Republican’t Keep It In His Pants, pt. Infinity Plus One
I have developed a truly amazing system of prognostication when it comes to the news. While not foolproof, it does yield results above the statistical average for the method, which means that there must be something more than chance involved here. I will definitely be contacting the Randi foundation later this week to collect my million dollar prize!
Are you ready for my supernatural discovery? It works like this: If the day of the week ends in the letter ‘Y,’ then you should expect a news story about a conservative Republican legislator having kinky gay sex. Trust me — this thing is foolproof.
It seems like the very married Richard Curtis is having a hard time living up to the manly Übermenschen standards the Republican party Volk likes to set for itself these days:
The police report contains an account of how Curtis allegedly donned women’s clothing, red stockings and a black
sequined lingerie top before engaging in a sex act at the store. He then continued to wear them throughout the night under his clothing, the report says.
Now, I don’t personally find anything particularly strange or offputting about men in women’s lingerie. Straight crossdressers and drag queens alike have been numbered amongst my friends before. But this one little bit from the linked-to police report does have me a bit weirded out:
While I was collecting evidence I saw a plastic sack which contained a light gray length of nylon rope, a plastic doctor’s stethoscope, and other items I could not immediately identify.
(Emphasis added.) Items that could not be immediately identified? The imagination runs riot.
Curtis told him that “his wife knew he liked men when they got married, but she was not into that, so he only did that when he was out of town,” the detective wrote in his report.
Ah, the party of Traditional Marriage.
Isn’t that the geographic exemption? It’s not infidelity if spouses are over X miles apart? A big part of Traditional Marriage.
They could have gone out cruising together, but I’m sure his traditional values suddenly appeared if his wife wanted to sleep with other men.
1 man + 1 woman = marriage.
The homosexual perverts and their abominable agenda will be the downfall of our great nation.
1 man + 1 man + red stockings + items that cannot immediately be identified = one rollicking good time!
“Methinks the lady dost protest too much” seems very applicable to Republicans today.
Next we’ll learn that most of them are illegal immigrants.
The homosexual perverts and their abominable agenda will be the downfall of our great nation.
All the more reason to vote Democrat.
If, by “homosexual perverts,” you mean Republicans, saul buddy, I agree with you.
Leviticus 18:22 “Do not lie with mankind as with womankind that is an abomination”.
Will no-one think of the box turtles?!!!
Well, neither one of them actually “lied”. Hands-and-knees and the standing bj both mean never having to say naham.
Ok. Here’s a funny story that seems to fit here.
I got arrested for about fourteen felonies in ’94 in cupertino. I was on a crazy-ass suicide caliber crank mission. One of the problems I had been having on my way down an easy path to an early grave was some sinus headaches. Gee, can’t even imagine, right? So I bought this little tiny vibrator at Brookstone, it used a single AA battery, and had a nice, soothing buzz. I used some structural putty, some medical tape and a fancy chopstick to build a device that could deliver a high-frequency vibration directly to a very small physical location. Placed against my temple or forehead (yeah, I know, shut up) it could make my headaches go away in minutes, and I didn’t have to stop consuming nothing but crank and pot until I died.
Well, they found it in my car, along with a .380 auto and a couple of stashes of speed, and they had to figure out how to describe it in the report. Man, that was, in spite of all the other misery associated with the whole deal, funnier than hell…
Where ever homosexuality is accepted as “normal”, crime, immorality and illegitimacy increase. Look at Denmark and Holland, both once proud nations, now both wretched seespools inhabited by perverts and cowards.
Hey, Saul, quote some more from Leviticus. ‘Cos that whole book is chock-full of helpful advice, mainly on the subject of how much grain (cooked in water, dry-roasted, uncooked, as directed) to offer for various transgressions. It’s like a sinner’s cookbook, aside from the homosexuality thing.
Odd, really. I mean, why did they throw that in there? It’s kind of out of place, with all the injunctions about 3 measures of barley, cooked in a white wine sauce.
