Another Tancredo classic

Compare this…


…with this…

…and try to explain what, if any, differences exist in the messages they’re trying to send.


Comments: 62

Arky - Cthulhusexual

Duh! The first one is in German and the second is in English.

I can’t believe you need us to tell you these things.


“Duh! The first one is in German and the second is in English.”

That isn’t german. It might be dutch.


Wow, a peak behind the conservative curtain…

I’d wager most of them feel that way about minorities, to a greater or lesser degree. Tancredo’s just nutty enough to put his racism on display for everyone to see.



Official Announcement:

The government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle to a condom because it more accurately reflects the government’s political stance.

A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you’re actually being screwed!

h/t Sallie


Oh gawd, this asshole is from the house district next door – to my eternal shame.

So here’s a question, Trancredo isn’t running again for any office, or so he says, which of course means he’s got a cushy wingnut welfare job lined up somewhere. So, in which position can he do the most damage?


So, in which position can he do the most damage?

Grand Dragon?


Wow, subtle stuff.

I’m surprised no Republican has yet suggested building the Great Wall of America – protect the Homeland AND outdo the Chinese at the same time. It’s a twofer!


and try to explain what, if any, differences exist in the messages they’re trying to send.
The International Jewish Conspiracy member has invisible horns. The Mara Salvatrucha members have visible tattoos.

The tactics of Central American gangs now on U.S. soil.

I guess it wouldn’t do much to tell Tancredo that it’s not gangs but one gang being discussed here—MS 13—and that it originated on U.S. soil.


I have an idea on how we can make sure they never come back:


BTW- do you really expect us to be able to read German? How is that going to help me join the Global Caliphate?


So, in which position can he do the most damage?


Oops, I didn’t finish one of my sentences.

The Mara Salvatrucha members have visible tattoos of the devil’s horns.


How bout a nsfhp (hp = hotel patron)

I thought I was about to have a Larry David moment.


I mean, talk about a direct IV into the vein of your support. It’s a very efficient way to communicate. They regurgitate exactly and put up on their blogs what you said to them. It is something that we’ve cultivated and have really tried to put quite a bit of focus on.

Why can’t Sadly, No! just print Soros and Kos blastfaxes? It’s called message discipline, beaches!


They regurgitate exactly and put up on their blogs what you said to them. It is something that we’ve cultivated and have really tried to put quite a bit of focus on.

It happens on the non-rightard blogs too, only in the comment sections instead of as the posts.

Then we Greasemonkey them into saying “I like pie!” Very efficient.


We’ve got a great new story kids. A 19 year old white male went into an Omaha shopping mall, armed with a rifle and handgun and a suicide letter that read “I want to go out in style.” You now know the rest. Now let’s time the seconds before Schlussel blams it on teh muslims.


I guess it wouldn’t do much to tell Tancredo that it’s not gangs but one gang being discussed here—MS 13—and that it originated on U.S. soil.

Originated w/ refugees from the civil war in El Salvador perpetuated by the U. S. Gov’t. Wonder what Tancredo’s stance on that whole mess was? I can imagine.


The fact is, the video was enlightening and touching. The fact of the matter is, it should be in the schools.


I actually checked several sites where one might expect such hysteria, not even a mention of it except @ LGF, where Chuckles opened the floor for discussion & a few mentions were made of “sudden jihad syndrome,” but not much else rabid. I think “mall shooting” is replacing school shooting, until we have metal detectors @ all the malls, & people are already acclimatiing/desensitized to this new concept.


Malignant Bouffant: if only more people in malls had concealed carry, this wouldn’t have happened / it’s all Clinton’s fault / missing white woman.

But you know all that. Damn this country is sick.


More toughness from Tancredo.

Rep. Tom Tancredo says his fellow Republican presidential candidates are aiding immigrants in breaking the law by taking part in this weekend’s Spanish-language debate in Miami.

“What all my colleagues — what the other candidates are doing — it’s encouraging violation of the law because it’s saying, ‘Don’t worry about the fact that you have to know English to earn citizenship,’ ” said Mr. Tancredo, the only Republican to turn down the invitation from Univision for Sunday night’s debate and who said the other candidates’ participation was worse than pandering.

