Free On A Technicality
This most perplexing defense of censorship contains everything we’ve come to know and love about Blogs For Bush:
I discovered a lengthy anti-Bush comment preceded by the following taunt:
I don’t think you have the b***s to allow this post to the blog. Let’s see.
Well, guess what? The comment was published… But I’ve taken it down.
ABOVE: A Blogs For Bush reader reacts to the previous paragraph
Not because of what the comment said — it wasn’t particularly intelligent — but because comments that imply that we (a) censor comments based on ideology and/or (b) don’t have enough confidence in our positions to handle opposing views are immediately nixed regardless of what they say.
Implying has a totally different definition than saying. They’re not even verbatim!
[L]ook around. Read the comment thread in any post. There is an abundance of opposing views present in the comment threads, and I am beyond insulted at any insinuation that comments are screened or censored by ideology. I’m sick of it. And I’m sick of people who pretend like the only way they can get their comments published is with these phony challenges.
Actually, those phony challenges sound like the only way those people can not have their comments published. Those people don’t sound very smart.
Further, I’m not going to empower any pompous liberal commenter by giving him/her reason to believe that I’ve been shamed into letting their comment be published. Not a chance.
You tell ’em, Matt! No shame!
I’ve said it plenty of times before, if you want to guarantee that your comment will not be published or deleted, then go ahead and accuse of censoring and of being too afraid to publish a particular comment. It’s only your time that is being wasted.
Au contraire, Monsieur Margolis. I would consider that time spent as an investment.
I’ve considered it a source of pride that, unlike liberal blog communities, we allow opposing views in our comment threads. If some unintelligent egotistic liberal wants to pretend that B4B censors, then that person doesn’t deserve to have their comments published. Plain and simple.
Freedom of speech, as we all know, goes both ways: I can say what I want and Matt Margolis can tell me to shut up. Conversely, Matt Margolis can say that he doesn’t censor reader comments and I can imply that he does.
Truly, the marketplace of ideas caters to every taste.
Matt’s full of it, anyway. He’s banned me, and I was always civil and just calmly and patiently spelled out the facts.
And unlike stinky liberal blogs that, um, let just about anyone say just about anything short of embracing genocide or publishing home addresses, we at B4B (TLA! 4EVAH!) would never sink to the level of censorship when it comes to genocide.
So, do they mind the implication that they might not publish comments that imply that they might not publish certain comments, depending on what the comments imply, or not? I’m confused.
Bush is of average intelligence.
I doubt you have the stonez to let this stand
So the don’t censor unless you mention censorship, in which case you will be censored. Wait. What?
Simpatico, Rufus.
“Logic” is just a fancy, librul elite three-dollar-word to these people.
(N00b to the blog. Hi there, Gavin, you’re funny as hell.)
We never censor, but when someone implies that we censor, then we censor. Which we don’t do.
What a mind. Time to dust off the old eternally turning-in-upon-itself animation.
If some unintelligent egotistic liberal wants to pretend that B4B censors, then that person doesn’t deserve to have their comments published.
Wait, what? If I say you won’t publish a comment because you censor, you won’t publish my comment just to prove me wrong? And how is that not proving me right?
I’m so lost. I must be one of those libtards I hear them rant about so much.
I tried to post close – up pictures of my pimply white ass, but I screwed up and prefaced the full color beauties with a challenge “Bet you assholes will just censor these shots” and sure enough…
Matt’s no Mark Noonan that’s for sure.
“I’ve considered it a source of pride that, unlike liberal blog communities, we allow opposing views in our comment threads.”
I’m pretty sure Sadly, No! has never banned anyone. At least not without a lot of provocation. Saul and co. will attest to that. Actually, the few political (liberal) blogs I frequent have never banned anyone either as far I can tell. Can Matt provide some examples of this liberal blog oppression?
LIE-berals will censor anything that doesn’t agree with their (redacted). Honest conservatives, however, will allow opposing views, so long as those views do not say, imply, or suggest that (expunged) or (POETIC IMAGE NUMBER 36 NOT FOUND) or (MEMORY DELETED).
