Hail to the chief (fundraiser)

The commander fundraiser in chief stops by Pittsburgh today:

White House advisers are urging Bush to abandon the steep tariffs he imposed last year on imported steel. Doing so would avert billions in retaliatory duties from other countries.

But the steel industry argues that without Bush’s tariffs, low-priced foreign steel will again flood the American market and potentially lead to the elimination of thousands of steel jobs.

Aides said they expected the president to steer clear of the subject in his Pittsburgh visit Tuesday, a trip devoted solely to fund raising.

Last month, Bush visited a BMW manufacturing plant in South Carolina to tout his economic proposals. The plant is a leading steel buyer, and the visit was on the day when the World Trade Organization declared the administration had illegally hindered trade with tariffs on imported steel.

The president made no mention of the steel debate that day, instead reiterating his general support for “free and fair trade.” [But not balanced?!? — Much emphasis added ]

It’s always nice to see President Fuck Off With Your Policy Concerns Just Show Me the Goddamn Money You Assholes reaching out to his constituents rich contributors.



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