From Noonan to Dewy Adam Eve

Can it be that I really haven’t posted anything since Thanksgiving? Something about the combination of L-tryptophan and a warm sense of gratitude towards my fellow man must have made me reluctant to comb through the right-wing blogs. Still, I have a job to do, and I can’t let feelings of nausea and the sound of Tom Tancredo’s voice keep me from…

Pink Noonan gonna get you all
I saw it written and I saw it say

…holy hell! What was that? Did you people see that? It was like — I — oh, never mind. The cold weather’s starting to get to me. And by “cold weather” I mean “gargantuan intake of zoot weed.” All right, back to work. Let’s see…oh, look! Fudgehammer finally got around to posting the Constitutional amendment outlawing Islam that had the whole rest of the right-wing blogosphere popping little genocide boners about a year ago. Fudgy’s always good for a laugh. But I feel like I’ve really already done that topic, and…

Pink Noonan gonna get you all
Pink Noonan is on his way

All right, that’s it. No more Windex martinis for me after 8PM. Anyway, since then, Fudgehammer’s already moved on to the terrifying news that Islam is now the third-largest religion in Ireland, with Christians outnumbering Muslims by a mere 135:1. So I guess I should let him fret over that for a while and move on to someone else. Someone we haven’t checked in on for a while. Someone who’s always got something intelligent to say. Someone like…like…

Pink Noonan gonna get you all
And none of you stand so tall

Of course! Mark Noonan! The heroic, caterpillar-browed toad-licker of Blogs for Bush Victory! And it seems he’s feeling a little…pink.

Being gay is not wrong – it is not a sin to be gay; given this, there should be no objection to having gay Americans serve in the United States military.

Mark seems to be suggesting here that if you do things that are sins, like, say, coveting or adultery or having tattoos or eating pelicans, you shouldn’t be able to serve in the military. (There are also those — like, say, God — who seem to think it is a sin to be gay, but I’ll leave that argument up to the people who believe in Him.)

Gay rights activists would have the objections as the mere result of anti-gay bigotry – and I’m sure that there is an element of this in the debate.

You don’t often see Mark in this generous a mood, where he’s willing to admit that prejudice against homosexuals might have something to do with homosexuals being banned from military service. Must be the holiday spirit.

However, there are practical considerations involved here. First and foremost, a generally held opinion – whether well or ill-founded – cannot be lightly set aside, especially in a democratic republic. Say what you will about it, there is a distaste for homosexual acts among the general population, even among some of those who are determined to be very tolerant in the matter. I believe this distaste is irreducible: most people who are not gay will never come around to an idea that homosexual acts are morally the same as heterosexual acts. There will always be an element of the “other” in homosexuality as far as the heterosexual population is concerned.

I know what you mean, Mark. Why, we used to have a similar problem in the service with the coloreds! I forget how we solved it, exactly.

Secondly, and in conjunction with the distaste noted above, there is the practical matter of how to regulate the relations between servicemembers. Part of the objection to having women serve in the military (an objection I share – and do keep in mind that my sister served for 8 years in the Navy, and I still feel this way) is that in the various bonds which can develope between men and women may work at cross purposes to tbe bonds necessary for unit cohesiveness. This is why even to this day women are not placed in front line combat units. Adding open homosexuality to the mix will add yet another potentional morale destroyer to the mix.

So, wait, hold up. Objection #1: We can’t have gays in the military because they gross people out. Objection #2: We can’t have gays in the military because people will fall in love with them and it will destroy unit cohesion. Which is it, there, hoss?

What General Kerr did – almost certainly at the behest of Democrats trying to score cheap points – was absurd; and as a former serving officer he knows it is. Its not just a matter of “I want it, so we will do it”.

Yeah, where would an Army general get the idea that you can just issue a command and have it be obeyed? That’s crazy!

Kerr did a bit of Democratic grandstanding, and that was a disservice to his own cause – now it is time for thoughtful people to engage in real debate over this issue.

