Joseph McCarthy: Man of the Left

It gets worse and worse. I can’t bear much more of this:


Jonah has literally taken everyone who ever did anything bad and turned them into a liberal. Why did the Titanic crash? Because it was run by godless liberals who mocked the Lord by calling their ship unsinkable. Why was Janet Jackson’s nipple exposed at the Super Bowl? Because liberals designed her dress to pop open and undermine America’s sacred values. Abu Ghraib? Totally a result of the Left’s perversion of our cultural norms. Why was President Bush so slow to respond to Hurricane Katrina? Because he was playing a guitar, which is the consensus favorite instrument of… LIBERALS!!!

“Kum-bay-yah, m’lord… Kum-bay-yah!”

UPDATE: Oh, I can’t resist… one more:


But remember, he’s totally not saying that Hitlery KKKLiNtoN Hillary Clinton is a Nazi! He’s just saying that Hillary and the Nazis used really, really similar tactics to achieve power, and if people start associating the two because of how eerily similar they are, well that’s not his fault, is it?


Comments: 145


“[McCarthyism] was in fact throw-back to left-wing populist politics.”

And when he says “in fact” he means “absent of any factual basis.”


Didn’t Goldberg start arguing that Bush was actually a liberal once the Dems took control of congress?


So if Communists, as leftists, were actually Fascist leftists, McCarthy can’t be a fascist because he was against Communists. Got it.

I don’t actually remember people calling McCarthy a fascist. Is my memory bad, or did Doughy just haul that one out of his hinder too?

You S,N! ers need to pace yourselves. A daily digest of Doughy might be enough.


Sam- No, I’m done for the day. This was the worst of the worst.


WHAT?!?!? WHAT??????

What could make less sense than this??? Is there a “Rush Limbaugh: Homosexual Communist Pagan High Priest” chapter?!?


…wait, is Doughy arguing that McCarthy was a fascist, but it was because he was really a Leftist (who hated Communists)?

I can’t keep up with this.

Tim (the other one)

Brads’ doing God’s work here folks.Therefore, Brad’s a Fascist.

Which is central to El Cid’s point.


“McCarthyism … is a movement around which men of good will and stern morality can close ranks.”

-William F. Buckley, Jr.


Kumbaya? Sadly, No.

He’s playing “Take This Job And Shove It”


Sam- No, I’m done for the day.

Thanks for your efforts – you’ve earned a break. Aside from the one in your skull from pounding it on your desk.


Jonah is echoing something Peter Viereck once said about McCarthy. Viereck also accused McCarthy of being a “left wing anarchist agitator”:

Viereck’s anti-Communist credentials were beyond question: he had always advocated defending democracy from extremists. But he thought that McCarthy’s crusade was discrediting the anti-Communist cause: “That the McCarthy movement normally accuses only non-Communists of ‘Communism’ is one of the main rules of the game,” he complained in 1955. Worse, he believed that the Senator was not a conservative patriot, or even simply an opportunist. McCarthy, Viereck said, was a radical of the left. In a typical speech, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, in New York, in 1954, Viereck subjected the Senator to a Burkean critique:

“McCarthy basically is not the fascist type but the type of the left-wing anarchist agitator, by an infallible instinct and not “by accident” subverting precisely those institutions that are the most conservative and organic, everything venerable and patrician, from the Constitution, and precisely the most decorated or paternal generals (Marshall, Eisenhower, Taylor, Zwicker), to the leaders of our most deeply established religion and precisely the most ancient of our universities. . . . He satisfies the resentments of his followers, because his sincerest hatred is always against the oldest, most rooted, and most deeply educated patrician families—the Cabot Lodges, Achesons, Conants, Adlai Stevenson.”

Would Viereck say the same about Jonah, or just call him a fascist?

Tim (the other one)

See that guy in the picture trying to take the guitar away from Dear Leader ?

That’s Chad Hitler !!


Is it me, or are we headnig towards the inevitable point where to do a
“Jonah Goldberg” will become a phrase in the common parlance which means mean to have failed in a remarkably rapid manner do to massive infraction of Godwin’s Law?


…by an infallible instinct and not “by accident” subverting precisely those institutions that are the most conservative and organic…

If the institutions were organic, weren’t they therefore liberal, and therefore fascist?

“Conservative and organic” is therefore an oxymoron. See what I’ve learned from the Pantload in just one day?



That’s from this piece in the New Yorker:

The First Conservative
How Peter Viereck inspired-and lost-a movement.

Good read.


throwback to left-wing populism

Pat Buchanan, liberal.


