Harry Potter and the Deathly Homos

When Don Surber, the brightest guy in West Virginia and the dimmest guy in journalism, read that Albus Dumbledore was gay, he was beside himself. He spit a partially-chewed Slim Jim Moonpie on his computer monitor and tossed an almost full can of Fanta Grape soda RC Cola across the room in a rage unparalleled since he heard that the Dukes of Hazzard was being cancelled. So Don cleaned off his monitor, saving the larger bits of the Slim Jim Moonpie for later consumption, and fired up an outraged blog post for the Charleston Daily Mail:
The author of the Harry Potter books told an audience at Carnegie Hall that Albus Dumbledore, master wizard and Headmaster of Hogwarts, is gay. He’s also a fictional character.
I’m not quite sure why Don added the last sentence. Maybe he’s worried that his readers were scared off by all the multisyllabic words in the Potter books and might have no idea who Albus Dumbledore is. Or, more likely, he was making the subtle metaphysical point that fictional characters can’t be gay; they are, you know, just make believe and can’t really have sex. Betcha didn’t know that Don had been brushing up on Jacques Derrida lately, did you?
Anyway, the gay thing wasn’t what had Don most outraged:
“Dumbledore is gay,” the author responded to gasps and applause. Why would people applaud?
OMG. They applauded. Instead, Rowling should have been herded off the stage by an angry mob and, if not stoned or pushed over a cliff, at least put on a plane and sent back to that homo-ridden country of hers.
Why would it be necessary to have this as a back story?
Apparently all that brushing up on Derrida has turned Don into a literary critic in addition to simply being a loopy wingnut blogger. Don also wants to know why on earth Melville had to make Captain Ahab one-legged. And who the fuck ever heard of a white whale anyway?
Of course, Don has an answer to why it was necessary and it isn’t pretty:
Maybe the final paragraph in the AP story explains it: “Not everyone likes her work, Rowling said, likely referring to Christian groups that have alleged the books promote witchcraft. Her news about Dumbledore, she said, will give them one more reason.” Yes, knock the Christians. That will sell books.
You know, I miss the old days where you at least had to suck cock or do something more than put a gay character in a book to be an affront to Christianity.
UPDATEAnd be sure to read the comments on Don’s post. They’re all whipped up about the gay business too. It’s a real corn-dog and fried Snicker fest over there.
Jillian adds: Right. Because there’s never been anything even slightly gay in any of the Harry Potter novels before this revelation.
Clif adds: Post edited to reflect Don Surber’s actual food preferences.
“Not everyone likes her work, Rowling said, likely referring to Christian groups that have alleged the books promote witchcraft. Her news about Dumbledore, she said, will give them one more reason.”
Since Ms Rowling didn’t mention Xtians I wonder how AP came to the conclusion that she referring to them. Perhaps she meant people like me who hate reading melo-dramatic crap over and over again.
Why the hell would anyone get that upset over a fictional character being gay?
Yes, knock the Christians. That will sell books.
Didn’t she already do pretty well by pissing them off?
They applauded because they were slashers, duh. 😉
And it’s her character. If she wants to make him gay or straight or grey, who gives a fuck? It’s none of Don’s business. When you invent your own reality, you get to make the rules. And if other people like it, you can make money off it, too.
I suspect Don’s just pissed off because now the fundies have to go buy *more* copies of Harry Potter books so they can burn them for teh homo too. Funny thing, from what I gather if they’d just read the fucking things before they burned the first set, they’d have known about this ahead of time and could have simply modified their “cast you out” speeches over the bonfires.
Sad but true: Ignorance means having to do over it until you get it right.
I predicted that it was just a matter of time until they said Rowling was pedophile-positive because of this. I thought at the time that I was just being cynical.
Why do Republicans hate children?
Well people for whom “Dumbledore is gay” is another reason to dislike those f…ine books for young children who are icacpable of grasping the complexities of better titles…. are definitely the religous nuts.
BTW, somebody should watch out for the coming invasion of blue-eyed aliens who only have one gender and are all lesbians. They’re already infiltrating all-girls schools to spread there homoaliensexual agenda!
So we need to invade Iran because they kill gay people over there, but we can never ever mention or see gay people over here, including fictional wizards.
Don Surber’s writing makes people gay, you know.
Shit, my money was on Snape.
Surber may not be the brightest guy in WV, but he’s passed Jay Rockefeller, who demonstrated his stupidity this week in his handling of the FISA bill.
