.
The Democraps pretend like they hate CO2 but then every time they breathe out they make more, and you don’t see them trying to stop breathing do you? I am so tired of these liberal fascists lecturing me with their snotty nasal accents and uptight eye glasses and their pointy academic hats, I feel like breaking free and getting some awesome brand of squeezable sweetened yogurt product which will allow me to escape all these rule-bound oppressive adults and then it will also turn my bicycle into a magical rocket on a weekday afternoon cartoon show. I seen it.
Cid, you are el rey supremo of the parody trolls. rock on, brutha!
Soy nada más que un hombre humilde.
Dennis Perrin, anyone?
“The thing is, Goldberg’s not wrong in essence, just incredibly stupid, one-sided, and incomplete in his approach. Democrats and liberals do indeed possess authoritarian traits, and have for some time. I don’t know if I’d call it “fascism,” but when studying the history of liberal politicians and presidents who’ve violently smashed dissent, jailed or deported those deemed enemies of the state, censored political speech, and committed mass murder overseas, “fascism” isn’t all that far from the mark. I cover all this and more in “Savage Mules,” to which I must again return. I’m curious to see how funny libloggers will find my book when it appears, assuming they bother reading it at all. Maybe a mule in Mussolini garb on the cover. Whatever moves product.”
Yep. Hillary and Obama do not have a single authoritarian bone in their smirking, W-enabling bodies. Carter and Johnson and Clinton did nothing authoritarian. Just keep telling yourself fables about your precious “liberal” Democratic Party.
I think he makes a good point, “liberal” presidents have been complicit in advancing American imperialism and hegemony. Still doesn’t let Jonah’s little black-is-white-up-is-down propaganda hitpiece for the ‘winger brigade. Sure, there’s a time for introspection, and then there’s a time for blistering mockery. This is that time.
I’m curious to see whether he’ll make his deadline.
In the meantime, watching the anti-historians try to blame the stench of pseudo-conservatism on the libs is now and will forever be hilarious.
Man I am laughing at this moron.
Indeed, I don’t believe he’s ever actually talked to a liberal in his life.
More likely, he’s afraid to go near us, lest he catch our cooties or something. The closest to a conversation he’s probably ever had with someone of the ‘left’ has been shouting at them I imagine.
He doesn’t even seem to understand that at its VERY BOTTOM CORE fascism is an acknowledged problem of the far RIGHT – not the LEFT. If he wanted to rag on the left, why not go with the obvious and say totalitarian communism? It’d still be bullshit, but it might actually sound vaguely believable.
The sad thing is though, you know there are folks out there eating this stuff up. *sigh*
“a college campus with free food, shelter and recreation, ”
I must have gone to the wrong one . Why’d I do all that slave(-like) labor and pay all that money for that sleepless, starving-artist-type experience? If only I’d known .*sigh*
Jonah , it’s only free for you daddy-paying Young Republican types.
Blue Buddha , great link . = “Nostradomus Does Bush” and predicts the rise of Fox “News”. ;D
Amazing foresight by the filmmaker, and didn’t shy away from implicating this country.
Caring for each other?! We can’t have that! Too much like Europe.
No offense to anyone here, and of course there are exceptions, but as a general rule the business school students were the least hard-working, most alcoholic, and cheating-est of any of the majors I worked with.
I think that’s called “the CEO practicum”. It takes years and years of hard work to achieve the requisite level of greed, self-abuse, and stupidity. Except for third-generation Repubs, like the Doughy Pantload or his Commander Codpiece.
Savage Mule is right. Jo’berg is obviously making the same insightful critique of the misuse of state power that leftist dissidents have made!!! You can tell from the precise way in which he does not actually refer to any of Bo’jerg’s “arguments” such as “The Holocaust could not have occurred in Italy because Italians are not Germans” or that the definition of fascism is “making politics into a religion” but also at the same time “trying to get beyond politics”.
In fact, real superior people who stand up for dissidence and oppose state power see the old Friendly Fascism by Bertram Gross and Liberal Fascism: Why Do I Have To Button My Pants? by Jo’berg Goldstuffer and they can’t tell them apart — such is their superior ability to be the only ones in the universe ever to have thought it was like bad to repress people and stuff.
That’s why harsh uses of state power are always wrong when liberals do it but right when conservatives do it!!! I haz pwned u cwrdly libs!!!
Yep. Hillary and Obama do not have a single authoritarian bone in their smirking, W-enabling bodies. Carter and Johnson and Clinton did nothing authoritarian. Just keep telling yourself fables about your precious “liberal” Democratic Party.
Damn, Brian, way to beat the shit out of that straw man.
The scorn of liberals like you is all the research we need, LFC. Mr. Goldberg has clearly touched a nerve and you are squealing like stuck pigs.
Read El Cid’s comments. It’s like you’re not even trying.
That’s true, but less so if you’re using “blind” as a metaphor for ignorance, or a lack of knowledge.
Indeed, El Cid. In reading this book, I always have to keep in my mind what a pompous asshat Hitchens is the rest of the time.
[…] Texas yesterday, I ran across a fascinating history lesson in the comments section of a random Sadly, No article. Produced right after World War II, the short Encyclopedia Britannica film […]
“In the meantime, watching the anti-historians try to blame the stench of pseudo-conservatism on the libs is now and will forever be hilarious.”
