A Brief Hagiographical Sketch
Kathleen Parker rided on a plane with the preznit:
What does George W. Bush see when he looks out that window? A big picture and a time in a distant future.
Or days-old devastation wrought by nature, made worse by inaction.
ABOVE: President George W. Bush looks out over the devastation in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina as he heads back to Washington D.C. Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2005, aboard Air Force One.
Or perhaps the president looks out the window and daydreams of himself, arm wrestling Jesus and sometimes letting him win, in the manner of cool older brothers.
I suggested to him that he has acquired a sense of time shared by our enemies. Radical Islamists have said that Americans have watches, but that true believers have time. To successfully defeat such an enemy, one needs to think as the enemy does, to see time from the perspective of real stars rather than rising political ones.
Is this some sort of fancy way of excusing torture?
That’s a tough concept for a drive-thru nation accustomed to insta-everything and gratification at the tap of a button. Five years at war in Iraq is an eternity for impatient Americans, but it’s a blink of a camel’s eye if you’re set on destroying the Great Satan.
Therein lies the peril of selling a permanent occupation as a cakewalk.
Bush has learned to watch the camel.
Do what now? Is this anything like walking the dinosaur?
I asked the president if, when he lay his weary head down to bed each night, he heard our prayers.
Oops. I made that one up myself. Parker’s actual question follows:
I asked the president if he found comfort in the possibility that, assuming democracy ultimately flourishes in the Middle East, history will vindicate him.
I’ll pinky-betcha the preznit says no.
No, he said. Bush finds comfort in knowing that he didn’t betray principle for popularity, that “I didn’t sacrifice my soul for politics.”
Of course not. That’s what soldiers are for!
Leonard adds:
Gotta love the total lack of awareness in this paragraph:
To his critics, this may seem like denial and stubbornness — “the Decider” sticks to script even when circumstances change. But, as Bush pointed out, “this notion of stubbornness is based upon the criticism of people who didn’t agree with the initial decision to begin with.”
“Sure, there are people who think I’m wrong now,” the President said, “but you can’t trust them, because they thought I was wrong before! Which is it, guys? Get your stories straight! Sheesh!”
“it’s a blink of a camel (jockey)’s eye”
More honest Kathleen Parker.
He sees a scary monster on the wing, interfering with the engines. Even though no one else can see it, he orders an immediate invasion of Monsteristan.
He didn’t sacrifice his soul for truth, either.
What a brave and noble Christian he is.
Can’t sacrifice what you don’t have.
(P.S. Can haz comment freed from spam filter in last thread? Kthxbai!)
Did you leave ‘toe’ off of the end of this sentence?
Interestingly enough, even the comments at “ClownHall” are mostly negative about this inanely stupid column…and usually the wingnut trolls there are good little Bushes and drink the kool-aid, even though they know it’s killing this country. Check it out!
Bush has learned to watch the camel.
Do what now? Is this anything like walking the dinosaur?
Nope, obviously the old frat boy has everyone in the White House doing the Elephant Walk.
America gets the Soggy Biscuit.
Stubborness in a normal human = too stupid to adjust to incoming facts
Stubborness in Dubya = the saintly rays of divinity for never vearing, yeah, never even thinking there could be another viewpoint worth considering.
Someone tell Parker that those kneepads are going to cost her double if she doesn’t turn them back in to the WH dispensary immediately.
If you don’t agree with my decisions, then you don’t get to criticize me when I refuse to learn from my failures.
That article was straight out of 2006. Seems the Flavor Aid (it was Flavor Aid, folks) supply is still plentiful.
Good to see the trolls take-over the comments at Clown Hall. Another reason I love Turkey Week.
Ahh. I always love the little nuggets of accidental honesty:
To successfully defeat such an enemy, one needs to think as the enemy does…
So honestly, now, how much farther is it really from renditions, indefinite detention without due process, waterboarding and aggressive invasion and occupation of nations with whom we are at peace to beheading and suicide bombs?
It’s the only way to keep america safe, donchaknow…
Even as we speak army personnel are undergoing ululation training.
