
Sad but true: I still think Huckabee would make a better preznit than Rudy:


Mike Huckabee once advocated isolating AIDS patients from the general public, opposed increased federal funding in the search for a cure and said homosexuality could “pose a dangerous public health risk.”

As a candidate for a U.S. Senate seat in 1992, Huckabee answered 229 questions submitted to him by The Associated Press. Besides a quarantine, Huckabee suggested that Hollywood celebrities fund AIDS research from their own pockets, rather than federal health agencies.

“If the federal government is truly serious about doing something with the AIDS virus, we need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague,” Huckabee wrote.

En otras palabras: “Since condoms and sex education are against God’s Will, I guess locking up the ‘mos and putting them in camps will have to suffice.”

Hey, I think Michelle Malkin’s finally discovered something to admire about this guy!

Get outta here, ya maniac!


Comments: 46


Well, he has better authoritarian street cred than I thought. I thought he had all the qualities a modern GOP contender should have, except for the deep and abiding love of death-camps. Guess I was wrong! And he’s a Baptist minister! He’s well rounded! The real deal!

Kinda sucks for Rudy, though. Sorta like the last time poor Rudy tried to run against Hillary….didn’t…quite….make it…to November. Oh well.


I think Rudy will fail.

Huck might be dangerous, he appeals to the simpletons. (Which, after all, is what the GOP must do to get the elections close enough to steal.)


Better – I do not think that word means what you think it means.

The quantity of Suck under any of those shits would be the same. The only difference would be the quality.

Between Huck & Rudi, your choices are ignorant thuggery shoved down all our throats with a cross Suck, or jackboot stamping on your face forever while Judi’s dog pisses in your ear Suck.

That ain’t better, it’s just different.


Maybe Rudy could get a job in the Huckabee administration. Secretary of Graft, perhaps. Maybe Adultery Czar.


Well, what do you expect when at that point it didn’t seem like it could ever affect anyone *he* knew or cared about.

OT, but OMG, check it out. Mormonism explained in an unintentionally hilarious cartoon. Romney can’t like questions about this stuff. Who can blame him? But the republicans brought the scrutiny on themselves. Sucks to be on the receiving end of politicized religious dogma-wars for once, I bet.


I first misread the date as 1982, and thought, “Appalling, but pretty much par for the course in those days”. Then I saw that he actually said all that shit in 1992.

Must remember rule: conservatives always believe backwards-ass shit at least 10 years longer than everyone else. And that’s the minimum.


Me- Huck’s still a creationist, don’t forget. He’ll believe that we have to quarantine AIDS victims for at least another 200 years!


Reminds me of the Speaker of the House Gingrich days, when Mr Newt invited some wag to testify before Congress that gay people needed to be confined in “camps of refuge” to protect everyone from AIDS.


Well, in ’92 Huckabee didn’t think it could affect anyone he knew or gave a damn about. So no big surprise.

OT, but this is funny. Unintentionally hilarious cartoon on the Mormon creation story. Romney shouldn’t be asked about this crap if other candidates aren’t asked about their silliness, but the republicans brought the dogma-wars on themselves.


Huckleberry has said that he would actually outlaw gay marriage, so let’s hope he never becomes the leader of the free world either. But he is better than Rudy. Lame as those Chuck Norris ads are, they do make him the coolest GOP candidate by default.


Unintentionally hilarious cartoon on the Mormon creation story.

I kept waiting for a promo for “Land of the Lost” or “Hong Kong Phooey” to come on.


Any one of the hapless boobs in the GOP field would make a better president than Rudy.

Regarding the whole “Jesus Loves Me More Than You” dust-up between Huckabee and Romney: Someone needs to ask Romney in a debate if he believes the “Adam-God” came down from heaven and had sex with Mary in order to create the “Half-God” Jesus H. Christ.

Even if most Mormons have distanced themselves from the “Adam-God theory” (some call it a “doctrine”), it would get Christians to start thinking “Jeez, what other weird things do those people believe, anyway?”

Oblivious, of course, to the obvious irony that they believe in some supremely bizarre shit themselves. It astounds me that in the 21st century, people still believe in an invisible ghost in the sky who loves them and will whisk all true believers off to Magical Cloud Cuckoo Land when they die.

