The Flying CinnaNun

Our Sister of Perpetual Outrage, Cinnamon Stillwell, has her wimple in a wrap over San Francisco’s Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence — a bunch of men who dress up as nuns — and other perpetrators of hate crimes against upright Christians like herself. I bet you didn’t know it, but the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence even inspired a crazy man to try to burn down Grace Cathedral in San Francisco!
Anti-Christian Sentiment in San Francisco Leads to Violence, Liberals Shrug
Fresh on the heels of my SFGate column on San Francisco’s Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and their juvenile and disrespectful publicity stunt involving receiving Communion in full drag at Most Holy Redeemer Parish comes word of local anti-Christian sentiment taken to the highest degree.
It seems that San Francisco "performance artist" Paul Addis (formerly known as the arsonist who couldn’t wait to torch the Burning Man festival’s large wooden icon) decided to set his sights on San Francisco’s historic Grace Cathedral. Addis was arrested last Sunday night on the steps of the cathedral wearing an explosives belt and, according to a tip from a caller who overheard him earlier, planning to burn down the Episcopal church.
Burning down a giant stone cathedral is, of course, easier to accomplish in an overheated wingnut’s imagination than in actual practice, particularly where Mr. Addis had not an explosives belt, but an ammunition belt with small explosives which, according to the police, would not have caused substantial damage, much less burned down the whole gigantic stone edifice.
But let’s not rain on Cinnamon’s parade, because she’s just getting worked up about how no one is paying attention to this because it was a hateful Christian church and not a beloved mosque:
While one might imagine this to be a story worthy of attention, media coverage of the incident, as well as local reaction, has been muted at best.
I could only find a mere 270 news articles. Nothing much at all. Crickets, really.
Now let’s play "," the game voted most popular among finger-wagging wingnuts!
Imagine for a moment if the situation were altered and Addis had attempted to burn down or blow up a mosque. … Were Islam to be the targeted religion, does anyone think for a moment that the "hate crime" label would not be affixed?
Perhaps not if it were done by a half-naked deranged man covered with paint who had an established penchant for burning down anything he could put a match to. But, hey, since we are in wild speculation mode, let’s give this one to Cinnamon.
But wait, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence aren’t finished inspiring people to commit acts of vandalism against Christian buildings:
It’s certainly possible that those inclined towards acts of violence are emboldened by the prejudicial atmosphere in this city. After all, is it any coincidence that 18-year-old Mathew Hinz was arrested last week for attempting to burn down a convent in San Francisco’s Portola District, in which six nuns were sleeping?
I don’t know, Cinnamon, let’s ask the police who arrested Matthew Hinz, since they might know just a tad bit more than you do about the circumstances.
Police Deputy Chief of Investigations Morris Tabak said evidence was left at the scene of the fire that led police to search Hinz’s home, at which point he was arrested. “He just likes setting fires,” Tabak said. “This is probably not the first time he’s done something like this.”
Notice that what the police said was that Hinz just liked setting fires, not that he just liked setting nuns on fire. It’s not even clear that Hinz even knew there were nuns involved. But. of course, to The Flying CinnaNun, that’s just further proof that the San Francisco police hate nuns as well and are, in fact, secret agents of the Islamofascists in their scheme to establish the caliphate, to burn nuns to death, and to force Cinnamon to wear a burqa when she leaves the house.
I’m surprised she cares, given that Grace is an Episcopal church, which translates into “gay marriage-supporting, queer bishop-ordaining liberal feminazi-run not-real-Christians” to most on the right.
True enough, Darkrose. And I should note that, I am, of course one of those GMSQBOLFRNRC Episcopalians myself. Go figure. . .
He hates these nuns!
Notice that what the police said was that Hinz just liked setting fires, not that he just liked setting nuns on fire.
What a dull man.
“It’s certainly possible that those inclined towards acts of violence are emboldened by the prejudicial atmosphere in this city.”
Sure. Just like those church burnings in Alabama. Talk about a prejudicial atmosphere. Whew.
SadlyNo is nominated for the 2007 Weblog Awards as the funniest blog!
Needless to say, I’m voting for you, early and often! Maybe not for the same reason as the rest of you, but when it comes down to it, does that really matter?
Kevin –
Kevin is a place –
a place where nothing –
nothing ever happens.
I am inspired to write Haiku. One for Kevin.
