Shorter Charles Krauthammer

The Struggle for Pakistan’s Future

ABOVE LEFT: Charles Krauthammer is a 1987 Pulitzer
Prize winner, 1984 National Magazine Award winner
and a columnist for The Washington Post since 1985.

  • Lovely word, ‘democracy.’

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.


Comments: 60


It’s a long downfield pass. But Musharraf never consulted us on the choice of plays.

Senor Repollo de Martillo is too kind with his analogies.

Granted, Coach Cheney’s been secretly videoing the other team’s huddles from the sideline. But Commissioner Chimpy knew nothing, NOTHING about the team’s chronic steroid abuse, and was completely out of the loop. Out of the loop, I tells ya.


Wow, it’s awesome to think how instrumental Reagan was in bringing democracy to the Phillipines and [back] to Chile. It’s almost like some big powerful government had been supporting those dictators before Reagan saved the whole world again.


Pointing and laughing at him only encourages him don’t ya know.


The fact is, liberals want to blame this on Bush, when it is likely qood thing to stop terrorism and support freedom. At least they are not developing an Islamic bomb there.


wow, Gary’s incoherence has achieved new heights today. Gary, am I hearing you correctly? Are you saying Pakistan doesn’t have The Bomb?

Oh, wait – the Atomic bomb is OK, its the Islamic Bomb we have to look out for.

Cause when it goes off, we all suddenly feel a compulsion to kneel and bow towards Mecca.


Pinochet called for the 1988 plebiscite because he was convinced he would win.


Gary during your daily capitulations to George do you kneel toward Crawford or Milton?


You dropped a bomb on me, Bhutto. Next on the hit parade – I shot Musharraf.


Juan Cole on Ron Paul

Here’s the money shot:

I don’t think Ron Paul would have run well in 2000, after Bill Clinton had demonstrated the ways in which government could contribute to our prosperity and well-being. Indeed, it was so important for the Right to destroy Clinton precisely because he did make government relatively effective and popular.

Ron Paul’s popularity does not derive only from his opposition to the Iraq War. It derives from the sanity of the American people, who love liberty and reject Bushism. The opposite of fascism is not democracy but anarchy.



Its true, by suspending the constitution Musharraf insured the Islamo-facisists wouldn’t take over the country. If they did they would have the bomb which cannot be allowed.


So, when are we gonna get to see a pic with this guy at the bottom of the stairs?


you know, I went to the link, but I couldn’t stay, because pat boone was staring at me.


Gary and Walter are right, Musharraf did what is in the best interest of his country and the world by preventing the Islamo-facsists from taking over Pakistan. Thats all we need, a nuclear armed terrorist state.


OT: One slightly disappointing thing about Sadly, No is this: There is some really great LOCAL wingnuttery all across the country in small conservative newspapers that will never be available to Sadly, No readers because it’s not online. Some of it is, I’m sure, but I know my local conservative rag does not post more than a handful of the homegrown rants of the local columnists.

(A friend of mine told me that they the columnists are very popular among the drooling knuckledraggers of the area, so they omit them from the Web version in order to get them to buy the paper. God, I wish you could see the letters! It’s like Free Republic in print, cleaned up a bit out of concern for libel and scaring the children.)

They do, however, publish the unsigned editorial from every day’s paper. These never hit the insane heights of the columnists, but they can still be a source of fun for people -like myself – who get a get out of monitoring blatant conservative b.s.

A recent offering was about Sarkozy, and the gist of the editorial seemed to be that the socialist tide is turning for the better in Europe:

We constantly are told by people on the political left that the rest of the world hates America, and it’s all George Bush’s fault. We don’t doubt that people on the left around the world hate America and George Bush, but Sarkozy’s election begs the question: If the French hate us so much, why did they elect a president who openly campaigned on his fondness for America and on his promise to reform the French system to do away with failed social programs and rely more on capitalism like – well, like America does? Why did the voters reject Socialist Party candidate Segolene Royal?

I read that and I shook my head vigorously a moment, trying to see if I read it right. Only “people on the political left” are always saying that the world hates America? Those mean lefties! If they would just stop saying it, then all thoe people who around the world who hate us – and I admit they hate us, even though no one on the right has ever actually said that – would stop hating us!

And we all know Sarkozy is about to abandon the five weeks of vacation and the universal health care! Because he knows that’s what it takes to be more like America!

I should probably stop here, but Bill O’Reilly’s latest column was so stupid that I wonder if Mallard FIllmore is subbing this week. He’s going on about NBC hiring Rosie O’Donnell as a show host. He puckishly asks, Wasn’t Hugo Chavez available?

