Space: Noondy-Noondy-Noonan*

With Jonah Goldberg sucking so much dumb out of the atmosphere, we’re worried as to whether there’s still enough dumb for Blogs For Victory (formerly Blogs For Bush).
Let’s go check their vital signs!
Reid To Effectively Shutdown FEC?
Senate Democrats, lead by Harry Reid, are trying to strong-arm President Bush by refusing to clear a slate of appointees to the Federal Election Commission.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) just announced that the Senate will not clear four new appointees for the Federal Election Commission, meaning the panel that acts as a watchdog on political campaigns cannot function during the critical election-year period.
Reid is blaming the White House for refusing to withdraw to allow a majority vote on the nomination of Hans von Spakovsky for a seat on the commission.
Ah, so what they mean is that it’s about Hans von Spakovsky, the hyper-partisan Republican voting-suppression operative, previously to be found at the Justice Department under Alberto Gonzales, where he was responsible for sabotaging the Civil Rights Division.
Apparently Bush wants him on the panel that will oversee the 2008 elections, for some reason.
Republicans want von Spakovsky approved as part of a slate of four FEC nominees or they will refuse to consider any of the nominees.
Ah, so what they mean is that it’s actually Republicans who are refusing to clear the slate of appointees.
Von Spakovsky was recess appointed by President Bush to the FEC, but his term expires at the end of the year. Democrats have refused to allow his nomination to move forward, arguing that his actions while at the Justice Department disqualified him for the post. Bush, though has not backed down, and the matter has been at an impasse for the last four months.
Ah, so what they mean is that Bush has been doing the strong-arming.
Now, with the Senate moving toward adjournment until mid-January, Reid signalled that Democrats will not move any FEC nominations if they include von Spakovsky, meaning the commission will only have two of its required six members. Reid said he offered the GOP a straight majority vote on all the FEC nominees, including von Spakovsky, but the White House refused to accept that offer.
Ah, so what they mean is that Reid just “offered the GOP a straight majority vote on all the FEC nominees, including von Spakovsky, but the White House refused to accept that offer.”
How convenient that the FEC could be effectively shutdown during a presidential election year. Is this merely a case of Democrats trying to flex their muscles and appease their extreme liberal base, or is it also a way to protect Democrat candidates in an election year?
Is it also part of the plot to install Hillary as dictator? Or is it part of that plot and the plot to surrender America to Mexlamohomofascist terrorists, not to mention the conspiracy to cripple industry via the hoax of so-called “global warming?” …Perhaps only time will tell.
Funny isn’t it, just the other day Harry Reid was complaining about Republican obstruction…
Hardy ho and also ha. The fact that the Republicans have an openly-announced, unremitting policy of total obstructionism is just one of those odd coincidences that so often occur in politics. It’s totally unlike the situation a couple of years ago, when Blogs For Bush was howling for the elimination of the filibuster.
Breathe well, gentlemen! Breathe well!
* There aren’t enough good puns on Matt Margolis’s name.
Breathe well, gentlemen! Breathe well!
One can only hope their mouths are not big enough.
Ummm … it isn’t just Noonan (any relation to Our Lady of Dolphins?) who’s spinning it this way. If I am not getting stories mixed up, this story is pretty old and NPR occassionally brings it up and acts as if it’s the Dems. who can’t get their act together. So much for “providing context” NPR …
Well, last time the GOP wanted to throw away the black vote, they sent a black man to do it. Now they don’t even have to hide their devoterator inside a lawn-jockey.
They shouldn’t be so confident after the pasting we gave them on Archer Four.
Shouldn’t “Hillary” be corrected to read “Hitlery”? You also forgot to mention the communist plots, gay abortion plots, and the elitist plot to make the Pats go 19-0. All of which are connected to the plot to destroy Xmas of course.
extreme liberal base
C’mon Nooners, the envelope could stand a little more pushing.
Hey, that asterisk was distressingly late.
Yes, I am an asterisk Nazi. What of it?
Well you see, blocking a political appointment for political reasons is just the sort of playing politics that fascist politicians have always done (when not simply exiling or murdering opponents).
Wait, too much Doughy. Okay, try again:
Lincoln Election to Effectively Force South to Secede?
