CONTINUING COVERAGE: Eliminationism In Crisis
Chuckles Johnson at LGF, now something of an icon of sanity in the kill-the-Muslims community, is testy at some more of his comrades who are deciding to embrace actual Nazism:
BNP Leader Invited to MSU by ‘Conservative’ Students
Sat, Oct 27, 2007 at 4:15:20 pm PSTIn the boneheaded move of the year, conservative student group Young Americans for Freedom invited British National Party (BNP) leader Nick Griffin, a flat-out racist and Holocaust denier, to speak about the dangers of Islam at Michigan State University: Protesters shout down anti-Islam speaker at MSU.
It’s not clear from the article whether this was part of Islamofascism Awareness Week or not, but if it was, the Young Americans for Freedom have just handed the enemy a huge gift on a platter, tied up with a lovely white supremacist bow.
It’s typical of Johnson that ‘handing the enemy a huge gift’ is the problem he’s most concerned about. In fact, a greater problem is that David Horowitz, the organizer of ‘Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week,’ once again has a lot of explaining to do. A press release went out on October 22nd adding a number of pre-existing speaking events to ‘Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week,’ and claiming joint sponsorship for the program between Horowitz and the Young America’s Foundation, an organization that books conservative speakers on college campuses. While this event wasn’t listed, the Young America’s Foundation, funnily enough, is the front office of the Young Americans For Freedom — a phony-nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization that uses the Young Americans for Freedom as its activist, 501(c)(4) bête noir.
Above: Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week Press Release
Here’s YAF’s Michigan State chapter president Kyle Bristow at a past event with David Horowitz:
Here’s Kyle Bristow with BNP chairman Nick Griffin:
How crazy are these people? Stare in awe at Bristow’s rejoinder to Charles:
MSU-YAF Denounces Little Green Footballs for Being Prissy RINOs
The Little Green Footballs blog decided to condemn MSU-YAF for hosting Nick Griffin. In case you do not read Little Green Footballs, the blog is pro-Muslim, left-wing, politically correct, and basically a front for neoconservative foreign policy (instead of defending their culture, they want to build schools in the Anbar province). They are basically a puppet of the multiculturalists and believe that Islam is not the enemy of Western civilization and Christendom. Only Bush-bots read the Little Green Footballs blog.
Instead of writing about threats to Western civilization, the LGF blog has recently attacked organizations who are fighting the culture war by doing more than just posting stuff on a blog that only like-minded people read.
Many of the comments on the LGF blog are critical of Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, and paleoconservatism. If you are not a big government, globalist, middle-class-hating, promoter of economic treason, then LGF doesn’t like you.
LGF and Al Qaeda both have something in common: they hate Western civilization and those who stand up for it.
Wow. Just wow.
Because of course the biggest problem of all is, okay, pass the popcorn, but as has been noted, there’s not enough popcorn even on Popcornooine IV, third planet in the Popcornelgeuse System, primary supplier of popcorn to the Popcornhead Nebula quadrant of the Popcorn Way Galaxy….
[Hanx! TomMil]
Update: Horowitz and Bristow reply, each accusing everybody but himself of hatred and fascism.
“the blog is pro-Muslim, left-wing, politically correct”
As you say, wow.
Charles is probably a commie anyway.
That’s the problem with the whole “Idealogically pure” thing. Madness always follows.
On the subject of madness, this post is worth noting;
16 Days Without A US Combat Fatality In Iraq
Apart from all those pesky dead people, they are right on!
Wow. That’s kind of like Malkin complaining about the liberal bias on Fox News…
I wonder if Charles will finally clue in to the fact that, yes, many of his supporters are in fact bug-fuck crazy and will turn on him the instant he says anything remotely approaching rational.
I’m assuming there are two LGFs out there because the one I’ve read could not be described as:
even if you dropped a lot of acid before going to the site.
And WTF is a left-wing, PC neo-con Bush-bots anyways?
there’s not enough popcorn even on Popcornooine IV, third planet in the Popcornelgeuse System, primary supplier of popcorn to the Popcornhead Nebula quadrant of the Popcorn Way Galaxy.
Well, if we run out of popcorn, there’s always cheetohs.
LGF and Al Qaeda both have something in common: they hate Western civilization and those who stand up for it.
well, that part’s probably true
That was perhaps the most incoherent and nonsensical putdown I’ve read since the last time Kevin posted.
It’s always disappointing to find out that you aren’t the craziest motherfucker in the nuthouse.
my brain asploded.
That was perhaps the most incoherent and nonsensical putdown I’ve read since the last time Kevin posted.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. It’s pretty fucking astounding. So does the YAF support Bush? It sure doesn’t sound like it.
It’s sad that Kyle Bristow just doesnt accept his early onset baldness.
