Insert Clever Title, Pt. Eleventy-Whatever
Holy God, Malkin is still at it trying to smear the Frosts. The latest salvo is based on an anonymous email from an alleged right-wing neighbor of theirs.
A good source — and we’re very much not joking here — says that the Malkins make a very comfortable six-figure income, and employ two au pairs while Jesse ‘stays home with the kids.’ This source says that Jesse ‘stays home’ because he suffers from a diagnosed mental disorder, and is unable to work. If we’re talking health insurance, we certainly think this is relevant to the discussion that Michelle is intent on having about the Frosts.
And we want to go on the record, right now, saying that the Malkins’ ‘home address’ that’s routinely posted in people’s comments, usually prior to a victim-tantrum by Michelle, is not their current address, and is posted in all cases by people who have never posted at those sites before.
What we’re saying right now is that Michelle Malkin is a liar, is a faker, and is a provocateur.
Perhaps she’d like to debate us on this. We extend the usual invitation.
The fact is Sadly, No! kicks ass!!!one!!eleventy!etc.~
That’s why this is my favorite site to troll.
If her husband suffers from a diagnosed mental disorder, and, as has been rumored, he actually ghostwrites her columns for her, then all questions have been answered.
Testing the new hamsters?
Oh, and I’ll add that she has entered final stage meltdown on this “issue”. There was a moment when she could still have backed out semi-gracefully, or simply let it drop, but that moment is long passed. She’s stuck with it now, forever, and she clearly knows it.
Shouldn’t there be some sort of speculation re: Malkin property values and risky mortgage loans?
Glad you got on that. I did on my tiny blerg too., with the wonderings:
Malkin wants to know “who deserves government-subsidized health care”?
Jesus Christ – we ALL do, you stupid bint. We’re the richest fucking country on the planet. Why can’t we afford to take care of ourselves nicely, the way they do in civilized places? Why are we always the Hobbsean savage child of the universe? Why oh why can’t we ever have nice things?
I figured Malcontent would let this hot potato slide away into obscurity. Then again, I was operating under the delusion that the woman had some shame.
Glad you got on that. I did on my tiny blerg too., with the wonderings:
And if that neighbor is really a neighbor – then he sure as hell ain’t a friendly one.?
Glad you got on that. I did on my tiny blerg too., with the wonderings:
I wonder if somebody bought them a car. Or two. And I wonder in what kind of shape the cars are in, and if they’re all being used. And if the “neighbor” is a neighbor, quite honestly. Am I supposed to take Malkin’s word for it?
And I wonder too if the intermittent and part-time work has something to do with the fact that two of their children are brain-damaged.
And if that neighbor is really a neighbor – then he sure as hell ain’t a friendly one.?
Back at ya, Fake Gary. For those who can’t tell, Fake Gary puts the seat down. Real Gary doesn’t even flush.
Oh jeezdang, I’m sorry. It kept telling me there was an error.
The eagle does not ask questions of grown-ups. It takes their children and feeds them to its young.
(Insert racist comment against Malkin from new pseudonymous poster here).
That friggin’ Albanian!
Why do we persist in inventing nifty little names for Malkin, when the one she has is disparaging enough?
Malkin sez:
Gee, I dunno. Who represents the taxpayers, the future generations, who have been forced to send their hard-earned money to fund a massive, Middle-Eastern clusterfuckup?
I’m guessing the answer is not, “Michelle Malkin.”
Holy hell. I didn’t mean to paste the whole thing, just the last part. Sorry, gang.
This source says that Jesse ’stays home’ because he suffers from a diagnosed mental disorder, and is unable to work.
He keeps seeing and hearing this crazy racist Filipino gal.
I’m curious about the au pairs’ immigration status.
Now we’re getting down to it.
“Who deserves ____________________?”
“Who should provide _________________?”
I’ve written at length about these very subjects. Because, when you get all the racism and classism and hurt feelings and name calling behind you, the difference between Teh Left™ and Teh Right™ is in how they answer two questions.
1. What is the role of government in the lives of the citizens?
2. How does the government determine who “deserves” intervention in their lives?
And there you have it. On abortion, capital punishment, the draft, healthcare, subsidies, taxes, anything you can name, you’re really only providing your answers to those questions.
Fortunately, as vocal and unpleasant as the Malkin thing and her ilk are, I’m am convinced they do not represent the vast majority of the American population. Oh, I know they’re not as lefty as me, and racism and assorted hatreds has a profound impact on political beliefs, but for the most part americans want america to take care of americans.
I’m ecstatic there was a program to help the Frosts. And whether or not one cent of that money came from my taxes, I’m proud we as a people saw that as an important expenditure.
It’s about what kind of society we want to be. And the leadership has been dragging america in a direction the people just don’t want to go since the end of the second world war. We really don’t want to be a society focused on hate, scarcity and violent militarism. It may well be that some very smart people figured out a long time ago that without massive defense spending you don’t get this HUGE economy that has served five generations so well.
