Making New Friends

The Morris dance of outrage is still clattering away, down at Free Republic — which is as good a place to begin this tale as any:

Freep This Weblog Awards Poll for FUnniest Blog (DUmmie FUnnies Being Targeted by Leftwing Websites)
Posted on 11/04/2007 10:31:56 AM PST by PJ-Comix

The DUmmie FUnnies are under a bigtime attack by an organized campaign by the Leftwing Blogosphere to keep us from winning as FUnniest Blog in the 2007 Weblog Awards. Late yesterday afternoon the DUmmie FUnnies, thanx for the most part to Freeper Power, was leading in that poll by almost 700 votes. Then the Left got desperate. They just can’t tolerate a blog, dedicated to mocking and satirizing their many foibles to win that award. Therefore, led by Sadly No! and the Democrat Underground, a host of leftwing websites is now targetting us by urging their readers to vote for Sadly No! in the FUnniest Blog category.

This is all very affirming in a way, but any reasonable person would look at our oeuvre and see a bunch of characters who couldn’t organize breakfast with a waffle iron and a box of Bisquick.

…Although truly, by about 11 AM when the Left gets desperate, we just can’t tolerate a frozen burrito mocking and satirizing our hunger, and often one is targeted.

I know that Freeper Power can counteract this attack on us. Therefore I am asking for your vote for the DUmmie FUnnies as the FUnniest Blog by clicking HERE.

The first time you click the circle next to “DUmmie FUnnies” you should see it turn dark yellow. You need to click it again. When you see the vote stats Results page, you will know your vote has been registered. You can vote once every 24 hours until the contest closes on Thursday.

In any case, you’d think PJ would know what an ‘organized campaign’ looks like. The farther you delve into the Andy Stephenson affair, the more singularly nauseating it is — and there are some words, like ‘nauseating,’ that pretty much stand in reserve, only to be used when no other word will do.

PJ and a few other Freepers did some of that frenzied Internet research that right-blogs are so justly famous for, and decided that Stephenson had a lot of money (he didn’t), was faking pancreatic cancer (he wasn’t), and that donations toward his medical bills, via Democratic Underground, were actually a scam netting him hundreds of thousands of dollars (they were not). A narrative from From DU’s Elizabeth Ferrari:

What followed was a coordinated effort to block Andy [Stephenson]’s medical care or his benefit from the medical care we could secure for him. In specific, the Bush right had its agents make small donations so they could then call Paypal with allegations of fraud that froze Andy’s account. They also called Paypal, misrepresenting themselves as the hospital to “verify” that this effort was a scam.

And it got more vicious from there. Due to the frozen funds and the confusion it caused us all, Andy’s surgery date was cancelled by Johns Hopkins. It was with great difficulty that we were able to persuade the doctor to be put Andy back into the surgical rotation. That cost him two weeks while he suffered from the most aggressive, invasive form of cancer.


After Andy was admitted to the hospital, the rumors turned into threats. A bounty was offered by the Bush right for anyone who could sneak into his hospital room. It was said he was getting a face lift. A telegram was sent just to see if it could be successfully delivered. The harassment was nonstop. And we tried to shield Andy from it, with less success than we would have liked.


Andy left the hospital and spent two weeks recovering at a friend’s house, learning how to eat again, learning how to move, weaning himself from the morphine that he’d needed post surgery. During this time, one of his supporters in Baltimore had her car vandalized – a message was sent. Shortly after he left to return to Seattle, his second East Coast hostess was stalked to her home and watched as someone tried to open her front door. His supporters everywhere were systematically intimidated and all the while, they tried to keep it from Andy.

Andy then went back home to Seattle, looking forward to a medical course of chemotherapy and radiation. Once he arrived, he found that an anonymous tipster had managed to get his Medicaid shut down. It took us two weeks to get him back in the system. Andy had anaplastic pancreatic cancer and was again forced to wait weeks for follow up care.

By this time, Andy’s stalkers had set up a website. It purported to be concerned that the funds for his surgery were raised fraudulently. Thankfully by this time, Andy spent very time on line. But it wore on his core advocates who were repeatedly attacked, defamed and baited.


As late as week before Andy died, we couldn’t keep the poisonous campaign from him. He felt well enough to log into to his email and found a multipage denunciation, supposedly being filed with his state’s attorney general. He called me, not so much in a panic. Panic was no longer a speed Andy had. He called me in despair, because he could no longer fight the barrage of hatred being leveled at him. I don’t remember what I said to him but I hope it helped for a moment.

The attack from the Bush right never paused, not even through the agony of Andy’s last days. Not at all. Even the fact of his death is being disputed. Two days after his passing, his advocates are still being harassed, still receiving anonymous hate calls, “It was a scam.” The friend planning his service was visited by two men impersonating sheriffs on the morning after Andy passed. They were there to ask about fraud, they said.

Andy’s physical death has not stopped the attack, has not slowed the hatred, has not stemmed the steady stream of intimidation.

That’s our PJ, apparently. Also of note is that he and his Freeper cohort tried to obtain the autopsy report, for what purpose it’s difficult to imagine.

[Again, teh voting, in case you’re of a mind to vote against PJ (and for us, Jon Swift, or any of the other entrants), is here. Everyone can vote once every 24 hours.]

[Hanx! Stef]


Comments: 135


My mouth is still open.



“The DUmmie FUnnies are under a bigtime attack by an organized campaign by the Leftwing Blogosphere to keep us from winning as FUnniest Blog in the 2007 Weblog Awards.”

