Well, except for that one guy on another page of this newspaper

Oops the webmaster crapped my point:


Comments: 80


“clean-up on column five…..”


I believe the rest of the story says ‘How you can profit from something that will never occur!!’


If this current propaganda line about teh SURGE(TM) working would lead to the Bush Jr. minions declared “Mission Accomplished Again” and getting the hell out of there, many of us might play along nicely.


I was struck by the irony, then I realized it’s from the Moonie Times. It was only then I realized I’d been struck by aluminumy, instead.


Eh, it’s the Washington Times. As if their rightwingnut backpage knows what their rightwingnut front page is doing.

glorified jughound

Chaos, exhaustion, exile, fear, ruin…

Gotta loves me some of that Wingnut Victory™.


Hell, once you let the de-facto ethic cleansing run its course, things always get better.


“Chaos, exhaustion, exile, fear, ruin…”

Huh. Sounds like the last time I had sex.


I am appalled that someone named Beth would steal my ip address.



Its not like that for you every time? I must be doing something wrong…


Opposition to the war is soooo partisan. Can we talk about all of the people who hate me? I remember that I’m mad at someone for something… oh yes, I know what it is! Do you want to know what I had for lunch? It was soup. More later.


The fact of the matter is that liberals hope America loses in Iraq and can not accept the fact that victory is at hand. This is why the leftists and communists want to get out now before vicotry is declared – this time on an even bigger ship.


This is why the leftists and communists want to get out now before vicotry is declared – this time on an even bigger ship.

With a much larger codpiece


“Members of an armed group of local citizens jubilate…”

Jubilate good times, come on….


Woohoo! I guess that about wraps it all up and all the troops will be coming home over the next few weeks, we’ll be turning those 14 permanent bases over to the Iraqi government, and stop pressing the Iraqi government to give all their oil to us. Remember that Khaled Sheikh Mohammad confessed to everything after a little non-torture, so since now we’ve won in Iraq I guess that pretty much concludes The War Against Terror (TWAT). Yay!

U-S-A-! U-S-A-! U-S-A-!


“this time on an even bigger ship.”

OK; that’s pretty funny. Good funny, not sad funny…


I admit it, I want the US to get their asses kicked. I’m really weird this way – when country A invades country B for no reason, destroys much of it, sets part of the population against another part, gets a million people killed (give or take) and further millions displaced, and then is making noises about following up this smashing (literally) success with an invasion of countries C and D – then I very much hope country B’s people rise up and throw country A out. Mabe country A will even learn a lesson and stop invading places for a couple decades (offer invalid for tiny caribbean islands.)

I’m not a liberal, of course, so you shouldn’t go and blame them for my extremism.


““Members of an armed group of local citizens jubilate…””

Public jubilation? See, that sort of risque activity wasn’t even allowed under Saddam’s regime. Progress!


the U.S.-led war in Iraq

commie atheist (IM1RU12?) beat me to “jubilate” (‘verbing weirds language”) but shouldn’t the above be “U. S. war on Iraq?”


Well, no ONE is claiming victory, however several morons are…


See, if “ululate” is a verb, “jubilate” must be one too. Or it’s Ricky Ricardo warning Lucy to show up on time. “Don’t jubilate, Loocy, or ju gonna have some ‘splainin’ to do.”


“This is why the leftists and communists want to get out now before vicotry is declared – this time on an even bigger ship”.

bigger ship? WTF?

Nevermind, I jus wants me a heapin’ helpin’ o dat VICOTRY! and maybe a skoshy bit o Public Ovulation, er Pubic Ululation, umm – whatever he said. I wants it


Notice the quoted Colonel is none other than uber-neocon Boylan, of the” lets fuck with Glenn Greenwald for kicks” Boylans. Now theres a guy thats going to give you the straight scoop.

glorified jughound

I admit it, I want the US to get their asses kicked.

And six months later Bush is found living in a spider-hole.