“Liberal” is to Jonah as “kakapoopoo” is to a two-year old.


It really seems to boil down to a paranoia about having his prized inheritance of cheetos taken away by a nutritionist with a badge. Something either happened to Goldberg in his childhood that shouldn’t have… or something that needed to happen didn’t.

Moreover, Nazism also emphasized many of the themes of later New Lefts in other places and times: the primacy of race, the rejection of rationalism, an emphasis on the organic and holistic — including environmentalism, health food and exercise — and, most of all, the need to “transcend” notions of class.

For some reason, I can’t stop thinking about this today.


So Russ Feingold is just following in the lefty footshteps (WHAT?, Footshteps! Footshteps!) of Joe McCarthy? Who knew?

Regarding the pic: Someone should put a mask and a sombrero on him so we can call him El-Kabong!


By the way, according to the previous posted image, there is only one question to be posed of Joe McCarthy in order to determine if he was a fascist or not:

Did he turn politics into a religion?

Because that was the calculation Jonah used to say that the French Revolution was a fascist revolution — they turned politics into a religion.

IF Joe McCarthy [YES] turned politics into a religion, THEN Joe McCarthy = Fascist.

IF Joe McCarthy [NO] turned politics into a religion, THEN Joe McCarthy NOT = Fascist.

It’s that simple. At least, it was for Jo’berg, when opining on the French Revolution.

And that is central to my point. Which is not the same as points that other people have made, which is not the point I am trying to make. But this is central to my point.


Thanks, LWM. I’ll have a look.

My comment was just yanking that phrase out of context to make a cheap anti-Pantload joke, sorry.


OK, now we have definitive proof that Jonah Goldberg is in fact made of antimatter and comes from an alternate universe where all meaning and logic are reversed. Jonah is the antihuman whose anti-intellectual antitome is the antithesis of reality.


How soon before A Coulter sues the twerp for plagerism?


DrDick, Don’t put me in with that loser. Life is a banquette!



No problemo.

I find Viereck to be an interesting guy, from what little I know of him. He’s the kind of conservative these people replaced and erased from history. The Eisenhowerian kind.


Guys- do yourselves a favor and read the update I just posted. I think he mighta topped the “McCarhty = Leftist!!!11!” passage.


Abu Ghraib? Totally a result of the Left’s perversion of our cultural norms.
Where is the scholarly footnote, giving D’Souza credit for that point?


I don’t know how much more of Jonah’s farting you can take, Brad. It must really reek over there.


Ted- I’m about to get up and go for a run… which only solidifies my fascist credentials!!!


Hillary Clinton in the 1960s used the Black Panthers to expand the powers of the state?

Or just “people like Hillary Clinton and her friends”?

You mean, people like, um, er, David Horowitz, who was hanging out with Black Panther cadres, or people like Hillary Clinton, who was attending college & law school?


Presumably, the LA Times will review his book. Can’t wait.



Mind numbingly stupid. Great Satan’s Underpants.


I think Roy might have a bit more natural immunity to the ill effects of this caustic stuff. Sadistically, I hope he gets a chance to read it and give us a review.


Do you know who wasn’t a fascist? That Into the Wild guy. Once he moved to Alaska, he didn’t have any liberal fascist nanny state telling him where to live or what to eat.


Liberals want people to see government as “the agent of social progress and universal caring and compassion,” just like people saw the Nazis!


Christ, this excerpt reads like Gary Ruppert on a particularly incoherent day.

It’s not a book, it’s a 400 page Mark Noonan comment thread !!!


Were the “suit and tie radicals” similar in any way to the Brooks Brothers rioters?

What kind of liberal losers would ever try to “change the public attitude toward the state as the agent of social progress and universal caring and compassion?”

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Tim (the other one)

I’ll never forget being terrorized by the Black Panthers. I mean Jesus, they were everywhere !!

And the SDS; Man those blue blazers and khakis were intimidating….


Ted- I’m about to get up and go for a run… which only solidifies my fascist credentials!!!

Apparently any concern or care for your body and mind is fascist now. I mean, Whole Foods *was* in one of the titles. They’re probably fascist for suggesting that the cheese Jonah buys at Kroger for fuel isn’t as nutritious as theirs and that’s fascist!


Has Jonah even read a definition of fascism? Does he know what the word means? I know he pretends to, but has he really read the definition? Or did he write the book with the disclaimer, “I can’t really be bothered to look it up, but I just know that Hillary and all these other liberals are fascists, and McCarthy, the Klan, and anyone else I say isn’t, aren’t.