What does George W. Bush see when he looks out that window? A big picture and a time in a distant future…
…when burly white men will ride large eagle-like birds and tan-skinned scantily-clad slave women will be in gold collars…
(5 blogging points to the first person who gets the reference)
(5 blogging points to the first person who gets the reference)
Aha! A trick question! Everyone knows it’s really -10 blogging points to those who admit to knowing that shit.
Brilliant, as usual.
But, stepping outside the snark for a minute, please forgive me, may all the geniuses at S,N! enjoy a holiday filled with love and laughs. I REALLY appreciate the work you do. Every minute I laugh adds one to the end of my life, you know.
(OK, that’s a “John Says.”)
Even if you’re some sort of backassward pacifist dope-loving, homo-embracing Canadian, the sentiment remains true.
Thanks again.
John O
To his critics, this may seem like denial and stubbornness — “the Decider” sticks to script even when circumstances change. But, as Bush pointed out, “this notion of stubbornness is based upon the criticism of people who didn’t agree with the initial decision to begin with.”
My head just exploded.
Alternate Reality:
I asked the president if he dreaded the possibility that, assuming Fascism ultimately flourishes in the United States, history will vilify him.
No, he said. Bush finds comfort in knowing that he didn’t betray principle for popularity, that “I didn’t sacrifice my soul for the ideals that America was founded on.”
Good call, RB. That’s a trap if I’ve ever seen one!
That’s it! George Bush is under the influence of the loc-nar!
Um, or is it Dick Cheney?
Straw Men of Gor was my favorite book in that series.
(I just fell into the trap, didn’t I?)
Do what now? Is this anything like walking the dinosaur?
Well, I’ve learned to watch the camel walk and the funky chicken (you can too!), and I saw Was (Not Was) in concert. Can I be The Decider now, or at least have 750 words of hagiography written about me?
Man, that lady really really has no shame.
Kathleen Parker is syndicated in my local paper. Along with Krauthammer, Friedman, Brooks and the Pantload. And they STILL get letters complaining about the paper’s “Abusively Liberal” bias. Of course they also have Krugman columns (rarely) so maybe that’s what’s setting the wingnuts off.
“I suggested to him that he has acquired a sense of time…”
[blah blah blah. Goes off to make cup of tea]
“…Five years at war in Iraq is an eternity for impatient Americans…”
[Back with tea. Question still going. Blah blah blah. Five minutes to ask one question is an eternity for impatient readers].
“I asked the president…” [Another leading question, or possibly continuation of previous one]
“No, he
saidindicated with a dilation of his left iris.”You know things have gone a long way downhill when interviewing Bush involves more leading questions than communicating with Terri Schiavo.
Straw Men of Gor was my favorite book in that series.
T-shirt slogan of the week.
The fact is, Shut Up. BDS is running wild here, nobody on the crazy left willing to understand the pressure this man is under. We do not know the full threats facing USA
and we must trust our leaders to fight the secret long war in the shadows without loose lips sinking ships like the New York Times does. Our rulers have a heavy burden, and Parker is trying to illustriate this and you libs do NOT get it. Never will. With your bias.
Why does liberal America want to give up and surrender to terrorists? They may take our coasts and make dhimmis of you, but they will never have The Heartland.
And furthermore the trust that we AAAAAAAGGHHHH!!! ALLIGATORS!!! HELP ME BEFO>-,,—-,,——–
actor212: What does George W. Bush see when he looks out that window? A big picture and a time in a distant future……when burly white men will ride large eagle-like birds and tan-skinned scantily-clad slave women will be in gold collars…(5 blogging points to the first person who gets the reference)
Righteous Bubba: Aha! A trick question! Everyone knows it’s really -10 blogging points to those who admit to knowing that shit.
And, besides, it wasn’t a distant future, but another planet orbiting the Sun directly opposite the Earth – I mean WTF are you people talking about?
Spam filter discriminates against scaled Americans!
