Journey to the Center of 20,000 Leagues Under the Bottom of the Barrel
This passage is the lowest of the low. Jonah tries to show that Nazis were really gay rights activists at heart. Read at your own risk. [And plz forgive the weird inconsistencies at the bottom of the graphic… I had to combine pics of two separate pages…]
Let’s take this line by line.
Nazi attitudes toward homosexuality are a source of confusion.
If “confusion” means “they fucking killed a lot of them,” then yes, this is true.
While it is true that some homosexuals were sent to concentration camps…
“Some!” That’s a nifty interpretation of history.
According to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum:
The Nazi campaign against homosexuality targeted the more than one million German men who, the state asserted, carried a “degeneracy” that threatened the “disciplined masculinity” of Germany. Denounced as “antisocial parasites” and as “enemies of the state,” more than 100,000 men were arrested under a broadly interpreted law against homosexuality. Approximately 50,000 men served prison terms as convicted homosexuals, while an unknown number were institutionalized in mental hospitals. Others—perhaps hundreds—were castrated under court order or coercion. Analyses of fragmentary records suggest that between 5,000 and 15,000 homosexual men were imprisoned in concentration camps, where many died from starvation, disease, exhaustion, beatings, and murder.
Hey, but only some of them were castrated — the rest got off relatively easy with mere starvation, disease, exhaustion, beatings, and murder!
You’re already off to a cracking start, Jonah. Let’s see how you follow this up:
…it is also the case that the early Nazi Party and the constellation of Pan-German organizations in its orbit were rife with homosexuals.
Zounds! This is a real shocker! Do you mean to tell me that even the Nazis were infected by
Say, did you know that both the Republican Party and the Christian Right have gays within their ranks as well? This must mean that they’re secretly pro-gay political movements, and therefore are liberal fascists as well!
It’s well-known, for example, that Ernst Röhm, the head of the SA, and his coterie were homosexuals, and openly so. When jealous members of the SA tried to use this fact against him in 1931, Hitler had to remonstrate that Röhm’s homosexuality was “purely in the private sphere.”
Well yeah, Jonah. Like all smart evil people, Hitler knew that good evil help was hard to find. As long as Röhm did his job well (and let’s face it, organizing Hitler’s Sturm Abteilung was a pretty important job in the Nazi Party), there was really no reason to bump him off just for being teh ghey.
But this is a classic example of teh ghey for me, but not for thee. While the Nazis were initially tolerant of homosexuals among their loyal inner party members, no sane historian would classify the Nazis as gay lovers. Unless, of course, you think this quote from Himmler…
In the SS, today, we still have about one case of homosexuality a month. In a whole year, about eight to ten cases occur in the entire SS. I have now decided upon the following: in each case, these people will naturally be publicly degraded, expelled, and handed over to the courts. Following completion of the punishment imposed by the court, they will be sent, by my order, to a concentration camp, and they will be shot in the concentration camp, while attempting to escape. I will make that known by order to the unit to which the person so infected belonged. Thereby, I hope finally to have done with persons of this type in the SS, and the increasingly healthy blood which we are cultivating for Germany, will be kept pure.
…is really a secret code for “Ja, ja, ja, der büttsex!! I vant eet NOW, NOW, NOW!!!” Back to Jonah:
Some try to suggest that Röhm was murdered on the Night of the Long Knives because he was gay. But the Röhm posted the greatest threat to Hitler’s consolidation of power because they were, in important respects, the most ardent and “revolutionary” Nazis.
I.e., they were the most left-wing (my emphasis):
The most crucial problem the party leadership confronted on coming to power was unemployment. German industry was then operating at about 58 percent of capacity. Estimates of the number of unemployed people at that time in Germany vary from 6 to 7 million. Among them were tens of thousands of party members who expected Hitler to carry out the anticapitalist promises of National Socialist propaganda, put an end to the monopolistic enterprises and cartels, and revive industry through the establishment of a large number of small businesses. The party rank and file demanded a “second revolution.” The SA, led by Ernst Röhm, included control of the Reichswehr (the army) in the program of the second revolution. Hitler had to choose between a “plebeian” National Socialist regime and an alliance with the industrialists of the country and the general staff of the Reichswehr. He chose the latter course.
OK, Jonah, let’s wrap this up:
Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams write in The Pink Swastika that “the National Socialist revolution and the Nazi party were animated and dominated by militaristic homosexuals, pederasts, pornographers, and sadomasochists.”
Scott Lively! There’s a wicked reliable source!
In 2002, Scott wrote a super-reasonable and not-at-all insane anti-gay tract called “DECIPHERING ‘GAY’ WORD-SPEAK AND LANGUAGE OF CONFUSION.” Its central thesis seems to be that the gays are manipulating and contorting the English language in order to get people to accept gayness so they can push their gay agenda of making everyone gay. In this very scholarly and serious article, Lively contends that “it is an uncontested fact that homosexual conduct spreads disease,” that homosexuality is “biologically (and to varying degrees morally) equivalent to pedophilia, sado-masochism, bestiality and many other forms of deviant behavior,” and that gays are conspiring to commit hostile takeovers of local governments where “every takeover is followed by consolidation of ‘gay’ power within the organization, starting with some form of ‘sensitivity training.'”
So Jonah, I hope you feel proud that you’re using a homophobic paranoid as a source for your very detailed, careful and serious book. For your next trick, you should cite the greater works of David Duke to back up your assertion that “the white male is the Jew of liberal fascism.”
This is surely an overstatement. But it is nonetheless true that the artistic and literary movements provided the oxygen for Nazism before 1933 were chockablock with homosexual liberationist tracts, clubs and journals.
And yes, the endnote for this paragraph does indeed cite Lively’s Pink Swastika as a source. Unbelievable. You truly are a right stinker, Jonah.
What makes this so embarrassing is that I’m not even a historian or a scholar; I’m just some asshole who knows how to use Google. I can’t wait to read what actual smart people have to say about this book.
Y’know… someone the other day (might of been in the comments… too lazy to look now) said that they can’t wait for this cavalcade of crap to “really go off the edge” and link Nazis to homosexuality.
Well, the weird inconsistency in the graphic actually suggests the woozy state of mind induced by reading the content, kinda like that swirly hypno-thingy you always put behind Assrocket or Ann Althouse.