I’ve considered it a source of pride that, unlike liberal blog communities, we allow opposing views in our comment threads. If some unintelligent egotistic liberal wants to pretend that B4B censors, then that person doesn’t deserve to have their comments published. Plain and simple.
One of the true sources of comedy gold here at S/N! is the occasional n00bie troll who comes in all “I bet you don’t have the guts to let this comment stand!”, and the comment remains as a stark refutation of this, the troll’s FIRST point. Whereupon the local residents refute the rest of the fool’s point.
Can Matt provide some examples of this liberal blog oppression?
People on liberal blogs can make Matt touch a boner. Look:
Matt – boner
From the Weblog finalists for best Liberal blog:
Hullabaloo, allows opposing viewpoints in comments
Think Progress, holy crap, you bet
Orcinus, affirmative
Glenn Greenwald, hell, yes
And those are just the ones I’m very familiar with. I could probably even name a few of the regularly dissenting commenters at each of those sites. Your move, Margolis.
I am in ur commentz
(funny comment on that long thread in B4B…)
Why do you accuse me of being paranoid?
Oh no reason. Why?
“No Balls” Margolis has no balls! The Left has taken them and flushed them down the Intertoobz. If you would like your nads back my little castrato, please write to:
Federal Citizen Information Center
Dep’t of Testicle Returns
Pueblo, CO 81009
What happens if someone triple-dog-dares B4B’s moderator?
Would he delete half of it?
Post a redacted version?
Poop himself?
I bow to you oh wonderful holy purveyors of outrageous snark…the snarkiest on the web, and full of insight, intelligence and wit…
YOU ARE KICKING BUTT at the weblogs now…every time I go there you’re further ahead.
Even though it doesn’t mean a dam thang, we who appreciate you couldn’t let those little FUBARs at DumFun beat the masters…
Not found? Not found? Are you implying, good doctorb, that your poetic image has been censored? Because it has not. It will only be censored if and when you imply that it’s been censored, which means . . . oh, wait. Where the hell is it?
Next to nothing is censored here at S,N! In the two or three years I’ve been hanging out here, the only things I have ever seen removed are Michelle Malkin’s alleged home address, Ann Coulter’s alleged home address, and a couple of genuinely beyond the pale graphic descriptions of sexual acts that the poster was fantasizing about perpetrating upon an unwilling woman.
There’s been a troll lately posting pro-Nazi comments using other peoples’ screen names that I think has been chased off, as well. But that’s it.
Mostly, I think it’s because y’all are so frigging awesome. Seriously – the commentariat here are just too bright to be pulled into flamewars or taking trollbait, and collectively, this group tends to just destroy anyone who tries to argue a conservative view on the merits. So I guess the other side doesn’t try much.
Can you imagine the level of a mind that watches wrestling writes for B4B?
Matt thinks an opposing view is “Bush’s IQ is 200” (rather than 210).
or the level of a mind that can’t do strikethrough?
I remember a story about some Central or South American dictatorship where the leader said something to the effect of “The paper said that we silenced dissenting views. This was a lie and we could not permit them to print it.”
Syndicalist: Don’t feel bad. I’ve never been able to figure it out either. And I’m pretty sure my IQ is higher than the Chimpinator’s.
[…] Sadly, No caught a Blogs-For-Bush koan so beautiful that it makes me weep: So, today as I was reading through this post, I discovered a lengthy anti-Bush comment preceded by the following taunt: […]
Matt’s no Mark Noonan that’s for sure.
He certainly isn’t–and that’s about the harshest thing one can say. “You’re so stupid and absurd, even Mark Noonan can outwit you.” Margolis should really never venture beyond his usual posting style, which is to quote an AP story, then put a single GOP talking point after it.
Also, yes, B4B has banned people for having opposing viewpoints. I know I got banned for fact-checking Noonan. Also, once they deem something a “leftwing talking point” (and it should come as no surprise that anything the Bushbots over there don’t like is quickly deemed a “leftwing talking point”), they delete comments that contain it. But that is so NOT censorship!
