Evidence Mounting
According to an anonymous source, Mickey Kaus regularly blows goats. Either he fails to deny this strongly enough, in which case his goat blowing proclivities are assuredly true, or his denials will impugn the integrity of my source which makes him a tremendously bad person. And, of course, a goat blower.
Thanks, Slate, for all you’ve done for our discourse.
-Atrios 17:11
Now that photographic evidence has emerged, Mickey must provide the truth.
-Atrios 19:23
ZOMG! That picture is clearly one of those phony fake photos that the liberal MSM is always phonily and fakely trying to foist on folks in a fact-free fashion, and we’re launching an investigation!
Oh wait, this just in:
Every time you post a picture of this guy I think it’s photoshopped. Even without sammiches or goats – I just can’t believe anyone’s face looks like that.
Except for Zip the What-Is-It.
If a gauss is a unit of magnetic flux density, can a kaus be a unit of media coverage density? As in, the coverage itself being thick enough that reason cannot penetrate it?
Does Mickey Kaus fellate members of the Caprinae family? Is it irresponsible to speculate? Say it with me: it would be irresponsible NOT to speculate. America must know if Mr. Kaus has been orally intimate with farm animals and, if so, is he also Gary Ruppert?
Mounting? You mean he’s not just blowing the evidence…?
Umm, but you link to an Ace of Spades post where the “wingnuts” were right. That smoke is pretty obviously doctored, and Reuters withdrew it.
I take it Kos is voting for Bifferly.
Know what I love about that Ace post? This:
Bumped, for those of you who didn’t bother reading the Internet yesterday.
‘Cause, you know, if you didn’t hang out and froth at the mouth at Ace’s place, you most certainly didn’t “read the internet.” I mean seriously, “read the internet”? It’s like, for those of you who didn’t bother to lift the earth yesterday, here’s some news from my shovel.
Wow. I need caffeine.
Aw, c’mon. He was just helpin’ the little feller over the fence.
“That smoke is pretty obviously doctored, and Reuters withdrew it.”
That’s exactly the point. The photoshopped smoke proved that Reuters supports the terrorists and that the Iraq war is actually a great success. On the same principle, if Mickey Kaus doesn’t blow goats, no one would have ever doctored a photo to suggest that he did.
Y’know, I’ve met a number of farmboys who freely admit to fucking sheep, goats and calves. Probably some other ruminents, for that matter. And this taste seems to be part of farmboy culture, as can be easily seen by their choices in wives.
But I’ve never heard of anyone who admitted to blowing goats. I think, if I may be clinical for a moment, the very idea is the stimulation of the human involved. The human typically doesn’t care about the pleasure or arousal of the farm animal involved without consent in the proscribed activity.
“Blowing” the goat would provide sexual pleasure to the goat, without providing anyth…
Waitaminute. You’re not saying…
CLEARLY, the goats in question were merely third-based, and not “blown” as the liebral MSM claims. We know because Malkin went to the goat field in question, and saw no evidence of goat jizz anywhere.
Mr. Ancient Fish
The doctored smoke proved that one foreign journalist had tried to make the situation in Lebanon seem worse than it was. It lends credence to the suspicion that a non-trivial number of journalists have terrorist sympathies. It says nothing about the Iraq war per se.
Funny, you can’t accuse them of hyperbole without resorting to it yourself.
“It lends credence to the suspicion that a non-trivial number of journalists have terrorist sympathies”
We’re just trying to have fun with Mickey “Goat Blowin” Kaus here. Pardon me if this seems judgemental, but I believe that if one suspects “a non-trivial number of journalists have terrorist sympathies” one has already taken a fatal dose of “liberal media” bullshit disseminated by right wing operatives who profit from such thinking.
I hate to pile on, but if he refrains from blowing goats it proves he’s out of touch with life in rural America.
Of course a nontrivial number of journalists have terrorist sympathies. After all, they have plenty of reasons for that. 1) They hate America. 2) They hate freedom. 3) Profit since most of their viewers are terrorists. The list goes on and on. After all, the situation in Lebanon wasn’t as bad as the photoshopping made it seem. The photoshopped picture was one I place I sure did not want to vist. The non-photoshopped picture? Well, true it was a warzone, but I’m sure the bombing wasn’t quite so bad on the weekends, so maybe a day trip or too.
