Keep it up, GOP. Please, please, please keep acting crazy.
For those with bad eyes, Mr. King has created a chart claiming the S-CHIP really stands for “Socialized Clinton-style Hillarycare for Illegals and their Parents.”
Guys, you’ve done outdone yerselves on this one. Please, please, please keep insulting middle-class families who can’t afford health insurance. I guarantee that it will launch you right back into power.
UPDATE: By 2008, these guys will be the GOP’s only reliable voting bloc:
The Palace Mobile Home Park is a place that welcomes sex offenders. Ninety-five of these 200 residents are convicted sex offenders, including some pedophiles.
The adults-only, nondescript, low-income trailer park near St. Petersburg, Florida has gained a reputation among sex offenders on probation as a good place to live and stay out of trouble.
“Out there … it’s a jungle,” said Michael, who did not want his last name used for this report. “In here, it’s our own little piece of paradise. We’re safe here.”
Michael was released from prison in June. He’s been a familiar face to law enforcement in Florida and Mississippi for the past 20 years, serving prison time for grand theft, drug possession and sexual battery on a child.
Go get ’em, GOP! They’re Mark Foley’s best chance at making a comeback!
It’s like the Republican party has turned inot one giant Democratic campaign commercial.
Steve King, once again showing that common-sense compassionate conservatism that has made him beloved by all and sundry throughout the Hawkeye state.
If he were any more of a tool, his office would be in aisle 12 at Home Depot.
This isn’t one of your Photoshop tricks, is it?
Republicans do seem to be redoubling their efforts – and their chins – in order to piss people off.
“It’s like the Republican party has turned inot one giant Democratic campaign commercial.”
Yes. The only thing standing in the way of Democrat victory is … well, the Democrat party itself.
It would have been much better if he had done it as a limerick.
I’m quite impressed at how effectively “clinton” and “hillary” have been turned into slurs.
Are there really that many low-middle-class desperate angry depressed lonely bigoted paranoid doughy Christian white guys in America that the GOP can politically afford to offend absolutely everyone else?
As Bob (of “the magic of Bob’s Furniture” fame) would say, in his particular way: “I doubt it.”
It’s a shame that he didn’t make the “P” stand for “Clinton’s Penis”.
They can’t hold themselves from the Kulturkampf – and I guess they would say of this Kampf what the administration was prompted to say by Rove re Iraq, not long ago: Wanna make an omelet, gotta break a few eggs, won’t come easy yadda yadda…In the pursuit of their every-man-for-himself bootstrapping Amurrica, these selfish bastards must inevitably get real ugly…
“Are there really that many low-middle-class desperate angry depressed lonely bigoted paranoid doughy Christian white guys in America that the GOP can politically afford to offend absolutely everyone else?”
Well, most of these people *only know* desperate angry depressed lonely bigoted paranoid doughy Christian white guys (along with the occasional timorous hysterical obedient devout doughy Christian white woman), and they sort of assume that everyone must be just like their tiny little circle of fellow-travellers. Remember, these are people who can be reduced to foaming incoherence by the very idea that some sort of religious accomodation might be made for Muslims.
See, this is the problem. They’re so crazy that when they act their own self, no one believes it can be true since it’s so insane, so everyone thinks it’s not as bad as it is. Because when they have a fit of genius and merely look retarded, everyone accepts it as truth, and thinks they must be much better on the ordinary days. So, basically, they’ve managed to skew the entire political spectrum over on the far end of the imaginary insanity axis by believing strongly in absolutely nothing. Other than promoting their own sense of moral objectivity.
In other words, as long as the GOP can avoid talking actual politics – they’re going to win/avoid defeat.
another of steve king’s greatest hits:
27.51 Iraqis per 100,000 die a violent death on an annual basis. 27.51. Now what does that mean? To me, it really doesn’t mean a lot until I compare it to people that I know or have a feel for the rhythm of this place. Well I by now have a feel for the rhythm of this place called Washington, D.C., and my wife lives here with me, and I can tell you, Mr. Speaker, she’s at far greater risk being a civilian in Washington, D.C. than an average civilian in Iraq. 45 out of every 100,000 Washington, D.C. regular residents die a violent death on an annual basis.