Why does liberal America want to give up and surrender to terrorists? They may take our coasts and make dhimmis of you, but they will never have The Heartland.
They have Saudi Arabia and Iran – why on earth would they want another poverty-striken cultural desert filled with ignorant religious wankers, Gary?
Jeepers, did Kathleen Parker just get out of a Peggy Noonan seminar? She is totally running the gamut from inane to insipid.
I gotcher Heartland and Moral Values Right Here……..
WAUPACA, Wis. – She got his goat so he got hers.
Police in Wisconsin say a man was so upset with his wife for not buying beer he decided to take out his anger by shooting one of the family’s two pet goats.
Forty-eight-year-old Peter Mischler has been charged in Circuit Court in Waupaca with mistreatment of animals, possession of a firearm while intoxicated and disorderly conduct with a dangerous weapon.
The complaint says Mischler came home Saturday from hunting and first got angry with his 22-year-old daughter for letting the goats out and making a mess.
While she was talking on the phone to her mother, he told the daughter to tell his wife to bring home some beer, but the wife refused.
After the wife arrived home, she and the daughter heard four gunshots and went outside and found one of the two goats with its entrails hanging out. The goat was alive but had to be put down later by a sheriff’s deputy.
loose lips sinking ships like the New York Times does
Were these the lips that sunk a thousand ships, and burnt the topless towers of Ilium?
Actually the “Topless Towers of Ilium” would be a good name for a company of tow-trucks with half-nude drivers.
Do we SERIOUSLY have a few Gor fans here at Sadly, No?
I never expected that. I think I read the first 19 or 20 books and then quit giving a good god damn rather abruptly. I have no idea how many books there were after that.
Getting back to Kathleen Parker … You know, I had a week off from work and DIDN’T have to read all the wingnut nonsense I usually have to examine as a copy editor at the Wingnut Weekly Windbag and I’m back to work momentarily and I’ll probably have to read this exact piece of transparent childish drivel in the next day or two, so I think I’ll pass on commenting at this time.
(I DID read the paper where I was vacationing (Anderson, IN), but they have a much smaller opinion page that they fill with mostly local stuff – but they did run Cal Thomas on one day. And, as I expected, he hasn’t gotten any more perceptive or original or honest. I WILL give him credit for not calling Michael Medved a polymath. I’m just nice that way, always looking for SOMETHING nice to say about everyone.)
Selling his soul for politics is exactly what he did. He used the opportunity presented to him by 9/11 to politicize federal agencies and the military; he lied us into a war that I assume he thought would go well enough to keep his personal ratings high [oops]; he totally screwed up the rebuilding of Iraq’s infrastructure by letting it be planned by people with political agendas.
It amazes me that his supporters can talk about Bush’s “integrity” with a straight face.
“Spam filter discriminates against scaled Americans!”
I know this is some sort of mnemonic, but I don’t remember of what.
On a more trivial note, bear in mind that Bush is fundamentally insecure. The highest goal of everything he does is, literally, to emerge from it unembarrassed and still “believing” in himself.
That’s how this utterly broken machine works. With most people, it’s “My actions were successful, so I feel okay.” With him it’s, “I feel okay, so my actions must have been, or eventually will be, successful.”
Good god, there were 26 Gor books! I had no idea Ayn Rand was so prolific!
“I didn’t sacrifice my soul for politics.”
Ladies and Gentleman:
Presenting the gold standard for “man-screws-up-on-his-job-gets-his-bosses-pissed-off-blames-it-all-on-politics”, by which all man who screw up on their job and blame it on politics will be judged from now on…
Those people say a lot of things with a straight face. Like, “It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!” And “If we evolved from monkeys, how come there are still monkeys?” And “Liberals want to ban the Bible and impose Sharia law!” And “Pat Robertson endorsed Giuliani so that proves he will get the fundamentalist vote,” and you wonder why Giuliani even wants the endorsement of one of the first guys to blame America in the days after Sept. 11.
Nothing these people do amazes me. But I spent some time with some of my heartland relatives last week, and I’m getting a glimmer of what we may be doing wrong. (I’ve also been reading Marshall McLuhan, and the accidental convergence has been most fortuitous and illuminating.)