This whole clusterfuck reminds of the time conservatives rewarded El Salvadoran death squad leader Roberto D’Aubuisson with a plaque at the Capitol Hill Club.
More about D’Aubuisson here.
Bascially, the American right has a long history of honoring fascists. It really should come as a surprise to no one by now.
Oh my FSM, this could be spectacular! Do you suppose Chazmo is redirecting LGF links from the YAF site? If so, where do you think he’s sending them?
“LGF and Al Qaeda both have something in common: they hate Western civilization and those who stand up for it.”
Thanks for the news flash, Walter Cronkite.
“I’ll stop saying their religion is terrible when they stop flying planes into buildings,” he said.
“Islam is horrible. The extreme in Christianity is ‘love thy neighbor,’ with Islam it is violence.”
Love thy neighbor, unless they are dirty mooooslems! Bhahahaha
Jews on first.
Nazis on second.
I don’t know on third.
Proceed with routine.
“So does the YAF support Bush? ”
Hey come on, there’s lots of folks out there who find Bush a prissy, timewasting wuss who should just Nuke the Middle East and stick Ol’Glory in the middle of the glassy, muslim-free utopia that would result.
To them Bush is left wing. That should give some indication of how far from any last vestiges of sanity they are.
They’re internally consistent, within their own little padded cell.
This level of insanity has a certain beauty to it… kinda like a mushroom cloud of doom.
It’s just awesome that torture-lovin’ Horowitz is aligning himself with neonazis who’d begin a campaign to fry Jews the second after they finish killing every Muslim on the planet.
If Horrortwitz joined he’d most certainly land a date with more Belang for my buck Pam. Wouldn’t they make a lovely couple?
just in case anybody else has no idea just what was a ‘paleocon’ was, this from the Wikipedia:
Paleoconservatism (sometimes shortened to paleo or paleocon when the context is clear) is a term for an anti-communist and anti-authoritarian[1] right wing movement based in the United States that stresses tradition, civil society and classical federalism, along with familial, religious, regional, national and Western identity.[2]
Chilton Williamson, Jr. describes paleoconservatism as “the expression of rootedness: a sense of place and of history, a sense of self derived from forebears, kin, and culture — an identity that is both collective and personal.”[3] Paleoconservativism is not expressed as an ideology and its adherents do not necessarily subscribe to any one party line.[4]
Paleoconservatives in the 21st century often focus on their points of disagreement with neoconservatives, especially on issues like immigration, affirmative action, foreign wars, and welfare.[2] They also criticize social democracy, which some refer to as the therapeutic managerial state,[5] the welfare-warfare state[6] or polite totalitarianism.[7] They see themselves as the legitimate heir to the American conservative tradition.[8]
Paul Gottfried is credited with coining the term in the late 20th century.[9] He says the word originally referred to various Americans, such as traditionalist Catholics and agrarian Southerners, who turned to anticommunism during the Cold War.[10] It then began referring to the conservative opposition to neoconservatism.
Paleoconservative thought incubated in the pages of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture.[11] Patrick Buchanan was heavily influenced by its articles[10] and helped create another paleocon publication, The American Conservative.[12] Its concerns overlap those of the Old Right that opposed the U.S. New Deal in the 1930s and 1940s,[13] as well as the American social conservatism of the late 20th century. For example, the book Single Issues by Joseph Sobran.
I’d like to cram that fuckin’ hat up his ass.
“In case you do not read Little Green Footballs, the blog is pro-Muslim, left-wing, politically correct, and basically a front for neoconservative foreign policy (instead of defending their culture, they want to build schools in the Anbar province). They are basically a puppet of the multiculturalists and believe that Islam is not the enemy of Western civilization and Christendom. Only Bush-bots read the Little Green Footballs blog.”
Holy God. They’re really doing it. They’re ripping themselves apart at the seams. It’s fucking Megatron and Starscream in the right wing. That’s right. The best analogy for the current Republican base is a 80’s Japanese cartoon show about cars who care.
I was going to just snark about what kind of ass-twat prick of a douchebag loser boy you have to be to wear a 10-gallon hat around, but this is way more interesting. A howling free-for-all to prove you’re the most hateful, insane, ignorant, blood thirsty Major Kong.
In continuing my theme of 80’s Japanese culture; it’s like that scene in Godzilla 1984, where they’ve lured G into an active volcano, thus ending his destructive rampage, but as they watch him Big G fall to an agonizing death, they can’t help but feel sorry for him. Poor sonuvabitch.
And WTF is a left-wing, PC neo-con Bush-bots anyways?
