The Counter Clinton Library

After Bill Clinton’s electrifying speech last week at the Democratic National Convention, several TV commentators made reference to his soon-to-open Presidential Library. This got me thinking of another library (one you may not have heard so much about) and I thought I’d do a little investigating.

I speak, of course, of the Counter Clinton Library. I’m sure you can already imagine the depth of learning that will take place in a “library” recommended by NewsMax.

This cutting-edge research facility is being built for two main reasons: To counter the “lies” put out by the official Clinton Library and, surprise surprise, to stop Hillary’s perpetually-imminent presidential ambitions.

The Counter Clinton Library’s purpose is to set the record straight about the “Co-Presidency” of Bill and Hillary Clinton. The founders of this Library recognize that the official Clinton Presidential Center and Library, soon to be opened in downtown Little Rock, Arkansas, will represent little more than a propaganda machine for the ongoing effort to mold the Clinton “legacy” and boost Mrs. Clinton’s future run for the presidency.

Take a visit to the CCL website and you’ll hear a great deal about Hillary. You’ll probably even get the impression that she’s still planning to run this year.

The Counter Clinton Library, at a site within walking distance of the official “LIE-brary,” will feature exhibits, research material and artifacts that present the public with the truth about the most corrupt administration in American history. The ultimate goal of the Counter Clinton Library is “To let not one Clinton lie go unanswered, to let not one evasion go unquestioned, and to let not one Clinton slander go unchallenged.”

Artifacts? If they could get it, I’m pretty sure they’d even put Vince Foster’s skull on display. Hell, Ron Brown’s too!

Given the goal of so much truth-telling, one might wonder who is behind this prodigious effort. Well, frankly, one could probably come up with most of the names by a simple act of guessing – names like Bob Barr, Gary Aldrich, Sean Hannity, and Dick Morris. Don’t worry; They’re all there. But the main driving force behind the effort is legendary NewsMax columnist and former Congressman from New York, John LeBoutillier.

If you’re familiar with John, you probably already know about his intimate relationship with truth and accuracy. If not, perhaps the best introduction would be to read an excerpt from a story he “broke” at NewsMax a couple of years ago, during the height of the Gary Condit affair:

“Now, here is the dirty little secret behind the disappearance of Chandra Levy: Condit goes both ways. He likes to get sodomized by male prostitutes before having sex with women. The gay sex turns him on and he can then ‘perform’ with women.

“Condit had one particular Caribbean male prostitute that he frequented. When it was determined that Chandra had to go, this guy was given the assignment. He picked her up on his motorcycle, took off somewhere, killed her, and dumped her body. Then, on orders from Condit and with money from Condit, he headed back to Haiti or wherever he came from ? far, far away from investigators and the feds.”

A few hours after he published it, an amazing thing happened. The article disappeared. Turns out that even NewsMax didn’t want it on their site! In other words, that’s the level of credibility we’re dealing with.

(John LeBoutillier, Noted Truth-Teller)

John is also something of a dreamer and in a past fundraising plea at NewsMax, he held out hope that the Clintons would be unable to fund their own “Lie-brary.”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if enough of you Americans donate the money and we build the COUNTER CLINTON LIBRARY while Bill and Hillary can’t build their library?

It just might happen.

Right. That’s the guy behind it.

But enough about our founders. Let’s take a look at the Library itself. Here’s a virtual rendition of how the very exciting finished project will look:

Once inside, one will be bombarded with unchanging truth and accuracy. Of course in the interest of unchanging truth and accuracy, I should point out that the CCL had originally planned to showcase a room that would feature an “exact recreation of the White House as the Clintons left it ? trashed, damaged and defiled…We will recreate this to show ? in the most vivid manner possible ? just how much damage the Clintons did to ‘the people’s house.'”

For some reason, all reference to that room is now gone from the website. Perhaps the eternal truth-tellers at the CCL finally decided to have a look at that pesky GAO report…

Other rooms will focus on subjects like “Deaths.”