My god, that is the all time nadir. The War and Peace of stupid. The Ulysses of stupid. Just to show how clever these liberal fascists are, the fascist SDS and Black Panthers strongly attacks the fascist LBJ.

Tim (the other one)

“Great Satan’s Underpants”



The real danger from the Black Panthers is that you never knew who was one. They could have been anyone. How could you tell?

Principal Blackman

It’s not a book, it’s a 400 page Mark Noonan comment thread !!!


I still want to know how this book stacks up against Noonan’s in Teh Battle Of Teh Stupid. It seems like Jonah’s got the victory, but never underestimate Noonan’s capacity for bringing the crazy.


Obviously, Bobby Goldsboro was a fascist (“Honey”)

obviously pining for the organic honey of Dachau …


I think it’s time to step back a bit (especially for you, Brad), and think about the big picture. Is the Pantload’s book living up to his own hype?

Sure, the assertions and arguments in it are insane and stupid, but are they made with unprecedented detail and care? That was the explicit selling point, IIRC, while the insanity and stupidity being the unstated one, of course.

a certain Christmas elf

I don’t know if y’all have noticed the same thing in the book as I have, but does it seem like he has a marked tendency to postpone the actual proof of his inversions of reality?
The intro is the worst in this regard, but everything I’ve seen is argument by assertion. Jonah’s idea of an end note is to either double cite a cultural reference he already id’ed in the text or to refer to a text he’s contradicting.
I’ve truly never seen so much bullshit crammed into one small area of space.


Wasn’t Hillary Clinton a Republican at the point in time He Who Fled from the Call of the Lord to Actually Go To Mesopotamia is discussing?

So by his argument ad Hillarium, Republican’s are indeed fascists?


I still want to know how this book stacks up against Noonan’s in Teh Battle Of Teh Stupid. It seems like Jonah’s got the victory, but never underestimate Noonan’s capacity for bringing the crazy.

In the Battle of the Stupid, this is Teh Long March


IF Joe McCarthy [YES] turned politics into a religion, THEN Joe McCarthy = Fascist.

IF Joe McCarthy [NO] turned politics into a religion, THEN Joe McCarthy NOT = Fascist.

No, but earlier Jonah said that one of the central points of fascism was the urge to “get beyond politics”, so if Joe McCarthy [YES] turned politics into a religion (i.e, refuses to “get beyond politics”) Then Joe McCarthy NOT = Fascist.

How did Joe McCarthy do with the Aesthetics of Youth part?


The real danger from the Black Panthers is that you never knew who was one. They could have been anyone. How could you tell?

Thank you, Jack Handey.


Pity the poor sonuvabitch. If he’d gotten the book out on time, he wouldn’t be the twelfth moron to have tried to make the same connections in a wingnut-welfare tome. Plus, it wouldn’t be coming out at a time when George W. Bush, symbol of all that is Decent and Right about Republicans was near-universally despised.


Has Jonah even read a definition of fascism? Does he know what the word means?

Answer: No.

But he didn’t let that get in his way.


A couple questions:

(1) isn’t “establishment radical” an inherent oxymoron?

(2) What suit and tie was Hillary Clinton wearing in the 1960s? Wasn’t she in college? And how exactly did Hillary Clinton terrorize the middle class to expand the power of the state in the 1960s?


3) If terrorizing the middle class is fascist, then – need I say? – isn’t Bush (and the GOP) the biggest fascist of all?

I mean, it’s so boring to go there, but, really JG? really?


How did Joe McCarthy do with the Aesthetics of Youth part?

Far ahead of his time, but America wasn’t ready for designer jeans then.

No, really. Google it.

Tim (the other one)

“The real danger from the Black Panthers is that you never knew who was one. They could have been anyone. How could you tell?”

El Cid, it was the berets. Think Mary Tyler Moore.


Does anyone else have an image of Bradrocket running through the streets of his neighborhood calling everything “fascist”?

“The sign says stop you fascist!” “Pedestrians have right of way, fascist!” “stop taking on that fascist cell phone!” “I need some of that fascist gatorade!”

stay safe, dude.


McCarthy wasn’t a shitbag because of ideology, it was because he was willing to ruin lives and then ruin even more lives if they didn’t help ruin the lives of the first bunch. For political gain.

Unfortunately, this book will not get much critical scrutiny outside of blogs because it just another installment in the conservative “Preaching To The Choir Series: Things You Haven’t Been Able To Articulate But Always Suspected.” See O’Reilly, Coulter, Malkin, Hannity, etc… for previous entries in the series.