Huh. I never knew “whuzzuh? Teh hell’s going on?” constituted a organized, big time attack campaign. Course, they prolly think ANYTHING constitutes an organized, pointed attack against them.
The Wingnuts kinda operate like Sealab 2021, don’t they?

“The first time you click the circle next to “DUmmie FUnnies” you should see it turn dark yellow. You need to click it again. When you see the vote stats Results page, you will know your vote has been registered.”

(Apologies for the URL stretch.)

Man, these guys are gunna be disappointed when they die, and God turns them over to Satan for Repeated Ass-Rape Therapy.


“The DUmmie FUnnies are under a bigtime attack by an organized campaign by the Leftwing Blogosphere to keep us from winning as FUnniest Blog in the 2007 Weblog Awards.”

I see what he’s doing. When he loses, he’ll claim that it didn’t count because of the “organized campaign by the Leftwing Blogosphere” cheated him from his rightful victory. The fact that he started campaigning against Sadly, No! first will go down the memory hole of course.

Gavin, I’m not a cruel person, not even of the petty internet sort of cruelty. I usually can’t stand these sorts of flame wars, and I usually keep out of them. I think this award doesn’t mean shit. But this twerp really pisses me off, and I know you’re gonna crush him. And I’m going to enjoy it.

I can’t wait for your “evil” post.



The PJ Comix Gets Exposed
thread (which Stef began), continues at the Weblog Awards Forum. It’s now the most replied to thread in the forums history in a matter of mere hours. Weigh in, it’s gonna get good when PJ wakes up and starts responding again. He’s made it obvious that he’s standing his ground, no matter how much of a foolish hate-filled idiot he’s been proven to be.

But nevermind me, I’m obviously part of the left wing conspiracy against PJ Comix even though I don’t think I’ve ever commented at SN! before tonight.

I fear this is going to get worse before it ends. I feel a complete and total meltdown by PJ before this is over with. He’s making this one for the Wingnuttia Memory Books, to say the least.


He’s up for a comedy award and not one for worst blogpost ever? There’s no justice.


Due to the frozen funds and the confusion it caused us all, Andy’s surgery date was cancelled by Johns Hopkins. It was with great difficulty that we were able to persuade the doctor to be put Andy back into the surgical rotation. That cost him two weeks while he suffered from the most aggressive, invasive form of cancer.

I hope they all fucking die. That’s not a sentiment that comes easily to me, and it’s not hyperbole either. Anyone involved in that campaign should die of cancer. Immediately if not sooner.


While I’ll vote for S,N! every chance I get, I kind of hope he wins, simply because it’ll be sadly funny to watch him do his victory dance after all the contortions and tantrums he went through to get it. As embarrassing as this example is to have come to mind, it’ll be like the end of Cars when the Michael Keaton douchecar wins by cheating and everyone just stares at him while he makes an ass of himself. Anyone? Anyone?


I’m still stuck with snark lest I lapse into extremely violent fantasies of vengeance, but… He really has to explain to these morons how to vote for him by clicking the circle? He’s the guy who gets his ass kicked on a game show by giving every answer wrong, only to spend years telling people he’d have won only his buzzer wasn’t working. Genuinely sad.

And, you know, given that the mission statement of Sadly, No!–well, the bits that don’t involve bongs–is to mock the foibles of the right wing, I find it fascinating that his theory is that Sadly, No!ites are haring after him because *we* can’t stand someone doing it to us. That’s, like, Ouroboros-caliber meta-projection there. And not the cool snaky sort of Ouroboros, either, this is the updated version with a stylized wingnut with his head up his ass.


So some right-wing asshole did horrible stuff to helpless people and thinks that makes him awesome? Yet another example of chortling and obsessive Republican cruelty directed at powerless people who dared to not worship the Holy Bush?

Wake me up when there’s something new to report. “New” as in “Hordes of Republican drones arrested for law-breaking,” not “Here’s the latest Malkinesque atrocity.”

Qetesh the Abyssinian

This guy is a total cunt, and not in a nice way. I think we should ask nicely if M. Bouffant could display his most intimate parts at him: apparently they’ve frightened away a good many people, as well as death, so it’s worth a try.

I so, so, so pray that he gets his karmic kickback over this. My favourite cousin died of cancer, and it’s a slow, painful, dragging horror. The idea that some shit-for-brains thought it was worth laughing at fills me full of a degree of hate that I very rarely feel.

Knobhead. I hope he gets his dick caught in his zipper five times a day for the next 50 years.


I’ve read quite a bit about the rightwing authoritarian mindset in the last 2 years and I think I have a decent understanding of it, but still every couple of months these fucks do something to shock me.

Fuck Godwin, these are the same socipathic cunts that facilitated Hitlers rise.



but still every couple of months these fucks do something to shock me.

Yeah. Unbelievable. When does boiling blood become fatal?

Can’t get on to the Weblog Award site this morning, but I’ll keep trying.


My father hates the pancreas, as every good surgeon does. It is a nasty little organ, full of awful things and prone to falling apart horribly under stress. It is necessary to be profoundly delicate with it under normal circumstances.

Pancreatic resection is among the worst surgical nightmares remaining in this modern world, where most surgeries can be done with little bitty cameras and servos in a gas-inflated cavity. Doing a pancreatic resection requires that the stomach be sliced open from stem to stern, the entire bowel – that is, everything below the stomach – be pulled out, and then you can finally do what you need to to the pancreas.

That is, cut off a tiny little piece of it, very delicately and sloooowly.

