Last-Minute Vote Haggis

Apropos the Weblog awards (which end today), Tim Lambert sends word that the anti-global-warming buffoons are lining up to defeat an actual science blog:

Junkscience endorses Climate Audit

Steve Milloy‘s Junk Science has now endorsed Climate Audit in the Weblog Awards, telling readers to vote for Climate Audit instead of JunkScience. I know that the we shouldn’t take the awards seriously, but other people will. Phil Plait’s Bad Astronomy is a much better science blog and the best chance for beating them. Please vote for Bad Astronomy. You can vote once every 24 hours.

There’s nothing wrong with shifting votes (ahemhem), but Tim is being quite gentlemanly in not mentioning that Steve Milloy is six bags of douche.

Army of Dude could also use a boost in the Best Military Blog category. Alex is home from fighting in Iraq, and is in second place behind the right-wing journalist Michael Yon.


Comments: 61


I’ve been voting for Army of Dude all along, but I think you might be mistaken. Alex has returned from Iraq, and has blogged about his homecoming. Hope he continues to give us the inside view of his life in the Army.


[making correction] Thanks!


BA is now a thousand votes behind, after having steadily led by a few hundred votes for days. Bah, humbug.

Smiling Mortician

Huh. The correction shows up once I click on comments, but on the main page it still says Alex is in Iraq.

In other news, I haven’t been able to get into the voting pages at the weblog awards for about a day now.


Probably a reload-page vs. refresh-page thing. Does it change when you refresh?


I can’t get to the weblogs page either.


2007, The Year the Weblog Awards Died.
I haven’t seen anything this sad since Prodigy went belly-up.


You’re wrong on several counts: Alex is not Iraq. Mike Yon is.
Mike Yon is not a right wing blogger.
He supports the troops efforts in Iraq and has been a vocal critic of Bush & Co. Just like Alex.


I thought it was incredibly lame that the didn’t list Riverbend among the best blogs about Iraq. Made me have less respect for the whole enterprise.


Thanks for the hat tip! Thankfully, I’m not in Iraq as Von Zeppelin said!


Mike Yon is not a right wing blogger.

Um, yes he is. Seriously, what are you talking about? Is ‘Mike Yon’ a different person from ‘Michael Yon,’ the right-wing blogger? Is it like, you’ve found some kid in Tuscaloosa with the name ‘Mike Yon,’ and therefore your statement is true?

Seriously now.

He supports the troops efforts in Iraq and has been a vocal critic of Bush & Co. Just like Alex.

Yon supports the war, unlike Alex, who supports the troops’ efforts.



There is a whole bunch of lameness with the Weblogs this year. Too much to list, actually.

That’s why I’m just focusing on taking it away from that turd PJ, the psychopath Malkin(s) and the reprehensible Hot Air and pretty much ignoring the rest.

Although I will go and help out Bad Astronomy now.


Speaking of tech issues with Weblog Awards, I keep getting a
message that I had voted less than 24 hrs. ago. Am I paranoid
or has my computer been hijacked?


Even in categories I’ve never voted in.


I think that’s been happening a lot. Let me check the message boards over there…

Smiling Mortician

I finally got in to vote a few minutes ago — couldn’t get in at all yesterday, though. Sounds like that was common . . . and yeah, Gavin, it was probably a reload/refresh thing. Thanks. Oh, and also —

Alex is not Iraq. Mike Yon is

I wondered who Iraq was. Thanks for clearing that up.


I love Steve Milloy’s web site. It makes me feel so good inside. If only it wasn’t a series of specious arguments.


This all reminds me of an MSNBC poll I saw about 5 years ago. The poll question was “would you trust Internet voting?” More than two thirds of the poll respondents voted no.

Or did they?


Its very likely their SQL database is getting a little long in the tooth.

Its having to do compares for 4 days now. That takes some horsepower under the hood and a really big harddrive.


The already-voted problem is supposed to have something to do with computers that are running privacy software. Could that be it?


I voted for Bad Astronomy because they have the best chance of overtaking the stupid people, but why the hell Pharyngula isn’t winning is beyond me. I love PZ.

And I hate that Little Green Snotwads is beating Kos.

Also, Huffington Post is in second place, a little ahead of Malkin. I’d like to see HuffPo’s second place lead widen a bit. It’s not my favorite blog, but still . . . Arianna beating Malkin ought to really ruin MM’s day.

Voted for Army of Dude as well.


Wow. A funny blog in the funniest category that’s actually funny

The awards are more professional in a perverse way than they have been in the past, but does Dooce need another award?

Should people with book contracts be in the same category as people who blog for fun?

