Mount Gippermore [Updated]

Mount Gippermore

If you’re looking for a perfect Christmas gift, look no further: Fred J. Eckert, former U.S. Ambassador to Fiji and devoted acolyte of St. Ronnie, is offering a computer-generated image of Mt. Rushmore with Reagan added to the monument right next to Abe Lincoln. This unique offer can be yours for as low as $37.95. If you call within the next three minutes, you will receive, at no extra charge, a sofa-sized velvet painting of Ronald Reagan performing “In the Ghetto” with Elvis Presley.

Jack Kemp, famed fine art collector, calls this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity a “classy art image . . . an inspirational work of the highest quality in every aspect.” Craig Shirley, author of “Reagan’s Revolution,” says the former ambassador’s Rushmore image “is so realistic that it looks like Reagan is really there.”

So call now. Operators are standing by. VISA, Mastercard and earmarks accepted.

And for you reality-worshiping liberals who have been writing to complain that the picture depicts Reagan’s head as being carved from stone that is not there . . .

Mount Rushmore

. . . we have one thing to say to you: silly putty.

Gavin adds:

Above: Hey, there’s still a spot in the center for a colossal Amy Goodman!


Comments: 127


Good start.

Now go back and replace the other three with Moe, Larry and Curly.



Craig Shirley, author of “Reagan’s Revolution,” says the former ambassador’s Rushmore image “is so realistic that it looks like Reagan is really there.”

Just like his Administration.


For construction, don’t forget the Crazy Glue.


The should rastafize him by 10%.


Muhahahaha! Finally liberals will support my insane plan to blow up the monument!


Jeez, way to emulate Kraftwerk’s Electric Cafe album art.


Insane plan? I’d sign on. Plastering our white American demigods on the side of one of the holiest sites in the religion of one of the largest of the countless cultures we decimated is an eternal “fuck you” to the scattered descendants of the survivors.


Am I the only one who thinks that Mt. Rushmore is really, incredible gaudy?

Also: fuck you. If neocon nutjobs can worship Reagan, then I demand a James K. Polk memorial.


They’re going to make the likeness of Reagan with the stones from The Old Man of the Mountain that Karl Rove blew up in NH. Sad but true.


A silly putty monument. For the silly putty preznit. How appropriate.


Hmm.. faces of white guys who slaughtered American Indians carved into sacred Indian land. No faces of American Indians even though it’s their land. That makes sense.


When the Islamofascistnazisandterrists take over and go all Bamiyan on Rushmore, I have to admit that I’ll get a tingly feeling when they train the Howitzers on the fifth head to the right.


I don’t make my living as an advocate for American Indians but the picture of Mount Rushmore makes me want to do so. It is such a deliberate stain and fuck you to the Lakota Sioux and all American Indians.


Silly putty? I’m surprised you passed on Play-doh.


But thinkin about the mountain made me play Seger’s “Roll me away”…

I had some times up there…



Wow… that pic is Slob Art taken to the extreme! I can see it hanging in trailers all over the country. (And, yes, Mt.R should be demolished immediately. You think people would like giant busts of leaders if it was, say… Saddam carved into a mountain in Iraq?)


“Am I the only one who thinks that Mt. Rushmore is really, incredible gaudy?”

No. A more over the top, ridiculous monument I couldn’t imagine. No wonder the Ray-gun worshiping dolts love it so much. What is it about Neo-Conservatism and a complete lack of taste?


Hmm.. faces of white guys who slaughtered American Indians carved into sacred Indian land. No faces of American Indians even though it’s their land. That makes sense.

That’s not completely true.

Poe could just have well

“Be that word our sign of parting, president!” I shrieked, upstarting–
“Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken! — quit the bust above my door!
Take thy pie from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!”
Quoth Ron Reagan, “Gippermore.”


What is it about Neo-Conservatism and a complete lack of taste?

and a complete lack of integrity.

and a complete lack of empathy for other human beings.

I’d say a complete lack of anything but greed sums the entire morass up. In other words, there’s nothing about Neo-Conservatism that wasn’t thought up thousands of years ago by other scumbags.


