That Straw’s Almost In Reach, Boys…

Just how much of an idiot do you need to have made of yourself to merit a dressing down from one of the Sadly’s favorite whipping boys, Warner Todd Huston?
Up until now, that’s been a rhetorical question, mostly because no one thought that level of idiocy was even possible — it’s a mythical quantity of idiocy, something like absolute zero Kelvin. We just all pretty much assumed that, although we could theorize about what such idiocy might look like, we’d never actually see it.
Alas, we have once again misunderestimated David Horowitz.

If you haven’t heard by now, the right-wing blogosphere is all in a tizzy over the fact that some of the questions in the last Republican Youtube debate have come from supporters of various Democratic candidates. The shrieks of rage have been growing ever louder, until, as is usual in these particular situations, it becomes a self-feeding cycle of hate, a ragegasm that only culminates when the circling jackals have found just the target to latch onto. Last time around, it was twelve year old Graeme Frost. This time, it appears as though the preferred game was setting up to be the gay General, Keith Kerr, who had the temerity to ask tough questions about the Republican party and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. (Incidentally, did you ever notice how their preferred targets always seem to be the more vulnerable members of society? You know, people like little kids and hated sexual minorities. Can’t help but wonder if that has anything to do with why their ilk is always fighting the enemy over here, instead of over there – vulnerable domestic “enemies” don’t shoot back the way real live enemy forces do.)
Horowitz received an unsolicited email claiming that Kerr was “not a real General”, and apparently proceeded to publish it on his website without even the most rudimentary fact-checking. This was all it took for the carrion beetles of the Internet, the Freepers, to spring into action, trying to track down Kerr’s home phone number, address — anything at all they could find to try to do to this serviceman what they did to Graeme Frost the last time around (remember, the personal information on Frost was dug up in the first place by a Freeper goon).
The jackals were circling, waiting for the signal from a leader to pounce upon this Not Real General, when out comes the clarion call of reason from — wait. From Warner Todd Huston? Seriously?
Now, here is the thing folks. Kerr is rightfully called a general despite that his official Federal rank was never higher than a Colonel. It is true that he was not a General in the U.S. Army, it is true that his rank of general is only a State rank, and it might be true that he cannot officially wear his state rank of general outside the state of California. But, again, he is still a general.
Now, outrage is a good and necessary thing. It helps us direct and marshal our forces to resist an enemy. But when we use our outrage it must be for real and legitimate reasons lest we become like our enemy. So, I would like to warn everyone that calling Keith Kerr a colonel only makes us look small and not very informed. There is no conspiracy here. Let this one go.
Will a shot across the bow from one of their own be enough to call off the jackals? [Gavin adds: Or contrarily, will a word to the wise put the flying monkeys in the catbird seat?] Once they’ve got a victim in their sights, they can be difficult to distract, even with an extra large bag of Cheetos, so it’s too soon to say. Anyone want to make a wager on just how idiotic they’re willing to look in pursuit of a target?
“Anyone want to make a wager on just how idiotic they’re willing to look in pursuit of a target?”
Anyone want to make a wager on just how idiotic they’re willing to look in pursuit of a target?
Phew, no … but I’ll hedge and say I don’t think they’ve bottomed out yet. It’s a bit misleading to say that, though, because I don’t think there’s a lower limit to how low they’ll stoop.
Will a shot across the bow from one of their own be enough to call off the jackals?
Is Ted Stevens in here?
Just how much of an idiot do you need to have made of yourself to merit a dressing down from one of the Sadly’s favorite whipping boys, Warner Todd Huston?
Shalom gentle…
They wha..?
‘Scuze me, boys. Colonel, General, Corporal, who freakin cares?
The man wore the uni for over two decades. He saddled up and deployed, he did his job, he held the line and came back. He did his job well enough to get repeatedly promoted.
Now, whatever technicality you wanna beat your gums or flap your meat over, none of that changes that this is what the right is supposed to be all about. Service. Sacrifice. Duty. Honor.