I’m totally against Dumbledore being gay, if only because it will be partially justifying the millions of crappy slash-fics across the internet featuring Dumbledore, Snape and God knows who/what else. Otherwise, I wouldn’t give a shit.
Captain Hook is gay?
How many ‘implied’ gay fictional characters can you name.
Start with Willy Wonka.
[Rowling]said that she regarded her Potter books as a “prolonged argument for tolerance” . An argument clearly lost on the narrow-minded Mr. Surber. And that lion in “Narnia”? Gay as can be.
Hagrid is more my type. What a bear!
Mudge, Rockefeller’s impetus was more likely money than stupid.
Is that really a picture of Don Surber? What the hells?
[Rowling] said that she regarded her Potter books as a “prolonged argument for tolerance”
Mmm, I’ve felt that for a while. The fearful and close-minded way Harry’s uncle and aunt react to his magicalness seems like a satire of people reacting adversely to people coming out. Interchange being a wizard with being gay.
There’s also all that mud blood/racism stuff, too.
Hollywood insiders have known for years that Elmer Fudd had a very wide stance. And the fundies would surely homo-ballisticate if they ever find out how “Quickdraw” McGraw earned his nickname.
How many ‘implied’ gay fictional characters can you name.
Brace yourself, but I have a suspicion that Dorian Gray might be gay.
Sidhe is absolutely correct. When this surber assclown makes the point that this dood (full disclosure – I have not read any of the potter books) is a fictional character, he utterly deflates his own argument however specious and incoherent it may be.
The character is created by the author, and is exactly what she says he is. It’s a fictional universe, so it’s structure and population is determined by no one but the author. Fellah could read it and dislike it, read it and like it, or not read it. Those are the only options available to him. Oh. One more. He can get off his dead white pimply ass and write his own book where the gay characters are evil and are killed in horrible ways by the big, strong, not-the-least-insecure-about-their-manhood manly men who populate HIS fictional universe. And if he can find an audience, he’ll do well.
But somehow I doubt it…
Shoot, Mudge, I tried to post a link providing evidence for Rockefeller being more greedy than stupid, leaving Surber the continuing holder of the title, but I think I kilt something- I got a comment # URL after the submit, but no comment. Anyhoo, I won’t try linking again, I’ll just paste the URL for the article: http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/10/dem-pushing-spy.html
Comment on Surber’s blog from Mwalimu Daudi:
“Most fantasy books are dumbed-down versions of either the Lord of the Rings or The Wizard of Oz, but [Harry Potter] was exceptionally empty-headed. The characters that would have to be fleshed out considerably to become one-dimensional and the plot twists were visible from at least a chapter away. Worse still, Dumbledore and Harry were thinly disguised rip-offs of Gandalf and Frodo, respectively.
“(Question: Does this mean Gandalf was gay, too? In the book he never tried to shag Galadriel, and was always hanging around the hobbits instead. Male hobbits. A bit of pederasty in the old geezer, perhaps?)”
I presume the question is being asked sarcastically. However it’s a nice twist that in the LOTR movie Gandalf was played by the unapologetically gay Ian McKellen. And of course there are tons of LOTR slash fanfic, with Gandalf, Frodo, Sam, Aragorn and Legolas thrusting at each other, and not with swords.
There is no Lord of the Rings movie.
Is that a broomstick between your legs?
Oh, Jesus. The books are a love letter to actual Christianity, not the weird fundie brew we practice here. (Spoilers ahead, don’t freak out.) Harry willingly gives himself over to death which causes the taint of evil to be removed from his soul, and thus allows him to return to life to save mankind, and rid the world of the evil, and he cannot be hurt and fights the evil through the power of love. Sound familiar?
Aren’t all the kids in the Narnia books gay? I mean, c’mon…Peter? Gay, gay, gay.
And Gandalf was totally gay. All the wizards were. Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast. Gay, Gay, and Gay. And the land they sail off to, in the end, I think is Fire Island.
Did you notice, in LOTR, that nobody is married, until right at the very end, when Aragorn marries his Elvish hottie, and Sam marries that waitress? That entire world appears to contain only two heterosexual unions. And they’re complaining about the Potter books?
Does this mean Gandalf was gay, too? In the book he never tried to shag Galadriel
Galadriel was married.
Is that commenter suggesting that the fictional characters Gandalf and Galadriel might have committed adultery?
