Fred Thompson: I R Dum @ Math
Russert: So you’re saying we will be there [in Iraq] for several years?
Thompson: I don’t know what several years means.
Let’s see if we can help him out. ‘Several years’ could mean, at minimum:
– 24 months
– 104 weeks
– 730 days (731 if there’s a leap year in the mix!)
– 17,520 hours
– 1,051,200 minutes
– 63,072,000 seconds
– 1 trillion dollars, give or take a couple billion
– 2,000 U.S. dead, give or take a couple hundred
– 20,000 U.S. wounded, give or take a couple thousand
– 100,000 Iraqi dead, give or take a couple hundred thousand (actually, only ‘give’, not ‘take’)
– The ongoing obliteration of our credibility and moral standing in the world, give or take ‘this-has-actually-happened-already-and-now-we-are-merely-feeling-around-for-the-floor’)
Fred Thompson: the republican who makes Reagan look alert. Even now.
How can I get one of these gigs where you get rewarded for being st00pid?
Watching that Meet the Press interview with Fred Thompson, it was like he was setting out to prove he could get even more of his foot into his mouth, like all the way up to the ankle even.
D.A., I’ll bet that move gets Jeri hot.
I don’t know who the woman in that picture is, thunder. I was sure this was Jeri Thompson …
Republicans aren’t very good with definitions. Like who the enemy is.
The dictionary meaning of several is “more than 2, fewer than many.”
FWIW. That would be 36+ months.
Giuliani is clearly the wingnut to fear. He’s a cunning, ruthless liar, which of course makes him the ideal Republican.
A word of advice to Fred Thompson: Next time they spring one of those tricky math questions, use this line.
Giuliani is clearly the wingnut to fear. He’s a cunning, ruthless liar, which of course makes him the ideal Republican.
Well, fuck knows he’s the candidate I fear, anyway. The fact that he’s maintaining a ecent lead over Freddy just makes me all the more nervous.
We don’t need another Reagan, fersure. But we DEFINITELY don’t need another G. W. Bush.
I dunno. Romney’s kind of got that Manchurian-Candidate-meets-Damien-from-Omen-Part III quality about him. But that’s probably just me being superstitious and waaaay too steeped in pop culture.
Ahem. Nobody who deserves a vote in some stupid web award thingie would use “several” to indicate two.
Speaking of the web award…
Romney’s kind of got that Manchurian-Candidate-meets-Damien-from-Omen-Part III quality about him.
Agreed, plus for me as a pseduo-ex-Mormon he’s got an additional layer of creepy. But far as I can see, he’s probably not going to get the nomination, so it’s not as if I wake up screaming at night thinking about it.
D. Aristophanes said,
November 4, 2007 at 19:13
I don’t know who the woman in that picture is, thunder. I was sure this was Jeri Thompson …
Look at the handles on that jug!
Thompson: I don’t know what several years means.
Subtext: I’m not in this to think on my own. Elect me and I’ll let my advisers aka Cheneyesque figures decide.
btw, sadlyno’s bar on the graph of funniest blog award doesn’t reflect the percentage.
Yeah, great. Bush has effectively demonstrated that you can be a two-term president while doing nothing the people want you to do, transparently lying to them and generally acting as a petulant child.
Thanks, asshole. The next guy now knows he doesn’t even have to pretend…
I’m sure he knows what several years means but dodging the question is better than giving a straight answer.
Subtext: I’m not in this to think on my own. Elect me and I’ll let my advisers aka Cheneyesque figures decide.
Uh, no thanks, Mr. Thompson. We’ve got burned already once on that kinda deal.
Y’know, if a million lives, the future of our country and my own economic well being didn’t hang in the balance, President Fred would be hilarious, the gift that just keeps on giving.
DipShit FUnnies has pulled ahead again in that stupid popularity contest. Go and vote again if you haven’t in the last 24 hours. Remember, the point is to deny that other asshole a win. We know it doesn’t mean anything, but he seems to think it’s a big deal. I’d like to make him cry. Oh yeah Fred Thompson is teh suxxor.
huh. i thought “several” was officially the next step after “few” which is more than a “couple”. which is, by most accounts, “two (2)”.
which is more than a “couple”. which is, by most accounts, “two (2)”.
