Another one bites the dust
Another day, another political career ruined by George W. Bush:
Conservative Prime Minister John Howard suffered a humiliating defeat Saturday at the hands of the left-leaning opposition, whose leader has promised to immediately sign the Kyoto Protocol on global warming and withdraw Australia’s combat troops from Iraq.
Labor Party head Kevin Rudd’s pledges on global warming and Iraq move Australia sharply away from policies that had made Howard one of President Bush’s staunchest allies.
Howard follows in the proud footsteps of Tony Blair, Jose Aznar and Silvio Berlusconi as leaders who made the grave political mistake of allying with Preznit Terra. It’s doubtful that any future leaders will make any similar oopsies.
Ooh, Brad, it’s sexy when you read my mind like that! [wink, wink!]
He evidently not only lost as PM but actually lost his seat. Thats a whuppin mate.
Hey, Qetesh–
Congratulations from a grateful world.
Roger Ailes (not that one; the pseudonymous, good one) asks, “What’s the Aussie equivalent of a poodle?”
Well done, Oz.
Going against the grain, Canada has Harper (Bush: My friend, Steve, here…) standing alone on climate change, governing from a minority position. Even without a majority he’s taking advantage of the suddenly weak Liberal Party to slip through a right-wing agenda.
“What’s the Aussie equivalent of a poodle?”
Good on you, Australia!
Wasn’t he another one of those born-again Christians that God specially chose to run the country? I’m starting to think that there was a coup in heaven and they forgot to tell us. It may be time to start looting things. Oh wait, the Republicans were already doing that.
God said, “Look! I said ‘Moe Howard’ damnit!!!!”
Seriously, is there a historical precedent for this? This many world leaders getting fired just because they shook hands with a U.S. president?
The last poodle left will outlive him.
Also, “liberal” “centrist” that he is, he will have no problem kow-towing to Mrs. Clinton.
Freedom is on the march!
There is much weeping and gnashing of teeth at LGF. As per usual, the comments are priceless:
#177 soccerdad 11/24/07 9:26:44 am
As English philosopher Edmund Burke said, ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’
It now seems like America against the (Islamists of the) World – on our own. God help us if the Dems win the White House.
#174 The Sanity Inspector 11/24/07 8:27:23 am
John Howard was there when the world needed him. This is like Winston Churchill being voted out at the end of WWII. Oh, and the MSM didn’t bury the election results, like they did when he was reelected in ’04.
To be fair, those leaders did more than shake hands with Bush. The biggest reason they were booted was the Iraq war.
There is much weeping and gnashing of teeth at LGF. As per usual, the comments are priceless:
#177 soccerdad 11/24/07 9:26:44 am….
As English philosopher Edmund Burke said, ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’
Hah! The Burke quote is illuminating. Is there some reason to think that conservatives (good men) didn’t vote? Or is “merely” voting too passive for today’s movement wingnut?
I mean, the “good men” on the right did drop fake fliers suggesting that the Islamics and terrists wanted Labour to win, cuz Labour was going to pardon them for the Bali bombing and help them with new attacks. Wasn’t that enough?
OK, here’s what we do to end the Wah ahn Terra:
We insinuate Bush into Al Quaida. Within half a year the organization will be flat broke, all of their plans will go wrong and most of their members will be in deep trouble for lurking in the boy’s room.
“As English philosopher Edmund Burke said, ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’”
Is it so hard for them to understand that doing Something without thinking it through or really understanding the situation usually makes things worse? Also, do any of these guys know of any historical figures other than Churchill? Everyone they like is fucking Churchill! Come up with a different analogy all ready you ignorant mooks.
Whatever, I almost want to see Hillary elected just to see these jackoffs meltdown over it.
Be fair. They know Chamberlain and Hilter too. THEY are Churchill, and everyone else is either Chamberlain and/or Hitler.
Even if every awful, ridiculous thing ever said about Hillary is true and relevant, she’s STILL about a hundred times more of a man that President George W. Bush, and I’m in just to see the magnificent moron meltdown.
Which is not the best reason to vote for somebody, I admit. Still it beats Repug motivations hands down.
This is like Winston Churchill being voted out at the end of WWII.
Well they’re right about their history, anyway.
Why you should kick yourself if you didn’t buy stock in Depends(TM) after Sept. 11, 2001, Exhibit A:
Of course, because if it comes down to actual mano-a-mano fighting, people like suckerdad will be on the front line … to welcome our Islamist Overlords.