I think a giant Clenis should be carved there. Balls and all.


Hmmm. I think some posts are getting hung up in the intertoobs.

I really wonder how many of those pictures he’s going to sell? Can you even imagine someone thinking it was a great gift idea? It’s probably even toxic as kindling for the fireplace.


Ricky Fuckin Reardon from Revere said,

December 9, 2007 at 2:05

I I don’t make my living as an advocate for American Indians but the picture of Mount Rushmore makes me want to do so. It is such a deliberate stain and fuck you to the Lakota Sioux and all American Indians.

I concur completely and I make my living alongside American Indians. I have heard a few of them talk about being there at Mt R. They seemed excited about it. They are Choctaws though, so not so directly effected by this middle finger to the Plains Indians.


It looks fake on my screen, I can only imagine how bad it looks at 24×30.


Shalom gentlemen.


The bottom line is, Ronald Regan was the greatest President this Great Nation has ever had, he single handedly destroyed the Soviet Empire without firing a shot by spending them into the ground with his Massive Defense Budget, he lowered taxes which stimualated the economy and created much economic growth, he proposed SDI, he nominated Antonin Scalia to the Supreme Court and forced the Iranians to release thier American hostages. The reason you liberals constantly degrade the Great Ronaldus Maximus is because you don’t understand greatness.


What is it about Neo-Conservatism and a complete lack of taste?

Conservatism = the absence of taste.

Not only are wingnuts utterly lacking in taste– they are oozing with resentment of people who DO have taste. And it’s not just in art– wingnuts like shitty music, don’t know how to dress, eat shitty food, have bad haircuts… I mean, these people like Larry the Fucking Cable Guy, fer chrissakes.

Effete coastal snob? Yes, I am. Better than being a tasteless, ignorant, backwoods shitheel.


The three greatest Presidents in American history in order of apperance.

1. George Washington.

2. Theodore Roosevelt.

3. Ronald Reagan.


Silly putty? I’m surprised you passed on Play-doh.

Play-doh is water soluble.


Saul said,

December 9, 2007 at 3:25

Shalom gentlemen.

Happy Satuday evening, rabbi.


The sun is down where I am my friend, has been for three hours.


Hopefully Ronald Reagan will get put on Mount Rushmore, it is an honor that he greatfully deserves.


Hey, did you hear what happened when Fred Eckert went to Mount Gippermore?


What happened?


Saul needs to check his facts. But I’m a guy who thinks the crazy should be allowed to vent. It’s therapeutic, and silly babbling does me no harm.


…greatest presidents in American history in order of apperance.

1. George Washington.

Yep, those wood teeth always kept him looking his best.
He could walk down you street
And girls could not resist his stare
George Washington never got called an asshole
Not like you


Probably can’t get it on Mount Rushmore itself (the only busts that really belong there anyway are those of Black Elk, Crazy Horse, etc), but a consolation (both for the wingnuts themselves and for those of us who maliciously enjoy seeing their vulgarity confirmed): that image will be painted on the side panels of a thousand RVs crossing the country by next summer.


Play-doh is water soluble.

Hmm. Did we ever once see Reagan get wet?

Mysterious Traveller

I’d rather have St. Ronnie on Mt.Rushmore than on my twenties.

I spend them too fast already.


On the other hand, Ronnie on my toilet paper is totally appropriate.


Huh. Know what?

Looks to me like saul likes pie.

I bet saul likes saurkraut. Or maybe kimchee….



A: Jack Kemp said, “Come on! Give someone else a turn.”


gbear – I thought the Ronster was permanently all wet.


Off-topic question for all you philo heads: Have you seen the latest attack ad on Kant?


That Photoshop cries out for more Photoshop.




Fred J. Eckert, former U.S. Ambassador to Fiji

what I would give to have a gig like that!


“the latest attack ad on Kant”

I’m reminded of something my son said years ago (he was probably 7 or 8 at the time) while laughing uncontrollably during a Marx Brothers movie on video.

“I don’t understand it, but it’s really funny!”