And actually on the topic, I shudder to think of the sort of thing that a seasoned police dude couldn’t identify. I used to know a cop, and he’d seen an amazing variety of stuff, battery-powered and otherwise.
Where ever homosexuality is accepted as “normal”, crime, immorality and illegitimacy increase. Look at Denmark and Holland, both once proud nations, now both wretched seespools inhabited by perverts and cowards.
Oh, pig’s fat arse, saul, you buffoon. I really don’t get why you people view consensual acts as more reprehensible than, say, wholesale murder.
I’m just struggling to figure out how homosexuality increases illegitimacy.
Are the gays not having enough abortions?
Saul, Leviticus eleventy-sevixth states that it is an abomination to play catch with a kitten as though it were a puppy. So what? Go back to stall 3 at the Greyhound station, and leave us alone.
Oh, and one more thing for the “Screeee! Ghey germs!” set: how is it that the behaviour of some individuals affects the whole society? Is it really ghey germs? Do they spread invisibly amongst the populace, poisoning our yoof? Or do gay folks radiate some sort of corrosive rays?
Please, I’m keen to know.
Any “Saul” who hasn’t become a “Paul” will spend eternity in hell. Maybe Saul needs to take a trip to Damascus: he ain’t going to Lord Jesus’ heaven, anyway.
Saul, you’re upset, I know…but you need to understand something: YOU ARE CONDEMNED TO ETERNAL DAMNATION BY GOD ALMIGHTY!!! Sorry, dude. I mean, you do seem like a total fucking asshole anyway, but I hate to see anyone’s eternal soul condemned to eternal hell and damnation like your mother’s was. Maybe it’s not to late to repent….wait, I’ll check…..
[checking with God….]
Nope. You’re toast asshole. Enjoy HELL THREE EXCLAMATION POINTSSS!!!
The fact is, Holland & Denmark are “now both wretched seespools inhabited by perverts and cowards,” because they are both under the iron domination of royalty, doubtless “by the grace of god,” or the divine right of kings or whatever the excuse is.
And, Saul? You only needed to say “yes” to the Jesus’ knock. He knocked and knocked at your heart, but you barred the door, didn’t you? Well the LORD gets tired of going around knocking and knocking on stubborn folks doors, you know? And, Lord have mercy and he does, folks, he’s going to come around one more time and let you know that YOU have REJECTED HIM!!! There isn’t repentence enough at the point. You’ll cry out “Lord, Lord, I beseech thee,” but verily at that time will HE say “I know thee not”.
YOU have chosen your reward. Go away from here which is sanctioned by Christ!
Homosexuality is an abomination before the Lord God Almighty!!!
Can we get a rabbiniac ruling on homosexuality if it’s done, say to the side, or even behind the back of the LGA?
The homosexual perverts and their abominable agenda will be the downfall of our great nation.
Oh, I know I’m much more worried about the gays than I am about our record budget deficit and national debt, the plummeting value of the dollar, the breaking of our military, the pollution of our water and air, the rising global temperatures that may make our world unliveable, the shrinking American life expectancy, the failure of our educational system, etc etc etc.
By the Kohim is permitted somewhat, but not too much you know. And not on Shabbat. Ist klar? And this Shaul? What does he know from G_D? What his mother should think of him!
jeff, doesn’t your god give up awfully easily for an all-powerful, all-knowing, loving, forgiving entity? Surely it has more stamina than those Jehobah Witlesses & Mermen who are always knocking at my door. Those people never give up!
“Where ever homosexuality is accepted as “normal”, crime, immorality and illegitimacy increase.” says dear Saul.
And, “wherever homosexuality is treated as a crime, a shame or a perversion, you find closeted Republicans cruising airport bathrooms and gay pr0n shops” says I. Thankfully, they aren’t gay.
