Shorter Debbie Schlussel
Posted on October 14th, 2007 by Gavin M.
So Predictable: Pro-Terrorist, Anti-Semitic Arab Group Attacks “Anti-Semitic” Ann Coulter
Above: The Grosse Pointe Blankity-Blank
- OMG, you want to talk anti-Semitism? How about when some freakin’ honk-nosed, scheming International Conspiracy niggity-nogs called Ann Coulter ‘anti-Semitic’ when all she said was that Jews aren’t as good as Christians?!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
“Niggity-nogs”. Haha!
Debbie Schlussel: wannabee Ann Coulter. And how sad is that?
If friendship and allied interests are forged more strongly in hatred and it seems clear that this is so , then in hated is trust and allied strength . Gosh I’m gonna be super strong , super duper diggity dog plus
[Context here and here.]
Daily Kos’ Hunter in stereo!
Debbie Schlussel: wannabee Ann Coulter.
I’ve always been amused by whoever dubbed her the “Costco Coulter.”
Check out the comments over there – they make Malkin’s flying monkeys seem like the height of intelligence and wit.
Debbie sez:
I’m surprised she didn’t bring up moooooslem doctors killing their patients in stories she fabricated out of a misreading of a fictionalized account of presumed and unproven malpractice.
It’s really hard to laugh at such irrational hatred.
Gotta love calling Coulter’s remarks not really anti-semitic, tho. I’m sure if, say, a sikh said the same lil Debbie would have had the same response.
Was “here” supposed to link to a different page than “here”? Perhaps consider adding a “there”.
Links fixed. (Thanks!)
Y’know, it’s the hate that’s really important to these people. Not the target of the hate. That’s entirely fungible.
But you gotta worry a little about what they’re gonna do if they start to run out of muslims or mexicans.
I think there’s every indication they’ll go after the chinese, but they could also decide to turn on each other…
Well, I think the logical extension of that kind of hate is what drove Jim Jones and his followers to Guyana and David Koresh to barricade himself and his followers behind berms in Waco.
I would imagine, too, that a lot more Guyana and Koresh-ian communities, families, or enclaves get started and implode rather quickly due to the pathology of their participants. Guyana and Waco are probably the exceptions to the rule in terms of “success”.
So – I think there are small asteroids of these hateful little communities or cliques forming, breaking up, swirling around the universe, burning up when the enter the gravity of reality.
Probably some of the participants meet bad violent ends in internal struggles, or emerge psychologically damaged. Maybe others truly come to an epiphany and repent – as David Brock did.
Probably scores more bury their hatred deep and take it out only on themselves and their family members and co-workers.
Look at meeeee! I’m really dumb!
Yup. How dumb, you ask? Well after calling Coulter’s bugfuck comments “un-anti-Semitic,” she gloats:
ADC calling Ann Coulter an Anti-Semite? Pot. Kettle. Blackety-BLACK.
Um, Deb? That would make Coulter an anti-Semite even by your own reckoning. Dim bulb.
Oh no, Mortician.
To Debbie, the insult is calling them “Blackety-BLACK”.
No greater insult coming from a pathological racist…
So, when is Debbie going to get perfected?
So, how was it that lil’ Debbie noticed the ADC’s condemnation of Coulter’s screeches, but failed to notice the ADL’s condemnation?
Or is she just terrified that for once the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee is in agreement with the Anti-Defamation League, and desperately seeks a fake reason to portray dissent between them instead?
Strange, I thought Coulter already took it upon herself to perfect Jews in her book, Godless: The Church of Liberalism:
From the Forward (6/16/2006).
That photo of her is so un-nerving. Either her teeth are pink or her tongue is too big for her mouth.
I’m a fellow liberal who is new to this site. Can anyone here help me out maybe explain the rules of the forum to me.
Wow….. the owner of the AMAZING site, offered the following comment in response to the historical debate blooming in Debbie’s comments.
(Do visit the 1389 site, btw, since we’re all masochists here.)
Why do we pay attention to this woman?
Oh, do I have to go there? It’s like a horror movie, the asement or the dark attic that you know the characters, foolishly, will venture into. Without their flashlights, cellphones, guns, or even sturdy shoes.
Debbie Schlussel: wannabee Ann Coulter. And how sad is that?
It’s sad in so many ways that I can’t even begin to wrap my head around them all.
Here’s a fairly minor sadness:
* To truly emulate Coulter, Schlussel would have to lose 20-30 pounds; and
* Schlussel appears to be a reasonably healthy weight.
I’m a fellow liberal who is new to this site. Can anyone here help me out maybe explain the rules of the forum to me.
Make fun of the wingnuts. Don’t feed the trolls. Eat all your vegetables. Don’t photoshop giant sammiches into the hands of overweight shitty SF writers. Make jokes about Ace not wanting certain things. Wipe your feet before coming in to the comment thread from outside.
