Am I a bad person because I basically hate everyone?

It’s an interesting question, and I’d like to know the answer.

Watching the unfolding train wreck that is the 2008 preznidential campaign, I’ve come to the depressing conclusion that every major candidate makes me want to throw up at least a little bit. The major Republicans spend every single one of their debates arguing over who’s the crazier asshole, while the major Democrats nearly get into fist fights over which one of them is most likely to get coveted endorsements from David Broder and Tom Friedman. What I’m really looking for is a leader who will get up on the podium and say, “I hate everything about Washington, DC. As president, my first act will be to remodel the entire Washington Monument into a grand middle finger statue in order to properly reflect the contempt and disgust I have with our political class. From the Iraq war to the FISA mess to the bankruptcy bill to the Military Commissions Act… can’t you stupid insane clowns do anything that isn’t insanely and clownishly stupid??!!”

And after he delivered that crazed tirade, he’d preferably instruct Barack Obama to forcibly implement Sharia law. Just because.

But seriously: there are times when I want to throw up my hands and say “Screw it!” and vote for a Ron Paul-Kucinich Kucinich-Paul Unity ’08 ticket. Because while each one of them is, respectively, a wee bit flaky or crazy, I’m pretty sure they’re both sincere. Face it, folks: people who claim to have seen UFOs and who want to return America to the gold standard aren’t trying to deceive the American public by telling them what they want to hear. So when Paul and Kucinich say that they’ll end the stupid-ass Iraq war, I actually believe them, because in reality they’re saner than every damned Villager candidate who is too fearful of offending their overlords at AEI, Brookings and the Washington Post op-ed page. So bring it, peeps. Unity ’08, starring Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul.



Comments: 107


Pfft. Yes. And Kucinich/Paul, you horrible person.


Unity ’08

Because Batshit Crazy is Always Preferrable to Criminally Insane.


After George Bush, why the fear of “crazy” and “flaky” in candidates you otherwise admire?

Probably the only positive thing to come out of this administration is the proof that the Republic can survive eight years under a moron.


It hasn’t actually been eight years yet.


Probably the only positive thing to come out of this administration is the proof that the Republic can survive eight years under a moron.

Not very well, though.

I swear, though, even after Bush is out of office, the Democrats will still be capitulating to him. I just don’t understand.


Hey, I’ve seen a UFO, and I know it was real ‘cos even though Rowan and I had each taken a full micro-dot Andy had only taken half and he saw the object first. So there.


Dude, seriously, please don’t equate Kucinich’s mild flakiness (which we wouldn’t even know about if the guy would exercise even a portion of the level of image control common to modern politics) with Ron Paul’s flamingly mad, far right-wing, libertarian isolationist militia bullshit.

For real, don’t make me pull this internet over.


bradrocket, not to get paranoid or conspiracy theorist, but I think the explanation for why they capitulate is staring us all in the face.
Of the Democratic members of Congress.
Basically, blackmail. Makes them do what you want them to, and makes them doubly unwilling to explore wiretapping crimes for fear of some kind of discovery process.
I ain’t saying I believe this little pet theory, but it survives Occam as well as any other.

And since Ron Paul is batshit insane in a bad, eat your baby with smile way, how about Chuck Norris instead?


I’m not saying they’re the same. I’m saying they (and Chris Dodd, who, to be fair, is a normal guy) are just about the only candidates I actually believe when they say they’ll end the Iraq war.


I’m gonna have to agree with Dayv on the Kucinich thing. I would happily vote for DK for pres. I wouldn’t let Ron Paul take care of my cactus overnight.


I think my point is that I’d like it if we could all (including me) stop agreeing that Kucinich is doomed and start actually supporting the guy.  Ron Paul is not deserving of similar treatment.


How old is that picture of Kucinich? He looks more like Gilligan.


I’m with you. I get closer and closer to envisioning myself voting for a third party every day. Sigh.

By the way, the loony toon whose guitar song opened the GOP debate last night is one of our favorites here in the northwest. I’ve posted a rundown of his greatest hits here:


Kucinich/Dodd wouldn’t be awful would it?

Paul may be a sincere asshole, but he’s still a fucking asshole.