Even though Rommel had a HUGE crush on MacArthur, he knew it could never be.
Regardless, he still looked Faaabulous!
You can look it up.
“the National Socialist revolution and the Nazi party were animated and dominated by militaristic homosexuals, pederasts, pornographers, and sadomasochists.”
Wow. If you could get “closeted” in there, this would be a dead-on description of the American Conservative Movement.
Godwin’s Law and Jonah’s Book
Pamela Troy
“[T]here has been increasing discontent among conservatives for some time at the thought that Hitler was a right-winger. I thought one of them would produce something of this kind sooner or later, and now, inevitably, someone has.”
[ . . . ]
Its hard to know if hes an evil bastard or profoundly stupid. Gotta be one or the other, right?
Wow, that was hard. Seriously, I don’t think I want to play this game anymore.
Next why doesnt this fucktard dipshit just quote Henry Ford on International Jewry and then say, “That is surely an overstatement. But it is nonetheless true that the negroid rhythms of the jew music have had some role in corrupting our youth and raping our proud civilization.”
Ugghhh you want so much to believe that there are basic human rights to which everyone is entitled, because every person has innate and inalianable worth as a fellow human being. But damn it all if this fucker doesn’t make it hard.
So now the victims of the fucking death camps are fascists who are guilty of their own murder because they happened to belong to a group that this little pissants faction would similarly like to see murdered. And we are the fascists???
I just knew that Rohm was going to be the link to some bizzare gay rights=Nazism argument. Why didn’t he just quote a far more reliable source like Shier’s Rise and Fall of the Third Reich which has some charmingly homophobic passages describing how the Stormtroopers were typical of what happens when pervs hang out.
I suppose Stalin then is a conservative, as all his lieutenants were reliably hetero (if sadistic and pederastic in the case of Beria) and gays were ruthlessly purged from all Communist Parties during the 30’s.
And I’m trying to figure out what literary and artistic movements that supported the Nazis were full of gays. There were pro-gay artists and schools, but they weren’t especially pan-Germanic. There were pan-Germanic, proto-Nazi artists and schools but they weren’t gay.
I guess we’re dealing with German=Nazi and artistic=gay ergo German artists= gay Nazis. QED bitch.
Rich already covered it, but yeah, so they’re intensely opposed to homosexuality but practice it themselves. Wow sure sounds like a certain political party I know…..
But hey, why let reality get in the way of a good smear?
I think it’s both.
But it is nonetheless true that the artistic and literary movements [that] provided the oxygen for Nazism before 1933 were chockablock with homosexual liberationist tracts, clubs and journals.
That’s neither true nor grammatically correct, but since it’s merely a metaphor (and he’s a conservative), he’ll probably get off on both counts.
Or, a third, if you’re really sick.
Meanwhile, back in reality, fascist groups took to trolling through the fucking woods in Germany to beat up nudist, back-to-nature, and gay nature groups.
So, from this we can conclude either that Jonah is really sick of his fascist fellow travelers, or he really wishes he was thin enough to still get looks from guys. I swear, this is the dumbest bit of history since Tagalog Cassidy was sent by Her Master’s Voice to attempt to neutralize the racist history of American concentration camps.
Which reminds me: if Maglalang is the Yoko Oh-Noes! of history, Jonah is the what of poli-sci?
OK, if Malkin is the Yoko Oh-Noes! of history, Jonah is the [what] of poli-sci?
Think carely, for your very lives hang in the balance.
I said in the previous thread that I’d like to kick this guy in the balls as hard as I can. I proudly stand by that statement. Congrats P-Load! You are now even less intellectually respectable than Foehammer.
Are all gays liberal, then, even the conservative ones? Or is it just gay Nazis and Democrats who are the Liberal Fascists? And can the same prayerful methods that were used to “cure” Ted Haggard of teh gay also work to cure gays of their fascism? So many questions…
it is nonetheless true that the artistic and literary movements provided the oxygen for Nazism before 1933 were chockablock with homosexual liberationist tracts, clubs and journals.
And this is shockingly different from artistic and literary movements in other places and times – this clearly has to be the first time arts and letters have been rife with Teh Gays!
g- and you know what this means: ARTISTS ARE NAZIS!!!
Up until now, I thought Jonah’s book was just incredibly stupid, like the dumbest book ever written squared or something. This section is just evil. It’s denialist, it’s absurd, and in a fair world, he’d be booted from acceptable society for it.
Is that, like, code for Obama’s fascist buttplug?
Sam- I wonder if he’s been booked on “Hardball” yet to talk about his “findings.”
Jo’berg was safe when he was insulting the liberals. Now, however, that he has taken on the most powerful agenda ever conceived of in the history of fevered imaginations, he better watch out. In particular, he might want to have someone always enter his mom’s basement first so that they can tell if any up-lighting or playful color contrasts have been added by the covert agents of international f*****ry.
Whe the hell gave this a good review in Publishers Weekly? Ann Coulter? “Well researched” my ass.
Or, if you will, “who.”
The weird graphic goes well with the surreal content of Doughy Pantload’s writing.
it is nonetheless true that the artistic and literary movements provided the oxygen for Nazism before 1933 were chockablock with homosexual liberationist tracts, clubs and journals.
The arts provided the oxygen for Nazism? What does that even mean? That there were artists at the same time as there were proto-Nazis? The Nazis were strongly opposed to contemporary “degenerate” art, and specifically used the existence of modern art to paint themselves as a force counter to the “forces of disintegration,” i.e. the arts “provided oxygen” to Nazism the same way gays “provide oxygen” to Fred Phelps.
But, lest we forget, this is “a very serious, thoughtful, argument that has never been made in such detail or with such care.”
Actual smart people? There are none left.
Who the hell gave this a good review in Publishers Weekly?
And Tom Wolfe and his pimped white Cadillac need to het out of town. This has been quite a couple of years for him. First, he publishes a novel that clearly shows that he is not the one to be writing about the lives of contemporary college girls. And then he fellates Jonah.
Yeah, yeah, it’s me, the footnote lover.
Did he cite Klaus Theweleit? I’m sure the book is utterly beyond him, but it would be funny if he made passing reference to it as it is a well-known book that suggests some connections between a certain homosexual desire and fascism. Of course, the book would probably strike too close to home with its argument of the connection between hyper-militarism, hatred of women, and the longing for homosocial comradeship in a grand adventure.