“Oops the webmaster crapped my point:”

Nope. The ad is larger, but the “Victory in Iraq” link is still there, bigger than Coulter’s adams apple.

glorified jughound

This is why the leftists and communists want to get out now before vicotry is declared – this time on an even bigger ship

Will there be shuffleboard?


Ugh, if you click on “Victory in Iraq” on the WT page it leads to a Tnoy Blankley column, and of course Tubbo* is wallowing in Reaganesque optimism.

And the eight-year-old — who idolized his fallen big brother — can hardly wait to be old enough to join up to finish his brother’s job. (Of course, we know that in this world, that job of warrior will never be done — as the postwar period ever glides seamlessly into the new prewar period.) Standing there surrounded by thousands of veterans’ grave stones, and looking into the faces of the bereaved, I think of these young heroes who today are making victory in Iraq possible what Ronald Reagan said of and to the men who climbed the cliffs at Normandy’s Pointe de Hoc (quoting Stephen Spender): “You are men who in your lives fought for life — and left the vivid air signed with your honor.”

The most revolting paragraph on the first page. I’m not going to the next one. Do note that in “this world,” we will always be at war w/ some collection of people less Anglo-Saxon than we. And those signatures of honor on the vivid air will last about as long as a cloud in that vivid air. (Just WTF? Really, what does any of that crap mean?)

*Tubbo’s actually lost weight lately. This may be uncivil, but I hope it’s because he’s sick, at least w/ a stomach parasite, & I can only hope it’s much worse. Then he can see how much better U. S. health care is than it is in the U. K. Haw-haw-haw.


I like vicotry. Y’know, the hour or two after the buzz kicks in but before you get too sleepy. That’s nice.


Before we caliphate, we must jubilate!


This is why the leftists and communists want to get out now before vicotry is declared – this time on an even bigger ship.

Vicotry. Is that when you successfully kick a vicodin habit?


M. Bouffant, you sure are an evil son of a bitch. I love that.


“With U.S. forces and the weak Iraqi government still facing immense challenges, the central question in the Iraq war debate has shifted from who is winning to how to define victory.”

Gosh. Shouldn’t we have figured out how to define victory before we debated who was winiing? Or would that make too much sense?


This is why the leftists and communists want to get out now before vicotry is declared – this time on an even bigger ship.

With a signing pen the size of, like, a baseball bat.


I mean, if the Patriots played the Red Sox, shouldn’t we at least figure out what sport they were going to play before we took bets on who would win?


I had to check if jubilate was a word but sure enough. That ancient fish with limbs got it right though, good one coelacanth.

Now about ” de-facto ethic cleansing” is that the all purpose forgiveness of your sins that comes from being in this Maladministration?


With a signing pen the size of, like, a baseball bat.

Yeah, and George Bush can carry it in a special sheath between his legs and whip it out at the key moment.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Shouldn’t we have figured out how to define victory before we debated who was winiing?
Debate? There is no debate, Rufus. It is too late to take bets… we already know that the US is winning. It only remains to find some criterion of ‘victory’ that is compatible with that knowledge.


Can one really jubilate? Spellcheck tells Bossy ‘no’.


Why, thank you tigger! I got tired of people biting me & slapping me, but the web is the perfect forum for anonymous vitriol & invective. And I really don’t like to pull my punches, & really am full of hate, pain, rage, suffering, fear, & all the other “lower” emotions. Watch me go!!


Vicotry. Is that when you successfully kick a vicodin habit?

i think it’s like an honest attempt at kicking that shit, but then your girlfriend comes back from the doctor’s office with a fresh scrip for her “back trauma.”
oh and don’t you know it, she’s in the sharing mood. fuck, i gotta quit that girl, but man she can lay it on thick to the m.d. when she is confronted by a potential pharmacological windfall. oh well, it was a hell of a vicotry anyways.


awesome screencap.

Arky Horse Whipper of Cthulu

Now look here. Only commies and tarrists care ’bout grammer n spelin. Real ‘Muricuns is too busy jubilatin our impending victry in EyeRack.