In answer to your question, Bradrocket, I’m gonna go with “yeah”.

See, I’m old and fucked up. But that’s allowed me to figure a few things out. This is one of the biggees.

You really only have two options in life. You can go for that squinting, willfully blinded and ignorant, just another dood in the Matrix kind of insanity that allows you to live a “normal” life, enjoy your stay on turd planet, and be a “good person”.

Or you can work hard to take off the blinders, and force yourself to see the world as the world actually is. This makes you bitter, cantankerous and frequently drunk. It is also that rare condition called “sanity”.

So you see the emperor is naked. You see they are arguing, not about turning the car, but only over how fast to accelerate towards the cliff. You see that the “good guys” are evil, and the “bad guys” are positively demonic. You scream, break things, occasionally hit people. More than once. “Nice people” avoid you, and your local constabulary cuffs you at gunpoint to issue you a littering ticket.

Yeah. You’re a bad person. So am I. Now if we only had a few million more. Bad, angry, clear-sighted, sane people of courage. We could turn this applecart over before all the apples are rotten and the horse is dead.



Nope … Gravel/Paul … not Kucinich/Paul. Thing of the entertainment value of having two people as cranky (in all senses of the word) as Gravel and Paul being co-leaders of the Free World(TM). We’d finally have world peace, because everyone would be so amused by whom we elected, they’d stop fighting and just start watching the Pres and Veep on the TeeVee and vegging out!

Either that or the old standby from Altercation: “vote Bateman/Pierce in ’08 and win Karl Kassel’s voice on your home answering machine”. Except if Bateman and Pierce do win, not only would Karl Kassel go horse from making all those recordings, but we’d have good, competent leadership … and we can’t allow that to happen, can we?


Is Ron Paul Kucinich’s dad? They both look like forest gnomes.


They both look like forest gnomes Gahan Wilson cartoons.


Michael Moore once suggested we outsource Washington to Tijuana.

Time for a revival?


Jeez, I throw up my hands EVERY election! Vote locally, just get pissed on the big ticket.

LOBBEY! I really need Lobbey from Steyn Watch to contact me. Es muy importante. MUY. Seriously.


Cthulhu ’08. “Why vote for a lesser evil?”


I keep reading that Ron Paul is batshit crazy — but then I see that Ron Paul has actually introduced legislation, HR 3835, to restore habeas corpus, stop torture and extraordinary rendition, and end warrantless wiretapping. And he voted against the authorization to use military force in Iraq.

Against torture, domestic spying, and colonial wars? For habeas corpus? Whoa, craaaaaazy.

Arky - Cthulusexual



On the other hand, he’s supported by White Power Bill, intends to destroy the economy through re-establishing the gold standard, is an “originalist” in the sense that all those uppity civil rights people got in the 20th century and social services like say, social security would go bye-bye, and we’d go back to the grand old days of supporting genocidal maniacs so long as it was economically feasible.

Y’know, like back during the Dulles boys’ run.

But hey, he talks a line of bullshit we want to fall for, so he can’t be a terrible awful lunatic, can he.


Do what I’m doing… support a candidate you like, and then if worse comes to worse, vote for the Garnett/Lion-O ticket that we all know should be running this country.


I keep reading that Ron Paul is batshit crazy — but then I see that Ron Paul has actually introduced legislation, HR 3835, to restore habeas corpus, stop torture and extraordinary rendition, and end warrantless wiretapping. And he voted against the authorization to use military force in Iraq.

Well, you’re just crazy; a militia-sympathizer, racist, white supremacist, woman-hating asshole. Don’t you know that the anti-war movement is a white movement? Why do you hate people of color? Blarg!!!

[If you think this is a strawman, please read the previous Paul thread.]


Fuck yeah! Cthulthu/Dagon ’08 “And you thought Cheney was evil!”

I think I’m the only Azagthoth who actually has read Lovecraft, that’s why I like you guys. Forgive the “family name”…rofl.


HTML, come on, there’s legit reasons to be both very anti-war and very concerned by the RP movement.
Reasonable people can disagree as to how much it matters why Paul says the things he does, but I don’t know that it’s arguable it’s largely repugnant, even giving him the benefit of the doubt on racism.


