A sad lesson for bitter wingnut virgins
Ahem. Guys. The reason that women don’t want to sleep with you isn’t because they’re greedy bitches or because the evil media is training them to hate you or because they’re crazy nutter loonies who contradict themselves and send you mixed messages. It’s because you suck. Yes, it’s that simple.
UPDATE: Oh baby, this is one that Roy missed:
The old come on:
None until marriage.
Women are smarter now. Pop music has taught them to think like dope dealers:
The first one (or at least until you are a steady customer) is free.
I agree. When I was single, most women who I was intitially attracted to (and it wasn’t the uber-hotties) would usually turn me off by displaying a rank selfishness and sense of entitlement, all the while prating about equality blah blah. Men were to be a subservient ATM machine with a penis attached.
But, I knew that there were true levelheaded women out there who were fair minded, strong people and delightfully feminine. I found one and married her.
And unlike those other greedy bitches, this one came with free batteries attached!
UPDATE THE SECOND: Uh-oh, they’ve started invading Roy’s place:
Women want a guy who is intelligent and who makes them laugh. Of course, to attain this, a woman will find a man who is handsome and “ambitious”–that is, wealthy–and then convince herself that every word that proceedeth out of his mouth is profound and/or humorous.
Face it, ladies, if guys weren’t so horny, only the prime cuts of your gender would get laid. I myself would prefer fly fishing, shooting pool, or playing bocce to spending time in irrational pursuit of a gal.
And women everywhere let loose deep sighs of relief.
Sucks to be them. No really. It really, really does.
Yes, they do. Check the comments.
You mean these women aren’t submitting graciously to the subservience of these men?
Oh, looky, there’s more:
The original Dr Helen post is hilarious.
“Ambivalence –men are being told not to get married because of the bias in the courts there and are, with good reason, reluctant to get married. Somehow, I think this ambivalence plays as much a part in why men are not dating as “dating toxins.”
Trust me sweetheart, men just don’t WANT to get married, and never really have. Most men are well aware that for most of its history, marriage has existed as a social construct to make sure men stick around to raise children, and in the pre-contraception era, women would usually withhold sex until after marriage for pragmatic reasons. Marriage was simply a means to an end for both parties, and not something anyone was terribly enthusiastic about.
Nowadays thankfully, marriage is little more than a sappy thing couples do after years of being together. It simply isn’t something anyone, male or female, thinks about unless they are already in a long term relationship. Nobody sees it as a necessary part of a relationship unless they have funny religious ideas.
The whole “supermom” stereotype where the mother is infinately beautiful/virtuous/nurturing/responsible, yet falls for the fat bald slob who acts like a toddler was NOT designed by high-powered female television executives to emasculate the men of America.
It WAS designed by and for a lot of whining men who want a world where every schlub gets a flawless robo-wife and doesn’t have to do shit. TV is fantasy. Does what you see on primetime network TV look like a woman’s fantasy? No it does not.
If the complaint here is that pop entertainment ill-equips men for a world in which women are A) not all models, and B) allowed to have some opinions for themselves, I’m afraid Mr. Whineypants is also going to have to turn in his porn as well. Wait, wait, wait, let me guess: porn is also designed by feminazis in a conspiracy to sap male power. Am I right?
Keep writing Mr. Party of Personal Wanksponsibility. Laugh a minute, you are.
Checkable fact: There is near as dammit a 50:50 split between the male and female population.
Reasonable assumption: Unless you live in a specific closed population, finding a partner is statistically just as easy for males as for females.
Reasonable assumption: Ask heterosexual adults to rate a random sample of the opposite sex on attractiveness, and the curve will be substantially similar for both sexes.
Conclusion: If you are considered less attractive by a majority of people, you are likely to have to settle for a partner who is in a similar situation.
Secondary conclusion: To be happy with the above, you need a realistic self image, and a realistic view of the subjectivity of attractiveness and the importance of popularity.
Tertiary conclusion. Being a wingnut weenie who needs the validation of others to prop up their self esteem is not conductive to the above, neither is having a mile-wide sense of entitlement and a complete lack of empathy towards anyone, never mind the opposite sex.
“I’ve discussed with lots of female friends over the years”
Sure. And my Black, Jewish, Gay and Liberal friends agree.
