Meanwhile In Malkinland
The race to the bottom continued today as Michelle whooped up an attack against a 2-year-old girl with heart trouble:
S-CHIP and the Democrats’ human shield campaign; Update: The Dems choose another shield
By Michelle Malkin
October 15, 2007 09:28 AMUpdate 7:30pm Eastern. I didn’t have time today to respond to a Politico reporter wanting to bait me somehow over the Dems’ latest S-Chip poster family. Like the Frosts, the new spokesfamily has a tragic personal story and is a curious example of the supposedly pressing need for S-CHIP expansion…because the family already qualifies for the existing program and nothing President Bush or the Dems propose to do would change that.
The Baltimore Sun blog says the new toddler-aged human shield will speak on the Hill tomorrow:
Now meet Bethany Wilkerson, the latest youngster enlisted by congressional Democrats or their allies to help build support for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Having suffered from heart failure as an infant, USAction says, the Florida toddler would not be alive today but for the government-funded program for moderate-income families not poor enough to qualifty for Medicaid.
Now Bethany is scheduled to speak at a Capitol Hill rally Tuesday evening, according to a release this morning by Americans United For Change.
There was no word on what the 2-year-old plans to say. But she joins a flurry of 11th-hour activity in advance of the attempt by House Democrats on Thursday to override Bush’s veto of legislation to expand coverage to 4 million more children at a cost of $35 billion over five years.
‘Human shield’ is a clever one. It says that some people are so callous, so mercenary, that they’ll put a toddler where Malkin and her friends are sure to go berserk and savage her.
How much lower can it go? It’s starting to seem as though we’re watching history in the making.
Keep it up, Dems. They actually seem to know exactly what they’re doing, for a change.
The revulsion response to Stalkin’ Malkin and her ilk has upped the ante and lowered the age of the face of S-CHIP. And the more the Malkin Thing (and anyone else who, for whatever batshit-insane reason, chooses to go her way) continues to obsess over this issue, the more repulsed anyone with an ounce of human decency will become.
“We need more “partisan bickering,” not less.”
Pretty much sums her up.
Sorry for the double post but I couldn’t resist this:
I knew it, I just knew it. Malkin is a replicant, you can see that her programming has a glitch in it. Certainly not a Nexus-6 model. I’m guessing a pre-alpha release. Back to the shop for you!
Subtext: “Bitch, if I attacked a child, you better believe that child wouldn’t be walking around appearing on camera any more. I bit the heads off of three kids last week, and let me tell you, those little pre-liberal fucks won’t be giving any sound bites to the MSM this week.”
“As for the mindless mantra that we’re attacking a child, attacking a child, attacking a child, attacking a child, attacking a child, I challenged the lefties to quote a single instance on my blog of a single negative, ad hominem word I’ve written attacking the Frost children. The response? Nothing.”
“My winged monkeys have boldly stated that the child is fair game, but all I said was, “Fly, My Pretties!”
Dear God, no, not the flying monkeys. Anything but that — I’ll tell you the secret password to the SN porn stash, just keep those @#&)(% monkeys the @#)(*$@ away from me. I still occasionally have flying monkey nightmares from seeing the Wizard of Oz as a young lad, and that was like 40 years ago.
Graeme Frost might just be so freaked out, he tells Michelle where the Frost family hides its millions of dollars of ill-gotten, unreported income.
Is Michelle not a human shield against accusations of racism then?
With all the digging to the bottom going over in Stalkin’ Malkin land, I think it would be courteous for teh Sadly No brain trust to send over a dozen shovels to aid them in their noble efforts to more effectively destroy the conservative movement.
Rufus T. Firefly: Dig trenches, with our men being killed off like flies? There isn’t time to dig trenches. We’ll have to buy them ready made. Here, run out and get some trenches. Wait a minute, get them this high
[gestures to his chin]
and our soldiers won’t need any pants. Wait a minute, get them this high
[gestures over his head]
and we won’t need any soldiers.
Olberman’s interview with the Frosts is up at C & L.
Frost Parents Talk About The Right’s Jihad Against Their Son On Countdown
Powerful doesn’t even begin to describe it.
Is Michelle not a human shield against accusations of racism then?
Jesse Malkin is deeply wounded by your racismist remark™.
P.S. Damned fine point. “Anchor babies, Aweigh!”
“…I didn’t have time today to respond to a Politico reporter wanting to bait me…”
Holy Fuck she’s already the victim…
If we could just get a couple of zygotes to plead for S-CHIP expansion, I’m pretty sure they would be safe from Michelle and the other authoritarian attack dogs…
And their going to indulge her delusions if she keeps this up.
I tried to create a login to comment at the Malkin Thing’s site, but Sadly, as I’m not already a commenter, there seems to be no way to become one. Unless I missed something, which is quite possible, unless you’re already a Members Only®-type person, you can’t exercise your Constitutional right of free speech at this Thing’s blog.
Which is really too bad. I had a couple of suggestions for her.
Be careful, wingnuts. Bethany Wilkerson is cute, almost too cute.
Rufus, you ol’ nut, you! Zygotes are one thing; kids with health needs? FUCK ‘EM!
J–that link is really disturbing. I clicked away asap.
This is starting to remind me of the Schiavo thing. There, Teh Wingnuts had spent so long sniffing their own self-righteous ass-fumes over medical choice that they were truly shocked to find that most of the country was appalled by their intrusion. Here, they have spent so long bwa-ha-ha-ing over the misfortune of others and high fiving themselves over their “total smackdowns” of non-existent welfare queens that they just don’t get that the rest of the country is plainly disgusted. by their lack of basic compassion.
Bottom line is this: they are swinging hard against S-CHIP because programs designed to help the middle class (especially proven-effective ones like the CHIP program) take away one of their best wedge issues: convincing white middle class voters that Dems only want to take their tax money and give it to “those people” for free services that Bubba is not broke enough to qualify for, but is too broke to afford on his own. Take away that engine of white lower middle class “why should they get it for free when I can’t afford it, either” class animus and the Red State Base goes *boom* practically overnight.
One assumes that upon popping out each post she fondles and dandles her own little daughter. That should get interesting in about 14 years…
a member of Bethany’s day care emailed me today. It appears that Bethany is dropped off by a woman of a different race than her – presumably her highly paid nanny. In addition, on Thursday’s Bethany brings peanut butter sanwiches to school. CHUNKY peanut butter. Everyone knows that is the more expensive kind.. I think it is organic peanut butter, actually. I also heard reports that she wears at least two different Gymboree outfits.
I ask you, should the poor tax payers be funding her health care?
I just e-mailed the O’Reilly Factor thanking them for dumping her.
Way to go, Dems! Using sick children to make a point that … hmm… we should be helping sick children, that’s just low…
It’s like using pictures of dead soldiers to make a point that soldiers die in the war… This Bethany Wilkerson better watch out for the eagles…
Hears an idea.
The Malkinaughts cover the cost of the Iraq Quagmire and the humans beings will cover the cost of S-CHIP.
They want to see children slaughtered and dieing of malnutrition and disease?Fine! The rest of humanity prefers our children healthy so we’ll pay for that.
That way they won’t have to worry about WHERE their money is being spent. Its being spent Killing children and NOT coddling the future goldbricks!
Yes, but surely the latest child is attached to a very long rope, so that when the Malkinoids are driven to it by its impossible-to-resist scent of vulnerable prey, just at the moment of predation the child is yanked back while the cage suspended in the air clangs down around the now howling and panicked proto-humans.
I gotta ask, how many attempted DNS attacks this week?
Lovin the new hamsters.