I still don’t see how copping to having seen a flying object that one cannot identify is any kind of evidence of flakiness.

(Lyndon LaRouche Ron Paul cares fuckall about my civil liberties, as long as it’s my state and not my nation that’s infringing on them. That’s not flaky. That’s a dominionist in an Ayn Rand mask.)


Yes, yes you are a bad person. Look what you make Moran do;

“Foul mouthed, ignorant commenters have once again ruined it for the rest of my readers. It seems every time I get a link from “Sadly No” or “T-Bogg,” the most vile, insulting, obscenity laced comments are left in moderation.

I’m tired of dealing with them, of looking at them. So I have shut down the comment function on this blog.

What is it about obscenities and scatological vulgarity that it becomes a herculean effort for these mouth breathing troglodytes to avoid them in the normal discourse of everyday language? Are they really that limited in their intelligence that every other word has to be a vulgarity? Don’t they realize that this language isn’t “shocking” as much as it’s nauseating?

No matter. Comments will be closed for the time being. At least until they crawl back underneath the rotten logs from which they slithered to get here in the first place.”

Yeah, ya pedo! Shut your cakehole!

Vote Ron Paul, at least it’ll be funny!


Strikeout tags work in preview, I swear. Ron Paul is LaRouche 1.2.0 is what I’m saying – a right wing loon who can convince progressives to canvas for him.

The strikeout worked better.


People that see aliens are people even the crazy fundamentalists feel comfortable mocking for their beliefs.

Remember when they fucked Carter for seeing one?


Oh, my poor love Ricky.
I hope he didn’t feel faint from the terrible language.


I’ve sworn to my wingnut acquaintances (and yes, some pals *blush*) that it comes down to HRC vs. Paul I will vote for Paul, and I will.

But really Edwards will get my typically wasted primary vote, because he seems most likely, in the delicate balance between electability and sanity, to bring the most destruction to what we laughingly call a “system.”

(That’s why the Corporate Media has written him off.)

I don’t worry about RP so much, because I think he would move the debate in interesting and to me at least mostly positive directions, and the Congressional marriage to money would keep his more loony ideas down; I like DK just fine, don’t think he’s all that crazy, and love redheads.

And c’mon, everyone. There are plenty of silver linings from 8 years of Bush: We now know for sure that the louder you scream about the Gay, the more likely it is you love cock and butt-sex, and for those of us of a certain age, we’ll be able to watch the final swan song of our country from the comfort of a retirement home or our kids’ basement without having to worry about it so much, since we’ll be too occupied with being dead.


Once again, they seem to mistake vulgarity in language for vulgarity in thought. Someone who advocates for the incarceration or elimination of minorities because they’re terrified that their fishbowl might be disturbed is a hundred times more vulgar a person than if Sadly, No did nothing but write the word “fuck” for one whole month.


sick of everyone saying ron is crazy without really getting into why they think hes crazy..tell me why YOU think hes crazy and dont just point to a link somewhere…and if you dont think ufos are real then youre an ass.
google videos “project disclosure”

insane idiots with their hands on a blog telling others that ron is a kook should be locked away in a closet somewhere and never be allowed any where near the intertubes..

i loves me sadlyno


Fuck the fucktards who can’t differentiate between evil actions and swear words. Fuck ’em. Fuck their racist, fake-civil, homophobic, xenophobic asses with a white-hot poker, and then shit and piss on them for fun. And then get wild animals to chew on their rotten corpses, while also fucking their dead carcasses.

The disconnect between understanding the actual differences between real obscenity and printed obscenity is yet another wonder of Wingnut World.


oh yeah…every one mocking ron or kucinich…id love to hear who YOU would endorse …and let me laugh in your face right now,i dont need to wait for your response.


every one saying ron is an isolationist…get a new talking point

or look up the meaning of the word.

hes rascist because some groups send him money? come on…

again..tell me who YOU would endorse that YOU think is better for the united states and let me laugh at you even before you respond.. HA (youre not even worth the second HA)


Just for the record, I remember HTML, I believe, saying we’re all at least a little libertarian in our desire for freedom of drugs, sex, and rock ‘n roll.