Everything they say can be translated as Waaah! I’m a-skeered of the terrists! I bet most of them couldn’t pick Howard out of a two man line up or list any of his policies beyond fighting the war on terra, but all they can see is another imagined layer of protection has been stripped away. Fine. Piss your pants, curl up under the bed and don’t come out, drop dead of a heart attack, just shut up all ready.
The fact is, we have just lost Australia, might as well right it off. Since they voted for a pro-terrorism government they will get whats coming to them.
In Australia voting is mandatory, and it’s held on a Saturday. So, good men apparently went and did something . . . that the LGF morons didn’t want them to do.
That’s the trouble with Democracy, morans. Sometimes you have to lose an election because the people don’t agree with you.
It’s amazingly insulting and disgusting that the LGF’ers can’t just suck it down. Their point of view is NO LONGER VALID in today’s political climate. 9/11 is over with.
First of all, good men didn’t do nothing. They quite actively booted the bastard out of office.
I’m also a little confused about what it was, besides this cheap-suited corporatist asshole Howard, that made australia such a bulwark against the scary brown mooslims anyway? Is there some kind of jihadi smuggling route from Pakistan or Saudi directly through Sydney and into the US?
‘Cause, um, if that’s how they’re doing it, they need to put down the koran and do a little reading up on basic geography.
Just sayin….
Is there some kind of jihadi smuggling route from Pakistan or Saudi directly through Sydney and into the US?
I believe that the San Diego sewer system runs through Melbourne on its way to Uruguay.
I don’t think the most recent Gary gets enough credit for his delicious malapropisms. “Fit of peak”? “Right it off”? I like to imagine he finds a quarter under his pillow from Soros for every one of those.
Here we go again. Fire in Malibu.
Dammit all. But CNN’s lede does have a funny:
“It’s a like a blow torch with a hair dryer behind it,” another fire official said”
Sounds like a waste of extensions cords if you ask me
It’s just across the ridge from the home we had Thanksgiving dinner at Thursday.
I doubt the average Little Gelatinous Foosballers knows jack about Australia’s voting system (or can find it on a map). In fact, I’d bet they’d be appalled to know voting is mandatory.
O noes! The librulislamofascist made them vote, an’ on a Saturday also!
However, I was ignorant of the fact that Australia doesn’t use electronic voting until someone was nice enough to answer my snark about the election. So, if our kind hosts don’t object, I’ll donate $20 to S,N! in honor of whoever can find an accusation that librulislamofascists hacked into Australia’s voting system to tip things in Rudd’s favor.
Hey, all you lovely Sadly, Nosters, it’s a brave new world down here! I’ve had some celebratory kitty breakfast, checked the election results yet again (I watched the coverage last night, poor sad me), and I’m feelin’ pretty damn perky.
The high point was watching Howard’s concession speech: he damn near choked on it, and I exulted. I actually felt sorry for Peter Costello (now-ex-treasurer, and a famously smug bastard), but was only glad that Howard felt so bad. He really is a boon for satirists: he’s almost a caricature already.
It’s not like Rudd and his team are perfect. But they’re a damn sight better than Howard and his geriatric bastards. And we’ve now got a female deputy PM in Julia Gillard, and the fact that so many of the Rudd team have a union background (which Howard’s campaign used to try to demonise them) makes it even sweeter. That is what you get for sticking it to the workers of this country, ex-Prime-Monster Shit-For-Brains.
I’m soooo happeeeeeeeeeee [does little kitty dance of joy]
I’ll donate $20 to S,N! in honor of whoever can find an accusation that librulislamofascists hacked into Australia’s voting system to tip things in Rudd’s favor.
The gay terrist-enablin’ aussielibrulislamofascists might want to explain this.
Confederate Yankee’s crack forensic team has no doubts as to its authenticity.
As yet one more conservative Bush supporting conservative bites the dust, I’d like to think that Bush himself understands what is happening, and that the people of the world really do want to solve problems with something other than all out war against civilization. People do want to stop terrorism with smart methodology — not GWBush metholodoly. People want their tax dollars to support their own societies and rebuild infrastructure, not go up in flames thousands of miles away, killing innocents abroad.
But, I really, really don’t think he gets it. He is hell bent on destruction, and if he has to do it “alone”, he will. Unfortunately, his idea of alone is anyone and everyone else sacrificing in his place. I am so depressed that we are stuck with this cretin/psycho for a president. Even an election in a year is too far away.
