Mitch McConnell: The Riehl Victim of S-CHIP

Dan Riehl

In Dan Riehl’s topsy-turvy world, 12-year-old Graeme Frost wasn’t the one who got smeared in the S-CHIP debate. No, it was Mitch McConnell who was smeared by a lying pack of lefties and their running dog MSM lackeys! (Also, in Dan’s world, Big Macs are health food and carrots are cancer sticks. And it was Whitney Houston who was the bad influence on Bobby Brown.)

Dan makes this claim in his whimsically-titled post “S-CHIP: Anatomy Of A DSCC / Media Smear On Sen. McConnell.” Just from the title alone you know that this is going to be really riehly entertaining.

First, there was absolutely no genuine smearing of 12 year-old Graeme Frost. Not one media outlet fueling that charge has produced a single line written by any reputable Right-side blogger to support the false claim.

Somebody has obviously been huffing his computer duster can again. How else could Dan have so quickly forgotten what he himself wrote about young Graeme. He called Graeme a “moppet” that his mother and father “dropped” into the world thinking “let someone else pay for it.” Graeme, said Dan, is also a “victim” of “spoiled brats who became parents and never felt compelled to take responsibility” for him. And, in his crowning act of kindness and consideration for young Graeme, he called Graeme the son of a “simpleton and loser who had more kids than he could afford.”

Now, we can surmise that Dan is already squealing in protest that he never called Graeme any names (well, except maybe for “moppet”) but only called his father names. Okay, then, Dan you surely won’t mind if we say that you are the son of a washed-up junkie who was once seen dressed in nothing but a leather thong, fellating a donkey while being sodomized by a diseased bonobo in a mafia-controlled nightclub in Tijuana.

So much for the smear campaign against the Frosts; let’s see what Dan has to say about the supposed smear campaign against Mitch McConnell:

Think Progress accused the Senator’s office of “propagating the (non-)smear campaign” when all staffer Don Stewart did was alert some mainstream journalists to the buzz on the blogs. That’s something any responsible staffer should do when it comes to breaking political news given the impact of new media, including blogs, today. Stewart made no charges, but simply pointed out what was being said on the blogs … .

You see repeating something isn’t propagating it. It’s, er, uh, er, well, you know, just repeating it, dammit! And it would be irresponsible not to propagate, er, repeat the shit you read on blogs because they’re like the new media and everything. So, if you read on this blog, which is part of the new media, that Dan Riehl’s favorite taste treat is goat semen on rice cakes it would be irresponsible for you not to repeat it. And if anybody said that you were smearing Dan by saying he had goat semen breath, they would be smearing you, because you are, after all, just repeating what you heard here.


Comments: 39


It does seem others have heard that.


SECOND HAND goat semen breath. Mickey got there before Dan, and that’s why he’s so Riehly angry.


Foehammer !!! read somewhere (here?) that Dan Riehl disdained his own brother because of his (the brother’s) homosexuality. And then, when the brother died, was nonplussed. Foehammer !!! thinks Riehl has the empathy of a Balrog with an ingrown toenail, so not surprised Riehl fails to recognize any (psychological) injury to Grahame Frost or family. Why he persists in keeping this fiasco alive for the repubs by specifically bringing up McConnell and Stewart, is mysterious/idiotic, but hey, also in keeping with Riehl’s history. He makes Foehammer !!!’s Anvil Of Truth step outside, supposedly going for coffee, but actually headed for the sportsbar.


Someone needs to sit Dan down and get him to breathe into a paper bag for a while.

This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me, Dan, but “breaking political news” is not the same thing as “shit random people say in blogs more commonly known for their enthusiasm towards genocide”. Drudge may have some vague claim to being “news”. But if you start applying that to Malkin, you’re also going to have to apply it to the spam that turns up in your inbox promising improbable anatomical miracles.


D. – How do you know that Dan doesn’t believe the spam offering woody and enlargement pills? Somehow I suspect that he spends a fair portion of his salary on such products. And it would be irresponsible for you not to repeat this.


The giveaway was thees: a single line written by any reputable Right-side blogger

Well, where joo going to find one of those, eh?



Dannyboy’s latest post asks:

And why on earth is a public school banning food based upon religious doctrine?