Throughout Bill Clinton’s political career, opponents and others who sought to expose the truth about “Slick Willie” often ended up dying under mysterious circumstances. Among the more prominent “accidental” or “natural” deaths were Vince Foster, Ron Brown, and James McDougal. This area will use photographs and news clippings to establish a pattern of foul play from the famous cases like Foster to virtually unpublicized events like the deaths of many former Clinton bodyguards.

Virtually unpublicized indeed. Here’s another exciting aspect of the library John discussed over at NewsMax:

We are devoted to countering ? with the truth and with facts ? each and every lie, distortion and exaggeration about his White House years – and also about Hillary?s campaign for President.

Wouldn’t it be nice if their countering of distortions and exaggerations about Hillary’s campaign for President addressed, well, the distortions and exaggerations about Hillary?s campaign for President?

It really makes you wonder where they’re going to get their information. Uh…Maybe it doesn’t:

We also will have access to never-before seen documents. For example, long-time Clinton insider Dick Morris has agreed to donate all his secret White House Agendas to the Counter Clinton Library.

Right. Should have figured Dick would be “toeing the line” on this one.

The Counter Clinton Library will be the most high-tech center ever built. Using video and audio monitors, a visitor is going to see and hear the actual lies and purposeful evasions of the Clintons.

Seriously. What could possibly be more high-tech than video and audio monitors? Congratulations on your great project, John! Let’s give him one last word:

We are going to use their own behavior against them!

God, this part worries me. I suddenly have this horrific image of Carl Limbacher trying to seduce me with a cigar.

And now, because of the length of this piece, I invite you to come over to my own blog, The Dark Window, to explore some of the other fascinating aspects of the CCL. Over there we’ll continue our virtual tour, shop in the CCL giftshop, and read “quotes” from some enlightened supporters. I promise that a fun time will be had by all. Well, okay, maybe not by the Wing Nuts.

So please…Head on over!

Update: Thanks to readers Yosef and Hogan, it’s come to my attention that the Daily Show did a very funny report on the Counter Clinton “Lie-brary” a couple of weeks ago. Check it out to see John LeBoutillier discussing the 70-odd people Clinton probably killed. (Once you get to the page, simply click on the icon for “True Library.”)


Comments: 24


Inside The Counter Clinton Library

Over at Sadly, No!, we’ve been discussing the quite surreal Counter Clinton Library and its amazing qualities. So far we’ve learned about its founders, its mission, and its fascinating cast of characters. Now we’re going to go inside the library itse…


why don’t these people have comment sections? oh well time to write another letter


I think there should be a new mental disorder listed in the DSM guide thing for these Clinton-obsessives. They are unique in the annals of mental illness. Wow.


..But…but….Clinton is the anti-christ! We must keep Bush (our saviour) in power!! HE will save us ALL!



The Daily Show did a piece on this a couple of weeks ago. Evidently, the guy still can’t get any funding.


You can see the Daily Show segment at

LIE-brary. heh


Why doesn’t this library have a roof? Won’t Dickie’s “Agendas” [sic] get wet?


My Gawd.

Can we do this with Shrubya after he builds his LIE-brary? There wouldn’t be a problem with filling it.

The big problem would be the logistics of just how big a place one would have to build!!


“I do not, for one, think that the problem was that the band was down. I think that the problem *may* have been, that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being *crushed* by a *dwarf*. Alright? That tended to understate the hugeness of the object.”


Thank you, Alison, for the “Spinal Tap” reference.

The Dark Avenger

John was once featured in an Esquire “Dubious Achievments Award” issue when he was a congressman.

He was quoted as saying that he wanted to rock(as in playing rock music on a guitar) until his brains popped out.

Their caption: “In your case, it would take about three chords to do the trick.”


Dark Avenger : I remembered that too and imagined John playing his guitar in front of his little Bookhenge model.

Dr.BDH : Dickie’s “agendas” are already all wet.


Hey I wanna make a Bush LIE-brary. I bet we can raise money for that.

This is what the White House has to say about Clinton:

It’s interesting to look at what they say about other presidents. Bill Clinton has a very high rating compared to other presidents. Bush isn’t going to fare very well.

I like this website. I’m going to link to it when I do template updates again. Thanks


Excellent report!