The whole time, this requires a superhuman effort from all involved. Nurses keeping intestines in place outside of the body, monitoring heartbeat and breathing and keeping them niiiice and stable during the most traumatic experience a normal human body will ever endure. It is a long surgery, so there is a substantial amount of commitment from people who could as well just leave the room a lot of the time – anesthesiologists, scrubs.

Pancreatic resection has a morbidity rate, depending on the skill of the operating techs and the equipment available, of as little as 70%. That is, within six months, you get one of those suckers done and chances are very good you will be dead – and for good reason. You’ve had a team of tired, agitated professionals slinging around a shit-filled tube in your torn-open gut for hours on end, trying to get at the most bilious little asshole of a gland in your body and poke it and cauterize it. There are so many things that can go wrong, something not going wrong is almost cause for alarm.

It says a lot, then, that there are near to no cases where pancreatic resection is refused.

Pancreatic cancer is a death sentence, a horrific death sentence; it’s a spreading, consuming horror in one of the nerve-blood-and-flesh-richest area of the body you don’t use to screw. If you survive six months without the surgery, you’ll wish you hadn’t. It is so bad that dying horribly of massive sepsis is a step up.

This is what I know about pancreatic cancer, and the surgery that cures it, and it is one of those things I almost feel like I’d be better off not knowing, because I could then at least come away from this grotesque story with the impression that PJ is an asshole and that’s that.

To be an asshole, this creature – who decided to interfere with a pancreatic resection because its sorry victim spent his life working against vote suppression – would have to be human.


To PJComix-

Schadenfreude, Asshole, Schadenfreude.
Thankful for all your sorrow and woe.
Please do know, endless agony, for you I would greet,
Such a treat, at your feet, its so sweet.

Schadenfreude, Asshole, Schadenfreude.
Save those lies, Asshole don’t expound.
Do recall, you’re central to this all.
How you made this mess, this ugly mess, please confess.
Do you have the balls?

Schadenfreude, Asshole, Schadenfreude.
Thank yourself for walking down this road.
I’d love to see, your heart nailed to a tree.
You could go blind, for all time, I wouldn’t mind, oh so fine.

Schadenfreude, Asshole, Schadenfreude.T
hank you for your sickening attitude.
Though you’ll go on in your desperate ways,
Still the record stays, for always, and it says, Schadenfreude.

Schadenfreude, Oh Asshole, Schadenfreude.
I said, Thank you for your sickening attitude.
Though you’ll go on in your desperate ways,
Still the record stays, for always, and it says, Schadenfreude.

Schadenfreude, I laugh in your face, Schadenfreude


What they did to Andy and Andy’s friends was beyond unconscionable and it appears to have left no mark on these people. What they did was never wrong in their mind, there is some underlying conspiracy that will someday rationalize their insane hatred. At some point humanity will recognize that people who need to hate in order to rationalize their existence and survive need to be identified and segregated from society.

But hating them back does no good. They must be dealt with dispassionately. Airing the details of the Andy Stephenson episode is a good start.


I am speechless, can someone really be that evil do to something like this. Firstly, i thought it was over-reaction, but after going through the background at DU, I am truly sickened. There is no words to describe the behaviour of this tosspot and his freper friends, but ‘absulute fucken wanker’ comes close.


This is seriously one of the very worst things I’ve ever heard of anybody doing to another human being. Who are these horrible people? How on earth do you turn into such a vicious, cruel piece of shit?


Is Freeper Power anything like Punky Power?


Disgusting. Every time I think I’ve seen these people at their worst, that they couldn’t possibly sink any lower, I am reminded of my own naivete.


Didn’t one of the DU guys involved vow he’d get this bastard for what he did to Andy Stephenson? Whatever came of that?


Knobhead. I hope he gets his dick caught in his zipper five times a day for the next 50 years.

I doubt very much that he’s allowed to wear clothes with zippers.

He also probably has mittens pinned to his shirt year-round.


It is some solace to be quite certain that, in the event there is a heaven and a hell, these scum fucks will certainly reside in the later.


I’d heard this before, but I didn’t realize until recently it was the same asshole who ran the DUFU thing.

What I am amazed at is the lack of self-awareness of people who can actually say – and I paraphrase – “How dare those other people organize a fraudulent blog-voting campaign that’s better than our fraudulent voting campaign?”

It’s such a great example of the Republican mindset – this guy approaching, as he claims, strangers and directing them to vote for something they have no interest in, just so he can “win”. They’ll do anything to win, even something as insignificant as this silly contest.

Except they’re losing.


How are the people who attacked and obstructed care for a dying man not in jail? I don’t get it.


Un-fucking-believable. DWF is right, why aren’t these people in jail?


So basically, PJ is willing to kill a sick man to win an internet award that doesn’t mean anything.

What a fucking tool.


Somebody should compile all of PJ’s messages begging and pleading (and describing begging and pleading) for award votes and prepare a chronology. Against which, of course, would be posted the couple of posts here discussing the matter. Both chronologies to be displayed prominently after S,N! (or anybody other than DUFUs, actually) wins the award.

I’d do it, but I, uh, hurt my hand. And I’m a lazy fuck.



Where’s Kevin and saul and assorted other mindless gits defending the guy from DUFU?

Did they FINALLY see behavior so awful on their side that they decided to be ashamed and respectfully not comment?

Or are they just away from their keyboards because they went out for Cheetos and got lost on the way home?


Oh for god’s sake, let them win already. It’s a tainted award given by mindless clicking and there is a hysteria rising on both sides that is unpleasant. I don’t take DU at their exact paranoid word, but this PJ is an odious piece of work and shunning’s too good for him. Let us shun and not get down and dirty, it just turns us into what we despise eventually.