“low-middle-class desperate angry depressed lonely bigoted paranoid doughy Christian white guys”
There’s plenty of those guys in the Iowa 5th Congressional District. It ain’t like the rest of Iowa. King’s playing to his base here, and it will work.
That sounds like a fun game. I made one too. It’s not about health care, but it describes the base:
S caredy
C ats
H ate
I slamic
P eople
And this one describes their Congressmen
S ome
C onservatives
H ave
I nteresting
P erversions
Meanwhile, Marsha Blackburn’s loaded SCHIP poll got freeped. Three cheerws for the Welfare State! Huzzah!
Do you support raising taxes to expand the SCHP program that would provide health care to disadvantage children, while allowing illegal immigrants easier access to free, taxpayer-funded health care?
No — I already pay too much in taxes and don’t want to fund illegal immigrant health care 6.46 % (104)
Yes — I believe in further expanding the welfare state and creating an additional entitlement program. 91.18 % (1468)
Yes — But, we need reauthorize the program as it was originally intended with minimal additional taxes. 2.36 % (38)
MCH, got one word for ya: Diebold.
There’s your talking points, GOP! Now go!
The Palace Mobile Home Park is a place that welcomes sex offenders
Faboo! When I am no longer able to get laid using traditional means, I will dress up in a “naughty schoolboy” outfit and hit The Palace for “trick or treating!”
“Get your fat ass back here . . . . “
S ocial
C onservatives are
H owling
I gnorant
LOL Josh
Actually, if we lobby Republicans by offering them a sex offender for their kinky pleasures, I’m sure they’d extend SCHIP to cover every child in the US and Mexico combined.
They’re really romantics, when you get past their crablike shells.
S ome Republican
C ongressmen
H appily
I nsure
P erverts
S exually frustrated
C onservatives
H ating
I deas about
P orn
S upport
C linton you
H ippies
P roclamied
k, now I’m just being stupid
I really like how King renders the right-wing bogeyman of “Illegals” as kids and then throws in “their parents” to make his silly chart work. More of this, please. It’s a winning concept.
I’m surprised that the acronym worked, given that most reactionary AOL chat room waterheads like Representative King spell it “KKKlintoon”
Screw the
Implores the
Hillary – then
“In here, it’s our own little piece of paradise.”
What is paradise to a convicted sex offender?
Two good entries from Mister DNA. Nice.
S hotgun
C heney
H unts
I mpertinent
P rogressives
Slightly OT, but still outrageous:
Sure, the Republicans have lately been shooting themselves in the foot so many times they have to stop and reload. However, it seems some Democrats want to grab that pistol and want to destroy their own feet first.
Just read today’s Glenn Greenwald column, you’ll see why.
I’ll give this one to King for free:
This would be the same Steve King who identified Sen. Joe McCarthy as a hero.
Unfortunately, his district in Iowa is Wingnut Central, so he’s pretty safe.
What is paradise to a convicted sex offender?
To a sex offender just released from prison, paradise probably involves not getting beat down on a daily basis. The cozy trailer park setting is probably a bonus, though…
Could we
Prosper further?
Applicants are required to submit to extreme Marxist bondage sessions.
S urely
C anada
H as
I nvasion
P otential?
S mirking
C himplike
H opelessly
I gnorant
P resident
Bistroist ftw
S top
C raig’s
H ands,
Double Bistroist ftw with an added lol
Oh, and since I’m giving out awards, props to Five of Diamonds for staying on the health care topic with a good one.
Stop taking my money to help people
Curtail your taking-my-money-to-help-people activities
Hinder the taking of my money in order to help people by you
I do not wish to have any of my money taken to help people
Please do not take my money for purposes of people-helping
Too wordy?
S top
C raig’s
H ands,
I mplore
P ages
Completed that one for ya.
S o-called
C aring
H arms
I nnocent
P lutocrats
Steven King
Hairy, crab-
So long,
Cheers, Johnny. Mr. Pierce, I salute your tautological verbosity.
I learned some things-
The illegals are children, we only need a low fence to keep them out. Huge cost savings to be had.
In some States, the S in Schip stands for Socialist. That’s why they call them “Red States”
Apparently Hillarycare comes from Clinton, not Duff. I’m not looking forward to my next hospital visit nearly so much as I was.
Or so I hope.
