My, How They Change

Uh-oh. It looks like Hindy has ditched Bush and has redirected his irrepressible man-love to another target: one John Sidney McCain, III:
Today, McCain held his more or less weekly blogger conference call. He was his usual direct, irreverent, uncompromising self. […] On every topic he was good-humored, engaging, knowledgeable, tough and conservative. I can’t think offhand of anything he said I disagreed with; much of what he said was inspiring. McCain talks with the freedom of a candidate who knows that win or lose, he will go down in history as a hero. He also has complete confidence, I think, that on the big issues of our time–the threat of Islamic extremism, the need to rein in federal spending for the sake of future generations, the superiority of market solutions to government programs–he is not only right but on the side of history.
Funny- it wasn’t long ago that Hindy was saying that McCain had “strayed too far on too many issues to be a good choice for 2008” and that his buddy Deacon was calling McCain a member of the “terrorist rights wing of the Republican party” because he opposed water-boarding.
I wonder how many free corn dogs the McCain camp had to offer these guys to get ’em turned around.
Gavin adds: Ditching Bush has become something of a cottage industry lately:
What’s Next For Blogs For Bush?
Blogs For Victory will replace Blogs For Bush. Some of the more popular and blog entries have been copied over, should you want to continue the discussion there. Unfortunately, importing all the posts and comments proved to be too cumbersome.
And don’t worry, Blogs For Bush won’t be closing down. the archives will remain intact, but no future posts will be made here.
We hope you enjoy our new home.
We’ll enjoy it all the more since ‘blogs’ is still unaccountably plural.
Excuse I and I; our phones is ringing. Helloes? Yes, this is we.
…the superiority of market solutions to government programs…
Like these kind of market solutions?–4.html
So what we have is a huge rally because Goldie will profit from the US economy and financial system going to hell. And people pay fortunes to go to Ivy League schools and B-schools to learn how to play the new economy!?!?! Apparently a critical mass of traders believes that not only what is good for Goldman is good for America but as long as Goldman profits everything else is immaterial…
Wal-Mart admits that customer visits declined in Q3; but food sales increased 5.3% and pharmacy sales jumped 7.9%. Thank God for food & drug inflation that is not recorded in official inflation!
Recession, inflation, dollar collapse, financial system implosion – no problemo, Goldie is making money so pour into stocks! And let’s be merry and jiggy now because Wal-Mart is booking Christmas sales weeks before Thanksgiving and food inflation is virulent enough to significantly boost revenue!”
Re the juggernaut that is McCain: How do we beat that bitch?
More excellent market solutions…
Home builder TOUSA Inc.’s third-quarter results “strongly indicate existing shareholders will be completely wiped out, or at the very least diluted to almost nothing,” wrote Morningstar Inc. analyst Eric Landry in a research note Thursday. The troubled company, which operates mostly in Florida, late Wednesday said its quarterly loss widened and that it may be forced to file for Chapter 11 due to the housing slump. Landry estimated the company’s book value is now less than zero.
Calling Mr. Oswald with the swastika tatoo…
Oh come on Brad, we all know that these people don’t look to “history” or “what we said before we just said what we said” as any guide.
What they are saying now is the absolute truth, until they say something else which contradicts what was once said, which then makes that the new, absolute truth. This is how they are gonna spin things when Preznit Hillary takes the office. They’re just gonna ignore all the other stuff they’ve been saying about the “unitary executive” because, at that time, it will no longer be the truth because they are not saying it anymore and just ignore the other stuff.
History does indeed have a liberal bias.
You liberals are a bunch of weak fags, leave it to you flock of pussies to criticize a war hero like John McCain. You just don’t like him because he is a patriot you would be tough on the Islamo-facsists who you girly Neville Chamberlain wannabes and your wimpy presidential candidates want to appease.
And another thing–corn dogs! Is it a corn, or is it a dog?
What? Wrong thread?
You liberals are a bunch of weak fags, leave it to you flock of pussies to criticize a war hero like John McCain. You hippies don’t like him because he is a patriot who would continue to fight the islamo-facsists, who you Neville Chamberlain wannabees and your treasonous presidential candidates want to appease. Go back to smoking pot you faggots and leave the politics to real men.
McCain’s still considered in the running? Well poke a stick up my bum and dip me in batter.
There is a chance that the word “blogs” in “Blogs for Bush” is actually a verb, as in, “[he who] blogs for bush.”
But, if that was the case, it would be improperly singular since there are many authors and therefore it should be “[they who] blog for bush”.
Either way, noun or verb, “blogs” would be wrong and “blog” would be correct.
People have been writing off McCain, but I think in the end, he will be the Republican nominee. They are going for the least interesting candidate, much as the Democrats did with Kerry in ’04 (and will probably do with Clinton in ’08).