Or George Mosse? Any Mosse?
This certainly puts a new twist on the pink triangle – maybe it was really just a misunderstood process by which the Nazis hoped to facilitate gay cruising in the Reich. I’m sure Isherwood would have appreciated it!
I’d really be interested to know what survivors of Hitler’s evil think about Pantload’s crap.
Hmmmm. Weird double-post. I thought the first one was lost, didn’t feel like re-writing the damned thing, and just re-submitted the snark.
What did I ever to to warrant my posts being moderated?
Oh, … right.
“I can’t wait to read what actual smart people have to say about this book.”
We won’t be reading it.
OH MY GOD. I can’t believe he actually tried to do this. Just, wow.
Here’s an annotated bibliography on the Nazi persecution of homosexuals:
Seriously, Goldberg is an affront to history.
Legalize, you fiend, don’t you think they’ve been through enough already? Have mercy!
I love your graphic inconsistencies. It makes the text as physically warped as the ideas behind it. It’s the spamblocker edition. The only way that I would pay money for this book is if it was printed in this version.
I wonder how this book will sit on a shelf before the innocent pages disintegrate from shame and embarrassment at the crap tattooed to their faces?
As a gay white male, all I can say is ‘stuff it, pantload’.You’re bringing new meaning to the words ‘pathetic’ and ‘asshole’.
I’d like to see Doughy Pantload debate his thesis with someone like Elie Weisel.
Or how about Theweleit?
“I can’t wait to read what actual smart people have to say about this book.”
We won’t be reading it.
Actually, considering the brain power over at SN, I think a published rebuttal is in order. Northing too fancy. Just take all the posts about Jonah’s book and have a service like Blurb bind them.
Jumpin’ Jeebus bloody on the cross! I am not a historian, but I have flunked freshmen for less egregious offenses against logic, sourcing, the facts. To call this sloppy scholarship would be a compliment. Quit reading now while you still have functioning brain cells.
bpower said,
December 21, 2007 at 17:07
Its hard to know if hes an evil bastard or profoundly stupid. Gotta be one or the other, right?
This pretty much sums up the whole Bush Era conundrum.
The Homosexual Agenda is indeed insidious in its manipulation of the English language. They got Goldberg in their grasp and he doesn’t even know it! Case in point: chockablock. From the New Oxford U.S. English dictionary that came installed on my computer:
Of nautical origin—we all know what that means. But just to be clear, here’s definition #2 of chock, also from my computer’s New Oxford dictionary:
Save yourself, Jonah, from the vocabulary of The Gay before it’s too late!
Y’all do yourselves a disservice. Much as with The Daily Show, it’s surprising that one routinely finds better critical thinking at a humor site than one does in most of the “real media.” Y’all have been a gold mine when it comes to Goldberg.
Step 1: Lunacy
Step 2: Denial
Step 3:
Step 4: PROFIT!!!1
Congrats, P-Load-Diddy.
“the artistic and literary movements that provided the oxygen for Nazism before 1933”??
So, environmentalists provided the oxygen for Cheney’s attempts to support the oil industry, ergo Cheney is an environmentalist. Oh, wait, Cheney DID say he is an environmentalist. But does that make Cheney a librul?
Thanks for this public service, I haven’t laughed so hard in ages.
The fact is, that Panzer Korps battelfield maneuvers were derived from the stage blocking of Bertolt Brecht.
Grand Moff Texan: It was probably the number of links (3) in your 17:14 comment that set off the moderation machine. I see the two comments less as double-posting and more as variations on a theme.
I was over at Orcinus reading Dave’s last post on Doughy and this quote from the blurb at Amazon caught my attention:
“The Nazis declared war on smoking, supported abortion, euthanasia, and gun control.”
Ummm, no. The Weimar Republic had the very restrictive gun laws which the Nazis actually liberalized with the Reichswaffengesetz in 1938, although they did prohibit possession of weapons by Jews shortly thereafter.
From a 2004 draft:
[A Call to Historians]
Bernard E. Harcourt
I suppose Jonah will claim next that Orwell wasn’t really a socialist but a fascist.
That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or laborer’s cottage is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. — George Orwell
Just thought I’d share that for your files.
I keep having the same instinctive reaction to every quote from Lucienne’s mutant son – “He didn’t really say that, did he?”
His book is like satire written by a half-wit with no sense of humor. Is Doughty Pantload just a wingnut spoof of Stephen Colbert?
Once again, “this book fills a much-needed gap.” How unspeakably horrid.
Talk about a dirty job; you guys are the political equivalent of Mike Rowe. Truly, you are brave, brave people. I salute you.
Mien Gott !!!one1!!1
Now I’m confused, if there were SS Stormtroopers, and Teh SA were gay, but the Night Of the Long Knives was a an SS purge of Teh Gay SA, but not because they were Teh Gay, because only some of Teh Gay were sent to Concentration camps…
Fuck it, he’s a moron.
The Panzikorps?
*vomits blood*
I’m glad you’re reading this trash so I don’t have to. The bits you’ve shown us so far are so awful they bring to mind Wolgang Pauli’s comment on a particularly bad physics paper shown to him: “That’s not right. It’s not even wrong.”
What do you think, folks? Jonah: A Bottom — or a Top?
I want to see this on Intrade.
I was going to ask if chockablock is the chocolate candy sensation, but apparently that’s already been explained.
So instead I’ll just say that due to the use of “animated” in Pantload’s screed, that Walt Disney was a Nazi fuck. And odds are pretty likely that I’ll be more on-mark than Pants managed in all 430+ pages.
ELIE WIESEL: This truly, truly is a horrible excuse for a work of supposed non-fiction about the history of fascism, and you are an extraordinarily lazy young man who cares nothing about those who suffered at their hands. What could you possibly have to say for yourself other than that you are grateful for your mother’s and your colleagues’ favoritism?
JO’BERG: Are you, like, some old faggot?
I believe that, in Gay Word-Speak, ‘chockablock’ is code that you’re a desperate pathetic snivelling bottom.
Holy fuck. Thanks for the warning about this yesterday.