I have privacy software and get the already voted, but if I come back one time I can vote

I do have a vested interest. Am making a last ditch effort for Cooper, Wonderland or Not in the 3501-5000 Technorati

She’s getting trounced and it’s not a fair fight. She’s politically incorrect, though conceptually fragile and to the left. Young, thinks for herself and is a wonderful blogger and person


Thanks for the look-see, Gavin. It worked fine for a few days and then all of a sudden yesterday I couldn’t vote. I thought if someone was so self-unaware and desperate that he would solicit votes from out-of-his-league-receptionists, hacking might not be out of the question.



PJ with mad skillz?!? Puh-LEEEZE!


Some people at Free Republic have been trying to hack the system for a couple of days now. Luckily, they’ve been dumb enough to post updates on their progress.

Johnny Coelacanth

“Some people at Free Republic have been trying to hack the system for a couple of days now.”

Oh, you terrible leftwing lying moonbat! That’s just a proof of concept and no good conservative freeper would EVAR use it, unlike the dirty unhinged islomalovers like yourself. What is your problem, Mr. Cheat-to-win-an-award-you-say-you-don’t-care-about-anyway? Don’t you know you lost when you started to win? You failed when it was clear you were going to succeed?


Yeah, I noticed that. How dumb do you have to be to use a site’s forum to discuss how you are messing up the site’s intent?

But I guess they’ll just say it was clever misdirection or something.

On another subject, I finally got my quarterly mega-report submitted to our fair Commonwealth. This is the message when all the pieces are finally logged by their servers,

“Congratulations! Your report is now officially submitted, and is no longer editable.”

For some reason, it makes me smile. “Congratulations! If you made a mistake, you are now officially screwed!!”


Like the members at DU, the SN members are Marxists and they subdivide under the various subsets of that ideology; socialist, communist, fascist, etc…. They subscribe to all the various conspiracy theories regarding 9-11 (Explosive charges in the tower, missle hit the Pentagon, Flight 93 was shot down, WTC7 was pulled, MIHOP, LIHOP, etc); believe Jews are out to take over the world via PNAC; believe the elections of 2000, 2002, and 2004 were stolen; believe that in 2008 Bush is going to declare “Marshall Law” (their spelling, not mine) and suspend the election; just to name a few.[/blockquote]

Yeah, I’d say that’s a pretty decent description of this filthy, dirty, disgusting, filthy, filthy website. You should be ashamed.


Also, I should be ashamed of getting my italics tags right but completely fucking up the blockquotes. I must report to Paymaster Soros for my spanking.


I must report to Paymaster Soros for my spanking.

This is torture and Soros won’t abide it. You will be shot by Bill Clinton at dawn.


Yes, they are trying to hack the vote, and they are up 1500 votes since last night. But it was ME who posted it at the site’s msg board, not them. Strangely, the freepers don’t seem to want to talk about it. None of them have chimed in to defend themselves. Too busy “voting”, I guess.


Alex is not Iraq. Mike Yon is

I am spartakus.

Actually, if Mike Yon is Iraq, what is Alex?

And I get to be Mill Valley…



Oh! Oh! I call dibs on the French Riviera!


Sorry for this but if anyone was hoping to be Brazil, Hitch has beaten you to it:

Be thankful Graydon Carter isn’t your boss. The Vanity Fair honcho ordered columnist Christopher Hitchens to get a makeover for the October issue, after which Hitchens felt more like a POW than well-kempt gentleman. The Brit endured six hours of dental rejuvenation and some manscaping thanks to a “sack, back and crack” wax. Says Hitchens: “The combined effect was like being tortured for information you do not possess.”


N.C. – who are you quoting? Is that our dear friend PJ, or is it some other genius?


OMG we are so not going there.

Herr Doktor Bimler

I think it is perfectly fair that each of the voices in my head should get its own vote.


Crap! Now I have to figure out what subset I belong to: socialist, communist, fascist, etc…

I think I’m going to definitely suggest going with ‘etc’. It might just be the only thing that fits.


Like the members at DU, the SN members are Marxists and they subdivide under the various subsets of that ideology; socialist, communist, fascist, etc…. They subscribe to all the various conspiracy theories regarding 9-11 (Explosive charges in the tower, missle hit the Pentagon, Flight 93 was shot down, WTC7 was pulled, MIHOP, LIHOP, etc); believe Jews are out to take over the world via PNAC; believe the elections of 2000, 2002, and 2004 were stolen; believe that in 2008 Bush is going to declare “Marshall Law” (their spelling, not mine) and suspend the election; just to name a few

Wow. That is fantastically drumb. Give that boy a Medved award.


MIHOP? Maryland Internation House of Prayer? Michigan International House of Pancakes? What?!


MIHOP? Maryland Internation House of Prayer? Michigan International House of Pancakes? What?!

Muslims Inseminating Helpless Obese Pedestrians
Monstrous Insects Hovering Over Peoria
Mongolians In Hotpants Ovulating Proudly


MIHOP–contraction of Michigan Hop, a seldom used local term for the polka.


