The worst of the worst
Another classic from Lois Romano’s appalling chat transcript:
Immigration and GOP Reputation: Giuliani and Romney are not single-issue yahoos, but they seem to be letting their hunger for power overwhelm their better judgment and decency. Recklessly bashing illegal immigrants may score them points with one angry segment in the GOP base in these debates, but what are they doing to their party’s reputation — and their own?
Lois Romano: But wasn’t it great theatre? Admit it.
Hey, this movie was pretty good theatre as well:
…but that doesn’t mean the people starring in it should be put into positions of high power.
As I’ve said before, friends, we are incredibly doomed.
Anonymous:”…how to address something that people are talking about, that has clearly become a factor in the race, without taking a position…” But Lois, you should take a position. Not only has he denied it, but every legitimate report says it isn’t true. I assume you take a position on the earth being round, because it is verifiable. Obama is verifiably not a Muslim … if only because he denies that he is.
It isn’t a question of fair and balanced when there isn’t any serious foundation to the report. For The Post to perpetuate it without clearly stating it isn’t true is a disservice to journalism, your readers and a U.S. senator. Let’s not even get into the question of the fact that it isn’t a crime to be a Muslim and run for office — which isn’t the Obama story at all.
Lois Romano: But we do chronicle his denials.
And that’s it. That’s her entire response to this extremely well-reasoned objection.
I can’t even snark this. The majority of the WaPo’s political reporting staff should be out on the street begging for food, not writing for one of the most powerful news organs in the country. Get outta here, ya maniacs!!
Gavin adds: The rumors deserve to be addressed of Lois Romano’s untidy performance in the alleged erotic video, Der Scheisslich Gruppeknall, (a.k.a. Shitty Shitty Gang Bang).
All right, who’s going to ask Lois if she can confirm or deny the rumors that she and Mickey Kaus blow goats together?
All right, who’s going to ask Lois if she can confirm or deny the rumors that she and Mickey Kaus blow goats together?
I will! I will! Pick meeeeeeee!!1!
I’m hoping that between the Joke Line fiasco currently going on at Time, this WaPo atrocity, and the Redoublechin YouTube fracas, the public is getting an eyeful of not only what freaks the Republicans are but what freaks the “liberal media” people are.
Too much to ask, I suppose, but after the spectacles of All-Republican-Triumphalism-All-The-Time of the last six years, this all has the look of some scales falling from some eyes.
Doesn’t a problem with immigration (legal or otherwise) indicate a problem with the local economy and job market?
I mean, it isn’t as if anyone is going to bother hopping that border fence (har har) if there wasn’t a whacking great financial incentive right?
Never mind asking “why are there companies employing people illegally?” or “why does the american economy depend on things so marginally profitable that employers have an incentive to cut costs by breaking the law?” or maybe “why the hell is mexico so full of poor people?”
Sod that! brown people are the new black people, and if you don’t vote for me, they are going to come and take your job and marry your daughters!
She must have caught the bug from the asshats at Time. They are doing the same thing.
random idiot- “… marry your daughters!”
No, just knock them up and leave you to raise them!
That goat scene in Shitty Shitty Gang Bang was really disturbing. I mean, couldn’t they have cleaned up Romano and Kaus a little bit? I felt terrible for those goats.
I mean, I have no idea what you are talking about.
“All right, who’s going to ask Lois if she can confirm or deny the rumors that she and Mickey Kaus blow goats together?”
I’ve heard rumors that was indoctrinated to Goat Blowing secretly at her high school. Also, does she drink or smoke? Goat Blowers are well known lushes and smokers (to wash out the after taste). It seems possible that she and Kaus were placed by the Goat Blowers as opinion makers in order to spread their propaganda and undermine our society.
Now, all these are unconfirmed at the moment, but thats not the chemical mix I want in my journalists.
Yawrg, my head exploded over this already down on the Cartoon thread.
I am waiting for the Post to “chronicle the denials” that the editorial board of the Post killed the Lindbergh baby and ate it on a bed of Madeleine McCann with a spicy Judge Crater sauce. After all, people on the internet are talking about it, so it’s obviously a topic of interest, and their denials deserve chronicling.
“Giuliani and Romney are not single-issue yahoos, but they seem to be letting their hunger for power overwhelm their better judgment and decency.” – chat transcript
“Politics is about power and the more powerful one becomes the more one’s aesthetic of power becomes – refined, shall we say? The more its pursuit becomes an end in itself.” Grant Morrison
Tear it down and rebuild it. I’m serious.
But what about Obama’s perpetual motion machine?
There are some great reporters at the WaPo, but Romano isn’t one of them. She still defends some of the hatchet job crap she penned with John Solomon, even after Howell smacked them over it.