What an immoral, evil person! I am sure Don Surber will slap him/her down directly.
But what about Sirius/Remus?
I just sort of assumed that all the Deatheaters, like all Republicans, are kind of gay. I mean, how could Draco Malfoy’s dad not be gay? And Wormtail? I mean, hell, except for Mr and Mrs Weasley, who in the Harry Potter universe wasn’t gay? Or at least bi?
Oh, and Galadriel’s so-called marriage to Queen Celeborn was totally a sham. It fooled nobody.
fictional characters can’t be gay; they are, you know, just make believe and can’t really have sex
You haven’t seen the adult classic, ‘The Purple Rosebud of Cairo’.
Oh, and Galadriel’s so-called marriage to Queen Celeborn was totally a sham. It fooled nobody.
It can’t be easy, being married for thousands of years straight.
Regarding the intelligence level of West Virgina residents you might consider apologizing to Chrsity Hardin Smith. Just saying…
Dumbledore is gay? Eh. I’d be more interested in this news if she’d, y’know, even obliquely hinted at it. Maybe I need to go back and read the books again, but since I’m one to see subtext in pretty much everything (there was a Coke commercial, once, and a Burger King commercial…), I’d be surprised if I missed it.
Speaking of surprised, I’m mildly astonished that there hasn’t been an outcry about the “inappropriate charms (on? with?) goats” bit.
Cleter, you forgot Faramir and Eowyn. Of course, everyone does.
Or would you argue that they were both pervy hobbit fanciers, who only bonded over their secret shared lust for the halflings?
Birdseatbugs: “Dumbledore is gay? Eh. I’d be more interested in this news if she’d, y’know, even obliquely hinted at it.”
The continental trip Dumbledore had planned with Doge after graduating from school? The intensity of his relationship with Grindewald?
It wasn’t stated outright, but the subtext was there, at least in book 7. That might be why Rowling never stated it directly in the books — Dumbledore’s romantic orientation didn’t really have anything to do with the story until book 7, and she may have thought it was gimmicky to only bring it up in the last book.
Ah, the Daily Mail. Perfect for the snake-handlers, incest-loving, redneck things that lurk in Boone County(For those who’ve never been: All West Virginia cliches come from Boone County. You can, in fact, hear dueling banjos.). Good that the half-wits in it get mocked on T3h Sadly! at last.
The dueling banjos thing from Deliverance actually occurs in Georgia. It is one of the greatest triumphs in the history of marketing that Georgia has convinced everybody that all that crap occurred someplace other than just outside the metro-Atlanta area.
Not that that has anything to do with fictional Dumbledore’s fictional gayness. I wonder if Dumbledore ever had fictional mansex with Tom Riddle? I bet they did.
Actually, mikey, I was attempting a subtle Bush Administration/Halliburton point. Obviously I missed it badly. Still, it seems like a given. You make up the world, you tell the characters who they are.
Obviously, of course, Surber’s never even spotted the shelves of queer detective fiction in his local bookstores. 90% of which, I note, is significantly worse than at least 20% of the slash I’ve read online. I happily gave up paying for that shit when I discovered fanfic. So I want at least the occasional character who even partially reflects my life. Sue me.
Why the hell would anyone get that upset over a fictional character being gay?
More to the point, why would a group of Christians get all worked up about the attributes of a fictional character?
Mikey said
He can get off his dead white pimply ass and write his own book where the gay characters are evil and are killed in horrible ways by the big, strong, not-the-least-insecure-about-their-manhood manly men who populate HIS fictional universe.
The shambling zombie of John Wayne should come into the story somehow.
JGabriel — Like I said, I probably need to reread the book(s) again. As for missing the subtext, I’ll just blame it on the epilogue.
…I want to say something else about this, but I A) need to go and B) my brain has gone flat. More later, I hope.
I’m from rural WV and I resemble that remark bery much! Thank You!
Don Surber is so far from the smartest boy here in the mountain state I’m left nearly typing-words-less (if we were talking I’d be speechless too!)
Don provides the comic relief rural folk need from their city-folk cousins, if you can call Charleston a city. And the Daily Mail…those folks don’t know what a gold-mine they have in Don. They should make him dance and sing on his blog, and sell rotten fruit, they’d be rich!
I’ve been a lurker here for a long time, but never posted, but this is a pretty good humor blog. And the Real Time comment preview is splendid, the best blogging comment tool I’ve ever seen, so whoever invented that, great idea!