Nah. It’s Rudy, folks- he’s got the crazy religious vote locked up, he’s got the neocons backing him, he’s got the greedheads backing him… I don’t see how anyone else takes him on. It also happens that he’s probably the worst possible choice of them all, but that’s another story.
he’s got the crazy religious vote locked up
Pat Robertson, dude. These guys all have a hive mind. Dobson will soon follow suit, chump that he is.
I would prefer “Let slip the dogs of corn”. ‘Cause I know you wanna know what I would prefer.
Incidentally “Excuse I and I; our phones is ringing. Helloes? Yes, this is we” is wicked snarktastic. ô¿ô
Pat Robertson, dude.
I just don’t believe he delivers people, especially to the former mayor of New York.
A little poke around the web reveals me to be wrong wrong wrong about Rudy’s religious support.
It’s just too damn long to the convention. Rudy’s a MAJOR loose cannon. He cannot go the better part of a year without self-destructing. Then it will be a dogfight at the convention, and either
1. St. John of the Prison Camp will be selected, anointed and pushed out front
2. They’ll decide that, being as how the field is so weak and divisive, they’ll need St. John as the designated running mate to make mitt or fred palatable…
A little poke around the web reveals me to be wrong wrong wrong about Rudy’s religious support.
Told ya. These guys honestly don’t seem to understand that Rudy won’t do a damn thing to help them in their cause- as long as he’s a Republican and not HITLERY KKKLINTON, they’ll love him completely.
It is done!
How did you know how I answer my phone?!?? You’ve never called me!!
Or at least not that I’ve remembered…
These guys honestly don’t seem to understand that Rudy won’t do a damn thing to help them in their cause- as long as he’s a Republican and not HITLERY KKKLINTON, they’ll love him completely.
Nah, Rudy! will toss the fundies a bone every now and then. Can’t have them wandering off to create their own party, after all…
I say Huckabee is the dark horse candidate that surprises everyone.
Faux News does not determine the Preznitcy. Period.
Now that’s service!
On a serious note. I don’t know what I’d do without this blog. Does SN have a donation program?
Just FYI – TPM was reporting Rudy has written off Iowa and NH, and is hoping to come back on Super Tuesday.
That never works.
So I wouldn’t count on Rudy in the general.
“McCain talks with the freedom of a candidate who knows that win or lose, he will go down in history as a hero.”
Proof positive that having the capacity to put words next to each other does not make one a “writer.”
McCain talks with the freedom of a candidate who knows that win or lose, he will go down in history as a hero.
Meaning, he’s already lost, of course.
I think the dogs of corn have already slipped (and stop writing stuff like that, by the way; all my coworkers are looking at me funny).
My reading is that the right is going to now begin pretending that the Bush administration never existed. Every problem we have in this country is the sole and complete responsibility of Bill Clinton, who’s been president for at least eleventy-one years now. So it would be irresponsible to hand the reigns of power directly from him to his wife, which is really just him, cuz women can’t really think for themselves or anything. Only a republican in the White House can cure us of all these corn dogs…I mean evils.
Nylund, I think you have to see it as a Native American name, like “Dances With Wolves.” I encourage the Right to adopt this nomenclature, and look forward to assisting them.
Pam could be “Forgets Her Thorazine” or “Craves teh Mustache.” Insta could be “Links with Heh.” Etc.
“Cry ‘Hammock!’ and let slip the Dogs of Corn” really needs to be the 82nd Chairborne’s unit motto.
ok that is teh funny
“Juices teh Balloon”? And why should leftyblogs be exempt from this dictum? “Conquers with Orange”! “Snarfs teh Tequilaz”!
I think it should read: “Cry Ham-hock! and let slip the Dogs of Corn!”
“Unfortunately, importing all the posts and comments proved to be too cumbersome.”
Can’t you just change the name of your Blog(s) without moving the whole thing to a new web address? I mean, sure, it would still say “bush” in the address, but if they claim to still support Bush, what’s the problem?
I think this may answer any questions about what Yglesias was up to in his item referenced a couple posts back.
Y’know, Rufus, look back in the archives of this very blog and you’ll see that they have done exactly that—they moved from MovableType to WordPress and brought all the posts and comments with them.
I can’t imagine there’s not a script out there somewhere to transform an SQL dump from one format to the other…it’s not as if this is exactly a problem that’s never been encountered before.
They’re either stupid, lazy, or disingenuous, or some mixture thereof.
R. Bubba & B. S. Rocket, etc.:
How much of the drooling Judeo-Christian right is actually behind the Rudester? I was laboring under the (admittedly non-researched) impression (OK, I heard it on telebision) that the droolers were pretty much split among the various Repubs, & the evangelicals/fundies were no longer a massive, monolithic bloc.
