The fact is, you liberal faygeles are obsessed with butt sex, which is an abomination. Real Americans from the Heartland don’t talk about butt sex all the time, and we don’t cut holes in the walls of bathroom stalls either — that just seems to happen somehow in every rest stop in the Heartland. As we say in the Heartland, leck mir am tuckus, gentlemen.
You can NEVER have enough USB ports. I’m well into my second hub.
And a conveniently located 1394 port is a beautiful thing
Analog headphone and microphone jacks in front are good.
As are a decent variety of card slots.
But why the HELL I’d need SATA and eSATA busses in the front of the case kind of escapes me. All my external hard drives are either USB or 1394. My external DVD Burner? USB.
Did I mention you can NEVER have enough USB Ports?
Back in the mid ’90s, I was running the IT department at a mid-size manufacturer. The receptionist (very cute, extremely well built and a provocative dresser) was looking for a way up. She asked me if she could get on my team. She was really smart, and knew her way around the network, so I told the office manager I’d be delighted to hire her and give her a raise.
She was great. A smart, serious, dedicated problem solver. She was one of the better techs I’ve ever had.
But I gotta tell ya. When she crawled under a desk, all work stopped.
Indeed, does this device not immediately invoke the “moral imperative purchase” ?
You’d be stupid NOT to buy it !
Why, I bought one, and I don’t even have a computer!
I Got two!
Can someone design a vajaja-shaped box like that for my bf, so I can have ghey secks that isn’t unnatural? Hurry, plz, can’t wait much more!
And here’s a first-round demo commercial.
That’s all kinds of handy in a data recovery environment. No more stupid little clamshells for your IDE.
Good lord, this means liquor in the rear!
I wonder if they sell these here. [Link fixed by the management.]
Discover the secrets of Compu Sutra.
The box is just as good? All this time…
The fact is, you liberal faygeles are obsessed with butt sex, which is an abomination. Real Americans from the Heartland don’t talk about butt sex all the time, and we don’t cut holes in the walls of bathroom stalls either — that just seems to happen somehow in every rest stop in the Heartland. As we say in the Heartland, leck mir am tuckus, gentlemen.
I don’t want a satan interface.
If I had one of those, then I wouldn’t have an excuse to crawl under my desk at work.
Where’s the xD slot?
Piece of crap!
I wish I knew what the fuck that is and what the fuck you all are talking about.
I have no fucking idea so you all can go fuck yourselves.
Seriously, what the fuck is that fucking thing?
Do I fucking need it for any fucking reason?
Fuck it.
The box isn’t just as good, the box is better!
“He’s got a docking station for his docking station.”
Someone goofed and sent us the Engrish-language packaging by mistake.
Also a little peculiar is the inlcusion of an AV connector that only supports composite video. Who uses composite video these days?
Who, indeed.
You can NEVER have enough USB ports. I’m well into my second hub.
And a conveniently located 1394 port is a beautiful thing
Analog headphone and microphone jacks in front are good.
As are a decent variety of card slots.
But why the HELL I’d need SATA and eSATA busses in the front of the case kind of escapes me. All my external hard drives are either USB or 1394. My external DVD Burner? USB.
Did I mention you can NEVER have enough USB Ports?
Well, I mean, what Republican would want to slam his hard drive in from the….oh.
I note, for informational purposes only, that a “screw package” is included.
No Need to go to the back, do it in the front!!
..As g-d intended, dammit!
ah, fuck it, do it anyway you want.
If I had one of those, then I wouldn’t have an excuse to crawl under my desk at work.
Gbear, why would you need an excuse?
SATA -> USB clamshells are lame. I have to perform HD surgery now to get back a years worth of files.
How Would Jesus Use His USB Ports?
Gbear, why would you need an excuse?
people talk
Back in the mid ’90s, I was running the IT department at a mid-size manufacturer. The receptionist (very cute, extremely well built and a provocative dresser) was looking for a way up. She asked me if she could get on my team. She was really smart, and knew her way around the network, so I told the office manager I’d be delighted to hire her and give her a raise.
She was great. A smart, serious, dedicated problem solver. She was one of the better techs I’ve ever had.
But I gotta tell ya. When she crawled under a desk, all work stopped.
ALL work. Everywhere. In the entire time zone…
“no need to go to the back, do it in the front!!”
There was meant to be…oh, forget it.
Anyone here into multiple-initiator SCSI or daisychaining? I mean… I’m asking for a friend.
And I’m stuck here with my 5 1/4 inch floppy…
I think they need to change their slogan to “hit it from the back”.
You know, to appeal to the young people.
But I gotta tell ya. When she crawled under a desk, all work stopped.
ALL work. Everywhere. In the entire time zone…
That explains so much!