The only way I was able to get through that without puking up my feet was by thinking of how much I will enjoy watching him sweat as he tries to defend this fetid pile of shit. LoadedHoesen probably thinks that by citing another homophobic fuck he can claim he doesn’t think those things, he just added it to his book.
Ho ho. He will learn different.
Dhalgren said,
December 21, 2007 at 17:42
“I can’t wait to read what actual smart people have to say about this book.”
We won’t be reading it.
Actually, considering the brain power over at SN, I think a published rebuttal is in order. Northing too fancy. Just take all the posts about Jonah’s book and have a service like Blurb bind them.
Or it could be like Robert Price’s smack down of “The Purpose Drivel Life”: “The Reason Driven Life”
Are you sure the guy who writes “Keyboard Kommandos” didn’t write this?
I’m just back from a three week holiday, and this just happens to be a favourite topic of mine.
Anyone who is interested in this topic should run, not walk, to the bookstore to read “The Hidden Hitler” by University of Bremen historian Dr. Lothar Machtan.
Machtan’s controversial thesis, which in my opinion is very well documented in the book, is that Hitler was a closet gay, as was Hesse and of course Rohm.
I know it sounds bizarre upon first hearing, and let me stress that I am not anti-gay, in fact my own dear sister is gay.
But let’s face it, who would’ve ever believed that Cary Grant, Rock Hudson and J. Edgar Hoover were well-closeted gay men?
I once reviewed the Machtan book online and I encourage anyone who is interested to check it out:
What do you think, folks? Jonah: A Bottom — or a Top?
Oh, bottom, no question. The tubby Republican types always are.
Jonah was letting his freak flag fly with the ” ‘animated and dominated’ ” ” ‘militaristic’ ” quote.
That was a dead giveaway — which also describes this Direct-To-The-Remaindered-Table work pretty well. It’s DOA, and you couldn’t give it away.
I believe his safety word is “Weimar!”
“It is well known” followed by some absurd statement does not remove the need for an actual source, Jonah. Please show your work, it makes it much easier for the teacher to figure out if you’re learning-disabled or just fucking stupid.
“You can look it up, but I would prefer that you did not.” — Tom Tomorrow
So far, …
the Nazis were gay, though they beat and murdered gay people, they really didn’t go to town on the castration like they would have if they were REALLY homophobic, so they weren’t homophobic after all.
I think he missed a connection… he passed up a chance to bring up Santorum’s bestiality obsession with dogs and link it with Nazi animal rights attitudes.
They were animal lovers! If you know what I mean!
If we can be smarter about his stupid than him, just how stupid does that make him?
Once again, “this book fills a much-needed gap.” How unspeakably horrid.
Oh, I don’t know. There’s an annoying gap between the airconditioner and the window frame, and the piece of cardboard I stuck in there has fallen out. Jonah’s book will fit perfectly.
Forgot to mention that Jonah’s attempt to conflate honest, open “gay lib” type homosexuals in the pre-Nazi period with the hateful closeted bastard thugs who were so prevalent in the SA and its predecessor “Friekorps” is totally dishonest.
It would be the equivalent of conflating today’s closeted Republicans such as Craig and Vitter with AIDS or same-sex marriage activists.
But let’s face it, who would’ve ever believed that Cary Grant, Rock Hudson and J. Edgar Hoover were well-closeted gay men?
On the other hand, who believed Liberace, Paul Lynde or the Village People were straight?
So…when the Islamofascists persecute Teh Ghey in SA (not Sturmabteilung), they’re not really fascists, right?
Or not.
If this is true (i.e., the Nazi power structure was riddled with closeted, repressed homosexuals who were tacitly accepted by the non-gay elites, who then hypocritically engaged in virulent public anti-homosexual practice and policy), it sounds an awful lot like today’s Republican party! Way to analogize, Doughboy.
Being that Holocaust Denial is a crime in about a Dozen countries, shouldn’t we be taking up a collection to send the Pantload to one of them?
I wouldn’t let that wobbly shit hold the towel.
Uh, I haven’t seen any page numbers yet. I’m wondering how far we’re into this piece of shit.
[…] have screwed me again, Pennypacker! « Journey to the Center of 20,000 Leagues Under the Bottom of the Barrel […]
“…it is true that some homosexuals were sent to concentration camps…”
I mean, shouldn’t the argument begin and end at this point? Is there anything else really left to say?
Referencing The Pink Swastika? I can’t believe he went there. Okay, I can believe, sadly. I’m not the type of person to write letters to the editor of my local newspaper, but next time they run a column by this asshole (they’ve done it before), they’re going to hear from me about it. If this book doesn’t create a big enough backlash to end Jonah Goldberg’s “career”, I’ll have to lower my estimation of humanity by another notch. How low can it go…
And, why the hell did a Jew (with the name Goldberg, that’s a safe assumption, right?) go to such great lengths to try to drain all meaning out of the word “fascism” with this book? Why is he cheerfully engaging in holocaust revisionism? He would probably get himself arrested if he tried to give lectures in Germany or Austria. Ignorant dipshit probably doesn’t even have a passport though — we can hope.
That’s from The Southern Poverty Law Center, which keeps track of hate groups, amateur brownshirts and neo-Nazis — you know, actual fascists.
“The Nazi campaign against homosexuality targeted the more than one million German men who, the state asserted, carried a “degeneracy” that threatened the “disciplined masculinity” of Germany.”
That sounds of so very familiar to a certain wing of the political spectrum. But which one? Golly, which was it….
I’ve read middle school essays that were better written and more thought out and researched then this tripe.
The first person who worked their way through of this twisted bag of parrot puke was a Danish proofreader, Arne Sadsacknussen.
Look for his initials on various pages. It’s the only way we’ll find our way out.
I believe his safety word is “Weimar!”
When you’re as committed as Jonah, safe words are for quitters. Just ask his editors.
My own safe word is ‘oww! knock it off.’ I’m not committed at all.
I think you mean “Mein gott !!!!111ein!1”
Is backpfefengesicht a word?
“I suppose Stalin then is a conservative, as all his lieutenants were reliably hetero (if sadistic and pederastic in the case of Beria) and gays were ruthlessly purged from all Communist Parties during the 30’s.”
Let’s not forget about the Iranians, too! I suppose they’re the ideal conservative society because they don’t even have gays!
On yet another hand, who was brave enough to speak the truth: they were actually all fascists.
it sounds an awful lot like today’s Republican party!