I have a newfound respect for Harry Reid. He couldn’t have planned this better.
You moonbats are so dumb. It’s an analogy! See, the innocent children being taken advantage of here are like the human shields Saddam put in his weapons factories or whatever. An the weapons being protected by this dastardly scheme are…other…innocent children. Um. But the people trying to bomb those children are…uh…well. Us, I guess.
Wait, why do we think this line of argument works in our favor again?
“…because the family already qualifies for the existing program and nothing President Bush or the Dems propose to do would change that.”
And since they have theirs, why should they care whether or not others get what they need?
“Politico reporter wanting to bait me…””
In Michelle’s defense, it must be said that the folks over at Politico are master baiters.
My rendition of Michelle
“I’ll get you Liberal, and your sick little children too!”
I am so fucking sick of people getting in the way of my bullets when i shoot at them.
even worse, they often bleed to death. enough already. let me make this simple for you: i’m going to be firing a gun at you should you walk in front of me. with this knowledge in hand, don’t commit suicide by doing it anyway.
As per previous threads prediction by moi.The meltdown has begun,she is emotionally attached to this controversy know and can’t give it up,even though it looks like it is going to be detrimental to her.She lost her big paycheck at fux news and is feverishly assuming her victim persona,while whipping up her pantie sniffers into a final cultlike frenzy.Who knows maybe it’ll end up like the People’s Temple in Guyana.I love the smell of schadenfraude in the morning,it smells like victory.
this is all that needs to be said on S CHIP
Even if you think people like the Frosts make too much money, the reality is, SCHIP actually saves Americans money. See, the states are paying for all those emergency room uninsured, and that means things like tuition, property taxes, and other taxes have to go up. If the Fed just helped out on kids’ health care we ALL end up saving money as a society. However the Malkintents will never understand this. Liberals (Hillary and Ted Kennedy) created the program so it must be bad and it must be destroyed.
Fuckin shameless, this SCHIP is proof positive that most of these infotainment conservatives stand for nothing else than hating on ‘liberals’.
Johnny Coelacanth said,
October 16, 2007 at 6:09
“Politico reporter wanting to bait me…””
“In Michelle’s defense, it must be said that the folks over at Politico are master baiters” Heh,Heh!1!1!
Just watched the Frosts on Olbermann. Michelle is so right.
Sure, they seemed 100% genuine, very concerned for other families and very distraught that their children were receiving death threats from deranged right wingers while Malkin was checking the odometer on their car and picking through their trash for discarded Prada bags.
But, like all true believers/right wingers, i just know the minute they were off the air they both looked at each other and said “CHA-CHING!!!”
See, facts just don’t matter to me and Michelle and pretty much anyone with an R next to their name.
The Frosts really rode the gravy train after their children were seriously injured and required extensive therapy costing thousands and thousands of dollars.
Help! I’m a racist human shield
Nice work, Bubba.
A two year old? Who was already covered by the old SCHIP as it existed?
No one has a problem with that. Am I right? Was this little Progg covered by the old SCHIP? I think so…No. I know so…
What we have is a problem with this Universal Medical Care (at least I said it right).
Tell me why people who can afford health insurance must take money from my pocket? And please cite the Constitution as your authority. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi’s elementary school arguments do not count. Eighth grade arguments are not applicable to the real world.Playing to ignorance is a time tested leftist tactic. Unfortunately, the left can’t convince anyone who goes beyond the synchophatic mainstream media. God bless the internet!
Ignorance is screwed!
If you want socialized medicine (and want to spend your healthcare insurance money on a new fishing boat), please be honest about it. BushMcChimpyHaliburtonHitler has no intention of dumping SCHIP. Rather, he thinks (as do MANY of us) that the eighth graders who run the Democratic party are expanding this program to slowly expand sociailist healthcare so that they will have more control over our lives. How about lowering yourselves to taking an HONEST look at socialized healthcare in the “civilized” world. IT IS A NIGHTMARE!!!
After all, that is what these liberal superior beings crave. People like us are too stupid to think for ourselves, right?. We need people who are so superior to us, like Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, John (F’ing lying) Murtha, Ted Kennedy, and John Kerry to tell us what to think, don’t we? It’s obvious that the left does. “Damn skinhead right-wingers!” “Global warming – ‘Oh mt God! My skin is sliding off of my body!!!’ ”
Yeah. just dump me. No questions allowed on the left side of the spectrum.
Discerning adults want to know.
How long before you dump this comment? 15 seconds?
When you dump this, how about you give me some examples of the lunatic right wing bloggers that dump the left wingers? Very few do.
They are not afraid of hysterical children. In fact, they welcome you as proof of what the “liberals” are really about…
Thanks for my 15 seconds…
Argh, this lost dog is humping my leg! Git! Hey, dipshit, how many dissenting comments does Michelle Malkin allow?
“Tell me why people who can afford health insurance must take money from my pocket? And please cite the Constitution as your authority.”
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare…
Now, fuck off.
“Promote the General Welfare”…
No, Lost Dog, to get your persecution fix you’ll have to read people mocking you repeatedly, usually in ways that heavily feature creative use of vulgarity. If you’re not a strong manly man the words fuck and shit will probably be enough for you to feel Christlike and declare victory.
Puppychow, you are foolish.
1) When you dump this, how about you give me some examples of the lunatic right wing bloggers that dump the left wingers? Very few do. You’re kidding right? Seriously, you’ve got to be kidding. Michelle, Dan Reihl, Pasty, LGF, Raven…I could go on and on. Sadlyno doesn’t dump comments. Period.
2) Tell me why people who can afford health insurance must take money from my pocket. Those who qualify for S CHIP cannot afford health insurance.
3) How about lowering yourselves to taking an HONEST look at socialized healthcare in the “civilized” world. IT IS A NIGHTMARE!!! The exisiting privately insured US healthcare industry is a nightmare that is probably far far worse than any scenario you can come up with in nations with universal coverage.
4) Eighth grade arguments are not applicable to the real world.Playing to ignorance is a time tested leftist tactic. Unfortunately, the left can’t convince anyone who goes beyond the synchophatic mainstream media. God bless the internet!….Ignorance is screwed!
Thank you for such a perfect example of an “eighth grade argument.” You are right. Those who argue that way are seriously fucked up.
Yeah, man. I know this guy in Australia — and sure, his taxes are about the same as mine, and he has a $500 deductible, and 15% copay for his hospital stays, and the same thing would cost me upwards of $600 a month on top of my taxes, assuming I were perfectly fit with no pre-existing conditions (ha!) — but man, he says that there are waiting lists for some orthopedic surgeries! A nightmare!
It’s a good thing that I have the freedom in America to choose between having a roof over my head and having basic medical coverage.
“good thing that I have the freedom in America to choose between having a roof over my head and having basic medical coverage.”
Dude, I’m so free that if I got really sick, I would be homeless and my kids would have to live with inlaws. Suck on that, Norway!
“And please cite the Constitution as your authority.”
U.S. constitution is a blueprint of the Federal government, and a list of the things said government is not allowed to do. Beyond that, we’re free to do whatever the hell we want. Even stupid things like making marijuana illegal at the behest of the cigarette companies.
See, you’d know this if you had ever read it.
“If you want socialized medicine (and want to spend your healthcare insurance money on a new fishing boat), please be honest about it. BushMcChimpyHaliburtonHitler has no intention of dumping SCHIP. Rather, he thinks (as do MANY of us) that the eighth graders who run the Democratic party are expanding this program to slowly expand sociailist healthcare so that they will have more control over our lives. How about lowering yourselves to taking an HONEST look at socialized healthcare in the “civilized” world. IT IS A NIGHTMARE!!!”