But the people have hate fatigue. They look around, and they realize that other nations, who are not spending trillions of dollars on armies, weapons, bases and wars, have better infrastructure, better communities, better education and health care and all the things america by all rights should lead the world in.
But america leads the world in war.
And while the malkin thing wants that, most of us do not…
I secretly emailed myself with the super anonymous information that Michelle Malkin is really dumb. My not-to-be-named, unsolicited source also told me that it is increidbly painful to read anything she has written, because it is so poorly crafted and thought out.
I hear Michelle Malkin has donkey’s ears.
Who deserves billions in no-bid contracts in Iraq from the U.S. Government, despite repeatedly blowing all the money and delivering little in return?
Why big Republican donors, that’s who.
But these clowns are going to piss and moan over a family that’s gotten exactly what S-CHIP was designed to provide.
This is another Terry Schiavo moment on the stage for the Rethuglicans and their legion of orcs.
Let’s hope they keep it running for as long as they can. And let’s all help ’em by keeping those rotten tomatoes flying!
This is all about priorities.
I think even those who think the government should not pay for people’s health insurance can agree that in the list – the LONG list – of “federal budget items that are paid for with taxes”, the S-CHIP program is very low on the list of “gee what should we get rid of first ?”
Why oh why can’t we ever have nice things?
Because psychotic children like Dick Cheney and his billion-dollar-warfare-welfare-baby friends like Eric Prince keep breaking them, or setting fire to them.
And then their brain-damaged “pets” and sockpuppets like Dubya and Rush stagger in and piss on the remnants.
Maybe these stunted, soulless monsters can’t help being destructive, but I think it’s been more than adequately demonstrated that they should never have been left unsupervised….
As for the Malkins, if it’s true that Jesse used to do the writing, it might be considered tragic if his progressive deterioration has left Michelle stranded in the media spotlight with nothing but a handful of ‘talking points’ and her spastic, hyperactive neediness. But then again, these are not the people we want as our representatives to the world, are they?
And, as usual, there is no analysis of the information. Are they vehicles even owned by the Frosts? Were they bought? Are they leased? Borrowed? Donated? Is it any of the slattern’s freaking business?!?!
Hey, Malkin’s no sliming meanie, just asking the important questions about the family’s finances. And hey, how do we know the little tykes aren’t faking being brain damaged? Doesn’t their supposed medical need require just as much scrutiny? Maybe she can follow them around school, quizzing them, and publish e-mails from their “doctors” …
It’s infuriating. As usual, they’ve successfully dictated the terms of the conversation. They’ve sucked everybody into trying to means-test the Frosts. We need to back up. Farther. All the way back.
This is a good program that fills an important need. Granting most anything the hyenas are baying about, and most are false, but fer crissake let’s not get in that stupid argument, granting they have cars and schools a business and a house. Their children were gravely injured. The bills must have been multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars. They needed to find a way to care for their kids, and to avoid, to whatever extent possible, scrimping and compromising on their care.
I WANT to live in a society that can find a way to help people just like the Frosts. Just like me. I don’t want people to be ashamed, or made to feel like thieves or scum for taking the assistance they need. I don’t want people to “have too much pride” and let their children suffer. I think we have killed enough muslims. I think we can use some of that money to help good, honorable americans when they need it. And I think we can feel good about that.
And the malkin thing? If she needs help, I want her to have it too. We like to puff out our chests and talk about how great america is. It’s time to walk that walk…
You all are just pikers. Farmers really know how to rake in the big govmint subsidies. Even with crop prices being about twice what they were a year or two back.
[…] Gavin at Sadly, No issues a challenge to Malkin. Spotlight […]
[Jesse] suffers from a diagnosed mental disorder
Well, it’s about time that “marrying Michelle Maglalang” made it into the DSM.
BTW, I love that she’s still throwing “private school” into the list of “who pays for this stuff?” Who pays for the private schools, Michelle? The private schools. That’s how scholarships work. You didn’t know that? Fuck, you’re stupid.
I think a restraining order might be a good thing, or at least some good video surveillance of Maglalangadingdong poking through their garbage, browbeating their neighbors and generally making a nuisance of herself (but I repeat myself).
That or one of these.
And what’s the diagnosed mental disorder? Is it irresponsible to speculate? I think it would be irresponsible not to. Anyone got a copy of DSM-IV?
Mikey @ 1:18
I know I should figure out some snarky way to say this but instead I will resort to base adoration — your post is dead-on, hammer- to- the- head- of- the- nail exactly right. Yours is the kind of society I’d like to live in.
Please proceed.
and oh, GO SOX!
And I’m stealing comrade mikey’s comments here. I see a vision of Malkinworld: boarded up tenements, people walking around with newspapers wrapped around their feet, garbage and excrement everywhere, and in the far distance, through the choking smoke and disease-ridden air, a gated community of the Elect, who own the tenements, the factories, the mills (Dark Satanic, llc) . . . the lives of the common people resemble the physical qualities of the Elect — nasty, brutish and short.
I don’t want to live in Malkinworld.