And it’s not impossible that the Republicans won’t have a clear winner at convention time, & if enough of the delegates & functionaries can make it out of the airport mens room stalls, they will revert to Republican form & nominate McCain (Sidney? The third??) as the oldest, waited long enough, deserving, next in line candidate, in a Bob Dole 1996-stylee.
Their blogs look a lot like Blogs4Brownback now. Maybe the last copies of that stupid book that was always at the top of Blogs for Bush have been remaindered.
Note also that it took them three yrs. from Bush’s last election to come up w/ the clever name change. You’d almost think they knew ’06 wasn’t going to be a victo(R)y for them.
Here’s a link regarding polls from September. I can’t believe that this will hold, but I couldn’t believe he had that support in the first place. Grabbing over a quarter of the dopes when you’re in such a large field is some sort of accomplishment.
I can’t imagine there’s not a script out there somewhere to transform an SQL dump from one format to the other…it’s not as if this is exactly a problem that’s never been encountered before.
Well, I’m a big fucking dope trying to move from one rather eccentric wiki to another. There are scripts out there that’ll take my HTML dump and put it into this wiki or that (usually less attachments) but then I have to have the geek skills to install and maintain a much more complicated system.
Moving shit like this sucks.
The donation program is the little button over on your right sidebar.
And Rudy will, if nothing else, nominate batshit crazy anti-civil rights judges. Even if only by accident because he’s going for the ones who think the cops ought to be able to pistol-whip jaywalkers into confessions and doesn’t bother to try to screen out the ones who also think abortion is evil. The religious right will console themselves with the thought of Supreme Court justices who at least agree with them, and hold their noses and vote for Rudy. Much as liberals do every four years when the DNC puts up center/center-right candidates.
Meanwhile, it’s risky assuming the troll is serious, especially here, but I just kept thinking about war heroes and criticism thereof… And purple heart bandaids worn by smug republican operatives on national TV as though no one could possibly find that offensive.
see it as a Native American name
Mine’s “Runs with Scissors”
Actually, Brad Esq., I think Rudy would help them, and that is why they support him. He would help them by making life in the US more uncertain, fear-ridden, and violent. I think that fundamentalists get off on shit like that.
see it as a Native American name
Dibs on “Comments when Drunk”.
mikey running nose here.
Go forth and bring me back a deer. And a shrubbery…
mikey running nose
Thanks, Bubba. Frighteming, but thanks.
D. Sidhe beat me to the judges thing. That probably is most important to a lot of the droolers, & Russolini’s been very loud about it.
If your nose runs & your feet smell, you’re built upside down. Now tell me this isn’t The Funniest Blog In The Universe, haters!
I heard a piece on NPR this morning about fundie support for the Mittster. As I mentioned before, Mittens is beating Rudy like a gong, not only in Iowa, but in New Hampshire. (He’s leading in Iowa not because of fundie support, but because Iowa Goppers tend to be more of the corporate/tax hatin’ variety – the fundies don’t quite have the hold here they do in the southern bible belt.) However, NPR was talking to some fundies in South Carolina, and several of them were saying they just couldn’t get past that Mormon thing. They really hate that.
Now, does that mean they’ll follow ol’ Pat Robertson’s lead and support Rudy, a nominal, divorced Catholic from heathen New York, of all places? I doubt it. In Iowa, I believe Huckabee is in second place because of the evangelicals. I think even a lot of fundies are getting a bit tired of Robertson. He’s too big a buffoon sammich for a lot of (even) them to swallow. And remember, just because someone is polled and says they support a candidate, it’s not a given that they’ll actually venture out on a cold winter night to caucus or vote in a primary. A lot of fundies may just stay home, since I really don’t think they are going to be enthused about either Romney or Rudy.
Romney is going to appeal to the corporate types in a big way. He’ll get a big chunk of the suburban male vote. He’s an MBA like Bushie, but he’s actually been successful in his business ventures. Insurance company execs and financial advisors vote.
I’d love to see Mitten’s going down in flames, just for the crazed reaction from Hewitt.
Speaking of those abandoning their boyking, DiFi actually voted with the Democrats on something important:
‘how do we beat the bitch?’
t-shirts, hats, stickers, mugs, buttons, magnets, and more are now available at:
****** ******
it’s the new anti-hillary conservative catch phrase!
Hey, I have a catch phrase for you, too! Alas, it’s not so new: fuck off, asshole.
Now if it had one of those Rudy-in-drag shots…
Beat on the Bitch, Beat on the Bitch
Beat on the Bitch with a Hickory Switch
Oh Yeah…