Where’s Kevin and saul

Shush you.


Let us shun and not get down and dirty, it just turns us into what we despise eventually.

Right, because voting against some paranoid moron who’s willing to send his minions to harass a terminally ill cancer patient will lead us to… what? Harrassing terminally ill cancer patients?

Meh. I’ll stick with mindless sheeple voting. Less dehumanizing.


So when is PJ’s trial for manslaughter coming up?


OK, call me crazy, but if you’re trying to win an award for being funniest of the funny bloggers and you’re willing to humiliate yourself in every way imaginable to do so, wouldn’t you try to be somewhat – er, funny while doing it?

As for the organized assault on a cancer victim, even I, who am known for being able to conjure the occasional scathing put-down am left dumfounded by the mental instability that would be necessary to mount such an attack on a person with a terminal illness.

Entering offices in office buildings of all places, and bugging total strangers to solicit votes for an online blog award contest pretty much explains it.

This guy ain’t funny at all, unless watching an emotionally and intellectually arrested hollow man show us his gotchies in public is funny these days.

Harumph. Get him, boys!


It’s times like this that I wish I wasn’t an atheist. At this very moment I wish there was a vengeful God that would not only smite these assholes, but turn them to salt, turn them back to flesh, unleash locusts on them and send them to the firiest pits of hell.


Kuda is right. though not perhaps as (s)he meant what s(he) said.

who gives a fuck about an internet award. that doesn’t go far enough in screwing with this shitheel’s world.

the only appropriate way to deal with people like PJ is to physically intimidate them. find out where he lives, take a shit in a bag, light it on fire and leave it in his mouth. i mean on his porch. sorry.

these beer league putsch wannabe motherfuckers AREN’T like the brownshirts of the weimar days–they don’t have the guts those skull-fuckers did. these guys took on someone with PANCREATIC CANCER because…well, because no 5 year olds were around to pummel.

anyway, as there is no heaven nor hell, we are stuck with dealing with the fucktards here on planet earth. i hope to find out who this guy is so that i can make his life as unpleasant as humanly possible.


I’m saying, do not go flying monkey on PJ’s ass based solely on the words of Elizabeth Ferrari. It’s not a good idea. All we know is that PJ talked shit on the internet about a guy who actually was dying, which is heinous but not a maiming offense. The rest is all stuff that has not been verified by anyone (seriously, “the Bush right” vandalized a supporter’s car to send a message? Really? That’s either some weak ass message sending or rank paranoia) and has been denied by the accused perpetrator. Don’t go Malkin around.

Also, read back what’s been written and tell me it don’t reak of Freepers sitting around dreaming of putting the boot in. As Gob would say, come on!


the only appropriate way to deal with people like PJ is to physically intimidate them.

Um, that’s a bad thing to write, possible Robert Green.


The DUmmie FUnnies are under a bigtime attack by an organized campaign by the Leftwing Blogosphere to keep us from winning as FUnniest Blog in the 2007 Weblog Awards.

Someone might want to let PJ know that harassing a cancer patient to death is likely to hurt one’s chances of winning any kind of award; unless there’s an award for harassing cancer patients to death, in which case SadlyNo doesn’t have a hope in hell.

Oh yeah, and even though PJ nominated himself or had some concern troll nominate him and he’s begging strangers to vote for him and some of them are doing him a favour, you sorta kinda need to be funny to get votes.


Stef, thank you, I have read those. The articles talk about the backlash and the swiftboating, but they don’t support these claims of treatment interference and attacks on Stephenson’s supporters. Allegations like that require more than ardent repetition for me to get my pitchfork out. If there’s proof of these two accusations, that’s enough for criminal charges, so let’s get that proof if it’s there.


Kuda Bux Oh for god’s sake, let them win already. It’s a tainted award given by mindless clicking and there is a hysteria rising on both sides that is unpleasant.

My guess is that Kuda Bux is the concern troll, LOL, posting on this thread.


All I can tell you is that the friends who put Andy up before and after his hospital stay felt intimidated and frightened by incidents that occurred at their home. I have discussed it with them myself. So you have my word for it as well as Beth’s. However, that is not the point. No one is accusing PJ of personally vandalizing a car or attempting to enter a home. PJ stands accused of being “not funny.” And I think that point has been well proven.


yep, kuda bux is LOL. She or he is making the same comments here as she or he is on the thread.

Shorter LOL/kuda bux: Andy may or may not exist and may or may not have had cancer and the money may or may not have been raised and may or may not have been frozen and harassment may or may not have occurred. But when all is said and done or not said and done, it’s not fair to suggest that PJ shouldn’t qualify to win an award because he may have conducted himself “in poor taste.”

Charles Giacometti

I am thinking about this Andy Stephenson thing and comparing it to the Frost SCHIP affair. I think in both cases legal action could have been taken (could still be, actually). People who got threatening, hateful emails or calls should discuss them with a police detective. And the many, many hateful comments look like slander to me, though I am not a lawyer.


People who got threatening, hateful emails or calls should discuss them with a police detective. And the many, many hateful comments look like slander to me, though I am not a lawyer.

That is what I would start out trying to do with vile individuals like this PJ, at least. And, that way, you create an official paper trail. If the law is too corrupt, it won’t help, but I’m not yet convinced that that is the case.


The main reason for S, N! to win this minor, trivial, unimportant award is that DUFUcked up wants to win it.