M. Bouffant, the Jehova’s Jackasses will stop at nothing; however the real G_D stops real damned quick. Two knocks on your heart’s door without response…and you’re making Smores with Satan…
And b/t/w, He’s not all that all-powerful/knowing/forgiving. All Forgetting, is more like it! Christ, the guy is so insecure he let his own kid die for, um…something. Anyway, I”m not Christian or Jewsus or Islamofascist.
Oh, I know I’m much more worried about the gays than I am about…
You just don’t get it do you? We have those problems because God allows them, because the only thing on His mind is whether or not there’s homo sex going on. If we would do His work for Him by stoning (to death, snart-asses) the ‘mos, everyone left alive would get a pony & a school voucher. Problems solved!!
The homosexual Aids-Monkeys need to shut up and go back in the closet like in the 1920s! this country would be better off without our children being exposed to those faggots!
Homosexuality is an abomination before the Lord God Almighty!!!
Oh. Sorry. I didn’t know it was His turn. (Jeeez! Touch-y!)
Saul: it’s very simple. You need to ask Christ to come into your heart now. Just repeat:
“Christ I welcome you into my heart”
If you mean it, you’ll be saved instantly.
Let’s look where homosexuality is condemned as ‘abby normal’.
I’m guessing you have a wide stance on this ‘issue’, saul. Or is it maf54?
Damned closeted goopers. They’re killing the planet.
Well, really, he killed his own son to make him (or himself, still not clear on that Trinity thing) pay for the original sin caused when he (Gawd) fucked w/ those two innocent people. Don’t touch that apple! Anything else, but stay away from that tree! Talk about entrapment. (Or an attractive nuisance. You could get sued for that.)
Bouffant has a great point there, but it’s soaring like the holy spirit over my head. The important thing is this:
We may have right here and now the first re-birth in Christ ever on S,N!!
Jesus calls, Saul:
ring, ring, ring
“Hi, Saul, this is Jesus. Someone on earth who cares about your soul prayed for me to try to break through to you. I answer prayers, Saul. That’s why I’m calling now. I offer you peace and salvation. I can only call, but you must pick up the phone, Saul.”
Well, Saul? This is for real, Saul. Jesus is at the door, and ringing your phone right now. Well?
Oooh…. I bet you have a wide stance, too…
This case should put to rest the canard that wingnuts don’t have creative abilities and the inclination to use them. I say you go girl er..guy. whatever
1 man + 1 man + red stockings + items that cannot immediately be identified
Sounds like someone had a Santa Claus fetish.
OMG! It’s Pastor Swank! Trannies normal! And next it’ll be womb babies!
Swanky… Why are you trolling S,N! for dates on this wonderful Halloween?
Hey, Saul? Do you have ears to listen? Tic…toc
Aaannddd……….Saul has been rejected by Christ. It has been written: let no man alter the word of God. It is done.
Now, for sodomy. (Um, Saul, you’re not invited.)
What? They end up with a higher standard of living, universal health care, and lower infant mortality?
I just explicitly condemened Holland for considering trannies normal, don’t twist my words you know what I said!
Saul (if that really is your name): It is not physically possible to lie with a man as with a woman. So that… commandment or whatever it is (just a guideline?) is null.
And they have more crime per capita than any nation in the civilized world.
Holland & Denmark are “now both wretched seespools inhabited by perverts and cowards,” because they are both under the iron domination of royalty, doubtless “by the grace of god,” or the divine right of kings or whatever the excuse is.
Actually the Danes put up with Margrethe II as their supreme leader because she was one foxy lady when she was younger.
Oh no honey, you haven’t even *begun* to enter the realm of explicit.
Do you just like to watch? Is that it?
The Torah is refering to sodomy when it says do not lie with mankind as with womankind. I don’t know why you can’t see that.
So the Torah (horah for the torah) says don’t sodomize women? Fine with me.
And they have more crime per capita than any nation in the civilized world.