Thanks, Sadly, No! for this endeavor that would make Mike Rowe himself sing “Take This Job And Shove It!”


So wait, the Black Panthers (not to mention McCarthy) were nothing but super-devious leftist psyche-outs?

The whole reason for the existence of the Black Panthers was to scare the middle classes into accepting more government control? The anarchists’ goal was to increase state power? How sneaky can you get?


I just have to wonder how ol’ Tailgunner Joe would feel about being called a liberal.


Guys, I really do think this is it.

This is The Greatest Stupid Ever Told.

And Goldberg is the Hemingway of Dumbness.


This is the Plan Nine From Outer Space of political and cultural scholarship.


I wish this book would never end!

Arky - Chuthuhlusexual

I hope this books take hold among the inhabitants of Wingerville. I hope Bonah convinces them that everyone is a fascist, proper diet and exercise are EVILE and only dictators like sex, we might see a rapid decrease in the population of asshats dumb enough to believe this shite.


And let’s look at how successful those Panther Nazi’s were! Dark hands control every lever of power in the Nazi States of Amerika!

Yo, Jo’berg! Whose granddaddy (‘pug daddies can never be wrong, right?) played footsies with the real Nazis?

Now who’s your daddy?


Oh, please. This is really too much. Both of those verses are just so totally asinine. I cannot fathom how anyone could write something so completely stupid. And yet, each passage outdoes the previous ones.


So, uh, does like Jonah realize that the founder of the mag he writes for, one Bill Buckley, spent the early years of that publication vigorously defending Joe McCarthy, and penned a book doing the same? Or that the reason Buckley could not get anti-communist extraordinaire Whitaker Chambers to allow the young NR to put Chambers on the masthead was, among other reasons, that Chambers thought Buckely et al. defending of McCarthy was toxic to anti-communism, and that Chambers himself strongly implied that McCarthy was a fascist?

Jonah Goldberg is ignorant about the subjects he treats. Big news that, I know.


Okay, so I fail to see how there is any possible reaction to that bullshit beyond screaming incoherently.


Reall now, a 400 page book of name calling? Can this officially disqualify him to continue breathing?

Oh crap – that’s the fascist in me talking.

But seriously, at least Coulter has an argument. This guy has only names and labels to play with (and history to distort).

Why if he wasn’t Lucienne’s mistake,…..what would he be? Working for a left-wing fascist corporation like Starbucks, perhaps?

Coffee Master Pantload.

Dammit, I’m being mean again. I’m a fascist pig.


Jonah ‘Bluto’ Goldberg: Fascist? Did you say Fascist? Nothing is Fascist until we decide it is! Was it Fascist when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! And it ain’t Fascist now!


You know who was really a fascist? Martin Luther King Jr.!!!!!

He not only wanted the state to step in as “the agent of social progress and universal caring and compassion”—he preached about it.

Q. E. fucking D.


The man obviously doesn’t own a fucking dictionary, and apparently didn’t bleg to get someone to look up words for him on
“a gross distortion of patriotism, jingoism, and the like”

Jingoism is a fucking gross distortion of patriotism.


C’Mon, it’s just a book length blame calling exercise. Pantload is pointing at anything bad and shouting “Liberal!! Liberals!!”

He just scraped together the most ridiculous comments from NRO, Free Republic, and Ace’s site, strings ’em together until he ends up a the word ‘Liberal’ by some ridiculous word association that is too weak to be called logic, and calls it a paragraph. it’s how he met his publishing deadline.

The fact that the book contradicts itself isn’t a surprise, it’s to be expected, and for his target audience, it’s a FEATURE. It just shows what devious fascists liberals are.


Ha, how great would it be if this brilliant work actually convinced the wingers that exercise, fresh air, and eating sensibly was a liberal-fascist plot? Their own sloth (to which they are already predisposed) could kill off the entire winger movement in a generation!


I feel like doing the FSM’s work and going to every major bookseller in the Denver metro area and reshelving every copy of this diatribe in the fiction section where it belongs.


So I think I’m getting this now. If you’re a leftwinger who loves orgies, abortions, drugs, good cheese, fine wine, etc, you’re a decadent fascist. If, on the other hand, you’re a leftwinger who loves health foods, Whole Foods, the gym, yoga, renewable energy, conservation, etc, you’re a decadent fascist.


But my real question is:

Why don’t you guys just blockquote those passages?

I suspect it is because we might believe you were making this shit up.

But is there some darker motive?

Heh, indeed.