There will be no criminal charges for what was done to Andy Stephenson because it doesn’t appear that they did anything illegal. Granted, it looks like what was done was a perversion of the rules of various entitites – rules which were set up to be used for good – but it doesn’t appear to be illegal.

For example, it is not illegal to contribute to a fund and then use the rules of the funder to question the use of the money. It is not illegal to use Medicaid rules to suspend somebody’s Medicaid coverage for investigation. The only possible illegality is the two people who may or may not have been impersonating law enforcement. Let’s hope the person they visited pressed charges if they were indeed not really officers.

So, since we can’t get this turd any other way, let’s get him in his ego. He wants it; we take it away from him. We achieve a tiny bit of justice in the world. That might be all we can do.


No, I’m not anybody other than me over here. I haven’t been over to that other thread. I didn’t just roll into the Sadly No! corral today and I am fine with the notion that PJ shouldn’t win because he’s not funny and spectacularly unkind. Stef, I believe you and your friends felt a menace at that time and I’m sorry for your loss.


Fuck me. Seriously, FUCK ME. I TRY to be an open-minded fellow; I TRY to tell myself that just because you have fucked-up political views and a blog doesn’t mean you’re necessarily a bad person in real life. I know right-wingers whom I personally like in spite of their odious belief systems. It doesn’t make sense, but when did humans ever? But unspeakable shit like this is dealing a VERY HARD BLOW to my desired belief system. We are SO fucking diseased. How is this country not over, done, finished?


Well gosh, I wasn’t going to bother voting because it’s, you know, the stupid as hell Wizbang awards and who the fuck cares, right? I know S,N! doesn’t because S,N! is much too chill and snarky, and probably would think it was more fun if Jon Swift took it this time, or something like that. S,N! is that kind of cat, the kind who respects and enjoys other funny talent, and can even refer to people as “cats” and not be self-conscious about it. That’s the way S,N! rolls.

But now, I just want to make this PJ character howl. Even if he hadn’t decided that a cancer-surgery fundraiser was suspicious because it was for the benefit of somebody he didn’t like, I’d still want to make him cry over losing this stupid, pisant, worthless, nobody gives a flying fuck award, because the fucker just cares too much about it. Going door to door asking secretaries to vote for it? That’s desperate effort, and desperate effort just isn’t funny. He must be denied.


If there was a “harrassing cancer patients” category I’d happily vote for PJ every day.


Hey, Kuda, your previous comments mirrored those of LOL which is why I concluded you must be one and the same. If you’re not, good. I look forward to not seeing comments like “All we know is that PJ talked shit on the internet about a guy who actually was dying, which is heinous but not a maiming offense. The rest is all stuff that has not been verified by anyone (seriously, “the Bush right” vandalized a supporter’s car to send a message? Really? That’s either some weak ass message sending or rank paranoia) and has been denied by the accused perpetrator. Don’t go Malkin around…there is a hysteria rising on both sides that is unpleasant.”


If I could stop the voting and hand the award to Swift, Boobs/Injuries, or the Sneeze, I’d be so happy to do that. (Inter alia.)

I think if we win we should split it somehow. Make up co-awards for the other entrants, etc.

[I’m just thinking out loud here.]


We are SO fucking diseased. How is this country not over, done, finished?

GeoX – look in a mirror. That’s why. There are a lot of decent, caring, funny people here. Don’t lose sight of that.


Kuda Bux

Sorry dude. I’m way more comfortable with the hive mind trip. Off to vote…


I wish you could deed over all your votes to BOSSY. she is hilarious.


Frankly, I don’t give a damn about any damn weblog award.

But there are foul, odious people out there who hold foul, odious opinions and think that propagating the worst kinds of intolerance and violent ideologies is somehow good for my community and my society. And I’m kind of a small person. I don’t just want to tell them they’re wrong. I want to tell them “FUCK YOU!” And if helping Sadly, No win this stupid, meaningless award provides me even the slightest opportunity to shove some of their vile hatred and toxic bigotry back in their faces?

I’m on it. Hell, I’m all over it.

With all available computers…



You live, you learn. You die, you forget.

I had a bunch of my friends murdered not too long ago, and fuckers that are this cavalier about death really deserve the epitome of scorn and contempt.

God it’s hard to type while crying.


bago: They’re sociopaths. Their number and the severity of the disorder have both increased dramatically since around, oh, let’s say, this time seven years ago.

My heartfelt sympathy for your loss(es) — damn.

Also, my dad is currently battling pancreatic cancer. As you said: fuckers.


Hugs for bago.

MzNicky – I hope things go well for your dad. Mine is currently fighting cancer too (so far so good, but we’re keeping our fingers tightly crossed). I can’t imagine what kind of unholy freak would go after someone who is going through that.


What a pack of clueless losers you SUCKERS are! You ALL are the type that get SCAMMED by every infomercial that comes down the pike. I don’t know where to start, so I won’t start at all. You’re all WORTHLESS & WEAK!!


Hey everyone! Look at Frank projecting! Go, Frank, go!


You’re all WORTHLESS & WEAK!!

Attention Frank: Douglas C. Niedermeyer was the dick everyone hated. He was so hated that Twisted Sister kicked his ass a few times too.


From the Seattle Weekly obituary:

Stephenson’s health took a turn for the worse on Wednesday June 22, when he was admitted to Virginia Mason Medical Center with post-surgery complications… [snip of melodramatic editorializing]…Over the next two weeks, his condition steadily declined. After a series of strokes, he died


As of writing this, S,N! is smokin’ em by 2200 votes. Keep it up!


Is that Frank Burns?