I’ll ignore your little “Dems want to control our lives!!1” willful ignorance for now.
See, the idea behind government funded healthcare is that, we ALL put money into it (And, really, fishing boats? That’s the best you could throw at it?) and when we need it to pay for, say, life-saving cancer treatments that we need, the procedures and medicine get’s paid for. No insurance for-profit company asking wither you REALLY NEED that chemotherapy, or pushing you to only have access to the latest drugs Pfiezer is pimping. You need medical help, you get it, it gets paid for. Everyone gets it. Everyone puts into it.
What’s your beef with that?
Obviously, yes, it will be more complicated then that, but if you’re seriously arguing that there isn’t complication and red tape and bullshit going on in the current system, you’re just stupid.
Why is government funded and run medicine evil-bad, but government funded and run military good? Or streets? Water and food quality levels? Is OSHA a socialist evil? The FAA, is that the government running our lives?
Lastly, I’m not sure what sort of treatment and activity you’re used to on whatever wingnut site you frequent, but the only comments who ever get deleted around these parts (the “Free speach, first amendment, USA loving” parts) is advert spam and people posting personal information about people.
Lost Dog seems to have been bit by a rabid skunk and is now at the mad, foaming stage. Why is it that I run into so many Americans that, like Lost Dog, are such scumbags? I was born in this country, lived here all my life and I just find so many of my fellow Americans…disappointing. No perspective, no good intentions, unhappy, greedy, paranoid, and vicious. While it’s certainly not everyone I run into, enough bat 1.000 in the above pathologies to depress me.
“I just find so many of my fellow Americans…disappointing. No perspective, no good intentions, unhappy, greedy, paranoid, and vicious.”
I know. I had such high hopes for my generational cohort (we used to be known as Generation X, back when we were still in our 20s), but so many people my age are conservative jingoistic rubes… What the hell happened to us?
Lost Dog has to be a planted troll, no one could be that stupid. I mean his name is Lost Dog, isn’t that a pretty good hint
Well, the military is socialized and I don’t hear any of the wingnuts crying about that. I’ll bet, on any given day, that you’ll find more people who need medical attention than active military protection from any threat. You want to cry about taxes and gov’t spending? Let’s start with the Pentagon budget.
Point in fact, though, all insurance is a form of Socialism – taking from many for the good of a few. You do know how insurance and the insurance industry work, don’t you, Lost Dog?
There’s no reason that this nation can’t ensure that all our children are covered. It can be done responsibly, without the OogaBooga! gathering threat of socialized medicine that the wingnuts apparently fear more than IslamoMexibortionists. SCHIP has built in regulations to avoid double coverage and substitution. Maybe you should read up on it instead of using 8th grade arguments and relying on stalker journalism so you can run around the yard screaming “The Commies are coming!”
Mr Lost Dog – you’re the exactly the sort of American that makes non-Americans roll their eyes and mutter “Only in the USA…”.
Tell me again why any other country would want to emulate the sort of country you are describing?
Damn, but people like you are sad little mean-spirited victims.
People like us are too stupid to think for ourselves, right?. – The Lost Dog
No, but you’re far too stupid to think for the rest of us. We just can’t have that.
(and that period after the question mark was in the original)
How about lowering yourselves to taking an HONEST look at socialized healthcare in the “civilized” world. IT IS A NIGHTMARE!!!
Yeah, man. I know this guy in Australia — and sure, his taxes are about the same as mine, and he has a $500 deductible, and 15% copay for his hospital stays, and the same thing would cost me upwards of $600 a month on top of my taxes, assuming I were perfectly fit with no pre-existing conditions (ha!) — but man, he says that there are waiting lists for some orthopedic surgeries! A nightmare!
Canadian here. I pay $35 a month. My employer pays the other $35. My extended medical deductible is $60 (for the year). I have never experienced a single problem with the health care system, but then I very rarely have surgeries or any big stuff going on. I do need to see a dermatologist periodically but my doctor refers me whenever I ask.
I’ve heard good and bad stories – the bad stories originate from recent privatization moves by gov’t. and cutbacks to the public system. If the gov’t wasn’t cutting back, the health care system would be as good as it used to be (before neoconservatives took over gov’ts here).
My 73 year old neighbour recently developed hydrocephalus (water on the brain). She was referred by her doctor to one of the best neurologists in the city (at her request). Within 2 weeks she was in hospital for surgery. He installed a shunt to drain the fluid. She spent 5 weeks in after care, all of which is tax deductible on her plan. Last year she had a hip replacement at no cost to her. She has also had a knee replacement (at no cost to her). She had eye surgery two years ago (at no cost to her).
A US insurer probably would have rejected her applications for surgery because she’s “too old.” She could live another 10-15 years because of the surgery. Of course that puts a burden on society doesn’t it…after all she’s old! And retired from the labour force! Tsk. Tsk.
Michelle wouldn’t approve.
I have to admit – You guys (girls-just in case) are great!
I really believe that Nanct Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Hillary should run our lives.
I am just kidding.
Anyone who can’t get health care in this country is either too high or too paranoid to ask for it. IT IS THERE! BY LAW!
I guess I am just too old to understand the new millenium. When I was growing up, the churches and the community took care of people who needed help.And, wonder of wonders! Poor people helped themselves!
The big difference was that people were ashamed of two things – being poor and being “not so smart”. Wonder of wonders(again), shame was a major motivater for people to learn how to take care of themselves! And they even strived to learn more and take care of their families!! Self reliance ruled! What a bummer, huh?
Well. shame doesn’t exist anymore, and ignorance is no impediment io being featured on the nightly news. How cool is that? Harry Reid is a moron, (and so are most of the rest of the politicians), but they have all discovered that money is a better way to win office than is honor. “Once a democracy learns that we can all raid the treasury, anarchy is the result”
I am realizing that honor is way passe, but to be a real person, honor is required. And honor is not letting people walk on your face, and making the decisions that are required of adults.Those decisions are usually the ones that are the biggest pain in the butt. Yeah. Too much effort, huh?
The Democratic party has absolutely no morals (witness the Rush debacle that they have created for themselves). Blatant liars, no matter how much they hate their target, are still blatant liars. If you haven’t listened to Rush, you probably believe The Exterminator, but if you have, you know that Harry Reid got up in front of the Senate, and as Senate majority leader, indulged in a bald-faced lie, and he knew it was a bald faced lie.THIS MAN IS THE LEADER OI THE UNITED STATES SENATE!!! No problem? Free speech doesn’t apply to anyone who disagrees with you? Yup. “Shut the M—–F—– up! He’s pissing me off, and I can’t stand for that!”
When I was young, the people who are in control of the Democratic party would have been laughed off of the stage. I know I am in the wrong arena, but these people are Stalinists, and are OWNED by George Soros – a convicted criminal, no matter how much money he has.If you don’t believe he owns them, check out the letter that sent to the Democratic party after the last election. They told the Democrats that they were bought and iaud for, and to this day, Soros will crush anyone who dares oppose him. (General Betrayus?)
I know that the Dems say “Bush lied”, but, for years, Neil Boortz has offered $5,000 to anyone who can prove thar Bush lied. No one has collected. How ridiculous is it that Bush was the only one in THE WHOLE WORLD who knew that there were no WMDs in Iraq?
To all of you here. We live on different planets, and I am in awe of your ability to go with what gives you a hard-on, instead of what the reality of this world is.
Even if you don’t drink or do drugs, you cannot have a true awareness if you are always lying to yourself.
