Yeah, She Was Really Asking For It [Updated]

I still don’t know if Randi Rhodes was mugged or not.

But I do know that Patrick Bateman Stephen Green is a douchebag:

I know this is hardly the time for cruel honesty, immediately after a brutal assault. But when you work for Air America, muggers are going to pretty much assume that you walk around unarmed.

Above: Qualified expert in all NATO and Perry Ellis International
small arms, demolitions, M-79 grenade launcher, cuff links.

Gavin adds: Following the Rhodes tip, Malkin finds a way to misunderstand various clear English sentences in order to cry victim about the menace that is J.A. Baker.


Comments: 90


He went as the lead singer of ABC to a Halloween party?


Funny you should say that, Norb. I’d been saving this picture for the next Party Hats post. Was gonna reference Spandau Ballet somehow.


Yeah it’s a real problem for radio hosts all over the country. Everyone knows what they look like.


Remington Steele, NOOOOOOOOO!


Vodkapundit: The GQ chickenhawk.


Good lord, that was a long caption. I break-tagged it, btw.


Watch out Imelda! Four hours under a sun lamp and he’d be George Hamilton.

Trilateral Chairman

Hey, nothing says “I’m a trained fighter, and I’m packin’ heat” like slim wrists, a pencil neck, a purple tie with matching handkerchief, a double-breasted suit, and cufflinks.

Oh, I almost forgot about the red wine. Men of steel ALWAYS sip a nice Cabernet.


Yes because muggers go around thinking “Hey that person looks like they work for Air America… they must be easy pickings even if they did serve in the air force.”


Either his head is too wide, or his body is too narrow. Are you sure this isn’t the carnival mirror version of this pic?

Something is certainly up with his biometrics.


Translation: I know that saying the most violently inappropriate thing possible makes people on the right like you a lot, so I’m going to give it a go.


There’s a Christopher Lee/Hammer Films vibe right there on my computer/tubes screen !


His lack of a neck tells me he’d need a lot of help in a “scrap” .


I think if that woman removes her hand, he’s going to fall over.


I saw that picture, and my first thought was:

“What the heck happened to Cris Collinsworth?”



Douchebag apparently thinks it’s always time for cruelty.


It’s like they stretched Fisher Stevens out… and then brainwashed him into being a galaxy-class prick.


That suit screams “I’ve cornered you at this cocktail party and now I’m going to try to sell you insurance.”


It’s like they stretched Fisher Stevens out… and then brainwashed him into being a galaxy-class prick.

Oddly, he also looks a bit like an art professor I once had named Stephen Fisher, but only half as cadaverous and a hundred times more creepy.

And you can just tell this guy is the sort of tool who hasn’t drank merlot since he saw Sideways.


Stephen Green, what would a mugger say if they saw you all alone and looking like that?

I tried that look back in high school. It didn’t work out.


Ah, my favorite desginer, Offah De Raq.


Guess Malkin’s crowd decided the twelve-year-old was easy pickin’s, too…


Translation: she deserved to get her teeth knocked out because she’s a liberal.

A guy that looks liek that wouldn’t last three blocks in Manhattan, packing heat or not.


Well, to be fair, merlot is pretty skunkalicious, even for red wine. You’re much better off with something that tastes good. Or scotch.


Please tell me he is a minor, minor wingnut. I’ve never heard of this beautiful shit.


Please tell me he is a minor, minor wingnut. I’ve never heard of this fabulous shit.


FURTHER UPDATE: Welcome, “Sadly, No!” readers. Just to clarify, the victim — if any — is never asking for it. But it’s sure nice when they have a fighting chance at fighting back, no? – Green

Huh? That was clarification of what? That he is more of a Massengill douche rather than a Summer’s Eve variety douche?


hope there are no open flames at that party, he’d go up like the Hindenburg in that suit.


I know this is hardly the time for cruel honesty, immediately after a brutal assault but I’m a rightwing pundit who can’t help himself.

But when you work for Air America, muggers are going to pretty much assume that you walk around unarmed just as liberal victims of violent crime can pretty much assume they will be attacked by vicious rodents like me just after they are attacked by muggers.

Chis Collinsworth

God damn, that guy’s a skinny geek!


The phrase “Penis Head” comes to mind.


You can always tell a man with style by his enormous full-Windsor and matching tie and pocket square.


And when you dress like the bastard child of Patrick Bateman and Max Headroom, people are really going to think you’re a psychopath with no soul.


What’s this? Stephen Green as a flight attendant? Yes, on the Star Ship Enterprise.


But when you work for Air America, muggers are going to pretty much assume that you walk around unarmed

Let’s figure this one out.

When you work for AA means you’re unarmed? Versus everyone else who packs heat to walk their dog in their own neighborhood? Who else can we assume is unarmed by virtue of their employer? How about Starbucks? McDonalds? Merrill Lynch? (BTW – Randi is an armed forces veteran.)