And these “Heartland” idiots help the right wing elite perpetuate the paranoid fever dream of myriad existential threats lurking just offshore, only a trillion dollar military budget prevents them from overrunning and conquering america. Odd that spain, japan and australia just don’t seem to have these desperate fears.
And it is that perpetual fear of an all – powerful enemy poised mere hours or weeks from subjugating the good citizens of america that gives these same venal bastards the room they need to rape the treasury, install ideologues at every post and move towards the authoritarian police state that will perpetuate their wealth and power.
The blindness and gullibility of the wingnuts, built upon their racial hatreds and tribal fears will go down in history as providing the popular complicity to the self-serving criminals who brought down the great american experiment in popular self-government…
Oh, and: happy T’giving, one and all, except the trolls. It’s only a matter of time now before this becomes my home page.
I hope you’re satisfied.
Also, the commenters. Have the greatest Thanksgiving of all time. Even you, fake/real/multiple Gary.
Even though your President is a bald-faced-liar-moron with more than a little bit of the Southern-elite-priviledged dumb-ass in him.
“Born on third thinking he hit a triple.” That’s our Man.
God, or someone, save the Republic. Mostly, though, at least this weekend, enjoy your family and friends. Even if they’re like fake/real/mulitple Gary.
There’s entertainment value there, if nothing else.
Ahem, mikey,
In the same vein, Scott Mclelan book is coming out and he is telling how the President and VP told him day after day to deny the Valerie Plame thing, except that they were lying.
duh! Is that what they are counting on to sell the book? I mean, anyone who has ever read anything about this knows it by now.
Blatantly, thoughm the new press secretary came out with a “The president never misled his Press secretary and he never would” ????
OK, if you say so. That’s good enough for the “heartland”, who cares about anybody else…
Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Yes, Bush is clearly so deranged, he needs his own syndrome.
“To successfully defeat such an enemy, one needs to think as the enemy does…”
Funny…I don’t recollect us whupping Hitler by acting extra Hitler-y.
1) A holiday post for the folks who want people to get off their lawn:
ROCHESTER, Minn. — A 24-year-old Rochester man has told police he was just trying to get some kids to be quiet when he unsheathed a Japanese steel sword and waved it at them.
Ryan William Huber has been charged with four counts of second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon and one count of making terroristic threats. According to court documents, a group of children told police they were looking for a baseball bat that had rolled under a shrub last week when a man wielding a sword told them to get out of there. According to the criminal complaint, Huber told police the kids were loud and he just lost control. He told officers he was about 20 feet from the children at the time. Huber’s next court appearance is Monday.
2) Kathleen Parker is a total slut power groupie. She doesn’t even try to stop the drool from coming out of her mouth in that piece.
What does George W. Bush see when he looks out that window?
He’s near-sighted, short-sighted and vacuous, so probably just the clouds.
‘watch the camel, eh?’
Reminds me of that old joke….stop me if you’ve heard it….
New recruit at Foreign Legion visits the chaplain’s office with a problem.
He feels kind of isolated, there are no women at the outpost, he’s lonely, hint hint…
The chaplain happily points out that there is a camel in the compound and he should feel free to use her as all the other men do.
Being a ‘when in Rome’ kind of guy, he decides to try out this new method of relieving tension and avails himself of the camel.
Well, sure enough, along come a couple of his colleagues, just as things are wrapping up, camelwise.
“Hi guys. So, tell me, is that the way the men usually use the camel heh heh heh?”
Uh, no, Bush, we usually use her to ride into town”..
I also don’t remember us whupping Hitler by becoming a nation of hysterical bed-wetters … but that is exactly what the Republicans have made of their supporters.
That’s another reason (aside from price) why those dorky “fantasy replica” swords are better — since you couldn’t use them to cut butter without warming it first, they’re not “deadly weapons”.
Happy Thanksgiving to the S,N! writers, commenters, and dance squad.