Referring to them as “gals” hasn’t worked?
I’m sure his female friends are a reasonable proxy for all females.
“I’ve discussed with lots of female friends over the years”
Including Sailor Moon, Princess Leia, and Smurfette.
But, I knew that there were true levelheaded women out there who were fair minded, strong people and delightfully feminine.
Because I watch telly, and the world is, apparently, full of ’em. I mean, look at I Dream Of Jeannie! Granted, none of the women (well, they call themselves women!) I’ve met have wanted to wear chiffon harem pants and live in the bottle )which I carefully and lovingly built for them, ungrateful bitches!), but I just know they’re out there.
I found one and married her.
Okay, it’s true that I’m still on the run and all, because of some stupid statute that says 6 is too young to marry. Hell, Jerry Lee Lewis married a 12-year-old, fergodssakes, why can’t I get mine? I need ’em to fit in that damned bottle, and that ain’t easy when they’re growed too big.
“I’ve discussed with lots of female friends over the years”
They make blow-up dolls that talk now?
Reminds me of the time one of my friends’ loser (now ex-) husband complained to her that she and her friends didn’t “act the way women are supposed to act.” Which we all found uproariously funny, given that we were the only women he spent any time around. Same guy interrupted my friend in a morning argument with a complaint about not having any clean socks. As if it was up to her to keep up with his socks. Pissed her off something fierce. So before he got home that evening, she took every one of his socks and threw them away.
Like I said, ex-husband now.
I grew up watching too much TV and movies, so I naturally assumed I would find a REALLY hot girl who just had her hair up and wore glasses… and nobody would know how hot she was — except me of course.
Turns out things don’t work out that way in reality… attractive is attractive and there is a depressing amount of agreement among people over what is and isn’t, creating some fierce competition at the top of the attractiveness ladder.
Which is why the hejab is the best all around solution to the problem. Maybe a rule also saying that you get one hot wife, and the rest of your wives have to be homely.
Holy crap! One of those sad sacks (is Pablo the dude from Protein Wisdom, or the one from Althouse?) left a link to http://www.dont-marry.com which is every bit the cesspool of aggrieved white male ressentiment you think it is.
See e.g.
It is perfectly acceptable for a woman to demand that a man make a certain salary, drive a certain car, live in a certain part of the city, have a certain job, have the ‘right’ manners, talk a certain way, walk a certain way, behave a certain way, have a degree from the ‘right’ University and dress in a stylish fashion, to be deemed “marriage material” and be able to provide her with the stability she feels she deserves. If a man demands his wife do the cooking and cleaning, he can now be labeled old fashioned and sexist. If he asks her to carry her weight financially, just as he does, he may be criticised as an inadequate provider. If a man insists that his wife honor the conjugal requirements of the marriage contract, he can and will be accused of sexual abuse, sexual assault or rape.
To add insult to injury, some women have gotten so pampered that they not only quit their jobs the day they find out they are pregnant, but they then go out and hire as many nannies, cooks, gardeners and pool boys as their husband can afford. Many Western Wives stay at home and hire someone else to rear the kids and clean up, while they drink lattes and go shopping all day with other pampered “stay-at-home” mothers. Does it pay to work hard and get ahead anymore, if this is how your hard-earned money is squandered?
What is it with these fuckers and their fixation on lattes as a symbol of effete laziness?
Women want a guy who is intelligent and who makes them laugh. Of course, to attain this, a woman will find a man who is handsome and “ambitious”–that is, wealthy–and then convince herself that every word that proceedeth out of his mouth is profound and/or humorous.
Uh, wrong, doofus. Most (as in ‘the vast majority of’) women want a guy who is intelligent and who makes them laugh. With dollops of love and compassion and understanding. Most (as in ‘the vast majority of’) women don’t immediately go out and find a man who is handsome and wealthy if they want the aforementioned funny/smart/loving. In fact, most (as in ‘the vast majority of’) women who want a smart, funny, caring guy, actually try to find a smart, funny, caring guy.
Dunno why, einstein, must be some weird-ass women thing we do.
Face it, ladies, if guys weren’t so horny, only the prime cuts of your gender would get laid.