What? Why were my choices a fish sandwiche or go hungry on Fridays during Lent while I attended public school?

shhh…I heard it was the Catholics and the Lutherans didn’t seem to mind.


EGN beat me to it, but the “reputable right-side blogger” line is just too awesome.


The giveaway was thees: a single line written by any reputable Right-side blogger

Well, where joo going to find one of those, eh?

Actually, that’s the typical wingnut dodge when one of ’em is caught being an utterly contemptable excuse for a human being, ain’t it? If they don’t exist, then the damnliberals got nothing to get all het up about. It’s the “Oh, Rush Limbaugh’s just an entertainer and nothing more” defense.


Dan you surely won’t mind if we say that you are the son of a washed-up junkie

Never mind Dan. What will his washed-up junkie of a father say?


“Think Progress accused the Senator’s office of “propagating the (non-)smear campaign” when all staffer Don Stewart did was alert some mainstream journalists to the buzz on the blogs. That’s something any responsible staffer should do when it comes to breaking political news given the impact of new media, including blogs, today. Stewart made no charges, but simply pointed out what was being said on the blogs … ” I wonder if he’ll have the same outlook when “some blogger”outs Bitch McConnell.BTW Mitch McConnell is GAYYYY!11!1And I heard that Dan Riehl snacks on goat spunk.Just sayin.


I hear that Dan Riehl becomes irrationally enraged whenever someone calls him “Heidi”. Now, I’m as liberarl as the next person, but would it be irresponsible to speculate?…

Johnny Coelacanth

Dan Riehl woke up this morning and gargled with goat semen. You know this is true, because you read it on teh intartubes. Alert Mitch McConnell’s office!

Of course, in his defense, Dan doesn’t do this for sexual fulfillment, but because someone told him it would help him become competent in basic English composition. It hasn’t worked yet, but he plans to continue this regimen until he secures a full time gig at


You obviously don’t know Ethan Lipton’s “Whitney Houston”

Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston,
What’d you do to that sweet, sweet Bobby Brown?
He was singin’ like an angel,
Now he’s pickin’ up junk all over town.

Young Bobby was a good boy,
Everybody knew his ma and pa.
Then Whitney done seduced him,
Now he’s runnin’ from the law.



I call foul. The word smear now has poop-like connotations that make it hard for me to read or write.


When the dentist said, “This might pinch a bit,” I didn’t know I’d come back into the waiting room with a tugboat jutting out of my rectum.


Fuck you, Riehl, you despicable bastard. You don’t get to play the innocent card after stoking the flames of this hyperventilating psychotic bullshit.

Fuck you.

It’s disgusting that a petty little fascist poolboy like this gets to appear on theoretically respectable television like CNN while a hundred million more decent and human beings languish under the abuse of the policies he promotes. It’s just fucking disgusting.


riehl has no empathy for other human beings. And these men claim to follow the words of the Bible? They are disgusting


I mean… ugh, just take one example

They attack the Frosts for not making “responsible” decisions. And, you know what, maybe there’s some truth to that. I mean what human being on this planet always makes the most responsible decision throughout their life? Doesn’t the Bible teach conservatives that humans are flawed, but that we should still love each other and help each other? What kind of sick fuck doesn’t even give a shit when his brother dies, just because he was gay? (Note: this is what happened with Dan)

What kind of sick fuck demands that a kids’ health insurance be stripped because the parents didn’t always make the smartest and wisest decisions? I mean we are dealing human beings, not with freaking calculators.


Now I’m liberal, but to a degree.
I want everybody to be free.
But if you think I’ll let Dan Riehl’s donkey
Move-in next door, marry my honkey …
You must think I’m crazy!
I wouldn’t do it for all the sperms in Malkin!!

I’m a poet, & I know it … hope I don’t blow it!

(The rhyming, not the donkey! Mickey Kaus beat me (off) to it!)


What, you mean that he’s referring to Michelle “Snotchos” Malkin as a reputable righty blogger/journalist? After she spent how many days rifling through the Frost’s garbage? Huh.


Don’t forget, Riehl suggested that Graeme Frost might have been better off if his parents aborted him. Oh, he didn’t come right out and say that, because that would be far too déclassé. No….he just suggested it, which makes it okay.