And remember – it’s not polite to announce your intentions of ruining your American family by introducing your new gay lover and that the abortion Friday morning will be followed by a pagan mass to the dieties Soros and Kos until after pie is served. Manners are important, you know.
Soros Kos! Soros Kos! SOROS! KOS!
No-one’s asking what I see, looking back in through the window.
Not to mention that it’s a ripoff of the picture of Bush looking out the window of Air Force One and (supposedly) talking to the White House that the RNC tried to sell as a fundraiser.
Bush once asked Karl Rove what he really thought about 43’s place in history.
“They’ll say I’m great, won’t they, Karl?”
“When pigs fly, George. When pigs fly.”
Ever awaiting his vindication, Bush stares pensively out the window, looking for pigs.
I asked Bush did he worry about his legacy, and he replied “Is Not is not Not Is”
Shalom gentlemen.
You foolish liberals who speak words without knowledge love to make fun of President Bush for supposedly being stupid. However the facts just don’t stand up to that assumption. President Bush graduated from Yale with a 3.6 GPA, lets see you leftwing smearmerchants accomplish that.
Oh, here we go. Look, Abyss. I’ve been busy, all right? That’s why I haven’t called. It’s not that I’m not into you anymore, it’s just that … I need space, you know? I don’t know, maybe I’m not explaining myself well …
His Yale GPA was 2.35.
No it wasn’t and I’ll give you proof whereas I assume you have none yourself. His GPA can be found in the book “Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies”, by Gregg Jackson in the chapter “P is for President Bush the Man for the Hour”. If you have any proof regarding your claim of 2.35 I’d love to see it.
Saul lives in a foreign country.
Only an enemy of America would say that his grade point was lower than 7.6. And before you get started, he won all those chariot races fair and square.
I call Shenanigans! There’s no way she could have asked questions with the Presidential POTUS tickling her uvula.
Michael Kranish, Boston Globe, June 7, 2005
Now come on, you fellows. Bush didn’t sell his soul for politics.
After all, who would want such a meagre, shrivelled, thing? *
*(I’m compelled to add the timeworn gag “…as the actress said to the bishop”. Boom boom)
Hey S.O.L.: (1) grades are not an infallible guide to intelligence, as any (fill in the college name) quarterback can tell you; (2) Yale did not grade using the 4.0 system – Georgie got an average of 77 his first three years, which is a Yale “C”, and a similar grade using a different system in his senior year; and (3) the equivalent 4.0 system rating would be 2.5, plus or minus.
Stupid is as stupid does.
So that link proves Bush got better grades at Yale than did John “four D’s” Kerry.
What proof do you have Argonaut with regards to Yale’s grading system? I doubt any.
George Bush also flew fighter jets in the Texas Air National Guard! I highly doubt a stupid man could fly fighter jets!
Now come on, you fellows. Bush didn’t sell his soul for politics.
Of course not. He’d already forfeited it for a fifth of Jack Daniels a decade before.
Didn’t Bush score all tens in the women’s gymnastic competitions in the 2005 Olympics, too? I heard he was a little nervous about the parallel bars, though (you know, the sobriety thing).
Yes, it does. It all proves this statement:
false. As does this transcript.
Phoenician — A fifth?! Maybe several hundred fifths of JD and at least a few hundred cases of beer.
Which can so easily be forged.
It also proves
Its a forgery.
Bush was never certified to fly, let alone fighter jets. He’d gone AWOL before he got to that point. Didn’t even show up for the physical. He’s burned thru a lot more brain cells since then. The fact is, he’s a moron.
Saul, it’s ‘it’s’.
Someone more familiar with the grading procedure will have to figure out Saul’s reading comprehension grade on this one. Above Saul writes:
From Gregg Jackson’s web page:
I’m truly looking foward to Thanksgiving tomarrow a true patriots holiday. I’ll be hosting an all kosher Thanksgiving dinner tomarrow for the local Jewish families in my community at our Synagouge. As a way of doing charity as the Lord commands our Thanksgiving dinner will be open for the poor and the homeless free of charge. Thats the way we Conservatives show our compassion by private acts of kindness, not with the government forcing its greedy hand in our wallets.