Your life belongs to you – not Hillary Clinton or the government.
There it is in a nutshell folks.
Lost Dog, thanks for that wingnut poetry
“To all of you here. We live on different planets”
What colour is the sky on yours?
We live on different planes, but I have to admit that I was surprised to not be immediately deleted.
I guess I am too used to “Kos” and his kind of “free speech”.
Sorry, and I will be back. I actually detect brain activity here.Very healthy…
Thanks to all for letting me rant. I am very much a Connecticut Yankee (an old one), and believe in self sufficiency (unless your wife is insane).
Maybe tomorrow.
Emphasis on “nutshell.”
Hey Lost,
Maybe tomorrow you will also condemn Rush for being on welfare once. He admitted it. I think he was on it during that magical era you mentioned in which Americans believed in self-sufficiency and there were separate drinking fountains reserved for some.
“Sorry, and I will be back. ”
Don’t hurry back on our account. We’re just mindless followers of eighth-grade Stalinists.
Rush is a soulless junkie corporate whore, who lied about what he said and plays edited versions of the broadcast in question, Lost Dog.
I know you know that but will never admit it, and everyone else here just knows it, but never hurts to repeat.
Life is not a sporting event, Lost Dog.
I want to lock Gary Ruppert and our fresh troll in a cage and see which one ends up eating the other.
Johnny Coelacanth said,
I want to lock Gary Ruppert and our fresh troll in a cage and see which one ends up eating the other.
Can we add a goat and see who scores…. first?
” If you haven’t listened to Rush, you probably believe The Exterminator”
What, Tom Delay is still in Congress? Who knew? And what’s he saying about poor ol’ Rush, anyway?
“What colour is the sky on yours?”
I know. I know.
I’m supposed to be in bed.
But I just had to say that I have no idea what color the sky is, because I keep busy taking care of my family. But who knows? If they pass the new SCHIP, matbe you guts can pay for my families insuramce…
But it might have been blue today..
Sherri Sheperd? Is that you?
Braiiinnnnsss! Braaaaaaaaaaaiiiiinnsss!
as Stephen Colbert recently remarked, do you realize how much of those pain killers you have to take before you start going deaf? The fact that self-appointed thinking conservatives worship this corpulent appetite-ruled pig named Limbaugh just shows their level of judgment. Hey dog, don’t pretend to be a deep thinker when you’re defending a junkie loser
“Don’t hurry back on our account. We’re just mindless followers of eighth-grade Stalinists”.
But you’re so starved for attention you keep coming back, at midnight, to see if anybody’s responding to you. Your ethical quiver is so empty you don’t even try to argue the points you bring up; you let them burn where they’re shot down (of course, if all I had to support me was Malkin points and Limbaugh logic, I wouldn’t try to defend my own arguments, either.) You think you’ve stumbled into a roomful of easy targets, but everybody here has heard from a thousand people like you. Everybody here knows you’re nothing but bluster and bullshit, and you’ll slink away once your belly is full of whatever sick satisfaction you get out of coming here. Good night to you, sir or madam.
Lost doesn’t begin to describe it. We’ve shown you embarrassingly wrong on several points (I’d say foremost slapping you in the head with cites of the preamble to the fucking Constitution of the country you claim to love) but you’ll keep that
denial bubble up. You go on valuing being happy with yourself over being right or learning, fucking assclown.
What we have is a problem with this Universal Medical Care (at least I said it right).
Because, gods know, no-one wants to live in a country where all the people can get medical care when they need it.
Tell me why people who can afford health insurance must take money from my pocket?
They already are, dude. Don’t you know that much about insurance? About politics? To say nothing of the fact that you folks in the US pay 5-10 times what we pay Down Under in insurance, and we get better coverage (because we still have public health care, and there are strict rules about health insurance provision).
You’re being duped, Lost Dog. Look at other countries to see how badly.
Unfortunately, the left can’t convince anyone who goes beyond the synchophatic mainstream media. God bless the internet!
You’re right about the sycophantic mainstream media: they’ve been bending over for an ignorant president and a dangerous/corrupt administration for years. Folks believe what they read in the papers, even when it’s self-evident crap.
If you want socialized medicine (and want to spend your healthcare insurance money on a new fishing boat), please be honest about it.
The traditional response to such a foolish accusation bereft of understanding is something similar. I’ll try to oblige: “If you want ridiculously expensive health insurance that doesn’t cover you when you need it, and sick children staying sick, please be honest about it”.
Rather, he thinks (as do MANY of us) that the eighth graders who run the Democratic party are expanding this program to slowly expand sociailist healthcare so that they will have more control over our lives.
Because it’s so much better to pay thousands to a corporation who won’t cover you when you need it. They don’t want control over our lives, do they?
What on earth makes you think that universal health care (I’ll ignore the ‘socialist’ jibe for now) is part of a sinister gubmint plan to control your life? That’s a pretty strange assumption to make.
How about lowering yourselves to taking an HONEST look at socialized healthcare in the “civilized” world. IT IS A NIGHTMARE!!!
Care to provide proof? I mean, which part is the nightmare: the fact that we pay so much less than you for health insurance? The fact that we get far better coverage? The fact that poor people get treatment they need? What?
Yeah. just dump me. No questions allowed on the left side of the spectrum.
I think you’ve seen that this particular straw man is a bit shabby. And anyway, I thought that progressives were renowned for being too wussy and wanting to talk about everything, instead of being proper manly men and bombing everything? Honestly, I just can’t keep up.
They are not afraid of hysterical children. In fact, they welcome you as proof of what the “liberals” are really about…
They’re not afraid of hysterical children, but they seem to be scared absolutely shitless of adults armed with facts and logic and a willingness to debate reasonably.
*dials Humane Society*
Big Dog wandered in yesterday. Today we have a Lost Dog. Bring cheesie-flavoured milk bones ..
Wonder of wonders(again), shame was a major motivater for people to learn how to take care of themselves!
What kind of knob writes a sentence like that? Jesus Christ, take some knitting lessons and go cluck at who’s wearing skirts to close to the knee.
its been quite a few weeks for trolls, old Gary seems quite tame. We have this nutter here, the so called male nurse yesterday going mental, visitations from address posting toss bags, and some moron implying that Mikey bathes in his own shit. Its been quite a ride, but where do we go from here, Ann Althouse on crack?
Nah, you gotta give him props for this sentence.
To all of you here. We live on different planets, and I am in awe of your ability to go with what gives you a hard-on, instead of what the reality of this world is.
If only he lived on a different planet. One without oxygen.
Why is it that roughly once a week there seems to be a good reason to quote the Grampa Simpson monologue these days?
Somebody give me five bees for a quarter!
Lost Dog, if single payer medicine is so terrible, why does America have the shortest life expectancy and the highest infant mortality in the industrialized world? Why is it that every other wealthy nation has some variation on a single payer or socialized health care system, and they all live longer than us and have fewer children die?
I understand you think adults should hump their own ruck, so to speak. But our supposedly fabulous health care system is letting children die in numbers that outpace the rest of the modern world. Doesn’t that bother you at all?
Oh, and by the way…..comments never get deleted here, unless they share someone’s personal information, like their phone number, or unless they involve graphic physical threats of harm.
Oh, or unless they fail to properly praise Comrade Stalin for liberating us from the tyranny of the kulaks and protecting us from the threat of the imperialist American dogs.
Evidence that Michael J Fox is faking his illness: None.
Counter-evidence against Michael J Fox faking his illness: Massive.
Evidence that Rush Limbaugh is a pedophile: Slight.