So there’s that.


President Carter was honest and sincere, and look what they did to him!

I would love to see a candidate who is willing to LEAD, not react to polls, or lobbiests’,
or the bible. Buncha windmills made of noodles.


(Lex) Skink Tyree (Azagthoth) said,

November 30, 2007 at 1:43

Fuck yeah! Cthulthu/Dagon ‘08 “And you thought Cheney was evil!”

I think I’m the only Azagthoth who actually has read Lovecraft, that’s why I like you guys. Forgive the “family name”…rofl.

I’m going with Yog-Sothoth, dammittall!

P.S. Huckabee? Fuck Me!


GoatBoy said,

November 30, 2007 at 1:54

Strikeout tags work in preview, I swear. Ron Paul is LaRouche 1.2.0 is what I’m saying – a right wing loon who can convince progressives to canvas for him.

The strikeout worked better.

Both [s] and [strike] (along with [/s] and [/strike]) work in preview.

Only [strike] and [/strike] work for real


I support Edwards for some level of sincerity, too, because I think growing up as a have-not, losing a kid, and having a dying wife will inject some sincerity into you whether you like it or not.

He strikes me as the most electable Dem with the least to lose. There’s something to be said for that.


If you really don’t want to vote Dem or Repub, and you really want to vote for a strongly anti-Iraq War candidate, might I suggest…..

Brian Moore, Socialist, for President?


every one saying ron is an isolationist…get a new talking point


It works fine as-is.

hes rascist because some groups send him money?



Look, the “dream” here is we get a president that won’t start wars, won’t openly piss on the constitution, and maybe a little tax, education health care reform. That’s it. That’s nirvana.

The corporatist giveaways, the military spending and the taboos against even TALKING about the REAL problems will continue unabated.

We need another revolution, another constitutional congress, and a new compact between the people and those they allow to govern them. And we won’t get that with elections – the game is already rigged.

So. How close to sedition did I come that time?



You know what this entry needs? More pictures of Ms. Kucinich.



So, if one was to vote for Brian Moore, would we get put on the “list”? Cause there’s always that little coward’s voice in the back of my head that says, “if they actually know you’re a socialist, they’ll come for you in the night.”


I don’t get how saying you saw a flying object he couldn’t identify makes you a flake, but claiming that the ghost of a homeless Jewish political criminal told you to run for office makes you a Man of Deep Faith and thus Strong and Trustworthy.


mmmmm… Ms. Kucinich. yumm…


Patkin, you’re probably already on the list.

I know I am.

Fuck ’em.

Oh, and when I talk about getting a passport in another name, I really mean it. This country is run by burgeoning fascists who want to spy on you all the time, anyway.

It’s not worth being scared over anymore.


Right on, Jillian. ‘Tis true for sure.

I heard a great suggestion from an uncle about this once. He said subscribe to every wingnut e-publication or actual publication you could, and then they wouldn’t be able to figure you out.

Cracked me up. And is probably true.



Check it:
Factual accounts as to why [strike]Ru[/strike] Ron Paul is a nutbag:






HTML, come on, there’s legit reasons to be both very anti-war and very concerned by the RP movement.
Reasonable people can disagree as to how much it matters why Paul says the things he does,

Yeah, yeah, that’s all fine. *You’re* a reasonable person. But as for the others — I’m gonna stomp those motherfuckers. I’ve been called a racist/anti-Semite/misogynist/etc. one too many fucking times. It’s gonna be wrath of Khan level explosive around here when I get the time.



whats your alternative..

i got all you nutbags with that one..

please tell me who YOU would support…

(cue sounds of crickets)


Rick Moran is such a delicate flower; shame on us for wilting him with our uncouth language.


you lied to us thunder…



The logos, I used [] in place of the angle brackets, otherwise you wouldn’t have seen them. Try the angle brackets, you’ll love ’em!

P.S. angle bracket:


Me? I support a trifecta of Richardson/Dodd/Kucinich, becuase wingnutz and glibertarians have fucked this nation up so much, no two men people can fix it.