Congrats to our Aussie friends. I’m envious.
….conservative Bush supporting conservative….
once again, following the first rule of good writing.
I get what you’re saying. In contrast to the liberal Bush supporting conservatives who are not biting the dust.
Rudd is not even close to “left-leaning”. He’s at best a centre-rightist. Scarily, his speech strongly echoed Bush’s inaugural speech the first time round, everything but “I’m a uniter not a divider”.
So, if our kind hosts don’t object, I’ll donate $20 to S,N! in honor of whoever can find an accusation that librulislamofascists hacked into Australia’s voting system to tip things in Rudd’s favor.
Looks like you’re down $20, Arky.
This just shows what voting will get you. If the American Supreme Court, Jeb Bush, and Kat Harris (in reverse order) had given a crap about the real opinions of actual voters, G.W. Bush would have lost to Albert W. Gore. Then who would have mocked a clear CIA warning? No 9/11 means no War on Terra, no massive looting of our Treasury, no endless war in Iraq… stop me before I depress myself further.
Congrats, Aussies, for showing us how it’s done. Maybe after another few elections like you just had, we can begin to cleanse our political system of the filth G.W. Bush, Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, etc. have inflicted upon us.
tee hee: from last night’s NRO Corner:
“Good News to Come? [John O’Sullivan]
Another reason for consider a Sydney vacation. I’m following the news from there via blogger Tim Blair and the online version of “The Australian.” Blair’s blog directed me to signs of a late swing to Howard. Labor’s lead of eight per cent last week has been cut to four per cent which, in the Australian system, is close to a dead heat. The Australian’s report online said: “Pollsters said the survey, which came a week after a Newspoll showed former diplomat Rudd ahead by a winning eight-point lead, reflected a major shift in the key states of Queensland and Western Australia.” It might be an exciting night, after all.”
Uh huh.
Ya know, I considered making it clear that spoofing a response wouldn’t count. And I thought, “Arky, you’re being too anal retentive again and you know Cthulhu hates that.”
And linking to Protein Jizzdom, [shudder] now I have to go wash my hands.
Basically, I just want to celebrate the further collapse of the House of Busher, so if an Authentic Wingnut doesn’t come up with it elsewhere on his/her own, I’ll accept an Authentic Wingnut (TM) agreeing with your Conspiracy Bait.
I’m sure glad I didn’t offer to make a donation per Churchill reference tho’. I’m starting to hope someone will find incontrovertible proof that W.C. was a big ol’ queen just so those idiots will shut up about him.
…the House of Bushler™.
As English philosopher Edmund Burke said
God, they can’t get anything right. Burke was Irish. Mind you, I can see why wingnuts like him; Burke gets torn apart by good old Tom Paine for his various factual errors, blind suppositions, and specious reasoning in his Reflections on the Revolutions in France.
I’m following the news from there via blogger Tim Blair and the online version of “The Australian.”
Tim Blair is of course well known as the resident punching bag over at Deltoid for his factual errors, blind suppositions, and specious reasoning over the matter of global warming.
I like Jillian’s thread because it has 75% more Stalin.
So, I’m reading a post or two over at TBogg’s place, and I come across this:
Jesus, ever since I’ve been politically conscious, every election has been about Social Security, at least in some respect. When do the other domestic issues get their fifteen minutes of fame? When was the last time education was part of a presidential campaign (discounting WPE, since he clearly wasn’t sincere)? Or infrastructure? Or law enforcement? Or any other host of domestic issues that didn’t involve hating on brown people or tax cuts?
You liberals are just happy that another Western Nation has surrendered to the islamo-fascists, which is exactly what you leftists plan on doing if a Demonrat takes the White House in 08.
Saul, are all of your posts going to be lifted directly from Mallard Fillmore? Better watch that, buddy, or you might get sued for copyright violations.
[Ding dong]
Can Saul come out and play?
Good grief Saul, how many layers do you need to erect between you and reality?
1) liberals are happy (that’s we’re losing)
1a) (we’re losing)
2) Western Nation. .. (it’s us vs them in the greatest war EVAR).
3) Islamo-fascists (which ought to be about three layers all by itself)
4) Australia has surrendered (the entire security apparatus of Australia will now quit, pop open a tinny, and take up sheep farming?)
