Listen Up, People, He’s Got The Bomb!

ABOVE: Would gladly wipe another country from the map
in exchange for a paid college speaking engagement

Sure, the World Series of baseball might be over, but this comment by Dennis Prager could probably outscore its opponent by 29-10 in a four-game sweep of the World Series of ridiculous comments:

It is considerably more difficult to get conservative speakers invited to most American universities — or for them to be able to speak without being harassed — than it is for a Holocaust-denying, genocide-advocating leader, such as Iran’s Ahmadinejad at Columbia University, to deliver a speech at an American university.

As usual, the essence of Prager’s complaint boils down to his belief that not enough people are paying courteous attention to him while he speaks. Perhaps he should undertake his own nuclear program or something. That always grabs my undivided attention.


Comments: 60


What was the point of this post? Fact free liberals, got nothing but hate, as usual.


Oh, now he’s just running up the irony score.

It does remind me that I have to renew my season tickets for the Holocaust-Denying, Genocide-Advocating Leaders University Lecture Series.


Yeah, Ahmadinejad had it easy.

::sniff:: Poor Horowiddy.


He should tell them about his wild accordionizing skillz. That’s what the kids are into these days.


Gary The point is Prager thinks of himslef as equal to Ahmedinijad


Even though I suspect that Dennis Prager has a WMD-development-related program or programs in place somewhat north, west, east or south of here, and I have interpreted several of his recent public comments to be direct threats against myself and my family, I refuse to authorize pinpoint bunkerbuster airstrikes on the dozens of locations where he is likely to be at any given time, because I believe that would be wrong. Am I alone in this?


What a stupid, stupid man Prager is. I don’t anything snarky to say beyond that. He’s just fuckin’ stupid. And whiny of course.


But Ahmadinejad is a conservative speaker.


Ahmadinejad was hassled a bit during his speech wasn’t he? I recall the president of the university gave a scathing intro. Would Prager like that?


Neato-est Escher-like eats-its-own-tail self-fulfilling self-referentialest uber-tautological hypo-hypocritical trick of the week:

“Students at most universities are almost brainwashed into being leftist — and the way they are taught to disagree with their political opponents is by using ad hominem attacks. “


“But Ahmadinejad is a conservative speaker.”

Nuh uh! He’s the new Hitler and everybody knows Hitler was really a leftist. Just ask Jonah Goldberg. And besides everybody knows liberals love Islamic Fundamentalists more than anything. The fine intellectuals at Gates of Vienna proved that scientifically.


Does Prager have a source to demonstrate that Ahmedinejad “advocates genocide?”

Sadly, No!

The entire American pundit class is lucky that the US has liberal defamation laws, because absolutely slanderous characterizations like this are almost compulsory whenever discussing something or someone the US elite dislikes. It’s not enough to characterize Chavez as authoritarian-leaning; he must be a dictator. One need merely take their pick of a number of Ahmedinejad’s unsavory characteristics, but it’s apparently better to fabricate new ones.

Orwell had a term for this kind of reflexive, ideological dishonesty.


As usual, a complete misunderstanding of the essence of Freedom of Speech. Dennie has the freedom to say anything he wants; nobody has any obligation to listen to him.


Yeah, if I can’t get a gig it must be the fault of… ISLAMOFASCISM!
Note to Prager: if they’re not booking you maybe it’s because they don’t want what you’re selling. That’s life in the free market, bubbie.


Education has a liberal bias.


Garry Ruppert sez:What was the point of this post? Fact free liberalsDennis Prager, got nothing but hate, as usual.

There. Fixed that for ya!


He was even stupider and whinier last week when he put up a post titled Internet Anonymity Is as Destructive as Internet Porn.

There is not one good reason for any website, left or right, or non-political, to allow people to avoid identifying themselves. Anyone interested in serious political discourse, or in merely lowering the hate levels in our country, should welcome the banning of anonymous postings.