I hope you keep an eye on Don, God knows I can’t keep up with him without help! A good friend of mine has a gay buddy from up in the middle of the state, really rural, no jobs, so poor the courthouse only has the elected officials there, because they can’t afford hangers-on on a payroll.
They all go back home in the spring for the Ramp feed, which funds the VFD, which if you don’t live in the country, is the most important part of the community, and even though I feel sure everyone knows he’s gay, it just isn’t an issue, much less a problem.
Don, on the other hand, just has that look, ya know? So I wonder…doth he protest too much? But who would…well, I better not go there.
Keep up the good work, folks!
[…] course, the wingnuts are whining, but they can’t imagine two guys holding hands without imagining a full scale gay orgy are […]
One of the things I love about S/N is the refined snark of the commenters. I wish some of you guys had posted over at Surber’s shop. Of course, that would mean you’d have to READ his swill…oh, never mind…
Hey! I like Slim Jims and Grape soda too! You have to find common ground…
Everybody is gay. You’re all gay. Even if you are married to the opposite sex, have kids and have never so much as glanced at one of your gender… you are still sooo gay.
Earth, gay planet.
(our mission here is complete)
More to the point, why would a group of Christians get all worked up about the attributes of a fictional character?
It;s this sort of thing that makes Herr Doktor one of my favorite commenters.
If I have made D. Sidhe or Gentlewoman smile, then my work is complete for the day.
The fearful and close-minded way Harry’s uncle and aunt react to his magicalness seems like a satire of people reacting adversely to people coming out.
Where does Harry live at the beginning? In a closet.
why would a group of Christians get all worked up about the attributes of a fictional character?
Because–I suspect–they can’t really tell the difference between pretend and reality. Many people can, but a strict religious upbringing retards a person’s ability to test a concept for whether it is real or not. For instance, the Bible says witches are real, so the fundamentalist believes witches are real. Other people would be embarrassed to profess a belief in witches.
“Why the hell would anyone get that upset over a fictional character being gay?”
To Christian conservatives all fiction is allegory and anything the author writes is an endorsement.
Hey now, fucker, I‘m the brightest guy in West Virginia. Don Surber is the brightest guy in Poca, which — as I explained the last time someone brought up The Don — is the dirty, hairy asshole of WV. The whole town is literally under the fucking power lines, on the wrong side of the tracks and next to a pollution spewing coal-fire power plant. It’s understandable that such a place might produce human beings like Don, with cracked and leaking chromosomes. The question is why the Charleston Daily Mail gives him a voice, such as it is — it is a conservative paper, but I still think they’re just having a laugh at the expense of the yokels. It’s the state sport, that.
Damnit, I always forget to change the name back.
How many ‘implied’ gay fictional characters can you name.
Darth Vader.
Everyone knows that the Brits send their boys to private academies like Eton and Hogwarts to learn the ins and outs of buggery.
[…] were over at Sadly, No! today ridiculing the eminently ridiculous Don Surber. So, if you’re looking for some Sunday snark, you can […]
Belateldly to Tigrismus: Rockefeller is..um..a Rockefeller. He runs in West Virginia..never much competition. He don’t need no stinking money. His intellectual prowess has always been suspect. He did not get into Harvard on his SAT scores.
I was wondering how long it would take for heads to explode over this. How many are screaming about Harry being molested by a pedophile?
“Why would it be necessary to have this as a back story?”
Character depth? Multi-layered story telling? Inter-spective dimensions? Pfff, fuck that! Don want tits!
“Yes, knock the Christians. That will sell books.”
She’s gunna miss those five thousand book sales when she’s relaxing in her mansion, sipping mojitos from a solid gold chalice inlaid with the finest gems, rubies and diamond known to man.
Actually, she’ll prolly sell more books, when the nutjobs rally to burn the evil satan writings.
Actually, in my take on the Potter movies (I’ve seen all the films so far, but haven’t read the books as yet), the characters that most resembled gay or bi ones were Sirius Black and Professor Lupin. Lupin, particularly, seemed like a metaphor for a closeted male homosexual.
His secretiveness about being a werewolf, the hatred exhibited by Snape and others toward anyone who was a werewolf (though, perhaps somewhat understandable), when the full moon rose he’d transform into a ravening beast who would run about searching for victims (cruise for teh secks?) naked (though furred–hmm, maybe he’s a furrie)! And, of course, by book seven, from what I understand, he’s married to a woman, and has brought his wolfie tendencies under control (“ex”-gay?).