Yeah, those Black Panthers really terrorized us middle class suburban Long Islanders in the late Sixties!


Jonah makes Andrew Sullivan look smart.


Listen, goddammit, Nazis ate food. You eat food. You are a liberal. Therefore you are a Nazi. Geez, can’t you dumbass moonbats understand ANYTHING?


The more of this we see, the more convinced I am that this is not the work a work of mind-boggling stupidity but a work of towering cynicism. My line of thinking: Pantload noticed liberals have a tendency to use the term Fascist to describe many conservatives post-USA Patriot Act, not actually understanding Fascism and refusing to try to understand us saw it as a term reduced to a mere insult for political people. Being a movement conservative, constantly percieving insult wounded him enough that he felt the right response was a taste of their own medicine. “Lets see how those dipsticks like being insulted with their own favorite insult.” Did just enough grade-school level research to construct a basic timeline and narrative with correct spellng and irrelevant non-evidence used in hideous logical fallacies. Pantload does not care about his fallacies and errors because he’s preaching to the choir, the only people who will try to call him out on it are us, his audience dismisses us out of hand anyway. Five years later (correct me if I’m wrong) we have this piece of turtle shit. Yes, turtle shit. A combination of every kind of verbal animal shit: bull, horse, bat and ape written by someone who is a known chickenshit.


Does Jonah know Joseph McCarthy might have been gay?


14 Jan 1952: In his private diary, Washington Post columnist Drew Pearson records the Washington rumor that Senator Joseph McCarthy is gay.

25 Oct 1952: “Joe McCarthy is a bachelor of 43 years. […] He seldom dates girls and if he does he laughingly describes it as window dressing. It is common talk among homosexuals in Milwaukee who rendezvous in the White Horse Inn that Senator Joe McCarthy has often engaged in homosexual activities.” Hank Greenspun, Las Vegas Sun. McCarthy briefly considered a suit but took no action, because it would have meant testifying.


The Young Republicans held a state convention in Wausua, Wis., at which Sen. McCarthy was an honored guest. During the convention, McCarthy spent the night with William McMahon, formerly an official of the Milwaukee County Young Republicans, in a Eausua hotel room, at which time, McCarthy and McMahon engaged in illicit acts with each other.

I don’t know if he was gay….but the guys he slept with apparently were.

By: Michael Rogers

He must have been a conservative fascist.


Thank you, Lord, for so many of your children: Ehren Watada, Sibel Edmonds, all true whistleblowers everywhere, anyone who is NOT Karl Rove, Chellis Glendinning, Jerry Mander, Bruce Springsteen, Robert Jensen…(sorry Twisty) and others too numerous to mention. I am thankful for the good things and the good people—though, truly, they are becoming more and more rare. One could say they are fast becoming an endangered species.

The list goes on.


Fine. We’re fascists. We get it. We like to help people through government involvement (sure, just like the Nazis, why not? They were all about civil rights for blacks and gays too. Oh and they loved unions.), so yeah, our establishment suit radicals like LBJ and our storm troopers like the Weathermen (obviously just LBJ associates) were all about achieving the same goals as Hitler (or Mussolini) and wait. I’ve lost the plot.

Oh yeah. Anyway Goldberg, you commie shitheel…


Wow. I just…well, I’ve nothing snarky to add here. It’s just breathtaking how it just keeps getting stupider. I kept thinking “that’s the dumbest thing I ever heard” and then the next installment comes along, and blows the previous one out of the water. Can the book get even worse? Can’t wait for tomorrow to find out!


O/T OH NOES!!!1!

Perfect College Sinners!

I love the smell of hypocrisy the morning after.


So I guess the rioting at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968 was just this big illusion, this surface phenomenon, since both sides of the riot (the hippies and Daley’s goons) were fronts in the forward march of liberal fascism.


I’ve alternated between howls of laughter and stunned silence all day.


You see, the left-liberals do occasionally clash with each other. After all, liberalism is made up of many different types of fascism, depending on the local soil of course.



I’m declaring a war on terroir.


Ermm … calling leftists, union leaders and government employees commies and getting them fired from their jobs was “actually just a throw-back to traditional left wing populist politics.”

This is the sentence logic equivalent of division by zero.



I no longer even want to know if English is Pantload’s first language.

I would, however, like to know if it is his second.

We’ve already determined that Batshit is his first.

a certain Christmas elf


Fine. As Jay B. said: We’re fascists. Let’s all own up to the fact that we all want to be in control. Okay, then. That’s the first step—owning the problem. We’re all fascists. Yippee.

Let’s just kill each other off, what say?