To a Conservative Movementarian, anyone who disagrees with the Movement is, by definition, a “Liberal” or “Left-winger”. Kyle Bristow is a Conservative Movementarian who wishes to disassociate from Bush and the Neo-cons. Mr. Bristow’s dissasociation from Bush and the neo-cons has put him into disagreement with Mr. Johnson, who apparently supports Bush and the Neo-cons. Mr. Bristow therefore calls Mr. Johnson a “left-wing, PC neo-con Bush-bot”.
I assumed that the hat was photoshopped on to make him look like a pillock.
So, what do the LGFers think about being called prissy RINOs? It doesn’t look as though Chuckles has addressed the YAFers concerns. I can’t wait.
Johnson’s concern about overt racists is probably solely focused on the “overt” part, but what the hell, maybe his insanity is slightly medicated compared to say, Mad Pam. Although, like when a congressional Gooper suddenly supports research funding for a particular disease because a grandchild just got it, I usually suspect these unusual glimmers of anti-racist humanity occur only when the budding Stroms get the hots for someone brown.
I don’t normally engage in lookism – ok that’s a lie. But dude in the hat looks like the biggest fucking asshole I’ve ever seen.
To paraphrase the great Jim Ward, voice deity and sidekick of radio host Stephanie Miller:
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of skinhead, Neo-Nazi assholes.
I don’t even know how to characterize this goofitude. It goes beyond mere lunacy and seems to have attained the perceptual equivalent of a state of anti-matter.
These guys have completely abandoned any attempt at making sense, even on their own terms. Wingnut rhetoric has entirely taken over.
I think what we are seeing here is the result of a radical winger actually being forced to look inward, and to look at the cretins and monsters with whom he regularly associates. Perhaps this is the first step in the road to recovery for Chuckles?
What in the name of holy jeebus is happening? I’m gonna go back to sleep and when I wake up, everything better be back to normal.
It’s not lookism when it’s guaranteed to be true.
Do you suppose Chazmo is redirecting LGF links from the YAF site? If so, where do you think he’s sending them?
Wherever the redirect leads them, I’m quite certain the accompanying text reads:
You are an Racist
As of this month I have been reading LGF for five years, and I can state with utmost confidence that Charles Johnson is not a racist (Islam is not a race).
Jazz musicians are NEVER racist – he has probably been working around blacks and hispanics for decades.
“So, what do the LGFers think about being called prissy RINOs?”
I can only observe this the same way I would watch a Cowboys & Eagles game -I root for injuries.
I’d like to know what shit-kicking credentials he has to wear that hat in public.
The lgf implosion started well before this. That being said, it’s still hilarious to know that somebody thinks the fascists over there are “left-wing, politically correct…”!
btw, LGF Watch is a great source of info on the tweaked ones (if it is indeed true that “little green footballs” is slang for speed!).
Holy God. They’re really doing it.
I told you! Eliminationism is falling apart at the seams! We are witnessing the downfall of Mindless Hate as we know it! Bring the children out of hiding, a new dawn is a’comin’!
Quick history lesson: This battle between the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller (sick) and Debbie Schlussel might have been the first indication that the Eliminationists were going to start cannibalizing each other in a BIG way.
Oh, wait, I get it. ALL of right-wing advocacy is individual pathology trying to “pass” in political drag.
To these clowns, hate isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. When one of their own expresses a discouraging word, he’s excommunicated and called “left-wing.”
It’s stoopid, yes, but it’s a deeper and more profound stoopid than mere garden-variety stoopid. It’s the stoopid of people with a lot of emotions, no self-awareness, and just enough intellectual Ikea furniture upstairs to believe that their minds are well-decorated homes, and not provisionally-dressed stage sets for their always-desperate psycho-dramas.
Of the four paragraphs in that MSU-YAF Denounces excerpt above (one of which is a single sentence), the phrase “Western Civilization” appears in three. Written by a guy in a cowboy hat.
We’re gonna need a bigger tub of popcorn.
Good one, Mikey!
Kyle’s hat is obviously cutting off the blood supply to his brain.
Also? You’re in MICHIGAN, dildo, not Galveston.
My main complaint with the right wing in the US over these past 6 years has been its warm embrace of radical Islam and of Middle Eastern culture in general.
Who could forget the endless announcements at the Republican national convention in 2004 of times to pray toward Mecca, complete with Rudy Giuliani singing the convocation to prayer? And the repeated begging for endorsement by the couscous lobby, how pathetic.
Hopefully the Young Americans for Freedom / BNP can show us all a bold new way out of this mess.
Perhaps this is the first step in the road to recovery for Chuckles?
Or he will view himself as the sane centrist, and market himself that way to the cable networks. Thus he is able to present his own wacked views in typical MSN fashion: “Poor Charlie Lizard, the sole rational voice in a howling wilderness of moonbats and nazi.Since both sides hate his ideas, they MUST be OK!”