Next to nothing is censored here at S,N! In the two or three years I’ve been hanging out here, the only things I have ever seen removed
There was the time Brad ran annieangel off in a fit of pique but I was exceptionally grateful for that.
didn’t B4B just ban anyone deemed a Ron Paul supporter? or was that Redstate?
testingyou need to spell the word strike.
“I’ve said it plenty of times before, if you want to guarantee that your comment will not be published or deleted, then go ahead and accuse of censoring and of being too afraid to publish a particular comment. It’s only your time that is being wasted.”
wow, he’s really got you there… If you accuse him of censorship he will neither publish nor delete your comment. Instead it will sit in some sort of blog limbo, or purgatory, forever and ever. Oh Noes.
spelltype, that is.“If some unintelligent egotistic liberal wants to pretend that B4B censors, then that person doesn’t deserve to have their comments published. Plain and simple.”
This reminds me of an anecdote I was told back in the late 60s, about a kid in high school with long hair who was suspended (I think) for it. The principal explained, “Look, we respect your right to wear your hair however long you want to. But you have to respect our right to tell you how long you can wear it.”
Orwell? Not even. Try Lewis Carrol.
You want some Lewis Carroll?
In my late 60’s high school, the head of security was named…
Mr. Puff.
didn’t B4B just ban anyone deemed a Ron Paul supporter? or was that Redstate?
Redstate, partially. Funny post: it’s because Ron Paul’s a liberal.
Heh. I made a sarcastic comment and when I hit the “post” button I got this:
Thank You for Commenting
Your comment has been received. Because you have not registered with TypeKey, your comment will be moderated by the Blogs For Bush (B4B) staff. Comments are moderated at the convenience of the writers on B4B, and your comment will not get published immediately, perhaps even delayed for some time until it can be approved. Only comments that violate the Comment Policy will be denied. We ask you for your understanding and patience.
didn’t B4B just ban anyone deemed a Ron Paul supporter? or was that Redstate?
That was RedState. B4B is still in the business of claiming that Paul’s support is fictitious, the stuff of spambots. Of course, I haven’t checked to see how they’re handling the news of Paul’s four-million-dollar day. My guess is they’re dutifully avoiding talking about it.
Ugh, so much stupid.
From the comments, re Limbaugh
..I’ve been listening to him, almost every day, for five years, and I’ve yet heard him cut off a lib trying to make a valid point. I have, however, heard him cut off callers who claim to be conservative, then go…, sounding all liberal and the like
So it’s fine to cut off a lib who you think is not making a valid point. Fine to cut off a conservative who agrees with a lib. authoritarians the lot.
Further down the front page, you can find this
Is Musharraf a patriot? Tryant? Little of both? Hard to say for an outside…
Waterboarding Is Not Torture (Bumped)
a little censorship for them is just foreplay.
All right. That’s the creepiest pic of a kid I evah seen.
Personally I think non-moderated comments are excellent entertainment value. The army of Ron Paul supporters that came over to my place today to defend their candidate was abso-freaking-hilarious, especially this guy:
“Wake up, white people are afraid of black people for a reason. That reason is crime.
Statistics do not follow the laws of political correctness, they just represent observed data. Are white people just supposed shut up and pretend it doesn’t happen? Are they supposed to look at the “stop snitching” shirts and not be afraid?
Spamtrap treating me like Gavin treats Cheetos.
Just to be clear, that racist comment wasn’t from me, it was someone from my blog. I left off a set of quotation marks.
So it’s fine to cut off a lib who you think is not making a valid point. Fine to cut off a conservative who agrees with a lib. authoritarians the lot.
And he doesn’t mention that if you call into Limbaugh’s show and are a liberal, they won’t let you on the air. You have to misrepresent yourself to the screeners.
Something about not liking to hear opinions that conflict with Limbaugh’s.
Bravo! Thanks for a great post! I especially love how Noonan starred out the word ‘balls’ as if it was ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’!