Did I miss anything?
Did I miss anything?
Some of us are in favor of photoshopping giant sammiches into or onto any and all targets of opportunity.
Alas, Julia Gorin’s unwatchable America Show seems to have met its end: last episode posted February 18, 2007.
Did I miss anything?
Tell us in detail what you’re eating, drinking and fucking…
Also, I believe we are in favor of cats. And don’t taunt the libertarians. It gets ugly.
I like cats. The libertarians, not so much.
Re: 1389
An Easter pogrom took place in Prague in 1389.
I once photoshopped a Giant Sammich into my cat’s food dish. Nobody seemed to object.
Also – when the trolls do come out and start clogging up the threads, if you’re using Firefox, check out a Greasemonkey script called “I like pie!” that will allow you to quickly and easily ignore their droolings.
Then again, you might already be employing such a script, in which case, well, I guess I’ll have a slice of cherry with a scoop of vanilla ice cream with the little flecks of bean in it.
Tell us in detail what you’re eating, drinking and fucking…
Cripes, mikey, I didn’t know you cared!
…or, um, did you mean Teh New Guy?
I do like pie. Really.
Can anyone here help me out maybe explain the rules of the forum to me.
Never teach the Wu-Sad style!
Coulter: “Jews need to be perfected. It would make everything a heck of a lot easier…” “This should not be offensive at all!”
One day I expect to hear her say that Pol Pot’s re-education campz were a step up from the ovens.
The pie script is the best thing evar. You – yes, you! – can have comment threads that look like this.
I’m more of a brownies/snickerdoodles kinda fellah.
But I’m willing to experiment with pie…
Lesley: You’ll probably have to wait until the next Rethug scandal that needs some major distraction.
And don’t taunt the libertarians.
Nonsense. There’s very few self-indentified groups in this world that need a good taunting whenever possible. Them and roots-rock songwriters, bad to take themselves way too seriously and expect you to do the same.
Are the libertarians the ones who say “It is obvious” just before saying something that is batshit insane?
Or is Thomas Sowell not a libertarian?
mikey said,
Y’know, it’s the hate that’s really important to these people. Not the target of the hate. That’s entirely fungible.
But you gotta worry a little about what they’re gonna do if they start to run out of muslims or mexicans.
I think there’s every indication they’ll go after the chinese, but they could also decide to turn on each other…
What do you think they’ve been saving Canada for? Homos, pot, Communist medicine. Why, it’s just a seething hotbed of anti-American values in need of Liberation!
Libertarians should be treated with the utmost seriousness and respect, for theirs is the only political philosophy in the history of Western political thought that approaches state power skeptically and critically.
yeah….that’s all she said…
do these people even hear themsevles when they talk?
It is just about money? Is that all they care about?
Why, it’s just a seething hotbed of anti-American values in need of Liberation!
You mean a revival of War Plan Crimson?
Earthshaking…I mean, the same woman who asserts that the New York Times should be bombed, Muslims and liberals should be killed and women disenfranchised, now says that Jews should be “perfected”? In context it’s hard to get excited.
I have always felt that Coulter is useful not because she represents a particularly virulent brand of rightwing psychosis, but because she really doesn’t. Trust me: They ALL sound like her at home.
Most of the mainstream fundies you see on FoxNews or quoted in the rightwing are too polite to say what Ann said, but they all believe it. Eternal damnation for all who don’t accept the Savior is a central tenet of Christianity.
But it is amusing to see Schleussel caught in the embarrassing web of the right’s anti-semite double standard, where any perceived critisicm of IUsrael or Jews from the Left is hyserically pounced upon as proof of the speaker’s ties to Nazism and All That Is Evil; while the vile anti-Jewish ravings of the likes of Nixon, Billy Graham, Jesse Helms, et al are borne with stoic dignity. Nuthin complicated going on here folks: it’s just a matter of who will vote “Yea” on those gigantic military aid packages to the state of Israel.
We have an adequate supply of oranges,” Bob Norberg, the deputy executive director for research and operations at the Florida Department of Citrus, said during a press conference after the report was released.
Trading Places Update.
Too much free time in the Bubba household.
Hysterical Woman said,
October 14, 2007 at 20:57
So, when is Debbie going to get perfected?
She’s not. She prefers to remain self-loathing.
Righteous Bubba said,
October 15, 2007 at 0:32
Too much free time in the Bubba household.
Perhaps. And Perhaps, NOT! That’s a pretty small sammich. How’s Debbie going to make it through the day?
That’s a pretty small sammich.
Well look, smart guy, you wanna pull out your sandwich so we can compare?
I can’t seem to locate the “I like pie” script on greasemonkey – any suggestions?