Yeah, ain’t the rightwing mind fascinating?
By the way, Machtan’s thesis about the 1934 Rohm purge is that Rohm was threatening to publicly “out” Hitler as part of an internal power struggle. Machtan offers evidence from the public statements made immediately after the purge by Goebbels ( apparently the leader of the winning “hetero” faction) which are quite revealing if “the inside story” is known.
Read the book, it’s really fascinating.
I believe his safety word is “Weimar!”
It was originally “Du-Werdest-Eine-Krankenschwester-Brauchen”, but that proved too hard for Jonah to say with a ball-gag in his mouth.
myiq2xu said,
December 21, 2007 at 17:39
I’d like to see Doughy Pantload debate his thesis with someone like Elie Weisel.
Hell, I don’t think he could win a debate debate Ellie Clampett.
On yet another hand, who was brave enough to speak the truth: they were actually all fascists.
Well, I suppose one of them was.
In 1942, the death penalty was instituted for homosexuality. Offenders in the German military were routinely shot.
And interestingly enough, according to Machtan, capital punishment was also the legal penalty for any German who spread rumours that the Fuhrer was homosexual…
Das Pantload schreibt:
But it is nonetheless true that the artistic and literary movements provided the oxygen for Nazism before 1933 were chockablock with homosexual liberationist tracts, clubs and journals.
Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” quotes extensively from Martin Luther, specifically that homosexual liberationist tract known as “Of the Jews and their Lies”. Clearly, his wife Katerina von Bora was merely a beard, and Protestantism itself is a coven of militaristic homosexuals.
John T-
Jonah Goldberg is a practicing Episcopalian like his mother. His father’s side of the family is Jewish. I don’t think Jonah’s father practices though.
I wish I wish I wish one of my High School history teachers was still alive. I had the luck to take a class senior year with a WWII veteran who (I swear, I am not making this up) looted HItler’s Munich residence. The teacher, Mr. Brownlow, focused on setting the stage for WWII. He taught about everything he considered relevant to WWII, and went back deep. Frederick the Great, Marx, Clausewitz, WWI etc. There were a few things he had very little patience for (but patience he had, he never lost composure) and they mostly involved things he went through. He used to tell us not to say “hate” is in his presence b/c he had blundered into a death camp. He used to chew out people for bandying about the tersm Nazi and Fascist. He kept saying “Don’t you tell me what hate is. I’ve seen hate. Pure hate. I’ve never seen anything else like it with my own eyes and I don’t have to. I remember it too vividly. Don’t tell me you hate something unless you’ve seen that.” Mr. Brownlow wanted us, above all, to understand why WWII happened the way it did with one exception, the one thing he could not understand. The Holocaust. I keep reading these posts hoping Mr. Brownlow’s memory will fill me, and my judgement will tell me exactly how to respond. BUt so far, nothing yet. The bloggers and commenters are doing well enough without Mr. Brownlow I think. I don’t want to attack Jonah phycisally. It isn’t worth it and it makes us all look bad when someone types it. I feel like we shouldn’t even call him names. Tripe like this, dealing with shit like this is why I went to school. It’s why I study history.
Jonah, I want to take you to Mr. Bronlow’s grave in Arlington Cemetary. If I could, I’d show you what his classroom looked like. He had models and portraits made by students of things and people he covered, he had trophies and memorabilia from the war. With this book Jonah, this disgusting act of cynicism, you disrespect everything Mr. Brownlow stood for and everything he believed in. He taught at a private school by the way Jonah. You have disrespected a man who taught for fifty-seven years because he believed that was the only way to make good on the victory he fought for, that his officers and his men fought and died for. But maybe Jonah, you would be glad to disrespect a man who once joked he would vote Communist because only they admitted they wanted to take his money. Wouldn’t you, Jonah, you cynical heartless man?
But it is nonetheless true that the artistic and literary movements provided the oxygen for Nazism
Also, the Earth provided oxygen for Nazism.
Minimilizing the Holocaust for the sole purpose of bashing teh Liberal.
I’m guessing that was the logical next step for a right-wing desperately trying to keep itself relevant in a world which has rejected them.
Honestly, I don’t think I can take much more of this. Even reading the excerpts is like being beaten to death by millions of Twinkies. It’s just so wrong on so many levels, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it will accomplish every evil, unconscionable goal Jonah set out to achieve.
When Jonah says “this is surely an overstatement” he means “I am a bald-facing lying asshole who couldn’t tell the truth if my life depended on it.”
Wotta smoking gun. Or rather smoking univerally-available resource providing thing. No doubt this was as strongly worded as he could make it and still satisfy even his standard of truthfulness.
But it is nonetheless true that the artistic and literary movements provided the oxygen for Nazism
Also, the Earth provided oxygen for Nazism.
Ergo, the Earth is a nazi literary movement. That explains a lot.
I think I finally get it. This steaming pile is Jonah’s “Suicide By Stupid”.
Years of repressing any glimmer of independent thought with a hard swallow and a “yes, Mom” have finally driven him to end his “career” in the only way that won’t get him kicked out of the family: by currying the righteous indignation of every thinking human being.
Its a double-win for him. He won’t have to play the game anymore and he’ll get wind out the rest of his sorry-ass life playing the victim to the “intolerant liberals” who laughed him off the stage.
Years of repressing any glimmer of independent thought with a hard swallow and a “yes, Mom” have finally driven him to end his “career” in the only way that won’t get him kicked out of the family: by currying the righteous indignation of every thinking human being.
Its a double-win for him. He won’t have to play the game anymore and he’ll get wind out the rest of his sorry-ass life playing the victim to the “intolerant liberals” who laughed him off the stage.
So do you think he’ll show up in a couple years as the self-destructive front man of a ‘Stooges’ type band? The 40-years-later rich-boy reincarnation of Iggy Pop? I hope so.
Obviously this mama’s boy has been coddled and spoon fed his entire life. He knew his book was shit from the beginning – all those delays and ridiculous rewrites of the title. He couldn’t just admit he was out of his depth and sack the project; no, he had to publish it because hey, he probably had a contract and the publisher probably gave him an advance which he spent and would have sued him otherwise. He’s never done an honest day’s work in his life and the content of the book proves it. Jonah needs his ass kicked BIG TIME.
