Shorter Dennis Prager
Posted on October 16th, 2007 by Travis G.
Ann Coulter Wants Jews to Become Christian — So What?
Above: Some hippies protest a noted proponent of multicultural tolerance
- I feel entitled to speak for all Jews when I say that my people have no greater friend than Christian Zionists, whose intentions are pure, honorable, and in accordance with the prophecy.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
I’m sure you’re aware of the Southern Baptist take on all this:
I (ahem) wrote a bit on how this fits with Christian Zionism
I (ahem) wrote a bit on how this fits in with Christian Zionism here.
Let me see here:
“I’m concerned about the plight of the Palestinians” = anti-Semite
“I want to send all Jews to Israel so they can get killed in the battle of armeggeddon” = not anti-Semitic
Who cares if we think their theology is bogus. It is still dangerous. Haven’t these people heard of pernicious influence? Of people, not even realizing what they are doing, making sure they keep track of on which side their bread is buttered?
Just because we Jews don’t believe in the fundies’ theology doesn’t mean their agenda ain’t getting through. People like Prager are playing with fire … and they should realize that they risk all of us Jews getting burnt!
Oy to the vey.
Shorter Prager:
My point is, liberals want to make conservatives more liberal, therefore it is okay to imply that Jews are imperfect without JC.
My point is, liberals want to make conservatives more liberal, therefore it is okay to imply that Jews are imperfect without JC.
My point is, liberals want to make conservatives more liberal, therefore it is okay to imply that Jews are imperfect without JC.
(More DP):
And I’m really, really, totally and completely Jewish!!!1!
As long as the Xtians want to drop bombs on the mooselimbs, they can say any bugfuck crazy thing they want. – D.Prager
And from the comments:
Project much, Mountain Rose?
But seriously, Can I Has Nives 4 Mi Chair-ee-ot?
Jeez, remember the context here. Anne wasn’t just explaining Christian theology. She was explaining her view of what the United States would look like in her dreams. She said in her dreams there would be only Christians here. That actually goes beyond the usual end of days types.
Nope. Not fooling me this time. I know damn well that this fellow and his abjectly stupid / insane followers to not exist. la la la la la la la.
“like the bad guy in Ben Hur with the knives on his chariot wheels.”
Shit. It was supposed to be a surprise.
That’s right, John Hagee.
If Dennis Prager was a turkey:
“The farmer is my friend! He keeps me in this sturdy enclosure to keep me safe from predators!”
they always resort to fighting dirty, like the bad guy in Ben Hur with the knives on his chariot wheels.
Umm … what’s a Jew doing referring to Ben Hur? Especially given the context? What is Prager saying? Is he identifying himself with Ben Hur? Is then his conversion to Christianity imminent?
Speaking of Dennis and his fellow whackjobs, is anybody else wondering if this might bother the wingnuts just a little bit?
I mean, this isn’t just any “kill ’em all” Neo. This is practically the patron saint!
All my leftish Jewish friends think that Prager has secretly already converted. Maybe just wishing him off the team . . .
That’s actually supposed to say “leftist,” but I suppose “leftish” sorta works.
My rapier wit and scintillating analysis would be wasted on this dumb fuck. (Jesus Sweating Christ … where do these people come from? The fact that Prager was born makes the argument FOR a woman’s right to choose?)
Says Prager: “There is also a move to boycott Ann Coulter, so dangerous are her words. Of course, there is no such Jewish or liberal boycott of former President Jimmy Carter, who has done real damage to the Jewish people by describing Israel as an “apartheid” state in the very title of his anti-Israel book.”
Possible Jimmy Carter Book Titles:
“Israel: A Viscious, Illegitimate Apartheid State Filled with Jews!”
“Israel: Apartheid and the Jews who love it.”
“Israel: Why are we Sending 3 Billion Dollar a Year to this Jew filled Apartheid State?”
Actual Jimmy Carter Book Title:
“Palestine: Peace not Apartheid”
GREAT! now Ben-Hur is ruined! for me!!
What’s next, a roundtable discussion between Prager, ol’ Ace and doughy pantload that sounds something like …
“Jonah, have you ever seen a grown man naked?”
or … “Jonah, do you like gladiator movies?”
or .. “Ace, have you seen the latest box office smash from Matt “Dirty” Sanchez, aka “Rod Majors” aka, Ann Coulter’s newest BFF?”
they always resort to fighting dirty, like the bad guy in Ben Hur with the knives on his chariot wheels
Since I ride the train, I had to sneak-attach the knives.
Why do the Leftie Losers sit around with baited breath waiting for conservatives to say some insignificant thing that they can twist into an insult?
Yes. If only I wouldn’t sit here waiting, Ann Coulter would be a perfect lamb and never say ugly things.
Next time the Frau Doktorin Penny complains about the odour of carrion emerging from my mouth, I’ll explain that it is not halitosis… it’s baited breath for attracting conservatives.
Herr Doktor, I’m certain the Aquavit keeps your breath minty fresh!
Minty and flammable.
Isn’t that a good thing?
That inspires me to quote Lt.-Col. Timothy O’Neill’s description of dragon-breath:
“Smaug is what we of Othello’s trade call an area weapon: precise location of the target is not required, nor is fastidious marksmanship necessary for good terminal effect.”
Herr Doktor,
If you really want to attract conservatives with your breath…
Instead of carrion, might I suggest a handful of, “Urinal Mints”? Or a good size slice of, “Urinal Cake”, instead? There’s something about the smell of a well used men’s room that drives them wingnuts wild.
Happy hunting!!11!!
What’s next, a roundtable discussion between Prager, ol’ Ace and doughy pantload that sounds something like …
“Jonah, have you ever seen a grown man naked?”
“Jonah, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?”