No, no. Don’t taunt the libertarians–the ones here. We have a few who seem to be reasonably sane people, but who handle taunting poorly. This includes at least one and probably two of our bloggers, depending on how you define any of those words.
If you wish to mock libertarianism, that’s between you and the trolls. Really, the trolls provide enough sport that friendly fire incidents are distinctly gratuitous.
We have libertarians? Who are they?
I can’t seem to locate the “I like pie” script on greasemonkey – any suggestions?
Always check for greasemonkey scripts.
We have libertarians? Who are they?
The dumber unfunny ones.
Thanks RB – I didn’t know the correct search string
That sounds like me half the time.
It sounds like Democrats more than half the time.
Um, don’t do anything bad in a real-world get-people-in-trouble sort of way. That’s about it.
There are some rules, after a fashion, posted in the ‘about’ page. They’re pretty intuitive.
Wait, Gav. There are rules on the About page? Say it ain’t so. All this time I’ve been coming here because of the whole we-don’t-need-no-steenking-rules ambience.
Well, that and the giant sammiches.
The “I like Pie” script for Greasemonkey is called “AntiTroll for Sadly No”, I think – it’s at
Tell us in detail what you’re eating, drinking and fucking
I’m eating some yogurt, drinking some lemonade. . . and I’m fucking crazy!!!1!!!
Righteous Bubba whups out his sammich on Debbiecakes.
Thanks, Bubba.
We’ve had a distinct lack of sammiches.
I was getting hungry…
Schlussel is the subMalkin. I’m not required to give a ratfuck what she thinks. Yeah, yeah she gets on TV and Howard Stern has her on to make fun of from time to time, but she’s like one of those pimples on your ass. Don’t pick at it and it won’t turn into something to worry about.
I was getting hungry…
What, with all this pie around?
We have a few who seem to be reasonably sane people, but who handle taunting poorly.
So libertarians are big ol’ whiny babies who can dish it out but can’t take it? Their self-esteem is so shakey that if you mock (or sometimes just question) their political system they throw a tantrum? Gotta admit, you’re on to something there.
When I’m old, I shall feel bad about making fun of libertarians who can’t take a joke. Until then, I fart in their general direction.
No cursing, and never forget Bruce.
I go to this blog looking for hilarity, and truth be told, this isn’t that funny. Because Debbie Schlussel, that one trick parrot, is actually on to something. What right DOES the ADC have to condemn anyone as anti-semitic?
Umm, pretty much at least as much right as anybody else, and it seems to me, as a supporter of the Palestinian cause, that pretty much everybody seems to think it’s their right to identify me as an anti-semite…
Because Debbie Schlussel, that one trick parrot, is actually on to something. What right DOES the ADC have to condemn anyone as anti-semitic?
Yes, that woman who babbled PAKI PAKI PAKI after finding out someone was Asian is certainly right to question whether or not someone is allowed to talk about anti-semitism.
It’s not bad enough Deb and Coulter are under examination, someone just had to bring Julia Gorin into this. It’s like the Witches of Wingnuts.
She really brings the funny to Caroline’s in the not funny way.
“Throughout this book,” she writes, “I often refer to Christians and Christianity because I am a Christian and I have a fairly good idea of what they believe, but the term is intended to include anyone who subscribes to the Bible of the God of Abraham, including Jews and others.”
it also refers to Muslims too, as (most of them) ‘subscribe’ to the book of Abraham, that must have slipped past Ann’s pea sized brain,
btw, if you had ‘subscribed’ to a biblical text, how do you unsubscribe, I subscribed to the book of revelations a while ago, and canceling it is like trying to cancel Time magazine. They are now threatening to send some horsemen or something!
Rules of the forum?
I vaguely recall that Bobby the cat prefers the dry food.
I would imagine, too, that a lot more Guyana and Koresh-ian communities, families, or enclaves get started and implode rather quickly due to the pathology of their participants. Guyana and Waco are probably the exceptions to the rule in terms of “success”.
We could always pass out vodka, barbiturates and purple silk scarves and tell them all the mothership is waiting to take them away!
As an occasionally funny self-described libertarian, I take offense! Offense, I say!
It’s really the glibertarians which worship at the alter of Rand that give the rest of us a bad name.
“What do you think they’ve been saving Canada for? Homos, pot, Communist medicine. Why, it’s just a seething hotbed of anti-American values in need of Liberation!”
Don’t forget the oil. Boy, there’s a lot there. And pretty soon it’ll be way too expensive to pay for.
Can we talk about the phrase “Anti-Semitic Arab” real quick? ‘Cause it’s sort of problematic. You see, Arabic people are, in fact Semitic.
Yes Ann coulter Is anti-semitic, in that Coulter is excessively prejudiced against Arabs.