Who has more crime? The republican party? Right. And who is surprised by this?
Happy Cocktober, Saul!
(And wishing you a joyful Blowvember)
Saul, come here, let me embrace you…that’s it…let me comfort you. Don’t be so angry my child.
Uh, Saul could you take your hand off my cock?
Whoa…Saul….I really don’t think you want to go rabbinical here. I mean, I’m an expert…as in, I’m like Maimonides and shit.
My reading is that it’s an exhortation to avoid the streimels they were selling (cat fur!) around 3589 near Gerusalemma. Anyway, I’m pulling rank. And if you pretend to be Muslim next, I’m also a lecturer at the Cairo University Institute for Islamic Studies and a founding member of Islamic Brotherhood..
It’s the DaJillian Code.
“(Emphasis added.) Items that could not be immediately identified? The imagination runs riot.”
*fingers crossed* anal speculum, anal speculum, anal speculum, anal speculum…
The differnce between republicans and democrats is that we purge the perverts and criminals in our party ( Folly ring a bell anyone) where as you demonrats promote yours, Teddy “Drunken Murderer” Kennedy and Robert KKK Byrd anyone!
Oooh… a Jew with Night of the Long Knives fantasies… Now *that’s* twisted, saul.
Saul, try learning to read. Start here:
????? ????”? ?”?
?? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ??????.
?? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ?????. ????? ????? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ??????. ???? ?? ???? ?????. ?????? ?? ??????. ????? ????? ????? ?? ?? ?????. ????? ?? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ??.
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?????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ?? ?????. ????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ????? ???’. ????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ??.
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Diaper Dave Vitter has just sent me an email.
Urgent: Proposed party with Saul: You, me, two hookers, plenty of Depends™.
Whatta ya say, big guy?
David Vitter is a good man who apologized for what he did. I believe in redemption. David Vitter is one of the most conservative members of either house of congress. He is a stalwart defender of traditional marriage and a hardline opponent of amnesty for illegal aliens.
Go away from here which is sanctioned by Christ!
Get that? Sadly, No! is sanctioned by Christ! Ought to drive up the traffic, hmm? Maybe it’s time to start advertising.
Oh, yes… I just posted this on an earlier thread, but this one is SO much more apropros:
Oh, jeff… RTL Unicode might be too much for standard WordPress installations…
saul said,
November 1, 2007 at 4:35
David Vitter is a good man who apologized for what he did. I believe in redemption. David Vitter is one of the most conservative members of either house of congress. He is a stalwart defender of traditional marriage and a hardline opponent of amnesty for illegal aliens.
This just confirms my GUTT™ (Grand Unified Troll Theory™).
Over the top, blatantly bogus. But the real point is, boring. You want to be a troll who is actually appreciated? Study Merkin Patirot, at Atrios.
Otherwise, fuckoff, boring guy.
Except for, you know, his own. How about you, saul? How traditional are you?
I still vote for two wetsuits.
Items that could not be immediately identified
(cop typing report with 2 fingers, calls to cop at next desk…)
“Hey, do you spell it merkin or murkin?”
“Just call it a dildo.”
This talk of the Torah brings back memories of when I was a kid, watching monster movies on Channel 4 on Friday night. My favorite one was Godzilla vs. Torah. It was so cool!
Shorter saul:
Why does play dough have so many colors, but only one flavor?
I just explicitly condemned zuccini. It’s not normal and it grosses me out. Let no one twist my words about this.
Um, protected static? It’s read right to left, ok?
Gosh Saul. I looked up the Netherlands in the CIA factbook:
It sounds like Hell on Earth there:
“The Netherlands has a prosperous and open economy, which depends heavily on foreign trade. The economy is noted for stable industrial relations, moderate unemployment and inflation, a sizable current account surplus, and an important role as a European transportation hub. Industrial activity is predominantly in food processing, chemicals, petroleum refining, and electrical machinery. A highly mechanized agricultural sector employs no more than 2% of the labor force but provides large surpluses for the food-processing industry and for exports. The Netherlands, along with 11 of its EU partners, began circulating the euro currency on 1 January 2002. The country continues to be one of the leading European nations for attracting foreign direct investment. Economic growth slowed considerably in 2001-06, as part of the global economic slowdown, but for the four years before that, annual growth averaged nearly 4%, well above the EU average.”