I think even those who think the government should not pay for people’s health insurance can agree that in the list – the LONG list – of “federal budget items that are paid for with taxes”, the S-CHIP program is very low on the list of “gee what should we get rid of first ?”
For fuck’s sake, not even George fucking Bush is that unhinged. He’d sign a bill that would keep in place SCHIP at current funding levels. Malkin and her winged monkeys are arguing the toss on whether it should exist at all, and those who’ve pointed out that this one-week (and piss-weak) smear attempt has widened the debate further to the right than even Bush took it.
I’ve been one for taking the high road on this, but there are slightly lower roads that are now looking increasingly attractive. Not least because I want to know every fucking tax deduction the Malkins take, given the financial racket of wingnut welfare, mediated through 501(c)(3) organisations and other vehicles. It’d be funny if the real motivation behind HotAir Networks, LLC was the tax advantages. I’m damn certain that the Malkins’ tax returns have more write-offs than a wrecking yard.
mikey’s right, though: this has turned into a means-test, and that feeds into their two-faced belief that everyone has a price at which they become worthy, and that price isn’t measured monetarily, but in obeisance to the Cause.
I WANT to live in a society that can find a way to help people just like the Frosts. Just like me. I don’t want people to be ashamed, or made to feel like thieves or scum for taking the assistance they need. I don’t want people to “have too much pride” and let their children suffer.
See Digby’s post on the potential for moral blackmail inherent in private charity.
I know what that sort of society looks like: it’s every other developed country on the planet. This week’s atrocious performance by the right has cast SCHIP as some kind of awful moral temptation, where taking a benefit that is made available for you — a benefit put into place when Newt fucking Gingrich ran the House — is actually a trap to expose you as a scrounging waster.
What bitter, sour-faced resentful bastards they are.
We really don’t want to be a society focused on hate, scarcity and violent militarism.
It’s not just hate. It’s fear. Tony Benn said it in SiCKO: fear keeps the masses in check. Fear of the brown Other. Fear that someone is getting ‘your money’. Fear that tripping up and breaking your ankle will change your life irreversibly. Fear that one missed bill payment will kick in a universal default that turns the struggle to live paycheck to paycheck into financial collapse.
I think this is the dying thrashings of a hollowed-out movement. Because the alternative is horrific to contemplate.
“I don’t want to live in Malkinworld.”
I’m with you, Paul.
Lets all live in MikeyWorld.&trade
It’s just a much nicer place.&trade
PS- Sox blowout in progress
Fuck. You know what I meant.&&
We really don’t want to be a society focused on hate, scarcity and violent militarism.
Have you discussed this “we” with Dick Cheney, Norman Podhoretz, and company? Because that is exactly what they want.
Here’s what I said on the other side.
Ultimately, sadly, it’s about fear. Fear of the other, slavishly devoted to an authoritarian government’s need for an external enemy to provide the excuse for their abrogation of the Constitution in order that power be concentrated in the hands of the wealthy elite. Fear of Muslims, of Mexicans, of Homeless, of Blacks and Jews and even Graeme Frost, fear that he might be getting something and that in the process you might just be deprived of something. When you can demonize a badly injured child, you can easily convince your ideological fellow travelers that in order for Graeme Frost to “win”, you have to lose. Once you give away your soul, you have no good way to navigate back to your humanity.
Wild Bill Yeats saw it coming, quite clearly:
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
It’s a long time since we saw the shore, here, but it’s time for a mutiny. It’s time for us, people, American people, not “liberals” or “conservatives”, just people, to stand up and say no more. No more hate. No more unnecessary war. No more squandering our wealth on weapons and the foreign adventures they empower. Let’s take care of each other, and be proud when we do…
Michelle Malkin lives at:
1234 Giant Asshole Lane
In the State of Severe Mental Impairedness.
This is not an endorsement of driving by her home and taking pictures of her kitchen.
Yo, I’m just trying to maintain civilized political discourse in this country, you dope-smoking moonbat hippies.
You mean this kitchen?
well,maybethis will get a smile
Margaret Mitchell had Gone With the Wind
Michelle Malkin has Gone With the Frosts
It’s a shame Michelle doesn’t live in Florida. Despite a thick layer of red-state dross, we do (at least for now) have some very forward-thinking open records laws, and a suprising technical facility in some of our larger counties. As such, one can learn all manner of interesting stoof without leaving one’s own chair.
Jus’ sayin’.
if Jesse is staying home because he has a diagnosed mental disorder, he’s not a stay at home mom but a dependent.
The au pairs aka low wage slaves are doing mom’s work. I’m guessing the “help” originates from either the Philippines or Mexico but lord, wouldn’t it be amazing if they are Mexicans after all the trash talking Michelle has done.
It’s mindblowing that Michelle is continuing to slander the Frosts after turning Ezra’s debate challenge down, but then maybe she’s just reacting to Lessing winning the Nobel prize for literature and Gore winning the Nobel Peace prize. Two commies awarded by prestigious committees in one week. It must almost be too much to bear.
