Shorter Gates Of Vienna, A Pajamas Media Affiliate
Posted on October 14th, 2007 by Gavin M.
Above: The noted blogger Fjordman
- The glory of the white race is imperiled by a thousand-year onslaught of mud troglodytes, and “Nazi” accusations that are so carelessly thrown out these days are completely baseless in this context.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
He is SO RIGHT. I mean, for centuries, white Europe has just sat quietly at home minding its own business. How dare all those brown skin people presume that they have any right to enter other countries, profit from their resources and threaten their indiginous cultures. I mean, that would be wrong.
That’s the most drawn out “WHITE POWER” I’ve ever seen.
Actually, this is even funnier. Waxing poetic about OH NOES IT IS TEH HITLERY doesn’t stop you from being retarded.
Mister Leonard Pierce done covered this during last week’s Stalkin’ Malkinapalooza, but it certainly merits a refresh.
“Guarding your identity is thus a universal human trait, not a white trait. In fact, it is less pronounced among whites today than among anybody else. Only whites cling onto the idea of universalism….” Has this dipshit ever heard of Buddhism, or the Hindu philosophy of Vedanta? Well, since white people didn’t create either of those, then probably not.
Shorter: I don’t blame Abdullah, but I blame Abdullah.
He almost gets it. The point isn’t that you’re to blame for the crimes of your forefathers, but that you benefit from their crimes.
White people rule!
I do not hold Abdullah who sells kebab down on the corner personally responsible for sacking Constantinople, abducting millions of Europeans to slavery, colonizing the Iberian Peninsula, ruining the Balkans or threatening Vienna several times.
I love that “threatening Vienna” makes this list.
And the fact that the mid east has all this tremendous wealth, and yet the people live in squalor, refugee camps, under police state dictatorships, awash in weapons, without education opportunities, health care or even clean water has NOTHING at all to do with the economic colonialism of the wester oil companies and political and military intervention.
Sure, they got there all by themselves.
And they have NO RIGHT to be pissed at the west. We only mean well…
Zis mikey smells like Scheiss, he iz making der good sense, ja?
Now, go away, vile I finish mit schreibing der fan letter to Fraulein Colter.
Yes, ‘threatening Vienna’. If it weren’t for those mooslum hordes, Mitteleurope wouldn’t have a long tradition of coffee-houses and fine desserts.
(Of all the European capitals, Vienna is below Bratislava and Skopje on my must-visit list.)
Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran!
Mikey smells like shit.
I haven’t stopped by Gates of Vagina lately. Have they gone apeshit over the treson of NYC for letting the Empire State Building be all Islamonazi for their godless made-up “religious holiday”?
Of all the European capitals, Vienna is below Bratislava and Skopje on my must-visit list.
Been watching Eurotrip, have we? I assure you, Bratislava isn’t nearly as ugly as it was portrayed there. Plus, I got two/three words for ya: 2$ beer. That alone should bump our lovely capital a few places on yer list, wouldn’t you agree?
One of the commenters comes out pro-inbreeding:
And how racism only gets a bad rap because of Hitler:
Ugh, there’s a lot more but I need a second shower.
Jesus H Christ,My people were persecuted made forced conversos and expeled from Spain and Portugal after the Moorish defeat.All that bad stuff like the inquisition happened after the reconquista you silly twats.
Is that a picture of Frank Zappa?
Leonard ripped Fjordman a new one a few days ago + added lovely pic of a helmeted parrot.
I do not hold Fjordman who sells demagoguery down on the interweb personally responsible for sacking Paris, abducting millions of Europeans to slavery, colonizing the British Isles, ruining Normandy, adding the words slaughter, kidnap, and ransack to the English language, or threatening Kiev several times. I criticize pagan Germanics because Scandinavians have never admitted their past and will continue to commit atrocities as long as the institution of going viking is alive.