Gosh, I’d hate for that to happen here.
Shorter saul #2:
I put the Preparation-H suppository in my mouth, because sticking it in my butt is too much like homo sex!
(And can anyone tell me where I can buy some of that K-Lo jelly?)
jeff —
Maybe I don’t have the right plugin for FireFox… It’s coming through as all question marks for me.
Gawd. If I was new to to Sadly, No, I’d never come back.
This thread is officially stupid.
And not in a funny way…
It’s coming through as all question marks for me.
Me too, unless I read it right to left. Then they’re backwards question marks.
Sorry to anyone I bored. Static, Mikey, I was just pissed at the Saul guy, so I kept responding to him, in hope that he’d see the light. Anyway, I apologize for helping Saul make the thread sucky.
Also, I apologize about the Hebrew text. I didn’t realize it wouldn’t come through: in preview, it was all there. .I don’t know how to post Hebrew in comments. To save you the trouble, it’s not worth reading.
Can’t post Hebrew text at SN? Proof of Leftist antisemitism!!!!
I’ll take it that Saul isn’t one for giving or receiving tulips.
I tried posting some stuff translated into Mandarin here once. It did the same thing. Didn’t check IE, though.
fardels bear: It’s well known that the CIA Factbook has a homosexual agenda.
saul is so freakishly fucked up and boring I’m going to bed, which I wouldn’t do in a normal, sane, if passioned, discussion.
Time to call a time-out on saul, the oddly Nazi rabbi.
Though a gem does come through from time to time, which I’m calling for this work of art:
“I put the Preparation-H suppository in my mouth, because sticking it in my butt is too much like homo sex! “
Oh oh, John O.
I call Godwin’s Law on you and declare this thread officially OVER! Yay!
C,mon, guys! Be nicer to saul.He’s a human being (sort of) and he deserves respect like anyone else. Here he is, braving a lefty blog, seeking knowledge, engaging in sincere debate on the issues of the day.
He needs us. All he has to give is ignorance.
Very sad.
Humor him.
fardels bear said,
Gosh Saul. I looked up the Netherlands in the CIA factbook:
Yeah, but, fardels bear, the Netherlands is below sea level. That doesn’t happen to decent, god-fearin’ countries, now does it?
The USA and Israel are the great hope for western civilization now that Europe has goten altzemiers and forgotten the lessons of history.
Yeah, but, fardels bear, the Netherlands is below sea level.
Good lord! You can’t look up the Netherlands, you have to look down it.
Hoosier X, that wouldn’t have been the Sammy Terry show you saw those monster movies would it?
And of course these days, you really can’t tell if saul is someone just parodying a wingnut screamer or if he actually is a wingnut screamer. Every time you think they can’t get any wackier, can’t embrace an idea more repellent than the ones they all ready espouse and can’t try any harder to emulate the worst traits of authoritarian socialism while screeching about how evil socialism is, you get proven wrong.
If there’s one thing the right wing excels at, it’s exceeding our worst expectations.
The USA and Israel are the great hope for western civilization now that Europe has goten(sic) altzemiers(sic), (sic), (sicetty sic) and forgotten the lessons of history.
Thus spake Saul, who’s forgotten (or, more likely, never knew) the lessons of the last fifty-odd years of history, in particular as it relates to his own country.
Omigod! Yeah! I even saw Sammy Terry live one time on Halloween! He did a magic show/performance art/horror show! In a church!
I’m from Middletown. You?