5) Demonrat
6) We’re all surrendering
No wonder you’re scared to leave your momma’s basement
Rabble RabbleRabbi Saul,Yes, these are sad times, what with Bush set to attend a Middle East peace conference in Annapolis where it’s expected that the Saudis will offer normalization of relations with Israel in exchange for a return to pre-1967 borders, and Israel may recognize Syria’s right to the Golan Heights.
Israel should never conceed their land to the islamo-fascists EVER!
The Jews are God’s chosen people and Israel is the land God has chosen for His people.
As a have said on this blog so many times before America and Israel are God’s chosen instruments of righteousness and the last Great Hope for Western Civilization!!!
Even though I like and admire President Bush, on the issue of giving Israeli land to the palestinians ( “palestinians” not capitalized on purpose!) he is wrong.
I think Henry Rollins said it best when “eventually the good guys will win”. It’s things like this that make me feel a lot better.
We heard you, Saul. Clearly, Sadly, No is not the right forum for someone like yourself who isn’t really very bright and has nothing to offer in the way of rational arguments.
Why don’t you go spread the word to a new group of people? (Or else find a new gimmick.)
By the way every time I even hear the word “palestinian” mentioned I spit on the ground because thats what I think of those dogs!
The palestinians are worse than dogs they are the dirt under the sandals of my people!
When I suggested a new gimmick, I didn’t really envision … whatever this new development is.
Thanks for trying, Saul. I, um, rather doubt very many people here will find this new tack any more persuasive. But keep trying!
Since when is Howard some sort of defender of Israel?
In any case, any time I even hear the word ‘colonist’ I spit on the ground, because that is what I think of those dogs.
And most Israelis and most Jews hardly think of assholes like you as one of ‘their people’. Long before Israel was religiously Jewish it was fervently anti-fascist. I hope you are happy to be pissing on the ideals of the founders of Israel. You have not fooled the rest of us.
Well that sucks. Why did Goid choose a relative shithole of a thin stretch of land for “His people”? It’s barely farmable in a lot of places, for Goid’s sake. What was wrong with Italy or Spain? I guess Goid loves gravel.
Shorter Saul: All Palestinians should be completely annihilated.
This guy Saul can’t be for real. It’s gotta be some kid screwing around. I’d like to think that anyway.
Saul is an enigma wrapped in a conundrum encased in a riddle shoved up an asshole.
Embrace the ancient mystery of Saul.
The Jewish people will not stand for Jerusalem or any Israeli land being conceeded to the islamo-fascists and neither will Middle America.
The terrorists are going to pay and they will pay dearly for their crimes against Western Civilization!
And as Almighty God as my witness I vow that we shall strike down our enemies with the sword of vengence!
Yeah, the Jews got a great deal of justice and happiness in the bosom of Western Civilization!
This is beyond ridicule, it defeats satire.
Well, whether he’s serious or not doesn’t matter. Either way he’s really fucking lame. Go away now you horrid little man.
Holy crap, this fascist made me commit a comma splice!
Thank you for demonstrating the bald face of fundamentalist religion: violence and barbarism, Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. And learn how to spell “vengeance”, you moron.
we shall strike down our enemies with the sword of vengence!
Yeah, yeah.
Who’s we, The Littlest Rabbi? Have you enlisted?
Right, the “war of ideas at home”. I think the Australian election here is showing that your idea war is just as effective and popular as the physical one you’re too pants-wettingly-and-poopingly terrified to fight in.
The fact of the matter is, that land between the Sinai and Lebanon, the land flowing with milk and honey belongs to Israel as The Lord said to our Father the Prophet Abraham 4000 years ago. In the Book of Genesis in the Torah, God said to the Prophet Abraham after he obeyed him by agreeing to sacrifice Issac his son that he loved,” Behold look at the land as far as your eyes can see, this I shall give to your descendants because you have obeyed Me by agreeing to sacrifice to Me the son that you love, your decsendants shall by as the stars in the sky, they shall be as numerous as the sand upon the sea shore.”
Ted said,
November 25, 2007 at 3:16
And as Almighty God as my witness I vow that we shall strike down our enemies with the sword of vengence!
Thank you for demonstrating the bald face of fundamentalist religion: violence and barbarism, Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. And learn how to spell “vengeance”, you moron.
He doesn’t know how to spell “concede” either. Stupidity & fantasies of violence go so well together. Nice to know our Preznit does have a real constituency out there.
By we I mean the Jews.
And as Almighty God as my witness I vow that we shall strike down our enemies with the sword of vengence!