What do we have here?Another post from KevinAll he says is “pie”
Ok, technically it’s senryu but it’s not like Kevin knows the difference.
One for CinnaNun
Cinnamon is madWe don’t love God like she doesAtone, burn a mosque
And one for me:
Haiku is easy?I thought I was a poetDisillusionment
Here’s one for the preview.
Goddamn you preview
Perfect haiku arrangement fucked
Why do I bother?
against upright Christians like herself
I think Stillwell is one of the Chosen People.
“Fresh on the heels of my SFGate column … comes word of local anti-Christian sentiment taken to the highest degree.”
Isn’t she kind of admitting that she caused the attack? Why does Cinnamon hate Christians?
“Notice that what the police said was that Hinz just liked setting fires, not that he just liked setting nuns on fire.”
Pfff. Lightweight.
“Why does Cinnamon hate Christians?”
And why do Christians hate Cinnamon? Is it because the delicious spice is brown? Spicy? Brown and spicy? (hmm, brown and spicy made me think of Donna Edwards, man she’s a knockout).
Like all leftists, I am in complete solidarity with half-naked paint-covered deranged men everywhere and steadfastly support all their actions, no matter how irrational and destructive.
I also stand as one with all hunchbacked dwarves in gimp suits, all disoriented skinny guys on acid who’ve shaved off the hair on the left side of their heads, and all people who wear extremely brightly colored clothing and walk down the street shouting obscenities.
You are so right Snorghagen, when you’re a leftist life is just one big fellini movie.
I also stand as one with all hunchbacked dwarves in gimp suits, all disoriented skinny guys on acid who’ve shaved off the hair on the left side of their heads, and all people who wear extremely brightly colored clothing and walk down the street shouting obscenities.
What about men wearing fat suits and walking through malls?
The fact is, liberals will defend any attack on Christianity and the USA, as long as it helps there favorite religion, the one Of Peace. Liberals are trying to ban Christianity and the Bible in the country that they made great, USA. Who will stand up to them? Who will understand who the real enemy is? And take action? I would vote for that man.
Grace Community in SF is the funnest church in the world and half the service is led by gay people. It’s jammed pack to the rafters and you come out wanting to dance, in fact I often attended there Sunday morning and then went off to the End Up to dance the rest of the day.
After attending a service there Cinnamon would be on the side of Addis instead of the church!
It’s been years since I lived there, but I doubt much has changed at Grace Community, God Bless Them!
the prejudicial atmosphere in this city
Hey, we love and coddle terrorists, hate Christians, and seek to destroy America here in Oakland, too! What do we East Bay types have to do to get some fuckin’ recognition for our efforts at helping the Mexislamonazifascists establish the caliphate?
Finally Gary admits what we knew all along: it was Liberals who made the USA great!
Actually, when you start spending too much time here with Pam Oshry, Debbie Schlussel, Mark Noonan, and all the other bizarros, the world does start looking like the director’s cut of 8 1/2.
The fact is, liberals will defend any attack on Christianity and the USA, as long as it helps there favorite religion, the one Of Peace.
so is Gary saying that Christianity is not a Religion of Peace?
Who will stand up to them? Who will understand who the real enemy is? And take action? I would vote for that man.
but not a woman? I think I’ve been hearing lately that it is WRONG WRONG WRONG to vote for a candidate based on her gender.
You people are all deeply troubled. I rarely get madcap humor this good from a weekly comedy show networks pay millions and millions for. Hell, Saturday Night Live would do better with the spontaneous free and free form content in the f***ing comments section of the blog then their own dozens of writers.
Now they know how Joan of Arc felt.
So the trustafarian retired intellectual property lawyer/”performance artist” in his thirties who torched the burning man, he said, pour épater les newbs was what, a serious and deeply religious person before he saw some guy dressed like a nun?
I think he’d be more likely to set fire to the guy dressed like a nun, at least if he thought it would get him in the papers or sell his book or whatever the fuck he’s trying to do.
In fact, I just don’t know.
I MAY like setting nuns on fire.
I’d like to think I’d like setting nuns on fire.
I can’t think of a reason I wouldn’t like setting nuns on fire.
But I’ve never set any nuns on fire.
So I just don’t know. I’ll get back to you in a couple days.
Got any matches?
I’m lost… What do the Sisters have to do with this Paul guy, anyhow?
The Sisters are pretty cool people.