Hey, I’m a neighbor of Michelle Malkin. I spent a couple hours looking through her windows last weekend, and wanted to pass along my report.
From what I could tell, she and her husband were ritually sacrificing live babies to the heathen god Ba’al as part of their quest to stop the hordes of Islamomexicommies from stealing our precious bodily fluids. The shades were drawn, and they were in another room most of the time, but I’m pretty sure I got the gist.
Spread the word!
M.M. just wants to be the brownish Ann Coulter. They’re both psychotic lunatics, who don’t believe in any kind of afterlife (to their credit) yet pretend to (to their eternal shame).
They’re uber-cunts, and they should be ignored and humiliated. The woman is in sore need of mental health, but she’s too fucking stupid and ignorant and racist to know it. SOP.
This site does a wonderful job on the humiliation part.
I just can’t bother with her, or her ilk. I don’t care what she says. She can make her money, like Ann, preaching to the haters. Count me out. I can’t engage in fascist inhumanity.
mikey, I’m with you. You’re a good commenter.
Also, it is ironically hilarious that her husband is certifiable. What a fucking surprise.
As long as the conservatives are getting so upset over some of their tax money going to SCHIP, I’d like to complain about my tax money going to fund the federal court system. Roughly 90% of the cases there are corporation-to-corporation suits, and I’m sick and tired of having to pay my hard-earned money for these limo-riding corporate welfare queens. Get a job, you fucking hippies!
Alright, I went over to MM’s site. Sweet Jesus, that place is twelve kinds of sad.
I don’t know how you boys can go there without gouging your eyes out.
America truly is a generous nation.
All the Iraqis needed to do was stick their fingers in purple ink and wait around for the Bremer Express Delivery van to unload a pile of cash.
Back home, all that’s required is to stick a trout up your rear end and don a pair of wet suits and the Faith Based Initiative comes knocking at your door.
What a country!
A Malkin supporter posted the following on Ezra’s thread:
Dear Sadly Dudes,
Please promote mikey’s comment at October 13, 2007 at 1:18 to a front page post.
If there are compensation issues, I will gladly contribute to the leatherpants fund.
That’d be cool…
huh huh huh…
My role in the Malkin-Sadly debate will be to show up so drunk I projectile vomit my answers at the moderator, one Kevin Tiberius Drum.
Tiberius! I knew it!
would love to see a study some day of what the differen generations received from america versus their contribution. Who really was the greatest generation versus the greedist?…..persoanlly I think Gen X has taken a bad rap while having contributed more then they have received so far
Wow. Just wow. Guy’s got some serious issues about Grandma and Granddad.
Gen X is what age-range now? I can’t keep em straight. I’m a DFH original flavor; isn’t Gen X the kids who were born in the 70’s and came of age in the early-mid 90’s?
So – Grandma and Grandad grew up during the Depression and went to war; the DFH’s went to Vietnam and the female DFH’s went into the workforce – but they didn’t contribute as much as the Video Game generation?
Dear Sadly Dudes,Dear Sadly Dudes and Dudess,
Christ, I’m feckin’ Dudist.
Whoops. My apologies to you young whippersnappers. I think it’s almost time for my nap and my medications.
You know, in the part where Malkin asks: “Who deserves government-subsidized health insurance?” … and then she lists the Frosts’ cars and size of their house and all the other stuff they have?
Why did she forget to include that they also have two severely injured children who recently spent five months in the hospital?
Because those kinds of consumer luxuries really make the case that the Frosts don’t need S-Chip!
No fun here … but words escape me …
I’m out of outrage to spend on this daffy bitch. I believe in instant karma, and fervently hope that the universe will soon deliver a giant Acme anvil of payback on this boring, insufferable, subreprehensible woman. In a perfect world, she’ll be kidnapped by illegal Mexican immigrants who have recently converted to Islam and they will force her to watch Sicko and An Inconvenient Truth until Jesse’s disability benefits are exhausted. Peace be upon her.
Dear Sadly Dudes and Dudess,
Or Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.
BTW D. Aristophanes, you shine out like a ray of gold when all around is darkness.
“What we’re saying right now is that Michelle Malkin is a liar, is a faker, and is a provocateur.”
Don’t forget “coward.” That’s key. I would prefer the word”pussy”, but I’m flexible like that.
These people are simply consumed with envy. I think that’s what it is. They are so embittered, so unable to live without constantly measuring themselves against others. They are never able to stop thinking that somewhere, someone has it better than they do, or someone is “getting away with something.” Someone is taking the credit for something they think they don’t deserve.
Who’s got a bigger car than they do? It’s even to the point of who gets stereotyped better than they do (See – “greatest generation” above.)?
The idea that someone could actually be jealous of someone who grew up in the Great Depression is mind boggling.
There is no reason the Frosts could not have set up a HSA with more than enough to cover medical expenses in the event of an injury such as Greame’s. Instead, they chose to squander their cash on Ebonics lessons at a liberal private school.
The fact is, making $45,000 a year puts them in the top three percent of earned income in the US. There is no reason the rest of us should be mandated to subsidize them.