Religion is organized insanity.



bet·ter1 /?b?t?r/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[bet-er] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective, compar. of good with best as superl.
1. of superior quality or excellence: a better coat; a better speech.
2. morally superior; more virtuous: They are no better than thieves.
3. of superior suitability, advisability, desirability, acceptableness, etc.; preferable: a better time for action.
4. larger; greater: the better part of a lifetime.
5. improved in health; healthier than before.
6. completely recovered in health.

No, unless 6. because both he and Rude! got cooties from the same goat and Huck shook it off faster. Maybe…

–adverb, compar. of well with best as superl.
7. in a more appropriate or acceptable way or manner: to behave better.
8. to a greater degree; more completely or thoroughly: He knows the way better than we do. I probably know him better than anyone else.
9. more: I walked better than a mile to town.
–verb (used with object)
10. to increase the good qualities of; make better; improve: to better the lot of the suburban commuter.
11. to improve upon; surpass; exceed: We have bettered last year’s production record.
12. Cards. to raise (a previous bid).

Maybe 8, as in Huckabee is better at blatantly stating his religious preferences for himself and the rest of us.

13. that which has greater excellence or is preferable or wiser: the better of two choices.
14. Usually, betters. those superior to one in wisdom, wealth, etc.
15. better off,
a. in better circumstances.
b. more fortunate; happier: Because of his asthma, he would be better off in a different climate.
16. better oneself, to improve one’s social standing, financial position, or education: He is going to night school because he wants to better himself.
17. for the better, in a way that is an improvement: His health changed for the better.
18. get or have the better of,
a. to get an advantage over.
b. to prevail against.
19. go (someone) one better, to exceed the effort of; be superior to: The neighbors went us one better by buying two new cars.
20. had better, would be wiser or more well-advised to; ought to: We had better stay indoors today.
21. no better than one should be, Disparaging. morally inferior; immoral or amoral.
22. think better of,
a. to reconsider and decide more favorably or wisely regarding: I was tempted to make a sarcastic retort, but thought better of it.
b. to form a higher opinion of.

[Origin: bef. 900; ME bettre, OE bet(t)(e)ra; c. OHG bezziro (G besser), D beter, ON betr, Goth batiza, equiv. to bat- (c. OHG baz (adv.) better; akin to boot2) + -iza comp. suffix; suggested relation to Skt bhadrá- “fortunate” is doubtful. See best]

Nope. Still don’t see it.


Jesus christ juggling golden plates, what IS it with these idiots and their camps? It’s one thing to be an authoritarian asshole, but when the first solution to ANY problem that comes to mind is “…put ’em in camps” you’re a whole ‘nother critter.

Put the muslims in camps.

Put the liberals in camps.

Put the homos in camps.

Put the sick, the dying, the inconvenient, the unpleasant in camps.

Camps, camps camps.

Camps with troops. Troopy camps.

Tell ya one thing, though. I wanna be in the homo camps. Best decorations, best food, best entertainment (musical theater, anyone?).

Homo camps with homo nups.

Campy nups.

Alright, I see I’m the only one I’m crackin up at this point. I’ll go make some breakfast…



Don’t forget Huck’s Kompassionate Konservative Kristianity, which requires him to not just forgive serial rapists and murderers but also to mainstream them back into society:

“Dear Wayne,” Huckabee wrote in a letter to Dumond, after having read the victims’ letters. “My desire is that you be released from prison.” And no amount of spinning can change that, or the conclusion that Huckabee allowed his judgment to be swayed by the bleating of a collection of right-wing zealots who put their hatred of Bill Clinton over the well being of the public (Dumond’s victim was a distant relative of Clinton, and the daughter of a major Clinton donor).

In interviews, Huckabee claims that his stand on Dumond was clouded by a surfeit of compassion. In reality, it was clouded by a surfeit of cynical pandering to a group whose support he felt he needed.

Of course, Huck’s true believers aren’t buying it, like for instance these well-informed and thoughtful commenters:

Thom, Michael
12/07/2007 11:18 PM
A message for Mike:
Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven..

king, jerry
12/07/2007 09:38 PM
Can anyone say Ronald Regan! Mike Huckabee sounds like Ronald Regan.He is so postive and has a shiney veiw of the USA.


I remeber after the dark days of Jimmy Carter Ronald Regan reaaly put the light in America.I think Mike can do the same thing!Please support our troops! May God Bless America and Bless Mike!

Paige, Ala
12/07/2007 12:36 AM
I’m glad to see Mike get the real story out after the drive-by media tries to do another anti-God hit job. Mike was exactly right to tell the parole board that the punishment for Dumond was out of control, and that Dumond, like all of us, need forgiveness. It’s not Mike’s fault if Dumond follows the evil in his heart, how could Mike know?