What a wrinkled turd he has where his heart is supposed to be.


Fats Durston said,

October 20, 2007 at 7:14

You obviously don’t know Ethan Lipton’s “Whitney Houston”…

He missed a trick on that second-to-last line. He could’ve had “Then Houston done seduced ‘um” for an extra rhyme.

Johnny Coelacanth

What a wrinkled turd he has where his heart is supposed to be.

So you’re saying his brain is in his chest cavity? Interesting.

All joking aside, ditto what everybody has said; Dan Riehl is one of the lowest, most contemptible “pundits” on the right. He makes Malkin look warm and fuzzy by comparison. Here’s one of his greatest hits: When I first saw that Valerie Plame felt she was “recklessly abused,” I wasn’t sure if the media whore was talking about some DC john who copped her number from Vanity Fair and didn’t leave a tip, or if she was referring to treatment at the hands of husband Joe Wilson. I mean, there’s a guy with I want to be a woman so bad, I’m going to beat the crap out of one written all over him, if you ask me.

Low and poisonous? You bet. But wait, there’s more!That was an older brother of mine, John. He’s dead and, yes, he was Gay. You want to know how he died? He died alone, probably of aids for all I know and probably in a San Francisco flop house living on the government’s dime. I say probably because it was the last address I ever had for him from letters exchanged, not having seen the boy/man since I was about 15.

And you know why he died alone? Not because he was Gay. He died that way because of small minded assholes who think that being Gay in America is a crime.

Venal, heartless and stupid. Dan Riehl, Conservative Poster Boy.


(…in Dan’s world, Big Macs are health food and carrots are cancer sticks.)

And insults are compliments, except when they’re directed at Dan Riehl.


who was once seen dressed in nothing but a leather thong, fellating a donkey while being sodomized by a diseased bonobo in a mafia-controlled nightclub in Tijuana

Isn’t this normal Republican behavior?


When I first saw that Valerie Plame felt she was “recklessly abused,” I wasn’t sure if the media whore was talking about some DC john who copped her number from Vanity Fair and didn’t leave a tip, or if she was referring to treatment at the hands of husband Joe Wilson. I mean, there’s a guy with I want to be a woman so bad, I’m going to beat the crap out of one written all over him, if you ask me.

Not just low and poisonous, but also completely incoherent.

Guess he doesn’t really have to make sense for his particular audience?


What? Why were my choices a fish sandwiche or go hungry on Fridays during Lent while I attended public school?

Now, now, you know very well Riehl was talking about evil made-up Islamobolshiveik pseduo-religions and not good proper American Judeo-Christianity(tm) (Ask for it by name!).


How dare Dan Real spread baseless lies about Don Stewart talking to the press on the cadillac welfare moppet swiftboating… I distinctly heard McConnell say that there was absolutely no contact, none between his staff and the press on this issue.

Why, he’s pretty much calling the honorable senator a liar!


“Reputable rightwing blogger”. Huh.

I wonder how Malkin feels about being thrown under the bus.


I don’t understand why Riehl has been so silent on the goat semen issue. Why doesn’t he just prove that he doesn’t gargle it 4 times per day?


Dan Riehl’s so ugly he makes DoughBob look attractive. I can’t believe how ugly that is.


Hey! I just got back from walking around in a mall dressed in a Dan Riehl suit. A nice old lady came up to me and hit me with her walker….



“I wonder how Malkin feels about being thrown under the bus.”

Don’t forget that Stalkin’ Malkin believes she came out of this thing smelling like roses.


Malkin was on pilgrimage today. Still no word as to whether or not she made it to the Neverland Ranch.


Usually lurker, but this takes the cake. Cake, hmmmm but pie is better. How do these sub humans still get a podium to dispense their venom, then do a complete 360 and try to justify their position. EVIL, they are evil.

Keepin it mad Riehl!

Ey iz in ur dellz n farmyardz imbeyebin ur goat jizz,kthxbai11!1!!!!!

Night of the Lepus

I once saw Riehl eating Cliff May’s ass in the mens’ room at a bar called Sprinkles, uptown. Or it might have been Michael Medved’s. Either way, it happened.

I didn’t see a goat.


Story breaks.
Things are said.
12-year boy with health problems: vilian
U.S. Senator: victim


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