I don’t give a shit how big a homophobic bigot they might be, I’m willing to bet you’re not gonna find a whole lotta grunts leading this attack. Nope, this is gonna be chubby little boys who think combat is great, ’cause HALO’s so much fun, and nobody but the little people get fucked up anyway, right?
Little pink greasy chickenshit fucks who make the lowliest REMF paper-pusher look like Douglas Fucking MacArthur.
If they knew shame, they’d feel that hot sweaty embarrassment and they’d hide out for a month…
Why, there’s evidence that the so-called “General” never even properly served in the military. In fact, we have prominent unnamed sources who corroborate that at the time Mr. La-dee-da “General” Kerr claims to have been serving in Germany, Germany did not yet exist as a country and was in fact just a small town in western China. “General” indeed.
….circling jack-offs…
Hello. I’m a hated sexual minority, and I shoot.
Professional sleaze bag Michael Savage was disgusting on the matter. I’m trying hard not to hope he dies the way he deserves to.
Carrion beetles?
My favourite in the series was ‘Carrion Cleo’, though ‘Carrion Up the Khyber’ certainly had its moments.
Aww hell Tigris, just start referring to him by his Christian name (snark intended) … Weiner. It makes it that much easier to mock him for being a dumbass who truly believes the he can get a great deal on Hannukah hams.
I bet exactly no one lurks in Kerr’s bushes or tries to check his kitchen furnishings. They have just enough sense to realize that military = guns = hurt you bad if you fuck around.
They’ll probably take their cue from Michael “Dick face scumwad goatblowing bitch” Savage and say they’re too icked out to go near him.
It has been brought to my attention that I should not be claiming the title of ‘Field Marshal’, since I never belonged to the US armed forces. Sorry about that.
Does this mean I should reconsider using my official title:
“The Ayatollah of Rock N Rollah”?
I feel a tip of the hat to “State’s Rights” is in order.
“Anyone want to make a wager on just how idiotic they’re willing to look in pursuit of a target?”
Jeez, I mean, it’s not like they haven’t set the bar really high already. Or low. Yes. Low.
You want to get out of here…
…you talk to Mikey.
Serious doubts are now surfacing as to whether this self-styled “Postmaster-General” is actually a member of the army at all.
Mikey, you can be Ayatollah Yuso, the dispenser of unheeded spiritual advice.
Furthermore, an investigation by Front Page Magazine has been unable to uncover any evidence that anyone named “General Motors” ever served in the United States military.
Little pink greasy chickenshit fucks who make the lowliest REMF paper-pusher look like Douglas Fucking MacArthur.
Hear, hear.
On the other hand, I have always served in the military, wherever it may be found.
Wish we could say the same thing for General Electric.
Me too!
I can see why someone using ‘igcolonel’ as his e-mail address would be protective of Kerr’s Generality.
Just leave me out of it, OK?
Ubiquitous I am.
Unlike all the other shit we do.
I wish these guys could understand, if only for a moment, how fucking hilarious they are. They’d laugh so hard they’d choke on their Cheetos.
Stop calling me chicken!
What in Hell is going on around here?
At ease.
What’s all this talk of Colonels?
Can’t we just be content?
…lest we become like our enemy.
Battle not with walruses, lest ye come to look like a walrus.
That was some goooood shit… but what’s the carpet doing on the wall?
And what about impostor, Lee Majors?
What’s a pretty girl like you doing in a blog like this?
wuwuwuw-I don’t know about this.
A brief inspection from a competent art historian soon made it clear that the supposed ‘Sergeant’ was in fact only a Constable.
Blitzkrieg Bop!
Shalom gentlemen and Happy Hannukah.
Volume! Bass! Clarity! Scotch! Chili!