As of writing this, S,N! is smokin’ em by 2200 votes.

Yes, our Dark Lord Kos has weighed in on the matter. Praise be upon him.


Isn’t impersonating officials or really, anyone, against federal law?


Doodle-beans: “It is not illegal to use Medicaid rules to suspend somebody’s Medicaid coverage for investigation.”

Umm, actually, if done in bad faith, it is.


My Mother is getting surgery on the 14th.The surgeons are going to clean whatever cancer is remaining in her stomach lining.A shunt will be fitted to her stomach for the continued course of chemo.If I ever run into that punk I will kick him in the cunt,and proceed to repeatedly kick him till he begs me to stop.I am not a pacifist as I’m sure you can tell by my posts over the past months though I generally abhor violence,I do believe it can be a necessary instrument in very select instances,this is one of them.


Sometimes, when you read about Shias and Sunnis drilling holes in each other’s heads, or about Guatemalan death squads torturing campesinos just to scare their fellow villagers, you do wonder how, how can people be like that. And you might slip into thinking, well, they’re different over there. It’s the third world, they have different standards, and so on.

But they don’t. They are just people who are disempowered themselves, shown a way to be powerful. If you can’t be loved, being powerful is a decent substitute. These cunts won’t be sorry they made Andy’s last days painful. They’ll celebrate the exercise of power. And they’d do it to any one of us too. I don’t know what you can make of that. It’s just profoundly sad.


“here are some words, like ‘nauseating,’ that pretty much stand in reserve, only to be used when no other word will do”

Yeah, like “morally repellent” and “sociopathic”.


Yeesh. What a squalid piece of shit. What a worthless diseased prick. What kind of gaping fistfucked asshole would do that? I certainly hope I run into this PJ cunt someday.

And his blog is about as funny as a case of syphilis, which I hope he has the good grace to drop dead from soon.

Douglas Adams may have said it best (as he did so many times) when he wrote: “This is behavior a bout of amoebic dysentery would be ashamed of.”


That is so utterly horrifying. It’s almost as if, they reached this point of no return, where their refusal to accept the truth is so strong that they’re looking for any SHRED of evidence that supports their story. Because the alternative, that they killed a man with hate, is so horrifying.

Maybe not to them, but they know how horrifying it would be to others.

Right and wrong dont’ matter anymore, it’s all Right and Left. Death and suffering have no place in the equation, anything to make sure that they are right, hard right.



Because of the numerous delay’s to this guy’s course of treatment, I’d think a wrongful death lawsuit against each and every one of his tormentors is in order by his estate.


What Ron said, also what about criminal charges? Making false statements to a government agency.


Andy’s family should file a lawsuit against PJ and the assholes who caused him such pain in this last weeks on Earth, and drag them through legal hell for a couple years…forcing them to wrack up monstrous legal bills and potentially getting a huge judgment againts them for slander, libel, harrassment, intentional inflection of emotional distress, and potentially a whole host of other charges.

And when PJ and his asshole buddies try to set up a “legal defense fund” at, Andy’s next-of-kin can subpoena the defense fund records and then post the names of all the anonymous Peeper assholes on a public website. In fact, they can then subpoena all the computer, credit card, phone and other records of all the donors in order to track down PJ’s accomplices.

These wingnut bastards think we are mild-mannered Bruce Banner. But, in reality, we are the Incredible Hulk.

Don’t make us angry, pukes. You won’t like us when we’re angry.


That is so utterly horrifying. It’s almost as if, they reached this point of no return, where their refusal to accept the truth is so strong that they’re looking for any SHRED of evidence that supports their story. Because the alternative, that they killed a man with hate, is so horrifying.

No. It’s worse than that. The Freepers are all a bunch of fucking frauds. They make shit up about themselves on a daily basis, and simply assumed that everyone else must be doing it on our side too.

What happened in this case is a 21st century version of Hitler’s SA/Brownshirt thugs, or the Chinese Cultural Revolution on a smaller scale.

They are fascists. They should be locked up. Period.


Well, know that Andy is dead, I guess the Freepers can all sing a rousing chorus of the Horst Wessel Song and congratulate themselves on a job well done.

Nothing like persecuting a helpless sick person to get the ol’ Aryan juices flowing.


Gad damn that is awful. Smite them, every last fucking one of them but especially this DUFU slime.


I used to moderate for DU a long time ago, I haven’t been there in ages (I got banned there actually, long story), and I had no idea Andy was dead much less this sordid, nasty story.

I don’t think he had much in the way of family to file a lawsuit, and as nice a fantasy as giving PJ and his stupid friends a tune up with a tire-iron sounds, give it a day and they’d be getting by with tylenol, that doesn’t suit the crime either. I can’t think what really does suit the crime other than being shunned by the rest of humanity until divine retribution strikes and they are struck with terminal cancer and then finding a way to make it impossible for them to have access to painkillers.

I’m at a loss.


My uncle was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few years ago. Less than 5% of patients survive 5 years. I also found John Hopkins had that Whipple procedure. While it offers some hope it’s only good for specific patients with the right size tumor in the right place.

It’s amazing what Ferrari and these people were able to do for Stephenson. It’s appalling what the wingnuts did to him and them. Read the whole letter. I agree, I don’t often feel this kind of hate but I’m thinking we may just need to separate. If they don’t want to live in a civilized society then they have to go. Abe Lincoln was wrong. We should have let their ancestors secede.


If there was a “harrassing cancer patients” category I’d happily vote for PJ every day.

can we have an award made for him and send it? I’m sure his mother would be proud. When he comes up from the basement for snacks he can admire it . . .