Ooh, ohh, I know! You know who’d make the best alternative to Ron Paul?

Not Ron Paul!

Or Dodd. Or maybe Kucinich. Somebody like that would be great.


gah…I tried …mah Intartubz skizzillzz be weak, yo.


Jeez guys, dont vote 3rd party, you’re just gonna give the Repubs. a life line. Think about it….Prez Guiliani 🙁


Oh, and when I talk about getting a passport in another name, I really mean it.

You oughta. It’s called an “Out Bag”. As in get out. Now.

You think very carefully about what’s in it. Mine’s not a bag, it’s actually a duffel. It has two IDs. Two passports. One has a credit card. Every couple of months I throw another gold panda in there. Clean (bought stolen on the street) 2 inch .357 revolver, just intended to break pursuit, then it gets tossed. I’m thinking about adding a grenade for the same reason. Two changes of very practical clothes. First aid kit, heavy to treating pain and puncture wounds. A multi Tool. Some porn.

Ok, I’m kidding about the porn.

If you ever need to disappear, you better have one. If you never need it, you’ll get over the embarrassment…



It would be fucking awesome to flood the Unity 08 zone with Kucinich-Paul votes and force those slaves to bipartisan Broderism to accept two who share none of the rancid qualities of the village. I’d love that one.

Here’s the thing, though. We can talk about the nuttiness of Ron Paul forever (and on quite a lot of issues, like wanting to eliminate birthright citizenship and restore the gold standard, he’s quite nutty), but practically nobody else is out there articulating the reasons to get out of Iraq immediately, and in the absence of leadership, many will choose whoever is giving voice to the voiceless. This is yet another example of Democrats outsourcing progressive national security arguments to Republican moderates because they’re so deathly afraid of what the other Republicans will say about them. I call it “even-Republicanism.” “See, EVEN REPUBLICANS say…”


these people aren’t insane. the system works very well for them, pays them a lot of money and keeps them in cups. that is the definition of sanity, late-capitalist style.

kucinich and paul are both crazy, but neither of them care about what the village thinks. i think brad is right–it’s probably time for a body politic high colonic.

unity 08–i’m on board!


Hell yeah, go Ron Paul!

Who else is down for Zygote Rights, offshore drilling, ICBMs, concealed carry, the friggin’ gold standard, and the Electoral College, while opposed to non-straight-white-male rights, OHSA, unions, a minimum wage, inheritance taxes, withholding taxes, social security in general, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the ABM treaty, the ICC, the UN (and/or UNESCO), citizenship-by-birth, the Clean Air Act, and the Federal Reserve?

Oh, that’s right: most of the wackos you guys lampoon.


Edwards/Dodd/Richardson/Kucinich would work for me, in any possible configuration. Edwards for his honesty about wanting to move towards national health care (why does Canada and Europe get to have all the fun and no bankrupt sick people?). Dodd for his anti-war honesty. Richardson for some sanity in the war on (some) drugs and his foreign policy experience. Kucinch for the overall win in sincerity points.

Let the flaming of my personage begin. Here, I’ll go first:

I’m an asshole because:
1. I’m unrealistic.
2. I’m stupid to think progressives are more than 0.2% of the population.
3. The sky is blue.

Your turn, have at it….


O/T, but check out this a takedown of a Washington State Wingnut.

We have extra crazy out here, to counter the liberal bias, of course.

(I would have made it a link, but Macs suck ass as far as I can tell.)



You continually amaze me with your…dedication.

What’s for dinner tonight?


As disgusting as the craven performance of the top Democrats has been I offer two counterexamples to the Hon. St. Rev. Dr. Esq.’s largely accurate rant. The first everyone here remembers: Ralph Nader’s supposedly pure opposition to the corporatist proclivities of both our esteemed codpiece-in-chief and Mr. Gore. How did that turn out? The second is a bit more shrouded in the mists of time, but Mikey will remember. My first political experience was being “Neat and clean for Gene” in 1968. My opinion of Jubert Jumphrey was close to how I feel about Hilary Clinton – but he would have been a far better president than Dick was. As bad as the leading Dems are how does President Guliani sound?