It’s on…
The bottom line is, the You Tube debate was a Republican debate, CNN had no right to use a gay “general” who happens to be working for the Clintonistas campaign to ask a irrelevent question about don’t ask don’t tell. Everyone knows that the MSM is in the pocket of the Clintonista’s, CNN pulled this treachourous little stunt to try and harm the Republican candidates and help their Socialist Diva Hillary Clinton. Whoever at CNN was responsible for this needs to lose their job, PERIOD!
this is totally off topic. for the ladies in the building.
is this true or what?
Lick my decals off, baby.
Know what I hate?
Being outta whack.
I’d much rather be in whack.
I don’t think it’s any of your business, SIR!
Rigby Reardon: [Gasping] What are you… doing?
Juliet Forrest: Adjusting your willie. When you fell through the window it shifted out of whack.
On another totally different matter, a 70 year old man in Australia got fired from his job as a department store Santa for saying “ho, ho, ho”. Another case of political correctness gone wild. What is this world coming to when you have to worry about everyone getting offended about something? Santa was saying “ho, ho, ho” long before the term was used in a derogatory manner against women.
Rain is falling pretty heavy.
Fire is crackling away.
Steely Dan wants a name when he loses
Chili is stupid good.
You’re sticking up for a communist like Santa? What’s the world coming to? Saul supports the holiday welfare state.
God forbid the candidates have to answer irrelevant questions. We need to protect them from this horror.
Lesley said,
December 7, 2007 at 4:24
this is totally off topic. for the ladies in the building.
is this true or what?
You forgot to say ‘poor little bunny’, dammit!
i have a good recipe for chile. Hamburger of course. Then ‘thick’n chunky’ salsa, plus a can of tomatoes, LOTS of cumin, and some beef bullion. a handfull of raisins to take away the acid-y taste…onions and garlic, oh and don’t forget cumin, and fresh cilantro. And beans of course.
Whatever, and ever, amen.
Oops. and chili! can of whatever type of chilis you like.
The bottom line is, that gay man probably wasn’t a real general, he probably never even served in the military he was just a pawn of the Clintonistas and the driveby media.
Well, this should cheer Sol up for sure, ’cause I got his old ID and he was all dressed up like the Cure.
Weird, huh?
No rain here yet, but the LA newsanchors are hysterical, anticipating the Big Storm.
“Top Story! It’s raining!”
I made some potato-leek soup with fresh vegs from the Farmer’s Market, but it’s kinda boring. I’m not sure whether I should leave it as it is – perfectly fine but boring – or try to tart it up and make a bad mistake.
How come I heard about Jodie Foster coming out on the radio, but I can’t see a story online?
Howard Lederer is a pretty smart guy, no surprise that he is the voice of reason here.
I am as general as they get.
Aaah, liquid anthrax!
this is totally off topic. for the ladies in the building.
is this true or what?
oh oh oh *catches breath* wait still laffing
OK now. I think. Man cold! Gah that was brilliant!
Yes, my husband was terribly afflicted by every sniffle and virus that assaulted him, leaving him a helpless, amorphous LUMP in the bed or on the sofa, certain that he had pneumonia at the very LEAST, faintly wailing out requests for toasted cheese sandwiches with the crusts cut off, endless cups of tea, chilled fruit juice (but not TOO cold), why don’t we have any brannnnnnndeeeeeee? So, yeah, I’ve done the handholding, and been utterly amazed that something so minor could completely flatten an otherwise healthy man.
Then I was diagnosed with MS and he took off out of that marriage so fast I think I still had some of his underwear in the dryer! Don’t know if it was that the real illness was not so entertaining (it’s not, remotely. it is a morass of suckitude). Or if it was that I was the one with the real illness.
Never cared enough to find out why he left, which is sad when you think about it, really, so let’s all just not think about it, OK?
I want to hear some confessions of man cold behavior! It is to funny forever!
Tart it up!
What could go wrong?
Corriander, cayenne, thyme, oregano, ok enough with the herbs.
Diced shallots, dried wild mushrooms, garlic powder and masa mixed in a third of a cup of chardonay with Nuoc mam and bok choi.
Wrap it up in a tortilla with some kind of plum-based sauce with horseradish and cilantro.
