My pet president
(Update: Following Amazon’s deletion of the reviews, we are happy to offer a copy here.)
Alan (the anti-Blair) sends us a link to these Amazon customer reviews of My Pet Goat:
I’m sure historians will look back and say, gosh, the goat could’ve done it better this way or that way. […]
See, I’m of the belief that the goat will find out the truth on the weapons. That’s why the goat sent up the independent commission. The goat looks forward to hearing the truth as to exactly where they are. They could still be there. They could be hidden, like the 50 tons of mustard gas in a goat farm.
I never like to read – I don’ like to make my brain work that hard. But I think this is the most wonderful book in the world. When I was sittin’ in that class, and Andy told me the US was under attack – why, I just had no idea what to do! I sat for a while waitin’ for somebody to come and tell me what to do, but they did’n. Then I decided I just better do somethin’ to make me look busy and like I knew whut I was doin’. So I picked up this book and acted like I was readin’ it. I think the kids where real impressed that I was readin’. But what I don’ understand is why that teacher was zoomin’ that camera in on my face the whole time.
as well as:
I just couldn’t put it down! Certainly much more interesting than Richard Clarke’s memo of August 6, 2001 entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States”.
or even:
A riveting story that keeps you glued to the page until the stunning climax. Even a notification from your staff that the nation you lead is under attack can’t keep you from reading the gut-wrenching final words.
Read the whole thing — and be sure to tell Amazon whether those reviews were helpful to you.
I Like ‘Pusghetti
From the Amazon customer reviews for “My Pet Goat”: All I remember about that morning are the words “get ready”…
Reading is FUNdamental!
Amazon readers review My Pet Goat: I just couldn’t put it down! Certainly much more interesting than Richard Clarke’s memo of August 6, 2001 entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States”. That one made coffee go all…
Hilarious! I marked them all as very helpful.
heh… I think the commenters covered everything! I can’t think of a single witty comment not said. Well, other than something about marrying goats and box turtles.
Gotta say, things like this are almost enough to restore one’s faith in humanity.
Not the first time a traitor has taken his alibi from a Goat.
Amazon took them all down. However, people keep posting reviews….