I love the smell of schadenfreude in the afternoon.
And another thing: this crazy fucktard is throwing around terms without the slightest clue as to what he’s talking about: LGF is both “left wing” and “neocon”? At the same time? I mean really, can this moron have any less of a clue?
Any orginization that describes “pro-Muslim” as a negative attribute would have great success courting the white supremacist base.
It must be nice to wake up in the moring and imagine reality around you. If wishing made it so I’d have a professional wrestling career.
Don’t miss out on Mr. Bristow, Freedom-Fighter, for more entertainment.
This is so fantastic. The right wingnuts tearing themselves apart. Suddenly LGF get compared to Al Qaeda. That short fat Welsh fuck Griffin is getting caught up in the quagmire. This is the best thing ever.
Wow. Check out He’s such an accomplished young man! Especially if you consider getting your picture taken with asshats to be an accomplishment.
I was crushed that he chose not to post his resume online. Anyone care to e-mail and request it?
We already know the answer to that one. I wonder how KB pronounces “nuclear.”
I also wonder if he smells like mothballs.
Gah! Bookish beat me to it.
[This cold medicine just isn’t cutting it. I think I should go back to bed.]
That’s not true. I’ve encountered and heard about many racist (or at least very resentful) white musicians. The only non-ironic use of the word ‘nigger’ I’ve heard in the last 10 years was by a white jazz musician.
For more on Bristow, may I recommend
Alert the media, we have a new Bull Goose Looney!
Personally, the funniest part of all this brouhaha is how unnoticed it is by almost everyone who’s not directly involved. If you stopped a hundred Americans at random in any large US city this week and asked them their opinion of this controversy, I’m confident at least 95 would respond, “What _are_ you talking about? Who are these people?”
I think the brown jacket/brown shirt combo is definitely saying something. Especially with a dark tie.
Honestly, doesn’t he ever see his reflection and think “Hang on, I look like a Nazi!”
Or maybe he does.
From his web site title:
Kyle Bristow
By the look of the pictures on his site; freedom isnt free. It is earned one hotel lobbly and conference room at a time.
all hat, no cattle
So does the YAF support Bush?
All conservatives have always opposed Bush. They opposed him when he ran for President, and they opposed him in 2004. At least, that’s what the most recent edition of the history books from the Ministry of Truth says.
Marita wrote:
You too, huh?
But even though my head feels like it’s been stuffed with wet cotton, watching these mollusks turn on each other is still great fun.
Yeah. I’m taking up a collection to buy young Hoss a second suit. Go to to donate.
Let this be a lesson to you all- if you’re only going to own one suit, make it a dark gray or a navy. Especially if you live in frigging Michigan and there’s snow on the ground through May. You want to look like this asshole?
In case you do not read Little Green Footballs, the blog is pro-Muslim
AAAAHHHHHH. Brain done a’sploded.
That said, am I the only one who wants to fuck the cowboy hat off of shiny-faced, apple-cheeked Kyle?
Snorghagen: the next round of virtual chicken soup is on me!
Anonymoi: That YAFwatch site is great! I’m particularly fond of the post that found Kyle Bristow’s online dating profile, even if the only commenters on the post thought it was a tacky personal attack.
I mean, this is Sadly, No! We revel in tacky personal attacks. 🙂
In case you do not read Little Green Footballs, the blog is pro-Muslim, left-wing, politically correct, and basically a front for neoconservative foreign policy (instead of defending their culture, they want to build schools in the Anbar province). They are basically a puppet of the multiculturalists and believe that Islam is not the enemy of Western civilization and Christendom.
I LOL’d, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
Kyle Barstow is a victim! At least according to the Young Conservatives of California:
Context: The SPLC lists the MSU chapter of Young Americans for Freedom as a hate group. In September Holthouse reported on an event sponsored by this group: Ryan Sorba’s lecture on “The Born Gay Hoax.”
You took the words right out of my mouth…
I swung by their before I left for work and there were already 600+ comments on the “am I being too harsh on the neonazi white supremacists?” debate thread.
I didn’t quite have the nerve to go in.
there. geez.
Used to be the first thing we’d say about such a fine young “freedom fighter” is that he get his worthless ass down to an Army recruiting station and actually go, you know, fight.
But what’s the point, eh? We all know that just ain’t gonna happen.
We know this kid and we know what he is. Just as we know Chuckie … at some point it devolves into 2 scorpions stabbing at each other … entertaining in a vaguely disturbing way, but not something any rational person wants to get too close to.
The only people east of the Mississippi who can wear a cowboy hat without being a total asshole are Village People fans.
Oh my oh my. This old fag has only one thing to say after looking at Kyle’s website. Kyle is teh GAY!