Or something. Adventure has no downside…
I want to hear some confessions of man cold behavior! It is to funny forever!
Me? I’m a wimp. But with qualifiers. I’ve been stupid sick, humping ruck with a hundred and three fever, diarrhea all over the place. But sick call was stupid and ugly, and I found I’d rather be humping an M60, 30 pounds of angry death, than try to deal with the idiots at battalion.
Now. Multiply this by twenty. Runny shit and damp farts for every one, and angry, lethal, heavily armed sick, unhappy eleven Bees looking for someone to get even with.
And again, ask yourself. What is wrong with us?
I was envisioning a rich, creamy subtle-flavored soup. But it’s just dull.
I tried a little cayenne. Although it’s cheating, some garlic powder (just a little) Maybe it just needs a little bit of white wine.
Oh well. Maybe I should serve it with some crusty little bruschetta on the side.
Or fry up some bacon and crumble that in.
Sorry to hear about that, GW. Hypocrisy is far too easier to find than its opposite.
Hey gentlewoman, if it’s any consolation, my husband is also a big baby when he gets sick, while I’m the one who wants to go hide in a hole away from the world.
Oh. Just watched the video. Snerk!
Speaking of chickens, Colonel Sanders wasn’t really a colonel.
KFC chains freep’ed nationwide…
I have a recipe for cream soup that calls for a clove of garlic cooked with the veggies and pureed with them. The veggies are radish greens for heaven’s sake and the soup is still stellar. Just a thought.
Mikey is as usual a bit over the top. But really, why not break up the soup into portions and try different stuff with each portion? Experimentation can only be a good thing; you might end up with good food, and you’ll certainly add to your store of knowledge, even if only by “tomato paste does not belong in potato soup”.
I want to hear some confessions of man cold behavior! It is to funny forever!
My variation on man cold: When I get a cold, I want to be left the fuck alone. I don’t want to talk to anybody. I don’t want anyone making food for me, or asking me how I am, or trying to be nice and helpful. I drink gallons and gallons of water and pee all day long.
Note to Michelle Malkin:
General Kerr may well be armed, and the countertops might be booby-trapped.
Better bring Jesse, just in case.
I want to hear some confessions of man cold behavior! It is to funny forever!
I haven’t had a cold since the Bush Administration began I started drinking heavily, because alcohol kills all cold germs.
But I had the flu once, and it was a disaster. I understand now why 1918 was not such a great year.
g – Yes, bacon sounds a good idea. Maybe add a little of the fat. Eat with warm bread topped with about an inch of butter.
Better bring Jesse, just in case.
As much as a doofus as Michelle is, my guess is she’s figured out Jesse’s worth by now.
I fried up some bacon, then diced up a red bell pepper and fried it in the bacon fat. Then I found a half a cup of frozen corn in the freezer, threw that into the bacon fat with the cooked red pepper, shook a little cumin in, and then stirred the whole thing into the soup. It’s pretty good now.
Will crumble the bacon up on top. With some chopped chives. And serve with french bread with cheese melted on top.
My spouse, to his credit, has nursed me through some tough ones. The worst was when i had a nasty septic cut on the end of my elbow that needed to be cleansed daily with a saline solution for a week or so. Have you ever tried to look at the end of your elbow? You can’t. If you need a nasty cut on the end of your elbow debraded and cleansed, you need someone else to do it. He earned massive amounts of credit in our relationship, for having to scrape away at my infected elbow.
Hannukah.Hanukkah.BAD fake rabbi troll. No cookie!
I bet exactly no one lurks in Kerr’s bushes or tries to check his kitchen furnishings. They have just enough sense to realize that military = guns = hurt you bad if you fuck around.
You bet, Arky. They don’t even need to see the guns; just having spent 20 years in the real military, as opposed to the Keyboard Kommandos, implies an experience of Hurt in either direction, and the Malkintents don’t wanna get within reach of Hurt. Much safer to bully up on crippled children and “peaceniks”, and then waddle breathlessly back to their intertoob compound and brag to each other about their manliness.