Townhall’s anonymous commenters were mostly unimpressed except for a few who dutifully put their names at the bottom of their comments.


So I’m really, really sorry to go off topic, but this has to be shared. McArdle has lost her nut the last couple days over vouchers. She has now switched to talking solely about how everyone who is opposed to vouchers is a self-serving hypocrite who hates poor children, and in her latest post she has done the blog equivalent of sticking her fingers in her ears and screaming. Her commenters, even those who regularly support and defend her, are trying to tell her its a bad tack, to rest your whole argument on the notion that your opponents are evil and mean and stupid, and she just will not relent. It’s a sight to behold.


and as usual:

if only dennis prager had some sort of an outlet where people could hear his views, perhaps a great number of people. and outlet which only hired people who spoke and thought like him, on a bandwidth that was 90% devoted to people talking and thinking like him.

that would be awesome.

maybe he could have giant fucking billboards up while he was at it, billboards that haunted, oh, i don’t know, MY FUCKING COMMUTE!!!!?

because that would be more 52-7 than 29-10 if you know what i mean.


Sorry to double-dip here, but I’m puzzled by the use of passive voice in Prager’s “money quote”…

It is considerably more difficult to get conservative speakers invited…

See, if Messer Prager was, say, the dean of a university, or sat on the board, or was chair of a department, then the use of the phrase “to get …speakers invited” would be grammatically appropriate, as it would suggest a difficult by those issuing invitations in being able to issue said invitations.

But I’m pretty sure universities aren’t facing some sort of impossible vetting process to get “conservative speakers invitied”. It seems more likely that no one is interested in what they have to say!

This opposition took the form of opposing funding of speakers invited to campus…

Opposing funding! You mean they might have opened a motion to file a petition! That’s some serious opposition!

writing articles in campus newspapers attacking the speakers, the Awareness Week and the term “Islamo-Fascism” as essentially racist;

Bring me the fainting couch! Campus newspaper articles! This is war! How dare they use a campus-funded resource to express a particular form of opinion speech when you want to go to their campuses and cash their tuition-funded checks for expressing your particular form of opinion speech!

and in some cases disrupting the speech…Horowitz was unable to deliver his talk

But was he able to cash his check?


Let’s get something straight…

Neville Chamberlain was a member of the British Conservative Party.

The Leftists were the ones volunteering to fight the fascists in Spain.

( repeat as needed )

Tender Mercenaries

Third, students told me afterward that I disarmed those who came to oppose me.

The ruddy complexion, boyish charms, lovely lashes — who couldn’t be disarmed? Who does he think he is, Elizabeth Bennett?

Contrary to the demonized figure they had assumed I am — in one UCSB student newspaper column, I was compared to a Ku Klux Klanner for speaking on Islamo-Fascism

That’s why he gets paid the big bucks — “Ku Klux Klanner” instead of the cliched “Klansman”.

— they saw a decent man, a sometimes funny guy, and heard a low-keyed, intellectual speech

Wow, don’t break your arm patting yourself on the back, Prager.


Look, I am just a novice at this shit, and I need someone to give this story the “touch” it needs.

Can someone send up the bradrocket or gavin flare?


I refuse to authorize pinpoint bunkerbuster airstrikes on the dozens of locations where he is likely to be at any given time, because I believe that would be wrong. Am I alone in this?

You may very well be, Rufus. You may be teh prager-appeasing chamberlain that allowed prager to become the existential threat to our society that I keep warning about.

I’m convinced that we must launch airstrikes against Dennis Prager now, to eliminate or at least retard his mindless gibbering. And it may well be that there is economic and human collateral damage resulting from this, but I’m willing to take that risk…



Look, I am just a novice at this shit, and I need someone to give this story the “touch” it needs.

Ooo!!! Cruisy toilets!


The Leftists were the ones volunteering to fight the fascists in Spain.