I do not hold Fjordman who sells demagoguery down on the interweb personally responsible for sacking Constantinople, abducting millions of Europeans to slavery, colonizing the Iberian Peninsula (and destroying Roman “civilization”, ruining the Balkans (pick a century, any century), or threatening Tenochtitlan/Mexico City several times. I criticize Christianity because Europeans have never admitted their past and will continue to commit atrocities as long as the institution of imperialism is alive.
“The greatest problem is the theory that the Holocost was racially motivated. I bet it was ideologically motivated, but Hitler justified it using racial arguments, which was probably the lie. However, as the result of that, racism is now equated to the murder of the father, and completely unaxceptable.”
You know I’m beginning to think that these guys are kinda evil. Not to mention the atrocious spelling.
“I do not hold Abdullah who sells kebab down on the corner personally responsible for sacking Constantinople, abducting millions of Europeans to slavery, colonizing the Iberian Peninsula, ruining the Balkans or threatening Vienna several times. I criticize Islam because Muslims have never admitted their past and will continue to commit atrocities as long as the institution of Jihad is alive.”
Well if you can hate them for not “admitting” to stuff they did four or five hundred years ago, then they can hate you for not “admitting” to stuff you (whites) did much later than that. I’m pretty sure Winston Churchill isn’t quite so popular over there.
$2 for a beer in Bratislava? Why would you pay that much?
I do not hold Abdullah who sells kebab down on the corner personally responsible for sacking Constantinople, abducting millions of Europeans to slavery, colonizing the Iberian Peninsula, ruining the Balkans or threatening Vienna several times. I criticize Islam because Muslims have never admitted their past and will continue to commit atrocities as long as the institution of Jihad is alive.
dear god, has Fjordman ever read about the Fourth Crusade?
where Christian knights (backed by those wily Venetians, who didn’t really care much about the religious angle and were looking to get a monopoly on the Levant trade routes and to destroy an empire was the way to go about it then thats what they will do) sacked Constantinople, thereby almost assuring its decline
I mean fuck, Constantinople was a shadow of its former self by the time the Ottomans sacked it, they put it out of its misery.
Fjordman really ought to read some John Julius Norwich, might make him less of a tosser
I criticize Islam because Muslims have never admitted their past and will continue to commit atrocities as long as the institution of Jihad is alive.
Yes, as long as a handful of Muslims hide out in caves and make bombs and declare jihad we must criticize all Muslims. Nothing else for it.
I don’t think this idiot knows anything about any of the Crusades, including the Albigensian one. Or the Spanish reconquista. Or all the other whitey-Christian-committed atrocities throughout history.
hell, the wouldn’t even let the hula dancers in Hawaii dance naked. Actually, they wouldn’t let them dance at all.
The Viking, and by extension, the Danes, Noggies & Swedes have never apologized for their rape and conquest during 700-1300 all over Europe, until they do, i will never trust Sven the seller of ice cold Carlsberg.
However, they did get there comeuppance from the leading light of European civilization at the time, the Scots:
Vienna, this means nothing to me.
“$2 for a beer in Bratislava? Why would you pay that much?”
The dollar exchange isn’t what is used to be.
He meant that the Muslims threatened, not the actual Vienna. Geez, guys, lighten up.
Man, Gavin, Fjordman’s gonna think we in love with him or somethin’.
Wasn’t Hitler the worst traitor to the white race who ever lived?
The Nazis discredited white supremacy by perpetrating brutal crimes against Whites (including genocidal expansionism against Slavs), that other Europeans had only perpetrated against non-Whites…
Sort of like how evil Roman Emperors like Caligula and Nero were merely doing to Romans what the Romans had routinely done to conquered foreigners…
Hi, I’m from the future, where it’s entirely possible that the person mocked in this post went on to murder dozens of people in Norway in a simultaneous Omagh/Hungerford, justifying it with a breezeblock-sized manifesto citing Pam Gellar and George Lincoln Rockwell. So look forward to that. (Slight Return)