My mistake, I actually read that book last December so I’ve must have forgotten it was his Havard Business GPA, still its very impressive and proves President Bush is not a stupid man.
I’m going to go out and drop pumpkin pies from overpasses. It’s a family tradition.
Thanksgiving night we sneak over to Walmart and weld the front doors shut.
Do liberals even celebrate Thanksgiving, or do they just sit there feeling bad about the Indians?
…or maybe he’s in the crowbar hotel…
Has anyone seen this bullshit?
I won’t quote the rest, because my gift for writing isn’t as great as Digby’s. Regardless, read teh article. The only thing that might rival yuor horror will be your disgust.
We recognize year round that native americans had their land stolen by european invaders. They should have gone over there to fight us so they didn’t have to do it over here.
I’d say it had more of a 2003 level of obsequious brown-nosing. I thought that sort of Bush-worship was a thing of the past, even among wingnuts. I guess old habits die hard.
Anyway, I’ve got to go watch a camel.
Hey Saul, let us know how that opening your doors (free of charge!) to the poor and homeless thing goes tomorrow. Thank god you only have to go thru that once a year, eh? Take a good long shower with anti-bacterial soap when you get home. Wash your clothes right away too.
I’d say it had more of a 2003 level of obsequious brown-nosing.
I agree. I think it’s a strong contender for this year’s Fluffy.
Do liberals even celebrate Thanksgiving,
Since Thanksgiving was created to replace that icky pagan/papal Christmas, and since liberals are often accused of trying to destroy Christmas, I’d say the answer to this question is obvious:
Liberals must have invented Thanksgiving.
Oh, and Saul? If you had ever listened to any of Dear Leader’s speeches, you would know that he always refers to himself as a C-minus student (usually in the line “This is Dr. ______. He got a A’s in school; I got C minuses. And look who’s President and who’s the advisor! Heh-heh-heh!”).
You said he had a 3.6 GPA, which is a B+ in the 4.0 system.
Are you calling your commander in chief a liar?!
Hoosier X: I’m just thankful, on this Thanksgiving Eve, to know that someone, somewhere, still reads and appreciates Marshall McLuhan. (I mean, beyond totally getting that his cameo role in “Annie Hall” was postmodernly cool.)
What does George W. Bush see when he looks out that window?
Fear Itself.
What does George W. Bush see when he looks out that window?
Fear Itself.
Wow. We’re done here.
Think about this. It’s the perfect indictment.
If you have blood on your hands, you fear retribution. And if you believe in a vengeful god, an old testament god and heaven and hell, and you have a million screaming souls on your conscience, and the blood of innocents on your hands, you gaze out into the unknown with a certain amount of trepidation.
The difference between me and gwb is I know, if there IS a hell, I’m going. He’s still looking for the loophole.
Sorry, bucko. You never took a life yourself, but you carry the stain. The beast slavers for your soul…
C’mon spelling nitpickers!
At this point, why are the propagandists still slurping the president’s bone?
Thanksgiving tomarrow a true patriots holiday.
Why would Thanksgiving be a patriots’ holiday? The occurance being commemorated took place when there was no nation on these shores, people were ruled by a capitalistic trading company.
What did Parker say? Americans are impatient after almost 5 years of war in Iraq?
Wasn’t it the administration that was telling us “Mission Accomplished”, the insurgents were “dead-enders” and in “their last throes” several years ago?
Thats the way we Conservatives show our compassion by private acts of kindness, not with the government forcing its greedy hand in our wallets.
Actually, the People’s Republic of Santa Monica is providing its facilities free of charge to a church to do the same. Although, I’ll bet, on a larger scale.
Which is why T’giving is the perfect holiday. Just about getting together and eating. Giving thanks for the simplest things, just being here. Not being dead after a hard year. Having food to eat.
I’m right with every bit of that. I’m grateful to not be dead. I’m glad there’s food. I LOVE my cool little house and my life, filled as it is with peace and food. I live in a place where there is no war, no hunger, no fear.