And, of course, the Clenis did it…

Why the “unusual” punishment? Given the fact that the victim was biologically related to Governor Bill Clinton, and given the behavior of the Arkansas officials, it would seem Dumond was given an extra measure of retribution (life plus 20 years, I believe).

Something smells rotten in Clintonville. I’m being asked to believe that Huckabee, a new Republican Governor at the time, should be held responsible for Clinton’s and Tucker’s commutation of DuMond’s sentence and the subsequent acts of their parole board appointees?

However, one senses a certain amount of fatalism even among his biggest supporters…

I am a lifelong Dem, grandaughter of populists who went to jail for their views. My choices for this election are Huck, first, Biden, second, Edwards, third. I vote for the man who seems to me to embody worthiness, whatever his label. But I may just say, civilization has died, why bother trying?

Wow. Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.


I kept waiting for a promo for “Land of the Lost” or “Hong Kong Phooey” to come on.

My favorite part was how the plates with the inscriptions were found buried “in upstate New York.”


Hate to say it, but I think you are right. while all of the Rethugs are pretty scary, Ghouliani is by far the scariest, if only because he is smarter or at least more cunning, that the rest of the pack. The Huckster comes in a close second, however, and is an authentic theocrat, as opposed to the rest of the pack who are just kissing up to the fundie wing of the party. That said the election of any of these baby eating trolls would be grounds to consider permanent emigration to a sane country, like North Korea.


Is it just me or does it seems that nowadays with the leaders of the republican party is nothing more than a contest to see who can be the most heartless, hypocritcal asshole?


I don’t mind Giuliani so much. Maybe I just don’t know enough about him. He just reminds me of my late Dad’s more successful business pals. But Huckster now, eeeeeek…..I’m waiting for a good “Satan put the dinosaur fossils to fool people and steal their souls” crap from him. Yet he puts on such a happy, joking front….that’s scarier than Giuliani getting nervous and lisping anyday.

Cripes, camps for AIDS patients? WTF? And not even Jesus Camps…..this guy is really too much. I don’t want to risk him getting into office. No way. At least Rudy isn’t freaking out about teh gggaaaaaayyyyys. Mitt’s just an arrogant little shit too.

I just can’t wait for the next round of comments/debates to see which one wants to level Iran.


I don’t mind Giuliani so much. Maybe I just don’t know enough about him.

Azathoth, please listen to those of us who suffered through Giuliani’s entire mayoral career. If you wanted to pick a rethuglican who was even worse than the worst Xtian bible-thumping torture-monger, Giuliani would be your guy.


The question is not whether people are going to be screwed if republican candidate X wins, It is more a question of what group is each candidate going to shaft?

9u11iani: will screw public services, the armed forces, and as many foreigners as he can manage. The economy will continue to circle the drain, and worldwide opinion of the US will drop even further, but at least you can still probably get an abortion.

Huckleburry Dim: Women, gays, atheists, and just about every american that isn’t a redneck christian gets shafted. The rest of the world gets off fairly easily though. After 4 years of huck, massachusetts will be like alabama.

Mittens: As above, with possibly more foreign misadventures and marginally less financial mismanagement, and the aforementioned redneck christians feel vaguely dirty about having a cultie in the white house.

“Gold standard” Ronny: Everybody gets screwed as the entire american economy collapses, and foreigners are faced with the annoyance of having to send in the red cross to feed starving former middle class americans.


They ALL want to level Iran. Just not for the reasons stated.

Only the true believing nutjobs like NorPod and The Mustache of Hate(tm) actually believe Iran is any kind of a threat.

But these asshats will run with it, for three reasons.

America is in economic trouble, and they think a hot war will distract the rabble.

America is facing a serious recession, and they think with a hot war using up materials at a tremendous rate, they can keep some employment going.

Killing muslims is, sadly, a pretty popular position in america today.

Now, the fact that these sick fucks are willing to spend the lives and squander the future for short term economic and political gain does speak volumes about them, but in reality we all know the american idol-viewing public will never make that calculation, and those of us who will are a lost cause to them anyway…



The fact of the matter is that there are no homosexuals in the heartland. They all live in elitist coastal cities. Homosexuality is a choice that lazy people make in order to enjoy more rights than real Americans. The Homosexuals in Hollywood don’t understand the movies that real Americans in the heartland want to see: more movies about talking kitties and puppies, and / or more movies about white Americans (i.e. the real Americans) killing brown people in foreign lands. These are the values that reall Americans in the heartland share.