Thoughtful people engaging in real debate: That’s Blogs for Bush Victory™.


Comments: 81


Where “thoughtful debate” always is exactly equal to “winger asserts rightness” while “everyone who might possibly disagree in even the slightest way shuts up or gets called every hateful thing the winger can come up with”.


Look, once we’ve “othered” a group, they just can’t be dealt with because of what we did to them.
It’s their own fault.


Exactly, Different Brad! What, are we just supposed to forget about how yucky and gross we decided homos are? That would be really hard! The burden is on them to find some way to circumvent the perfectly reasonable prejudice we harbor towards them.


I submit that the idea of conservative pundits having sex with anyone at any time is repugnant and traumatically nauseating, to the point that even Alberto Gonzales would consider it torture. I am also absolutely certain that a large majority of Americans would agree with me.

I therefore propose that we ban conservative pundits from serving in the military, lest they manage to have their filthy sex around other soldiers and sabotage the whole war. So that means…. well, nobody has to leave, but if any of you ever get the urge to join, the answer is no!


Thank Christian Warlord Jeebus that General Betrayus is above grandstanding.

Cause licking Cheney’s ass is the pinnacle of patriotism in Murka today.


Wow, Noonan sounded darn reasonable in the beginning there. Of course it didn’t last long. Actually, I’m a little disappointed with this post. I expect a higher grade of stupid from Mister “Blogs for Victory”. I mean it was stupid, don’t get me wrong. It just didn’t really have that goofy Noonan charm. I give it a 7.0

Oh, and I still think Noonan is the funniest looking wingnut ever. Even more than Don Surber or Vox day and his dopey hair do and Beatnik clothes. I literally laughed out loud when I saw his picture in this post. I look at that head shot of his, and I just can’t stop giggling. It never gets old.


by “cold weather” I mean “gargantuan intake of zoot weed”


You really know how to warm the cockels of my heart, Len.


The eyebrows follow you around the room.


Part of the objection to having women serve in the military (an objection I share – and do keep in mind that my sister served for 8 years in the Navy, and I still feel this way)

Thanksgiving day dinners must be a joy for the Noonan family. He can’t even put aside practical considerations to accept his own sister’s career choices. I’d love to see his soured victorian puss if a nephew brought a boyfriend to dinner.

It would be time for thoughtful family members to ignore this dickhead and engage in real debate over the joys of acceptance and togetherness.


Are we just supposed to forget about how yucky and gross we decided homos are? That would be really hard!

Imagine how much fun that process is when your young and realize you’re one of the homos. Shit like what Noonan writes just makes you want to go find a razorblade.


the various bonds which can develop between men and women may work at cross purposes to the bonds necessary for unit cohesiveness.

Now, having worked for many many years in a blue-collar labor organization, only gender-integrated within the last 20 years, I have to say that both unit cohesiveness AND inter-colleague fucking can exist simultaneously. Believe me.

And speaking of which – I heard a funny story from a friend who works in a rather lofty position in Academic Administration.

Seems one of the department chairs attended an evening event at the Faculty Club, and then decided to swing by her office to retrieve some paperwork she wanted to work on at home the next morning.

She entered the building after hours, and unlocked the door to her office…..only to find two members of the custodial crew, vigorously fucking away on her office couch!

Wonder how long THAT’s been going on!


Wonder how long THAT’s been going on!

Work is hard, g. Or it’s hard work. Or something.


“I want it, so we will do it”.
I am SO using that line the next time I see a hawt marine. (Yeah, redundant)
We need to profile hundreds of gay service members (heh) from all the countries where they’re allowed to serve their countries openly and honorably. That’d show ’em. Well, prolly not, but it’d still be hella cool.


Yeah, where would an Army general get the idea that you can just issue a command and have it be obeyed? That’s crazy!

Hell yes! Order soldiers to respect their fellow comrades no matter their sexual orientation? You might as well claim that we can order soldiers to move forward under fire, or patrol streets in lethally hostile territory at imminent risk of their lives!