[…] King, since you have displayed a placard identifying S-CHIP as “Socialized Clinton style Hillarycare for Illegalds and their Parents” during your address, is it safe to assume that you will not be voting to over-ride Bush’s […]
The illegals are children, we only need a low fence to keep them out. Huge cost savings to be had.
This also implies the Minutemen may have to go small. They can establish a youth division and call it the Mini Minutemen.
Health care costs
Phucking over some kids.
Why not just Minute [\m?-?nüt] Men?
Hm, that didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped.
The illegals are children, we only need a low fence to keep them out. Huge cost savings to be had.
This also implies the Minutemen may have to go small. They can establish a youth division and call it the Mini Minutemen.
Minute Minutemen? Secondboys?
Is for
I’m disappointed. You haven’t worked ‘Clenis’ in yet.
Harry Reid!
Everything the GOP stands for hurts the middle class. I understand the value of giving them enough rope to hang themselves, but these Republicans can’t be relied upon to even do that competently. They just tangle themselves up in the rope and get in the way of progress.
We hold a full house or better on every hand and Harry & Nancy keep folding. We may need to find us about a dozen Ned Lamonts next year.
Pardon the double entandre’.
Minutemen = One Pump Chumps.
Little Minutemen = One Pump Chimps.
[…] caught a bit of this brain dead pinhead sniveling and driveling last night on […]
Bistroist –
Minute – (mine-yoot) – men.
That’s effing brilliant. Bravo.
Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about.
“socialized Clinton-style Hitlery-care”
Its Hitlery, Mr. King, Hitlery.
Rush said so.
Riffing on Johnny:
Ah well. Fun’s over. Our worthless political class comes through in a cinch again. House fails to override health care bill veto
Steve King: a poor man’s Tom Tancredo.
He really thinks that SCHIP stands for Spiccy Chicano Hispanic Immigrant Program’.
Ah well. Fun’s over. Our worthless political class comes through in a cinch again. House fails to override health care bill veto
I just know it was Rep. King’s clever acronym that did it.
S omebody
C onsider
H elping
I nstead of
P rostrating
“it was Rep. King’s clever acronym that did it.”
I knew it. If only our side had the mad rhetorical skillz on of a pasty white dude from Iowa.
King also has a burn book where he calls OSHA fat and says the SSA has a nasty grill.
O ppressive
S ocialists
H urt
A merica
I am about ‘Revolutionarily’ pissed with our government. If that FISA bill goes through with retroactive immunity for the telecom industry, I’m going to have to go back and watch V for Vendetta about 50 times, then…
If only our side had the mad rhetorical skillz on of a pasty white dude from Iowa.
True, but how does one compete against the unassailable logic of “Hillarycare” AND “Immigrants”?
I just know King and his aides pulled an all-nighter trying to decide whether to go with “Immigrants” or “Islamofascists”.
I know Republican behavior appears confusing, but I have found that if you read about their antics while playing “Mudshark” from the Mothers Fillmore East: June 1971 at a really loud volume while drinking a lot of tequila, it makes more sense.
[fake Gary Ruppert]
Suck the
Clenis, you
Hitlery humping
Illegal alien loving
Piles of Kimchee!
Clenis, Hitlery, and illegal aliens! Woo-hoo, I hit the trifecta…
[/fake Gary Ruppert]
Steve KingCertifiesHalf-wittednessInPosterboard
Change “Piles of Kimchee” to Pussies and it is even better.
Not bad, but a Gary Ruppert SCHIP acronym would be more like this:
Surely, the
Coming election will relegate liberals to the dustbin of
History. The fact
Is, a republican will be the next
or rather…
Steve King
S ome
C ows
H ave
I rritable
P ….ogo sticks
God Bless The U.S.A!!!TM
Veto override fails in the House. Still, we got some nice comedy acronyms.
From the NR link “For example, they insist that no Muslim should be expected to serve or sell alcohol. They do not say that Muslims should avoid taking jobs where alcohol is part of the work.”
Muslim waiter meet Christian pharmacist.
So, if we take Bush and his supporters at their word….
They’re FOR “Socialized Clinton-style Hillarycare for Illegals and their Parents”…
…and against *expansion* of “Socialized Clinton-style Hillarycare for Illegals and their Parents”
I say we focus on the first part of that and ram it down their throats.
In fact
Phil Moskowitz, Lovable Rogue said,
Muslim waiter meet Christian pharmacist.