My role in the Malkin-Sadly debate will be to show up so drunk I projectile vomit my answers at the moderator, one Kevin Tiberius Drum.
Not so good. You might need health care.
“The fact is, making $45,000 a year puts them in the top three percent of earned income in the US. ”
Oh, so Al Gore was right when he said that people who made $80,000 a year were rich? Good to know. Thanks, Gary!
There is no reason the Frosts could not have set up a HSA with more than enough to cover medical expenses in the event of an injury such as Greame’s
Gary – think about it for a second, if you even have a decent bone in your body. How much do you suppose their medical bills were to have 2 children in a hospital for 5 months???????
Let me just put in in perspective for you. A simple, uncomplicated surgical procedure called a hemerrhoidectomy where you go in for 4 hours and don’t even stay overnight goes for about $12K.
Gary, I don’t engage you since you’re such a fucking moron as to be beneath bother.
But look it up: The MEDIAN (look that up, too) income in this country is between $45-50K/yr.
Just in case you don’t know how to use teh Google, “median” means 50% above, 50% below. “Top three percent?” Try to reveal yourself as more stupid than you already have. Good luck.
And, just for the record, would you care to share how much annual income (on the record, of course) you bring home?
“A simple, uncomplicated surgical procedure called a hemerrhoidectomy where you go in for 4 hours and don’t even stay overnight goes for about $12K.”
No, in Gary’s case it would be much, much more complicated and expensive, because of the delicacy needed to operate around the cranium.
Just for icks, I went over to Pammy’s place, and well, does she always type like this? “The holiest of holys. Islamis jihad in Jerusalem is a thought to vile to contemplate. They went the wall, and after that?”
“Islamis” “to vile” “went the wall” Is she always that fucked up?
A simple, uncomplicated surgical procedure called a hemerrhoidectomy where you go in for 4 hours and don’t even stay overnight goes for about $12K.
If medical treatment has gotten expensive, it’s only because the Democrat party has insisted on subsidizing it by making gold-plated insurance plans tax-deductible, and continuing the unsustainable COBRA welfare program for people who don’t want to have jobs.
To subsidize something means there will be more of it consumed… and the price inevitably rises. You can’t argue with basic economics, even if you’re a liberal.
Mikey said:
“…all the things america by all rights should lead the world in.”
Why ever should it?
Dang that pesky sense of exceptionalism.
I don’t know what Malkin’s problem is.
I don’t begrudge the extremely wealthy and upper middle class people in my country who receive the same universal health care I do. Rich people pay higher taxes but insurance premiums are universally the same and they are low. (They could be a little higher actually….I’d be willing to pay double what I pay per month now if that would maintain the public system and double would still be a fraction of what an individual American pays to a private corporation that is in it for the money.)
When you grow up in a society that has universal care, a society that doesn’t means test the population, that doesn’t base benefits on income, the state of one’s health, whether one is employed or not, whether one has lupus and eats cheetos, you simply don’t care what treatment or service your fellow Canadian receives. No one has to compete for health care here.
And by the way, hemerrhoids are entirely preventable. A person who eats a proper diet with sufficient fiber and vegetables will not get them, period. The fact is, if you have hemerrhoids it is probably because you didn’t take care of yourself, and you shouldn’t demand that the taxpayers bear the burden of your care.
Gary, OK, I give up, I’m “engaging.”
4.6% of the country has decided they “don’t want jobs.” Normally, this would be a GOP talking point.
Thanks for making it an argument for the sane people, who worry about health care every damn day of their lives.
The fact is, Gary, if George Bush CAN LOSE $9 BILLION IN IRAQ AND NOT CARE, and deliberately fail to audit private health insurers who bilked the tax payers of $59 million, America can afford universal health care.
If rightwingcheetotards don’t care about that $9 billion (not to mention the hundreds of billions being spent on the war) then they should shut the fuck up about the Frosts.
The gift that keeps on giving.
I have an old Dr. friend, a really good one, who once provided me this bit of wisdom: “There are three kinds of people: Those who have had hemmhoids, those who haven’t, and those who will.”
You might want to talk to a woman who has given birth, since that tends to cause the ‘roids. Theoretically, given your obvious double-digit IQ, these gals should abort?
Sorry you haven’t had sex in so long.
COBRA welfare ?????
COBRA is the program where the policy holder is allowed to continue coverage as long as he pays the entire premium.
How is this welfare?
Furthermore, hemerrhoids are neither progressive nor life-threatening, nor incapacitating. If you have them, and you don’t currently have insurance, the most sensible course would be to wait to have them treated until you do have insurance, or you can afford to pay out of pocket.
The worst you will suffer is some extremely mild discomfort in the meantime. The small inconvenience of hemerrhoidal itch is not a rationale for an unprecedented expansion of the nanny state, with the inevitable economy-crippling tax hike. Some preparation H will tide you over just fine until you can land a job with better coverage in the private sector.
Gary, your mother got hemorrhoids giving birth to you.
“Gary, your mother got hemorrhoids giving birth to you.”