Counter-evidence against Rush Limbaugh being a pedophile: None.
Rush wins.
“When I was young, the people who are in control of the Democratic party would have been laughed off of the stage.”
Mm. Whereas the Republican Party has never been led by such fine, statesmsanlike minds as it has over the last seven years.
Know what Bush Senior used to call the whole Rumsfeld/Perle/Wolfowitz clique? “The crazies”.
I know I am in the wrong arena, but these people are Stalinists, and are OWNED by George Soros
See, this relates to what I was trying to talk about a couple of threads back. About us misunderstanding the far right because we try to understand them as other versions of ourselves, who somehow come to another POV.
The same issue applies to the far right. They misunderstand us because they try to understand us in terms of their own psychology. When this Lost Dog person looks at the people here, LD sees a bunch of “Stalinists”, a hard-core bunch of followers who follow the secretive leader George Soros. Lost Dog might be joking with his crack about us “OWNED by George Soros”, but I think LD is serious too, and believes it on some level. To LD, all groups must have a well-defined leader, and a bunch of followers, who speak from a script of “talking points”.
The reality of this community, that it is a unruly collection of Socialists, Libertarians, Center-Leftists, Greens, and apathetic folk, who congregate here for the jokes and the camaraderie, is a little alien to LD, I think.
But I just had to say that I have no idea what color the sky is, because I keep busy taking care of my family. But who knows? If they pass the new SCHIP, matbe you guts can pay for my families insuramce…
Now this has to be the saddest, most pathetic thing I’ve read all night.
Oh, Boo HOO! Poor Lost Doggie has been working so very HARD caring for his family he hasn’t even had time to look at the sky!!! My heart bleeds.
Presumably, he also hasn’t had time to learn something about the issue – I guess the sweatshop he toils in just has an AM radio playing Rush Limbaugh going non-stop all day. He certainly has Harry Reid fixations.
But don’t worry, Puppy. If they pass the new SCHIP I will gladly pay for your family’s health insurance, if they are in need.
That’s the whole point, Puppy Chow – if a family is stretched beyond endurance, collectively the community will provide a safety net. If you work so very very hard that you don’t even have time to go out and LOOK at the color of the sky – and despite that an unforeseen illness or accident threatens the health of your children, there is something to rely on.
Anyone who can’t get health care in this country is either too high or too paranoid to ask for it. IT IS THERE! BY LAW!
I presume you mean that emergency room patients cannot be turned away by law. I’m sorry – so what is the difference between someone receiving this care and someone receiving government provided health insurance? Other than the difference between the astronomical cost pf emergency room care as opposed to that of a health insurance program.
When I was growing up, the churches and the community took care of people who needed help.And, wonder of wonders! Poor people helped themselves!
So wait, let’s see how this goes. We had a safety net for the poor, but nobody used it! Mmmkay!
Puppychow, what historical era do you speak of? Are you pining for the lost, halcyon days of Herbert Hoover, when WWI vets lived in shantytowns because the government didn’t pay veterans benefits? Or are you simply re-writing history? If you are alive today, and still working, your entire life has been spent during an era where the government – thank God – has helped both the poor and industry and the middle class.
The big difference was that people were ashamed of two things – being poor and being “not so smart”. Wonder of wonders(again), shame was a major motivater for people to learn how to take care of themselves! And they even strived to learn more and take care of their families!! Self reliance ruled! What a bummer, huh?
What on earth does this mean? I think you have issues, man.
Shame? Are you kidding? I’d be far more ashamed if my own stupid misguided pride kept me from allowing the government’s insurance to provide pre-emptive care for my sick kids, and I took them to the emergency room instead. If my pride allowed them to suffer chronic pain and illness that threatened their long-term health, and I only dashed them to the emergency room when it got too bad to ignore.
ignorance is no impediment io being featured on the nightly news.
Nor to posting nonsense.
Puppychow, you need to turn off the AM radio, get out and look at the sky, and chill out your shame issues.
I suggest you volunteer with some organizations that help the poor, maybe you’ll develop that stunted little soul of yours and reap something better than bitterness before you end your days on earth.
Speaking of Rush, let’s see what’s in the Washington Post today.
The Real Iraq We Knew
By 12 former
Army captainsphony soldiers.Today marks five years since the authorization of military force in Iraq, setting Operation Iraqi Freedom in motion. Five years on, the Iraq war is as undermanned and under-resourced as it was from the start. And, five years on, Iraq is in shambles.
As Army captains who served in Baghdad and beyond, we’ve seen the corruption and the sectarian division. We understand what it’s like to be stretched too thin. And we know when it’s time to get out.
Bah what do these clowns know…it’s not like they’re war heroes like Rush Limbaugh and Bill Kristol.
I really need to check blogs4brownback more often, it is such a rich source of lulz.
Anyone who can’t get health care in this country is either too high or too paranoid to ask for it. IT IS THERE! BY LAW!
Puppy, you have it half right. Acute, emergency care for life-threatening situations is available. By law. That is, if your local ER hasn’t shut down because it can no longer afford to provide such care.
That is the secret Bush and his cronies don’t want you to know about. They mandate, by law, that no one can turn away an acutely ill person and deny them medical care. That is a good thing. But they also provide no reimbusement for such care–an “unfunded mandate,” if you will. (Wasn’t the right wing once opposed to these?)
How long do you think hospitals can continue to provide large amounts of unreimbursed medical care? In the old days, they would pass along such costs to other patients. That is no longer possible, as Medicare, Medicaid and private insurers have cut their reimbursements to the bone. Unlike the federal government, they cannot run at a deficit for year after year, nor can they print money. Vendors insist on being paid, as do staff.
Thus many hospitals, especially those in inner city, poor areas, have either closed completely, or closed their emergency rooms. In my state, Michigan, the state government has had to infuse cash into the Detroit Medical Center to help keep it solvent, because of the huge amounts of unreimbursed care it provides.
Why is it that staunch conservatives such as you have no problem asking hospitals to bear this cost, instead of the government that has imposed this cost on them? Is this that “fiscal responsibility” I keep hearing so much about?
It’s not that I or any other medical professional would ever want to turn away someone who is ill. I would consider it unethical to do so. But it is equally unethical and unseemly for politicians to ask others to bear the entire burden.
And what you fail to mention, either through ignorance or dissembling, is that there is no guarantee of CHRONIC medical care in this country. None. If you’re dying of a heart attack, the hospital has to take care of you. But if you have hypertension, diabetes, cancer, or any other of a thousand conditions that isn’t killing you immediately, you’re on your own. Sure, many doctors will see patients regardless of ability to pay, but not all, and I don’t know of any drugstores that will fill prescriptions unless you can pay for them.
So the secret to obtaining medical care in this country is to have insurance and hope it pays (another long story….) or to not get sick, unless you plan to get really, seriously, acutely sick.
(As for my bona fides–I write this having been a hospital physician for over twenty years.I think it gives me a bit of insight into the situation.)
BTW, Puppy, I posted on just this very topic on Don Surber’s blog. At first he tried answering me; when I pointed out his errors, he just began deleting my posts. Several in a row. And, last I checked, his was a rightie blog, still bellowing for the blood of that rich, insurance-sucking Frost kid.
But I just had to say that I have no idea what color the sky is, because I keep busy taking care of my family. But who knows? If they pass the new SCHIP, matbe you guts can pay for my families insuramce…
I’ll take it further. I’d like to pay (through taxes) for your family, my family, the Frosts, Michelle Malkin’s family, and everyone else to have health insurance.
Is Lost dog a spoof?