That’ll keep those Honduran and Salvadoran gangbangers in check.


since only illegal immigrants commit crimes, Tom Tancredo makes perfect sense!

Incontinentia Buttocks

I got it!

The Dutch-language release of Der Ewige Jude suggests that Nazi Germany was more successful at exporting their ideology of racial hatred than we have been at exporting ours?


Dhalgren said,
December 6, 2007 at 1:12

We’ve got a great new story kids. A 19 year old white male went into an Omaha shopping mall, armed with a rifle and handgun and a suicide letter that read “I want to go out in style.” You now know the rest. Now let’s time the seconds before Schlussel blams it on teh muslims.

I’m pretty sure the ACLU’s War on Christmas is to blame for this one.


IB surpasses anything I was going to say.

But I’ll say it anyway. What Tom Tankredo is pushing looks suspiciously like a kind of intermediate solution to the Hispanic problem, if you take my meaning. We’ll just end up fighting to keep all those deportees south of the Rio Grande, maybe for years to come. And what about those who we don’t catch, who’ll be nursing a lingering grudge against Uncle Sam?

What Tankredo really needs to do is come up with a more … ah, permanent solution. Something with a little more finality to it.



He reminds me of Cartman in that South Park where he is inspired to try to exterminate the Jews after watching Passion of the Christ.

We. All. Know. What. Must. Be. Done.

Didn’t Hitler tell the Germans that the Jews were being deported too?


I think “mall shooting” is replacing school shooting

Oh, I don’t think that’ll be happening at the Mall of America. We have signs at the front doors telling people that they are not not not allowed to bring their guns inside the mall. It’s illegal! We’ll stick with school shooting like the one up near the Red Lake Reservation in 2005. I wouldn’t doubt that Tancredo has a plan to deport those folks too. How could non-white people be native to america?


Don’t worry about the fact that you have to know English to earn citizenship

You don’t, you can be born here. Many citizens don’t speak, or aren’t fluent in English. I’ll wager my 1939 Panzer IV that Tancredo didn’t have to earn his citizenship by learning English.


If only more people in malls had concealed carry…

That’s exactly the reason that the Mall of America has those signs up. A conceal carry law was passed in MN that was so broad that all the stores, restaurants and churches freaked out. Legally, you have to very prominently display a large sign that tells people that guns are not allowed in your establishment. The law was changed to make the sign requirements smaller, but basically every store and restaurant in MN have a sign telling you to get rid of the gun.



Didn’t Hitler tell the Germans that the Jews were being deported too?

No. Hitler didn’t say anything about it. Goebbels occasionally talked about “transportation to the East,” and that was the phrasing the government usually used. Another happy euphemism was “special treatment” (Sonderbehandlung). And the treatment was very special, indeed.

What’s the Spanish for “Work will make you free”?


We’ve got a great new story kids. A 19 year old white male went into an Omaha shopping mall, armed with a rifle and handgun and a suicide letter that read “I want to go out in style.” You now know the rest. Now let’s time the seconds before Schlussel blams it on teh muslims.

The gunman’s name is Robert Hawkins. In 1989, Yusef Hawkins was shot to death in Bensonhurst. Yusef sounds like an Islamofascist name. The Omaha gunman shares a last name with someone who may or may not have been a terrorist. At this juncture, we can’t afford not to speculate.

Also, Robert Hawkins shares a last name with Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, who recorded a song entitled, “Feast of the Mau Mau”. The Mau Mau were a particularly vicious group of insurgents in Africa. The are a lot of Muslims in Africa. Again, we can’t afford not to speculate.


What’s the Spanish for “Work will make you free”?



You don’t, you can be born here. Many citizens don’t speak, or aren’t fluent in English.

And for people seeking to become naturalized citizens, there are three exceptions to the English competence requirement for individuals who

• have been residing in the United States subsequent to a lawful admission for permanent residence for periods totaling 15 years or more and are over 55 years of age;

• have been residing in the United States subsequent to a lawful admission for permanent residence for periods totaling 20 years or more and are over 50 years of age; or

• have a medically determinable physical or mental impairment, where the impairment affects the applicant’s ability to learn English.