That is one rancid comments column over at Flogs for Fuckery. I only made it thru about a dozen and had to get out.


Did they accidentally add more stupid to the Kool-Aid recipe or what? The punditries gibberish seems to have an extra dash of stupid lately. (Honorable mention goes to Joe Klein.)


I therefore propose that we ban conservative pundits from serving in the military

Not needed. Any more than a ban on turkeys volunteering for oven duty.

Eric (An Halibut)

Gundamhead: I literally laughed out loud when I saw his picture in this post.

Me too. Good grief, that goofy expression, smug yet befuddled…it’s truly funny. Not funny enough by far to make up for Noonan’s weak, pompous writing and his lame homophobia, but…well, the way I look at it, at least a wingnut gave me a pleasant little chuckle today, rather than heartburn or nausea. Which is a nice change, I guess.

(Oh, and Mr. Pierce, kudos for the nod to Nick Drake.)


I now know that I am definitely *not* a conservative. How? you ask. I know because unlike them, I am capable of thinking about homosexuals without picturing them having teh ghey secks.*

*lesbians not included, so carry on!


“Not needed. Any more than a ban on turkeys volunteering for oven duty.”

That was uncalled for! You know very well that they’re fighting the war of ideas which is just as, if not even more important. And don’t say they aren’t in danger! Some of those Liberals are really snarky. It takes it’s toll my friend.


Man, I’m stuck here, I have eyebrows like that. Then again, I have an afro worthy of Art Garfunkel circa 1974.


I have a solution to this rather trivial problem:

Put the gay men and the women together. They’ll get along fine – and look great!



LMAO! That’s a keeper,,,


so Noonan is saying if we want more unit cohesiveness, we need more lesbos in uniform?


Um, excuse me.

I don’t want to be too forward here.

But, y’know, I’ve been in combat. And I gotta say.

If you stay on it. Do your fucking job. Hold the line. Put out rounds and don’t let the little fuckers break the line. If you’ll sit full on in the hole, and when it gets really hard, in the drizzling rain with the fuckers in the wire and we’re killing them and the screams and the cries and the sound of the arty and the mortars and the fifties and the wounded, if you will stay with me and and not leave and when the morning comes we still hold that piece of stupid hell, and we can share a smoke and load our mags and try to figure out what happened and why, well then, you and I are bonded forever, my friend, and who you choose to love will not be an issue…



Did they accidentally add more stupid to the Kool-Aid recipe or what?

The more professional Repubs are caught with their pants down and/or their hands in the cookie jar, the louder they dial up the stupid from their “pundits”. Again, like every other lapdog, all these Repundits have for self-defence are their infinitely annoying YARP YARP YARP attacks upon our sensibilities, plus the natural reluctance of decent folk to pick on an assailant so small and weak and ridiculous.

I love my own little lapdogs, but *they* don’t write columns defending their more ridiculous political tenets. And when their “rhetoric” threatens to shatter glass, my guys can be picked up and locked in a fiberglass crate until they calm down. I don’t even get to fantasize about putting Noonan or Joe Klein in a cage, because as a good progressive I’m against the idea of doubling Gitmo.


Sorry, can’t comment. Working on my amendment that defines liebruls as “notcitizens” so that only wingers have rights. Back soon.

Johnny Coelacanth

Speaking of Blowhammer, his comments section is a rich vein of thick, creamy stupid. And comments like this make me ashamed to have once been an RPG geek: “The sword and shield of the anti-jihad must be forged as it was in the days of old. Plunged in to the fire until red hot and then sledge hammered, the process repeated over and over again until the sword is strong enough to cut stone.” Mmmm, plunged into the fire and hammered, over and over and plunged into the fire and oh oh oh… Fucker’s typing with one hand, I just know it.


“Folks in search of laffs should check out D’s latest find.”

If ever there was a “serious, intellectual” conservative site that was even more of a joke than Noonan’s Blogs4Victory, Conservapedia is it.


Wait, the bible sez we can’t eat pelicans?!?

