A Friendly Reminder

Make sure you mosey on over to the RNC website to cast your vote for Hans Zeiger for primetime speaker at the upcoming Republican Convention. Because let’s face it…If anybody fits the image of the Republican Party, it’s Hans.

Besides, Sheri Valera (the “totally hot” candidate) won’t put out.


Comments: 14


Hans Ziegheiler looks like a SA Brownshirt.
One or two sneek previews of the 2004 RNC.


mmmmmm….Hans….tastes like chicken…


Oh, God, “Hans Zeiger uber alles”.

I must say, I admire the GOP scouring the nation to find some ethnic diversity in possible speakers.

Even to the point of inviting the Hitler Jungen [my apologies to the Boy Scouts, but I’ve never been above a low blow].


Wow, he’s actually wrapped in a flag (for your protection!).


Hands! Above! Flag!

You dirty, dirty, dirty litlle boi!


Hans is really cute. But I know for a fact what goes on in those pup tents on Boy Scouts campouts and I don’t think the RNC wants to go there.


Hans is really cute. But I know for a fact what goes on in those pup tents on Boy Scouts campouts and I don’t think the RNC wants to go there.


Hans is really cute. But I know for a fact what goes on in those pup tents on Boy Scouts campouts and I don’t think the RNC wants to go there.


his favorite broadway show is West Side Story, when he really wanted to say Cats.

So when’s he coming out of the closet?


Good grief. From Hans’ q & a :

President Bush is able to speak in simple ways that touch young and old alike.

In other words, chimpy appeals to the senile and the too young to understand his babble crowd.

Too funny!

Less funny- Hans looks like a candidate for the hitler youth.


Nice brownshirt. He’s as gay as the day is long.

Anntichrist S. Coulter

It’s not so much that Frau Hans is “gay”, per se, it’s that he’s so GLARINGLY, BLARINGLY, STUFFED-WAAAAYYYY-IN-THE-BACK-OF-THE-CLOSET GAY that makes him so sad. And all dressed up in his best Collectors’ Edition Junior Nazi Costume, too!

I bet he has the spiffiest Honor Badges in his troop. And I bet he embroidered every one himself.

Watch out, when THIS boy-scout comes out of the closet — he’s going to blow the doors off the fucker.


I hope they pick him. We’ll finally get to see a room full of Republicans saying,

“Zeiger Heil!!! Zeiger Heil!!!”


No offense to Hans or anyone else, but I would really like to knock the bottom outta that. A couple times.


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