The doctored smoke proved that one foreign journalist had tried to make the situation in Lebanon seem worse than it was. It lends credence to the suspicion that a non-trivial number of journalists have terrorist sympathies. It says nothing about the Iraq war per se.
Oh, pig’s arse. If it lends credence to any suspicion, it’s the suspicion that a non-trivial number of journalists have editors who berate their photographers for not taking sufficiently dramatic photos: “You call that a bomb blast?!? Jesus, kid, when I was doing your job I’d get a shot with flames, smoke, bits of people whizzing through the air, and a fucking dog for human fucking interest! Now Show. Me. A Bomb. Blast.
Or perhaps that a non-trivial number of journalists had to baby-sit a three-year-old, who drew on their proofs with crayon. Or that The Azure-Plumaged-Bird-Of-Truth saw that the picture was from the wrong angle so it didn’t show the smoke, and shat on it to add some verisimilitude
Hang on a minute: terrorist sympathies? That shot was of Lebanon, you fool. Lebanon, being bombed by Israel at the time? What was terrorist about them? I mean sure, cedars can be big scary trees, but what the absolute buggeryfuck is terrorist about Lebanon?
I mean sure, cedars can be big scary trees, but what the absolute buggeryfuck is terrorist about Lebanon?
Well, brown people live there, right? That’s how it works, “brown people = terrorism, always”.
Personally, I thought it leant credence to the suspicion that a non-trivial number of journalists are Lizard Men from the Planet Zoltor 8, and that doctor picture was a supersecret message to their hidden agents to burst forth from their gelationous pods and start harvesting the tasty humans. But not the brown ones because the Lizard Journalists of Zoltor 8 loves them some terrorists.
Terrorist sympathies. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard anything more stupid than this, and I’ve been ordered to take a non-existent ville. (I’ll have to share that story with you guys some day. It’s close to funny.)
Terrorists kill people. They blow up people’s shit. Now, spit out the kool aid and back away from the talking points. Nobody. Got that? NO. FUCKING. BODY. Has terrorist sympathies. Terrorists don’t do anything sympathetic. And how, with my “sympathies”, am I supposed to make sure I don’t get blown up with you other folks? I mean, c’mon, dude, you’re a grownup, right? You can read and think if you try. We might have political disagreements, but terrorist sympathies?? No. You cannot be so stupid as to actually believe that.
Now, if you want to talk about terrorism, like the Israelis deciding in the last days of the war to spread a million unexploded cluster munitions over Lebanon to “punish” the Lebanese collectively (also a war crime) for their support of Hezbollah, we can have a serious debate. But nobody is “sympathetic” to terrorism. Perhaps to some of the politics that the terrorists share, but you must have shut your eyes to reality long ago to actually believe anything so stupid and simplistic…
I think it was very brave of Mickey to come out of the stable as a capraphile.
But what about the Goats? Won’t someone think of the goats? Besides Mickey Kaus, I mean?
Good work guys, you really are great, golden shining Gods of the internet, forcing the MSM to pony up the goods on the goat-blower Kaus.
Incidentally, re: Lebanon – if your air force manages to kill twenty times more civilians than the evil terrorists you’re fighting could, it’s possibly time to go back to the drawing board.
“Good work guys, you really are great, golden shining Gods of the internet”
I see D. Aristophanes has been successful in his drive to up the ass-kissing quotient around here. I’d like to add that all the SadlyNaughts are as Gods Among Men, with special sauce.
“a capraphile.”
Sure, who doesn’t love Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and It’s A Wonderful Life?
I see D. Aristophanes has been successful in his drive to up the ass-kissing quotient around here.
Goats, asses, it’s an internet love-farm today.
Any picture of Kaus with goats may be fake, but is clearly accurate.
Well this just goes to prove your liberal bias. Clearly, the photo shows Kaus with a plush toy and that means he is a plushie and not a goat blower.
Cuddle time
FoxWolfie Galen’s Plushie Page
Have you no shame?
Goats, huh? Interesting, if true.
Posted by Michael Bérubé | October 14, 2007 5:55 PM
A famous perfessor ruminates. Clearly, there is more to this story than meats the I.
I’ve been ordered to take a non-existent ville
A little off topic, unless we consider the upcoming holiday:
I growed up in the Appalachians and I never met
However, once a co-worker leaned in close and inquired, “Mike, you ever fuck a pumpkin?”