I’m going to throw a b**l for my cats now. Sweetpea plays fetch.
Oh, and I dare you to delete this post!
You only left off half a set, Southern Beale. I got that you were quoting.
Truly, the marketplace of ideas caters to every taste.
I taste hypocrisy when I visit this cesspool. Amid all your girlie whining about the Andy Stephenson incident, you conveniently forget about your fellow travellers wishing death upon Cheney whenever his heart acts up, or Tony Snow when he announced his cancer was back, not to mention every manner of nastiness directed toward Michelle Malkin 24/7.
Now Mike Malloy has violent fantasies about Dana Perino.
So shut your filthy traps about “wingnut meanies” you pot-addled scumbags.
Oh confused will we?
Just to add more fuel to the fire…
Could we get someone to call Orkin, here? The infestation of wingers is getting out of control. Everywhere I turn there’s another one leaving a trail of slime.
So shut your filthy traps about “wingnut meanies” you pot-addled scumbags.
Someone has pot in here? Hey, quit bogarting the bong!
Yeah, all the potheads I know are totally violent… if you try to steal their munchies. Did Dana Perino try to steal someone’s munchies?
Amid all your girlie [snip]
Will you just say pussy? Please?
No? Okay, take poosay out for a test drive. It will bypass Jesus’s filter. I promise!
I have, however, heard him cut off callers who claim to be conservative, then go…, sounding all liberal and the like
Hmm. Sounds a little like someone else. It’s on the tip of my tongue. Damn, I sure wish I could remember who.
How could anyone possibly wish for the death of Richard Cheney?
How will we ever get to see him before the Hague if his heart gives out too soon?
Whoa. You step out for a minute to locate a YouTube and somebody goes off his meds. Well, that’ll teach me. Never get out of the goddamned boat.
Although I freely admit to throwing a party when Jerry Fallwell snuffed it. With cake and everything!
There was the time Brad ran annieangel off in a fit of pique but I was exceptionally grateful for that.
Was that during The Great Samich Crisis ’06? Still wake up screaming sometimes…
Waterboarding Is Not Torture (Bumped)
That thread started off pretty awesome, but it ended up being just stupid. And not the funny/entertaining kind of stupid that we all enjoy. Just plain stupid.
I taste hypocrisy when I visit this cesspool. Amid all your girlie whining about the Andy Stephenson incident, you conveniently forget about your fellow travellers wishing death upon Cheney whenever his heart acts up, or Tony Snow when he announced his cancer was back, not to mention every manner of nastiness directed toward Michelle Malkin 24/7.
I admit to bad thoughts about all of these people. So what? I wouldn’t try to obstruct their medical care or claim they were faking an illness for money.
Last night I posted on Chris Clarke’s wesbite.
Today not only was my post deleted without comment, my attempts to connect to the site were redirected to Yahoo. (And I wasn’t any meaner there than I am here) My crime? Defending someone that Chris accused of racism. Oh noes!
It always annoys me when people of all stripes claim to be opposed to censorship and for free speech, but only when talking about others. When it comes to themselves they often have some BS reason why censoring is ok. “The first amendment only applies to the government” is a good one – yes, it does, but the spirit of it does not.
It used to make me angry but now I mostly feel sorry for people like that, small children who can’t accept anything other than drooling sycophancy.
The saddest part is that when people like Mr. Clarke venture out of their friendly confines into more general audiences they usually make asses of themselves, their brains having atrophied into pudding from lack of real discussion or opposition.
I love you guys here. I can post a thinly veiled personal attack on Chris Clarke and know that instead of banning me some of you will choose to disagree instead. Eating at the adult’s table is so much more fun.
Nolan Ryan had a stylish strike through and Big Bill Haywood was a prominent strike thoughist . But the most futile and consequently the most fun , according to his autobiography , was Pat Burrell . He was the swingingest swinger strikethroughist striker which , unless I am mistaken , is something . I made up only small parts of this history
Of course that’s how all heavily moderated sites work — where what is a “valid point” is heavily skewed towards the politics of the moderators.