Via La Migra.

What’s the Spanish for “Work will make you free”?

“El trabajo hace libres.”


Is Tancredo claiming that MS-13 got its start in Central America?

¡Tristemente, No!

I know more about this than I would otherwise like to, because Mara Salvatrucha is starting to move into my school’s neighborhood, apparently. The suckitude of this is enormous.


I can’t wait until we halt immigration, and then there will be no crime or drugs anymore.


“Incontinentia Buttocks”

$50 says a drag queen somewhere uses that as her drag name.


Now that this thing is working again, I will note that insufferable little shit Tucker Swanson (TV Dinner) McNear Carlson described Tancredo’s advert as “over the top but accurate.” I really hate TV Dinner boy.


Many citizens don’t speak, or aren’t fluent in English.

Some of them even get to be Preznint! “Is our children learning?”


They’re learning how to put food on their families.

SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann

Hey, Tom, whaddya say we get together next month in Wannsee and kick a few ideas around? I think we can finally solve this problem once and for all.

C’mon, it’ll be a real gas! I’ll bring the strudel!


Yes, the birth and growth of MS 13—what an exquisitely tragic shit storm of unintended consequences. Salvadoran kids who moved to LA to escape the civil war in their home country formed a gang in large part to defend themselves against established local gangs. Many members who were undocumented or legally resident (i.e., not citizens) and who got arrested and prosecuted for felonies were deported back to El Salvador by the U.S. government. They arrived just when peace was breaking out, so there were thousands of demobilized young men—from both the guerrilla and government sides—with limited job skills outside of what they did during the war who competed with them for the scant jobs available in the neoliberal economy promoted by the U.S. government and implemented by ARENA. Peace also contributed to a booming regional arms trade in guns and other materiel previously used in the civil war. At more or less the same time, Colombian drug traffickers and their Central American and Mexican business associates were consolidating a new major route to move cocaine and increasingly heroin from Colombia to the United States, as the U.S. and other nations had effectively made the route from Colombia across the Caribbean to Florida discouragingly difficult and expensive. MS 13 members bought up guns, threw themselves into the drug trade, and recruited new members rapidly. The gang quickly expanded into Honduras, where economic opportunities for young men have historically been more limited than in El Salvador and where recent natural disasters have only made things worse. And now it’s a successful transnational business enterprise, with branch offices and local franchises in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, and the United States.


Yay! My IP Address is no longer under suspicion of “miscievous or illegal acts”. I’m always mischievous, but I don’t think ever in the way the error message mentioned. I’d have to know what an IP address was first.

Hello again! (Or should I say, “Shalom gentlemen”? Wait, that’s probably what I did wrong in the first place. I’m not Saul. I swear.)


I’ll take “Cover Bands” for $800, Alex.


Back to the post (as opposed to me commenting on me not being able to comment), Dammit! I’m everyone’s ungluck. I always knew it, it just took the wise mind of Tancredo + Tancredo 08 Campaign to show me. No, I’m not even 1st generation here. That doesn’t mean that I’m starting to envision my death as being at the hands of shotgun wielding rednecks.


*er, “that I’m NOT starting to envision….”


As long as he`s picking on someone smaller and weaker, what`s the problem?


“So, in which position can he do the most damage?”



Lex, I feel ya. I was starting to feel the same way when I saw them lining up to ban gay marriage: Shit, here comes the vigilante justice. Also my boyfriend is Colombian. Since I am estranged from my own family, I spend all of my holidays with his.

During the May Day protests, everyone I knew was so happy and full of new life. Many of our friends are here legally and have good jobs, but many of their relatives had to come illegally to be with their loved ones. They had gotten used to being the shit on America’s shoe. Then with all of the promises of reform, they thought things were finally changing and they might really become members of our society.

I knew what that felt like because I grew up in a fundamentalist cult in the Bible belt and moved to Boston just in time for gay marriage. It was the difference between just wanting to be allowed to live without being beat up or fired, and actually feeling like a human being.