Dinner’s a serious question. I have Tilapia fillets and asparagus, but I also have a tall blonde on her way over to visit, a fire in the fireplace, a cab and a chardonay, and a pot of Chai.

So, if I’m lucky, it’ll be midnight snacks.

If not, well, whatever…



What, no starch?

You may need the carbs…


You know, you guys should really schedule your Ron Paul supporter-baiting posts with Neiwert so they’re not on the same day if you want to get the best attendance.

I think that the Online All Paul People have been reined in to some extent anyway, since obvs someone at Paul HQ finally figured out that the “mobbing comment threads which mention Our Savior Dr. Paul’s Name” just convinced even more people that maybe the campaign was run by deranged fanboys.

I do not include you, HTML or John O. or mikey, in that “fanboy” estimation, btw. I’m sure you have most excellent and serious reasons for feeling about Ron Paul as you do, and in a couple of years, should the Republic survive, I might even enjoy hearing about them.


if Sadly, No did nothing but write the word “fuck” for one whole month.

Has this ever actually been tried? Hee. I’m actually in for some bux if anyone wants to do this. Or just make it appear that you have done this, should a Moran happen to wander by.

Gah, I cannot go back and fix the comma abuse I have committed.

Smiling Mortician

Aww, Toby. Lou Fucking Guzzo? I remember him from back when I had television (early ’90s). The fact of his existence helped me decide to pull the plug . . .


You continually amaze me with your…dedication.

Yeah. Think about this. Laying on your living room floor, bleeding out from multiple gunshot wounds. There’s a 22 year old kid standing over you with a smoking M4, in a jumpsuit with body armor and a tac holster. He’s on the radio telling EMT to stage down the block, as the scene is not secure.

You’re going into shock. You’re cold, your vision is going gray, the pain is fading, and all you can see is this pimply faced kid with a wispy goatee, and hey, is that the image you want to carry into eternity?



wow following the constitution of the united states is now considered nutty or kooky or crazy or dark horse-ish

to hell with the lot of ya im moving to mars..


to hell with the lot of ya im moving to mars..

Forget to write!


Dinner’s a serious question. I have Tilapia fillets and asparagus, but I also have a tall blonde on her way over to visit, a fire in the fireplace, a cab and a chardonay, and a pot of Chai.

So, if I’m lucky, it’ll be midnight snacks.

Aw, mikey! good luck!!

For us, it’s a slow-braised chuck roast with aromatic vegetables, red wine, and tomatoes; pasta or mashed potatoes (can’t decide yet) a salad and an apple tart for dessert.

Nice Austrailian syrah to go with the beef.


Yeah, I’d really like to see SOMEONE go on CNN during the next gab-fest about John Edwards’ hair, and say, “Well, Chris, how about you, how much did you pay for that haircut? Campbell, how about you? Your forehead is suspiciously smooth – you using Bo-tox? And Brian, is that bronzer or do you go to the tanning parlor?”

Maybe Stephanie Miller will do it. I’ll email her.


Hey, what happened? I posted that int he wrong trhead?


Damn, mikey, you just gave me the willies.

I need a bong toke.


To be fair to Kucinich, other politicians who believe in UFOs include Jimmy Carter and Barry Goldwater. I bet it’s a pretty common belief truth be told. And really, what’s more crazy, believing in UFOs or believing in God?


Oh, that’s right: most of the wackos you guys lampoon.

Yes. Which is why he’s a wingnut. However, he’s a wingnut sincerely against the war, and war is more important than all the items on your laundry list multiplied by one thousand.


And really, what’s more crazy, believing in UFOs or believing in God?

I think it’s pretty obvious which one’s proven more dangerous.


The answer to the title question is no, or alternately if so then so am I.


Tear down the system and rebuild it from scratch. Repeat every 75 years or so.


Washington’s Farewell Address is always helpful in times like these. No one likes my political party, the Tea Party, or rather they like the idea but can’t implement it.

Face it, we’re stuck with “two party thinking” in a two party system. Rephrased from the above mentioned “Wrath of Khan”, so someone here ought to get it. We’re stuck with divisive politics (as everyone knows) by a system that keeps people divided on more simple issues that frequently never come to a vote but rather appeal to “the culture wars” and thus keep the incumbents in office rather than allowing change, hence 3rd party wackos rather than splinters from the main parties, etc, etc. ad nauseum.