That’s fucked up. I guess we can still eat cormorants.

But there’s more white meat on a pelican.


Fowls that creep, going upon all four?
What freakin planet did that Leviticus guy live on?


Can you even have an Amendment with multiple Articles? Though Article IV IS rather funny.

“it is not a sin to be gay; given this, there should be no objection to having gay Americans serve in the United States military.”

Huh. Who knew the Bible also serves as the Military Uniform Code of Conduct. The things you learn!

“there is a distaste for homosexual acts among the general population, even among some of those who are determined to be very tolerant in the matter. I believe this distaste is irreducible: most people who are not gay will never come around to an idea that homosexual acts are morally the same as heterosexual acts. There will always be an element of the “other” in homosexuality as far as the heterosexual population is concerned.”

Hey, did you know that 53% of all statistics are made up? It’s true!

“This is why even to this day women are not placed in front line combat units. Adding open homosexuality to the mix will add yet another potentional morale destroyer to the mix.”

Women actually serve just fine in front line rolls, such as on transports and ship gunners and a few chopper pilots. The only place, to my immediate knowledge, where they are specifically banned is ones where they lack in the physical strength and endurance that role requires, such as Special Forces and SEALs. It has very little to do with worrying that the soldiers are gunna bump fuzz instead of go out on patrols.


Fowls that creep, going upon all four?
What freakin planet did that Leviticus guy live on?

Well, according to legend it was Moses, and, seeing as how he did suppose-es his toes-es were roses, I’d say he was probably huffing something.


Fowls that creep, going upon all four?

But platypus is so moist and tasty!

Aw, I got nothing. Ignore me. I might get pictures of my War on Christmas Tree up soon, though, for the freaky-ornament lovers among you.


Blogwhoring ahoy, not going to reproduce my comments on the debate controversy here.

The public includes liberals — Republicans outraged!

Who would have thought that in a debate where anyone can submit questions some of the questions would be from the majority of the country? Shocking!

In my blog I reviewed the Democratic CNN/YouTube debate transcript and there are 5 or 6 “plant” questions — and by “plant” I mean questions from a Republican perspective, oh nos! Sombody set fire to CNN immediately!


So Fudgepacker, I mean Hammer, whatever, has just demonstrated that he has never been in a cohesive unit and has no understanding whatsofuckingever of how actual human beings actually bond with one another or what creates unit cohesion and what harms it. Neither does he have any understanding of what the general public distastes (is that a verb?). Feh. Mythology, bigotry and atavism. A concoction to make a moron swoon.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

I’ve never been in a combat situation like mikey has, but I’m damned sure that if somebody’s shooting at me, I won’t give a single solitary shit about the pink bits of the person next to me. I’ll care even less about what they like to do with those pink bits. All I’ll be caring about is getting through the whole thing alive.

And in a non-combat situation, I’d rather they be thinking about pink bits and where to stick ’em than about purple wobbly bits and where they’d like to extract ’em. If you get my drift. Mebbe not.


The Bible is also a bit harsh as regards the consumption of four legged insects. Which I regard as totally unfair, btw.

Oh, and just for the record, I think it’s important to point out that not ALL nongay people think that guy-on-guy action is gross.

I, for one, am not a guy or a lesbian, and I happen to think guy-on-guy action is hot hot hot! Moar homosex, plzkthx!


I disagree, Jillian. Man on man sex is disgusting, immoral, and is destroying our country, and you should be ashamed for promoting it.

Now, you give me some amateur film of two co-ed lesbians with a strap-on, lube, pocket vibe, and a box of jelly donuts? Ohhhhhoho MAN! Them’s good watchin’!


Foolhammer, the military strategist:

6) The U.S.A. attacks Iran. Massively. No holds barred short of actually using any WMDs — unless of course they are used on us. After the air attacks and missiles are done, send in the troops from Afghanistan and Iraq for a cleanup, give it 6 months and then bring the troops HOME.