It is a said commentary on wingnuttia that I can’t tell the difference between run-of-the mill conservative crazy and over-the-top spoofery.
Seriously though dog, unlike right-wing blogs, SadlyNo! WELCOMES folks of differing opinion to post, so long as they don’t do something completely ignorant like posting someones personal information or threatening physical violence. (Which ironically is completely acceptable on many right-wing blogs).
I’m not sure I understand Malkin’s ‘Human Shield’ metaphor. Wasn’t that term coined to describe folks that were held by Saddam prior to the first Gulf War in order to stop bombing runs into Iraq? Of course, it also described Palestinians who are used by the IDF during incursions into Gaza. And IIRC, it also described Anti-war activists who camped out at locations in Iraq just prior to Gulf War II. How do any of these descriptions jive with common run-of-the-mill folk who speak out in support of of a program that helped them? Am I missing something, or am I just too stupid to understand Our Lady of The Concentration Camp’s nuance?
If government-paid (taxpayer-paid) “free” to the recipient medical care is so godless horrible, why does President Bush accept it? He can certainly afford to pay for his care himself.
Moonbat Rising:
She is playing off of Ann Coulter’s complaint that liberals deliver their messages through sympathetic figures who it is politically impossible to attack (ie, 9/11 widows, veterans, children). It is a pretty revealing metaphor:
1) It shows that, to certain people, the only way to debate an idea is to attack the messenger. Hey guys, unlike bullets and bombs, words can be accurately targeted!
2) After complaining that they aren’t allowed to launch personal attacks, they do it anyway.
3) They assume that the widows, veterans, and families with children that they love so much can’t think for themselves. Not everyone thinks of these things as empty symbols to be used as pawns for an ulterior agenda (*cough* Cut taxes!)
If the metaphor is an IDF soldier holding up a child so the Palestinian insurgents can’t shoot, a better metaphor would be families gathering their children in front of the houses that are about to be bulldozed. It isn’t that conservatives don’t want to hurt kids, its that they don’t want to have to face their victims.
If government-paid (taxpayer-paid) “free” to the recipient medical care is so godless horrible, why does President Bush accept it? He can certainly afford to pay for his care himself.
I think we should immediately start asking questions. Why did he make the personal choices he did? What are his priorities? What kind of car does he have? Why didn’t he sell the ranch instead of taking money out of my pocket for his colonoscopy? And Pickles’ too. If he can afford to pay for his wife’s colonoscopy without mooching off the taxpayers, he deserves to be stalked.
That sounds French to me. And we know that Our Lady would never do anything French…..or sane, or reasonable.
If government-paid (taxpayer-paid) “free” to the recipient medical care is so godless horrible, why does President Bush accept it? He can certainly afford to pay for his care himself.
The same can be said of everyone who sucks off the government health insurance teat. Last I heard, most of Congress and Bush’s cabinet is composed of fairly rich folks. I say means testing for all, and government sponsored health care only for the destitute.
Yeah, I’m looking at you, Cheney and Snow…..
“Our Lady”? Ah, her name after she’s been sainted you mean. I think Our Lady of Perpetual Ragegasm is fitting. What might be better suggestions? I plan to forward these to the Catholic church, along with a petition for beatitude. Of course, we’ll need to list three miracles, one of which is Michelle drinking a glass of water while Jesse talks.
Hey doc,
Does this look infected?
Oop. Joke’s on me. Our Lady of The Concentration Camp is already chosen and perfect. Never mind.
Tell me why people who can afford health insurance must take money from my pocket.
“Medical Bills Leading Cause of Bankruptcy, Harvard Study Finds”
McConnell Aide Acknowledges That He Tried To Spread Bogus Smear Of Graeme Frost
Our Lady of The Concentration Camp mea culpa in 5…4…3… Hello? Yoo-hoo….
I have to agree with dogface on one point: I too long for the days when people were ashamed of being “not so smart”.
Now every jerk in the world is entitled to an opinion. And it doesn’t even have to be their own opinion. A lot of them get their opinions pre-mixed, complete with footnotes.
“Now every jerk in the world is entitled to an opinion. ”
I blame Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich. Their “republican revolution” was in large part powered by making subnormal asshats think their opinions counted for something. How I wish they would all go back to drinkin’ cheap beers and fondling strange men in restrooms, and leave the politics to people with brains. Yes, yes I’m a terrible elitist, with my foot on the neck of the common man.
When I was growing up, the churches and the community took care of people who needed help.
Wow! Can your local church perform a hip replacement or a kidney transplant?
I am realizing that honor is way passe, but to be a real person, honor is required. And honor is not letting people walk on your face
Is “honor” stalking a 12-year-old boy only because he receives government health insurance?
Blatant liars, no matter how much they hate their target, are still blatant liars. . . these people are Stalinists, and are OWNED by George Soros – a convicted criminal, no matter how much money he has
No comment necessary.
check out the letter that sent to the Democratic party after the last election. They told the Democrats that they were bought and iaud for, and to this day, Soros will crush anyone who dares oppose him.
Oh, so THAT’S why the Democrats immediately ended the Iraq war!
“Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) — Insurance companies offering Medicare-funded prescription drug plans are costing U.S. taxpayers almost $15 billion a year in excess administrative fees and pharmaceutical costs, a congressional study found.
The study released today also found insurers fail to pass on $1 billion a year in discounts from drugmakers to participants in Medicare, the U.S. health program for the elderly and disabled.
“The use of private insurers to deliver Medicare drug coverage is driving up costs and producing only limited savings on drug prices,” said Representative Henry Waxman, a California Democrat and chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The panel’s Democratic staff prepared the analysis.”
$15B is two years worth of the vetoed SCHIP funding – I’m just sayin…
Johnny, in my opinion the right wing churches have a lot to do with it too. My husband teaches ethics at a red state university, and a few years ago he started getting these lame-ass, prepackaged arguments from students about how america was a christian nation. Complete with citations from some friggen supreme court justice in some concurring opinion in 1896. from people who have no interest in the constitution or the supreme court or american history. just like with the terry schiavo situation, everyone’s became a friggen neurosurgeon.
This whole incident has been a fascinating look into the wingnut soul, and has ended up being a huge net win for the Dems. This is probably the smartest political move the Dems have come up with in a long time. It’s kind of like Terry Schiavo in reverse.
Dogshit’s argument is just a variation of a common, run-of-the-mill right-wing argument you hear all the time. “I busted my hump working 50 years in the widget factory, and I never complained about nothin’. Now you libruls want to give my hard-earned money to the niggers.”
They’ve changed the words around a little and don’t use the “n” word explicitly, but that’s what they’re really saying. Actually, most modern conservatism boils down to “don’t give my money to the darkies.”
How could anybody be so violently opposed to a childrens’ health care initiative? I mean, learn to pick your battles. The GOP could have just rolled over on this one in the name of compromise, and come out as the good guys. It’s only what, $6 billion? I think we’ve spent that much in Iraq since I started writing this blog post. Instead they fought S-CHIP tooth and nail and look like total assholes.
It’s going to be hard times for the Republicans as the country grows less white and more racially tolerant. Dustbin of history, fuckers!
The churches are part of the package. For decades, right wing evangelicals were content to stay out of politics (for the most part) until Falwell’s “Moral Majority” in the eighties, and then Robertson’s Christian Coalition perfected the strategy in the nineties, which dovetailed nicely with the Gingrich/Limbaugh Axis of Fuckwit.
JK47 digs around in the basement and comes up with…
Gary’s Dustbin of History?
Ok, the Dustbins a bit dusty, but if I recall correctly, there’s a bunch of stuff in there already…
What is up with my horrid comments lately? The spirit of glibertarian compels me!