The funny part is that the author of that screed is (I think) a devout Catholic. Mote, beam–bah, they must skip that part of Matthew these days.
[…] Sadly, No!) 2:45 pm | […]
why should we pay for those kids’ poor judgement?
A brief trip down memory lane.
OT, but Chris Dodd is going to block the telecomm immunity bill in the Senate.
Where the hell is the rest of the party?
Chris Dodd is going to block the telecomm immunity bill in the Senate. Where the hell is the rest of the party?
Dunno, zsa, but Dodd just got $50 from me and my Obama primary vote is starting to get itchy feet.
If Dodd does that, I’m an official “Dodd in ’08” volunteer. It would show true leadership.
In fact, why haven’t we (Progos) gotten behind Dodd already? He is the only one that seems concerned with the whole ‘Constitution’ thing.
Dodd/Colbert. I like the sound of it. It has progressiveness, frenchiness, real balls, and Giant Brass Balls.
OT, but Chris Dodd is going to block the telecomm immunity bill in the Senate.
Where the hell is the rest of the party?
In the pockets of the telecoms, just like the other party?
Bingo. Give that man a lolli!
Dodd Mania!
Clinto and Edwards have their tongues so far up corporate ass they can taste tonsils. and Barak seems like he really, really wants to see what tonsil tastes like, as well.
Fuck all three of them!
Suicidal Conservatives Host Immolation Party
Edwards isn’t in the Senate now, and I doubt that corporate Murka loves his Two Americas theme.
You can’t make an omelette without getting egg all over your face.
Bistroist –
Minute – (mine-yoot) – men.
That’s effing brilliant. Bravo.
Hmmmm. Am I the only one here who’s ever watched “Cheers?” Because that was probably the funniest line John Ratzenberger ever got on that show.
The glitterati of Wingnutistan is having a shindig in D.C. this weekend and for $9.95 you can get streaming video.
S teve King
C an
H as
I llnezz
P lz?
Damn. I suck at putting links into a post.
t4t, I’m mentally sorting Clinton and Obama into the tonsil-tasting bin, but thunder is right – Edwards has been saying the right things.
But Dodd blocking the telecomm immunity scam speaks volumes. If he doesn’t back down (to preserve David Broder’s delicate sensibilities), he’s got my money, my vote, and the services of my horde of vicious flying monkeys.
Insuring the
Yes, Steve. Right away.
Clinto and Edwards have their tongues so far up corporate ass they can taste tonsils. and Barak seems like he really, really wants to see what tonsil tastes like, as well.
Fuck all three of them!
Yeah, forget ’em! Who needs a candidate who could actually win the election?
Realism is for pussies.
Unrelated bonus:
Ah well. Fun’s over. Our worthless political class comes through in a cinch again. House fails to override health care bill veto
Dang … and look at the coverage … they still give Cmdr. Codpiece the first word. And WTF are there Dems. not voting for the override? This needs to be a bipartisan bill with only dead-ender GOoPers opposing it.
The House/Senate leadership needs to make it clear that the President and specific Republican congresscritters are being obstructionist here. It has to be a GOP vs. a “bipartisan consensus” thing.
Pardon my callousness here, but a veto is not the end of the world politically, so long as the Dems. can craft a coherent message that “if we had the Presidency, children would have health insurance”. Unfortunately, the media still defers to the President’s bully pulpit, preventing Dems. from being able to get the message out (presuming they’ll miraculously stay on message in the first place).
But the Dems. at least need to be prepared for obvious GOP attacks (in the past they’ve been blind-sided by such attacks — which itself is bad for the Dems. as they look weak): (1) “the Dems. can’t even get a popular health care bill for children passed [because of our obstructionism, but let’s not say that], so how can they run the government?”, (2) “the Dems. wanted this veto to make us look bad — and they should stop playing politics with childrens’ health care”, etc.
Will the Dems. manage to not let the GOP frame this one for once? Time will tell …
S adly, No!
C orrects
H is
I sanely lame
P oster
Dodd put the hold on. I’m in.
Dodd in ’08!
True, with Edwards, but we have a crisis right now. Our Constitution is getting shredded. Poverty doesn’t matter much when you live in a totalitarian state.
The glitterati of Wingnutistan is having a shindig in D.C. this weekend and for $9.95 you can get streaming video.