Actually, I think Huston just wanted to make sure evvybuddy knew Kerr wasn’t a reeeeeel General, snerk snerk snerk. It’s not very subtle, but then, how much subtle can you expect from an elephant seal?
Here’s a thing I saw on the intert00bz.
This dood, Tbogg, moved to this other site. It was pretty famous.
This other place, teh sadlys, mentioned it.
This old fucker, mikey, also a Tbogg fan, thought “Well, I’ll be go to hell. Let’s check it, yo”. Most of that I stole from Gavin, but he’s a known liar, so I’ll likely get away with it, y’know?
So anywayz, I go over to the new Tbogg thingie, and there’s a lot slapping and yelling. But no righteous asses are getting kicked, everybody has a thing, but it’s just a thing, y’know?
Then some peeps showed up and, listen, this is where it gets weird, these peeps spoke english and they were all “Anne Laurie thinks she can like write or somthing”.
And I was thinking you piece of semi literate crap, will you look at the perfect elegance of this woman’s prose?
But know what’s cool? A whole buncha other people were all over that one. It was a beautiful thang..
Y’Shoulda seen it.
Gotta smoke? Thanks.
Yeah. See ya….
Then I was diagnosed with MS and he took off out of that marriage so fast .
Wtf? Oh my god, I would so kick his ass for you if I could. (must dig up that article on women choosing lesbianism…the reasons…oh yes, what you just mentioned.)
I was with a strong silent type for ten years. Born and bred on a cattle ranch. Every little sniffle and he turned into that video guy. But when I was sick? Are you kidding?
OMGodz, could I make a lolcat out of him.
Btw, I’m downloading every episode of that show I can find. Youtube has several funny excerpts available. It looks like a keeper.
Gentlewoman, sometimes they suprise you. I had an ex who was every possible kind of male-behavior jagoff, just your general all-purpose useless simulacra of a human bean. He took up housekeeping with his perfect female counterpart, one of those women who make you curse your own Barr-body status, and I enjoyed several years of mocking & eye-rolling at their expense (mostly in private, or at least not in front of our many mutual friends & acquaintances).
Then She got really sick, chronically so, another one of those things where the sufferer never dies and never recovers that takes months and a squadron of doctors to diagnose, much less treat. And, despite every prediction by his many enemies, He did not take off for better prospects. He stuck around, and did the little things like wound-dressing and picking up prescriptions and enough housework to keep the Board of Health at bay, along with the big stuff that earns public attaboys.
So, I can’t say I’d trust him with my own health or reputation, or that I’d willingly spend time in their company jointly or separately, but I did have to lay off the snark, at least in public. And for me, that’s a real sacrifice.
what’s barr-body status?
General Motors.
Colonel Sanders.
Major Medical.
Captain Zuvindustry.
Lieutenant Kidgi.
Corporal Punishment.
Private Property.
…and Admiral Television.
(g is a woman? who knew?)
The secret to any potato soup is tarragon. But not the dried, ancient cut up flakes that come in a jar. You need FRESH tarragon. It looks like a long stem of a fern leaf or something, maybe almost like a vine (don’t know the technical terms). You just stick a long “vine” of fresh tarragon in the pot while cooking and then remove it when you’re ready to serve.
Ahh, Michelle Malkin….who’s with me at CPAC this year just to see if we can really hack her off? She threw some tantrums last time around.
So, with “The Nude Bomb” feature “The Naked Archaelologist”? I’m giddy with anticipation!
g, you’re a lady too? I really think we should protest Saul’s repeated attempts to either ignore us or call us “gentlemen”. The bitch.
A few threads ago she was describing what it feels like to breast-feed. That pretty much gave it away.
Little pink greasy chickenshit fucks who make the lowliest REMF paper-pusher look like Douglas Fucking MacArthur.
If they knew shame, they’d feel that hot sweaty embarrassment and they’d hide out for a month…
Mikey, look into your own blog. Now that TBogg’s gone where I won’t follow, I’m looking for a replacement.