So do you think he’ll show up in a couple years as the self-destructive front man of a ‘Stooges’ type band? The 40-years-later rich-boy reincarnation of Iggy Pop? I hope so.
No doubt he’s already warming up Cheeto Warriors Featuring The Jo’Berg Experience playing Rock Band even as we speak.
He couldn’t just admit he was out of his depth and sack the project; no, he had to publish it because hey, he probably had a contract and the publisher probably gave him an advance which he spent and would have sued him otherwise.
The only failing of this theory is that “Jonah’s a nitwit” takes less time to say.
Really, Jonah?
Peter Tatchell salutes the new film, Paragraph 175, featuring the testimonies of gay holocaust survivors
Although homosexuality was illegal under paragraph 175 of the criminal code, prior to the Third Reich it was rarely enforced. In the Reichstag, MPs were on the verge of securing its repeal. A new era of freedom seemed to be dawning. Then came Nazism.
Within a month of assuming power in 1933, Hitler outlawed homosexual organisations and publications. Gay bars and clubs were closed down soon afterwards. Storm troopers ransacked the headquarters of the gay rights movement, the Institute of Sexual Science, and publicly burned its vast library of “degenerate” books. Before the end of the year, the first homosexuals were deported to concentration camps.
Sounds real gay-friendly – especially the part about hanging people on hooks.
And with this minor and flamboyant PR maneuvers, the Hitler-gays had the public just where they wanted them, believing beyond all evidence (technically, “no evidence”) that somehow teh gayz were suffering when in fact they wuz abouts to conker teh UNIVERS in a 1,000 YEAR GAY REICH!
It seems axiomatic that, as the nazis openly made war on homosexuality, and what they considered ‘degenerate’ — the higher you went in the Party, the more such ‘degeneracy’ even if hidden was tolerated. Power meant profilgacy, in secret. Always in secret.
It seems the Republicans operate similarly: Rethug Politicians being exposed as classic, closeted gay men, or straights who like escort services — and similarly protected because of their positions: Foley’s situation was well known to the GOP, but his connections made him too useful. And Ken Mehlman, RNC Chairman… well.
The amount of energy necessary to split off parts of your personality, to pretend that you are a whole, integrated human being; to denounce homosexuality on the one hand while having crank-fuelled sex in motels with a male escort — it’s mind-boggling, and pathetically sad.
OK, I’m confused. If the gap is “much-needed” why fill it?
I’d really be interested to know what survivors of Hitler’s evil think about Pantload’s crap.
Dunno – but I’m willing to bet some of the perpetrators would be doubled over in laughter, caught between their own self-loathing and a desire to kick the shit out of Jonah Goldberg for his unapologetic historical revisionism. Even they have more class than him.
The National Socialists often accepted ‘imperfection’ among their elites, as evidenced by the fact that Hermann Göring, for example, was clearly exempt from the requirement that Germans participate in physical fitness programs; and that Joseph Goebbels, despite his short stature and glasses, was permitted to develop and disseminate information about which physical traits constituted the racial ideal.
It isn’t so much that Goldberg has (correctly) identified Röhm as a homosexual; it’s that he misappropriates this little nugget of information as proof the Nazis were somehow pro-gay.
Röhm was permitted to exist for his utility, and despite his homosexuality. The moment he and his close pals had outlived their usefulness, the Nazis cut them from the herd and killed damn near all of them.
This double standard, which allowed members of the higher echelon to so flagrantly flout the strictures that common folk were required to follow – that is part of what marked the Nazis as fascist.
It had fuck all to do with their supporting environmentalism, or with their allowing Röhm to continue living for few months after Hitler gained power, or with their emphasis on personal hygiene or any of that other bullshit.
Jesus Christ, Jonah Goldberg; pull your head out of your ass, you fucking revisionist fucking piece of fucking shit – guano-spewing asshole.
has anyone coined “doughy chockablock” yet?
[…] is the Exact Same Thing as Torture. But the latest part quoted by our good friends at Sadly, No! isn’t so much funny as, well, deeply disturbing and […]
just as an aside, the main reason rohm and the SA leadership were purged was because the army demanded it
December 21, 2007 at 18:53
“I am a bald-facing lying asshole who couldn’t tell the truth if my life depended on it.
Its so rare to find a straightforward declarative nowadays
I’m a very gentle man, ?even tempered and good natured ?who you never hear complain, ?Who has the milk of human kindness ?by the quart in every vein,?A patient man am I, down to my fingertips, ?the sort who never could, ever would,?let an insulting remark escape his lips ?Very gentle man…
Let the others of my sex, tie the knot around their necks, ?I prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition ?than to ever let a woman in my life I’m a quiet living man, ?who prefers to spend the evening in the silence of his room, ?who likes an atmosphere as restful as ?an undiscovered tomb, ?A pensive man am I, of philosophical joys, ?who likes to meditate, contemplate, ?far for humanities mad inhuman noise, ?Quiet living man….
December 21, 2007 at 18:53
“I am a bald-facing lying asshole who couldn’t tell the truth if my life depended on it.
Its so rare to find a straightforward declarative nowadays
I’m a very gentle man, ?even tempered and good natured ?who you never hear complain, ?Who has the milk of human kindness ?by the quart in every vein,?A patient man am I, down to my fingertips, ?the sort who never could, ever would,?let an insulting remark escape his lips ?Very gentle man…
Let the others of my sex, tie the knot around their necks, ?I prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition ?than to ever let a woman in my life I’m a quiet living man, ?who prefers to spend the evening in the silence of his room, ?who likes an atmosphere as restful as ?an undiscovered tomb, ?A pensive man am I, of philosophical joys, ?who likes to meditate, contemplate, ?far for humanities mad inhuman noise, ?Quiet living man….
“I am a bald-facing lying asshole who couldn’t tell the truth if my life depended on it.
Its so rare to find a straightforward declarative nowadays
I’m a very gentle man, ?even tempered and good natured ?who you never hear complain, ?Who has the milk of human kindness ?by the quart in every vein,?A patient man am I, down to my fingertips, ?the sort who never could, ever would,?let an insulting remark escape his lips ?Very gentle man…
Let the others of my sex, tie the knot around their necks, ?I prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition ?than to ever let a woman in my life I’m a quiet living man, ?who prefers to spend the evening in the silence of his room, ?who likes an atmosphere as restful as ?an undiscovered tomb, ?A pensive man am I, of philosophical joys, ?who likes to meditate, contemplate, ?far for humanities mad inhuman noise, ?Quiet living man….