We need to get rid of the Beltway and its mentality entirely. There is absolutely no reason, in this technological age, that the federal government and its barnacles need to be clustered in one enclave, growing itself an ever greater, more sybarite, hive mind. Why can’t my congressional representative stay here where I can keep an eye on him or her and webconference with his/her confreres? Why can’t the pundits do their punditing from whatever damp rock they would otherwise reside under were they not gainfully employed by reputable DC publications?
the federal government and its barnacles need to be clustered in one enclave, growing itself an ever greater, more sybarite, hive mind
Wait. So does this mean Romano is actually Loitus of Borg?
Dear Lois is a fucking idiot that believes her own myth.
Coitus of Borg?
Obviously, a responsible blog like Sadly No, should address Goat-gate, considering that people are discussing it all over the Internet. I just hope that, should Lois Romano deny the goat-blowing controversy, Sadly No would chronicle her denials. We need to hear both sides of the story on this one and make our own conclusions.
Isn’t the whole point that Obama’s denial that he’s a Muslim makes it…what’s that word?…not-story?
Rather than whether they also print his denial?
My God, the one possibility more terrifying than that they are simply sellouts is that they’re this dumb? I think we can’t underestimate this option. Maybe the people who print the Post are too stupid to understand that printing denials of a rumor requires printing an unsubstantiated rumor.
Meanwhile, Guiliani’s denials that NYC paid for his bone-quests prove there’s no there there.
There is speculation that “Lois Romano” is not a journamalist, but actually a nom de plume used by a comics-obsessed, cheese-stuffed nerd. There’s no irrefutable evidence, but consider this:
a) “Lois” is the name of Superman’s girlfriend. Also Lois Griffin.
b) Romano is a type of cheese.
c) “Lois Romano” is an anagram of “Sailor Moon”.
Again, this is only speculation, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate — “Lois” now has the chance to deny it.
The fact is, you already said that in the other thread about this.
They actually ARE that dumb.
I’m taking a journalism class right now at a fairly esteemed university, we’ve had some high-profile speakers from major organizations. They ARE that dumb. They are clueless, they don’t care. They are like helpless easily confused children with no loyalty to the truth and no desire to think for themselves. Whenever they express unhappiness with news coverage they act like they are utterly powerless to change it, even though they are major figures. And that’s when they identify problems, which is rare.
And the students are mostly similar. It’s no secret that journalism students aren’t exactly the best and brightest. We’ve had minor authority figures come in for fake press conferences and it’s one softball after another. The guy says “trust me” and everyone does – that’s how they report.
I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that yes, they are that dumb, and the next generation of journalists will be even dumber.
but thats not the chemical mix I want in my journalists.
I vote for ketamine and MMDA.
Wow. Lois couldn’t locate a clue with a bloodhound, a metal detector, an X-ray machine, night goggles, an endoscope, a telescope, a microscope and a spy satellite.
I happen to be reading an excellent biography of Houdini–“The Secret Life of Houdini” by William Kalush and Larry Sloman. They described how Houdini got people’s attention back in 1907.
“Houdini’s water can escape was so stunning that it refreshed the debate over his methods. There were even some Spiritualists maintaining that Houdini succeeded through some psychic power. [Houdini] seemed willing to blur the line. If an interviewer didn’t broach the subject, Houdini would often gratuitiously inject the word ‘supernatural’ for him. Of course he would also invariably deny such powers, but it’s possible that he was using the work to plant the suggestion that this was indeed a possibility. Being the master showman that he was, he understood that if you mention something and then deny it, the denial is often overlooked or forgotten. When one is asked to forget something specific, it’s this very thing that stands out in the mind and therefore the most difficult to forget.”
Of course Houdini was a very smart man, but surely we’ve all come to understand this is true over the last one hundred years. Except for Lois Romano.
a bloodhound, a metal detector, an X-ray machine, night goggles, an endoscope, a telescope, a microscope and a spy satellite
These are all vital plot ingredients in my dream movie.
Why can’t my congressional representative stay here where I can keep an eye on him or her and webconference with his/her confreres? Why can’t the pundits do their punditing from whatever damp rock they would otherwise reside under were they not gainfully employed by reputable DC publications?
Because it’s all about having the perks of power, to the detriment of the rest of the country with what they stand for.
I had a co-worker/friend tell me that ‘they'(meaning the Beltway) thinks the middle class doesn’t start until about 100K, and folks like Lois and the ‘reporter’ on the Obama ‘story’ lend credence to that claim.
Mr Leonard Pierce, it is kind of fun to be able to completely anticipate the reactions to every single story to come down the pipe. It’s just too easy, is all.
Does anyone else have serious doubts that Mitt Romney is actually a real human being? Every time I see him speak he seems more and more like the Austin Powers “Fembots”, just without the deadly “jubblies”. Mitt is the male fembot, I swear….
Male fembot? A mascbot? Mitt the mascbot?
The rumors deserve to be addressed of Lois Romano’s untidy performance in the alleged erotic video, Der Scheisslich Gruppeknall, (a.k.a. Shitty Shitty Gang Bang).
Please don’t remind me of that ‘two girls one cup’ video. *shiver*
Or as we say in my country, if the word is out that your sister is a whore, it really doesn’t matter that you don’t have a sister…