So good to see that Roger Hedgecock and Robert Rector will both be in attendance.
Poverty doesn’t matter much when you live in a totalitarian state.
The Constitutional issues are very important, but… what? Yeah, poverty matters a lot, regardless of the government you have. If you don’t think so, I’m guessing you don’t have that much experience with poverty.
Acronym fun? I can play!
STAFF: Senator Dodd will place a hold on FISA legislation that includes telecom amnesty ( for more)
Poopy! Poopypoopypoopy!
[…] Selfish Congressmen haughtily, indignantly proclaim “Squalor can heal indigent preschoolers!”, scuttle crucial House insurance poll. Sick complain health insurance premiums so costly, hardship is probable. Savvy children hope incumbents perish, support competent hopefuls in primaries. Sign-carrying handicapped innocents protest, “Some “compassion”, heartless idiot President!” Smart conservatives hoped it’d pass, squawk “confined, hostage in party!”; sell condo, head into posterity. Filed under: Uncategorized — cleek @ 3:23 pm […]
Oh, Marita. I know poverty. It’s just that poverty was here 2000 years ago, and will be (if we don’t blow ourselves up) in the foreseeable future.
It is easy to give power. It is very hard to take it away.
Right now we really need to get serious about the erosion of the constitution. This shit has gone too far.
What I meant was, “I’d rather be poor and free than poor in some Orwellian Nightmare”.
And athiest, do you really think that Barak or Hillary have a better chance? With all of us progressives voting for a third party, because ‘More of the Same Shit that has Gone On for the Last Four Decades’ is not an acceptable answer.
You really think the Pathetic Pygmies™ can beat any D we put up?
Sadly, No!
WTF? the preview liked my trademark sign, but the comment did not…
And athiest, do you really think that Barak or Hillary have a better chance?
With all of us progressives voting for a third party, because ‘More of the Same Shit that has Gone On for the Last Four Decades’ is not an acceptable answer.
Whether it is acceptable or not, we’re either gonna have ‘more of the same shit’ (Clinton, Obama, or Edwards) or ‘considerably worse than the usual shit’ (any of the Republicans).
You want to continue to strengthen the Greens? Great idea. But I wouldn’t expect them to win the presidential race in 2008.
Reader X said,
October 18, 2007 at 18:27
How right you are. I’ve long wished that Nebraska and South Dakota would just annex the western half of Iowa. I don’t know what it is, maybe something in the water?
I’m hardly on confiding terms with the GOP here in Iowa, but I’ve heard rumours that all the less insane Iowa Republican big wigs are freaking out about King and wishing he’d STFU.
John Edwards in far, far from a corporate candidate, 14toby. Go to his web site and find out what he’s about.
Wait T4T, you were jokin’ weren’t ya. I’m sorry- I’m slow today.
Funny, I seem to remember a lot of talk about how John Kerry was clearly the most electable Dem in ’04 and how everyone who didn’t agree should just STFU because wishy-washy was better than a loss.
How did that work out, again?
Sorry, athiest, I wasn’t joking. It is the entrenched conventional wisdom that has gotten us to this point as it is.
Think outside the box, man!
Oh, and, what kingubu said. I was 100% for Dean in 2004. What happened.
And really, check his website? I think actions speak louder than the ability o hire a staff that is adept at PR.
And, Dodd is a fluent Spanish speaker. There is a huge block of votes.
Bistroist said,
October 18, 2007 at 18:55
S urely
C anada
H as
I nvasion
P otential?
And they speak French there. On to Ottawa, eh!
Why, as a third party, would one immediately concentrate on the presidency?
I think that we have to do what we have to do to ensure that the excesses that Bushco has grabbed will not remain. I think Dodd is the only one that has put his money where his mouth is.
I sent Chris Dodd an email telling him and his staff that he absolutely will NOT lose support or supporters by holding out as long as it takes, no matter what the “villiage” is saying to him, and they only way he could lose is by surrendering.
We’ll see. I’m cautiously optimistic…
Bistroist said,
October 18, 2007 at 18:55
S urely
C anada
H as
I nvasion
P otential?
Indeed it does, especially since we’ll be able to grow mangos there soon at the rate things are heating up.
Exactly, mikey.