True…the book is ridiculous. It IS ignorant. It IS hilarious, and I have enjoyed the take down.
“Damn, Brian, way to beat the shit out of that straw man.”
Why is this a straw man situation? Are you denying that American foreign policy over the past 100+ years has been pretty much a bipartisan consensus-devoted to spreading economic power and yes, “Empire” at great cost to hundreds of thousands of luckless wogs? While acknowledging how ridiculous the Goldberg book is, liberals here and elsewhere are ignnoring the mote in their political party’s eye. (Assuming that many Americans here are indeed mainstream Democrats who believe fervently that electing Hillary=or Obama-will make one iota of difference in real long term foreign policy trends and goals)
Well, there you have it. Few here could possibly possess the secret leftist knowledge you do. We look forward to being introduced to analyses of the modern manipulation of nationalism, state power, coercion, and ideology in the context of the products of right wing nepotistic failures who proudly profess a haughty opposition to the empirical approach to history and so therefore “fascism” is just whatever the hell he wants it to be, on any page he wants, in any way he wants.
That’s odd. The quote content changed. This is what I picked up on.
I agree, from where I’m sitting these wingnuts need as little egging on as possible. Much egging, but no more egging on.
I think there is this burning desire to prove Francis Fukuyama right and reach the end of history. […] You know, this place where you’ve lost any great ambition, everyone’s much more concerned with self-esteem, with caring for each other.
It’s beginning to sound like the whole Invasion-of-the-Brain-Snatchers Book is a swipe at Fukuyama, and his idea that the world might wake up from the nightmare of history. Remember how Buckley & Kristol were ranting about the horrors of a world of prosperity and liberal democracies, with no enemies for the US, no need for an imperial role, no place for their Pagan Virtues?
The existence of this otherwise-unnecessary Book makes more sense if you see it as a stalking-horse for Buckley & Kristol; an attempt to make a peaceful, prosperous future sound horrible.
Chosen to review the book for NYTBR: David Oshinsky of University of Texas. Gives Goldberg credit for a “witty intelligence” which Sean Hannity and Michael Savage do not have. Said the treatment of topics was scattershot, esp. with FDR.
Re the comment about Europe: Jonah can visit European Tribune and see great ambitions every day. But they are for society.
Interesting. I will definitely buy this book. Ever since I found out that Hitler was an artist, vegetarian and believed that “it takes a village” to raise a child I have been suspicious of the left.
The Euro’s 50% increase in value over the dollar these past five years is a clear indicator of their failed and absurd economic approach.
4jkb4ia: You may be interested in the discussion of Oshinsky’s review in these comments.
Plus, Jonah Goldberg is Dracula. Just sayin’.
I hadn’t realized that Jesus, the Jewish man from Nazareth who tossed around some money-changers in the temple while calling them thieves, was a Fascist. (You know, that whole loaves and fishes story). Plus, if handing out “free food” to the impoverished and needy is a sign of fascism, then all the charitable organizations, religious groups (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, etc.) and food banks that hand out “free food” must be fascist…as must all the members of these groups who make it possible to feed the hungry through their contributions. Gee, I hadn’t realized there are so many fascists running around.
I don’t think it’s simply handing out free food which is the liberal fascist part. Jo’pants Goldbarge doesn’t appear to be against Sam’s Club and CostCo handing out samples of meatballs or cheesecake. It appears to have something to do with intent, and intensity — if you insist that it’s really important to hand out free food, and you think that there are people who really need it, then you’re a liberal fascist. If, on the other hand, you have a spare bag of Doritos you give to your neighbor, that isn’t liberal fascism.
[…] often offers logic worthy of Jonah Goldberg, but it’s worth noting the similarities between the July column and the one today. Although […]
why so many liberals want to turn America into a college campus with free food, shelter and recreation,
Wow. Just… wow. So is Goldberg (or Ole Perfesser, MRS) speaking from experience here? Most of the people I know who went to college, be it to Ivy League universities (Brown and Harvard in my case) or to other private or public institutions, did not have a free ride. They took out loans and/or worked while in college. There were some really rich folks at my undergrad and grad institutions who often seemed to treat being there like the quote above (often they were “legacy” brats or children of people with connections, so they didn’t really need the edumacation), but everyone else seemed to understand what was going in to their being in college.
It still amazes me that Teh Pantload and others of his ilk ignore or distort reality so blatantly. Maybe they’re just playing to the preconceptions of those who think Animal House, the Revenge of the Nerds movies, and Back to School are documentaries.
If Nazism and Communism are so different, then why did Warburg bankroll both?
This guy Jonah, thinks he’s a regular Joe because he has a dog named Cosmo (aka Notorious D.O.G.). Not surprisingly, he was once a researcher at the American Enterprise Institute, the Neocons’ favorite Think-Tank. His biography brags of his winning the “prestigious” Lowell Thomas award in 2001. I’ve looked all over the internet and can’t find the particular article that won him this award. Anybody know? I did find his column from the National Review Online where he humbly claims he didn’t deserve the award and then prints his entire acceptance speech. To read his Libertarian ramblings and get a little insight to how his brain works go to:
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