You know what I’ve never seen on a heavily moderated site, not once? A commenter censored or banned for agreeing with the politics of the moderators in a particular stupid or personally insulting way. If it happens it’s one in a million.
I have to confess that I inevitably get banned from any heavily moderated site because my inner michief-maker enjoys seeing how far he can push.
“If some unintelligent egotistic liberal wants to pretend that B4B censors, then that person doesn’t deserve to have their comments published. Plain and simple.”
Woof. I’m totally getting that feeling you get when you point a mirror at a mirror and try to follow the reflections all the way down. While huffing Jenkem (The new neocon drug of choice, by the way).
Oh, man. Don’t click that Jenkem link while you’re eating, guys.
I didn’t click. I already know what it’s going to say, and my dinner was both too tasty and too recent for me to do that.
That is freakin’ weird. I just read about Jenkem not two minutes ago on a message board I frequent.
Jenkem: It’s the hot new now meme!
Well obviously, blogs like ¡Sadly No!, are just Spoiling the Web for Everyone.
We will never stave off internet regulation at thees rate.
Jenkem? I don’t even know ’em!
I taste hypocrisy when I visit this cesspool.
Must be the cheetos and Mountain Dew.
huffing Jenkem
Does it or does it not beat needles?
This is funny. I mean, c’mon, you guys. Who freakin CARES if you post on a wingnut site and they delete or edit your comment. Nobody has a more honest policy than Sadly, and the wingnuts that come here have never scored a single point. They never came here and made some kind of a statement that led to one of the rational denizens say “hmm, wow! Lemme think about that. Cause y’know, that’s a helluva good point, and I don’t have an answer to that”.
It is the same when we go to their sites. I don’t, but if you wanna, great, engage away. But it really is kind of weak and disingenuous to then claim to have been wronged by thugs who think using nuclear weapons on Mecca is a reasonable and balanced response when they fuck with your text.
I suppose it would be cool if there was a place where reasonable people of different political opinions could discuss them dispassionately, but the opinions I’m vehemently opposed to are the irrational ones, the violent hatred and bigotry, the funding of wars at the cost of funding improvements in American’s lives, so I wouldn’t be much use in that venue if it existed anyway.
I guess the point (full disclosure: I’m doing some other shit right now and this may not even be close to coherent) is that if you visit a wingnut site, you should expect to be treated shabbily, because you are instantly recognizable as “teh enemy”. Just see this assclown “tbe” in that other thread…
Umm .. if you need to refill the bong, and umm… become drug-addled again, I umm, I may, err, know some guys (wink, wink). Just sayin’.
Don’t forget to vote every day for Sadly no as the funniest blog on the internet! These guys make Jo[h]n Stewart seem serious in comparison! Gavin is THAT funny! Vote, my hippie friends!!
Jenkem if you’ve gottem!
g said:
“I hate hypocricy (not to be confused with hippocrisco) when I visit this cesspool”
But I like it at righty blogs.
I’m thinking about changing the pie script so kevin says:
“I like Jenkem!”
But has she got jenk in her trenk?
So it’s a disproval of censorship to post a comment that dares you to post the comment, then feed that comment down the memory hole as a way of proving that you don’t do what you just did.
In other news, this is seriously cool.
Fuck it. I am now just going to censor myself, that’s right, I’m gonna do it.
If I can’t challenge myself to post something that I may disagree with, and then I claim that I won’t let the post stand because I am an opponent of free speech, well, so be it.
I refuse to let some drug-addled version of myself hijack this thread with more unintelligible drivel.
That’s it. I have banned myself.
He could have made the shot but he was jenksed.
Jenkem – wow.
I was too young for smoking banana peels and am too old to huff fermented-poop fumes.
When the War on Drugs was at its highest peak of hysteria – those good old Bush I days – if Jenkem had been around I’m sure politicians of both parties would be yelling about the urgent need to ban feces.
Mr. “Liberal Fascism” would get busted for possession a zillion times!