Take it or leave it as “art,” but as a photo-realistic composite, it’s a total hack job.

Given the lighting in the parent photo, a realistic shadow cast from Reagan’s head would likely cover most of Lincoln’s face. Look at the length of Lincoln’s shadow, and then compare it to the length of Reagan’s faux shadow. Look, too, at the angle of the shadows: Lincoln casts a shadow that angles down (as it naturally lit by the sun), while Reagan’s shadow angles upwards, making it look as if he is being lit by a ground-level light source. Reagan’s nose doesn’t cast a shadow, either, while Washington’s nose, viewed at the same angle, does.

And the tonality is all wrong: compare the underside of Washington’s chin to the underside of Reagan’s chin. Realistically, Reagan would have deep, almost-black shadows at any point where there is an overhang, such as under the nose or chin. Also, Reagan’s face has none of the natural striations that occur in granite, and which appear on all of the other presidents (most notably on Jefferson). And that’s just what I can spot on a lo-res JPEG that’s 5 inches wide.

The lesson to be learned here is: never take art-buying advice from Jack Kemp.


The Great Ronald Reagan inherited the problems of that incompetant boob Jimmy Carter and fixed all of his messes with the power of Conservative Principles. That fool Carter bungled the whole Iranian hostage incident bu the Great Ronaldus Maximus through his Great Intimidating Power scared the Iranian mullahs (who wouldn’t have been in power in the first place if not for Carter’s incompetence) into relasing the American hostages. Every problem the Great Ronaldus Maximus inherited from Carter the Commie he fixed with his Conservative Platform of Patriotism and Morality.


“it’s a total hack job.” Dude, they’re Republicans. What else did you expect?


I am so glad I’m working tonight. Certain things on this thread are guaranteed to lower your IQ by ten points with only brief exposure. I advise a strategy of nonengagement, if only to preserve your sanity.


Wow. Saul blathered, but I never even saw KKKarl’s lips move.


The Great Ronaldus Maximus’ Conservative Platform: Patriotism, Fiscal Discipline and Traditional American Values.

Of the current GOP candidates for Commander in Chief, I think Congressman Tom Tancredo best sums up the Conservative Platform of Patriotism, Fiscal Discipline and Traditional American Values.

Tom Tancredo is just the man to carry the Reagan Mantle into the White House in 2008!


You know what is really sad? It is almost inevitable now that many Republicans are going to believe that Reagan’s face is really there and they’ll be showing this photo for years as solid proof of the fact. And, of course, since the evil Dhimmicrats obviously would never pay for this, it was probably the result of a miracle, like the Jesus faces in the bacon grease and whatnot.


my leg feels “tugged”


The Reagan head grew out of a talking boil, just like in How To Get Ahead In Advertising.

Just like the real thing, too.


Skip rushmore. Jelly Belly should make special cigarette-tasing jelly beans with St. Ronald’s face on ’em.


The bottom line is, the left doesn’t know greatness when they see it.


Er, that’s cigarette-tasting jelly beans…

Though cigarette-tasing jelly beans would, I’m sure, be of great interest to nanny state liberals and concerned conservative mothers.


I was a dumb 16-year-old in 1980, and I still identified with Republicans because of all the Repug talking points repeated as nauseum by friends, family, media in my good ol’ Heartland hometown in Indiana.

But I could see right through Ronald Reagan’s bullshit. I kept asking what the big deal was, and the answers were all unswavering, robotic bullshit. I was forced by circumstance and innate common sesne to take a good, hard look at the bullshit that had been shoveled into my head so relentlessly and so shamelessly.

Ronald Reagan, and the right wing’s mindless adoration, just made it so obvious that Republicans were idiots. I happily converted and have never looked back.


It’s well-known that there isn’t enough solid granite left on Mt. Rushmore to properly represent Ronald Reagan’s head. However, a few miles south of there in Custer SD, some gloriously crazy people are carving an entire mountain into an equestrian statue of Chief Crazy Horse. Crazy Horse and the horse he rode in on are facing south, leaving the entire other side of mountain available to carve a monumental bust of Reagan, representing the monumental bust of his administration.