How do I know this? I fucked so many “straight” frat boys I may be the world’s foremost expert. That boy smokes pole. Guaranteed. The only question now for me is, is Ryan Sorba a top and Kyle a bottom or vice versa? Or maybe it was fight for the bottom?
You know DaHo by the company he keeps.
Whatta dirtbag!
“It’s stoopid, yes, but it’s a deeper and more profound stoopid than mere garden-variety stoopid. It’s the stoopid of people with a lot of emotions, no self-awareness, and just enough intellectual Ikea furniture upstairs to believe that their minds are well-decorated homes, and not provisionally-dressed stage sets for their always-desperate psycho-dramas.”
From the Inside Higher Ed article Gavin linked:
This kid is just fabulous.
This is not at all mysterious. LGF is a pro-israeli winger site that attracts deranged Jewish-wingers who are getting a hint of the big fat reality that Strauss never learned: at the end of the day, a Jewish-winger is just a Jew to the real wingers.
Jewish-wingers are like chickens for colonel sanders, to steal J.C. Watt’s daddy’s line.
i’m just so sick of this right-wing paleocon liberal atheist presbytarian soi disant revanchanist crap that passes as pro-cultural revolution year zero right/left/centrist psychobabble mixed with typically pro anti american old europe meets democratic socialism (with a patina of left wing fascism…whole foods, you know?) and gets into a blender with ann coulter and arianna huffington shitpile that is called a website. or an ideology.
fucking sadly, no! i used to totally get you, but i’m not the one who changed. you did.
I’m quite certain this whole thing has been taken way out of context. Hannity, Bill0, and Rush will clear this thing up in no time.
Whoah whoah, hold on. Who’s a Presybterian?
I don’t think that hat would be of much help to Kyle were he to be teleported to Monster Island….
Looks like he took his Max Hardcore collection too much to heart.
The “culture war” confuses me. Doesn’t a war need two sides? I’ve never heard anyong but a right-winger talk about fighting in the culture war…who are they fighting exactly?
God damn these people are dishonest. Horowitz defending himself:
So Coulter, like Swift, adopts a viewpoint opposite to her own, making her actually a liberal?
Who exactly is she satirizing? Right-wingers? If so, why do they love her so much?
Horowitz’s Retort starts off with this line –
Must give kudos to Horrorwitz – never seen so much hate crammed into one sentence…
That Bristow and Horowitz pic is worth a thousand words.
I can use, yes? 🙂
D. Aristophanes, thank you for posting links to the dust up at Anti-Idotarian Rottweiler. I haven’t taken notice of them in years and had forgotten how amusing they can be.
I suppose no one remembers the classic – Lord Spatula vs. Mykeru.
And comparing Coulter to Swift* is like comparing nuclear waste to Vitamin C. If these people had a teeny bit less shame they’d parade around nekkid and take dumps in churches.
*With a question mark for species/gender comparisons
Our Kyle looks just dandy in his cowboy outfit, but you’d think he would mix it up a little. Space helmet, firefighter hat, pirate hat (with eyepatch)…
i’m just so sick of this right-wing paleocon liberal atheist presbytarian soi disant revanchanist crap that passes as pro-cultural revolution year zero right/left/centrist psychobabble mixed …
A Left wing, P.C. Neo-con? WTF? And someone accusing Charles Johnson of being “Multi-cultural”? My mind has officially been blown. If LGF is “P.C.” to them, I don’t want to know what a real conservative looks like. Holy shit.
Best laugh of the day was your Popcorn Ending! And so true! Thanks for the extra humor piled on this comedy extravaganza of The Wingnut Mutual Disembowlment Society.
Has David Horowitz ever been photographed with both eyes open? He’s always blinking like the nerd in the A/V lab, like he’s worried the camera is going to steal his soul.
Ooh! Ooh! I remember the yellow Lord Spatula vs. Mykeru!
That was fun.
Well, this is what happens when crazy people are let off their meds.
Speaking of meds, I can’t get this damned goat to calm down enough. Anyone have some spare Ativan?
Glenn Greenwald, as usual, says it best:
“The fact that a right-wing blogger spews serious accusations based on complete idiocy is ordinarily not worthy of comment. That happens virtually every day. That is what the right-wing blogosphere is, more or less; it is why it exists.”
He adds:
“I’m honestly interested in knowing: what else besides abject stupidity can explain this? I mean that as a serious question.”
And while he’s discussing LGF, today, he’s talking about a different pile of right-wing stupidity than S,N! They really are a never-ending cornocopia of stupid.
Here’s his youtube stash if like me you care to punish yourself for all the sinning you did this past weekend.
I recommend this one if you committed sins of the flesh.