Oh, I see: now most women are butt-ugly and the only reason men have anything to do with them is because they want to get their end away. And foolish women for wanting men who are smart/funny/loving: men, who know what’s important, only want a pretty face and a bouncy body to bang, so it’s damn lucky for us non-supermodels that some guys have such rugged constitutions that they’re willing to fuck anything with a hole.
I really can’t understand why you’re not surrounded by women, dude.
I myself would prefer fly fishing, shooting pool, or playing bocce to spending time in irrational pursuit of a gal.
Does it occur to him, do you think, that his favoured pursuits listed here involve a rod, a stick, or balls? Might it be that his preference for rod-wrangling might in some way impact on his spectacular non-success wit’ de womenfolk?
When I was single, most women who I was intitially attracted to (and it wasn’t the uber-hotties) would usually turn me off by displaying a rank selfishness and sense of entitlement, all the while prating about equality blah blah. Men were to be a subservient ATM machine with a penis attached.
Sounds like you were attracted to either lesbians or dominatrixes (dominatrixii?), or some fiendishly evil combination of both. Face it, they just weren’t that into you.
It occurs to me that most of the men I’ve known who have been fixated on this “women just want men with money” are guys who only went for the women with all the accoutrements – fake breasts, fake nails, high maintenance hair, large wardrobe, etc. I said to one of the guys at work, hey, she’s advertising up front that she’s high maintenance. If it’s important to you that your girlfriend or wife not be hung up on how much money you have, you need to look somewhere else.
In other words, Mr. Women-Who-Aren’t-Supermodels-Should-Be-Grateful-To-Get-Laid, if you don’t go looking for something that’s all about surfaces, you might find something with a little more depth.
bahaha, this entry is like a good old Christmas present for the funny bone.
“Prime” or any other “cuts” aren’t having sex with this lad, unless he’s paying top dollar and women who charge big bucks for the privilege pick their clients.
There’s a guy in my old office who can’t get a girlfriend because a) doesn’t bathe b) shouts c) drools (not kidding) and slobbers whilst eating; and d) is a composite of most of the guys mentioned above and in alicublog. Two years ago he visited a southeast Asian country to buy a wife, making the mistake of telling everyone in the office including me whose sister lives and works in said country (that will remain unnamed because of possible google searches. Hint: It was invaded illegally by the US of A during the Vietnam War. My sister is married to a man whose entire family was murdered by Olpay otPay. Thanks, America!).
He bought the wife two years ago and she hasn’t arrived and never will. He hasn’t given up hope though. No one will speak to him and he doesn’t understand why. (He also made the mistake of telling us all that his “agent” mentioned the availability of underage girls.)
Face it, ladies, if guys weren’t so horny, only the prime cuts of your gender would get laid.
Oh, I see: now most women are butt-ugly and the only reason men have anything to do with them is because they want to get their end away. And foolish women for wanting men who are smart/funny/loving: men, who know what’s important, only want a pretty face and a bouncy body to bang, so it’s damn lucky for us non-supermodels that some guys have such rugged constitutions that they’re willing to fuck anything with a hole.
Funniest thing I’ve read in a long time.
Uh, shouldn’t these guys be willing to increase the birth rate with everyone they have an actual chance with? Think of the Muxlamican hordes people.
But, I knew that there were true levelheaded women out there who were fair minded, strong people and delightfully feminine. I found one and married her. But then she started having these opinions n shit so I killed her and buried her in the basement. Thank yaweh for quicklime, eh?
I just keep getting blown away by the overwhelming similarity between these asshats and the taliban. Damn, if they ever notice they all want exactly the same things, it’ll be sharia law for all of us.
Then atlas pam and zawahiri came out with exactly the same arguments against the annapolis conference ON THE SAME DAY and my head exploded.
I dunno, I for one am damn glad these fucks are as stupid as they are. ‘Cause otherwise this would NOT be a good place to live…
Geez. You mean a guy goes to the good trouble to have an involuntary, unconscious, instinctive reaction to the sight of the female form, and we don’t get a lifetime of servitude from the woman sighted for our effort?
Must be lesbians.
must find that article about women choosing relationships with each other because the men they meet are whiny little baby fuck ups…
dominatrixes (dominatrixii?)