Is the kid a human shield or is Malkin gunning down innocent civillians? Malkin is Blackwatering children?
I don’t think it’s a human shield situation because Malkin is actually AIMING at the children.
Soros will crush anyone who dares oppose him.
There’s your mistake right there. You’re thinking of Sauron.
I mean, learn to pick your battles. The GOP could have just rolled over on this one in the name of compromise, and come out as the good guys. It’s only what, $6 billion?
The thing is, for some of the hard-core idealogues, preventing the EVIL that is “giving my money to the n—–s” is more important than the relatively new (to them) cause of defeating the Mexlamofemnistfascists. That’s why they fight so bitterly, with such visceral hatred, and with such disregard to their own survival as a political party.
Ah, the hard core ideologues are also pushing a USAToday poll that PROVES Bush is winning on the SCHIP front:
The funny thing about that poll is the last line in the write up:
“In the poll of 1,009 adults Friday through Sunday, about half were asked about children’s health care. Those questions have a margin of error of +/—5 percentage points.”
About half? WTF?
I mean, learn to pick your battles. The GOP could have just rolled over on this one in the name of compromise, and come out as the good guys. It’s only what, $6 billion?
To a true idealogue, it’s not the money, it’s the principle. And in this case the priciple is socialized medicine. The right fears that this will be the camel’s nose in the tent.
This is not a case of “don’t give my money to n******s.” It’s a case of money going to the middle class, in which case the spending will be justified (white folks, after all), and the middle class might then demand more such benefits, leading to socialized medicine, which, as we all know, is the greatest evil and danger facing America today.
Ah, the hard core ideologues are also pushing a USAToday poll that PROVES Bush is winning on the SCHIP front:
That poll is a pile of crap. Look at the last question:
How concerned are you that expanding this program would create an incentive for middle class Americans to drop private health insurance for a public program?
Why not just say, “How terrified are you that expanding this program will lead to Commie pinko medicine? Very terrified or just somewhat terrified?”
Snowflake children, snowflake children, snowflake children.
Human shields indeed.
I guess the hidden meaning of these attacks on SCHIP is that, if expanded, some people might cancel their existing insurance coverage. In which case, some insurance companies might experience a decline in revenue. I think someone should look around and see if any of the Right’s attack dogs or their handlers are receiving contributions from the insurance companies most likely to be affected. As they say, follow the money.
Here’s what really blows my mind. Why are we even allowing this argument of “too many families” would be covered. So what? Bring ’em on. More kids getting health care is good. That should be the point of this… that question of who is “qualified” is off topic and waters down the discussion. There are enough stories of families where people DIE because the insurance companies won’t cover their own members. That should be the counter, not trying to justify the self-justifiable argument that all kids should get care.
Malkin is the TRUE face of Republicanism – as it circles the bowl.
I thought it might be fun to go back to Lost Dawg’s first comment and edit out the redundant statements, the crackpot rhetoric, and the non sequitors. See what’s left of his/her questions and/or arguments.
I was wrong. That was not fun.
that Malkin woman is one crazy chick.
No wonder they booted her off O’Reilly: she makes O’Reilly look bad by association!
Utterly cuckoo bananas. I feel very sorry for her child who probbaly has to witness her mother’s fits of unhinged, shrieking rage. God fordid that kid use a wire coathanger…
My own very small personal socialized medicine story: I was cycling through France and managed to get a terrible suburn. Stopped at a clinic, got free treatment, and they sent me on my way. End of story.
Nightmare indeed.
Oh, and over there, pharmacists can do basic first aid. That’s how I learned about spray on insta-scab (the lady who hit my bike and sent me flying may have paid for that, don’t know).
Oh, thank you so much.
I will not risk my computer’s sanity by directing its browser to Malkin.
I read a good comparison of her and Coulter. Coulter knows she’s an actor and entertainer, Malkin believes she’s making a difference.
I wonder what kind of acid reflux that poor woman must have. Her spittle laced rants are painful.
The substance- I’d sure love some single payer care. I’ve used the systems in Germany and Holland, and I was never treated better. I actually had a housecall in Holland.
with all the posturing on the right wth old words like “socialism”, I think it was smart to put a human face on the program. what was unexpected was the inhuman face that the right would put on themselves.
So the translation for all of Malkin’s ravings is: “How dare you put a human face on our anti-human policies!”
It is interesting that Malkin and the lunatic Right are crowing over Reid having a lower approval rating than Bush in Nevada (32% to Bush’s 34%), while glossing over the fact that Bush has an equally greater disapproval rating in Nevada (54% to Reid’s 52%).
Conservative dishonesty flows like water over Niagra Falls and Malkin is no exception, on S-Chip or anything else.
Oops. For disapproval the numbers are actually Reid 51% and Bush 53%. Point still accurate, however, if not precise.
What I don’t get about these right-wing nutjobs that whine about “socialized medicine” is that they support socialized vengence (though THEY like to call it the “death penalty”).
The thing about saying “they already qualify” is that all of the states say that if an expansion to SCHIP does not occur they will not be able to continue to provide services at the current level because of inflation and rising health care costs. Continuing the program at current levels will cause many children to be dropped from the rolls.
There is a great Americana band named the Lost Dogs, I hate to see that name associated with such filth as the rabid puppy here.
But I digress. Lost Dog reminds me of a guy in Westfield, NJ, who in 1972 lost his job and was fearful that his family would have to go on welfare. John List thought that was a dreadful thing. He also worried that his wife and three children would stop attending church and lose their ticket to heaven when they died. So he did the only logical thing — he shot and killed them (and his mother, who lived in the house).
He meticulously planned his escape and was on the lam for 17 years. He now is serving five life sentences.
But at least he didn’t go on welfare.
“the family already qualifies for the existing program and nothing President Bush or the Dems propose to do would change that.”
Nothing, except that SCHIP will expire if not extended, and Bush just vetoed the bill to extend it. So the Frosts would still qualify, except that SCHIP wouldn’t exist. Minor details. Don’t worry, it’s just a kids’ health at stake. It’s not as if something important is going on, like non-existent WMD in Iraq.
‘Human shield’ is a clever one. It says that some people are so callous, so mercenary, that they’ll put a toddler where Malkin and her friends are sure to go berserk and savage her
look what you made me do!
I don’t get why she keeps bringing up that their family already gets CHIP when their ENTIRE point in the FIRST DAMN PLACE was, “We are on CHIP and it helped us a lot and therefore we want to see other people helped too.” Marked contrast, in fact, to the I-got-mine-so-fuck-you mentality of the wingnuts. But maybe that’s why they keep distracting from that point in the first place.
Otto: I’ve had single-payer care here in the United States. It’s called the military healthcare system and it used to be single-payer for active duty military servicemembers. I had it for almost three years. It had its flaws but as I might have had serious complications from or died of pneumonia had I not been under its care, I can’t complain. (I came down with a 103-degree-plus F fever in my early twenties, but no cough and no hurt when I went pee. I had no idea what was wrong. Minus health coverage I might have tried to soldier on without getting care. Baaad idea.)
I grew up under military healthcare generally because I was born a Navy brat and then got married after the Army, for 25 years total. It started getting really shitty when a private company, Tricare, took it over for family member and retiree care. Before then, it was at least tolerable.
I’m flummoxed as to why the conservabots don’t mention anything about the military system when we discuss healthcare in this country. Apparently they are perfectly all right with socialized medicine for the military and its family members. No objection there. WTF?