“Muggers are going to assume” – how are muggers going to process this thought? Was she wearing an employee ID? Are they clairvoyant? Did they recognize her voice?

Mugging is a crime of opportunity, not one where you identify your victim by name.

This creep both plays the vigilante NRA card AND implies that she was targeted by name, and does a double backflip trying to distance himself from his own implications.

With comments like these, it’s no wonder people speculate that she was targeted.


I know this is hardly the time for cruel honesty, immediately after a brutal assault. But when you are a right wing blogger, people are going to pretty much assume that you are a cobag of very little brains.

Further Update: Just to clarify, the victim — Vodkapundit — is never asking for it. But it’s sure nice when he have a fighting chance at fighting back, no?


Shorter right-wing victimization pose:

“How dare you assume that we might have done what we have been openly threatening to do pretty much every day for the last 15 years!”


I know this is hardly the time for cruel honesty, immediately after a stupid post on a blog. But when you’re a rightwing blogger, normal people are going to pretty much assume that you can’t find your own butthole with a mirror and a flashlight.

Sadly, Cambridgeport

I’d hit that


From Wikipedia: On December 16, 2006 Mr. Green reported that he had been diagnosed with hyperthyroid condition that caused him to severely lose weight and to suspend the frequency of his blogging. That condition is being treated.

Hyperthyroidism can cause bulging eyeballs.


Dude looks like he could stand to eat a few sammiches.


From Wikipedia: On December 16, 2006 Mr. Green reported that he had been diagnosed with hyperthyroid condition that caused him to severely lose weight and to suspend the frequency of his blogging. That condition is being treated. . .

. . .with 200 mg. doses of fine Zinfandel.


Hyperthyroidism can cause bulging eyeballs.

Yes, but what kind of bad choices can cause hyperthyroidism? That’s the real issue here.


Forget the hyperthyroidism. That guy has a chronic case of hypopygianism.*

* Known as “no-ass-havin’-est syndrome” by laymen, and lame-‘uns.


And when you’re a right-wing blogger, you’re guaranteed to be targeted by a mugger because you’ve never served in the military and you think self-defense/violence plays out in reality like a Chuck Norris movie.


I guess you guys already know – that photo is indeed old. 1996, says Mr. Green. He just corrected me on that.


T4, the phrase that actually leapt to mind was “pencil dick”…


Fair enough, les, fair enough.

BTW- This all has been debunked.

She was not mugged.

Next !


I’d hit that

… with Megan McArdle’s favorite 2×4, right?


Arrrgh, the Deborah Cagan Mitosis experiment has gone horribly awry…burn the room!


Don’t just stare at it, Mr. Green…EAT it.


Now waitagoddamminutehere.

What kind of world-class wannabe goes around wondering if this person or that person is armed? I mean, if that’s on the top of your mind all the time I’m gonna take the position you need to be on meds.

Does big head/cheap suit here go around packed up? And if so, is it because he’s a prick and people were always smacking him?

Oh, and one other thing, dood. If you are going to base important decisions about who to fuck with and who to cross the street to avoid on theories about WHERE THEY WORK you are very likely to make a very poor, yet lifechanging decision….



Glad Randi wasn’t mugged and is healing just fine.

Just to clarify, the victim of a fall — if any — is never asking for it. But it’s sure nice when they have a fighting chance and can pump 5 rounds or more into the ground that rose up and viciously attacked them, no? – Green


I know I’ve seen that suit before. Where was it….

Oh, yeah – the opening scene of ‘The Big Chill.’

It’s all one piece, and there’s a zipper in the back (actually, Velcro). He probably thinks he’s fine as long as he doesn’t turn around.

Northern Observer

You know all the leading Nazis were effeminate too.
I’m just saying.


Yes, but what kind of bad choices can cause hyperthyroidism.

As one of the many people (women, especially) who suffer from hyPOthyroidism, I can tell you that the thyroid gland is a mysterious little bugger that is very difficult to treat. Some people are born with thyroid conditions and others develop problems later in life but the underlying causes are unknown. This is also true for hyperthyroidism (the over production of thyroid hormone.)


[…] up, Vodkapundit joins the "dogpile on the librul host" orgy: I know this is hardly the time for cruel honesty, immediately after a brutal assault. But when you […]


That would be Steve Green the sybarite and Randi Rhodes, who served in the military.



Northern Observer, I agree that the leading Nazis were effeminate, but they were lefties, not eclectic conservatives like Steve Green. National Socialist and German Workers’ Party. You can look it up if you doubt me. Hope Ms. Rhodes is OK.


This is sooooo typical of you so-called “liberal men”.

Rather than address the substance of a man’s arguments, you mock his appearance in a cruel and hurtful fashion. I hope you realize you have just alienated every ally of yours who looks like a knock-off Blake(NSFW language).