A Pattonesque Solution to U.S. National Defense


Wasn’t the Iraq occupation a “clean-up” job? Weather (yes, wrong homonym. For the life of me, I don’t know the right one) six days, six weeks…. I doubt six months.

It must be nice living in a fantasy world. I’d have a unicorn, and a never-ending pan of brownies, with all the flavor and non of the fat!


I love how Nooner conveniently overlooks the fact that most of the “Coalition of the No Longer Willing to Take Part in Bush’s Clusterfuck” allow gays to openly serve. Has the British army fallen apart because everyone is too freaked out by teh ghey? How about the Aussies? Canada, France, Italy, Israel…?

So, I guess he’s saying American soldiers are huge wusses. Or maybe he likes the fact that the US has something in common with Iran.

Or maybe he’s a hairy-eyebrowed dick.


Oh hell, I finally went to Foehammer. Wow. And of course, a 910 Grouper, which means he’s hammering for Baron Bodissey. Does that make him part of the “Army of Midgets”?


The other day I heard that the Israeli Defense Force lets gay people openly serve. Which, if true, would seem to counter Noonan’s point.

But, y’know, I’ve been in combat. And I gotta say

Oh Mikey, you and you’re “reality-based community”, where actual real-life experience seems to trump wingnut ideology! Reality is passe! It’s the Bush years!

*lesbians not included, so carry on!

Heh heh, that’s the first thing I thought of too, when I read about how much America is “disgusted” by homosexuality. I don’t know many men who are horrified at the thought of two women kissing.

As for gay men, I can’t think of a TV show I regularly watch where gayness hasn’t popped up as a theme. I just rented the first season of “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” and there was this one episode where they (accidentally) turned their bar into a gay nightclub, and I don’t think the makers of the show expected its viewers to be disgusted and turn away.


Heh, Jillian, that’s the one thing I’ve been constantly bemused by since I came out…that there are women out there who like guy-on-guy stuff just like heterosexual males like lesbian stuff.

I think that’s cool, actually.



Hell, women are the ones with an actual name for the practice, as near as I can tell. Unless there’s some term for guys into lesbians comparable to “fag hag”.

Johnny Coelacanth

Unless there’s some term for guys into lesbians comparable to “fag hag”.

Dutch Boys. Because they like to stick their fingers into dikes.


The other day I heard that the Israeli Defense Force lets gay people openly serve. Which, if true, would seem to counter Noonan’s point.

It’s true. All NATO countries (except Turkey) allow gays to openly serve, along with the majority of nations on the planet. Which, assuming these boneheads have any contact with reality, might explain why they’re getting shriller. I wonder if they can be pushed into arguing we shouldn’t fight with armies that allow open service. Morale and all that. Don’t want some huge bloke from Oz hitting on our soldiers. Eee!


Arky: Of course, that must just feed into their “U.N”/NWO militia fantasies where the gay UN blue helmets are going to invade and take all our men out to dinner, a delightful theater show, ravish them like they do in their fantasies, and then never call them again.

Perhaps I’ve said too much.


I think it’s awesome that Noonan’s sister served in teh Navy, and you know, he hasn’t served anything. Yet Noonan STILL objects to women serving in the military.


Everyone here sure has their panties in a bunch about teh gay (by “here”, I mean the U.S.). That’s why I made my house look like the Castro District in SF.


Hey, Legalize —

Even more awesome is that Noonan followed up that post with this one, where he talks about how people of courage can make a real difference in the world instead of just sitting around complaining about everyone else.

Mark Noonan says this.


“U.N”/NWO militia fantasies where the gay UN blue helmets are going to invade and take all our men out to dinner, a delightful theater show, ravish them like they do in their fantasies, and then never call them again.

For some reason I visualized all of this unfolding amid the styrofoam ruins of the WWII scene at the beginning of Irving Berlin’s White Christmas

Could I be any gayer?


Unless there’s some term for guys into lesbians comparable to “fag hag”.

Dutch Boys. Because they like to stick their fingers into dikes.