I am a bald-facing lying asshole who couldn’t tell the truth if my life depended on it.
Its so rare to find a straightforward declarative nowadays
I’m a very gentle man, ?even tempered and good natured ?who you never hear complain, ?Who has the milk of human kindness ?by the quart in every vein,?A patient man am I, down to my fingertips, ?the sort who never could, ever would,?let an insulting remark escape his lips ?Very gentle man…
Let the others of my sex, tie the knot around their necks, ?I prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition ?than to ever let a woman in my life I’m a quiet living man, ?who prefers to spend the evening in the silence of his room, ?who likes an atmosphere as restful as ?an undiscovered tomb, ?A pensive man am I, of philosophical joys, ?who likes to meditate, contemplate, ?far for humanities mad inhuman noise, ?Quiet living man….
Its so rare to find a straightforward declarative nowadays
I’m a very gentle man, ?even tempered and good natured ?who you never hear complain, ?Who has the milk of human kindness ?by the quart in every vein,?A patient man am I, down to my fingertips, ?the sort who never could, ever would,?let an insulting remark escape his lips ?Very gentle man…
Let the others of my sex, tie the knot around their necks, ?I prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition ?than to ever let a woman in my life I’m a quiet living man, ?who prefers to spend the evening in the silence of his room, ?who likes an atmosphere as restful as ?an undiscovered tomb, ?A pensive man am I, of philosophical joys, ?who likes to meditate, contemplate, ?far for humanities mad inhuman noise, ?Quiet living man….
I am a bald-facing lying asshole who couldn’t tell the truth if my life depended on it.
Its so rare to find a straightforward declarative nowadays
I’m a very gentle man, ?even tempered and good natured ?who you never hear complain, ?Who has the milk of human kindness ?by the quart in every vein,?A patient man am I, down to my fingertips, ?the sort who never could, ever would,?let an insulting remark escape his lips ?Very gentle man…
Let the others of my sex, tie the knot around their necks, ?I prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition ?than to ever let a woman in my life I’m a quiet living man, ?who prefers to spend the evening in the silence of his room, ?who likes an atmosphere as restful as ?an undiscovered tomb, ?A pensive man am I, of philosophical joys, ?who likes to meditate, contemplate, ?far for humanities mad inhuman noise, ?Quiet living man….
I’m a very gentle man, ?even tempered and good natured ?who you never hear complain, ?Who has the milk of human kindness ?by the quart in every vein,?A patient man am I, down to my fingertips, ?the sort who never could, ever would,?let an insulting remark escape his lips ?Very gentle man…
Let the others of my sex, tie the knot around their necks, ?I prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition ?than to ever let a woman in my life I’m a quiet living man, ?who prefers to spend the evening in the silence of his room, ?who likes an atmosphere as restful as ?an undiscovered tomb, ?A pensive man am I, of philosophical joys, ?who likes to meditate, contemplate, ?far for humanities mad inhuman noise, ?Quiet living man….
Oh for goodness sakes the silly thing kept telling me to try again , or maybe I misread it .
Apologize for all the awful extra posts
Liberal Fascism, page 312:
In his book, My Struggle, Adolf Hitler asserts that “The Jew’s life as a parasite in the body of other nations and states explains a characteristic which once caused Schopenhauer, as has already been mentioned, to call him the ‘great master in lying.'” While this is surely a gross overstatement, it is nonetheless true that I’m doing my best with this book to bolster Herr Hitler’s credibility on the matter. And I’m happy to do so, even if the Fuhrer is a big nancy poof.
-OK, if Malkin is the Yoko Oh-Noes! of history, Jonah is the [what] of poli-sci?-
Sid Vicious?
It figgers that Master Shake would be an Episcopalian, the dumbest idea to come out of the Reformation. The American English Protestant Church? WTF? The Anglican Church is the Church formed by Henry VIII so he could get a divorce from his first wife (I think Catherine of Aragon, I’m doing this from memory). The Episcopalian Church is the American version of the Anglican Church.
Why? Why would you?
Especially considering that the British rejected Tony Blair’s stance on the war, have socialized medicine, and have a very powerful party caled Labor!
Oh noes!
The Episcopalian Church is a fascist church!
Dumbledore was a fascist? I knew it.
I asked Jonah if he would defend his use of citing ‘The Pink Swastika’. Surprisingly, he replied to my email. He wrote:
“I said it was problematic book that overstates things.”
Ooohhh! I get it!
He doesn’t mean “gay” gay, like in “homosexional” or whoever you say it (being such a real, hetro male hinders that capability).
He means gay gay, as in “Dude, the SA were so totally gay!”
Now it all makes sense!
What has always been done in my family when one like Jonah has unequivocably demonstrated his prejudices and hatred toward others is ostracization. That is, one no longer happens to be in the same place or social setting as the offender of decency. Until recently, I bought into Jonah’s “I’m just a laid-back South Park conservative” shtick; no more. It’s time for all of decent society to honor the code which keeps society decent: do not happen to be at the same social event or places as Goldberg. I don’t know how to get this message out to society, but it should be obvious enough to everyone decent who knows what he has done.
He should be left with the foul racists and drunken rednecks who share his views…oh, and Ms. Lopez and Derb, if they choose.
As a card-carrying straight guy, it has never occurred to me to use the inherently fruity word “chockablock”. By my syllogistic powers, I deduce that Pantload is Teh Gay.
I can has book contract now? I have a great idea for the cover.
OK, if Malkin is the Yoko Oh-Noes! of history, Jonah is the [what] of poli-sci?
How about Doughy Ramone?
Well, you know the old saying about Nazi Germany:
“At first, they didn’t go after the homosexuals, and I said nothing. Then, they didn’t go after the Jews. And I still said nothing. I guess that makes me a liberal fascist.”
[…] if jonah goldberg were a band, he would be the super-suckers. […]
I’m going with “Chockablock Pantload”.