Curtis allegedly donned women’s clothing, red stockings and a black
sequined lingerie top before engaging in a sex act at the store.
the other thing about these fucking right wing perverts is that they have such horrendous taste. Sequins, for Chrissakes? How incredibly tacky.
If it were me, I’d go buy me the hottest, cutest set of Lise Charmel French lingerie, but these motherfuckers buy cheap tacky red sequinned shit.
It’s like that preacher who made his wife wear the most ugly-ass shoes inthe world when they had sex. No wonder she blew his brains out.
So I bought this little tiny vibrator at Brookstone, it used a single AA battery, and had a nice, soothing buzz. I used some structural putty, some medical tape and a fancy chopstick to build a device that could deliver a high-frequency vibration directly to a very small physical location. Placed against my temple or forehead (yeah, I know, shut up) it could make my headaches go away in minutes
Okay, here’s how desperate I am. I just went e-shopping. Man, my partner’s gonna freak out over the PayPal receipts…. mikey, if this works I owe you a bj. If it works really well, I owe you dinner.
Better public education?
Affordable healthcare?
Mo’ better public art?
Better public transit and bike paths?
What’s your point?
My point is when a nation turns away from God and towards perversion and godless materialism, that nation’s citizens lose all sense of patriotism and national identity. Look what else is happening to western Europe, once proud Christian nations such as Holland, France. and Great Britian are being taken over by muslim immigrants who don’t belong their. White Europeans are becoming a minority in their own countries. Why? Because godless materialism has them to lose pride in their once great nations. The evil cult of multi-culturalism is causing Europe to rot from with in.
Hey everybody!
Just got back from trick or treating. Did I miss anything?
See? Is it parody or is it serious? Who the fuck knows? It could start babbling about how illegal immigrants were sneaking into maternity wards and drawing the breath from newborn babies so they could then bottle it and sell it to Al Qaeda as part of Osama Bin Laden’s master plan to steal the genitalia of every Christian white male on the planet and we still couldn’t be sure if it was serious or not. How do you divine what’s comedy and what’s sterno-swilling paranoid cowardice and lunacy?
How is me screwing women multiculturalism? Unless they’re not white like I am, of course, which they often aren’t, but hell, the neighbors have to have some way to tell us apart.
Seriously, once you commit to OMG!TEHGHEY! you kind of have to stick with it and not go gallivanting off into the fields of OMG!TEHJIHAD! ‘Cause, you know, they aren’t really related.
Man, I haven’t been this bored with a troll in months. I got plenty of leftover treat bags, though. All you Sadly, No!isians are welcome to grab one. Candy, stickers, lame toys, and confetti. Herr Doktor, there’s one with a Flying Pig Popper I modified into a mummy. I’ll save it for you.
It’s important to keep the Jews distracted with fearmongering about Iran and the Islamowhatsists because if they waste their time pestering decent people at lefty blogs it means they are keeping out of mischief and not poisioning the wells.
Liberals. Hmf.
The fact is you arent man enought to wear lingerie.
This one’s on to us. Operation Catseye-Terrorist-Bobbit abort!
Saul gives evidence of being either more than one person at the keyboard, or one person intermittently dumbing their rhetoric down, but in either case an attention-seeking troll, and a pretty dumb one, since it got itself trapped so quickly by asserting it was a rabbi. (It’s more likely some type of Xian believer type, since it didn’t dare respond to Jeff’s note-perfect baiting.) Turn up the wacky and it might be worth reading. 6 out of 10.
Saul, you’re upset, I know…but you need to understand something: YOU ARE CONDEMNED TO ETERNAL DAMNATION BY GOD ALMIGHTY!!! Sorry, dude. I mean, you do seem like a total fucking asshole
D. Sidhe said
there’s one with a Flying Pig Popper I modified into a mummy. I’ll save it for you.
Many thanks! We made chocolate brains to hand out to participants on the 2nd Annual Wellington Zombie Walk… I would like to be able to say that we saved one for you, but that would be a lie.