I outed myself. It’s kind of fun to be gender-neutral on the intertubes, but after a while you either give it away by mistake, or decide to come clean.
The soup was damn good.
It STILL isn’t raining in LA. The anchorpeople are standing around on PCH in their slickers, peering at southbound cars to see if their windshield wipers are on.
Dang. I went over to I AM BOSSY’s site, got all caught up in watching some clips of “Intervention” (TOTALLY not a fun watch!) and now I really need a glass of wine.
A few threads ago she was describing what it feels like to breast-feed.
Chris Muir’s an authority on this like Ace is an authority on vaginas.
Hey, did you all hear the staged phone call between Jenna Bush and W on the Ellen show?
I heard it on Stephanie Miller. Jenna was doing her “book tour” and Ellen asked her if she could get her dad on the phone, so she did.
the creepy thing was, the first thing Jenna said after Bush picked up was to ask whether he was mad at her for calling him.
Then he, Laura, and Jenna spent the rest of the call talking about Jenna as if she was 10 years old or something, calling her his “little girl” and shit.
Man, it creeped me out. Particularly because you know it was staged, so this is what they actually Made Up thinking it would be “cute”.
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Hey, did you all hear the staged phone call between Jenna Bush and W on the Ellen show?
I heard it on Stephanie Miller. Jenna was doing her “book tour” and Ellen asked her if she could get her dad on the phone, so she did.
the creepy thing was, the first thing Jenna said after Bush picked up was to ask whether he was mad at her for calling him.
Then he, Laura, and Jenna spent the rest of the call talking about Jenna as if she was 10 years old or something, calling her his “little girl” and shit.
Man, it creeped me out. Particularly because you know it was staged, so this is what they actually Made Up thinking it would be “cute”.
If you don’t mind, i will be the frist journalist to call you gaye and unemployed and pathetic for even watching that Ellen show. Then, if you don’t further mind, i will describe my frist sexual encounter with Jenna. It was a collage beer mixer, she was being held upside down, as the kids do nowadays, sucking beer from a keg in her panties, and i did her. Right there in the air above the keg, Whatan insperation she is.
will be the frist journalist to call you gaye and unemployed and pathetic for even watching that Ellen show.
Heh. He said “frist.”!
Jeebus, Thomas, I didn’t watch the damn show! I experienced it through the far more virtuous method of hearing clips of it on a radio talk show! Get it right, dammit!
There are actual drops of water falling from the sky over Los Angeles now. I hope you guys are satisfied. We’re all gonna die!
I swear, every time I see a picture of one of these guys it looks like they spent a few weeks in a feedlot in Ft Collins. Steers,they are all friggin steers.
alcohol kills all cold germs.
This still seems to be a controversial topic within medical science. All qualified medical experts on the one hand say that a large enough amount of akvavit will not cure a cold, while on the other hand, I say that it will.
And you don’t see those so-called ‘qualified medical experts’ volunteering to be guinea-pigs for their preferred treatments, do you? It’s almost as if they have no faith in their own advice!
OK, I missed the breast-feeding comments g, I’m sorry, I didn’t miss the birthday though! It is kind of funny how gender neutral one can stay online, actually. “g” could be anything. I just never think that people think of Lex as a guy’s name other than in Superman.
Maybe Saul does think I’m a “gentleman” after all, along with others. Who else is coming out? I want to come out so bad, but I’m just so not in the closet about anything. My brother is gay and thinks that is just about the most idiotic thing he’s ever heard of, and he’s probably right, like every other time he says I’m being an idiot….LOL.
yeah, but what steer has hairbangs like that guy.
some hairstylist snipped his little fringe just so… that cracks me up more than his bloated head.
g, it’s probably too late by now, but my brother-in-law makes a wicked leek and chorizos chowder. Basically leek and potato soup, but with added sliced chorizos and a coupla other things to spice it up a bit.