Oh, it’s just over there. I know. But it’s not Baghdad, or Yangon, or Mogadishu. It’s Sili Valley, and I revel in it’s peace and safety..
Oh, and I do want to give thanks for Sadly, No and all the locals. It has enriched my life and given me great pleasure over the last year and a half. I notice a lot of the regulars (Gavin? Six Actual?) missing these days, and I know how one can burn out. I hope I still have this place in a year, but whatever happens, they cannot take away the joy I’ve gotten til now…
That Capitalist Trading Company you refered to is what made the American Colonies prosperous and that prosperity thanks to the “evil captalist pigs”, is what allowed the American Colonies to win our Independence through the blood, sweat, toil and tears of those Great Patriots who fought against British tyranny so long ago.
Saul said,
November 22, 2007 at 6:45
I lick my ass
blood, sweat, toil and tears of those Great Patriots
And their slaves! And the free land they got! And the free seeds! To grow that addictive product!
Why it was a miracle of hard work.
To crib off the immortal TBogg,
if the Original minutemen had been as stupid as Saul and Gary, we`d all be speaking English today.
So the Capitalist trading company (which was Dutch) was what made colonists so prosperous the English took over the Dutch. Then the Dutch conquering English capitalist trading company tyrannized their own colonists – after making them so prosperous they were able to fight against the ones they owed their prosperity to.
Although, Saul, it appears they weren’t very prosperous that first winter.
Saul, that’s just so cute of you. My Daddy’s friends on the Boards at many nice Universities in Boston got me accepted as well. Just out of hand. Poof! You’re in. If they could pull that off, then Bush Sr. & Friends could’ve gotten W a job at JPL for cripes sake after pulling off several PhDs. And yes, frankly, Kerry was in the same position. That’s why I never feel like I have anyone to vote for, dammit.
The truth is, capitalism and the free market is what made America the wealthiest Nation on Earh. If it wasn’t for the burdensome governmental regulators such as that piece of garbage OSHA , the IRS and the EPA our economy would be even more prosperous.
“[Caligula] claimed that no personal trait made him feel prouder than his ‘inflexibility’ “.
I’m giving thanks, ’cause I’m not watching Air Farce One fly by overhead tonight.
I’m waiting for my son’s flight to get in around midnight tonight. Been making pies this evening while I wait to go to the airport.
Best thing you can do with a pumpkin pie. Sweet Potato FTW!
OK, you made me wake up my house mate.
Night all, and as we say in my family after our Thanksgiving Binge: Buuuuuuuuurp!
Been making pies this evening while I wait to go to the airport.
I like pie!
“Saul said,
The truth is, capitalism and the free market is what made America the wealthiest Nation on Earh. If it wasn’t for the burdensome governmental regulators such as that piece of garbage OSHA , the IRS and the EPA our economy would be even more prosperous.”
Heh. Hehe. Ahehehehehehe. Giggle.
Being cradled, sponsored, and bankrolled by the unquestioned global super power of the time made us rich. Having no domestic enemies to challenge our claims and expansion made us rich. The massive amounts of wild, unspoiled and untapped natural resources made us rich. Being one of the few modern nations in the world not bombed to shit and back in WWII kept us rich.
Man, piss-poor quality trolling. OSHA is eeeeevil! The IRS (somehow) makes us less rich as a nation! Just think of how many more millions of dollars corporations could make if the mean old EPA would just let them dump whatever the fuck they wanted in our reservoirs and tributaries. Whining about cancer, dysentery, and other chronic illness is for pussy-assed communists who hate money! Who needs regulated and mandated water quality levels? We can all drink from the rain water that washes off our gutters, just like they did in the days of the Black Plague! WHEEEEEEE!!!
Shorter Saul: Fuck health, it’s money that matters, bitchez!
And, Bubba, I am totally stealing “grabernacle.” Talk about yer righteous.
Righteous Bubba totally beat me to the “Synagouge”, and made it funny to boot.