There is some debate as to whether they accidentally kept the hemorrhoid and gave it a good, Christian upbringing.
Though he can’t spell worth a damn, Gary speaks from experience.
Gary, your mother got hemorrhoids giving birth to you.
Is this the rational, substantive debate that liberals are always saying they want to have on the health care issue?
Gary, your mother gave birth to a hemorrhoid.
I’ve asked you some questions. Care to answer?
Go ahead, loser, and try to define “median” for us.
I still believe the ‘real’ Gary is a creation of one of the SadlyNosians.
The fact is, making $45,000 a year puts them in the top three percent of earned income in the US.
True intellectual superiority, Gary.
I feel we’ve gotten away from the topic: Stalkin’ Malkin; hemorroid or giant pain in the ass?
That was by far the funniest Gary Ruppert post EVAR.
Whatever, Gary.
The person who pays out of pocket for a simple “go home in 2 hours” hemerrhoid surgery will pay approximately $12K for it.
You were saying that the Frost should have paid for 5 months stays for 2 of their children, who had severe head injuries, with the funds they saved in their Health Care Savings Accounts.
For all I know, they probably DID have such an account. How much do you suppose they managed to squirrel away in it, at an income of $45K a year? And how long do you suppose it took to go through it.
[why the fuck am I engaging this idiot?]
If you have them, and you don’t currently have insurance, the most sensible course would be to wait to have them treated until you do have insurance, or you can afford to pay out of pocket.
Actually, if you have them and you don’t currently have insurance, you won’t be able to follow the sensible course of waiting until you do have insurance – because you won’t be able to get insurance.
Also, I don’t think the Frosts should have postponed treatment for their childrens’ severe and traumatic brain injuries.
Altho – it appears that your parents may have waited a while in your case……
Gary, you’re neither capable nor worthwhile to engage in “rational, substantive” debate.
That’s why your our favorite Bush loving sychophant dick sucker.
Some preparation H will tide you over just fine until you can land a job with better coverage in the private sector.
As a former HR rep, I can say that the first quality I always looked for in an applicant was the frantic clawing at their asshole as they walked in the door.
Yes, Gary. Because said hemorrhoids need careful medical attention.
It showed me they were self-starters who wouldn’t free-ride more than their share of breakroom coffee.
Why would anyone with a THREE-digit IQ bother to engage someone who thinks $45K is the “top three percent?”
You know, engage a retard?
Easy questions, Gary: How much dough to you declare? Should pregnant women with ‘roids abort? Do you know the definition of “median?” The 4.6% unemployed should live with their ‘roids?
Inquiring minds want to know, Einstein.
Dang that pesky sense of exceptionalism.
Thanks Palau. I’ve read some of your stuff. I never saw you as stupid as a box of hammers. Having a bad night? You have been around this blog, I’ve seen your (typically lucid) comments. You KNOW who I am, what I care about, and you posted this because you are trying to address some inner pain or you for some reason want to be an asshole. I don’t know the answer, but I’ll address your bullshit.
It’s not exceptionalism. The point was based upon per capita income, nothing more, nothing less. America SHOULD be among the worlds leaders in health and education, strictly because of the available funds, which is not hard to see, or understand. The fact that America is NOT among the leaders in those sorts of categories is a clear argument AGAINST american eceptionalism. Along, of course, with reality.
But hey. If you’re having fun, knock yourself out. Start stupid arguments among people you agree with for fun, ’cause pissing on puppies got boring or something.
Fuckin idiots…
Gary had to sit out the Iraq debacle due to a polynoidal cyst on his ass.
‘due to a polynoidal cyst on his ass.”
In Gary’s defense, they -did- think it was a brain tumor at first.
Yeah, Ted, and that was an unfortunate happening for Gary’s head.
Ah, a sixer of Shiner Bock, cool Arizona nighttime and bashing trolls with my laptop on the patio. Good times, good times.
Gary had to sit out the Iraq debacle due to a polynoidal cyst on his ass.
Shoulda had that looked at instead of putting it off.
Johnny, I’m with you, but the shooting-deer-from-a-helicopter aspects of it are boring me.
Gary must’ve participated in the tubesock holocaust, and gone night-night. Or perhaps he’s drafting another intellectual blockbuster.
Lord knows I can’t wait.
“the shooting-deer-from-a-helicopter aspects of it are boring me.”
Well sure, the new wears off pretty fast. Gary is predictable and unexcited; I can understand all the jokes about a rotating roster of Garys that do this for a job. For real sport, I’d prefer a troll who’s more passionate, but overall I’d rather no trolls at all. In the end, they’re depressing, like the shamelessness of La Malkin is depressing. But Shiner Bock is pretty good beer.
LOL, Johnny. I’m sure it is, though I can’t tolerate beer anymore. 3 of ’em makes me feel like the Devil himself has taken a shit in and on my body.
But I do enjoy the occasional Bacardi and Diet. 60 calories! And black and white peace! How can you do better, outside buying a hybrid?
Anchor Steam here. Mmm-mmm-mmmdiggity-mmm.