That would be ‘dominatrices’, though there are few occasions to use the plural form, unless you have rare and expensive requirements.
“Uh, shouldn’t these guys be willing to increase the birth rate with everyone they have an actual chance with?”
Interspecies mating is not cool. Do not want un-cool.
Wyoming would be littered with nothing but man-sheep mutant zombies. The horror. The horrrrroroooor!
This man is making his first timid steps out of the closet, shame on you for teasing him.
Seriously, if women start walking up to guys and shooting them in the face, I won’t like it, but I won’t blame them one fucking bit.
Um … However, if you all are planning anything like that, I cook, clean, do my own laundry and love most small animals.
Look, you pansy-ass Tom Brady worshipper, do not for an instant confuse manly, macho, national telebision-appearing, Black Hole-dwelling members of the Raider Nation (who get all the “biker chick” action they can handle) w/ some effete Star Drek nerd or pre-pubescent Ghost Whisperer pindick.
Don’t make me cross the continent just to teach you a lesson!
And wait till next year!!
Bocce and marriage
Bocce and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
Clearly you have not been introduced to furries.
Here’s a reality show that might be interesting.
Pick two deserted islands. On one, put 100 people, five of whom are male. On the other, put 100 people, five of whom are female. Leave them in place for 100 years, then come back and check how things are going.
I’ll watch. Hell, I’ll even make the popcorn. But I refuse to be one of the women on island number 2.
If a man insists that his wife honor the conjugal requirements of the marriage contract, he can and will be accused of sexual abuse, sexual assault or rape.
Pop quiz:
If your wife won’t fulfill your needs in the bedroom any more, do you…
A) Try to figure out what has changed and if there is a way that you can make her happier.
B) Divorce her and marry someone who will put out.
C) Rape the lying cum rag, she’s YOUR wife!
I would have thought that B was rock bottom, but I was sadly mistaken.
Qetesh, you don’t need to find a woman small enough to fit a bottle-you need to find a bottle large enough to accomodate an adult woman! And heed well the words of Christina Aguilera: you gotta rub her the right way. 🙂
Jennifer, my brother made that exact complaint: “All the really super-hot girls are only interested in guys with money.. They’re so materialistic!” The irony of what he said was completely lost on him.
Y’know, I’m an old guy. So this is mostly academic to me at this point.
But fer crissakes, stop whining, idiots.
Go surfing.
Yep. It really is that simple. Surfers get laid. Constantly. Repeatedly.
Surfing is fun. It TOTALLY beats working. It automatically results in girls. And if you’re an asshole? Surfers WILL kick your teeth down your throat. In a good way. Like, just an attitude adjustment, y’know?
Shut up and go surfing…
But I… that’s all that I… why doesn’t it….?
OHHHHH….. you mean surf in the OCEAN.
Eh… I’ll try this a little longer.
Seriously, if women start walking up to guys and shooting them in the face, I won’t like it, but I won’t blame them one fucking bit.
Arky, I know enough men who are complete and utter darlings that I’m not going to start shooting random men in the face. Okay, maybe just one or two, but it’s not like it’s a habit. I can give it up any time I like, right?
Um … However, if you all are planning anything like that, I cook, clean, do my own laundry and love most small animals.
Which is better than I manage.
Hang on: how much do you love small animals? Hey, I’ve got cats to think about, I’ve gotta ask…
Rather the opposite, if you ask me.
Oh, now I’m going to get accused of fursecution.
Dear Women,
If you’re going to shoot me in the face, please give me a little warning. That’s not too much to ask, is it? Kthx.
I don’t surf, man.
That is just begging for a joke about reciprocity that I’m not, not, not going to make.
I think I know what you’re getting at. Well played, my friend, well played…
“I myself would prefer fly fishing, shooting pool, or playing bocce to spending time in irrational pursuit of a gal.”
I’m sorry: FLY fishing, POOL, and BOCCE. Come on, bud. Talk about “taking a wide stance”.
“I myself would prefer fly fishing, shooting pool, or playing
boccebukkake to spending time in irrational pursuit of a gal.”Sweet jizz of Jesus, you’d think these perverts could at least get the spelling down.