Yeaaaaaaahhhh… you might want to use the Sword of a Thousand Truths to wreak your turrible “vengence” there, Sol.
Shorter Gavin.
“Lets demonize everyone we don’ t agree with.”
Stupidity & fantasies of violence go so well together.
Damn straight. It’s hilarious to see dimbulbs like this squeaking with rage and bitterness and frustration, and they can’t even spell any of it.
The only downside is that unbelievable stench of fear and the resulting feces.
Can’t imagine why anyone would want to “demonize” – as you call it – someone who would say:
Oh. Wait …
Saul, verily I say unto thee: sacrifice your first born son to me, and I shall give you every Land Rover on this flat earth!
Saul, verily I say unto thee: sacrifice your first born son to me…
God, sir, as an omniscient being you should know there’s no way Saul is going to father any children. He’d have to get laid for that.
See you tomorrow in church!
(I find these Saul threads fascinating just to see how often he can top his own stupidity. Lord, I hope he is just some contrarian messing with us. I can’t think of anything more depressing than the thought that he is sincere in his asshattery.)
Saul said,
November 25, 2007 at 3:42
Shorter Gavin.
Golly. What an uncommon sort of slip-up.
I am sincere.
I am a Consistent Conservative.
Who’s we, The Littlest Rabbi? Have you enlisted?
You do realize that Saul isn’t Jewish, probably lives somewhere where he has never seen or talked to a Jew, and only knows what he picked up at Sunday School?
Saul, my boy, you’re doing it all wrong.
If you’re going to playact at being a Likudnik, you can’t ever use the word Palestinian, not even when you’re frothing. Every good Likudnik knows there is no such thing as a Palestinian. The correct term is Arab. Muffing that one is a big no-no.
But there are lots of gators where “Saul” lives.
The sandals bit is worse.
If I wanted to listen to religious ranting, I’d turn on the 700 club.
Saul likes pie.
But you ladies and gentlemen keep blockquoting him, which makes the whole pie thing somewhat useless.
I’ll go make dinner and come back and check for the intelligent funny….
A what now?
You do realize that Saul isn’t Jewish, probably lives somewhere where he has never seen or talked to a Jew, and only knows what he picked up at Sunday School?
Yes, it’s just a way to mock the goofy little critter. Maybe I’ll think up some name based on his smell instead, like Li’l Stinky-Poo.
I mean, doesn’t that just defeat the whole purpose of being a conservative?
doesn’t that just defeat the whole purpose of being a conservative?
Yes, but they really believe that they’ve always been at war with Eurasia.
Well, conservatives are consistently wrong. And they also have that whole “foolish consistency” thing goin’ on.
Oh, fuck Saul. I hear he likes pie.
Saul, is it the Sabbath where you are?
Awww, shucks. I think it’s official. Everyone in “counter-jihadi-blogomania-world” hates me for deciding not to bash Islam. Oh well, I just ran back into the fire to try and save a few folks, but I think they’ve done breathed enough smoke already. I guess I’ll eat up Bubba’s cake and just stay here to laugh at Saul, which is far more fun. Wow, they didn’t even get a post I wrote which was sarcastic. Is there nowhere left for snarky cynics?
Oh yeah, it’s here. Lawnguy, I tried my rescue mission, but lost the war. OK, yeah, guilt by association, eh? Sheesh, if I thought I had it bad before, this is proof with Howard. At least I wasn’t hanging out with the Bush Administration. Wow. People have a better chance of walking away from association with Bush than Saul does of getting laid.
I like pie!
I like 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
I also like ? (the movie).
Better keep that grass clipped short, Saul, so you’ll know when the hungry, hungry gators are coming.
Hey! You turned my pi symbol into a ?. Mean old gerbil-driven server.
“By the way every time I even hear the word “palestinian” mentioned I spit on the ground because thats what I think of those dogs!”
Saul, please read this post while standing in your home, preferably on your mom’s most expensive rug.
Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian Palestinian!
Saul was more entertaining when he was going on and on and on about his obsession with teh gay sex, i.e. “consistent conservatism.” Such obsession, of course, is in keeping with the statistics provided by Conservapedia.
Anybody got a towel?
I am thankful for conservatives like Bruce.
Jeebus Christ, obsessed hardly begins to describe it.
Jeebus Christ, obsessed hardly begins to describe it.