Hey saul, bring back seth! It’s so cute when you argue with yourself. That other thread where you “debate” with “him” has to win some kind of award for the most hilariously inept attempt at sockpuppetry in the history of teh t00bz.
“and other items I could not immediately identify.”
Those would be a Holy Bible and a fragment of the True Cross, sir — items the liberal elite police would know nothing about.
Did one of the items the officer could not immediately identify keep shrieking “Gays are an abomination??”
I don’t know about the rest of you, but whenever I hear someone shrieking about the evils of sex, I just know they’ve got kinks galore.
I think saul is a pink rubber suit, nutria fur panties and ball gag sort of guy.
For some reason I’m reminded of the scene from “Crimes of Passion” where Kathleen Turner holds up a big chrome dildo with a sharp point and asks Anthony Perkins “What are you going to do with this? Fuck somebody to death?”
Perkins grins nervously.
Speaking of 80’s movies, anyone remember a movie about, I think, 2 brothers who specialize in making bizarre gynecological tools?
xsa: Dead Ringers
xsa, zsa…
Saul is doing a pretty good impression of a one of the members of Frank Luntz’s focus group for the last GOP debate on Fox, but it’s getting old.
Is there some sort of email alert at Sadly,No! I can sign up for so I know when the next closet case GOP ass-hammer is outed? On second thought, I don’t think I have enough memory on my computer for that.
proud Christian nations such as Holland, France. and Great Britian are being taken over by muslim immigrants who don’t belong their. White Europeans are becoming a minority in their own countries.
Ethnic groups:
Definition Field Listing
Dutch 83%, other 17% (of which 9% are non-Western origin mainly Turks, Moroccans, Antilleans, Surinamese, and Indonesians) (1999 est.)
Ethnic groups:
Definition Field Listing
Celtic and Latin with Teutonic, Slavic, North African, Indochinese, Basque minorities
Great Britain
Ethnic groups:
Definition Field Listing
white (of which English 83.6%, Scottish 8.6%, Welsh 4.9%, Northern Irish 2.9%) 92.1%, black 2%, Indian 1.8%, Pakistani 1.3%, mixed 1.2%, other 1.6% (2001 census)
Oh saul, there are none so blind as those who do not see.
“So the Torah (horah for the torah) says don’t sodomize women? Fine with me.”
G_d bless the anal pron…and my 11 inches!
“..godless materialism..”
Saul, why do you hate the free market?
Hoosier X, I grew up on the southwest side of Indy. Decatur Township. On a somewhat related note, my folks did take us to a taping of Cowboy Bob once but I never saw Sammy Terry live.
he other thing about these fucking right wing perverts is that they have such horrendous taste. Sequins, for Chrissakes? How incredibly tacky.
If it were me, I’d go buy me the hottest, cutest set of Lise Charmel French lingerie, but these motherfuckers buy cheap tacky red sequinned shit.
It’s tough to get the nice stuff at the Wal-Marts.
xsa, zsa…
Great drag queen name.
The fact is, liberals would be cheering for this man’s rights if he was one of them.
The fact is, liberals would be cheering for this man’s rights if he was one of them.
We cheer for his rights right now. The right to rip off a hooker we’re not so big on.
You saw a taping of Cowboy Bob?! Wow!
Remember Sourdough the SInging Biscuit?
xsa, zsa…
Great drag queen name.
I’ll be doing my tribute to Liza at the Parliament House this weekend. 6’6″ in those high heels, bitchezzz.
Leviticus 18:22 “Do not lie with mankind as with womankind that is an abomination”.
I think that Leviticus should use more clear English. I presume that Mr. Curtis figured that when he lies “with mankind” he should lie in a convincingly different way than with “womankind”, and therefore he had to be pretty creative. Hence “items that could not be immediately identified”.