The result would be the four presidents on Rushmore facing Reagan across several miles of the Black Hills, Reagan on the north end of a south-facing horse.


The three greatest Presidents in American history in order of apperance.

1. George Washington.

2. Theodore Roosevelt.

3. Ronald Reagan.

So under George W Bush I’ll put you down for “great president” rather than “Greatest president”.


George W. Bush is a Great President.


Hey liberals guess what? I named my cat Rush after Rush Limbaugh. He is a very cute but hyper 3 year old Russian Blue that I rescued from an animal shelter.


Hey winger guess what? No one cares about your fantasies about your right wing heroes. Every Republican administration in my entire lifetime has been filled with people who are traitors. They’ve all put their pocketbooks and their political party ahead of their country.

Fantasize away, goombah. We’ll polish up the jail cells for you. The bell is tolling for thee and thine.


“rescued from an animal shelter”

Man, I am loving this.


I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who thought Mt. Rushmore was the weirdest damned thing I’d ever seen. From the walkway of state flags with the overwhelming “patriotic” music as you march up there, it is just so……….. strange. Or maybe it was just the epitome of all that is tacky and overblown about the American self image.

Speaking as a former geologist, there’s nothing wrong with Mt. Rushmore that some freeze-thaw-induced spalling won’t clear up in a few geologic time increments.

And you Firefoxians can get a Greasemonkey script that automatically blocks Saul and the rest of the identified typing turds if you want. I just read who posted the next comment and pass on by if it is our resident fake rabbi.

Typical Republican

You tell ’em, Saul! And I really like your list of the geatest presidents. Lincoln sucked ass, and it’s just the politically correct crowd that always has to have their way and put him up at the top. All he did was free “you know who” and look at what a mess we’re in now because of that?

Liberals. Hmf.


Honestly, these freaks don’t lay off. I think I wrote more letters of protest over them trying to get Reagan onto the $10 than all of Amnesty International’s entire history of protest letters.

Funny money, silly putty, crazy-ass shit all around.

Why also though do neo-cons now debate that neo-cons are actually liberals who cannot be trusted against “true conservatives”, whatever that distinction now means (and in contrast to paleo-, religious-, etc.)? Or are these attempts at comedy that are just falling really, really flat?

Eh Saul, I know of a nice online fantasy land where you can go rant about how left-wing Little Green Footballs is, so bugger off already. And I’m not a gentleman. And I’m thinking you ain’t got no stinkin cat.




You know what is really sad? It is almost inevitable now that many Republicans are going to believe that Reagan’s face is really there and they’ll be showing this photo for years as solid proof of the fact.

They will probably look at Mt Rushmore, see Ronnie is missing and promptly blame us. They probably already do. Why do we hate America?


I want zombie Hitchcock to be forced to refilm the Rushmore scene in North by Northwest with massive Reagan up-nose and pompadour action.


Ronald Wilson Reagan also initiated US support of muslim extremism in the Middle East. He helped give the young Osama Bin Laden his start. Ronnie called these muslim extremists “freedom fighters” when justifying huge tax-funded expenditures to train and arm them. Which means that it would be more appropriate to dig up his casket and push it off a cliff than to memorialize him.

But really, I think Saul is twelve and having a great old time while his parents are out for the evening and his babysitter is yakking on the phone in the other room.


is that killfile you’re using to block with? how do you get them in there?


“Reagan on Rushmore” utilizes on innovative new format: a “virtual” double-mat that is mounted on strong extruded plastic. No costly mats to buy. Even the use of glass is unnecessary because the art image is protected with a UV fade guard. Display as is. Or easily slip into an “off the shelf” frame.

A “virtual” mat?? Mounted on extruded plastic?? So it’s a place mat then. That you pay $150.00 for. Shit, no wonder they can raise so much money.