[…] Sadly, No! channels Ace, two days after the fact. Posted by Dan Collins @ 8:47 pm | Trackback Share This […]
That is just begging for a joke about reciprocity that I’m not, not, not going to make.
Thanks for the reminder. Dear Hawkeye, well, you know what we’re going to say.
I was thinking the same thing. I haven’t seen that much pole-and-ball handling since “100% All-Dick VIII”
Trust me sweetheart, men just don’t WANT to get married, and never really have. Most men are well aware that for most of its history, marriage has existed as a social construct to make sure men stick around to raise children, and in the pre-contraception era, women would usually withhold sex until after marriage for pragmatic reasons. Marriage was simply a means to an end for both parties, and not something anyone was terribly enthusiastic about.
To be all pedantic about it, Random, there was a long long long period between, say, the invention of agriculture and the invention of the microwave during which “housework” was seriously a full-time occupation. Turning grain/vegetables/meat into finished meals and flax / fleece / cotton bolls into finished garments is VERY labor intensive, and that’s even before the pairbonded couple has bred the several helpless infants that will need to be fed, protected, and trained if they’re going to survive to serve as the best equivalent of an old-age pension. There’s an old folk tale in the Grimm brothers’ collection about the macho peasant who traded places with his huswif for a day, and was then glad to go back to his back-breaking field work because at least it wasn’t as chaotic & demanding. There are plenty of people still living who remember when “men have needs only a woman can satisfy…” was a rueful setup for the tagline “… clean shirts with buttons on, and a cooked dinner, for instance.”
It’s only in the last couple of hundred years that even the wealthy single man had the option of paying others to cook, clean, mend, make, and provide orgasms for him; prior to the industrial “revolution” such competent assistance was only available through a social network where non-pair-bonded individuals stayed attached to their natal families as part of the larger household community. People fell in love, or not, and marriage was something most people aspired to, preferably with “love” or at least a readily available sexual partner as a bonus. But an important part of the whole Marriage Racket is that an individual could take genuine pride in being “a good provider” or “a good housekeeper”. It’s only in the last fifty years or so that the final development (efflorescence) of market-based capitalism, which places the highest premium on the individual being a good consumer, that the economists’ Invisible Hand has made it essential for “Everyman” — not just the few kings or barons or headmen with their trophy concubines/mistresses/harems — to aspire to an unending supply of top-quality, interchangeable sexual partners. At the same time, it became almost impossible to raise a (properly consumerist) middle-class family without both parents working for wages, therefore requiring that women be educated, trained, and salaried approximately as well as men, which meant that women (as good consumers) could start insisting that their potential male partners offer something other than mere “provision” as a reason for marriage.
The Angry Guys whining about mercenary, looksist women out to cheat innocent men of their consumer valuables while withholding sexual rewards are confusing social relationships with consumerism — which has been extremely rewarding for the marketing industry, the porn producers, the makers of expensive jewelry, the writers of “advice” manuals, the developers of online computer gaming and CGI movies, and even the Cheetos factories. It’s also been a boon to the Republican Party, and not just its libertarian wing, because the Repubs have developed an advanced line of dog-whistle messages about how Uppity Women (in collaboration with dirty hippies, sexual nonconformists, non-Whites, and atheists) are Taking Advantage of decent, hard-working, sexually desperate Angry White Men to demand soul-sapping fripperies like hiring quotas & public welfare programs & smoking bans, all of which are just ways for lesser beings to sap the precious economic fluids of Angry White Men, of course.
the complaint here is that pop entertainment ill-equips men for a world
um, what man uses TV sitcoms as role models?
It really depends on the seasonings and the wine I wish to serve …
Oh! Um. Only in a platonic fashion.
Straight up, I live with three cat shaped demons and I must be a sucker for the critters or they’d be little fur rugs.
Just to add some data from the other end of the bell curve: I’m funny, smart, good looking and make a lot of money, and I get laid all the time! Just like nature intended!
It’s good to be the king!
It is perfectly acceptable for a woman to demand that a man make a certain salary, drive a certain car, live in a certain part of the city, have a certain job, have the ‘right’ manners, talk a certain way, walk a certain way, behave a certain way, have a degree from the ‘right’ University and dress in a stylish fashion, to be deemed “marriage material” and be able to provide her with the stability she feels she deserves. If a man demands his wife do the cooking and cleaning, he can now be labeled old fashioned and sexist. If he asks her to carry her weight financially, just as he does, he may be criticised as an inadequate provider. If a man insists that his wife honor the conjugal requirements of the marriage contract, he can and will be accused of sexual abuse, sexual assault or rape.