Yes, keep explaining to your supporters how to vote in an online poll while you call the Democratic Underground “DUmmies”. I’ll never get tired of that.

If S,N! wins this, more power to us but what’s at stake anyways? Stalkin’ Malkin is a shoe-in to take the best blogger prize, so why would we even want to hold this up as trophy? Maybe it would be better to do the annual “conservative/Nobel Prize sour-grapes shuffle” and tell the world we didn’t even want to win that dumb ol’ popularity contest anyhow.


If this is true, get the FBI involved. Open up a murder conspiracy case. Get their servers confiscated as evidence.


Actually, Malkin is behind Huffington POst and Boing Boing. By a mile.

What is truly disturbing is that Little Green Snotballs is leading the “best blog community” award by a significant margin.

Apparently, Der Furher has spoken.

I think this travesty has to be remedied.


If this is true, get the FBI involved. Open up a murder conspiracy case. Get their servers confiscated as evidence.

If that happens, you will start seeing a bunch of “mysterious” suicides across the country. Due to all that kiddie Porn the Freepers have on their hard drives.


Gavin, if you really wanted to burn their britches, I’d see how many of the others in the category would join you on stage at the awards to condemn the UnFUnny DUnce. Pull a Michael Moore Oscar routine on them and they’ll howl.


Hesiod said @ November 6, 2007 at 7:17

What is truly disturbing is that Little Green Snotballs is leading the “best blog community” award by a significant margin.

Apparently, Der Furher has spoken.

I think this travesty has to be remedied.

Oh Fark!

Actually I just checked and LGF is falling way behind, since they are left-wing, muslim-loving multi-culti losers. Much hilarity ensued.


It’s a damn shame that this award has been sullied by the sphincter-on-stilts known as “PJ”, because S,N has been a ray of sunshine for me ever since my wife told me about it some months ago. You guys are indeed funny, award-winningly so – bloggers and commenters alike. I’ve tried to reciprocate with a few half-witticisms of my own, but it’s not easy stepping up your game when the game is comedy.

Some kind of dedication is in order – attention must be paid.

Should I ever have occasions to communicate with PJ, my first words will always and ever be “Andy Stephenson”.


Good news! LGF has fallen behind Fark! and DailyKos in the “best on-line community” balloting.



So this PJ Comix guy was definitely participating in the harrassment of Andy Stephenson? Did he help organize it? It’s not clear from the post, if he did anything or it was just freepers in general.

Are they contemporary posts about this, someone can link to?


As I understand it, he was one of three main instigators. There’s a thread at DU that covers all the specifics, although the format there can be hard to navigate.

Here’s one of the (many) Free Republic threads:


OK. Thanks, I followed a link to only this post, I just now saw your other posts on this guy.

Do they give merit badges in being an utter asshole?


My thanks to everyone here. The best weapon against evil is a big bright shining light.


The saddest thing about it is that I read the first page of the DUmmies thing, and the closest thing I could find to funny was the DU thing, which could have been maybe good for half a chuckle.




Did you just make that last post over at DUFU?

If so, you really summed it all up very sweet.

( btw, it was me that was engaging him in the theological discussion just previous… I’m assuming it was PJ. A somewhat revealing exchange.)


Maybe it’s on the internet that you get a look at these guys. You wouldn’t see this on the 6:00 news. Maybe they reveal themselves here in the tubes. What a bunch of jackals. God. Is the Dawn of the Dead or what?


OMG I love you guys! I an laughing so hard reading the comments over there. The whole internets has turned out to smite this creep.


Are these twats in Seattle?


Who the fuck does such things? Interfere with a seriously ill cancer patient’s medical treatment? If there’s a hell, there’s going there.


bago said,

Are these twats in Seattle?

Wherever DUFUS and his defenders are, they’re definitely, in mind and spirit at least, patriotic supercitizens of Dumbfuckistan.


Threats of violence are bogus currency used by virulent amoeba like DUFU and his slimy followers.
Defeat this scum democratically. Vote hard, tell your friends, expose the disease to the sunlight where it will shrivel and die.


It is the MO of terrorists. These freepers would be glad to be under Sharia law (is that what it is called?), and would probably be ready for suicide bombing missions. Assholes, the world over.


Now PJ’s thanking the “loony left” for all the delicious PR for his blog. I hate to break it to him (not really, but that’s how the cliche goes), but that old saying “there’s no bad press” is crap.

This is like watching a train wreck where you root for train instead of the person getting crushed (deservedly in this case.)


[…] (Andy was one of the earliest black box voting activists), but I had no idea that the wingnuts were the ones who had his Paypal account frozen, delaying the operation: What followed was a coordinated effort to block Andy [Stephenson]’s […]


[…] (we have two conservatives and one lib now – is there no justice?) the freepi’s ridiculous conniption fit over losing the funniest blog category would have belonged to us. The Malkinites, dead enders, […]


I usually don’t say things like this, but someone needs to shoot these people. They are as dangerous and insane as rabid dogs and should be put down.

I usually don’t call for people to be killed, but this guy deserves it.


Yikes, brendancalling. Feel free to vent, but calling for someone to be killed? Waaaaaay over the line…



Umm, actually, if done in bad faith, it is.

Technically, you are correct. The problem is that you would have to prove ‘bad faith’ well enough for a State AG’s office to press charges. Bad faith is notoriously difficult to prove. You would have to find writing or other substantial evidence where PJ admitted that he was deliberately trying to fuck up Andy Stephenson.