There is truly no bottom to this barrel of wingnut monkeys. Every time I think I’ve laughed as hard as I can laugh you post some asshat outdoing the last asshat with an even more brand of humiliating asshattery.
It is now time to hang up and our collective selves.
Oddly enough, “Jenkem” is the Dutch word for “oven”.
mikey I don’t think anyone is surprised by the behavior. That doesn’t stop us from making fun of it.
Proving you don’t censor by censoring is such a soft inviting target, a “kick me” sign.
Aw Gary. Wrong again:
Kentucky governor’s race
comments that imply that we…censor comments are censored.
uh what?
Amazing. You can’t make this shit up.
I suppose it would be cool if there was a place where reasonable people of different political opinions could discuss them dispassionately
That’s what bars are for, Mikey.
I got an email from a yahoo list today, talking about Jenkem. I thought about passing the link along, but the emailer didn’t have one, so I let it pass.
Trust the loonies hanging out here to tap that story, FAST.
I’ve always said that there’s an inherent desire in the mind to get screwed up. Rationality is a burden; I bet not long after becoming aware, our simian ancestors were eating mushrooms and hemp for all they were worth. Knowing you’re gonna die means you better party NOW, son.
There’s a theory that postulates that the need for grain to creat alcohol far exceeded the amount that could be naturally harvested, so people stopped hunting and started farming; this led to trade, and thus from hunting and gathering to early civilization.
No wonder we spend 42 billion a year and can’t even stop pot smoking.
Fuck ’em.
Fuck ’em all.
So… to get them to do something all I have to do is accuse them of being afraid to do it?
How very child-like, but oh, the possibilities…
Fuck ‘em.
Fuck ‘em all.
amen to that, brother.
But will my mind ever be rid of the wingnut feces imagery?
I realize “cheesies in the toilet” wasn’t intended that way but since you shit what you eat…
…and you sniff what you shit…
That’s what bars are for, Mikey.
Man, I wanna find this bar.
Ok, maybe it’s the NoName in Sausalito.
But the Lil Villiage in SF wasn’t even this place. They beat me tricolor, threw me out in the street, went out and got me, brought me back in, beat me three or four more colors and threw me out in the street again.
And I went BACK the next weekend…
I think I was trying to make a point…
The “cousin solar system” story was cool indeed, Pere Ubu, but the second paragraph brought me up short:
(My emphasis) I guess Fox News reports, we decide, but nobody edits somewhere in there?
As for Jenkem… it ain’t a real Internet meme until somebody LOLs it. (“I’m in ur soors, huffin yer poopz.” There, now it’s a meme.)
Is Jenkem the new 2girls1cup is the new tubgirl is the new goatse?
The funny thing is, the authoritarian mindset always reacts with the most brutality to anything that undermines its authority. Ideological purity is a secondary consideration.
“Yes, you are being tortured to death in an undisclosed location, Mr. Smith, but it is not for your political views; it is for falsely accusing the government of torturing and executing political prisoners.”
BTW, the dude in that B4B thread talking about Limbaugh is our good buddy Keefer.
Not just wrong but really, really wrong. Fletcher was trounced by a truly massive margin for an incumbent governor.
Unfortunately, here in Texas Proposition 10 passed, abolishing the office of inspector of animal hides. This is a sad day for all my fur-trapper, buffalo-hunter, and mule-skinner buddies.
I think I’ll drown my sorrows with a little jenkem. Then again, maybe not.
I guess Fox News reports, we decide, but nobody edits somewhere in there?
FAUX News?
Are you nuts?
“Paul’s four-million-dollar day…”
This was also the work of spambots, wielding stolen credit card numbers. Hopefully, they won’t grant spambots the right to vote before the Primaries, but you never know…
Glugaglugaglugagluga. What? Sorry I couldn’t hear you.
“Amid all your girlie whining…”
And this bit comes from some cheetos™ inhaling basement dweller, hating his mom because she pays his rent.
I think I’ll drown my sorrows with a little jenkem. Then again, maybe not.
No, go ahead – I guarantee that after huffing jenkem your day has nowhere to go but up.