Democrats asks for a full vote = obstructionism. Republicans refuse = defenders of freedom.
And ass hats.
Well it’s true. What is there, Schmatt Schmarschmolis?
They shouldn’t be so confident after the pasting we gave them on Archer Four.
Yeah, but see, when Bush recess-appointed Hans von Spakovsky through the time rift, that timeline ceased to exist. So they don’t remember the pasting.
I wish we were in a timeline where we had a gigantic robotic LBJ as majority leader instead of Marshmellow Harry Reid. Ah, well.
Ruptures in the time-space continuum?
Well it’s true. What is there, Schmatt Schmarschmolis?
Fat Fartholis?
Ha ha! Ha!
I have juvenile diabetes.
It wasn nice of Neville Chamberlain not to effectively start a war of aggression on Germany by not giving them the Sudetenland.
If I were Matt Margolis, I would be profoundly depressed that my role is apparently to make Mark Noonan look like “the smart one.”
This is Republican electoral strategery at work, I think. (The fact that it’s the FEC they’re messing with only adds to the effectiveness.) The deliberate obstruction of the business of government has a chance to work in their favor, and it’s practically the only chance they’ve got in 2008; if they make Congress as a whole look bad, then they lessen the advantage possessed by Congressional incumbents.
At any rate, that’s the only explanation I’ve come up with. It’s also possible that they just decided that if we’re not willing to grant them a permanent majority, they’ll just take their ball and go home–but that would be stupid, short-sighted, and ultimately self-destructive, and we all know that politicians never display those qualities.
What is there, Schmatt Schmarschmolis?
How about “You look Margolis.” Said like Billy Crystal’s Fernando character.
Reid said he offered the GOP a straight majority vote on all the FEC nominees, including von Spakovsky, but the White House refused to accept that offer.
Someone catch me up on (term of art) the regular order here.
FEC nominees are not normally voted in by majority vote? What is it, then, two-thirds? Unanimous acclamation? One vote on the group as a package?
if Democrats in Congress were at all interested in appeasing the base (‘extreme liberal’ or not), they’d be cutting off funding for the war, giving a firm ‘NO’ to retroactive telecom immunity, and impeaching Bush and Cheney.
Pretty awesome photo here, if small.
Holy Jesus, how long has that photo been there?
It’s a Christmas dream come true!
You see, what the wingnuts are doing isn’t strong arming and obstruction because it is in defense of Democrat strong arming and obsctruction.
Wait….they started doing it first? Well, that’s because they knew the Democrats would do it, so they had to do it first! It’s just like Iraq!
Is that a wax dummy of Noonan on the left?
The law says they’re nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, which gives a pretty broad set of options for the Senate–the ground state would be a simple majority vote on each nominee, but they could also bundle them into a single slate of candidates, or vote on them by pairs.
What seems to be going on here is that Bush wants a single vote encompassing all the nominees, including his ringer, and Senate Republicans will filibuster any vote on the nominees that doesn’t result in von Spakovsky’s election. Reid countered by offering a simple majority vote on each nominee in turn, but was apparently rebuffed.
I’d also like to point out that there’s currently only one vacant seat. The other three seats under consideration are filled by von Spakovsky and two other commissioners that served their term, but haven’t been replaced. The result of this “Democratic stonewalling” is not a castrated FEC, but rather one where the current commissioners continue to serve. Nooners is wrong at every step of the way.
Matt’s taking quite a beating in his comments, is it possible that Peak Teh Stupid is upon us?
Perhaps Matt and the Doh’y Pantload should have considered rationing.
But with conservation being a sign of one form of the fascisms, rationing Teh Stupid is probably not an option.
This is certainly an interesting effort:
D’oh. Meant Margolis, not Nooners (the headline is stuck in my head now).
I don’t think Teh Stupid needs to be conserved. It is a self replenishing resource. If we could some convert it to energy we would no longer have an oil problem.
Seeing a website whose sole purpose is to pretend democrats are The Bad Guys call itself “no agenda” almost made me lose my vegan Middle-Eastern lunch. Now I’ll have to oppress white guys all afternoon to get my groove back.