In this case, the simple fact that PayPal investigated the fund would likely be considered enough evidence of good faith by any AG’s office for a Medicaid investigation to be filed. And I hate to write it, but in a case where the patient had a 95% chance of dying anyway, no AG’s office on the planet is going to dig especially hard to try and prove bad faith.

I don’t like it, either, but that’s reality. I agree with you heartily that PJ misused the rules which were set up to protect people. However, I doubt he and his compatriots will ever be punished for that misuse.

Don’t get me wrong. PJ’s behavior – and the behavior of his supporters – was reprehensible. Yet sadly, we are up against the realities of our legal system.

So, we take this one stupid, trivial, little bit of ego-gratification away from him. That may be all we can to do mete out some justice.

Unless we want to sink to his level, of course…


Let’s beat this turd twice. Now that S, N! is well ahead, vote for Jon Swift.


If this story broke into the MSM – this guy could be punished. Trust me, even being forced to go through the lawsuits is a form of punishment.

This really needs to get more ink and more eyeballs.


If this story is true as told, criminal prosecution is definitely called for. Barring that, a civil suit seems like a no-brainer.


One thing that I cannot get over is why the hell would the Freepers care if a man is pretending to have cancer so he can rip off his friends and members of Democratic Underground?

If they really believed Stephenson was engaged in fraud you would think they would laugh to themselves about the suckers at DU and leave it at that.

On some level they had to know how disingenous the accusation was and just wanted to gleefully fuck with a man’s medical care.


“Are these twats in Seattle?”

I suspect they work for the Discovery Institute…


Ya know if he would have just stfu he might have won.


I think there are a number of ways of achieving some justice both criminally or civilly. If I was a first-hand witness to some of these events and wanted to see justice served, though, I would not wait another instant before going to talk to a prosecutor, investigative agency or civil attorney. Mr. Stephenson apparently died in July 2005 and the statute of limitations is ticking away.


Is there any evidence ANYWHERE that Freepers “had its agents make small donations so they could then call Paypal with allegations of fraud that froze Andy’s account.”

You and Balloon Juice and DU and American Street have claimed this, quoting Elizabeth F’s open letter. It’s a pretty shocking accusation. Your commenters have lapped it up.

Any shred of documentation anywhere? Anything??


This doesn’t surprise me one bit. Mike Huckabee, the former Southern Baptist minister and former governor of Arkansas, was aided by the right-wing crazies in his quest to free Wayne Dumond, who the crazies stated really didn’t rape Bill Clinton’s cousin. Dumond, on being freed, went out and brutally murdered another woman — and Huckabee, ever the shameless prick, blames Bill Clinton for it.


[…] And here’s some more classiness from the right […]


[…] Sadly No! guys have resurrected this story from 2005. Here’s how it […]


There’s 1000 + posts of commentary about “scamdy’s” medical treatment and, more importantly, how it was paid for here. Take a look if you want to be disgusted.;page=251And here’s some interesting information about PayPal hijinx:



Your link is intended to go to page 251, etc. Go there, or anywhere else.

Could you paste in this comment thread ANYTHING about “making small donations so they could then call Paypal with allegations of fraud that froze Andy’s account.”



I can’t. I never claimed that was true; Beth Ferrari did and I assume she has good reasons for doing so, although I agree it is not “proof” by a preponderance of the evidence.

My focus is not quite so narrow. My focus is the hateful assholes who spent 1000+ posts commenting on a dying man’s medical treatment, analyzing his bills, the donation checks and routing numbers, etc. with a degree of care and exactitude one wishes the media devoted to analyzing evidence of WMDs in Iraq. Does this prove illegal behavior? No. Does it prove that the people who were wrapped up in proving that Scamdy’s pancreatic cancer treatment was a “scam” are flaming assholes? I’m not sure reasonable minds could disagree on this point.

You’re welcome


They are fascists. They should be locked up. Period.

well, if you want to look at history, that’s not generally the remedy favored by antifascists. very, very generally speaking, you understand.


Wow. From unfunny assholes to fucking murderers. How far a stretch is that.

And I went to the front page of DUFUS. What a fucking stupid site.


We also lost this guy to pancreatic cancer. Interesting to know what he’d say if he were around to hear about this. It would probably something like, “EVOLVE, you fuckers!”

Not to worry, though. You can still hear Dennis Miller on AM radio every night, whoring himself out in the service of George Bush and his fucking wars. What a world.

For those of you in need of death-related comedy relief, I recommend this.


I’m voting for Jon Swift. Sorry, Sadly, No guys, I just think he’s funnier than y’all. The DUFU doofuses, OTOH are as funny as giving a rubber crutch to a crippled man: big yucks for cruel creeps.


Oh, and today is the last time I will ever click on a link to DUmmie FUnnies. To know they exist is to despise them.


Better start threadsucking the relevant Freeper posts before JimRob makes them go away.


That is an unbelievably sad story. It’s the sort of thing you’d expect to hear out of a dictatorship like Zimbabwe, not the USA.

This vile character from DUFU and his accomplices deserve at the very least to be exposed for what they are in public. I can’t know for sure if there’s a crime been committed, but if even a quarter of what is being claimed is true, if vital medical care was maliciously obstructed in any way, whoever was responsible should be hauled into court and preferably jailed for a very long time. And I’d hope they are already living in fear of the knock on the door. They must know by now what they’ve done.


[…] there was the case of the Freepers literally harassing vote integrity activist Andy Stephenson to death. The denizens of Free Republic, having decided that they don’t like elections that […]


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