But, in the third film, the scenes with both Lupin and Sirius Black had my gaydar redlining! The long, meaningful looks, the embraces that lasted just a wee bit too long–classic closeted gays in a public location behavior. Not to mention that when Sirius must battle Lupin, he transforms into a wolf-like creature as well–hmmmm!
Yeah, guy-I’ve-never-heard-of, you go ahead and give J. K. Rowling advice on how to sell books. I’m sure she’ll be ever so grateful for all your help.
Also, why was it necessary to have characters who were asian, or black, or female? To say nothing the filthy Irish. Sure, they’re all part of our society, but that’s no reason to go and depict them in a work of fiction.
Wait–there’s a guy named Lupin who’s hiding the fact that he’s a werewolf? Maybe he should change his name, because as it is he’s about as well closeted as Mark Foley.
I don’t know what all the fuss is about, but then I still haven’t figured out why there is so much “slash” either. I must admit though, why the hell didn’t Rowling just include this in the final book with the rest of the revelations about Dumbledore? I mean, the desire to piss off the intolerant wing of pseudo-Christians is quite tempting, but still.
Speaking of these Christians, does anyone suppose that if another lost Gospel is ever found in which Jesus is ranting about “teh gays”, those freaks will actually accept a change to the Bible? Oh, I feel a post coming on. Thanks again, Sadly, No!
[…] Sadly, No! mocks me. My only complaint is we drink RC not that fancy Fanta Grape that you city people drink. The West Virginia breakfast: Moonpie and RC. […]
sent back to that homo-ridden country of hers.
Is Lord Rumplefumble gay?
No he’s just very British
Always said about guys who invariably look just like Don Surber.
Yes, knock the Christians. That will sell books.
Because knocking large swaths of Christendom is never a way to sell books.
How many ‘implied’ gay fictional characters can you name.
Oh, there’s one guy in a really old story: he’s the bastard son of a carpenter’s wife who grows up to convince a bunch of young, disaffected guys to rebel against their parents and join in a travelling gay gang of sort.
I don’t remember the character’s name, but the book was called New Testicles, or something like that. It used to be really popular: some hard core fans even recreated the dude’s fictional relgion, kind of like Stranger in A Strange Land.
sssshhh… don’t tell Surber about the Bible, where supposedly real people engage in incest!
(then again, maybe incest is one of those ‘family values’ in West Virginny…)
I read an explanation of this somewhere or other, actually. Sometimes it’s for the relatively obvious reasons, like parody or the fact that male characters are so predominant in fantasy/sci-fi that if you want to write fan fiction with any kind of romance, it almost has to be gay in certain fictional worlds. Lord of the Rings is the obvious example. If you want to spice up the story with any kind of romantic interlude or heartfelt soul-searching, every single member of the fellowship was male. In an epic trilogy with massive backstory and hundreds of characters there were only like three women, and that’s counting Frodo’s backstabbing aunt and the aloof mysterious elf queen.
I read that the main reason, though, is that for a long time, homosexuality was rarely if ever represented in fiction, especially in a positive light in mainstream stuff. So if a gay guy is a fan of fantasy or science fiction, he has two ways to find relationships he can relate to: scour used bookstores for Samuel Delany novels, or find or write fan fiction about characters that are already well-known and well-liked.
Because it wasn’t about Harry. As much as we would have liked it, Rowling focused almost exclusively on Harry’s maturation and personal storyline, probably deliberately ignoring any other world-building. Of all the complaints people have made about the series, that fact is responsible for like 90 percent of them.
Surber is from Cleveland and we really wish he would go back.
Except, Cyrus, that most slashers are women. My personal theory is that amateurs are disappointed with the characterizations and plotting done by the professionals, women think guy-on-guy is a lot hotter than most people assume we think it is, and, yeah, the major or best-developed characters in any given fictional universe are generally male, so if you’re writing romance, it’s going to have to be guys. Plus all the homoerotic subtext.
There’s probably also a strong mischievous appeal.
But…I thought all gays were fictional characters. You mean there are real gay people? Wow.
But…I thought all gays were fictional characters.
Only the Iranian ones.
Considering Christy Hardin Smith is in West Virginia, Surber is not the brightest.