Is it just me or does it seems that nowadays with the leaders of the republican party is nothing more than a contest to see who can be the most heartless, hypocritcal asshole?


Since when did “nowadays” mean the last hundred years?


“America is in economic trouble, and they think a hot war will distract the rabble.”
They already tried that. It was called Iraq, and didn’t work quite as planned.

“America is facing a serious recession, and they think with a hot war using up materials at a tremendous rate, they can keep some employment going.”

… Already tried that. All it did was line haliburtons pockets, and prop up the GDP whilst unemployment rose.. Thus providing more desperate out of work people to join the army.

I give it another decade before the Chinese send in the bailiffs to get their money back.


Mikey: Let’s not forget they’re also pandering to the rapture freaks who believe that their self-righotus apocalypse will come if we get all the Jews (who they normally despise) to Isreal.


elmer gantry and elmer fudd rolled into one


elmer gantry and elmer fudd rolled into one

This would be funnier if it didn’t apply to Romney as well. And Thompson. And Bush, for that matter. And Reagan. And Dole. And about eighty percent of the “men” that have run for the Repug Party nomination since … we’ll say 1960.



Nah, Iraq really was a case where they believed their own propaganda. The neocons had been telling the “flowers and candy” story for so long that they had managed to completely eliminate the demands of reality from the calculations.

Iraq could NOT have served as either a distraction nor as a driver of employment because, as a true war, it was too easy. Six weeks and it was over. Occupations don’t use materials and resources at the prodigious rate of a hot war, and there’s just not enough good combat footage and real battles to keep the people’s attention.

With Iran, we don’t have the combat power available to “go to capitol”, so it drags out into a longer war, with Marines occupying and trying to control the ground overlooking straights of Hormuz, daily (and nightly) strike packages flown against targets all over the country, and a couple of righteous grinding tank battles on the Basra frontier and out into the marshes. Yep. the same ground where all the blood got spilled in the eighties.

No, this war could stay hot for a solid year. And that’s what they’d be counting on. Once again, if you think it through, there is no outcome that could be described as “victory”….



Unintentionally hilarious cartoon on the Mormon creation story.

I kept waiting for a promo for “Land of the Lost” or “Hong Kong Phooey” to come on.

I just knew the wonder Twins would pop up somewhere.


“Sad but true: I still think Huckabee would make a better preznit than Rudy.”

Sure, but which one would you most like to see get the GOPer nomination? That would be Roody in my book. Oh, pleeeeeeeeeze let it be Roody.


Well, Huck also wants to put the fat people into camps — for our own good! and also, we’re the ones destroying America’s healthcare system, not Frist’s HMO crime empire — so I’m going away even if our new Homeland Monitors can’t figure out these newfangled intertoobz thingies. Right now, our best chance for distracting the MSM from their “Oooh, a new face, Huckabee *must* be cool just because we’re not tired of looking at him yet!” riff seems to be Guiliani’s and Romney’s Oppo Research Teams. Or Hillary’s, I guess, although you’d think if she were half the criminal mastermind she’s been labelled, she’d already have Elmer Gantry’s more photogenic public-relations gaffs front-paged on the Murdoch media…

As for the DuMond disaster, apart from the git-Clinton angle, I think the unvoiced assumption behind granting clemency is that white male heterosexuals aren’t rapists, because short of murder, whatever happened to those sluts is their own fault. Of course, DuMond actually upped his game to the murderer level once Preacher Mike gave him a second chance, but no doubt that just proves that jail is no place for a white male heterosexualist, or sumpin.


“Iraq could NOT have served as either a distraction nor as a driver of employment because, as a true war, it was too easy. Six weeks and it was over. Occupations don’t use materials and resources at the prodigious rate of a hot war, and there’s just not enough good combat footage and real battles to keep the people’s attention.”

You wouldn’t know that from the amounts of money that have been spent on the “occupation”. If anything, the first 6 weeks were the cheap bit. Building those city sized military bases didn’t come cheap.

Granted, building permanent bases comes more under “empire building” than “winning the war in Distractistan” but the empire building and the big spending was part of the plan all along.

The invasion of Iraq was more of a publicity stunt than military operation. Bombers were used excessively, to hopefully reduce the number of american deaths, and make for some nice footage, despite the fact that all the destruction made the occupation harder.