So I’ll go with this:
If it wasn’t for the burdensome governmental regulators such as that piece of garbage OSHA , the IRS and the EPA our economy would be even more prosperous.
Yes indeedy, the economy would be even more prosperous because there’d be many fewer people to share in the wealth, what with so many crushed by work machinery, coughing out their lungs from asbestos dust, and spontaneously aborting countless babies because of the toxins in the food and drinking water! You’re right, SOL, that’s soooo much better!
And as I’m down here being a heathen antipodean, where we don’t have Thanksgiving, I’ll have to just raise a glass of wine (a rather nice pinot noir made by a friend, actually) in salute to my Sadly comrades and say that I’m thankful that y’all exist, even if you do stubbornly persist in being all the way on the other side of the world, rather than decently here in South Oz where we could get together for a pissup, Sadlystyle.
I reckon Synagouge = Takernacle.
Otherwise, similar sentiments to Qetesh. Apart from beer instead of wine.
And I will happily contribute to the fund for “Having Mikey’s Thoughts from Previous Thread, about side-effects of war, Tattooed on the Foreheads of Various Leaders” (back-to-front, so they can’t help reading the words when they see themselves in the mirror).
[goes back to other pseudonym].
Effect of cooking methods on camel meat quality
No, he said. Bush finds comfort in knowing that he didn’t betray principle for popularity, that “I didn’t sacrifice my soul for politics.”
Bush ….and so was still able to cash it in for a Snickers Bar and Pepsi Big Gulp.
In some perverse way, the only thing I actually almost admire about Bush is the shear assholery it takes to say–as the ship of state slams into an ice cap, bursts on fire, and then explodes–that he remains confident that he has yet to make a single mistake. Give it time and you’ll see–from your grave somewhere on the bottom of the ocean–just what a fine job of steering he actually did.
Righteous Bubba said,
November 22, 2007 at 0:54
(5 blogging points to the first person who gets the reference)
Aha! A trick question! Everyone knows it’s really -10 blogging points to those who admit to knowing that shit.
True, but I was thinking of dumping the redhead out of my harem…so -10 blogging points, but many millions of brownie points.
Saul said,
November 22, 2007 at 4:28
I’m truly looking foward to Thanksgiving tomarrow a true patriots holiday.
How self-referentially ironic. How often do you suck the bone, Saul?
What does George W. Bush see when he looks out that window?
“Hmmmm….somebuddy scratchittied “LB & LC 4ever” inna winnow…”
Didn’t Albert, Warlord of Gore, just win a Nobel Prize?
Being cradled, sponsored, and bankrolled by the unquestioned global super power of the time made us rich. Having no domestic enemies to challenge our claims and expansion made us rich. The massive amounts of wild, unspoiled and untapped natural resources made us rich. Being one of the few modern nations in the world not bombed to shit and back in WWII kept us rich.
Some Guy,
It seems like Saul has never read American history…or even played Civ3, doesn’t it?
Happy Thanksgiving! I wish there were a way to post a photo of all the pies I’ve made. I wish I could share them with you all.
Screw Thanksgiving!! Bullshit Holiday. Takes place on Thursday(?), many must work Friday. Enforced being w/ family you despise. Thanks for what, exactly? And to whom? Thanks for nothing to nobody!!! Oh, be grateful your corporate masters haven’t laid you off, so you can continue to pay your debts!!
A Nation of Sheep, all of you! Thanks for nothing!!
“What does George W. Bush see when he looks out that window?”
Perhaps he sees a present that is not made intolerable by the sycophantic presence of Kathleen Parker, whose fawning obsequiousness sickens even him.
OK, the “Bush has learned to watch the camel” comment, whatever the hell it means, deserves recognition.
The Camel Watches Back
The Camel Watches Back
saul, china has several openings in their department of not-regulatin’ things for a staunch anti-regulation champ like yourself. likewise in iraq where govt is pretty much non-existent. if you hurry you can still make your fortune!
I didn’t know camels ate nuts…great shot cowalker!