Lorraine Hansberry had a great line in her play “Raisin in the sun” which is apropos here:
“Where is the bottom? Where is the honest to God bottom so he can’t sink any further?”
Subsitute “Republicans” for “he”.
I don’t think it occurres to the brain dead Malkinites that the fact that Bethany already qualifies is an ENDORSEMENT of the program, not an indictment. And is a good example of OTHER kids that the program would help. So, one is even more astounded by the sheer fatuosity of her comment (i.e. this kid got help therefore the program does not need any improvement).
Rush Drugballs just named this kid. Introduced the item by quoting, you guessed it, The Politico. Went on to mimic libruls whining about him and Michelle Malkin attacking another poor family, waaah.
From Corporate Media to Wingnut Blogger to Broadcast Radio. Triangle accomplished!
When’s the last time you saw this kind of collaboration on the non-RightWingoFascist side of things?
I would like to add, what I think is happening is that the residents of Wingnuttistan have realized that they really did step in it this time—-but rather than backpedal, they are desperate to bolster their case by intensifying their attacks, beyond even all reason. They figure if they keep pounding away and pounding away, the public will simply conclude that they must be right or else, why would they sound so forceful?
This, btw, is their preferred technique on every controversy, whether it be Schiavo, global warming, evolution, Iraq or anything else. The louder and meaner you are, the righter you must be.
The louder and meaner you are, the righter you must be.
The whole movement comes down to three words: Show Of Force.
I had such high hopes for my generational cohort (we used to be known as Generation X, back when we were still in our 20s), but so many people my age are conservative jingoistic rubes… What the hell happened to us?
Well, if you go back and actually look at all us Xers back when we were in college, we weren’t such a great bunch. We were all completely “Sedated in the 80s” complacently going along with the feel-good Ronnie Reagan, more concerned with getting into the job market and getting our mitts on Gordon Gekko-type money. See: “Generation of Swine,” Hunter S. Thompson.
I was a college newspaper reporter/editor at the time, and I was appalled at how little my fellow X-ers cared about politics, current events, the ecology, justice, human rights, etc. The most telling stat was that in 1972, the most popular course on my campus was “Current Environmental Problems,” and it was taught stadium-style, to hundreds of people, a couple times a day. By 1986 (and I realize I’m dating myself here), the most popular course was “Human Sexual Biology,” which was an excuse for horndogs to leer at each other and get cheap thrills from the vibrators, butt plugs, etc., that the instructor would pass around class as “learning aids.” Not that there’s anything wrong with naughty fun, but dude – after the serious stuff as been dealt with…
Strange, all the buzzcut frat boys and poofy-haired sorority girls who were so into that class were also the same ones that gave lip service (yeah, OK, double entendre, move along) to the Meese Commission’s anti-porn crusade. Which is when I got my first lesson in rightwing religious wackjob morals: They’re good for other people.
Goddam shiftless lazy welfare fucks are robbing this country blind, someone oughtta just line ’em up and shoot ’em, and oh by the way Billy Bob didja hear I managed to skim an extra couple hunnert thousand off the defense contract for toilet seats and hammers? Helps to know other right-thinking folks in the procurement chain, don’t it, hyuck-hyuckitty-hyuck…
That pattern continues to this day, as I find endless outraged screeds about the stealing done of the relief for Katrina … but strangely, no such outrage for the stealing done by KBR et alles in Iraq. Despite the fact that the amounts stolen/wasted are an order of magnitude greater.
“Human shields” from what?
These losers think we need to be shielded from them? “Oh, dear, the rightard is stepping on his dick again! Whatever shall I do?”
Uh, no. More like a splatter-guard or a raincoat. They done gone Gallagher on us.
Hats off to the strategists. The Frost family are sort of ambiguous. Attackable. But the new family! Brilliant. And the the kid is cuuuuuute. It’s like, what’s next.I think the next ad has to be just a still of a puppy: “SCHIP: the puppy wants it.”
“Michelle whooped up an attack against a 2-year-old girl”….Sorry I read what’s been posted but where oh where is the attack on the 2 year old? The pattern seems to be deceive and distort from those who have screamed about Limbaugh for ever and anon. Taking a page from the proverbial playbook perhaps? Comically sophmoric but not altogether unheard of. Unfortunately the fringe, or progressives are putting themselves further and further out on the edge. The Hill machine continues to roll, the war will continue, gay marriage will fail, the main stream media will fall and the power Bill O and Malkin will grow.
The democrat party faithful are much smarter than the Youtube crowd you and your ilk play to. Were it not for the “wimp” we now suffer under the conservatives would own the entire government. You got lucky in 06 and perhaps will again in 08 but ultimately the american people look upon you and the rest of the, well, fringe with distaste (see Betrayus) and generally view your objectives with contempt.
So again I would ask…where exactly is that attack?
Sorry I read what’s been posted but where oh where is the attack on the 2 year old?
Well Dave, let me know after you come to grips with your status as a witless tool of Michelle Malkin.
[…] course she can, you silly monkeys! I’ll see your 12 year-old boy and raise you a 2-year-old girl with heart trouble! Today’s extreme right: They’ll protect to the death the rights of the unborn, but once […]
Dave’s blog gives clear indications that he is a fell creature but beyond that there’s nothing to suggest that he has any idea what would be a prudent course of action on any policy issue. He’s a bundle of incoherence and contradictory pronouncements with enemies to the left and right. In his most recent post he asks; Who is worse Move-on or Conservatives (lack of question mark in the original). Here’s the closing excerpt:
American war dead…
Democrats and fringe….0
Conservatives….4144 and counting…
Good job there people…For 4 years soldiers and civilians have been dying and the friggin Dems control the agenda, media and every other thing. Bush is a weakling, wimp like his old man and our sons and daughters, mothers and fathers are dying because the pulpit (see Nero) on our side won’t take the fight to them. If this is the best support we got, if this is all there is, blogs and night after friggin night of Bill O and Hannity..I say …BRING THEM HOME NOW.
As you can see I clearly think the political will to win is gone, I do not want a single American or innocent killed while the leaders in this country haggle over the outcome. What price is the life of a single American soldier or Iraqi civilian worth to these people? Do they care? The answer quite simply is no they don’t. Not then not now
[…] goverment help (try not to forget all our elected officials have goverment subsidized health care), but on a two year old. And the post right above it details some support of this position. Nice people, for […]
the main stream media will fall and the power Bill O and Malkin will grow.
You’re kidding, right? Bill O’Reilly as the antithesis of main stream media? The maverick, the rebel Bill O’Reilly? Bill O’ Reilly IS Main Stream Media at its ugliest, you knucklehead.
Oh, this is too funny. Dave’s staking the future of right-thinkers on prince and princess consort Bill O’Reilly and Michelle Malkin?
And what position will you hold in the great O’Reilly/Malkin administration, Dave? Speechwriter maybe? Let us know how that works out.
Really, suggesting that the 2-year-old’s mother should have aborted her rather than undergo pregnancy with no health insurance isn’t an attack.
Righteous Bubba …From Alabama?..Make an argument or go away.
Lawnguylander…..Give me a policy issue, I will give you a course of action.
g….Bill O is mainstream? LOL Here is mainstream…NBC, CBS, ABC, NYT, The Globe, L.A. Times ect, ect ect. To argue otherwise is to be dishonest or, I apologize, stoopid.
Rachel…..sorry where did she suggest that? Please quote her.
Yes, and why doesn’t anyone on the left ever make the breathtakingly obvious point that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the rightwing legislators fighting national health care, are ALL lavishly covered by the taxpayers themselves. For LIFE!
[…] sadlyno […]
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