Hahaha! I’d always heard “Dyke Mike” but yours is classier.


Male equivalents of “fag hags”? I think that would be every gay man I’ve ever met….LOL.


I’ve heard “dykey likeys” and “lezbee friends”.

Also, I prefer “fruit fly” to “fag hag”.


Of all the people I can think of who might presume to speak for how I as a heterosexual-American feel about homo sex, Mark Nooners would be way down toward the bottom of the list, should such a list exist, which I can’t imagine it would ever, I mean why would it? But still. Mark Noonan! As if.


I’m sensing an over-reliance on mockery at this blog AND an over-reliance on hypocrisy, I mean an over-reliance on exposing hypocrisy not on exhibiting it yourselves. The mockery is being heavily relied upon not by exposing it but by actually using it yourselves.


most people who are not gay will never come around to an idea that homosexual acts are morally the same as heterosexual acts.

I mean, the fuck is he talking about? “Morally the same”? What’s “moral” about heterosexual sex? He’s being all godbaggy, right?

Maybe he meant to say “molar.” Where’s my coffee.


I think he meant “orally the same.”


Caveat: That’s nothing. Just yesterday I insisted on censoring certain speech that would have taught children about a massive flood.


MzNicky, I assume that you are a woman. Therefore, your opinion is not likely to be any more interesting to Mark Noonan than that of his sister who actually serves in the Navy on women serving in the military.

When he says, “most Americans”, he actually means, “most rich cowardly conservative old white men with bushy eyebrows”. I mean, Christ in a casserole, he centers his discussion on whether women should be equal participants on what effect it may have on men! I’m surprised that he is willing to allow women to study at universities, seeing as how it might distract the “real students”.

I’m willing to bet that a healthy proportion of his homophobia is rooted in misogyny. I’m sure that he finds my gay sex only marginally more alien and revolting than your vagina.


Hey! Where’s my comment? cotton-pickin’ internetstubes.


Oh well. I’ll try again.

Christ in a casserole, he centers his discussion on whether women should be equal participants on what effect it may have on men!

Thank you. My subliminal-patriarchy-detecting device picked up on that too, but my Hitlery® cattle prod is still recharging.


“I’m sure that he finds my gay sex only marginally more alien and revolting than your vagina.”

Hmmmm, I’ve got to ponder that one, myself. Do you have pictures? Video? How about a checklist or evaluation form for me to quantify if it’s more alien and revolting; and, if so, how much more (or less)?

I’m happy to share my findings, and subject them to peer review.

As for Noonan – he never even leaves his freaking apartment.


Well, for some reason the spamulator keeps saying “Sadly, NO!” to my comment. Let’s try it once more:

pedestrian: THANK YOU for this:
“Christ in a casserole, he centers his discussion on whether women should be equal participants on what effect it may have on men!”

My subliminal-patriarchal-linguistic detector picked that up as well.


Hmmmm, I’ve got to ponder that one, myself. Do you have pictures? Video?i>

Sure, it’s all over at
Gah! Bwa! Hyai? Outed by the liberals again! I’ll have you know that Ann Althouse is my attorney! I can sue you!!! *sobs*

Arky - Cthulusexual

Is it misogyny or misanthropy or a whole lotta projection? I mean, I’m perfectly able to hang around with people I find attractive without trying to hit on them, much less knock them down and stick it in them.

Noonan, like other “no women in combat, no gheys period” types seems to argue that men, all men are such shag beasts, they will try to fuck someone even if bombs are going off right under their noses.


Arky (I have no idea what kind of sexuality “Cthulusexual” implies, and I really think it should stay that way):

Is it misogyny or misanthropy or a whole lotta projection?

It’s probably a triple play. Throw in self-loathing and you’ve got the whole enchilada platter.

Noonan…seems to argue that men, all men are such shag beasts, they will try to fuck someone even if bombs are going off right under their noses.

Which is some pretty sexist shit.


I find it very similar to the whole thing when shitbage theists say “But if there’s no God we could just kill and rape everyone!”