What’s funny/not funny here is the complete underlying and subconscious racism in this text. People like Jonah simply deny racism has ever existed. They’ll say “that was back then” but when you ask them about “back then” they come up with new rationalizations for it. Here, Jonah laughing and contemptuously claims the entire ‘liberal’ agenda is a branch from the ‘poisoned tree’ of fascism — which means emancipation and equal rights under the law for African Americans is part of that ‘poisoned tree’ as well.

In that sense, this another transparent admission of the deep taint of racism that has long been an integral part of movement conservatism in the U.S., and a major tie to movement in the U.K. (cf. the total support by Thatcher and Reagan for apartheid in South Africa).


Bu bu bu but liberals are the real racists! Allow me to explain, this will only take about 400 pages or so…


In that sense, this is another transparent admission of the deep taint of racism that has long been an integral part of movement conservatism in the U.S., and a major tie to movement in the U.K. (cf. the total support by Thatcher and Reagan for apartheid in South Africa).

Yes, white people seem to suck. Yes, I am a white person. But I do have some Cherokee blood, the fact of which I am thankful every day.

Not to say that “non whites” aren’t racist too. After all, we’re ALL fascists, right?

Let’s just kill each other off. Kill the women and children first!!!


William Shakespeare has roused himself from the dead to pen the following review of the Pantload Opus:

“It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

Adds famed 18th century English lexicographer Dr. Samuel Johnson, “That fellow seems to me to possess but one idea, and that is a wrong one.”


So who edited this aborted fetus of a book? The editors at the Washington Times? Or the editors at the Washington Post? Had to one of those wingnut propaganda rags.


But first, brutalize them and make them suffer.


Didn’t Hillary Clinton begin the 1960s as a Goldwater Girl? Does this mean that Barry Goldwater was a “suit-and-tie radical”? Man, these definitions just keep getting more and more slippery …

Arky - Chuthuhlusexual


1/15/2008 Borders Books
1801 K Street NW
Washington, DC 20006
202-466-4999 6:30 pm

Will our nation’s capital survive?

Will Michelle Malkin be there to cheer him on?

Will I be better off forgetting about this event right now??


Let’s face it. The fact of the matter is, this presidential brouhaha is a complete and utter abomination. Why discuss it seriously?

What if they gave an election and no one came?

What if there was a revolution?

Arky - Chuthuhlusexual

Sorry. Forgot the link.

And now I’m going to forget the whole thing.



The answer to all of the questions posed above is yes. Or no. Depending on what you’re talking about. Which is the crux of my point.

So, is we fascisms yet?


Would Viereck say the same about Jonah, or just call him a fascist? – LWM

Indeed … Viereck would say one or the other about Jonah. Perhaps Viereck’s book would be “19th century liberal fascism”? Anyway, Viereck was the son of a Nazi sympathizer. Moreover, Viereck supported the New Deal, so Jonah would certainly call Viereck a fascist.

Of course, the Commies criticized the New Deal for the same reason Viereck supported it. It was ultimately conservative as it conserved capitalism. As has been pointed out in these discussions, Jonah and the rest of the right becomes quasi-Commie in their criticism of New Deal style “state capitalism” as fascism (*). As I’ve asked before, who’s going to write the book on “Conservative Communism”.

(* not to rain on a very fun parade, but there are points of similarity between New Deal style state capitalism and fascism which conflates the state and capitalism … as well as with the military-industrial complex so loathed by the right of Viereck’s day and so loved by today’s right. Of course, this point, which has been carefully considered, etc., is not what Jonah’s arguing, whatever the hell Jonah is arguing. But one key point is that advancement in under-industrialized or inequitably industrialized societies does depend at some stage on state capitalism — or even socialism. And perhaps New Deal style state capitalism, by filling a void that otherwise would be filled by a turn to Communism or fascism, actually is rather a vaccine against fascism, rather than fascism. A vaccine, of course, is a bit of a dog that will have bit you sort of cure, so the confusion on the part of the likes of Jonah is perhaps not surprising — especially considering that it is in the financial and political interests Jonah and his ilk to be so ignorant they certainly won’t be otherwise … but would you call a flu vaccine the flu? Jonah essentially does this by calling the New Deal and Great Society “fascism”.)


Arky, someone on another thread had the best suggestion so far for what to do when Jonah shows up to speak.

Put on your best Black Block duds (dress all in black and put a black kerchief over your face), tell the media you represent the Anarchist Anti-Fascist movement, and you’re there to support Comrade Goldberg.