This is not set in stone. Two is 2. A couple is “a number that could be, or is somewhat similar to 2”.
Like when the cop asks you how much you’ve had to drink and you say “Oh, I’ve had a couple beers”. Everyone knows you are not claiming to have consumed exactly two beers, but a reasonably small single digit number of beers…
And depending on the cop and the circumstances, it might end up in the official report as “several” beers . . . ah, language, she is so slippery.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
November 4, 2007 at 19:07
D.A., I’ll bet that move gets Jeri hot.
Goddammit, thunder. Here was I hoping to be excitingly bisexual-like, and all I thought on looking at that woman was “hey, I like the sunray pleating on that frock”.
All hope is lost. I’m hopelessly heterosexual. Can you all forgive me?
Qetesh, she’s a mermaid. It’s whats for dinner.
Looks like Sadly has pulled ahead.Just delete your cookies.
I’m kidding.
Everyone knows you are not claiming to have consumed exactly two beers
And after all, if you did make that claim, who would believe you?
Fred Thompson R Dum @ everything. Yeah, we got a million of ’em down here in the glorious border state of Tennessee. Unfortunately. Make that several million.
Could “several years” be the the time he’d already been in politics before his wife was born?
Qetesh, your heterosexuality is completely forgiven. Any time you’re on this side of our globe & need help w/ it, we’re here for you.
P. S.: In a startling indication of what an empty, pointless life I lead, I had the telebision on last night & a character in some juvenile sci-fi show was calling herself Qetesh, & I thought: Oh, like the typing kitty @ S,N!.
Thanks, M. Bouffant, I’m touched.
And oh, it seems my fame has spread. That’s what comes of being named after a goddess of sex (as it turns out: the servant didn’t realise this when she named me, it was the Egyptian goddess thing she liked).
And apropos of gods and god-like things, I proudly present this, what I have just discovered on the intertubes. Nothing less than a catalogue of gods (a godalogue?), handy for all those embarrassing social occasions when you need one but just can’t find what you’re looking for. Check out the shop for the t-shirt of Sheela-na-Gig, a celtic goddess who’s “lewd, rude, nude and very crude, displaying her most intimate parts to scare away death.”
handy for all those embarrassing social occasions when you need one but just can’t find what you’re looking for.
Qetesh, I assure you that I do not need any more embarassing social occasions. I have quite enough already.
Keen site, Q.
My “most intimate parts” have scared away all sorts of people, & apparently death as well. So far.
Sheela-na-Gig, a celtic goddess who’s “lewd, rude, nude and very crude”
Finally, a cult I can get behind! A goddess of my own ethnicity, no less! Thanks, Qetesh.
“Most intimate parts” reminds me of my friend Vicki, who used to insist that with determination — and a sufficiently strong arm — no internal cavity of the human body is out of reach. I never argued with her.
Ah hah. This would be the “wave your junk at ’em” survival strategy. I’m in. I’ll hide behind my genitalia, proving it can vanquish your, um, stuff without hesitation.
Look at it again.
Once more….
Romney scares me a lot more than Rudy. There are still plenty of sane people in America (well… I think) that come general election time will find Rudy’s craziness a bit too abrazive.
Romney on the other hand is super-polished, veteran corporate shmoozer, handsome, he can win the general.
The thing is, the priamries are more dominated by nutjobs and Rudy plays well for that demographic. Plus, according to early polling, the evangelicals from the South are deeply mistrusting of Romney’s mormonism (I know, I know, it’s the same Jesus, different packaging… well, it’s like silver iPod people vs. white iPod people… no-no, it makes perfect sense, period… no more questions,OK). If he goes over the primary hurdle, the voters in the general care less about personal religion.
So if Romney comes out, I am really scared. If Rudy G. comes out I don’t think he has a shot…
Did someone say Sheela-na-Gig?
Nice linky, Lawnguylander. If I was going to go for a woman, P J Harvey would be on my list.
Well, Romney is way the fuck ahead in Iowa, so he scares me more. If Rudy doesn’t do better in Iowa than he’s doing so far, he’s done. Hell, he was neck and neck with Huckabee here the last I checked.
Never doubt it. Iowa can finish off a candidate. Just look at Dean.