What kind of material is Nooner’s suit made of? Did they cannibalize one of Pavorati’s suits from 1989 to make that?
That new shot of Noonan and Margolis is going to change the whole means of production around here.
For instance, here’s five minutes of work, and they’re hanging around a men’s room:
I’m thinking cowboy adventures, travels through Old Cathay, voyages undersea…
The typo in that first line there makes it read like a promo for how tough Harry Reid is.
Senate Democrats. Lead by Harry Reid.
Gav, that photoshopping looks a lot like something Schmaydolf Schmitler would have done. If he had been Italian..
hanging around a men’s room
Maybe they could look unruffled and oblivious in a sea of Jeff Gannon heads.
Ooh! Make one cuddle behind the other!
I’m thinkin’ “Great Moments in History” with the Mighty Margoonan:
– Mark and Matt land on the moon
– Mark and Matt look approvingly upon the murder of Oswald
– Mark and Matt squint at the reflected glow of a burning Vietnamese girl
– Mark and Matt smile as a traitorous VC spy gets his roof ventilated
– Mark and Matt stand around exchanging platitudes as Marines raise the flag at Iwo Jima
Jockeys and their horses want to kill Mark Noonan. Horses are vegetarian. Hence, jockeys and horses are objectively fascist, horses doubly so.
Even thought it makes no sense, it is central to my point.
ut oh! They better get off the race track!
– Mark and Matt smile as black men are lynched in Marion, Indiana, and the good white people of the Heatland point and smile approvingly.
I don’t think Teh Stupid needs to be conserved. It is a self replenishing resource. If we could some convert it to energy we would no longer have an oil problem.
Heck, we’d have a functioning human colony on Mars by 2010.
Gavin, Can you photoshop that picture in front of a head-on shot of a train or bus? I think that might be an appropriate use of that image.
Matt’s beard-growth phenomenon surpasses the face mullet. It is 2001: A Space Mullet.
That horse race is pretty good.
In front of an elephant’s ass?
Mark and Matt grinning during Kent State
Mark and Matt approving of the scene at Martian Luther King’s hotel
Mark and Matt peeking from the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel
It’s not even Christmas yet and I’ve swallowed ten times the turkey my stomach can handle reading these lying bastards. I may need my stomach pumped.
How much stoopid does Ann Althouse have to bring to get any attention around here? Come on guys, she’s a respected law professor. Don’t make her beg.
Mark and Matt looking smug as Althouse glugs another box of wine.
That was the original idea. But there aren’t many head-on shots of trains that look like they’re moving, for some reason….
From a commenter who doesn’t know what a commenter is I don’t care enough to comment, I just want to see what other comments commenters can make on your comment.
Oh shit, no way!
I may date Goldberg, but I’m married to Althouse.
I thought the Malkintent was bringing Teh Stupid when she asked why the ACLU wasn’t going to Canada to defend Mark Steyn. Now I realize I was just making things too hard.
Don’t listen to the haters, Gav, the horse race is excellent. I do have to ask why those two horses in front are running backwards, though…
…or when I go to Ace’s Place’s and he’s Opening hailing frequencies… in his pants.
…or When I go to ConfYanks place and see that a silly hat rule isn’t a rule about a silly hat, but it’s acually a silly rule about a hat.
From a commenter who doesn’t know what a commenter is I don’t care enough to comment, I just want to see what other comments commenters can make on your comment.
no comment.
Oh my god, this thread is fucking funny. The Photoshops and the proposed Photoshops are faaaaaan-tastic.
* There aren’t enough good puns on Matt Margolis’s name.
Mitt Margarine.
dBa, thanks for being the roving reporter while S,N! is on location w/ Mr Pantload. The Authouse quotes are priceless. Tbogg caught it yet?
Maybe a photoshop of Mark and Matt wearing silly hats standing along side some hot Star Trek chicks.
Gavin M. said,
December 20, 2007 at 22:48
But there aren’t many head-on shots of trains that look like they’re moving, for some reason….
Well, who’d be dumb enough to stand in front of one with a depth of field of that proportion?
Wait. Who takes David Horowitz’s publicity shots?
Shalom gentlemen.
Mark and Matt about to be mowed down by a rampaging bag-headed Gavin.