Going from Santa Barbara Chardonnay to French rose that will compliment the roasted chicken I cooked for dinner. Also potatoes and fatoosh salad.
Fuck Gary. Or whoever’s clocked in for Gary tonight.
I think it must be a new guy tonight. The other Garys are going to whup his ass for exceeding the quota and making them look bad.
“Anchor Steam here. ”
As I would expect from a God among men. The Bock was on sale, though.
Also, the Garys are on direct orders never to actually engage other commenters on a thread. That’s Rule No. 1 in The Gary Ruppert Initiative ‘Eyes Only’ Handbook for Monotonous Trolling, also known as ‘Factisgem Prime’.
Shiner Bock’s pretty nice. I like ’em all, so long as they’re wet. Ooh, sexy.
Want some roast chicken and potatoes?
It would only go to my hips.
Is this what an Atrios thread feels like?
All right, color me naive, but why would we or anyone else need more than one Gary? Are you guys serious when you say there are small, emasculated armies of them?
That’s just plain weird. Though at 30%, I can understand why they would feel the need to falsely inflate their numbers.
Desperate times call for desperate and pathetic measures.
“Want some roast chicken and potatoes?”
Thanks but I’m full up. I made Chicken Fried Steak with gravy and mashed potatoes (that sound you hear is my arteries, begging for mercy. I’m originally from Texas, sue me for my comfort food) and then the neighbor came over with a plate of home made enchiladas. So I’m done, ‘cept for the beer. There’s always room for beer.
“Are you guys serious when you say there are small, emasculated armies of them?”
Nah, there’s just an…. uneven quality about Gary’s postings. Some of them are obviously fake Gary (look for spelling errors), but others… who knows? A good Gary stays on message and never seems to take any of it personally.
” … Wild Bill Yeats … ” …. now, that made me smile. And it couldn’t have been a more appropriate quotation.
Well, Johnny, “uneven” pretty much describes his intellectual paradigm. I can’t accept that as proof there is more than one moron who enjoys getting humiliated here. Shit, I make spelling errors in the interest of speed and the uninterest in grammatical perfection.
Wait. What am I saying?
My apologies.
Though in my defense, tonight’s “Gary” didn’t seem to take anything personally. He just disengaged.
Whatever. Needing multiple retards is not a sign of strength. I guess I gave him/them too much credit, being the softie that I am.
why would we or anyone else need more than one Gary? Are you guys serious when you say there are small, emasculated armies of them?
No, they’re employees, or contractors. when one goes off shift another one comes on.
The geriatric Rottweiler is very happy to have the leg and thigh meat of the roast chicken.
With any luck he won’t start farting until tomorrow morning.
There’s heartland Gary, there’s religious Gary, there’s hemorrhoid Gary…
Is this what an Atrios thread feels like?
No. There is a refreshing absence of flirting.
Damn! I spend a few hours away from this place and I miss Gary Ruppert sharing his hemorrhoidal wisdom. Bummerama.
I call bullshit on the flirting thing. I think Lesley is hot, at least to read.
Sadly, No! I’m a confrimed “lookist.” It takes a little bit of skill/normalcy to get bannedf from Pandagon, particularly when you think Amanda is a genius, blowjobophobia notwithstnading.
There is room for teh shrill in BushWorld.
I’m probably too late to the party to make any difference, but any chance you’d consider changing the reference to Malkin’s husband’s mental disorder to something more generic, like “a chronic disability”? I suppose it won’t matter, all the comments reference it by now, but I just wanted to drop a comment in to say that while the disability status of a member of her household may be relevant to the debate, the fact that it’s a mental illness is not, and is going to give rise to a lot of cheap shots – as, indeed, has already happened. (“You’d have to be crazy to marry her” = not terribly sensitive.) Posting that he’s disabled is something of an invasion of his privacy anyway, to be honest, but if you must, it would be nice to leave the mental illness bit out of it. As someone who’s grappled with disabling mental illness herself, people can be pretty shitty about it, and outing someone as mentally ill to the entirety of the Internet is just not on in my book.
The fact is that this is a family that is a bunch of SUV driving welfare queens, leeching off of our tax money in order to live a high rolling lifestyle.
The liberals are using SCHIP as a trojan horse for mandatory government-run health care. Their plan is to establish total government control over all health care, and it is a plan that is doomed to fail America.
It is a dangerous injection of socialism into America.
Gary’s perfectly right. the Malkins ARE a bunch of welfare queens.
$45,000 a year. Family insurance in the private market, ballpark is $1200 a month. $14400 a year. Carry the three, that takes their income down to $30600 a year. For a family of what – four? six? Yeah, that’s some high-rollin all right.
Direct your rage, gary, Malkin, you soulless fucks, if you must direct it somewhere, at the state of Maryland for having a system for which this family qualified. And leave this family the. fuck. alone.
And now I will make like Bruce and disappear into the night.
I’m calling Gary at 7:40pm as Real Gary. Welcome back!! i’m glad your nedvocates paycheck went through.