Amazing, isn’t it? I remember when I was a young dumbshit fresh out of high school in a wonder-bread Mormon town where teh ghey was considered the Worst Thing Evar™. I went off to school in California and discovered that gay men were really just like straight men in every way but one. I would have picked up on that at home, except the gay folks there were understandably very quiet about who they were. These conservatards really do need to get out and find out that the monsters in the closet – including themselves – really aren’t so scary.
That “wonder bread Mormon town”, you were referring to Samuel had it right about the cocksuckers. Homosexuality is a sin and any American who loves his Country and its Judeo-Christian heritage will condemn the fudge-packers as the scum that they are. Homosexuality is a cancer that eats away at the moral fabric of a society. And just as Europe has fallen into darkness so to will America unfortunately if homosexuality is ever accepted as “normal” by main-stream American society.
New thread, please. SOMEBODY (not naming any names) got this one all dirty with hate speech and hypocrisy.
I’m just waiting for the moment when Sol whips out the verses on yoking an ox and a cow together as justification for making racially-mixed marriages illegal again.
Condemning homosexuality is not “hate-speech”. Would it be considered hate-speech to condemn pedophiles, murderers of any other type of scum-bag?
Just because I spend all of my spare time thinking about teh ghey doesn’t make me one!
How about condemning intolerance, stupidity and Satanists – like yourself – who claim to speak for God and only make religious people look stupid?
Is that hate speech?
Really! I like girls.
And pie.
I thought I remember your boss Gavin prohibiting name-stealing some time ago?
Hey leftys want to see were I really come from?
Go to
Some hippies are spreading rumors that I stay out of locker rooms because I get major wood when I contemplate the hirsute curvature of other men’s thighs. Not so!
I don’t go in there because I’m afraid teh other ghuys are teh ghey.
Equating gays with murderers? I’d call that pretty hateful. Getting worked up enough to start cussing like a, well, like me, now that means it’s time to wake up and smell the “Santorum”, baby.
…who claim to speak for God and only make religious people look stupid?
That is why church attendance is dropping among the younger set, as I recall. It’s kept me an agnostic all these years.
And here’s where you’re gonna end up…
I’m just waiting for the “Project Exodus” that’ll help the eeevil people who eat shellfish and wear poly-cotton blends.
“I thought I remember your boss Gavin prohibiting name-stealing some time ago?”
Our “boss”? Where’s my paycheck then? Do I have to ask him in advance to not visit the sight for a day? What about benefits?
Anyway, name stealing is fine as long as it’s an obvious parody and not a genuine attempt to impersonate someone. Also, Saul blows goats and is gay.
I’m ready to surrender to the, well, to anybody, really, who will take Sol off our hands & behead him.
…your decsendants shall by as the stars in the sky, they shall be as numerous as the sand upon the sea shore.”
How many was that again? Seems like the Jews were chosen by God to be his double-standard whipping boy.
P. S.: Has any one ever seen Kevin & Saul in the same room together? Much of Saul’s crap sounds like Kevin’s statements on his blog, typical Christian Zionist doody, in sympathy w/ Israel as long as they keep the boot on the face of the Islamo-you-name-it-enemy, & are there to allow Revelations to happen.
I thought I remember your boss Gavin prohibiting name-stealing some time ago?
I thought I remember YOUR boss saying something about loving your neighbor as yourself?
Oh wait, that was his son. Never mind, Sol. Keep hating for hate’s sake. it’s not like compassion and agape has any meaning in your world, right?
Has any one ever seen Kevin & Saul in the same room together?
Not that I recall, but I have a hunch they’re not the same beastie. IIRC Kevin was at least a somewhat better typist, even if what he typed was the same kind of dunderheaded bed-wetter godbag lunacy.
Then again, all either of them has said for quite awhile is “I like pie!” so I could be wrong.
I do not! I like girls!
Shut up Fluffy, I’m busy!
Nothin yet…
Funny, where I’m at we’ve been offered pie since Thursday.
But everyone’s so full of dinner, we keep choosing naps instead.
Saul, here’s something for Fluffers. Heeheehee…..
Sorry, Mikey. It’s a night for playing pin-the-tail-on-the-godbag.
Its not that I have no compassion for people I do. For example I believe I mentioned on this blog already that I held an all kosher Thanksgiving dinner at my Synagouge for the Jewish families in my community in Virginia and it was open free of charge for the poor and the homeless. We had a very good time in blessed fellowship with God and with each other. So as you can see I do have compassion. What I do not have however is acceptance of morally repugnant lifestyle choices such as homosexuality. If I did I would be going against the Torah the Word of God, I would not be a very good Rabbi if I disobeyed my Lord YHWH’s teachings would I?