“You, the American taxpayer, are expected to pay the bill for Clinton?s Lie-brary/Hillary propaganda sounding board, along with donations from ?rich foreigners, including Red Chinese and Saudis,? says LeBoutillier. The Counter Clinton Library will not depend on taxpayer appropriations, but instead will rely on private donations


Excellent report.

This area will use photographs and news clippings to establish a pattern of foul play from the famous cases like Foster to virtually unpublicized events like the deaths of many former Clinton bodyguards.

I have it on good authority that virtually all of the former Clinton bodyguards will be dead within 50 years or so.


Will there be a George W. Bush library? He put his Texas governor records in his dad’s library so no one could look at them. Where will he hide the evidence of his presidency?


I tried clicking on the link to contribute to the LIEbrary and got a message saying I was not authorized to view this page. No wonder he’s not getting any money.


And what would be’ hanging ‘ in an equally bifurcated bush library,,, mmmm, body parts of us soldiers blown to bits in Iraq? The now archetyped scene of the hooded Iraqi torture victim standing on a bucket with electric wires dangling?
As for the audio section of our library, the screams of the Iraqi kids while being man-raped by u.s. soldiers? Maybe an entire diorama of the wedding party blown to bits by psychopathic u.s. pilots?
Of course, this would pale in comparison to the Whitewater or Travelgate rooms but, heh, I mean afterall, its not like the victims were white or anything.
fade | Email | 08.06.04 – 10:56 am | #


And what would be’ hanging ‘ in an equally bifurcated bush library,,, mmmm, body parts of us soldiers blown to bits in Iraq? The now archetyped scene of the hooded Iraqi torture victim standing on a bucket with electric wires dangling?
As for the audio section of our library, the screams of the Iraqi kids while being man-raped by u.s. soldiers? Maybe an entire diorama of the wedding party blown to bits by psychopathic u.s. pilots?
Of course, this would pale in comparison to the Whitewater or Travelgate rooms but, heh, I mean afterall, its not like the victims were white or anything.
fade | Email | 08.06.04 – 10:56 am | #


And what would be hanging in an equally bifurcated gwb library ?,,, mmmmm, hows about body parts of u.s. soldiers blown to bits in Iraq? The now globally-archetyped vision of the hooded Iraqi torture victim standing on a bucket with electric wires dangling?
As for the audio section of our gwb library, maybe the horrified screams of Iraqi kids being man-raped by u.s. soldeirs?
Maybe throw in a diorama of the wedding party murdered by psychopathic u.s. pilots?
Granted, these would pale in comparison to such heart-rendering displays such as the Whitewater or Travelgate exhibits but, heh, I mean,, its not like the victims were white or anything.


sorry 4 the x3 posts. No,, really, i am.


Nice site! My first time.

I live in Little Rock and I’ve been following the CCL since it was announced. I don’t know any inside details, but I’m skeptical that it’ll ever get built. The reason I say this is because there hasn’t been much talk about it since the original announcement.

The plans had originally called for it to open before before the Clinton Presidential Center, but that’s obviously not going to happen. Several weeks ago the right-wing conspirators of the CCL project announced they were planning to pick a location by a specific date, but that date has long passed and I’ve yet to hear about any location being picked.

However, should it ever open in the future, I wouldn’t expect it to last for long. I don’t think people in Arkansas would support such a disgusting venture. And if the CCL does ever open, I suspect it will greatly damage the image of the GOP in the state for some time to come.

FWIW, Mr. LeBoutillier supported Alan Keyes in the 2000 Republican primaries. This scumbag also has his own weblog, but I won’t paste the url to help his hit totals.


I am always amazed at those who use this form of communications that if they lived under Suddam H. would have been beheaded or tossed off a building for speaking against the current administration, and then say that Bush lied and we should not have gone into Iraq leaving SH in power (yes, that wonderful tower of truth and free-speech). Having been in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran after the liberation of the former countries, I know what freedom means to these people: they are finally able to speak their minds without losing their heads. I am glad we have a country where any can say what they want even if it doesn’t agree with everyone else. Speak on, friends, you may not have this freedom long if we continue to take it for granted.


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