The Washington Times has been The Suck from Day 1 but it found its voice as Serious Conservative News Organ during the Clinton era. The only time I’ve ever seen their vending machines empty was on Sept. 11, 2001 and I often think the only reason they’re still around is because the Rev. Sung Song Blue taps his faithful for cash to cover expenses.

Herr Doktor Bimler

I hope Bossy pays no attention to the spellcheckofascists.
Is this a good time for an unsolicited endorsement of Jubileum Akvavit? Full of coriander goodness! Tastes so foul, you can take it to parties and no-one else will drink it!


BOSSY: Spellcheck rules. Pay no attention to a guy w/ a name like Herr Doktor Bimler who accuses others of being fascists. “jubilate” is wrong ,wrong, wrong.
Better luck next year in the awards thing.


I may have to give it a go, Herr Dok. We seen to be suffering under a Laphroaig shortage.

After some research, it seems that Beam Global has managed to get themselves awarded the exclusive NA distributorship. Kind of the Haliburton of Hooch. The Blackwater of Booze. The KBR of the Little Brown Jug.

And, of course, through near instantaneous mismanagement, they have let the inventory run to zero, whereupon there will be no more, according to THEM, until December 2nd.

I’m feeling a little bit of what the fine residents of Baghdad feel. I’m going to sleep on my roof out of solidarity.

In the meantime, I debate. Should I pay sixty bucks for the fifteen year? Should I go for the Wimpy but acceptable Bowmore, or the astringent, but not in a good way Lagavulin?

It just can never be easy.

But as far as Iraq goes, if I thought the cats could be effectively herded, even for a short while, I would be delighted to accept the wingunt narrative that we won. Just to see what argument they would use for keeping 140,000 combat troops in a country where the war is over and we won…



Tell that Spellcheck to bacdafucup. Jubilate, from the Latin verb jubilare.

glorified jughound

Just to see what argument they would use for keeping 140,000 combat troops in a country where the war is over and we won…

Well, cuz a the North Iraqeans across the river with their crazy dictator n’ their nucular missiles…

Oh, wait.

Herr Doktor Bimler

Ardbeg 10-YO. ‘Nuff said.

Arky Horse Whipper of Cthulu

Just to see what argument they would use for keeping 140,000 combat troops in a country where the war is over and we won…

To protect the oil!

To make sure the Iraqi government honors its “agreement” to pay for the war with a few zillion barrels of crude.

To render humanitarian aid, of course!


Over? Did you say “over?” Nothing is over until we I decide it is!

– George “Bluto” Bush


Gawd-fearing, invented by a holy man, made of new world corn: Bourbon, the American whiskey!! Less distance travelled, it’s green, no money going to Scrooge McDuck in Scotland, & lately there’s better than Wild Turkey™ high proof bourbon. Mixes well w/ ice & water, too!!

Johnny Coelacanth

“Arky Horse Whipper of Cthulu said,”

Snerk, I saw that as “Horse Whisperer of Cthulu.” Giddy up go, fthagn!


Wild Turkey 100, straight out the bottle.

Tastes like Iraqean Victory.

Bourbon County provides some other choices though.


I’m in complete favor of declaring victory if it means soldiers can come home. I wouldn’t care if Bush wasted my tax dollars flying to the Mission Double Accomplished ceremony in the goddamn Millenium Falcon and I had to listen to Rush scream, “we won we won, nana boo boo!” for the next 20 years.

Anything to prevent this happening to more americans:



I want to know why Bush thought that pictures with disfigured war vets would do anything positive for his war policy.

Not that I’m complaining. Those pictures are an absolute godsend in this snapshot-obsessed world—they put the criminal and his victim(s) side by side.


Time to bring ’em home! I mean, what other conclusion could follow?

Victory! Tastes like salmon in the morning.

Moonie Times. ‘Nuff said.


Hey, mikey! Ever read any Trevanian?

One of my all-time fictional heroes drinks Laphroaig, exclusively.

Great character. Jonathan Hemlock. For those who haven’t read Trevanian, and like their smart fiction, consider Shibumi.

Which doesn’t even have Hemlock in it, but will tempt you to find him.


“This is why the leftists and communists want to get out now before vicotry is declared – this time on an even bigger ship”.