What did they call them in McCarthy days- “prematurely anti-fascist”? If you were against Hitler before ’39 you were considered to be some kind of Red.


to eliminate or at least retard his mindless gibbering.

He comes pre-retarded.

[Credit to Spartakus! ]


It is considerably more difficult to get conservative speakers invited to most American universities — or for them to be able to speak without being harassed…

Because when Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia he wasn’t the subject to a continuous rebuttal by the University’s President. He in fact was greeted with flowers, candies and cheers of “Death to America” by the faculty, staff and students.


Oh, how Dennis – and every other conservative – loves to play “Little Miss Martyr”!

It looks like a fun game … can I play, too?

“Oh, poor little me! Dennis Prager talks big about the freedom of speech, but he isn’t offering me thousands of dollars to debate him on his radio show! This is the worst thing that ever happened to anybody!”

Do I win?


What did they call them in McCarthy days- “prematurely anti-fascist”?

McCarthy didn’t call them premature anything. A Red was Red, in 1938 or 1954.

The conservatives are the ones making all the analogies to 1938. Where is their Lincoln Brigade? Hiding in The Corner @ NRO.


Oh, poor little me! Dennis Prager talks big about the freedom of speech, but he isn’t offering me thousands of dollars to debate him on his radio show!

You already have the media sewn up, what with your liberal Fox News and whatnot.


Maybe I should start a Web Drive so that people can send me on that cruise, John Cole.

I would be the life of the party. after enough hard alcohol, I get really incisive.

To the point of cruelty.

And unlike everyone else that has ever had to endure this Jeckyll/Hyde transformation, these guys would actually deserve it.


I would be the life of the party. after enough hard alcohol, I get really incisive.

I get really pukey.

To the point of cruelty.

And unlike everyone else that has ever had to endure this close-proximity pukeathon, these guys would actually deserve it.


After reading his post I wonder if he has any clue about what “Fascism” really is.

The classic definition would certainly seem to implicate the current administration.

What a pinhead.


It is considerably more difficult to get conservative speakers invited to most American universities — or for them to be able to speak without being harassed — than it is for a Holocaust-denying, genocide-advocating leader, such as Iran’s Ahmadinejad at Columbia University

Didn’t Horowitz just speak there in the last day or two? TPM even covered the event. Not harassment, no disruptions.


And the sign said Long hair freaky people can’t come on our cruise
So I tucked my hair up under my hat and went and drank their booze
They said you look like a fine, upstanding young man, and oh so brainy
And I took off my hat and said imagine that. Fuck you and dick cheney

Cruise. Cruise. A conservative Cruise.
Hewitt’s brand of idiocy and watered down booze
Kill ’em and lower taxes on a conservative Cruise.



That’s what I’m talkin’ about, mikey!


Contrary to the demonized figure they had assumed I am… they saw a decent man, a sometimes funny guy, and heard a low-keyed, intellectual speech

And then, with a sigh, they stopped looking at this other guy and turned back to Dennis Prager.


And the sign said
You’ve got to be some kind of ‘tard to come inside…




“It is considerably more difficult to get hatebag neocons invited to most American universities — or for them to be able to speak without being questioned rudely — rudely!—than it is for the leader of a volatile Middle eastern country, such as Iran’s Ahmadinejad, with whom perhaps this time around dialogue should precede, if not preempt, our raging hard-on for yet another disastrous war, to deliver a speech at an American university.”



A quick pro-tip for Prager.

When you’re painting someone as a Holocaust-denying, genocide-advocating leader, be sure you know who it is you’re defending. Otherwise, you end up making silly mistakes like protecting Nick Griffin, chairman of the BNP, who is on record as saying:

“I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the Earth was flat. I have reached the conclusion that the extermination tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie and latter witch-hysteria.”

Why do they keep harping about people denying the Holocaust when none of them seems to think it happened either?