And just because when I was pouring gravy over a turkey leg and suddenly thought of Matt Damon and had to sit down really quickly it doesn’t mean a thing.
You aren’t a Jewish republican. The fact that you think the dissonance created by what you say stems from some lack in understanding that Jewish republicans exist is in itself telling. The group you picked to point at you don’t understand, because while those folks aren’t my cup of tea if you hung out with them and started your “torah” crap they would know in about five seconds you were fundie christian and start coughing and trying to excuse themselves before you started throwing around some Hebrew and trying to get them onboard the perfected Jew train.
I could give you some pointers: although Jewish religious zionists are fairly rare (more so in the united states) if they make religious justifications for their politics they would make damn sure to add Halakha to the Torah, and they do it to distinguish themselves from you. They also aren’t “judeo-christian”.
You are trying to be a follower of Kook or Kahane, and that phrase is never going to pass the lips of any self respecting black-knit skullcaper. “Judeo-Christianity” has purchase in exactly two camps, liberal, American Reform Jews and apocolyptic, dispensational, American Christiantity.
Wood Eye!
if I disobeyed my Lord YHWH’s teachings would I?
You really suck at this. And learn how to spell Synagogue, rabbi.
before you started throwing around some Hebrew and trying to get them onboard the perfected Jew train.
See the mispelled Tanakh above. Are you drunk, Saul?
And so the caps lock button is engaged, and he’s monologuing. Excellent! Only a matter of time before Sol betrays his Judeo-Christian principles and curses all of us for being dirty homomexislamohippies.
When you are busted, then shout everyone down. That’s the methodology of all neo-con wackos.
Saul. Settle down and turn off the caps-lock key. And maybe find a yummy soda with a little less caffeine.
The fact that our nations Founding Fathers were Christians is undeniable. It can not be refuted. Therefore even though I am an Orthodox Jew, when I use the phrase “Judeo-Christian” I am merely recongnizing the fact that our Founding Fathers were Christians and based this Country’s laws on their Christian beliefs.
When you are busted, then shout everyone down.
But first, pee your pants and blame the Muslims and the liberals. God told you directly that you can never be wrong!
Except with spelling.
You realize your an Orthodox Jew fucking around on the computer on Saturday night?
Ed – lemme guess, Saul will excuse that by saying he’s doing YHWH’s work. It’s a variation on the “war of ideas at home” dodge.
And further more Orthodox Jews and Conservative Christians have many beliefs in common which makes us both Politically Conservative such as the belief in the sanctity of all Innocent human-life, the fact that life begins at conception, our opposition to the homosexual-agenda and lifestyle, our opposition to hard-core pornography, our support for volluntery prayer in schools and the posting of the Ten Commandments in the Public Square, and our support for Israel.
Yea verily, Saul has got to be the lamest fucking troll to roam the internons for many a generation.
Someone must have boned his neighbor’s ox while worshiping other gods, eating a plate of pig’s feet and drinking a gallon of milk to call that particular plague upon this blog.
Clint, I do think I’ll take that as my new preferred socio/ethnic slur, if you’d bestow it on me! And yes, painfully bad at this.
Dirty homomexislamohippies! Brilliant. I was already a Dirty Mexican-Osama-apologist-enviroMENTALIST-punk-cunt (I picked the last one). But I’ll join up for Clint’s team too.
Motherfucker. Saying forced deportation of Muslims and mentioning reactions to imperialism makes me an apologist for Osama? Damn, wingers turn fast when you try to talk them out of genocidal mania. You guys don’t do that. Thank the Lord for Sadly, No, the constant reminder that I’m not alone in my views on the world. You guys rock. Thanks for letting me vent. I’d have done it all on Saul, but you guys wrapped him up pretty good already.
Thus spake
ZarathustraSol:And further more Orthodox Jews and Conservative Christians have many beliefs in common which makes us both Politically Conservative such as the belief in the sanctity of all Innocent human-life,
Except for those nasty Palestinian dogs that I spit on when they’re not lookin’
the fact that life begins at conception,
And my caring about it ends around the time the mother crowns
our opposition to the homosexual-agenda and lifestyle,
See Larry Craig, Bob Allen, Ted Haggard for more information (bring a $20)
our opposition to hard-core pornography,
See David Vitter (and bring some Depends)
our support for volluntery prayer in schools and the posting of the Ten Commandments in the Public Square,
And our hardwired stance against spell-checkers on our computers
and our support for Israel.
