Say hello

Sadly, No! reader Scott Lemieux started blogging at Lawyers, Guns and Money last May. Although we were not notified of this important development, we say hello and invite you to stop by. If only because like us, Scott needs all the emotional support he can get as the Expos face the seemingly inevitable prospect of being moved out of Montreal.

Edit: We should have noted, but forgot to do so, that Scott is blogging in company of DJW and Robert Farley (who, one of them pointed out in the comments, have their own baseball difficulties.)

[Fixed an innocent little typo.]


Comments: 4


Thanks for the link! His Mariners fans cobloggers are suffering too, although it’s a less existential kind of suffering.


Although us bloggers in DC stand to gain by Montreal’s loss! Ahhh, baseball in DC, at last! We can send our hockey team to Montreal and call it even.


New visitors will not regret it! We are truly the Chris Nabholz of the blogosphere…


Shouldn’t “in company DJW” be “in the company of DJW”? Sadly, Yes! If Kerry R. Marsala had written that, you’d use it as further proof that she’s a pea-brained cretin.


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