This truly is very disturbing

When we noticed earlier that this post is the first result returned by Google if you do a search for “child abuse prison iraq,” we thought that made some sense.

But when we found out that MSN Search returns this post as the first result for “excited nipples,” we knew someone out there on the internet had to be very, very disappointed. And likely too busy throwing up to send us an email to complain about it.

At least both MSN and Google agree: Sadly, No! is the place to be to find the hottest new conservative writer on the web.


Comments: 7


I’m sorry if this is a dumb question but I’ve been wondering about this for a while. When somebody does a search on google or whatever, do you know about it if they don’t click through on a link? That is, can you tell if a search engine retrieves your site as part of a search?

Also want to add that I enjoy your site immensely. A bit ironic, since aside from my political beliefs I tend to be the sort of earnest, slightly dimwitted person highlighted in your posts.


If you’re talking about my pet goat Nipples, I’m excited!

And to answer bluestone’s questions: No and then Yes.


So you were searching Google for “exited nipples,” eh?


Then there AREN’T any stories here about the hottest new conservative excited nipples? I’m filing a complaint for false advertising!


I’m sorry if this is a dumb question but I’ve been wondering about this for a while. When somebody does a search on google or whatever, do you know about it if they don’t click through on a link? That is, can you tell if a search engine retrieves your site as part of a search?

Yes, Site Meter tells you what searches people have used to get to your site. On this and other sites that use Site Meter, find the rainbow colored square on the page (you probably thought that was Seb’s way of indicating that he’s gay, but it’s not), click on it, then click on “Referrals.” For example, many people get to my site, BeatBushBlog, by searching for “Beat Bush.” Sadly, No! has cornered the market on “excited nipples” searchers. And S.Z. has boosted her traffic by making World O’Crap come up with the #2 and #3 hits if you search for “Ann Coulter nude” — but, alas, if you don’t use any quotation marks, W O’C is only #30. Better work on that, S.Z.


I was looking for a different kind of beat bush when i found your site. i’m suing those bastards too.


hey, me too!


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