Everyone here knows this, I just put it in Lex Terminology. Now there is NO chance for a splinter because of fear of the winning of the lesser of the given two evils.

Then again, our current admin. is much more Lovecraftian than I had previously thought. It’s actually exactly like “The Shadow Over Innsmouth”. Bush is Obed Marsh, and who the heck did anyone think this unrunnable VP was all this time but some emissary of Dagon?


It’s like in Body Snatchers. The Ron Paul Internet Crazies are taking us over one by one. No one is save.


Anastasius: Well, on the other hand, Jillian’s got me seriously contemplating the Socialist hopeful, so some of us are free and clear of the Paul-mania.


Speaking as someone who has been familiar with Kucinich for his entire political life, please do not let him represent our country. The actual ideas are wonderful, his implementation SUCKS. And based on the d’oh-ness factor of this guy on a national stage, I have to guess that it will continue to suck.
Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great Representative for his district, arguing some fine points. But just because you say what you believe and even attempt to pursue some of it, does not make you fit to lead a nation. But if all this isn’t enough to convince you, take a moment to reflect on the fact that this guy thinks so highly of Ron Paul that he wants him on a “unity” ticket even without his consent.


“too fearful of offending their overlords at AEI, Brookings and the Washington Post”

Dude, you’re confusing the monkeys with the organ grinders.

Lockheed Martin – organ grinder
AEI- monkey
Boeing- organ grinder
Brookings- monkey
Northrop Grumman Corp- organ grinder
New York Times- monkey
Ratheon- organ grinder
Washington Post- monkey
TRW- organ grinder
Dick Cheney- monkey
General Dynamics- organ grinder
Clinton (pick one)- monkey


Dude, you’re confusing the monkeys with the organ grinders. – freejack

The problem is that some monkeys go around pretending they’re organ grinders. AIPAC comes to mind. Of course, call AIPAC an organ grinder and they’ll tar and feather you as an anti-Semite …


punkinsmon said:

But if all this isn’t enough to convince you, take a moment to reflect on the fact that [Kucinich] thinks so highly of Ron Paul that he wants him on a “unity” ticket even without his consent.

Has Kucinich actually expressed interest in this pairing?



Said it before, say it again.



I repeat, for double emphasis:

Lyndon LaRouche Ron Paul cares fuckall about my civil liberties, as long as it’s my state and not my nation that’s infringing on them. That’s not flaky. That’s a dominionist in an Ayn Rand mask.

No sale.


[…] From the Bradrocket: […]


Dayv said:

Has Kucinich actually expressed interest in this pairing?

Crickets said:

Chirp chirp!

Yeah, that’s what I thought.


“Ron Paul cares fuckall about my civil liberties, as long as it’s my state and not my nation that’s infringing on them.”

But you see, then I could just move to Vermont. 🙂 There are a few state governments I trust to protect my civil liberties relatively well, and at this point freedom of migration within the US is pretty safe. If he starts threatening that, on the other hand….


So now I have to get a U-Haul for your ideological purity?

You want the revolution. You move.


But that’s the point, isn’t it. Devolvoing power into the people who actually spend time dealing with their citizens at a face to face level.


That first skirmish of this battle commenced 230 years ago and Paul’s side lost. It lost the campaign entirely 60 years later.


Nathanael Nerode said:

But you see, then I could just move to Vermont. 🙂 There are a few state governments I trust to protect my civil liberties relatively well, and at this point freedom of migration within the US is pretty safe. If he starts threatening that, on the other hand….

Well now, there’s an idea that scales well.  And it works so well for the poor, too!

Are you completely blind to the fact that you’ve just regurgitated the “love it or leave it” argument, but applied it at the state level instead of the national one?  Moron.


Once a Bircher…


[…] a campaign to endorse, nay, to believe in. Maybe, just maybe, Kucinich/Paul is that campaign. The argument is compelling: Because while each one of them is, respectively, a wee bit flaky or crazy, I’m pretty sure […]


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