Ha ha.

Then he goes on and lists a bunch of new show ideas for NBC. Including:

Are You Smarter Than Al Gore?
A quiz program with a global warming theme. Sample question: If a polar bear is forced to leave Barrow, Alaska because of melting icebergs, and that bear can travel seven miles per hour, how long will it take him to reach San Francisco?

Gah! Don’t these people know that jokes are supposed to be funny? This is like “What if Ed Wood was a conservative columnist?” It puts me in mind of one of the really bad episodes of South Park.

And then there’s the sheer gall of Bill O’Reilly questioning anybody’s choice for the host of a show.

Got that out of my system. Thx.


The fact is, liberals want to blame this on Bush, when it is likely qood thing to stop terrorism and support freedom.

“…it is likely Qood thing…”. I work with quite a few people from India, and if I didn’t know better that Gary’s a Carolina-dwelling youth-delinquency-contributing robot, I’d say he’s sitting in a cubicle with a talking points and phrase manual in Bangalore.


Its true, by suspending the constitution Musharraf insured the Islamo-facisists wouldn’t take over the country.

Yes, those Islamonazicommunihomofascinistas have been itching all along to get that man out of the PM office and most importantly get that exalted WOman back in there. There just couldn’t be any other explanation; our resident Pakistan political experts have spoken.


So, when are we gonna get to see a pic with this guy at the bottom of the stairs?

Here is the entire scene.



Its true, by suspending the constitution Musharraf insured the Islamo-facisists wouldn’t take over the country.

Just like our CIA-installed puppet, the Shah of Iran. How’d that work out for us?


The fault of that was Jimmy Carter I believe, one of your LeftWing Dieties. You Leftwing Wackos need to get your facts straight!


The fault of that was Jimmy Carter I believe, one of your LeftWing Dieties.

He’s actually in pretty great shape.


Jimmy Carter installed the Shah of Iran?

Wingnutz. They just don’t get any.


Walter, your facts are incredible. Dhimmi Carter had a perfect opportunity to invade Iran right after Vietnam. What a pussy!


Whoever thought it was funny to use my name and likeness to post at this blog without my express permission will not be laughing when I sue your ISP into non-existence.

[Note: This is not Ann Althouse -Teh Mgmt]


“Its true, by suspending the constitution Musharraf insured the Islamo-facisists wouldn’t take over the country.”

Benazir Bhutto is an Islamo-Fascist? And I guess brutally cracking down on all who oppose an increasingly unpopular Dictators rule has never back fired (Reza Pahlavi) or anything.


Whoever thought it was funny

Whoever thought it was funny=Everyone-1


“The fault of that was Jimmy Carter I believe . . .” But then you still believe the democracy fairy is coming to trade that rotten old molar called Iraq for a shiny new quarter. How do you think Saddam Hussein got his job anyway, Wally? You know “blowback” is more than just a courtesy extended by Republicans in public restrooms.


Not the Islamic bomb! It’ll make everyone Islamic! Then we’ll have to argue over who the proper successor is to Mohammad instead of which Grey’s Anatomy character is the hottest!


“The fault of that was Jimmy Carter I believe, one of your LeftWing Dieties.”

Jimmy Carter was president in 1953?


I, Victor Mature, am warning that whoever thought it was funny to use my name and likeness to post at this blog without my express permission will not be laughing when I sue your ISP into non-existence.


Oh, wait – the Atomic bomb is OK, its the Islamic Bomb we have to look out for.

Cause when it goes off, we all suddenly feel a compulsion to kneel and bow towards Mecca.

Maybe this is why the USAF saw the need for a “Gay Bomb.” While the enemy was busy gettin’ busy, they’d neglect to pray (‘cos them hom’sectyoualls iz all atheists) and Allah would be like “Fuck you guys for fucking instead of worshiping Me,” and stop protecting them so the military could sweep in and kick their asses.

Seriously, what is with Craphammer? Does he sit down at his computer and think “Oh joy! Time to make a complete ass of myself again. What can I write about today that will flaunt my bottomless ignorance in the most stunning way possible?”

And every time he does it, the comments section in the Washington Post on-line overfloweth with the scorn of the readers. I’m beginning to think that even the neocons who aren’t into diapers, bathroom stalls, barely legal men, stockings, hookers, wet suits and frozen hamburger* all have a Mental BDSM fetish. They get off on people telling them to fuck off so telling Krautpounder he’s a dumb ass is … Well it’s kind of like giving him a hand job.

Shit, must wash hands.