I do need to get down your way. Think I could learn a thing or two in Cali…
No, I’m sorry. I should not have been so quick to judge. Maybe Dodd could actually win. He does definitely sound a lot better than Obama, Clinton, or Edwards on constitutional issues. And I liked Dean the best as well, and was frustrated when he lost the primary to Kerry, though I volunteered for Kerry later.
My only real issue with what you said about Obama, Clinton, and Edwards was that in my view, the big picture is that Obama, Clinton, or Edwards may be very compromised, (though I really honestly like Edwards a lot), the Republican candidates are so completely extremist that even the eternally triangulating, pro-Imperialist, corporate Democrat Hillary Clinton truly seems preferable to me. And I take nothing for granted.
The primaries are where we have to make our voices heard. I don’t seriously expect Dodd to win the nomination, but he’s got my vote because he’s showing that he has the balls to stand up the administration and the corporate interests.
That’s a message that Clinton and Obama will hopefully get.
One thing to point out is that Dodd, by taking this action, will force all Senators to vote for cloture or not. This eliminates the standard dodge that all Senators use … voting against a bill that they know will pass anyway and giving themselves the excuse that they opposed the bill but were outvoted. Now both Obama and Clinton will have to vote on cloture. In order to bring this to a vote, they will have to take a stand either for or against. They either support telecomm immunity for criminal acts or they don’t.
So Dodd’s no dummy. He knows that Obama and Clinton really really want to avoid this issue, but Dodd has put the turd on their plate and stuck a plastic fork in it.
Democratic Senators need to be held to account on this cloture vote. Obama in particular has shown an uncanny ability to be absent for critical votes. We aren’t going to let him get away with that shit this time around.
Dodd has been winning me over in a big way lately. Unlike most other Democrats who declare everything effective “off the table” he walks the walk, and he also talks a good game about reigning in the power of the executive and restoring the Constitution, which IMO is more important than any specific policy matter.
Are there really that many low-middle-class desperate angry depressed lonely bigoted paranoid doughy Christian white guys in America…
MCH: Sadly, yes.
I may be remembering wrong, but seems like Dodd also is the only Dem who has said flat out “Bring the troops home. Now. Today.” Or words to that effect. He’s kinda cranky, but I remember respecting him more after that first debate than I did before.
And why are Republicans so opposed to a healthcare system used the world over?
John Cole:
Great reference to possibly the funniest live album ever created by anyone. Zappa live at the Fillmore East, 1971.
Side note: Dweezil’s tribute to Dad is spectacular.
Cunt of Ann Coulter’s dick or
Hannity’s dick
Steven King of Iowa proves one important point:
Evolution Can Not Exist.
How else would be able to explain the Repug Party and that troglodites like Congressman King? He is a total cracker.
Steve King says i wouldn’t support that bill even if,
[…] the nation has had one huge Sen. Larry Graig (R-Idaho) moment. Sadly, No! gets the sentiment right, Keep it up, GOP. Please, please, please keep acting crazy It is a Pyhrric victory in for which even those wiser 44 Republicans will pay a price next year. […]
[…] OMG! The GOP is unsurprisingly maddened with demented hatred! […]
[…] edit: title slightly altered. also, HT: SadlyNo […]
[…] For those with bad eyes, Mr. King has created a chart claiming the S-CHIP really stands for “Socialized Clinton-style Hillarycare for Illegals and their Parents.” Guys, you’ve done outdone yerselves on this one. Please, please, please keep insulting middle-class families who can’t afford health insurance. I guarantee that it will launch you right back into power. UPDATE : By 2008, these guys will be the GOP’s only reliable voting bloc: The Palace Mobile Home Park is a place that welcomes sex offenders. […]
When Hillary is acting naturally…she immitates black speech,disses Martin Luthor King, and gets Bill to say Osama is in a “fairy tale” thinking he has a chance. Now just because the Democrats got “the fear” in 1972 and decided to handicap big names to win over small fry…media sits on the fact that super delegate Democrat system has Hillary with 3 times as many deligates yet only ONE small win. All others trail with 45 or less. Meanwhile Romney has a regular 59 down to Gouliani who has ONE. Thompson had ZERO so he folded his cards…
[…] Found in the comments of a Sadly, No! item: […]
So, um, the point of this post was what?
That Republicans oppose moves to introduce soft socialism into the health care system, therefore they are child molesters who live in a trailer park?
Quality bloggin’ right there, dude.