Does anyone else see the difference I see between his two comparables?
The woman’s point of view is at the moment in time when she is looking for a man to marry. He lists her criteria for the man she will “deem marriage material” – she’s looking for Mr. Right, and our author is unhappy that she’s ruled him out. Presumably, women are not supposed to be this discerning.
Yet his Straw Man has already married the woman, and is trying to change her behavior and preferences. He finds it unfair that this is not acceptable. Of course, it appears he has entered into a marriage where he has not discussed household finances or family roles, and unwisely chosen a woman who doesn’t find him sexually attractive.
Women want a guy who is intelligent and who makes them laugh
I really wish I knew where that “makes them laugh” or “must have sense of humor” criteria is coming from. It can’t be from the books or movies because in that big romantic ending scene when the man and woman finally get together it’s never:
“Oh handsome guy, I can’t resist your sense of humor anymore, take me!” *rubs cheek against muscular, hairless chest*
And also the women I went out with. When they gossiped with their girlfriends they never went:” I kid you not, seriously, his sense of humor is thaaaaat big!”
Guess I have to try out that intelligent thingy.
Upon further ponderation, I think this explains the rabid homophobia of the RightWankers. The mere ability to interact with women without drooling down their shirts sets the bar way too high for their feeble little reach. If all teh gehys would go away, the frustrated righties reason, the ladies would think an unwashed, leg humping, basement dwelling, unemployed sack of lard with the manners of a musk ox was the acme of Manhood. Must be part of The Homosexual Agenda to thwart their breeding program!
No wonder they’re so resentful, poor things.
Well, it’s getting late. I’m going out to raise some standards. Where’s my “Republicans for Voldemort” t-shirt…?
If a man demands his wife do the cooking and cleaning, he can now be labeled old fashioned and sexist. If he asks her to carry her weight financially, just as he does, he may be criticised as an inadequate provider.
Also, this guy apparently wants his wife to both do “the” (meaning the household’s) cooking and cleaning AND match his financial earnings.
um, what man uses TV sitcoms as role models?
Disturbingly, more than one might like to think.
Also, this guy apparently wants his wife to both do “the” (meaning the
household’s) cooking and cleaning AND match his financial earnings.
Too many women are in the position of doing most of the domestic chores and working full-time jobs. I challenge any man to manage all the housework, the daycare, and work full-time and not cry in his oatmeal every morning.
That was exactly what I was thinking.
But back on topic, I feel compelled to offer up just a little tiny word of advice to our would-be ladies’ men:
Relatively few women like being told that “Chicks should know their place”. In general, women don’t find misogyny nearly as attractive as you think (Southern Baptists excepted).
“…all of which are just ways for lesser beings to sap the precious economic fluids of Angry White Men, of course.”
This attitude doesn’t even rise to the level of racism or sexism — it’s just mindless entitlement. It took most (or all, I’m too tired to check the stats right now) of the last century for college-educated women to match the earnings of men who had only high-school diplomas. Until 1964, women and minorities could be legally denied jobs or promotions. (One of my mother’s college roommates was denied a promotion flatly and admittedly for this reason — at IBM, no less. Her revenge was sweet: she quit in disgust, formed her own company, became a “tech millionaire” twenty years before the term was even coined, and now lives atop a high-rise building in Manhattan. She even has — I’m not kidding — her own rooftop garden.) Goobers like this poster (and the one lampooned in the next post) just bllithely assumed that was The Way Things Ought To Be (swallows handful of hillbilly heroin).
Having to compete on a level playing field scares the bejeezus out of these guys, and rightly so. Grand-Daddy and Daddy lorded it over their womenfolk and lower-caste, darker-skinned co-workers, despite having equal or lesser talents. Now young bozo actually has to WORK for his place in the heirarchy, and guess what, cannot always EARN it, nor even come close enough to lose without public humiliation. Worse yet, even if he can heft his own weight, he’s still not allowed to treat Others like his ancestors did, since we don’t tolerate casual indignities anymore. In a very real way, he has been robbed of his birthright, and he resents it. He’s either too self-absorbed to understand how wrong the old system was, or he doesn’t care about injustice.