Likewise your dinner.
oops. Italics close go!
That doesn’t work, dammit. When I shut my filthy trap, I can’t force the spliff past my lips.
mid all your girlie whining about the Andy Stephenson incident, you conveniently forget about your fellow travellers wishing death upon Cheney whenever his heart acts up,
Right. Cuz saying nasty things on line about a guy who will never read it or see it is the equivalent of fraudulently cutting off the medical benefits of a sick man.
I love the photo in this thread. Now that’s a kid who’s going places. Cool.
…you conveniently forget about your fellow travellers wishing death upon Cheney whenever his heart acts up,
Wha–Cheyney’s heart has been acting up? Stop teasing us you cruel wingnut b@st@rd!
The kid in the photo reminds me of my kid’s best friend in Jr. high. He’s now a sophomore at a small liberal arts college in MA.
Blogs for Bush, Blogs for Bush…
Oh, right, Blogs for Bush! How’s that Uruguayan al-Qaeda attack on San Diego’s sewer system coming?
The fact is, your ridecule of patriots will not fly in The Heartland. We do not believe bias here, we have studied it from and the other places that fight the liberal atempt takeoverof USA which will fail.
How’s that Kentucky governor’s race working out, Gary?
This so called race for KY governor will be exposed as a voter fraud run rampant coup attempt which will soon be put right by patriots.
So the classroom thing wasn’t such a great deal, huh?
Gary, I’d love to know where in the “heartland” you’re posting from.
Todays young patriots will learn from these acts of insolence and bias and hate USAism to better defend the tree of liberty with blood if necessary will will not let the enemy take over, especially so far from the hated coastal enclaves
voting is an act of insolence? Whew! whatever, gare-bear.
Gary Ruppert wrote:
Personally, Gary, I don’t generally call for armed insurrection when my guy loses an election. But that’s just me.
The Washington Monthly’s golden wingnut award results are in:
thanks to TBogg for the link.
Ok, now, honestly.
Does anybody else here giggle involuntarily when they see the abbreviation for Kentucky?
Shorter Gary:
“The only way to protect democracy is to spill the blood of those who dare vote!”
“don’t shoot until you see the purple ink on their fingers!”
I voted only once today in Kentucky, alas. Apparently that was enough, though.
Too drunk to read the preceding 122 commments. But that motherfucker Noonan (an eyebrow-american, like muhself) wouldn’t publish my submission when I cracked on his normal clientele, giving them the last word by his eidtorial hadn. Jesus.
Aw, Gary, man….
I’m in the heartland. Born and bred here. raising myself a family of little liberals who speak other languages and believe in things like peace and justice, and don’t believe in torture and lying.
Not to mention those ‘hated ‘ liberal coasts? That’s where the population is increasing, friend.
sucks to be you, man….
No sucks to be YOU when we carry out God’s will and subjugate the enemies of USA.
No sucks to be YOU when we carry out God’s will and subjugate the enemies of USA.
We’ll just wait until you string yourself up in the wetsuits and you’ll be easy pickings.
You know, Gary’s amusing because he’s so fucking stupid, but it is a little depressing to realize that even the comic rightwing trolls are now using the language of violence, oppression, and hatred.
I mean, we all think Gary is a funny guy, but he sounds just like a fucking Interhamwe. I really think we should take care not to be lulled into acceptance of this kind of rhetoric, even though it is delivered by such a feckless and idiotic messenger.
“Gary Ruppert said,
No sucks to be YOU when we carry out God’s will and subjugate the enemies of USA.”
Nice comeback, Priscilla!
Except that carrying out “God’s will” DOES make you an enemy of the United States. First Amendment and all that. But hey, I hear the Taliban is hiring, maybe you should try there? They love religious fundamentalist and extreamists such as yourself; you guys will have so much in common!
Mikey, I see it abbreviated all the time. I always giggle to myself, on the inside.
True. The last few years have been unpleasant enough, but my real fear is that some of these blowhards will begin trying to act out their red-hot verbiage in the real world.
especially so far from the hated coastal enclaves
of Kentucky?