*I made that last one up. Or at least I haven’t heard anything.


Gah. I just went to Althouse’s blog and it was like watching in horror while a train wreck took place. Did you know she’s got a whole post about public hair?

Is she still in NYC? Or have they sent her back to the wilds?


While the excellent Photoshop job at the top of the post slightly strikes me as distasteful in a general sense, I remind myself that Krauthammer gets paid to constantly advocate the additional deaths of perhaps many tens of thousands of people, and he will never stop. He’ll use his considerable megaphones to scream for more and more preemptive war.

The fucker violates the Hippocratic oath every time he opens his lipless mouth.


That is so deliciously sick. You guys should get some kind of web award for funniest blog or something….


“That is so deliciously sick.”

Isn’t it? Most brilliant S,N! photoshop ever. It’s just to perfect.


So Ann, have you given up your teaching job to go to work for the Very Large New York Law Firm?

Or did you just leave them a message that you’d like to retain them?

If the latter, when they finish laughing their asses off, they will simply delete the message. What they are NOT gonna do is call you back.

Er, except maybe on speaker. You know, for additional giggles..



Gary, saul and Ann Althouse! It’s a trifecta of idiocy.

Wally, you need to put in the hours first.


I think Ann’s only ever posted here twice, which precipitated much hilarity. It’s too much to ask for an actual Althouse post.


Is Walter Fergesen any relation to Turd?

Turd Fergesen. It’s a funny name.



Ron Paul’s popularity does not derive only from his opposition to the Iraq War. It derives from the sanity of the American people, who love liberty and reject Bushism. The opposite of fascism is not democracy but anarchy.

Interesting analysis on the part of Cole. I think he may very well be right. This may be why I don’t really support Paul. I forsee that, in an anarchy, I’d quite likely end up dead or enslaved.

Has anyone seen the latest discussion/dissection of Paul at Orcinus?


Lord Action: What, the Sadly, No!-sians don’t have their hands full with the national/international wingnuttery?!

I know what you mean about local news, though. The letter-writers and “newspaper” editors in my neck o’ the woods make asshats like Krauthammer sound sane.


“I’d say he’s sitting in a cubicle with a talking points and phrase manual in Bangalore.”

If so, I’d like to wish him a happy and prosperous Diwali.


Gary and Walter and Saul are teh stupid. The Islamists are far more tight with the Pakistani military — which created or at least midwifed the Taliban — than with the opposition to Musharraf, which is secular and democratic and spearheaded by lawyers, for Mohammed’s sake! Whatever you may think of lawyers, they tend to be for the rule of law, and that don’t mean shari’a!


Krauthammer didn’t say anything in that piece at all. If I could sum it up it would be “we’ve got to figure out the best course of action – then take it!”

The funny thing about the whole “Democracy is good only some of the time” line of reasoning is that it contradicts all his writings about Iraq previously, and the neo-con line in general, which is that more democracy = more happy happy.

Either democracy is inherently superior or it isn’t. It can’t be both.

Qetesh the Abyssinian

You win this thread, for the ag-ed song reference,


yall talk about democracy like Bush really meant it…
I am sorry for reposting this from the previous tread:
losing 3,000+ American lives, making invalids of another 10K, wasting close to $1T, all on the idea of bringing democracy to the Middle East, and then to say, “well, what’s so great about democracy? quality time at home (arrest) is what’s important”…
But what’s the news here? Remember, this whole “democracy in the middle east” only became the meme after the WMD and the AQ links got debunked. Why would anyone think that it would last?

Putting up a front that is blatantly inconsistent with reality and with their own previous statements and rationales has been the hallmark of this Administration. And that’s not just about the war; remember, after Katrina, N.O. had the look of a cheap “Earth-being-destryed-by-Martians-and-all-hell-breaks-lose” movie he came up with “heckuva job Brownie”… How is that different from “Pervez is not so bad, yo”?

it’s in human nature, though, that such behaviour elicits very strong reaction. See, after a few thousand years of civilization, humans have generally adopted the notion that adherence to neutral reality and to someone’s own proclamations is kind of needed for normal social functioning. If you fail on that, that’s OK, but you need to make some acknowledgement of being wrong.

That’s the whole genesis of the Bush Derangement Syndrom. It’s really simple, you can experiment it at home, for example: borrow you S.O.s I-pod and delete all their songs. Then look at them in the eyes and say, “no I didn’t”, and then say “besides these songs were not good for you, anyway”, and then top it off with “you still have an I-pod, what are you complaining about?” Then watch what kind of reaction you will get.

