Careful there, you’re going to give yourself an aneurysm

Looks like someone forgot to yell out Serenity now! Various bloggers on the right are… getting upset, over this John Kerry interview on CNN:

KING: News of the day, Tom Ridge warned today about al Qaeda plans of a large-scale attack on the United States. Didn’t increase the — you see any politics in this? What’s your reaction?

KERRY: Well, I haven’t been briefed yet, Larry. They have offered to brief me. I just haven’t had time. [Emphasis added]

mhking is outraged:

No time to find out about any threats to the nation, but time to strut his stuff on stage?

Jay G offers this:

Kiss my hairy Italian ass, you rat-faced gigolo bastard.

Kerry’s comments are obviously outrageous, seeing as how he missed a chance to be briefed on this latest threat to the nation:

Afterward, Senator Bill Frist, Republican of Tennessee, the majority leader, said he had heard no startling information in the closed session. “The essence of the briefing is that during this period of elections, this campaign season, that there is increased risk of a terrorist attack in the United States of America,” Frist said. “The nature of that risk is very nonspecific.”

So you can see why one should be upset. Especially when, a few seconds later, Kerry added:

KING: When do you — when do you get your briefing?

KERRY: We’re arranging it. It’s at the end of the week I’ll get it.

KING: Should be pretty soon.

KERRY: I think it’s tomorrow or the next day.


Comments: 3


Check out the comments on mhking’s blog, where he asserted that “GW’s time ‘on vacation’ was in line with most other presidents (including Clinton).”


The level of faux-outrage is just unbelievable.


That bastard Kerry — not demanding to be briefed instantly on the latest vague threat alert that isn’t even serious enough to raise the threat level to “Orange.” Is it “Yellow and a half” now?


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