“performance artist” Paul Addis (formerly known as the arsonist who couldn’t wait to torch the Burning Man festival’s large wooden icon)
I can see why he changed his name. “TAWCWTTTBMFLWI” is way too cumbersome.
Doubting Thomas:
When liberal churches are marrying gay and ordaining women and what not, wingnuts say they aren’t Christian. But the minute some weirdo tries to burn one up, suddenly they are!
Likewise, the “85% of America is Christian”. Yeah, but what percent is Real True Christian (TM)? Probably a good percent just go to church on Easter and Christmas.
Nuns on fire? Was it arson or cooking?
Anyone knows that nun’s don’t burn well since they started making their habits out of flame-retardant material. Stick with the altar boys, their robes are still straight-up wool.
So who exactly is in favor of this church-burning?
I see and hear vague mention of unidentified “liberals,” but I’m not seeing anything a sane or decent person would consider as evidence.
Enlighten me, desperate, attention-craving trolls.
The Great Gazoogle tells me that “Nuns on Fire” are a Pittsburgh metal band.
Well, we don’t know how we got here
We don’t know what jesus thinks
We know we haven’t got fear
And that arson really stinks
We don’t know what you’re believin’
We don’t know how much you care
We don’t care about gettin’ even
We don’t have no puma or bear
Nuns on fire…
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Nuns on fire..
Nuns on fire…
“What do we East Bay types have to do to get some fuckin’ recognition for our efforts at helping the Mexislamonazifascists establish the caliphate?”
Eat churros from “Your Black Muslim Bakery.” With rainbow-swastika icing.
Well, THIS liberal isn’t afraid to come right out and say that burning nuns is wrong! Also, killing cute bunnies and ponies. And tripping old ladies. And, oh yeah, killing a million Iraqis and thousands or Americans in a war based on lies and–what’s that other thing–torturing people detained in American custody.
Check out the latest wingnut hate: Nickelodeon is OMG committing Teh Brainwash!
For serious LOL. That link was forwarded to people on the Gary Gygax discussion list.
With this response (from a mod):
We don’t allow our kids to watch Nick or PBS childrens programming; and we have to be careful about Noggin.
The problem with leftists is that they insist on making everything into politics; and thus they inculcate even childrens television with leftists indoctrination.
Play nice with others, share, and don’t litter get turned into pacifism, socialism, and environmentalism very easily.
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence dress up as Catholic nuns, recieve communion in a Catholic Church, and that inspires someone to torch an Episcopal Cathedral? Let me pour another drink so that I’ll understand.
Grace Cathedral is the one that those drag queens in Tales From the City love to go to. They pass around pills at the beginning and poppers at the climax of each hymn.
I fail to see how crossdressing nuns are in conflict here.
When I used to live a couple blocks from Grace, some wackjob tried to burn it down…he also successfully burned down an apartment building nearby. He claimed Jesus told him to do it because they wuz all librul sinnerz.
He was clearly crazy, like for real, but still using patented Cinnamon Logic I can state with confidence that conservative religion causes arson.
Next she will be blaming The Sisters of Mercy for encouraging the car bombers in Iraq and The Lords of The New Church for encouraging jihad!
I would like to set Gary Ruppert on fire…WITH MY LOVE!!!1!1!
I’m lost… What do the Sisters have to do with this Paul guy, anyhow?
Well, Crissa, it’s obvious to any right-thinking person that men dressed up as nuns radiate a fearsome energy that makes complete strangers want to burn things.
Nickelodeon has taken down the video, but apparently it depicted kids speaking out against things like child labor and torture. These whackjobs seem to believe that the sight of other children expressing political opinions will turn their own offspring into crazed Maoists. From the comments:
Unbelievable! My son (whom I should mention just received an appointment to West Point and one to USAFA) just watched that little brain washing session and we couldn’t believe what we heard coming out of that little punks pie hole.
How did these asswipes wind up on my planet?
Oh! That big fucker at taylor. I’ve been there. Couple o’weddings n’shit.
I used to live with this big redhead at california and broderick. There was a church of some kind across the street. Pastor was REALLY cool. He told me, face to face, as long as it was after nine pee emm, I could park my scoot in his front door without fear of issues.
The homestead was directly across the street.
Remember Major Ponds? And the Viking.
When the hell was that? Woulda been maybe ’81, ’82?
Big fun. Edsel Ford Fong and the bay cruises!
Yee haw….