That’s what it is, really. There is some buzz going around about a liberal radio-host (forgot the name) that said he had violent thoughts when watching ScotMcclelan/Snow/DanaPerrino. The right is trying to milk it again (O’Reilly had a piece), to show how deranged these people are. It has worked in the past, however, things maybe changing. Watch Bush approval ratings: the 30% is not going to go lower, that’s the hard core; however, The other 70% are shifting noticeably from “somewhat disaprove” to “strongly disaprove” with “strongly disap” now over 50%. The country is getting angrier…


…I sue your ISP into non-existence

Gerbils don’t have pockets, good luck with teh suit.


Well, y’know Krassen, I’m wondering about the zeitgeist myself.

I’m an infernal optimist. I learned a long time ago that I can be kind of therapeutic in my ability to move the clinically depressed to homicidal wroth by being a completely Pollyanish git.

And I’ve been kind of down this week wondering, “What the fuck? How many more wheels have to fall off the fucking wagon before the conversation starts moving towards, ‘Wow! All the wheels have fallen off the fucking wagon!'”

Or maybe it’s just the dry spell (not water) here in NoFlo that’s got me off my feed. [See, that’s the kind of thing I do that really drives people spare.]


thats a pretty disgusting article. Especially the part about how USA intervention in Latin America is now “vindicated”. As if letting thousands die to a monster like Pinochet was only a small cost. But I guess in Krauthammer’s mind, thousands of dead Chileans and others is a small cost.


Its true, by suspending the constitution Musharraf insured the Islamo-facisists

Sweet Lord Soros, I had no idea that the old constitution barred Islamofacisists from getting insurance! Why, liability for the Nurembemberg Rally alone must have given Osama an ulcer.


Was Truman Capote Krauthammer’s date for that night?


I see the resemblance, but it’s Richard Widmark in his film debut. He sho’ nuff played a good psycho throughout his career.

Michael Harrington

“But I guess in Krauthammer’s mind, thousands of dead Chileans and others is a small cost.”

Post hoc ergo propter hoc is a staple of neocon “reasoning”, as is from-a-distance minimalizing of the human suffering they put into motion.



It’s been a tough week in terms of Freepers and other trolls coming over to plant nasty stuff in comments, so I apologize, but I’m being a bit vigilant in moderating things that even seem to rub up against the basic no-assholishness policy (see posted policy re: personal info, threats, and all that).

Althouse is having another of her hissies about people using her name. Our reply, every time she does this, includes the fact that anyone is allowed to use anyone’s name they want here, if it’s done as satire and not maliciously — e.g., not as a way to fool people into thinking that somebody is saying things that they’re not really saying.

She seems determined to misunderstand this, which is fine, but I think it’s a good idea to restate it here, so that any new people who come by will know how things customarily work, etc.

Just a note in passing. G-


How can can anyone use my name, Ann Althouse, without pretending to be me, Ann Althouse? I know that you all secretly want to be me all the time, but you will never have my sharp wit and formidable breasts.


My wine glass is very vaginal. Va-gin-al.


Gavin, where do you live?


You mean Ann Althouse is concerned that the batshit crazy, narcisistic, delusional twaddle posted here under the name of Ann Althouse is genuine sounding enough that people will think it’s really her?

Geez. I’m astounded that she is ever sober enough to find her way to the keyboard.

(Or am I getting her mixed up with Debbie Schlussel?)


jcobble said,
November 11, 2007 at 15:08
Yea, sure Saddam had no links to terror; you should see the stuff on his WMD, just hilarious.

jcobble posts four links, the bottom two I didn’t bother with as the function of those two seems pretty obviously political. The second’s to what seems to be a Brent Bozell-related outfit, and he’s stupid. I was interested in the first, as I think Frontline does a pretty decent job. From the right-hand margin of that link:

[Editor’s Note, November 2005: More than two years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, there has been no verification of Khodada’s account of the activities at Salman Pak. In fact, U.S. officials have now concluded that Salman Pak was most likely used to train Iraqi counter-terrorism units in anti-hijacking techniques. It should also be noted that he and other defectors interviewed for this report were brought to FRONTLINE’s attention by the Iraqi National Congress (INC), a dissident organization that was working to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Since the original broadcast, Khodada has not publicly addressed questions that have been raised about his account of activities at Salman Pak.]


The second’s to what seems to be a Brent Bozell-related outfit, and he’s stupid.

You must like Brent Bozell a lot to come to such a generous conclusion.


Good old Charlie the Kraut Hammer.

What a complete loon.


(comments are closed)