That may get a bit more one-sided after the Tribulation, at least according to the CHRISTIAN part of the Judeo-CHRISTIAN movement.
I have to say these things, my wife caught me looking at gay porn sits and I don’t think she believed me when I was studying the enemy!
And she won’t let me bring the Fluffy into the bedroom!
There is really something with right-wing trolls and lying about their identity. You always wind up with someone with with some sort of hispanic name there in the immigration debate.
Which is fine for awhile, that’s totally plausible, there really are those sorts of people, so you give it the benefit of the doubt, and inevitably they can’t just keep it there. They also think (despite being Mexican supposedly) Mexican’s are genetically inferior.
I remember a certain troll who when you added up the sum total of his comments was black, gay, and disabled and really, really, hated the civil right acts, gays, and the disability act.
We don’t do that. I don’t know what the difference is, but it’s freaky.
Skink Tyree – I like your screen name.
[…] literally makes or breaks the shirt, look at it: it's too high! « Another one bites the dust […]
And the Lord did say, “Let there be Public Squares,” and He rested. On the following day, the Lord woke, and He said, “Let there be The Boston Metropolitan Area, which shall have more Squares than one can shake a smiting rod at,” and verily, every intersection was a Square, and it was good.
The natural progression of the “My [_fill in the blank_] friend phenomenon. The less demented bigot will seize upon a fill in the blank friend to support whatever lunacy he is pushing. “My black friend says desegregation was a big mistake.” “My gay friend doesn’t want to get married.”
(Assume for a moment the bigot isn’t just making things up).
Thanks to the magic of the net the bigot can become the fill in the blank friend. “I’m a deaf black lesbian wiccan and I support posting the 10 Commandments in public schools.”
I’m pretty sure there’s a negative correlation between how soon and frequently a person says they’re a member of a particular group and the likelihood they’re really a member of that group.
I was already a Dirty Mexican-Osama-apologist-enviroMENTALIST-punk-cunt (I picked the last one).
I’m not up on my LGF-to-human skills but what does it mean when you capitalize mentalist in enviromentalist?
I’m pretty sure there’s a negative correlation between how soon and frequently a person says they’re a member of a particular group and the likelihood they’re really a member of that group.
Did I happen to mention my day job as a male model?
g–thanks, all of it or just the parts added by Carl Hiaasen in the middle? I just love Skink. I’m running him for president on a blog that no one goes to where I am starting to mock everything in the election process, and plan to keep doing so. Fellow Clinton “Skink” Tyree fans are welcome, of course.
Ed–it’s wingnut speak for people who care about the environment being “mental”. There’s a link to something like it at Atlas Shrugs, and I’m starting to think her “vlog” about “heroes of green” was a dig at me and my lefty ways. She knows I like things straight up though, so maybe not. Still, that’s what they say over there. Enviro-“mentalism”. Whatever, I’m done trying to convince them to stop advocating forced removal of all Muslims from the West. I’d really rather sarcastically run a fictional character for prez on a blog no one reads….LOL. After the head-static of those wingy blogs, I could use the peace and quiet to just be my snarky self.
“If I did I would be going against the Torah the Word of God, I would not be a very good Rabbi if I disobeyed my Lord YHWH’s teachings would I?”
Funny, I was asking about the Sabbath because if it’s the Sabbath Saul would not be allowed to use even a light switch, much less an electrical object like a computer, were he observant, though it would be okay if he used a monkey to do so (this is actually true).
Bad Jew Saul. 23 skidoo.
(Lex) Skink,
Tyree-Tile ’08?
“such as the belief in the sanctity of all Innocent human-life, the fact that life begins at conception”
a) Israel is a country with no restrictions on embryonal stem cell research
b) In religious matter Israel is (by law) ruled by orhodox rabbis, and orthodoy rabbis only
That life begins at conception is christian concept and is not and never was a jewish concept. A true orthodox rabbi would know that much.
What a great day for my country. I didnt think we’d have the intelligence to turf the little crook out, but we did. And with style! He is only the 2nd Prime Minister to actually lose his own seat. And his deputy quit yesterday when it was pointed out to him that he has no chance of ever being elected because he is a grinning, no lipped prick.
I am dancing with joy.