And here he is being interviewed by one of his fellow students.
Also, he was on O’Reilly.
“Legalize said,
October 29, 2007 at 19:11
I don’t normally engage in lookism – ok that’s a lie. But dude in the hat looks like the biggest fucking asshole I’ve ever seen.”
Couldn’t have said it better my self. He looks like something out of a “Saturday Night Live” style parody of young Republicans. He writes like one to.
McMurphy knows:
“The flock gets sight of a speck of blood on some chicken and they all go to peckin’ at it, see? Till there’s nothin’ left but blood and bones and feathers. But usually a couple of the flock gets spotted in the fraca, then its their turn.”
“So does the YAF support Bush? It sure doesn’t sound like it.”
Most Neo-Nazi groups don’t much care for Bush because of his support for Israel. They don’t even care that he only supports them because he thinks they have to be in control of the Holy Land in order for the second coming to take place. That matters not. It’s his “Jew-Loving” behavior that sets them off.
I was reading Bristow’s blog, and he linked to this, which is among the funniest things I’ve ever read.
“Southern Poverty Law Center ‘SPLC’ Deemed Hate Group” (by the Young Conservatives of California)
As for “eliminationism in crisis”, do I dare hope that the post election violence will be mostly internecine? Not that I wish harm on anyone, even Debbie Schlussel, but reaping what you sow has such a lovely poetic element to it.
Two quick additions to my comment above: First,
BarstowBristow. Second, according to Sourcewatch, Ryan Sorba is the chairman of Young Conservatives of California.Crap. Sorry J–, didn’t reload the comments before posting.
The only people east of the Mississippi who can wear a cowboy hat without being a total asshole are Village People fans.
Bye-bye Nashville.
Reading the comments on that Spartan Spectator website, is truly falling through the looking glass.
I’d hate to be in the shoes of the progressive young American Muslim who hears this about LGF and goes there in the hope of finding tolerance and acceptance.
This isn’t even “from the far right, everything else looks like it’s on the left” anymore. Stephen Hawking wouldn’t be able to triangulate the positions in this mess.
and the really funny thing is that Coulter’s swiftian whimsy about killing muslims comes about the column about her rage and pain at the death of her bestest buddy ever in the whole world Barbara Olson.
You gotta admire a woman who can keep her sense of humor like that.
Uh, guys? OT, but your arch-Photoshop-nemeses at were quoted in teh New York Times. It was regarding the sexual preference of a certain fictional wizard, but still.
Thought you might like to know.
It ain’t no thing, a different brad. I stole that link from the Spartan Spectator blog without giving credit.
In case anyone is interested, Sorba’s lecture on “The Born Gay Hoax” is available here. It was posted to Google videos by none other than Brendan Steinhauser (see my link to Sourcewatch above).
It was all one big, happy, bigoted circle jerk until Charles Johnson and David Hororwitz came along and called “anti-Semite.”
SN! is the only site on the internets that can really make me laugh out loud.
Are the Sandinistas still only two days’ driving time from Harlingen, Texas?
Gee. Why would our boy Bristow want to hang out with someone who thinks sexual orientation is a choice?
Do you think…? Nah. Couldn’t be that.
It would be sad if we weren’t talking about such raging dickholes.
HororwitzHorowitz. I’m not doing very well with names today.I’m not doing very well with names today.
Hororwitz isn’t some flavour of awesome?
Really, it beats D-Ho.
“Reading the comments on that Spartan Spectator website, is truly falling through the looking glass.”
Falling and needing to wash your eyes out with Clorox and fire.
Galactic Dustbin said,
Or he will view himself as the sane centrist, and market himself that way to the cable networks. Thus he is able to present his own wacked views in typical MSN fashion: “Poor Charlie Lizard, the sole rational voice in a howling wilderness of moonbats and nazi.Since both sides hate his ideas, they MUST be OK!”
I think GD has nailed it here. Entertaining as this is at first, I’m afraid we’re seeing the Overton Window make a huge jump to the right- Chuckles’ next appearance on Fox will include a caption describing him as the author of a centrist website, MSU-YAF as moderate-right and Bill O as a looney leftist.
Aren’t they already calling Fox News “liberal?”
Oh, and I don’t think it’s “looksism” to make fun of someone’s hat. Cowboy hats are a lifestyle choice. Especially if you live in fucking Michigan.
I suggest we all take the week off and just watch.
Righteous Bubba: We’d have to run it by A-Bar first.
This is the time for a Chazmo, Come to Sadly, Jesus moment.
I can’t wait for the tickle fights! LGF are our brothers and sisters!!!!!
Wait, what?
Righteous Bubba: We’d have to run it by A-Bar first.
If we change that to An-Bar she’ll be happy with the miracle connotation. Consider her buttered up. And how.