I have no way of explaining that to people. I’m not saying there should be no border control, but all that our immigration system as it is now does is to create a class of people without any rights. They live here, they work here, they send their children to school here, they are members of our communities, not abstractions in a faraway place. We could write immigration laws any way that we wanted to – we could say that if you have Hispanic blood going back seven generations you are not a citizen. Our laws should be a reflection of our humanity, not an excuse to abandon it.

Sorry, I know I sucked the funny, but this shit makes me want to put my fist through a wall and hug people all at the same time.


Sorry, I know I sucked the funny

No need to apologize, pedestrian. Tancredo shot the funny from the outset with that ad.


This is simply the contemporary face of the Nixon southern strategy. Immigration is code for racism, and white supremacy. Tancredo might be one of the few goopers to articulate it, but they all have nice crisply starched brown shirts in the back of their closets.


At least he said “Central America” so he can’t be accused of being racist against Mexicans.


Ok, just to set a few things straight (maybe)

Incontinentia Buttocks: The Nazis didn’t so much export hatred of the jews as mush as fan the flames of the existing anti-semitism. Didn’t have much luck in countries where it didn’t already exist to any degree like Denmark and Norway.

Pedestrian: if you have a 1939 Panzer IV it must be the original prototype… don’t wager it lightly!

Stickler: As I’m sure you’re aware, the program of “Resettlement in the East” was handled by the boys down at the “Rasse und Siedlings Hauptamt” the Race and resettlement office. They took care not to get too much pres, but in a proper Totalitarian state people are real good at looking the other way when something disturbing happens so they didn’t have to worry too much, as long as it was Jews they were resettling. The only major protest against the Nazi regime was sparked by the not-very-well covered up Useless Eaters euthanasia program, and included Hitler getting heckled and screamed at in a train station.


For the record, it is Dutch, and says:

“The Eternal Jew”

You too must see this movie!

A documentary about the world Jew-dom.
(Can’t quite make out the rest, but looks credits for the idea, and for the music on the final line).


Shalom gentlemen.


Tom Tancredo is absolutely right on the issue of illegal immigration, these illegal aliens are deluting American society and destroying our culture. Tom Tancredo is the only man I trust 100% to deal with this problem, his practical solution is to crack down on employers who hire illegal aliens then the majority will self deport. The few hundred thousand that remain will then be rounded up and deported, saving the tax payers billions of dollars. Remember my five step plan a few weeks ago, that is exactly what Tanc would do if elected President.


Ook u moet!


Pedestrian–yeah, I’ve been railing against that one even back when I was “Pim’s Ghost”. An underclass is being created, one that rather forces those in it to stay there. In tandem, the desire of many to say that assimilation is somehow evil hurts these immigrants even worse. I laughed my ass off the year I lived in SF and they tried to get bi-lingual ed in the schools as opposed to total immersion, and the biggest opponents were the Mexican immigrant parents of these kids who wanted them to learn English at school. Shocked the hell out of the mostly-white do-gooders trying to change the rules and all. It seriously took meeting after meeting and speech after speech by concerned parents explaining that their kids would already be bi-lingual, but needed to be forced to learn English so that they could end up eligible for jobs a step up from “bus boy”.

I’m not anti-white-folks, far from it, was raised by them. It does get scary out there sometimes. I just remember right after 9/11 wishing SO BAD that I was a member of a more distinctly recognizable ethnic group. Sorry about your family though, they’re that bad about the situation? Just with a Colombian? Damn, my brother is with a Persian Muslim guy from Iran and no one cares….within the family, that is. The government cares enough that they can’t get married though. I’ve heard about families like that, just don’t have one (which is good, because otherwise I wouldn’t exist).

“but this shit makes me want to put my fist through a wall and hug people all at the same time.”

I feel the same way. That’s why I comment everywhere and blog. Have to get it all out. Or maybe it’s just the vicodin. Who knows.


If you google “useless eaters” you get some pretty creepy results.

just sayin’


…we’ll build a Great Amurrican Wall, and Lou Dobbs will be The Man in the High Castle (realized from a yet-unbuilt fascist fortress designed by Phillip “Heil Hitler!” Johnson)…

Mr. Ron Vibbentrop

He’s right, you know!


Shut your cakehole, you Nazi.




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