Jeebus, Thomas, I didn’t watch the damn show! I experienced it through the far more virtuous method of hearing clips of it on a radio talk show! Get it right, dammit!
You say you didn’t watch the show, i say you did. I am not really qualified to say who is right, I’m just reporting the facts.
I was the frist journalist to ever taste and report on chorizos. Apparently it is some kind of sausage from Spain or Portugal or one of those mid-eastern countries. Basically like fallaful.
Oh, J-, that drinking lots of water thing is one of the best things you can do for a cold (or indeed for not-a-cold, just in general*).
Me, even though I’m not a man, I still get uber-pathetic and whimpery when I’m sick. Maybe it’s to do with the fact that all the men I’ve been involved with in the last two decades have been “don’t go gettin’ all emotional and clingy, woman” types, and I do so miss a bit of cossetting.
* Not saying which General. Don’t ask, don’t tell.
yeah, but what steer has hairbangs like that guy.
Look, I know its not like claiming a certain “cheerleader” does things with pingpong balls, but seriously shouldn’t that post be deleted? Or is lookism accepted here now, and if so, why not pingpongballism?
I will probably never read this blog again, they are so much more caring and wholesome over there at FDL.
Me, even though I’m not a man,
I was the frist journalist to use this excuse.
I still get uber-pathetic and whimpery when I’m sick.
I love having a cold and it happens so rarely now. 🙁
There’s no better calling in sick voice than a cold-afflicted one.
Nausea is my worst nightmare. I hate being sick to my stomach, but a cold? Easy peasy and an excuse for chicken noodle soup.
Whoa…get a load of this photo of King George. His booze intake is showing.
I spoke too soon.
ok, this one…THE WORST EVER.
evil ages a person.
Aww, thank you, Mikey! I will admit that I am not too proud to throw an elbow or so in my own defense, but it’s nice to know I have friends.
Lesley, a “Barr body” is a curled-up speck that shows up under fairly low magnification in every genetically female cell. Turns out we only “need” one full-sized sexual chromosome, so in women the extra X-chromosome curls up & deactivates. Since it’s quick & cheap, the Barr-body test used to be (may still be) the one used to check gender assignment at high school track meets and such. And that’s where so many fascinating, sometimes heartbreaking, stories about intersexuality get started — at the single-cell level, all girls have Barr bodies, no boys have Barr bodies. If only life were so simple.
Thanks Anne. I had no idea such tests were conducted (and at the high school level, no less. How awful.)
I found this on the web:
Nausea is my worst nightmare. I hate being sick to my stomach, but a cold?
Lesley, I’m with you. One of the best scifi books ever written, Rite Of Passage by Alexei Panshin, has a fine comment on this. The main character (a young girl, with a character very unlike most portrayals) has an internal monologue at one point, which runs more or less like this:
The ultimate weapon would be something that you could point at an enemy and completely disrupt their sense of balance. All they could do would be lie in a puddling heap and puke. It would destroy the concept of heroics for all time.
I first read that at least two decades ago, and it’s stuck with me ever since.
Weapons that make you vomit?
You don’t say!
One of the reasons the Second Amendment fails to impress me anymore – the whole idea of us being able to effectively take up arms against our government is becoming moot.
“…what steer has hairbangs like that guy?”
Did someone say hairy coo?
(sorry, can’t embed linkys)
Where’s ma coo? That’s not ma coo!
I will probably never read this blog again, they are so much more caring and wholesome over there at FDL.
That’s a fantastic idea, “Concerned”. Don’t ever read this blog again. Also, if you drank a tall mug of STFU that would be wonderful as well.
celticgirl said,
Did someone say hairy coo?
Last time I saw that hairy coo was over at Flying Rodent’s site. I suspect rustling.
That’s not ma coo!
That should read “That’s nae ma coo!” Damn.
Oh and Concerned: we’d really like it if you didn’t come back. No offense.
Well, okay, some offense.
Any more of this ‘ma coo’ business, Qetesh, and I will be forced to sing the Hedgehog Song. I am warning you.