Gavin, maybe you could make use of this elephant photo.
The bottom line is, Dingy Harry and Queen Bee Nancy and the entire democratic leadership are all a bunch of treasonous dogs who would sell out America to the islamo-fascists because they hate President Bush and all the good things he has done for this Country. If a democrat gets elected President you can expect to see them surrender this Great Country to the terrorists just like Australia did when the left took over this past election. The American people must stay sober and vigilent, we cannot afford to sit out this election, to do so would be a victoury for the treason lobby and the terrorists.
“From a commenter who doesn’t know what a commenter is I don’t care enough to comment, I just want to see what other comments commenters can make on your comment.”
Indeed, this is central to your point.
“Great Country”
cool country name !
Saul, c’mere and stick your head under this elephant . . .
dBa, thanks for being the roving reporter while S,N! is on location w/ Mr Pantload. The Authouse quotes are priceless. Tbogg caught it yet?
Sorry, forgot to add standing in front of the offices of the ACLU – Canadian Branch.
There is however some good news (for us Conservatives of course) on the World Stage. In South Korea the candidate from the Conservative Grand National Party got elected to the South Korean Presidency, after an entire decade of disastorous liberal rule. It looks like the people of our ally South Korea had enough of the lefts constant appeasement of communist North Korea and the islamo-fascists, and now want to join America in the war against communism and islamo-fascism. Communist North Korea is doomed.
Saul: … “Australia” …
One of my favorite Kinks songs.
Yeah, those South Koreans have been entirely devestated because of the liberals forcing them into Internet Cafes and leveling orcs for days on end.
Saul said,
December 20, 2007 at 23:21
There is however some good news (for us Conservatives of course) on the World Stage.
There’s enough nooses for all of you?
The South Koreans have been devastated because of the lefts so-called “sunshine policy” of appeasement of communist North Korea. Now the people of South Korea have said enough with appeasement, time to give the commie north a good butt-kicking.
“Bottom line”. Can. WhoopAss.
I’ve already kicked you all around the blog, don’t make me call your mother on you… “rabbi” *winkwink*
The liberals handed Australia over to the Islamofascists?
Wow. I had no idea.
And you won’t hear about it in the liberal media, that’s for sure.
Wooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Gavin you need a medal.
Oohh, Gavin! Nice!
I had another idea….remember that fraudulent photo taken at the top of the Trade Center of the “tourist”?
Nah, tasteless…even for Nooners and Margarine…
No class distinction! No drug addiction!
Everyone walks around with a perpetual smile across their face.
Nobody has to be any better than they want to be.
Gavin, that train is imminent !
Saul said,
December 20, 2007 at 23:15
The American people must stay sober
You go first!
The bottom line is, Australia effectively surrendered to the islamo-fascists when they elected a leftist as Prime Minister. The new Australian PM is a self hater who hates his own Country the once great Australia, and who wants to appease the islamo-fascist through political correctness and multi-culturalism rather than continue to combat them as the Great Leader our Ally John Howard did.
Now THAT train definitely looks like it’s moving. Did they rescue that camera from the twisted debris?
Saul said,
December 20, 2007 at 23:32
the Great Leader
hang out at the Wermacht much, Saul?
Saul, did you see the post just before your first post of greetings? Your timing has never been better.
Hey, Saul? Serious question here: are you married?
The liberal self-haters in Europe and Australia are effectively ruining their once great Countries and Western Civilization in general by letting in scum bag muslim immigrants, and by not producing enough White Children to increase their Countries population growth. The bottom line is, any Western Nation that lets in non-White immigrants and doesn’t produce alot of White Children is a traitor to Western Civilization. America and Israel are the only White Nations which are producing enough White Children to increase their populations.
Yes I am married and I have 5 children, 3 sons and 2 daughters, thanks for asking.
Saul said,
December 20, 2007 at 23:37
America and Israel are the only White Nations which are producing enough White Children to increase their populations.
Better scratch America off that list, Saul.
Seriously, dude, how many kids do you have?
I’m happy for you, Saul, I think it’s wonderful that you found a woman who’s into same sex relationships…
It’s harder, but the missing lower half of the bodies could be
-designed with puppetry in mind
-chess pawns
-submerged in a vast field of dung
I am not a racsit by the way, I simply want to see White Western Civilization remain the Great Civilization it has been for 3000 years.