That’s when you back away slowly, realizing that you’re talking with a sociopath who only hasn’t killed or raped you yet because he’s not smart enough to figure out the God thing is bullshit, and has no empathy or respect for other human beings.

Arky - Cthulusexual

That’s when you back away slowly, realizing that you’re talking with a sociopath who only hasn’t killed or raped you yet because he’s not smart enough to figure out the God thing is bullshit, and has no empathy or respect for other human beings.

Or, God simply hasn’t told him it is His will that he rape and kill.


I’ve yet to see any proof that belief in God stops sociopaths from expressing their nasty little urges, but He sure does make a nifty excuse for the psychos. See for example The Inquistion, the Millennium Bomber, 19 freaks with box cutters, George W. Bush, etc, etc, etc.


distastes (is that a verb?)

Sort of. As in, “Distastes like a wino threw up in my mouth, only less cheesy.”

That whole bit about women not serving in “front line combat” is pretty ludicrous. I defy anyone to show me a map, of any scale, of Iraq or Afghanistan and point to the front lines. It’s all combat zone. Every woman serving there, regardless of their professional rating, is in combat.

Principal Blackman

Being gay is not wrong – it is not a sin to be gay;

This is just Noonan playing a little semantic game. His preferred terminology–because it’s the terminology the church delivered to him–is that homosexuality is “inherently disordered.” It’s a perfect example of a distinction without a difference as revealed by his later comment that homosexuality is by definition not as moral as heterosexuality. “Hey, I never said they were less moral or sinful–I just said they’re inherently disordered!”

Oh, and his beef with his sister is not just that she had the gall to serve in the Navy while having a vagina and breasts, it’s also that she’s not a wingnut and she has a PhD, thereby triggering his fears of rationality and education.


I think it’s awesome that Noonan’s sister served in teh Navy, and you know, he hasn’t served anything. Yet Noonan STILL objects to women serving in the military.

Some people never grow out of the whole sibling-rivalry thing, unfortunately. Like it was Ms. Noonan’s fault that little Marky couldn’t pass the physical or the psychological tests!

As for the guy-on-guy voyeurs, I have been told that many women expect gay guys to be better eye candy. Nobody wants to watch Kevin James and Adam Sandler grope each other, shall we say, even though I’m sure those two fine comedians have no difficulty finding willing partners for their individual sexual fantasies.

And the nic we used for guys who liked to hang around lesbians was “Dyke Tykes”. (Or, thinking of the DTs I’ve known, “bears”.)


Unless there’s some term for guys into lesbians comparable to “fag hag”.

No such term is needed, because pretty much all men are fascinated by lesbians.

( The horror! not )


That’s when you back away slowly, realizing that you’re talking with a sociopath

Not killing, robbing, raping, etc., *only* because you fear that doing so will get you punished by someone (a god, a court of law, etc.) makes a person just about the lowest form of humanity.

Principal Blackman

Like it was Ms. Noonan’s fault that little Marky couldn’t pass the physical or the psychological tests!

To be fair, Marky did serve in the Navy as well…perhaps he’s pissed off that those damn vagina-havers ruined his special guy time?


[…] Earlier, I noted that our old pal Fudgehammer had his Bacon Ranch Pringles-stained boxers in a bunch over the extraordinarily non-alarming statistic that Islam is now the third-largest religion in Ireland. […]


“The sword and shield of the anti-jihad must be forged as it was in the days of old. Plunged in to the fire until red hot and then sledge hammered, the process repeated over and over again until the sword is strong enough to cut stone.”

Sledge hammered?! SLEDGE HAMMER??!! Someone tell Ignorant Fuckwit Commentor #1 that you can’t use a fucking sledge hammer for metalwork. Knocking down walls, fine. Hammering stakes, fine. But forging hot metal?! My flabber is ghasted and I cannot even type an interrobang.
/SCA pedantry


[…] the always reasonable Mark Noonan: How We Won in […]


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