The enemy at the time of the Great Ronaldus Maximus was the evil Soviet Union and their Communist Empire. The Great Ronaldus Maximus had no idea that the islamo-facsists would turn and bite the hand that was feeding them, he had no way of knowing. The islamo-facsists were at the time our ally because of the very wise saying “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” The Great Ronaldus Maximus assumed as did everyone at the time that the islamo-facsists would help us fight the Soviet Union and then go back to herding sheep. There was absolutely no way for him or anyone else at the time to forsee the change in the turn of events.


baba durag
You need Firefox and an addon called greasemonkey, Then you have to instal a script and to add people to it you edit the script with notepad.


I call fake Saul. No way do I believe you are able to use “Ronaldus Maximus” correctly in a sentence.


I am much smater than you liberals think.


Off-topic again (but worth it, I insist!): Deborah Solomon interviews John Podhoretz in this Sunday’s New York Times Magazine. My favorite: He calls the New York Review of Books “a highly sophisticated vehicle for anti-American self-hatred.”


I am much smater than you liberals think.

I have little doubt of that. It’s just not saying a whole lot, you know?


It’s the wrong medium for such a magnificent image.

Poster paints on black velveteen would much more appropriate.

Mehitabel Blood-Axe

. . . we have one thing to say to you: silly putty.
That iz 2 things.


thanks. got firefox, greasemonkey, and killfile. how do I edit the scripts, and what do I put in it?


You’re as dumb as a rock if you think all that conservative psuedo-history you spout is true. And you’re as dishonest as Nixon for not checking it against facts before swallowing it like the Reagan jizz you wish you could suckle.


Saul, if you don’t stop miss spelling my name, I’m going to sic the Hamburglar on your sorry ass.


Wouldn’t it be easier to chisel off Teddy’s mustache and re-fashion him into Reagan? I mean, really…is TR in the same league as the other three?

It’s like having a statue of John, Paul, George, and Peter Tork. Doesn’t make any sense.


“John, Paul, George, and Peter Tork”



That fugly piece of kitsch makes St. Ronnie look like he’s having a hard bowel movement. Or else Lincoln has just introduced him to the Invisible Hand the conservatives are always babbling about.

Seiz, thank you — and I mean that sincerely! — for the link to . I knew about Korczak Ziolkowski’s righteously insane project, but I didn’t know they had an online store. I am making a list, and there’s at least one art-lover in my Nukular Fambly who is going to receive one of Del Iron Cloud’s “Forget Not the Past” prints if I can’t duck the gifts exchange…

Michael Harrington

The look of pained disgust on Lincoln’s face as that dimwit is jammed up next to him kind of says it all.

Jack Kemp calls it “classy art image”…did Mr. Drysdale and Miss Hathaway tell him to say that? If you have to use the C word, it’s probably not.

And neither are you, you helmet headed vulgarian.


“In 1937, a bill was introduced in Congress to add the head of civil-rights leader Susan B. Anthony, but a rider was passed on an appropriations bill requiring that federal funds be used to finish only those heads that had already been started at that time. In 1939, the face of Theodore Roosevelt was dedicated.”
Prez at the time? heh
Although, the stern, righteous and matronly gaze of SBA would have actually been much more preferable and meaningful.


In defence of Peter Thorkelson, Richard Starkey was no Jughead.


LOLdoofus here.


If there gonna put a chick on Mt. Rushmore, it should be Louise Brooks.

“You can bring Ron, he’s an animatron,
but don’t bring Lulu!”


But then where oh where do we put the greatestest preznit EVAR, George W?

Oh, that’s right. A four-inch bust of GWB’s head, glued into Lincoln’s right nostril.

Sort of like a presidential booger, only hardened.



Are you sure?

Incontinentia Buttocks

I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who thought Mt. Rushmore was the weirdest damned thing I’d ever seen. From the walkway of state flags with the overwhelming “patriotic” music as you march up there, it is just so……….. strange.

Indeed. For those who haven’t been there: even though you’re probably prepared for strange, it’s stranger than you expect. The first time I visited the adjective that immediately came to mind was “Soviet” (I think the piped in music sealed the deal).

But Mt. Rushmore is really at its best during the Sturges Motorcycle Rally. Cover the place with leather-clad bikers and “strange” does not begin to describe it!