Err, I’m probably the closest thing to a “Marxist” this place has, AFAIK. I do think I’ve seen one other commenter identifying as such before, but I honestly can’t recall who. I don’t think I could tell you the politics of most of the other regs, aside from a really vague “progressive” label.

As far as the writers around here go, Brad’s indicated before that he’s a sort of leftish-libertarian type, HTML’s something of a Labour-Farmer populist, and I couldn’t tell you anything about the politics of any of the other writers, aside from the once again really vague “progressive” label. Hell, I’ve probably gotten half of this wrong, too.

I love when people who’ve never so much as made it through ‘The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon” want to talk smack about Marx and fascism, though. It’s even better when people who can’t tell the difference between Communism, Socialism, and Fascism want to do so – especially when they’ve never read a word actually written by Stalin, or Hitler, or Giovanni Gentile, or who can’t tell a modernist from a fascist from a nazi-sozi from a falangist. Really. Because then I can laugh and laugh and laugh at them for endless hours.


Err, I’m probably the closest thing to a “Marxist” this place has

What made you a Marxist though? The kitten-boiling rituals or the pyramid power?


What made you a Marxist though? The kitten-boiling rituals or the pyramid power?

I’m guessing it was “A Night at the Opera”.

‘Course, it certainly could have been “A Day at the Races”…



Bubba, have you ever been with a hot Marxist stud before? (Well, in your case, perhaps it would be a hot Marxist sex kitten?)

If you knew, you wouldn’t have to ask.


Jillian, just so you know, I’m pretty much in agreement w/ Marx’s diagnosis of what’s wrong w/ industrial (& it’s about the same for informational) society. Just not quite sure if he had the correct solution, or if it can ever be properly implemented if he did have it.
But when you get right down to it, I’m a nihilist. Really. How any one rational isn’t a nihilist is beyond me. And fortunately the capitalists are destroying everything w/o our having to lift a finger. Though they may be going a little far by destroying the entire human-allowing ecosystem instead of just the social order.

“Duck Soup.” Or “Monkey Business.” One of them convinced me.

Herr Doktor Bimler

people who’ve never so much as made it through ‘The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon”
I’m waiting for Regnery to re-print it so I can pick up a cheap copy at the remainders table.


If it wasn’t the hot Marxist sex that brought you in, then you’re doing something wrong.


…people who can’t tell the difference between Communism, Socialism, and Fascism…

Around fifteen years ago or so, I began noticing that the word ‘socialism’ was increasingly being used as if it were completely synonymous with ‘communism’. By the late nineties, wingnuts were acting as if there was no difference between ‘liberal’ and ‘socialist’. And some seem to be trying to convince themselves that fascism is a form of leftism.

For millions of these bozos, words like ‘communist’ or ‘anarchist’ or ‘liberal’ have lost all specific meaning and have become just interchangeable names for ‘the enemy’, which has blurred together in their minds.

Smiling Mortician

Yes, yes, I understand all of that, but — I’m sorry, I was told there’d be some stuffed sheep stomach?


Aye. It’s over behind that tub of boiled fish.

Herr Doktor Bimler

some stuffed sheep stomach
Didn’t you get enough of Gary Ruppert in the previous thread?


If it wasn’t the hot Marxist sex that brought you in, then you’re doing something wrong.

I had wondered where the term “red hot” came from.


Abortion Clinic 911 Emergency Calls (1 of 4)

Let’s give it up for the ACLU for allowing 2005-2006 Planned Parenthood—proudly recorded 264,943 abortions and reported profit of $55.8 million and received a record high in taxpayer funding of $305.3 million.

Sady No blog is the friend of every child molester. Yes, the trend of giving birth control pills to 11 and 12 year-old little girls in public schools gives a new name to— Statutory Rape —–We will call it “progressive loving,” sanctioned by AARP and Planned Parenthood and Democrats who gather here.


people who’ve never so much as made it through ‘The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon”

Ooh, I just loved that one! Louis Napoleon keeps taking his Brumaire off, only to find another one underneath it.


Okay, wait a minute here: “sanctioned by AARP”? AARP is an abortion-lovin’ leftist group, now? Hot damn! You go, Granny!

Herr Doktor Bimler

In case anyone was wondering about the other episodes of the Brumaires of Louis Bonaparte series…
The 2nd, 3rd, to 17th Brumaires were by Marx only, but they turned out as real clunkers which were released straight to DVD. The 18th was written for the 1852 Marx-Engels reunion tour and has the best gags. They did went on to produce a 19th Brumaire, but it was basically for contractual obligations, and no-one’s heart was in it.


“Sady No blog is the friend of every child molester. Yes, the trend of giving birth control pills to 11 and 12 year-old little girls in public schools gives a new name to— Statutory Rape”

Because two kids having sex with each other never occurred to you…did it.



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