Not that it would matter to the right wing crazies, but in Mexico up to 700,000 people in the southern state of Tabasco are affected by to storm-related flooding.
Of those, maybe 300,000 are still trapped in their houses. 300,000. The governor said “We are like New Orleans, all the water which comes in must be pumped out,” except at least in the case of Mexico, the federal government was already there helping out. And unlike in the case of the USA, so far no one has died from flooding.
That Paul Addiss guy kind of reminds me of the “Blue Man” guy from Arrested Development.
Why are these people suddenly discovering The Sisters? They’ve been around forever.
Why are these people suddenly discovering The Sisters? They’ve been around forever.
Yes, but Cinnamon just heard of them, so logically the next thing that she hears about must be directly related to them.
Let’s see: San Fran prejudiced…people not exactly like me…it’s a plot to kill us all…
Do you think Ms. Cinnamon know her name screams Aging Porn Star?
Fixed your typo.
“Now they know how Joan of Arc felt.” Kuda Bux
Kudos for the gratuitious Smiths reference!
“…as the flames rose, to a Roman nose, and her walkman started to melt…”
Fixed your typo.
She’s still not a Christian though.
If the 9/11 bombers hate Christianity so much, why didn’t they fly the plane into Grace Cathedral, or some similar house of worship? Why fly the planes into a TRADE CENTER?
Cause the Vatican’s Halberd totin’ beef-eaters are too badass, Fozetti.
Silly liberals! An isolated incident with dubious-at-best connections to a small group with loose affiliations to a particular leaning of the political spectrum is PROOF that all liberals everywhere want to burn down churches and feed Christians to lions.
Hey, we love and coddle terrorists, hate Christians, and seek to destroy America here in Oakland, too! What do we East Bay types have to do to get some fuckin’ recognition for our efforts at helping the Mexislamonazifascists establish the caliphate?
Better restaurants might help.
Wasn’t it the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence who picketed the Pope with the sign, “Popo Go Homo”?
Plz ,sdlyddz,
Saw Arktikle bai Joke Line:
Hit her again!
[Holy shit, it there such a thing as Googlebombing yourself? There is now!]
Red frist pp. rtnazz brnd out. Pl33z reprt.
Iz canz be looksist agin with ayz, evr, plz?
Eat churros from “Your Black Muslim Bakery.”
I dunno about churros, but I definitely fucked with their fish sammich on occasion.
Better restaurants might help.
Hey, we have fried chicken sammiches at Bakesale Betty’s. That’s good enough for me.
I think Stillwell is one of the Chosen People.
in fact, she seems to fancy herself among the Extremely Chosen People, so much so that she sees no problem when one of her fellow Extremely Chosen People tries to blow up stuff — for instance, a mosque and the field office of Lebanese-American (not to mention Republican) congressman Darrell Issa.
It’s Christians like Cinnabon here, and Fred Phelps, and Doug Giles, and The Swankster who give Christians a bad name. Small, scared people who have so little faith in their faith that they think it must be defended against the frightening Other. It’s depressing, really. Better to think of cheery subjects like the nominee for attorney general…. oh fuck.
One of the Sisters, Sister Boom Boom ran for supervisor, but was not allowed to state her occupation as “Nun of the Above”. (if my memory serves.)
Really, they’re not the church burning types.
Cinnamon is more in the mold of Timmy McVeigh – key an eye on her.
Is it me, or does “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” sound like something out of a Monty Python sketch?
The fact is, that liberals hate America and they hate judeo-christian religion which made America the great nation it is today and always has been. Liberals want to impose their secular-athiest world view on everyone else and just look what it brought with it. Abortion on demand and homosexual marriage. Our founders would be ashamed!
so is Gary saying that Christianity is not a Religion of Peace?
Gary is one of the Christianists who prefer the Sword-of-the-Lord version of Jesus-talk. In their world, peace is for pussies and liars, because they believe themselves the most Godly folk of all, and they are very very violent in their inclinations (if seldom their actions); therefore, God having made them in His image, that “Prince of Peace” stuff is mere apocrypha inserted at the hands of liberals and other God-haters.
As for Cinamon Stillwell… wasn’t she the daughter in Absolutely Fabulous?
Saul, you’re not supposed to say “the fact is”. That’s Gary’s thing.
Which shows that Saul is just doing piss poor parody.