Errrrr, 3,000?
Saul, aren’t, you know, the original Jews, African? As in “out of Egypt”? How are they “white”?
As a rabbi, you’re supposed to know this! You know, 40 years, manna, the
Ceiling CatLord guiding you with the pillar of fire…The original Jews were desendants of the Patriach Abraham who was from the city of Ur in Mesopotamia, which is were White people originated. Abraham was around about 2100 B.C. and the Jews weren’t enslaved in Egypt until about 1550 B.C.
You mean, Iraq? You mean in Asia? You mean the same brown-skinned people we are slaughtering by the hundreds each week in our illegal invasion?
Does the ADL know about this? Maybe you ought to drop a dime to Abe Foxman!
I mean, there’s poor old Jacob, a native of Jordan, an Arabic country, and you’re calling him “white”! And he’s who Israel is *named* after!
Goodness! Does Israel know we’re slaughtering its brethren????
actor212: C’mon dude. Quit teasing the zoo animal.*
*No offense to imprisoned exotic wildlife everywhere.)
Helps prevent the death of threads.
The White race including the Jews originated in the Middle East and eventually migrated to Europe slowly following the incident at Babel in 3500 B.C. The migration wasn’t complete however until many centuries later. This is how the White Race ended up in Europe.
We’ll surf like they do in the U.S.A.
We’ll fly down to Sydney for a Holiday
On sunny Christmas day
Goodness! I work in NYC! I must have all these brown Israelis working all around me!
Saul’s right! We must stop the browning of America now!
But Saul!
I’m white! I’m European! But I’m not Jewish! In fact, I trace my heritage directly back to Africa, where we all do!
Even the Israelites!
Goodness! America’s going to be a very lonely place if we get rid of all the non-white folks!
Off topic (and yet relatable as its subject is a neoconservative nutball): here are the latest antics of “Republican babe” and all around Fatal Attraction psychopath Rachel Marsden, and her latest conquest: yet another dumbass who lets his little head make all of his dating decisions. (There isn’t a man alive in Canada who can claim he doesn’t know about RM.)
I need to sharpen my claws for a real troll.
Is the White Race a 10K or half marathon? ‘Cause I think I could handle the 10K.
I never said get rid of all the non-white folk, I said America should simply maintain its historical White Judeo-Christian majority.
The fact is, the white race is pretty awesome. Probably the best race in history. But if any of us take pride in our race, we are branded racists by the liberals eleitist media. If you are black and proud, that’s OK. There is a double standard, and its about time the playing field is leveld and the pride is back.
But Saul, there IS no white race! We’re all African!
So we’re already out of balance!
For the good of the nation, you and I should commit seppuku. Tell you what, you can borrow my sword…
Gary Ruppert said,
December 20, 2007 at 23:57
But if any of us take pride in our race, we are branded racists by the liberals
Well, in your case, that’s understandable…
Priceless, Gavin!
I agree Gary, the left considers all Patriots racsist. However it is the left that is racsist with their affirmitive action programs and reverse discrimination.
a case of Democrats trying to flex their muscles
HahahahHOhohoHahahahh…..ow!…….Hahahah……..Ouch! Oh christ, I think I pulled a rib or somethin’! (Oooo…..that smarts!).
I need to sharpen my claws for a real troll.
This is like saying when a real Nigerian letter comes along you’ll send money.
It’s fine when it’s funny; I’m here for the laffs.
You mean like you guys?
Wow. Real honest to god patriots, huh?
Tell me, why aren’t you fighting in Iraq?
Funny how Gary and Saul have become a package deal.
So basically, Rachel might not presently be, but was certainly at one time, down with OPP?
We won’t speak of the Great Draining of the Bank Account.
Revised History is fascinating.
Actor 212, no races descended from Africa, that is just a darwinian evolutionary lie, all races have descended from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden which was in Mesopotamia around 5500 B.C.
Heh. Noonan scampering would be a sight.
Gary and Saul are merely showing their “pride.”
But Mesopotamia is in Asia, Saul! We’re all yellow?