I’ll also resurrect this old post of mine Fred Phelps: West Virginia ‘By far the worst’ WhooHooo! Take that San Francisco http://dailykos.com/story/2006/1/20/134644/855
I’ll also resurrect this old post of mine Fred Phelps: West Virginia ‘By far the worst’ WhooHooo! Take that San Francisco http://dailykos.com/story/2006/1/20/134644/855
I have to mention that Charleston, WV was the gayest place I ever lived. I hardly knew *any* straight people there!
Really? Never mind, then. I got the explanation I posted from an e-mail that was sent to a columnist about fantasy stuff, but I don’t think I could track the column down online even if I tried. It always made sense to me, but I wouldn’t know.
There are no gay people in West Virginia!
Wait–there’s a guy named Lupin who’s hiding the fact that he’s a werewolf?
Yeah, funny that, a guy named Remus Lupin ends up being a werewolf. It’s almost as unlikely as Pomona Sprout teaching herbology or Septima Vector arithmancy.
And I got to the bottom of the comments and no one’s mentioned Aberforth and goats?
Totally seconding D. Sidhe here.
Is that really a picture of Don Surber? What the hells?
No, that is the Don Surber thumb puppet.
And the land they sail off to, in the end, I think is Fire Island.
As much as I applaud Rowling for making Dumbledore gay, isn’t it kinda chickenshit to make that announcement after the last book in the series has already sold umpty-million copies? She should have revealed it in the book. It would have fit it perfectly with all the other revelations about Dumbledore’s not-quite-so noble past.
So, Gay Dumbledore: Great Idea, Cowardly execution.
Another point: if the Dumbledore vs. Grindelwald battle was the magic world version of WWII, does that mean Rowling thinks Churchhill had the unrequited desire for homonups with Hitler? ‘Cause thats some slash fiction I’d like to read…
Your wish is my command….here.
What I don’t get is, the idea that Rowling had to somehow make it clear that Dumbledore was gay in the texts, as if that was the only defining characteristic of his personality we should be interested in. I can see it now:
“Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!” said the gay headmaster, who, incidentally, was a homosexual.
Why can’t he be a major character, a father figure to the protagonist, a regular, fun-loving guy, and gay too? The book doesn’t suggest that Harry Potter is at all aware of Dumbledore’s sexuality one way or another (he’s supposed to be over 100 years old, after all), and almost all of the books are written from Potter’s point of view, so it’s not surprising that there’s no detail about Dumbledore’s sexuality. Still, the public needs to know! I’m going to spend all my time stalking Rowling at public appearances until she clears up McGonagall’s orientation.
Cyrus, yeah, I really just don’t understand the idea of making any fan-fiction public. It’s just creepy to me. Also, last time I looked up the character “Snape” on the web, I found endless sites of fan-fic about him and Hermione’s secret love in his dungeon office. Really creepy, especially since she hadn’t hit puberty really yet. Well, maybe she had in the fan-fic, I was too freaked out by the search results alone to click on the links.
I understand Rowling’s reasoning since reading the BBC article. I wouldn’t want a character of mine (if ever lucky enough to be anywhere NEAR as successful as JKR) to be given a past female love-interest if my back-story involved that character being gay. I did manage a half-assed photoshop of Dumbledore coming out of the closet though, on the + side.
Christians… is there a bigger bunch of idiots and losers on this whole planet?
Part of what’s baking their noodles, I think, is that Dumbledore is depicted in many ways in the books, but _not_ as a sexual being.
E.g., not half of a married couple, not having a romantic interest onstage, etc. Since _certain people_ define gay men exclusively by their sexuality, this produces a cognitive dissonance – ‘what? he _can’t_ be gay, he’s not rutting about the landscape!’ – and increases their panicky bleating tenfold.
Also, there’s the distress of being told a responsible, admirable, even heroic character possesses a trait which they are certain is always linked with negative qualities – hard to process that, I think.
I’m afraid to look at the hilterslash.
“I’m going to spend all my time stalking Rowling at public appearances until she clears up McGonagall’s orientation.”
I think it’s clear that McGonagall is into bondage.
Fags should never be a part of a childrens series, whether its fiction or not. They are a danger to normal children. They only way they can reproduce is by raping children, corrupting them into what they are.
[…] OF THE WEEK: The Sadly No blog. Its host is hoping to be a contestant on the new TV game show, “Are You Hipper Than A […]