Awww, evil hasn’t aged Cheney. But then, he’s been mostly dead all decade. Just ask his doctors.
Dear God.
I was afraid of this. Fire investigators are closing in on the cause of the recent Malibu fires. It appears that terrorists have discovered another unholy tactic:
Marshmallows pf death
Rumors have swept the community that youthful partygoers purchased firewood, marshmallows and party supplies at a Malibu supermarket the night of Friday, Nov. 23, just hours before fire swept down Corral Canyon.
“Investigators have looked at receipts and financial data, and this information is unquestionably going to lead us to the persons we need to talk to,” said Los Angeles Sheriff’s spokesperson Steve Whitmore.
The sheriff’s spokesperson would not address rumors that firewood and snacks—including marshmallows—purchased at Ralphs Supermarket in Malibu Colony were matched with evidence recovered at the fire origination point. The rumors have been embellished with unsubstantiated reports that lit marshmallows were used as projectiles based on where the burnt confections were found.
You know, of course, that marshmallows are made with gum arabic. Dear God. Is no community safe from their sugary jihad?
Any more of this ‘ma coo’ business, Qetesh, and I will be forced to sing the Hedgehog Song. I am warning you.
The hedgehog can never be buggered at all…What?
g: gotta love those marshmallows. And marshmallows sounds ominously like Marsh Arabs, so it’s undoubtedly turr’rsts who’ve been sneaking into Murr’ka (obviously aided by illegal Mexicommifemiabortionists) to wreak sticky havoc on god-fearing heartlanders.
It’s worse. I have it on good authority that marshmallows were invented in Egpyt. I think W Thomas Smith, Jr. should mount an investigation.
Don’t I get any say in who mounts me? Because if I do, it isn’t going to be by W. Thomas Smith, Jr.
It says “Bugrit, millenium hand and shrimp”. That is Foul Ole Ron; it is not my cow.
Also, I read the bit about cursing your own Barr bodies, and I thought it was self-deprecating snark about how the commenter resembled Roseanne. I never knew they could do chromosome testing that quickly or easily… it’s amazing what you can learn if you hang around S,N! long enough. (c:
Never cared enough to find out why he left, which is sad when you think about it, really, so let’s all just not think about it, OK?
Gentlewoman: A man who would leave a woman when she’s diagnosed with serious illness isn’t worth thinking about anyway. Good fucking riddance. I hope his left-behind underwear made decent cleaning rags, at least.
Also: Potato-and-leek soup sounds to me like it’s crying out for some freshly snipped dill.
Plus: In those photos of Dubyuh that Lesley linked to, you can see the gin blossoms all over his face. In the photos. Given how evermore badly he’s slurring his words these days, I reiterate my theory that the little shit never did give up drinking, and that he was a big fat lie-head when he said that he did. Startling and unbelievable, I know.
I get the feeling I’m sitting around talking to myself the morning after the party’s over and I missed it dammit.
Oh, right. They do this every time. The news says the “Big Storm” moved faster than they thought, and so it dumped less rain than expected on us.
Big damn deal.
I’m here, MzNicky. I’m waiting for an exterminator to come and check out the squirrels in the basement.
What’s your take on the Marshmallow Jihad? Are you going to let those terrorists just move-in and kick our candy assets?
Gum of Arabic, huh? Who’d a known. Man, them’s some crafty little bastards. They should just leave marshmallows where they belong: on top of sweet-potato casseroles and in festive holiday Jell-O™ molds.
Good luck with teh squirrel removal, dudette. I always kinda thought they were cute, but then I never had any in my basement. My younger brother calls them rats with fluffy tails and curses their existence in his wooded back yard.
I think gumming arabics is ineffective at best.
And mikey, if you’re still out there, the coolest thing about The Dan is that their new stuff is just as good as the stuff from
2530 (jeepers!) years ago. And Becker’s 11 Tracks of Whack is one of my favorite albums of all time.I am appalled that you missed Warner’s warning
about genetically engineered sex slaves.