If you want to know more about this actor you should consult a Creation Scientist, I’m a Rabbi.
But Saul, you’re the one who’s suggesting that God is fallible!
First Mesopotamia is white, now it’s Asian, but God never makes mistakes, but then he replaced without warning, the whites with Asians, so that means that God made a mistake in placing white folks in Mesopotamia.
Saul, it sounds like YOU’RE the one who should do some research, because YOU’RE the one who’s calling Yawweh a failure!
And for a rabbi, well, you know, the Book of Life may be missing your name next year…
Some say the Garden of Eden was in Missouri.
Well, there goes the thread.
Gavin! More photo phunnies pleeze!
I mean, Saul, I’ve heard the term “Self-hating Jew” but…well, let me ask you: you support Jonah Goldberg’s premise that liberals are fascists, and take after Nazis.
Most Jews are liberal. Does this make Jews out to be Nazis?
Aw, MzNicky, I’m almost done.
Oh, man. “The Strategist”, fucking parfait.
Everything one needs to know about Rachel Marsden before saying yes to a roll in the hay.
Plenty of feminists – who stupidly believe women are incapable of wrongdoing, abuse, evil, and so on – sided with her and continue to do so even though she’s been tried and found guilty on stalking charges.
all races have descended from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden which was in Mesopotamia around 5500 B.C.
Except when it’s busy being in Missouri.
should have said “those who believe.” (Not all feminists are idiotic.)
I agree Gary, the left considers all Patriots racsist.
“RAc-sist”? Is that like that Swedish cheese stuff that’s kinda like fondue? Or do I have to bite a patriot to find out?
The original Jews were desendants of the Patriach Abraham who was from the city of Ur in Mesopotamia, which is were White people originated.
If, by “white,” you mean “people who are considered to be ‘white’ in NYC.”
and the Jews weren’t enslaved in Egypt until about 1550 B.C.
… at which point they were the Hyksos, not the “Jews,” they were employed, not enslaved, and they were driven out of Egypt by a pharaoh named “Moses.”
But let’s not let facts get in the way of drooling superstitious freakdom.
Have you tried “Margolian Barbeque”? “Margoloid, He Was a Margoloid”?
FlipYrWhig: A thousand quatloos to whoever can actually expand “Margoloid” into a full song.
Saul, no matter how you try, you’ll never be as hilarious as Jonah Goldberg.
But, you’d do as the opening act should he ever decide to do a lecture tour.
We’ll even arrange for you to beat yourself up and claim Teh Campus Librhuls terrorized you.
Should it seem odd to me that Saul, an Orthodox Rabbi, is using “BC” for the years of Biblical events?
Nothing stupid people say seems odd any more. It’s like Rush teaching us thermodynamics.
If I weren’t furiously grading, I’d definitely take a stab at it… Sigh.
To the tune of “Yesterday”:
You remind me of a Mongoloid
Are you starting to feel paranoid?
Oh, I avoid teh Margoloid
He and Noonan stand in front of me
Is this not a racing train I see?
Oh Margoloid! Fall, instantly!
Why they have to blow, I don’t know
it’s so schizoid
I read what they wrote,
felt a bloat
Named Margoloid
Someone tell me he’s an android
He should be one of the unemployed
My disdain is quite unalloyed
Umm hmmm hmm hmm, Margoloid.
By the way, Djur: How much is a thousand quatloos?
So easy, it’s like doing nothing at all (sorry, Devo):
Margoloid he was a Margoloid
Happier than you and me
Margoloid he was a Margoloid
And it determined what he could see
Margoloid he was a Margoloid
One chromosome too many
Margoloid he was a Margoloid
And it determined what he could see
And he wore a facemullet
And he had a job
And he brought home the bacon
So that no one knew
Margoloid he was a Margoloid
His friends were unaware
Margoloid he was a Margoloid
Nobody even cared
MzNicky gets the quatloos even though it’s the wrong song to parody, mostly due to the Noid reference and also because “facemullet” doesn’t scan where “hat” does. Sorry, Drb.
I think a quatloo is a small tropical citrus.
Yeah … that’s okay, though, as I won a whole bunch of quatloos betting on the newcomer.