Then followed the symbolic nonsense.. the staged destruction of saddams statue, and the jessica lynch propaganda story. They really did milk the invasion for ALL it was worth. It may not have been the best distraction, but they did try to make it into the best one they could. They certainly distracted people from the fact they hadn’t caught bin laden.

Ultimately, I am not too sure that it matters weather or not they believe their own propaganda. After they have repeated it enough times, they cannot back down without loosing face. I feel this is what is happening with the GOP candidates. They toed the party line, and got all aggressive.. and now its like 2 blokes in a bar, clutching broken bottles and staring at each other, both realising it was a bad idea to get this far, but neither willing to back down first, because everybody is watching.


and now its like 2 blokes in a bar, clutching broken bottles and staring at each other, both realising it was a bad idea to get this far, but neither willing to back down first, because everybody is watching.

This is EXACTLY what it is – a very apt description.

A writer I like once used the phrase “…two little boys playing with matches in a puddle of gasoline” to describe the cold war. Your busted bottle blokes is a more accurate description of the warmongering of the american right…



I don’t think we need to worry too much about Huckleberry becoming the nominee; he’s splitting the party into its two factions: the godbots and the Big Money. The godbots will love him, but the Money is going to throw everything they have against him (they’re already running ads). I suspect that Giuliani will be the nominee and choose Huck as his running mate to give him god-cred.

See this on the Rethug split:


The mega-adulterer from Sodom-on-the-Hudson is not going to beat the Baptist preacher-man for the hearts and minds of ignorant, god-fearing rural pig farmers in the GOP primaries.


But the question is, would Huck agree to be Gullianis number 2? Does he want the VP position enough to share a platform with a crossdresser?

I am sure that Gulliani would get much more out of a Gulliani/Huckabee bid than Huck would.

Would Huck run as an independent, knowing that would mean a Democratic win? Or bide his time till 2012?


As for the DuMond disaster, apart from the git-Clinton angle, I think the unvoiced assumption behind granting clemency is that white male heterosexuals aren’t rapists, because short of murder, whatever happened to those sluts is their own fault. Of course, DuMond actually upped his game to the murderer level once Preacher Mike gave him a second chance, but no doubt that just proves that jail is no place for a white male heterosexualist, or sumpin.

If you read the original Murray Waas story, you’ll find that Dumond, among other bad acts, already murdered someone before he raped the distantly-related-to-the-Clenis high schooler. Alas, he turned snitch and got his accomplices convicted of the actual murder, even though he helped kill the guy…with a claw hammer.

In 1972, Dumond was arrested in the beating death of a man in Oklahoma. Dumond was not charged in that case after agreeing to testify for the prosecution against two others. But he admitted on the witness stand that he was among those who struck the murder victim with a claw hammer.

In 1973, Dumond was arrested and placed on probation for five years for admitting in Oregon to molesting a teen-age girl in the parking lot of a shopping center.

Three years later, according to Arkansas State Police records, Dumond admitted to raping an Arkansas woman. (Dumond later repudiated the confession, saying he was coerced by police.) Dumond was never formally charged in that case; the woman, saying she feared for her life, did not press charges. (See sidebar.)


Between this blast from the past, and the immigration flip just flopped, Huckabee might could win this thing.


This guy freaks hte hell outta me. Isn’t he the one who was for mandatory BMI testing in schools when he was governor – while at the same time has a son built like a double-wide trailer? Apparently, that whole BMI thingie applies to everybody else’s family…

For a choice pic of David Huckabee on Tbogg before he deserted us:


“Jesus christ juggling golden plates, what IS it with these idiots and their camps?”

This is the best one-line description of these fools yet written.
Mikey needs his own blog. Now.


ifthethunder–No, I believe you, I just hate these candidates all so much, honestly. I’m sure I’ll learn much more about ol’ Rudy too in the next year. Bloody weird day online though, what with the little neo-fascists actually calling for incitement of violence in more distinct terms and all. After that and more ebola, Rudy just seemed friendlier somehow;)


I’m thinking this whole “camps for everyone but the saved” deal is that rather than lock themselves in gated communities, they decided to lock everyone else out of the country. Or lock them up way out in the country.


God. Dammit. I DO have a fucking BLOG. What the hell do you people want?

What, I should write in that fucker regularly? When there are women and booze and electronic gadgets and food to distract me?

You people have no mercy.




[…] as Dr. Bradley S. Rocket over at Sadly, No put it; a shorter Huck might […]


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