(This is not an implication that Ann Bartow looks like a man. This is imagining what the world would be like if there were a male version of Ann Bartow running around.)


Hyperthyroid is pretty easily treatable, though getting the right drug/dosage can take a while. I had the form called Graves disease, and I didn’t miss a day of work, though they probably caught it early. Graves disease is what causes Barbara Bush’s bulging eyes. The good side of the disease is you can eat like a horse, and you actually lose weight.


And Roger, you don’t know the first thing about Nazis. Seriously.


the leading Nazis […] were lefties

Another genius. Hey Fraley! Learn how to type a URL, I want to read your blog.


“Excuse me sir / ma’am, I’m going to try mugging you in a few seconds, so if you’re armed, get your weapon ready.”


Yet another self-hating, closeted Republi-homo trying to keep people from noticing the white stain on his suit.


Sure, those nazis were a bunch of Patchouli smellin hippies, dancing and singing, putting flowers in gun barrels and preaching peace and love. I guess they just occupied western europe, invaded the soviets, murdered 6 million jews and 20 million others because they were such lefties….



I really get tired of the “Nazis were SOCIALISTS” nonsense – moreso than just about any other stupidity that comes from the right, because it’s probably about the most obviously, blatantly false talking point they use, and because it’s always said with the righteousness of a six year old who thinks “If olive oil is made of olives, then what’s baby oil made of?” is the height of humor.

And the righties don’t even have the humor of a six year old to make it palatably amusing.

People's Democratic Republic of North Korea

Us? A dictatorship?! Surely you jest.


Regardless of my disdain for her opinions, and regardless of the situation surrounding her injury, I do hope that Rhodes is alright.

One might note, though, that the most inappropriate part of this story was how quickly the progressives jumped to the assumption that the attack was perpetrated by some right wing hit squad. The Daily Kos posting was hilarious.

Did Steve say something inappropriate, too? Sure. A little. But it sure looks tame compared to the vitriol spewed by the left-leaning folks linking this to Malkin & Co. You think some apologies are in order? Look to your side of the house.

Now, putting that aside, what the hell was Mikey saying in this comment?

Sure, those nazis were a bunch of Patchouli smellin hippies, dancing and singing, putting flowers in gun barrels and preaching peace and love. I guess they just occupied western europe, invaded the soviets, murdered 6 million jews and 20 million others because they were such lefties….

Buddy, I think you’re confused if you think all socialists are peace loving hippies. Let Hitler speak for himself:

“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

Now, there is dispute over what constitutes socialism and whether later in his life (that quote is from ’27) he moved away from considering himself a socialist. But if you consider socialism to be centralized, government control of the economy, then the price and wage controls and undue influence on production in NAZI Germany (meaning that the economy was effectively outside of the control of private parties) would make it a socialist state.

So, Jillian, you can think that it’s a blatantly false talking point, but the reality might be a little more nuanced than you’ve considered. You might be moving from a very different starting point–a different definition of Socialism, for example–but that doesn’t immediately mean you have to ascribe bad will to people who disagree.


But Hitler was the ultimate cynacist. He used whatever ideology he needed to move the people.

Authoritarian Nationalism was his god. Which means he was far to the right.

The socialism thing was just a means to an end.


And yes, I am a cynac.


Zombyboy, the point is that Nazis made a career out of killing Communist socialists. So, yes – people who conflate National Socialism with Socialism are acting from bad faith. It’s pretty simple.

And there really isn’t any debate over whether Hitler “moved away” from considering himself a Socialist. He never was one. People can call themselves anything they like – Sir William Harcourt thought he was a Socialist. Richard Nixon thought he was a Keynesian. Ann Coulter thinks she’s a Christian.

It’s Hitler’s actions after he came to power, not his words before he came to power, that really determine what his ideology was about. In this, I stand with William Paxton. Nazism is perhaps as close to the polar opposite of Socialism as you can get.


Also, if you consider socialism to be centralized, government control of the economy, then the Fed’s manipulation of interest rates and Congressional imposition of tariffs on imported goods would make the United States a socialist state.

That’s it. I’m moving to Pitcairn’s Island.


Now, there is dispute over what constitutes socialism and whether later in his life (that quote is from ‘27) he moved away from considering himself a socialist.

Moved away from considering himself a socialist? You mean you’re taking him at his word that he believed what he was saying in your quotation? Are you the type of person who believed W considered himself a compassionate conservative in 2000?


Being a “National” Socialist makes about as much sense as being a carnivorous vegetarian, anyway. Internationalism and anti-nationalism are foundational principles of socialism, for heaven’s sake.


zombyboy said…
the most inappropriate part of this story was how quickly the progressives jumped to the assumption that the attack was perpetrated by some right wing hit squad.