And the sign said “Everybody welcome; come in, kneel down and pray.”
So I went inside, but when the plate came around, I didn’t have a penny to pay.
So I got me a pen and paper, and I made up my own little sign.
It said, “Hey there, Lord! All yer followers are insane!
Rapture ’em, and we’ll be fine!”


Why won’t Dennie pay me thousands of dollars to play my mixed tapes from 1992 on his radio show? Hate and fascism, that’s why.


Given that it’s radio, how is a listener to know which end Prager has the microphone stuck in?


Dennis can probably just tell that the mean girls are rolling their eyes at him throught the radio!


People, if you haven’t clicked John Cole’s linkie, ya really gotta.

Damn near choked on my beer once that picture loaded.

But wait, is Hewitt on tbogg’s beat?

Wait … where am I?


Is it just that I’ve been away for a week with no Internet access and need to acclimatize or are the conservatards getting more insane by the minute?


are the conservatards getting more insane by the minute?



Gah! What did yall do to bring down the wrath of Websense? This site is now blocked by my employer’s Big Brothery firewall. Being that S,N! was the only thing making the dreadful days at my insufferable employer vaguely tolerable, I now have to actually, finally, find another job. Thanks a whole lot.

More on-topic: People in Pampers whine less than Prager, on average. Lordy loo.


He claims he validated the use of the term “Islamo-Fascism” to the students he lectured. He cites the existence of terms like “Italian Fascism,” “German Fascism” and “Catholic Fascism” to justify his dubbing the behavior of Muslim terrorists as “Islamo-Fascism.”

Is he really that tin-eared?

Only when he’s qualifying so-called fascist behavior by Muslims does he twist the descriptive term from its proper adjectival form, and turn it into a grotesque, hyphenated word. It DOES convey disrespect for Islam. Why isn’t it “Islamic Fascism?” That would be the obvious description, if you weren’t trying to denigrate Islam.

How does “Catholo-Fascism” sound? Does that sound respectful of Catholics who are not fascists? Or “Italo-Fascism?” Or “Germano-Fascism?”



dai said,

October 30, 2007 at 23:45

But Ahmadinejad is a conservative speaker.

No. Liberals defend him. Therefore he is a liberal.



MCH said,

October 31, 2007 at 3:10

Gah! What did yall do to bring down the wrath of Websense? This site is now blocked by my employer’s Big Brothery firewall. Being that S,N! was the only thing making the dreadful days at my insufferable employer vaguely tolerable, I now have to actually, finally, find another job. Thanks a whole lot.

More on-topic: People in Pampers whine less than Prager, on average. Lordy loo.

I am sure Fox News is not blocked. At least you can get reality.


I wish just for once I could head out onto the freeway and turn on my AM radio station and hear a conservative American speaker, instead of all the muezzins calling people to Muslim prayers, or Taliban representatives inviting new students to Afghan area study programs, or Al Qa’ida member drives.


Protestant Fascism. Not to be confused with protester-fascism.


Could it possibly be that the president of a major country in a strategically vital part of the world is simply more important–and, thus, more invitable–than some random right-wing American nut?


How does “Catholo-Fascism” sound?

What about Franco-Fascism? It could be French, it could be Spanish, or it might just explain the true nature of that ruthless Chef Boyardee. Neat round spaghetti you can eat… while a boot stamps on your face forever.


Well, perhaps common ground may be found with the Islamo-Libertarians and the Islamo-Natural-Law-Partidarians.


Liberals defend him. Therefore he is a liberal.

Sweet! I’m going to start defending Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson… heck, all the Republican candidates! Turn ’em liberal, and voila! The GOP won’t have anybody to run for prez!


It is times like these that I am reminded of Shattered Faith’s “I love America”

“We love America, we’ve got the bomb.”


Sorta the typical conservative line about all those meanies criticizing conservative stupidity. Y’know, the lack of merit to their ideas plays absolutely no role in their reception. It’s just personal animus.


(comments are closed)