Even so, can one translate this verse into understandable English? Is womankind an abomination? Or one should not lie with mankind like with such a womankind that is an abomination, so doint it as with some adorable womankind is OK. To lie with a womankind that is an abomination can be excused; in cases when this was a childless wife of your late brother it is even a duty. Presumably, with adorable womankind you do something different. It is kind of logical, but I suspect that I veer in a wrong direction.
I think that hard to understand translations of the Bible wreck havock upon our social fabric.
The fact is you arent man enought to wear lingerie.
Best…. fake…. Gary… Evar!
Seriously, nearly lost a keyboard to spraying beveredge…
The fact is, liberals would be cheering for this man’s rights if he was one of them.
Sadly, the real Gary is less funny, or even clued in…
Yeah, it’s us ‘liberals’ that vote to deny gay people protection from bias crimes. It’s the liberals who have time & time again ran for election promising to ban gay marriage. Who can forget the reaction of noted liberal Supreme Court Judge Scalia in overturning sodomy statues?
We on the left support gay folks regardless of their political affiliation. We’re not so big on hypocracy…. speaking of which…
David Vitter is a good man who apologized for what he did…
…you demonrats promote yours, Teddy “Drunken Murderer” Kennedy and Robert KKK Byrd anyone!
So David Vitter (apologized for adultery, illegally paying money for sex) is a good man. Robery Byrd (publicly apologized for racism, admitted fault, and now works to promote civil rights ) is a “demonrat” and a bad man? I know, I know… IOKIYAR.
6?6? in those high heels, bitchezzz.
Oh, that is fierce!
…once proud Christian nations such as Holland, France. and Great Britian are being taken over by muslim immigrants who don’t belong their. White Europeans are becoming a minority in their own countries. Why? Because godless materialism has them to lose pride in their once great nations. The evil cult of multi-culturalism is causing Europe to rot from with in.
So, you’re saying that America would be a better, more moral place if we kicked out all African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Muslims–and Jews–like YOU?
what you quote has so many factual and logical challenges that it is hard to start.
Item: what is “European multiculturalism”? I am not aware of any opportunities form immigrants to get educated in their mother tongues, although there can be special training facilities for immigrants to learn the language of the country to which they immigrated. Since European nations are smaller, they are much more keen to preserve their national/ethnic identity.
For the same reason it is a norm that you deal with people from other countries and you make some gestures to recognize their culture. It is just commercial sense to be polite. For example, I was on vacations in Scotland, and in a highland village the general store had a sign on one of the shelves “Dla przyjaciqt z Polski” over a jar of Polish pickles. Of late, there are hundreds of thousands of Polish workers all over Britain. There were more Indian items, but without any sign. Highland villages are not bastions of multiculturalism, perhaps, unlike cosmopolitan Glasgow. But should Glasvegians ban restaurants with foreign cousines and stick to blood sausages and other delights for Scottish cousine, reputed to be most unhealthy and least palatable in the entire Europe? Reasonably, Scots concentrate about defending other aspects of their culture, like preservation of Gaelic, clan lore, castles, or various aspects of Scottish law that differ from English, and it is actually an important thing for them. Like in most of Europe, Scots do not view all cultures to be equal within their country but are putting their own culture first.
saul spewed,
1 man + 1 woman = marriage.
1 man + 1 dildo up the butt + 2 wetsuits = kinky Republican’t
1 man + ! wife + 1 hooker who man likes to wear diapers for = moderately kinky Republican’t
! man + 1 PC +
D’oh! Let me finish that last one…
1 man + 1 PC + a whole lot of IM’s asking young boys to ‘measure it for me’ = Republican’t Folly [sic]
Trifecta time:
Saul: religiously insane or insanely religious?
This comments thread may Godwinized and brain dead, but the patient seems to be functioning well on life support. Anyone want to feed it a sammich?
…blood sausages and other delights for Scottish cousine(sic)…
Something wrong with that sentence, but I can’t figure it out.