Hence, we have a Party of liars, criminals, adulterers, slackers, indolent heirs, etc., perpetually whining about how liberals, feminists, gays, minorities, etc. are forever victimizing their helpless, innocent selves. When you consider that even after a century and a half of decent treatment, the remnants of the old Southern feudal system form the mainstay of these whiners, this attitude will take a long time to die. It’s high time we take an axe to it, and posts like this are a good start. Posters and commenters, please keep up the good work!
Lesley says:
I challenge any man to manage all the housework, the daycare, and work full-time and not cry in his oatmeal every morning.
Oh, please. For one thing, I don’t eat oatmeal in the morning. I drink espresso, black (seriously!). No oatmeal for me! And the housework and childcare gets done just fine. And my wife works full-time.
Now that I think about it, though, she does eat oatmeal for breakfast. And I did see her weeping the other morning. I should tell her to switch brands. Trader Joe’s sells some good oatmeal — I’ll pick some up for her next week some time.
Interspecies mating is not cool. Do not want un-cool.
Wittingly or not, MileHi Hawkeye has hit the nail on the non-sharp end here… there is a significant proportion of the Male constituency who think of Girlz as a different species.
The way Dr Helen’s commentators are carrying on, ordinary sex is a form of bestiality, and only to be endured because the alternative is Teh Homosecks.
Real men drink real coffee (and they call it “joe”, which is a more real man name for it). Anyone who drinks one of those European versions is obviously a librul sissyboy.
Roy’s post is gone. Or is it just me?
Hey, kinda like slave owners screwing their slaves. Not that I’m drawing any parallels between the attitudes of lonely RightWankers towards women and the attitudes of slave owners towards slaves!
Of course!
That would be wrong!
I just finished John Dean’s excellent Conservatives without Conscience. I figured it would be mostly political, but it was actually an amazing and chilling account of the psychology of dominance. The way drhelen’s idiots are carrying on, I think they closely fit the profile of the authoritarian followers Dean describes.
The Harper’s piece on bride shopping in Ukraine seems relevant here, not least for the stated motivations of the American bride-shoppers.
“Women want a guy who is intelligent and who makes them laugh
I really wish I knew where that “makes them laugh” or “must have sense of humor” criteria is coming from.”
See: Who Framed Roger Rabbit, specifically why Jessica Rabbit married Roger. You will then know where this criteria came from, and why.
“Wittingly or not”…
I’m never quite sure myself, Smut Clyde.
“Real men drink real coffee (and they call it “joe”, which is a more real man name for it). Anyone who drinks one of those European versions is obviously a librul sissyboy.”
So, if we tell them this “joe” is called Cafe Americano in not-american land and is a badly watered down of cup of expresso, would their heads explode? ‘Cause that would be pretty cool.
See: Who Framed Roger Rabbit, specifically why Jessica Rabbit married Roger. You will then know where this criteria came from, and why.
Are you saying now I need to be funny and have to dress like a furry to get the girl?
Gee golly, no one gets laid like we Hot Topic! sales associates. If only those rightwingnutbuschimplers could feel all the hot sexuality coming from our patchouli scented bodies, well then, they would just abandon their fascist dominance paradigms, stop working for corporate interests, and get laid – like us. Down with Depilation! End the oppression of Scentism! Laundering is killing our mother!
Alas, to buttress my point further, everyone knows that the apex of teh great sexz in the Universe – the “biggest” of the “big bangs,” if you will, exists crotch height – center in this picture.
Will no one play with me?
I am a wingnut, unfortunately not a virgin, teetotaler, or prude – but a wingnut nonetheless. Come and shame me with your superior Leftist intellects, I implore you!
Men were to be a subservient ATM machine with a penis attached.
An ATM with a penis attached… Hey you enterprising inventors, I think we’re really on to something here! It would bring a whole new meaning to the term “Blowing your paycheck.”
That thread was scary. The frum marriage market, however dysfunctional, doesn’t encourage men whining about women in this way, because the women are left out.