Now that Sadly, No! is officially the funniest blog around…*

….we figure the time is right to switch to penis jokes as the main source of comedy. From today’s BILD newspaper:

While this may not quite achieve the level of “Headless body found in topless bar,” the accompanying article does go for the, well, something:

Now that’s journamalism. *


Comments: 37


Oh sure, now you’re trying to win best ‘foreign’ blog too.


I guess James Hudnall was right about this being a German blog.


Doodle Bean: I personally find it much more appropriate for him to be doing that sort of thing in court than at a girls’ soccer match.

Why must artists always struggle so?


I don’t get it.


It’s ingenious 🙂

(whee, new post!)


Hmm, maybe this guy has some answers


People in Idaho sure speak funny.

Or is this one of those coded messages?


Are you ready for some SOCCER?!


Then again, I’ve always been a fan of Argentina …


Who knew Gucci made such fashionable penis protectors?


I don’t get it.

Here’s Raphael Honigstein of the Guardian’s Sport Blog:

Stuttgart’s striker was trying to head the ball but almost missed it completely. Somehow it bounced off his groin area and into Bayern Munich goalkeeper Oliver Kahn’s net. Asked to locate the exact body part later on, Gomez was a little embarrassed. “Somewhere between the thighs and the belly,” he volunteered gingerly. “Bollocks,” thought all those who had seen the goal – but they were wrong. When pushed further, the slightly flustered striker admitted using his “middle-thing”. “It’s big and it was hurting,” he smiled.



Of course, if you don’t want your opponent to get anywhere near the ball, this is one tactic sure to work …


I knew winning the funniest blog honor would go to your head. I just didn’t realize which head it would go to.


Of course, if you don’t want your opponent to get anywhere near the ball, this is one tactic sure to work.

Or to distract the opponent during a corner.


“Bollocks,” thought all those who had seen the goal – but they were wrong. When pushed further, the slightly flustered striker admitted using his “middle-thing”. “It’s big and it was hurting,” he smiled.

Entendre O.D.


That’s why you take Celis instead of Viagra. When the moments right…


I thought this was the funkiest blog around.

I’m outta here.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

HumboldtBlue said,
November 12, 2007 at 22:30

Hmm, maybe this guy has some answers

That one’s priceless, and that Gucci one was a fine bit of photoshopping. The line of arseholes? Not so much.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

“It’s big and it was hurting,” he smiled.

I’m sure it was, sailor, I’m sure it was. Good lord, where’s Dick Emery when you need him?


This is off-topic, but it’s something that all right-thinking Americans should be aware of.

After carefully combing through Ann Althouse’s latest comments I have found that Sadly, No is unscrupulous, lame, sexist, hateful, shameful, ugly, sexist, trashy, unethical, asinine, malicious, destructive, hateful, confusing, harmful, sexist, hateful, shameful, sexist, shameful, sexist, hateful, despicable, despicable, filth-ridden, low, sexist, hateful, evil, sexist, trivializing, sexist, shameful, sexist, trivializing, unclean, unintelligent, shameful, chauvinistic, piggish, sexist, troubling, confusing, sexist, shameful, false, indecent, abysmal, unethical, sexist, trashy, ass-covering, grasping, unfunny, down-dragging, fearful, delusional, sleazy, hateful, confusing, confusing, subjective, indecent, shameful, shameful, sexist, bullshitters, candyass, phony, out-of-date, and illiterate.

Also, SN’s reputation is shot to hell, its comments sections are cesspools, and it’s not respectable. Furthermore, it attempts to defend women whose websites are festooned with breasts.


There’s always this classic from the 2002 World Cup…(NSFW)

hence the reason I root for Brasil


Well thank god we’re not knuckle-dragging. I was worried about that.


Festooned is such a nice word.


A little bit of blogwhoring:

I love this sort of thing; it just goes to show that however hilarious the German I can cook up is, the Germans have me beat on it. DIESES TOR WAR GENI(T)AL


Festooned is such a nice word.

It works well with breasts, doesn’t it? Of course, you could also have ‘bursting at the seams with breasts’ or ‘smothered with breasts’ or even ‘groaning under the weight of breasts’.


Well, if given a choice of something with which to be festooned, breasts would be near the top of my list. Unless they were attached to me and not to women who were otherwise attached to me. That would be less than optimal. Festooned would still be a great word, however.


‘groaning under the weight of breasts’.

I’m pretty sure that was part of my wedding vows…


Herr Doktor Bimler

Furthermore, it attempts to defend women whose websites are festooned with breasts.
Um, could someone remind me of the link?

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Furthermore, it attempts to defend women whose websites are festooned with breasts.

I love the image here: it conjures pictures reminiscent of primary school classrooms, with pictures sprayed on the window in Santa Snow or whatever they called it (in Oz, the only white that happens at Christmas is the froth on the beer), rooms criss-crossed with those colourful paper chains that teachers encourage kids to make.

Except breasts. And given the way primary-schoolers make things, the breasts would be all skew-wiff and wibbly-wobbly, but still in gaudy primary colours, and probably swaying in the gentle breeze from the open window (which, at least when I was a kitten) was the sole method of heat reduction available in the summer. Well, that and pleated paper fans.

Hey, a thought: pleated paper breasts to keep you cool in summer! That’s a guaranteed winner! Now, which way to the patent office?


When pushed further, the slightly flustered striker admitted using his “middle-thing”. “It’s big and it was hurting,” he smiled.

Regardless of its size and its relative throbbing, as long as the “middle-thing” doesn’t have four fingers and a thumb attached to it, it’s legal.


Um, could someone remind me of the link?

I had to venture back into the eerie, deserted vastness of the Hudnall thread to find it, but here it is.


BILD: When you need teh jouranlistic qualities of Fox News on print.

Herr Doktor Bimler

I had to venture back into the eerie, deserted vastness of the Hudnall thread to find it, but here it is.
Ah. I was imagining something like this.


I had to venture back into the eerie, deserted vastness of the Hudnall thread to find it, but here it is.

Note that Althouse deleted a post after the last long SN thingie that essentially said “whoops, there were a lot of typos in there, therefore you win”; I guess the function of said deletion is to make Althouse’s comeback look better somehow. Weird.


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