Yep, this time when we jettison the helicopters to make room for the refugees, it’ll be on a much larger carrier.


Hey, John. Wow.

If you click my mikey linky you will go to my blog where you can see my email address. It has always been that address, since Usenet, because I always wanted to live in a church.

It seems we share an all-time fictional hero…



Herr Doktor Bimler: Bossy doesn’t pay much attention to most things, so: right, no.


I hereby declare mikey to be the smartest guy on this blog, other than the proprietors, of course.


Yay! We WON!! Told you so!


Jubilate: Jubilation.
Caliphate — Caliphation!


I get Gary less than usual. What ship?


Aitch Dub: The one on which he’ll be making his second big “Mission Accomplished” show. This time it’ll be an an oil tanker, carrying the first load of stolen oil to refineries in Texas.


Hysterical Woman, I think he’s trying to refer to the surrender of the Japanese on the deck of the USS Missouri in 1945. You know, the standard wingnut meme that every war is WWII.

Johnny Coelacanth

“I hereby declare mikey to be the smartest guy on this blog, other than the proprietors, of course.”

As much as it threatens my little-boy prodigy ego to say it, I think you’re right. That man should write a book. Why he doesn’t have a top ranked blog I don’t know. Probably the man, keeping him down. Or the booze. Ok, the booze.


The booze-man?


I think of these young heroes who today are making victory in Iraq possible what Ronald Reagan said of and to the men who climbed the cliffs at Normandy’s Pointe de Hoc (quoting Stephen Spender): “You are men who in your lives fought for life — and left the vivid air signed with your honor.”

Cue the Ramones…Bonzo Goes to Bitburg!


I got tired of people biting me & slapping me

Oh no, I don’t think these are returnable! Winter Secular Holiday is ruined, ruined!


Yo, Johnny, I was a little-boy prodigy, too.

Alas, I wasted all that talent trying to get out of Poorville, thus prostituting myself to The Man.

It’s a livin’.

And, in my defense, my own personal The Man knows very well by now to tread softly upon me. My lawsuit threat over a complete bureaucratic clusterfuck on my Man’s part sealed that already pretty-much sealed deal.

Someday, I’ll publish the bullshit, and you’ll all have a laugh.

Smiling Mortician

I get Gary less than usual.

As for me, Hysterical Woman, I’d count my blessings. Just sayin’.


“…as the postwar period ever glides seamlessly into the new prewar period.”

We will soon always have been fighting over how to define ‘vicotry’ in East Iraqiranistanasia!

Not that I advocate violence — I have a good Irish name, and you KNOW how much we Celts hate violence — but in the interest of science, I say we whack the next wingnut warrior pontificator across the teeth with a much bigger ship — er, baseball bat — and see if it has any effect on the quality of his bloviation. I’d guess we’d get a momentary ‘deer in the headlamps’ response, followed by a near-instantaneous return to pitiably inane blathering.


In the meantime, I debate. Should I pay sixty bucks for the fifteen year? Should I go for the Wimpy but acceptable Bowmore, or the astringent, but not in a good way Lagavulin?

see the malt marketing guys have snared you, Mikey, amzng to think it was only 15 years or so ago, that the distillers thought; “.. fuck it, put the same shit is a nicer bottle, put an individual number on it and a picture of some glen or piper, or something, and they’ll pay an extra 20 bucks for it”. personally, i only thought the americans and various euro malt drinkers would fall for it, but even in Scotland, the shelves are heaving with strange looking bottles at 50 or 60 quid each,

sigh, me, I’ll just stick to Oban,

Herr Doktor Bimler

Shun the malt-mystique unbeliever! Shuuuun him!


Dunno – he claims to follow Oban, who, while not redolent of the peat, is certainly comfortably within the single-malt ethos.


pedestrian said,

November 14, 2007 at 23:07

This is why the leftists and communists want to get out now before vicotry is declared – this time on an even bigger ship.

With a much larger codpiece

…who will be wearing a flight suit again! (rim shot)


(comments are closed)