You can thank O’Reilly. He’s been ranting about them for weeks now. Apparently, they’ve opened a new front in the ‘culture wars’ and are a sign of the impending apocalypse – right up there with Code Pink and Rosie O. Though to hear him talk, they showed up at some random Church and terrorized the congregation into ghey submission.
See, now you gone confused me again. I thought I wuz suppsed to be a commie-loving athiest? At least that’s what it sez on my Vast Left Wing Conspiracy membership card. Please hurry on the clarification – have to pick up my Che beret at the cleaners. Need it for the Death to Christianity March this aft…
thelogos: a piss-poor parody of a piss-poor parody, perhaps? Very post-modern. Reminds me of a quote I once heard: “PR is a euphemism for a euphemism.”
Had the Diocese of California (that’s SF’s Episcopal Diocese) ordained a lesbian bishop last year, when a lesbian priest was on the slate, would Cinnamon have drawn the same conclusions? I’m guessing no, but unlike Cinnamon I don’t have psychic powers to read minds and see alternative universes.
EWWWWW! What have you folks been eating? Oh…saul. Nevermind.
“Do you think Ms. Cinnamon know her name screams Aging Porn Star?”
So the street she grew up on was “Stillwell” and her first pet was “Cinnamon”?
Btw, my porn star name is “Lulu Reservoir”.
Great – saul is regugitating a half-digested Gary Ruppert post. Back to pablum, kid!
PROOF that all liberals everywhere want to burn down churches and feed Christians to lions.
How DARE you suggest we’d poison lions?!?
WTF kinda name is “Cinnamon Stillwell.” Sounds like a cheesy porn starlet from the 80’s.
One of the Sisters once gave me a pot brownie and some tequila to wash it down and admonished me to “go sin some more.”
They’re awesome.
How DARE you suggest we’d poison lions?!?
Ah, but would you cross staid lions for immortal porpoises?
You can thank O’Reilly. He’s been ranting about them for weeks now.
I tend to be at the gym when O’Reilly is on, and I can’t quite read the closed-captioning, but he’s been running some montage of Rosie O’Donnell (not doing much besides sitting down) and Bill Maher leaving his stage and going towards the audience. It was accompanied by something about how the “mainstream media” won’t decry church burnings. (The MSM, objectively pro-arson, tsk tsk.) I gather he’s trying to make some claim that stoopid librluz are getting more violent, or something. Is that it?
In an nutcase, I mean shell, yes. With the Truthers at Maher’s show, Code Pink getting up into Condi’s grill, some of the SIsters taking communion, and Rosie’s 9/11 comments from, oh, about 4 months ago, the stoopid librulz are bringing the US of A to its knees. And he’s the only media that dares report it…
Grace Cathedral is the one that those drag queens in Tales From the City love to go to.
Don’t forget the Episcopalian cannibal cult that meets there later in the series . . . transubstantiation!
I know of at least one Sister who likes going on long-distance motorcycle rides. (Not in face, obviously.)
Oh that Cinnerman…she’s so silly. I mean does anybody take her seriously? The hysterical ramblings of anti-Christians like Cinnamon Stillwell, Bill O’Reilly, Bill Donohue, George W., and Osama Bin Laden; harken back to the days of the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Salem witch trials. Their voices are no different than those of Chrisitians of the past like Bull Connor, Jerry Falwell, and Pope Pius XII; who found Biblical support for slavery, patriarchy, and genocide. Cinnamon joins a long line of hate-filled Christians who ignore the pleas of Jesus to love one another above all else.
Hey Cinnamon, “Judge not, that you not be judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother,’Let me remove the speck from your eye,’ and look a plank is in your own eye. Hypocrite!” Matthew 1-5
Spartakus said,
November 2, 2007 at 16:57
“Do you think Ms. Cinnamon know her name screams Aging Porn Star?”
So the street she grew up on was “Stillwell” and her first pet was “Cinnamon”?
Btw, my porn star name is “Lulu Reservoir”.
Mine is Speedy Reservoir. Hi sis, or bro, as the case may be!
It’s Christians like Cinnabon here, and Fred Phelps, and Doug Giles, and The Swankster who give Christians a bad name. Small, scared people who have so little faith in their faith that they think it must be defended against the frightening Other.
It makes me wonder why they are so against the so-called (and largely fictitious) Nanny State. Seems that would come in handy for those that wet the bed so often.
Btw, my porn star name is “Lulu Reservoir”.
Mine is Shadow Rockland. How fucking cool is that? I may start using it anyway.