O/T (big surprize there):
John Cole has a pretty funny piece about the latest Beauchamp related wingnuttness.
I like John. Who sez wingers can’t be reformed?
Maybe this is a glimpse into the future of the Chuckleslizard?
Oh, and I don’t think it’s “looksism” to make fun of someone’s hat.
no, but it’s fucking Capism, and I for one will not stand for it!
we are supposed to be the Left, people. We debate on the merits.
next thing you know, Sadly No is going to be photoshopping silly caps onto people they don’t like!!
Who sez wingers can’t be reformed?
Maybe this is a glimpse into the future of the Chuckleslizard?
I really, really would not hold my breath on that one. The fact that this social movement is getting more extreme and fractious is not necessarily a sign that they are about to implode. It may simply be a sign that they are about to start busting heads.
Leftists keep saying, “Look at this- they are going batshit- they’re about to jump the shark!”
And it keeps not happening.
Check out Ambiguously gay duo. Him and whomever he is being photographed with.
And he doesn’t even take his hat off indoors, from the looks of it. His mama didn’t raise him right, and/or he’s just a stupid damnedyankee.
(Texas girl’s impressions)
And he doesn’t even take his hat off indoors, from the looks of it.
And he keeps the jacket buttoned so the cameraman isn’t blinded by the shine off his Arkansas-sized belt buckle.
But then no one would be able to see what a big manny-man he is!
Continuing my endless barrage of links to the Southern Poverty Legal Center, the current top post at the SPLC’s blog Hatewatch is on “Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week” and includes big props to “the enterprising folks at the Sadly, No! blog.”
I don’t normally engage in lookism – ok that’s a lie. But dude in the hat looks like the biggest fucking asshole I’ve ever seen.
So… you’re saying that you would hit that?
This is too confusing. Who is hating who? How many who’s can you hate? How do you keep track? Is there a degree of whoness that triggers the hate, or is it all or nothing? How do they reconcile overlapping hates? Any math gurus here with topology expertise?
We would hit it!
You’re a Harper’s guy and an SPLC follower. What do you make of the SPLC bashing that Harper’s did a while ago?
Who are those guys? They are muddying the waters!
Who cares if you would hit it. We are the only Eternal Order around here, and we DEMAND SAMMIES!
Besides, nothing goes with a ten gallon hat like a ten inch sammich!
Chuckles Johnson . . . is testy at some more of his comrades who are deciding to embrace actual Nazism
By “actual” I take it you mean something other than the kind of Nazism LGF has been practicing for the past five years or so.
I mean, what more do they have to do — put on brown shirts and Swastika armbands?
Lawnguylander said,
October 29, 2007 at 21:20
Here’s his youtube stash if like me you care to punish yourself for all the sinning you did this past weekend.
I recommend this one if you committed sins of the flesh.
I’ll handle this. I believe I can aproximate the wingnut mindset.
Ahem… mi, mi, mi…
Evvabody! Hatin’ evva-BUDDEH!
All ub’m!
Wut the fuck fore?
Gew-roo? That sounds like ISLAM-OH-FASCIST tawk. EEEEP! Hayulp, ah just shit mahself in terra!
that was a mazing tb! When does this permire Off Broadway in ayour One Person show?
Mmm. That’s some mighty good popcorn.
Young Americans For Freedom … uses the Young Americans for Freedom as its activist, 501(c)(4) bête noir.
I do not think that ‘bête noir’ means what you think it means.
Pro-Muslim: Converting the Muslims at gunpoint, rather than shooting them. Coulter may seem pro-Muslim with her “invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity” line, but really she’s making a Swiftian remark on the inhumanity of Muslims. Converting them, ha!
As someone who grew up with real cowshit on his boots, I am offended by that hat.
Well, I would be offended, if I could stop laughing long enough.
Thank you. I felt it too- it was like some titanic creative force (I’m not saying it was God, but it was God) was speaking through me.
What do you make of the SPLC bashing that Harper’s did a while ago?
I missed it. Is this (“Southern Poverty: richer than Tonga”) what you’re referring to? I have the Hatewatch blog in my RSS feeds as one source for keeping an eye on right-wing kookery but don’t read much else besides that. I know far less about the organization than I should.
Off topic- Megan gave me a headache. Her work on school vouchers ranks with her work on race relations and health care. Why does this woman get to exist?
I missed it. Is this (”Southern Poverty: richer than Tonga”) what you’re referring to?
Yep. Seems like Morris Dees is like Oral Roberts getting threatened by god. The groups it tracks nevertheless need tracking.
They’re eating their own.
Ain’t you all ever seen a mooslim-hatin’ hat before?
These chickenhawks are all hat and no battle.