Someone explain to me why, if the New Deal were a fascist program, a bunch of actual corporatists who were in league with actual Italian fascists would have plotted to create a fascist putsch against Roosevelt.


so wait, if Hillary ( sorry, LIKE Hillary ) used the terror of the times to increase the power of state ( things like Head Start, EPA and Medicade )in the 1960s, and Bush uses the terror of this time to increase the power of the government ( waterboarding, FISA, signing statements); is Bush a Libral Facist too? My God! He is surrounded!


Yes, white people seem to suck. Yes, I am a white person. But I do have some Cherokee blood, the fact of which I am thankful every day.

I’m not saying white people suck. I’m saying exactly the opposite. I’m saying that a necessary consequence of Jonah’s noodle-headed thesis is that equal rights under the law regardless of sex, race, ethnicity and sexual preference is part of the ‘poisoned tree’ of fascism. In this sense, Jonah’s page-tumor is an amazingly blatant admission of what movement conservatives try to deny — that down deep they are unreconstructed (pun intended) racists. These fuckers are a lot like the Afrikaaners, who saw themselves as superior beings to blacks but also viewed themselves as victims to blacks (what if they revolt and come after us?)


I do believe this will go down as the most ridiculed book in the history of books.

I just hope it doesn’t sell more copies.

I’m not exactly right, but this is my point.


The fact is, Jonah Goldberg is the best example of wingnut welfare of all-time. Lets get it over with and give him a lifetime achievement award for stupidity and all-around lifelong patronage-whoring.

Why can’t *I*, or MUCH more relevantly, the proprietors of this blog, get a book deal wherein they can delay the thing years?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Beware The Fucking Man.


Ok, he has just said something I agree with.


Ann Coulter said “McCarthy was a great American hero” (not sure of the exact quote) therfore she is a ugly nationalist.


I have this figured out now. Goldberg is going to write that “liberal fascism” is any statism that can be traced to the French Revolution. I would believe that Ron Paul genuinely believes this. Goldberg not so much.


I mean, I hate to always have to pray for smiting. And yet…(sorry, Twisty) it’s oddly gratifying. I mean, isn’t justice grand?

The moral arc of the universe bends at the elbow of justice. Martin Luther King, Jr.


“statism that can be traced to the French Revolution”–attempt to use the state to transform society


Douglas Watts said,

Yes, white people seem to suck. Yes, I am a white person. But I do have some Cherokee blood, the fact of which I am thankful every day.

I’m not saying white people suck. I’m saying exactly the opposite. I’m saying that a necessary consequence of Jonah’s noodle-headed thesis is that equal rights under the law regardless of sex, race, ethnicity and sexual preference is part of the ‘poisoned tree’ of fascism. In this sense, Jonah’s page-tumor is an amazingly blatant admission of what movement conservatives try to deny — that down deep they are unreconstructed (pun intended) racists. These fuckers are a lot like the Afrikaaners, who saw themselves as superior beings to blacks but also viewed themselves as victims to blacks (what if they revolt and come after us?)

I know, Douglas. I guess I was being flippant. I apologize. But white people do seem to suck. Big time.


DAS –* not to rain on a very fun parade.

Not at all. You make some very good points. FDR’s court packing plan was in direct response to the Supremes’ (Diana, too) putting the kaibosh on the National Recovery Administration, etc; and the court-packing plan was a very open attempt by FDR to usurp the judiciary and concentrate power in the executive.


bligglezortt blmfspgrl aeiou eyieeio grzigglationb. Where’s my check from Degenerate Publishing?



Someone explain to me why, if the New Deal were a fascist program, a bunch of actual corporatists who were in league with actual Italian fascists would have plotted to create a fascist putsch against Roosevelt.

What’s not to get? Fascists hate other fascists. I mean, remember the KKK? Doesn’t the left today hate the right? We’re all fascists now, so all we have is hate.


Fats Durston said,
so all we have is hate.

It does seem that way.



So is it really a foam book? Cuz I’m looking for bath toys for Christmas.



Thank you for making me LOL.


Guys, I really do think this is it.

This is The Greatest Stupid Ever Told.

So this must be The Book At The End Of The Universe.


William Shakespeare has roused himself from the dead to pen the following review of the Pantload Opus:

“It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

Adds famed 18th century English lexicographer Dr. Samuel Johnson, “That fellow seems to me to possess but one idea, and that is a wrong one.”

LOL, Jennifer. Precisely correct, and right.

What a loser country we have become if this tribute to intellectual flatulence does well.