Yeah, because two decades of open threats of physical violence against liberals is NO EVIDENCE AT ALL on which to base a suspicion. Ann Coulter’s admonishment to conservatives to use a baseball bat in talking with liberals is just humor and nothing more. The constant cries over the last ten years of traitor! and un-American! and fifth columnist! and all that mean nothing whatsoever.

So I know zombyboy will be screaming bloody murder the next time the Secret Service “interviews” someone for making threats about the President. Right?



Toby, I certainly agree that Hitler was a cynic and not even a little above using something like the label of socialism to give himself legitimacy and support. Whether that means that he was entirely free of socialist tendencies (as I defined them), I’m not sure. That debate has been going on for a long time.

Jillian, are the only real socialists in your world view the communist ones? Can there be no other face to socialism? And Hitler made a career of trying to centralize power in Europe in his hands regardless of the political nature of his enemies. Those who refused to bow or make peace on his terms were targeted. I don’t know how that is meant to refute anything that I said, nor am I arguing from bad faith.

Frankly, I don’t care where you put him on a political spectrum because I know that Hitler and the NAZIs were nothing like me and nothing like you. With the exception of some fringe lunatics in American politics, there aren’t a whole lot of Hitler clones running around in even marginally rational debates.

Rufus, talk to a goodly number of Libertarians and they will say that, yes, the US is a socialist state. I would personally say that the US is a mixed economy which holds the market in high esteem and yet indulges in some socialist behaviors. I would say it’s an issue of extremes.

Which I don’t think is such a bad thing. And, for the record, the incredibly high tariffs imposed by the NAZIs are one of the things that some people will use as an example of how the German government exerted too much control on the economy.

Lawnguy, yes I am taking him at his word to an extent. Between his words and his movements to control wages and prices, I think there is a good case to be made.

Here’s a dictionary definition of socialism for you:
a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

Jillian, I think this boils down to definitions. You think of socialism (the political theory) as being one and the same as the socialist party. I don’t. I don’t believe that internationalism nor anti-nationalism have to be a part of the mix for a government to be socialist.

I think that it’s curious that you think I am arguing from a point of bad will.


Rufus, talk to a goodly number of Libertarians and they will say that, yes, the US is a socialist state.

That would mean they’re nuts, right?


Zombyboy, I don’t think I said that you are arguing from bad faith. It is, however, my experience that people who make the “Nazis are Socialists” argument are generally arguing both from bad faith and from extreme ignorance.

Getting one’s definitions from a dictionary when the terms on the table are terms of art doesn’t, however, tend to incline me favorably toward anyone’s intentions.


But if you consider socialism to be centralized, government control of the economy

Which it is not. Monarchy generally featured extensive government control of the economy and was not socialist. Like most political terms, there are quite a few definitions of socialism, but the most general and historically accurate is an economic system where the means of production are in the hands of the workers who operate them, as opposed to capitalism, where they are in the hands of a monied class.

Anarcho-syndicalism is an example of a socialist system which does not feature government control of the economy. A government-run economy is only socialist to the extent that the government is an agent of workers’ interests.


Also: it’s hardly a secret that Hitler and Mussolini got their start in socialist (syndicalist, to be specific) circles. It does not follow that Nazism or Italian Fascism were socialist, any more than the presence of Horowitz, Hitchens, and other former leftists in the neoconservative movement indicates that neoconservatism is socialist.

A monarchist or a theocrat could easily inveigh against capitalism in exactly those terms and not be a socialist. Fascism subjects the worker to the state, monarchy subjects her to the throne, and theocracy subjects her to God (and his surprisingly numerous representatives on Earth). None of these are socialism, nor are they capitalism. Socialism and capitalism only define an axis as relative to liberalism.


It’s a little known fact, Djur, that if you define socialism as a ham sandwich, you never again have to fear the international Jewish-Bolshevik taint.


So whatever. So are there any more facts about what happened to Randi?

All I know is what the NY Daily News says, which is that she doesn’t know what happened.

The rest is a bunch of gossip.

Anything new that’s real?


Lawnguy, yes I am taking him at his word to an extent.



Stephen Green is a douchebag

These wingnuts are to douchebags what douchebags are to regular people.


“But when you work for Air America, muggers are going to pretty much assume that you walk around unarmed.”

Am I correct that this incident occurred on Park Avenue near 38th Street or so? Muggers assume that everyone in that neighborhood who’s not NYPD is walking around unarmed. It’s Manhattan.


I think you are giving Zombieboy too much slack here, he obviously doesn’t understand the difference between socialism and communism, and runs the old ‘Hitler was a socialist’ line without obvious apology. He does come in bad faith, and I think you shoudl debate him, with that in mind.


Geez, he makes Mary Kate Olson look robust.


Is it just me or is that guy’s head way too big for his body?


Looks like a Mort Drucker caricature come to unsteady life.


(comments are closed)