My recollection of the murder of Ernst Rohm was a bit different. If I remember correctly, Hitler needed the loyalty of the army and it’s entrenched power structure. Rohm’s SA was viewed by the army as a dishonorable paramilitary group that needed to be done away with. Rohm had the loyalty of the SA and could actually pose a threat to Hitler’s control over the Nazi party and his ability to get the loyalty of the respectable military. Hitler was not going to be able to disband the SA or bring it under complete control while Rohm and his henchmen were still running it. Therefore, Rohm (along with all other potential rivals for total control of the party and SA power players) died on the night of the long knives. Gay was beside the point.
Probably? More like, ‘definitely’. The really sad part is, there are plenty of gullible right-wing sheep who will swallow whole this tripe.
A good alternate title would have been, ‘Contractual Obligation: Shit I Pulled Out Of My Ass And Tossed Over The Wall Onto My Editor’s Desk’.
Sinister Eyebrow has it exactly right, as far as I remember my reading of the history of the rise of the Nazis. Rohm’s gayness was tolerated so long as he was useful. When he and his organization were no longer convenient – when the Nazis were making the shift from grabbing for power to actually governing – he and the SA were taken out.
Actually he responds to a lot of emails. I’ve gotten replies too.
By Jonah’s logic, the Nazis were also pro-Jew.
Jonah, you bastard. You… bastard.
Go sit over there with the rest of the holocaust deniers and leave polite society alone.
[…] course, now Jonah is a Big Time Serious Historian Guy, so he gets to hand off his work to his underlings (Asst. Pantload Jr.): I went and checked back […]
Can it be a coincidence that the character played by Elizabeth Röhm on Law & Order was a lesbian?
How is she related to Ernst Röhm, head of the SA?
And is there a conspiracy to smear everyone named Röhm with the taint of liberal fascism?
Could I just say…?
In a (dumbass) blogpost maybe, but in a so-called book? I’m no language snob, but really. Shame on whoever let that through.
Because we know Pantoad is beyond shame.
A Briton writes:
It’s what the Anglican Church became after the Tudors, that is of interest to me. Essentially, the Anglican Church is ‘Catholicism Lite’. Protestantism, but with some of the ceremony and dressing up.
The spectacle of Catholicism has long been a draw for a certain kind of protestant. Charles I hankered after the opulent mass that his pretty Catholic wife, Henrietta Maria, was permitted as a treaty exception to the recusancy laws. His attempts to inflict a new prayer book on the country resulted in a rebellion of the Presbyterian Scots (who thought the new service to be Popish) and a revolution in which the King lost his head. We had a number of years of republican rule after that, by hardline protestants (not all of them Puritan) who managed to even ban Christmas. Then Cromwell died and the throne was restored, and with it the pomp of the Anglican service.
The appeal of Catholicism remains today. The iconography, the spectacle, the cultish elements. Anglican reforms have driven a few British politicians into the arms of Rome. Most notably Tony Blair, who today announced his conversion.
No surprise, that. It was clear Blair was a closet Papist and I held his dishonesty on matters of religion against him for many years.
[…] da obra vêm transpirando na blogoseira, e o Sadly, No! dá o tratamento necessário a vários deles (I mean, a desmoralização total). Transcrevo um […]
Some Guy,
I’ve read middle school essays…
Well, that puts you head and shoulders above the intended audience for this load of crap.
Perhaps you mean…
“I am the very model of the modern Major Asshole…”
Oh, and yeah, “chockablock” is pretty gay. Thanks for letting us know, J-Load.
I trained as a publisher. I don’t understand how this book got published… Did Doubleday want to do a tax write off? Does Jonah Goldberg provide sexual favours?
I mean, this manuscript arrives on my desk, I’ll read it and dump it. Its bad, it is untrue and the market who find such ideas appealing are not the type of market to by 400 page books.
Even if he was paid a million dollars (hyperbole) as an advance, it would be best for the company to simply take the loss in order to preserve its reputation (and to stop further losses).
I think, as a form of symbolic protest I will never purchase a book by Double Day again. Do we have any idea who the editors involved with this book was? I would like to send them a professional critique.
This book has now gone off the deep end into absurd. I am glad because my efforts to make sense of it were about to undo four years of liberal blogs.
Oh, cripes. He has a unique way of taking factual information and connecting the dots such a way that it adds up to lies.
It’s a form of genius, really.
“…it is true that some homosexuals were sent to concentration camps…”
Isn’t this a little bit like people who say crazy shit like “Sure, some Jews were sent to concentration camps – but that only proves my point that JEWS RULE THE WORLD”.
Actually, isn’t it a lot like that? As in, exactly the same?
[…] here, and the many trenchant and (embarrassingly fawning) reviews at Sadly, No! to be found here, here, here, here, here, and here. Posted by Mona @ 8:23 pm, Filed under: Main « « […]
Ann Coulter must be furious. She thought she had a monopoly on bulls*** footnoting in order to attempt to create the illusion of some shred of validity.
Is Jonah’s book being sold in the fiction section?
[…] Jonah Goldberg claims that the Republican Party are Nazi queers The Republican Party is rife with homosexuals. The Nazi Party was rife with homosexuals. Does Jonah have to draw you a picture?? (tags: batshit.crazy conservative republican christianity gay sex fascism bigot […]
[…] Sadly No! crew actually have a copy of the book and have been posting some of the most ridiculous passages. His larger argument is that the desire by liberals and progressives to improve society through […]
[…] haven’t read his book, but one of his apparent epiphanies is that the Nazis were pro-Gay […]
> Chockablock?
> Is that, like, code for Obama’s fascist buttplug?
No, but you should know that my band, ‘Obama’s Fascist Buttplug’, will be playing the Whiskey next week.
[…] phenomena — the superb Sadly, No series highlighting some of the most inane passages (here, here, here, here, here, and here, just for starters) more than satisfies that […]
[…] those of us who know jackshit about anything are free to blithely claim that gays were the best friends a Nazi ever had ergo liberals are fascists but maybe a scientific development or two will set things right, which […]
I’d like to point out that Jonah Goldberg is a piece of shit and he knows it.
[…] Jonah Goldberg claims that the Republican Party are Nazi queers The Republican Party is rife with homosexuals. The Nazi Party was rife with homosexuals. Does Jonah have to draw you a picture?? (tags: batshit.crazy conservative republican christianity gay sex fascism bigot […]