Lesley: “It’s just awesome that torture-lovin’ Horowitz is aligning himself with neonazis who’d begin a campaign to fry Jews the second after they finish killing every Muslim on the planet.”
That’s an exaggeration Lesley and you know it; less than a nanosecond is much closer estimate.
I’m afraid we’re seeing the Overton Window make a huge jump to the right-
I’m thinking the same thing. Did you see ConfedYankee show up in a G’Kar thread at Obsidian Wings claiming to be a “Center-Right Blog”? If that’s what Center-Right looks like, well I guess maybe Hillary is a liberal moonbat…
I’m sorry Galactic Dustbin. Please forgive me. Would introducing you to the blogger profile of the dashing young gent in a similar cowboy hat named Jason Van Dyke, Esq’s blogger profile make up for my act of meanness? He’s the founder of Kyle Bristow’s blog and his partner in douchebaggery. .
blogger profile of the dashing young gent in a similar cowboy hat named Jason Van Dyke
They laugh alike, they walk alike,
At times they suck a cock alike —
You can lose your mind,
When Nazis are two of a kind.
Seems like Morris Dees is like Oral Roberts getting threatened by god.
Thanks for pointing this out. I’ll read Silverstein’s 2000 article and the SPLC’s response later tonight. If what you say is true,
the Shaolin and Wu-Tang could beit would be sad but not surprising. Shades of the King and Chavez families.I’m not gonna say nobody should ever wear a hat like that, but anyone who wears around a hat like that INDOORS with a jacket and tie is just a fucking moron.
In jeans, out in the sun, fine. Indoors, with semi-formal clothing, it’s akin to a giant tin “official wheaties junior sheriff” badge.
are they officilly to be called Liberal Green (party) Footballs now?
NYAH nyah nyah NYAH nyah! CHARlie’s muliti CULtural!
[…] hvem XXXX […]
As I said yesterday,does “the night of long knives”ring a bell?Wow just Wow!
Forget about the hat.Look at the guy’s consistently bad choice of clothing.No color sense.And I’d love to punch him in his fucking teeth,just sayin.
Can’t leave the hat alone . Look I’m all for a decent, soulful cowboy hat but Kyles’ is just a big bowl of dorky goodness.
It’s typical of Johnson that ‘handing the enemy a huge gift’ is the problem he’s most concerned about
Yes, and “the enemy” is not white supremacists, but people who have insufficient hatred and fear of Muslims.
Even Horowitz looks embarassed by the hat.
OMG! David Horowitz isn’t wearing a flag lapel pin! He must be a closet communist Islamic gay-loving Democrat!
Young American’s for Freedom will take legal action against the law center… the Young Conservative’s of California have voted to declare the SPLC a hate group.
With all there is to loath here, only a reader with a completely fucked sense of priorities would complain about the egregious misuse of apostrophes.
“A repeat apostrophe offender! Throw him to the hagfish pond!”
Perhaps they were inspired by M;a’r?i’e Jon”’? The more crunchy apostrophe goodness, teh better! Nah, I guess not. They’re just morans. The fact is, they area idiot.
>Whoah whoah, hold on. Who’s a Presybterian?
i am!
[…] LGF had the temerity to chide Young Americans for Freedom for booking a white supremacist speaker. The ensuing doctrinal dispute may be savored here. Please note that the head snot’s chief objection appears to be that booking an outrageously […]
The BNP’s national organiser, Tony Lecomber, has a criminal conviction for conspiring to cause explosions, that is to try and blow up a political opponent.
Perhaps Chuck ought to be informed that they’re not just fascists, but TERRRORISTS?
That photo of Bristowe County Jr and Jason (no relation) Van Dyke…YES! Brokeblog Mountain!
must really suck to wake up and realize you are your own worst fascist.
Own-up-to-your-own-Fascism Awareness. Forever.
The Spartan Spectator quote is just an elaborated “nyaa-nyaa, LGF’s ugly and Charles Johnson’s mother dresses him funny”. Sure, Bristow thinks Chuckie is insufficiently hard-line on Islamo-booga-booga, but the rest is just baiting.
The joke on Bristow is that he’s really saying LGF is right-wing politically incorrect.
Joe Buck and Ratso Rizzo
Kyle Bristow and David Horowitz
I’m walkin here
LGF a “pro-Muslim group”? Hardly. CAIR,The IPL, Sens Boxer,Clinton and I helped put away one of Charles’ most notorious Anti-Muslim lizard MARS Trucker who was indicted, tried, and convicted for crimes against Muslims. LGF is a breeding ground for the world’s worst hate group:White American Males.
Oh man, now my name just got further sullied by those LGF assholes.
Really appreciate you sharing this post.Really looking forward to read more. Cool.