I’d be up for a huge picture of Hugo Black, Pometacom (King Phillip), Jim Rice and Linda Fiorentino.


Plastering our white American demigods on the side of one of the holiest sites in the religion of one of the largest of the countless cultures we decimated
Ron Reagan on the side of the Kaaba? The idea has merits. Get Banksy onto it.


Ricky Fuckin Reardon, do you know my friends Tracey, Tina & (the late) Maria from Revere (Re-veah)?

One of my college roomies was Hugo Black’s nephew. Small world, innit?


Smut Clyde: “Ron” Reagan is Ronald’s ballet-dancing son. He hasn’t done anything really bad.


I think something like this would be more appropriate


faces of white guys who slaughtered American Indians carved into sacred Indian land. No faces of American Indians even though it’s their land.

Well, this doesn’t seem to be quite finished yet:

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

… the stern, righteous and matronly gaze of [Susan B. Anthony] would have actually been much more preferable and meaningful.

You got that right, pal.


Well, Teddy did give us the park system.


Well, Teddy did give us the park system.

And the estate, aka death, tax!


Monumental carvings of ‘great men’ does have a sort of fascistic aftertaste. It would have been a lot more interesting if they’d carved only remarkably butt-ugly public figures, such as J. Edgar Hoover, Tor Johnson, Theodore Bilbo, and an alien from Invasion of the Saucer-Men.


Teddy Roosevelt: Hey, how come Chávez gets to wear his paratrooper’s beret? I want my Rough Rider’s hat!


It’d work a lot better for me if they carved Alice from Resident Evil up there.

With shotgun…



Repubs love naming things after themselves around DC. We have Dulles Airport, The Reagan Building, Reagan National Airport (which Congress renamed even though it is owned by Arlington County), former Arlington Hall training center in Arlington is now named after George Schultz, the CIA Building is named after George Bush Sr (head of the CIA for less than a year), etc, etc.

At least Maryland named their airport after Thurgood Marshall, even though everyone still calls it BWI.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Hey! That doesn’t look like Susan B. Anthony. Not much, anyway.


I for one applaud this – it’s long past time Max Headroom was put on Mt. Rushmore.


But seriously, they missed a trick by not having Thomas Kinkade paint the image. Or is he out of favor for that whole peeing thing?


Also available, Reagan painted into the Last Supper, and into the Dogs Playing Poker.
Order before midnight and get the Reagan “Thinker” statue.


Cn we haz a link plz to Jonah Goldberg’s thoughts about the Kennedy “cult of personality… reek[ing] of fascist political theater”?


Did Reagan really not have any lips?


Cn we also haz fotoshpping cntest wit teh Ronnie face on merican icons pls?

Ann Coulter is watching you masturbate.


Teddy Roosevelt actually saved us from the last Gilded Age. That is how he is known as the “Trust Buster.”

We could use one now, don’tcha think?

Yes, he was testosterone poisoned a la Hemingway with the whole big game thing, but when you check out the whole story and discover he instituted modern methods as NYC Police Chief, he regulated the railroads who were ripping off farmers, he supported the Pure Food & Drug act which kept hapless slaughterhouse workers out of your hot dogs and poison out of your OTC remedies.

And he gave us the National Park System.

If anyone deserves a head on Mt. Rushmore (and I’m kinda squicked out by it myself…) Teddy’s got more claim than most.


Wow, did the Right get pwned! Take another look at the Reagan image, he’s wearing a very subtle, 1880’s schoolmarm’s dress! And they’re paying money to buy an image of their corpse/man-crush dressed like a prim little lady? I guess the transvestite theme plays well to the double-wetsuit crowd (but for the sake of Jesus, people, twist him around a bit so we can see the remaining stump of a dildo buried deep up his ass, okay?) .

Porcoises And Tuna

Har Har teh Gavins, Amy Goodman.

Amy Goodman is teh Deomcracy Now! but she’s BLIND to teh fossil feuls problams like YOU.

Everythangs wills continue forever, just like now. NO SHORTAGES, EVAR. Forget the 1970s.


(comments are closed)