Of course Mickey Kaus blew a goat, the goat had the car keys to a new beemer.
The fact is, most liberals are homosexuals and have sex with animals, and these sort of people, who also refuse to say anything nice about USA and Bush, are enemies within who should be rounded up. I am all for monitoring the communications of any enemies of the USA, which is why I have nothing to fear, but the liberals will be exposed.
what,.. where… why… … I’m just speechless, I don’t know whether to thank you for educating me, or berate you for opening my eyes to a world I wish I didn’t know about,
I’ll never be able to look at my 1mt high Coke bear in the same way again!
something to hide, gary, go on, you can tell us
Are Cosmo and Gary pulling a funny? Either way, I am laughing.
Oh, and I am watching Blood Diamond on HBO. Know the scene near the beginning where Leo Dicaprio’s character is arrested for smuggling diamonds hidden under the skin of living goats. Well, let’s say one of the younger goats looked a little…. familiar.
Two legs bad,four legs va va voom!!1!1!
Oh and: Mickey Kaus Blows Goats.
ey iz in ur barnyardz fellatin ur goatz!11!1!1!111
Look, even respectable authors acknowledge that Mickey Kaus blows goats. Stop the charade Mickey.
Sheeit. That was supposed to link to Orwell’s contribution, although Gavin is certainly respectable. Just, you know, not so respectable as Orwell. Who I must say is writing somewhat strangely this evening. Deadness’ll do that I guess.
I’ll have to share that story with you guys some day. It’s close to funny.
I’ve pulled up a chair. No hurry, though. Have another drink. I must say, the serenity at this thread is refreshing after the acting-out episode with the, er, Oversized Canine in the other thread. So I’m just happy to sit here, think about goatsex, and wait for story time. *sip*
Here ya go, RB:
Orwell agrees with Gavin
Heh. I clicked on that. Heh.
The server prolly can’t handle the traffic right now. Try again laters.
Five years ago, the CED laid out a strategy for business to curb rising health-care costs while continuing to subsidize workers’ policies and helping cover the costs of the uninsured. Now, it acknowledges that strategy has not worked. And Mickey Kaus blows goats.
You’re welcome lobbey. Don’t ask how I know this stuff, ok, let’s just say that I’ve had an extensive education in human sexuality. You don’t want to know about the guy who had a thing for Big Macs (no, I’m not joking and yes, that’s exactly what he did).
I had a big mac yesterday. I mean I had a big mac, not that I “had” a big mac. get your mind outta the fuckin’ gutter. geez.
But I am none; nor will my sun renew.
You lovers, for whose sake the lesser sun
At this time to the Goat is blown
By Mickey Kaus, and give it you,
Enjoy your summer all;
Since she enjoys her long night’s festival,
Let me prepare towards her, and let me call
This hour her vigil, and her eve, since this
Both the year’s, and the day’s deep midnight is.
I just came home from an evening event where John Waters spoke. John Waters.
Imagine my dismay to come home from that an encounter something truly fucking sick like this!!!!
noen wrote: “Well this just goes to prove your liberal bias. Clearly, the photo shows Kaus with a plush toy and that means he is a plushie and not a goat blower.”
As one of the favorite songs of Mickey’s generation said, “If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.”
People, let’s not overreact. It’s only oral sex. It’s not like he’s felching the goats.
neon, you are right, I don’t want to know, I suppose i proves how conservative I am in these matters. (although it does raise the question of what he did with the pickles).
And from now on, is burger king for me
That’s no goat … that’s Lamb Chop!!!
Oh Shari, how could it all have gone so wrong on so many levels?!?!?
Is there a slang term for this, like “playing the tragic trombone” or something?
I need to keep my street cred when I’m down with the kids.
Is there a slang term for this, like “playing the tragic trombone” or something?
I need to keep my street cred when I’m down with the kids.
Are you referring to the Rusty Gillespie? ‘Cause that one is kinda played with the kewl kidz.
They’re all into The Italian Banker (or its reverse) these days.
I think there might be a group aggregating over at Hatebook over this….
OK, how about Capricornucopia?
Mickey Kaus is a bucksucker.
Mickey Kaus is a maaaaaasturbator.