One wonders how bad it needs to get. History, I think, and I’m not the historian many of you are, seems to this non-historian to suggest that it has to get REALLY bad.

Rudy could turn the trick, as it were.


The Great Society: LBJ’s Fascist Utopia

Wow. The “Great Society” was the necessary consequence of the passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and what Martin Luther King, Jr. recognized as the fundamental challenge of the U.S. after making institutional racism illegal: ending economic ‘racism’ by attacking the root causes of entrenched poverty in the U.S. regardless of race. In a way, the Great Society was the direct analog of Reconstruction. it recognized that even if legal barriers to equality were removed, there would be no equality without profound and immediate economic reforms.

Once you put Goldberg’s language back into its real-world context (which he carefully ‘milks’ of any racial overtones), it reads like a KKK pamphlet.


The more of this we see, the more convinced I am that this is not the work a work of mind-boggling stupidity but a work of towering cynicism.

In other words, this is a 400 page Onion commentary. Minus the funny.


Ironically, liberals refer to Nazis as ‘fascists’.


Pantload Opus.



Jillian, thanks for the costume idea. However, a fascist with a melanin upgrade wearing a hanky across his face would probably make Bonah and the Bonahphiles squeal like pigs and piss their pants and faint and …

[Strokes chin]

[Marks calendar]

[Polishes DMs]


You know, someone ought to just walk up to Pantload and cock-punch him.

I know it’s a small target, and will require a little bit of planning but Fudgie really needs it.


We’re perilously close to Richard Nixon being a MotL.


Gus said,
December 19, 2007 at 0:49
My god, that is the all time nadir. The War and Peace of stupid. The Ulysses of stupid.

Yes, Gus, but more people some people actually read War and Peace. And some people can make sense of Ulysses.


You know, someone ought to just walk up to Pantload and cock-punch him.

I know it’s a small target, and will require a little bit of planning but Fudgie really needs it.

Good Lord man, don’t be ridiculous. Do you have any idea how much an electron microscope costs?

Führer more, many scientists worked for the NAZIs so I would never be seen in public with such a tool of fascism.


zsa got there first. But the terrorized middle class reacted by electing Nixon. It was not “establishment radicals” which made Nixon enact the liberal policies he did.


Führer more, many scientists worked for the NAZIs so I would never be seen in public with such a tool of fascism.

I was not clear yet that Jo’berg’s theoretical analysis allowed us to conclude that Nazi’s were actually fascists, except for the Nazis who were teaching grade school and the French Revolutionary Nazis.

But this is central to my point.


Fascism is a combination of nationalism, a strong government, usually some racism, and jingoism to boot. So McCarthy was definitely a fascist.


my work here is done.


Thank you OTB : “Jonah makes Andrew Sullivan look smart.”

Best comment of the day – and there are a lot of good comments.


Believe it or not, there are actually a few flecks of truth in Goldberg’s thesis, akin to the corn kernels that occasionally turn up in horse turds.

McCarthy was one of the least ideological demagogues ever to spark an ideological movement. His agenda was purely and simply to get as much attention as possible for Joe McCarthy, and he didn’t care how he did it. If his political circumstances had been such that he could have gained more by being a demagogue of the left, like Huey Long, rather than the right, he would have done it without a second thought.

In Senator Joe McCarthy, Richard Rovere’s definitive biography, we find this footnote:

I talked with [L. Brent] Bozell [co-founder of the National Review] one evening in 1956 and asked him how he felt about McCarthy as a conservative. “Terrible,” he said. Bozell said he continued to like and admire McCarthy but that he was hurt by the discovery that McCarthy wasn’t a conservative at all. He could not be brought to repudiate the welfare state and was becoming, in fact, more and more like a Left liberal in domestic affairs—favoring more public housing, more social security, more federal subsidies of all sorts.


[…] landmark publication of Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism: A Sourcebook for Blog Snark has set me to wondering: where have I seen this kind of thing before? And then it hit me . . . […]


[…] is turning kids into Little Hitlers, has provided no end of laughs, from his claim that somehow McCarthy was sorta liberal to the idea that “the white male is the Jew of liberal fascism.” I must admit […]


[…] Sadly No! crew actually have a copy of the book and have been posting some of the most ridiculous passages. His larger argument is that the desire by liberals and […]


[…] Sadly, No series highlighting some of the most inane passages (here, here, here, here, here, and here, just for starters) more than satisfies that […]


[…] either defending him and holding him up as a defender of American values, or they’re incoherently claiming that he was a liberal. (Conservative pundits appear to have forgotten what “liberal” actually means, so they […]


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