I always giggle to myself, on the inside.
Which is, at least on some occasions, exactly the right place for it.
Robots have hearts?
I love the photo in this thread. Now that’s a kid who’s going places.
That’s a kid who’s already *been* places, and if his mother ever finds out about some of those places, he’ll be grounded until he’s 45.
Unlike Mr. Ruppert, whose crie de coeur implies that he has never been anyplace more challenging than his parents’ basement, nor does he intend to leave that mildew-scented haven while there’s any chance of being challenged by a person or an idea not pre-sanitized for his convenience. It’s obvious how the electoral tides were running today, because the Garry-bot hasn’t been this personally abusive since the Great National De-Wing-Nutting of 2006. There are far-right True Believers whose tenuous grasp upon reality I might actually fear when their tiny intellectual terrariums are shattered in November 2008, but none of them are wingnut trolls. The Rupperts, Godlsteins, Hewitts and Malkins are too cowardly to do more than cheer for *others* to smite the dread Moonbat Battalions.
It’s obvious how the electoral tides were running today…
Yeah, it’s weird. The Salt Lake City election for mayor was a rout with the Democratic candidate getting over 63% of the vote. Salt Lake is a bit weird that way because his predecessor is an outspoken Iraq War opponent.
That, and the really odious voucher referendum that was going around got squashed 67-33 and our dorky machine-politician city councilwoman got thumped 58-42 by a guy who seems a ton better. It was a good day for us here in town. I don’t expect to live long enough to see Utah go blue in national elections – certainly not progressive Dem – unless the party returns to its racist ways.
Robots have hearts?
Yep .. it’s in a jar on his desk …
“I taste hypocrisy when I visit this cesspool.”
That’s the jenkem talking, my friend. They say it’s really hard to get the flavor out of your mouth, but you do hallucinate and talk to dead relatives so it balances out.
“Amid all your girlie whining about the Andy Stephenson incident, you conveniently forget about your fellow travellers wishing death upon Cheney whenever his heart acts up, or Tony Snow when he announced his cancer was back, not to mention every manner of nastiness directed toward Michelle Malkin 24/7.”
The difference being that the folks on this website do not:
1. Release personal information on subjects we dislike.
2. Actively attempt to deny these folks medical attention through dirty tricks and spoofery.
There is a world of difference between wishing someone ill (which is mean, but not completely reprehensible) and actually taking proactive steps to cause them harm. I doubt anyone here is calling Tony Snow’s oncologist and making death threats or spoofing his insurance company to deny him coverage.
See the difference?
I may agree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to not say it.
Jillian – sending Cheney to the Hague is a bad bad not good idea.
Not while the Fed still has capital punishment, nuh-uh no way.
It’s one-a-them catches, almost as good as the catch-22.
U can haz live Cheney.
U can haz deth penuhltee.
Not bofe.
Isn’t that picture the kid from the cover of Born On A Pirate Ship?
Apparently all the really k00l kids are doing jenkem enemas.
No, wait, that’s just constipation.
Todays young patriots will learn from these acts of insolence and bias and hate USAism to better defend the tree of liberty with blood if necessary will will not let the enemy take over, especially so far from the hated coastal enclaves
Dwight, will you shut up and get back to work?
Every year, when spring comes, my mind goes to one place and one place only, Ninjas.
Every time you read about Ninja’s attacking somebody or assassinating some public figure, it seems to happen in the spring. I’m not sure why, it’s just the way it is.
These seems to me to be a perfect example of tautology.
Having personally posted on Blogs for Bush, I can say about 25% of what I write never makes it on the site. Oddly, most of the posts that don’t make it are ones where I respond to the Noonan. Hmmm. Coincidence?
I disagree that most of the anti-B4B posts are made up by the people who actually believe what that site preaches. People like Noonan cannot understand (let alone think about) opposing views well enough to post some the intelligent arguements on the site. Noonan has travelled down the rabbit-hole and will never return.