The best part was that you can’t tell whether the plan is “doomed to fail America” is a predicition that the plan, or America, will fail.
this is why punctuation is so important.
Hi, Gary! Which particular Gary Ruppert are you? I wonder what sort of mental illness it is when a person (me, in this instance) suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder, but the Multiple Personalities that cause the suffering all belong to someone else.
Passing Commenter: same here, and of course you are right, but that is the entire point. Ms. Malkin is trying to out an entire family, not specifically with the label of mental illness, but definitely of many variants of deviant, criminal, sociopathic, mean, greedy, and opportunistic qualities. I mean, I doubt that the Frosts are thinking, “OMG, but at least she isn’t saying we suffer from a diagnosed mental illness, because that would be really rude”. I am not sure you have really read Ms. Malkin’s posts on this topic. I don’t mean this snarkily, btw.
A good source — and we’re very much not joking here — says that the Malkins make a very comfortable six-figure income, and employ two au pairs while Jesse ’stays home with the kids.’ This source says that Jesse ’stays home’ because he suffers from a diagnosed mental disorder, and is unable to work. If we’re talking health insurance, we certainly think this is relevant to the discussion that Michelle is intent on having about the Frosts.
Cockstar, rockstar!
I told you I would end up on my feet! I get to tell lies about my enemees…
…This source says that Jesse ’stays home’ because he suffers from a diagnosed mental disorder, and is unable to work. If we’re talking health insurance, we certainly think this is relevant to the discussion that Michelle is intent on having about the Frosts.
I agree!
If you could ever prove that Malkin was actually receiving a Gov’t subsidy for her children’s health care, that would just be totally excellent!
If a “right-wing nut” like her can receive this money, maybe we should “cut off” this program entirely…
[Ed. Note: These two comments aren’t by Mencken, and I edited the email and URL, and the name on the previous comment, as per policy.]
I have a totally unrelated question:
Do people with diagnosed mental disorders receive state disability and unemployment benefits?
$45,000 a year. Family insurance in the private market, ballpark is $1200 a month. $14400 a year. Carry the three, that takes their income down to $30600 a year. For a family of what – four? six? Yeah, that’s some high-rollin all right…
Single male.
No kids.
Last year’s income -$19.5K (Paying $750/yr “out of pocket” for health insurance w/ a 5K deductible…)
Why do you think I should pay for insuring someone else’s child?
Can I apply for “Primae Noctae”?
[…] at Sadly, No in response to my attemptedly snarky comment about US exceptionalism: Dang that pesky sense of […]
I guess this may finally nullify the political calculus that poverty programs aren’t politically sell-able so all progressive progs.should be billed as helping the middle class to inoculate right wing attacks on tax&spenders enabling the Welfare queens or whatever.
I agree. And so is publicly run police and fire departments. I say we privatize those! That way, if your house is on fire, the local fire suppression company can do what any good health insurance rep would do; ask you to wait a bit to see if it goes out on its own, before they’ll authorize a visit by a fire truck. They’d also ask that you exhaust all fire extinguishers you have in your house first, and see if there is still a fire problem.
Same goes if you hear what sounds like someone trying to break into one of your windows. The police dispatcher can ask that you not panic, and wait and see if it’s just the wind. They can’t have an overabundance of officers available, you see. It would eat too much into their profit margin.
Hey, no problem, Billy Bats. You don’t have to pay for my kids’ health care. Just do me a favor and stay the fuck off my highway.
Since I make about five times what you do, I’m fairly certain that my share of taxes pays for a lot more road. So stay off it and you can not pay for my kids’ health care.
I think you have all missed out on teh Big Story here: Magalang makes 6 figures, and has 2 au pars for the broodlings. Jessie “stays home with the kids”. It would wrong to not speculate that Michelle is a female cuckold, which she must realize on some level and thus fuels her hate. Since she lacks the self–knowledge to recognize the source of this hate (her own idiocy), she vents it at “The Left”.
While those are all perfectly sound market-based responses to a fire-emergency financial transaction, I should hope that they’d carry things to their logical conclusion and do what privately-owned fire companies used to do in ancient Rome: negotiate their fee for putting out the fire with the homeowner while the homeowner’s house is burning down.
We need an economic system based entirely on good, old-fashioned values of extortion.
We need an economic system based entirely on good, old-fashioned values of extortion.
Naomi Klein, in her “Disaster Capitalism: The New Economy of Catastrophe” (Harper’s, October 2007), argues that in the area of disaster relief, we (the United States and its contractors) have already moved in that direction.
Ya know, I could, from my own observations, speculate on the financial situation of my neighbors. I chat with them while we rake leaves, I’ve been in some of their houses and seen their stuff, I see them coming and going at certain times, sometimes I observe their visitors, I know about their travels. So I can construct a whole picture of their economic lives — and I’d been pulling it straight outta my ass.
And seriously, don’t tempt them with the privatizing fire protection stuff. The wingnut in my life is a big advocate of that. Doesn’t see a problem with letting the kiddies burn if mom and dad are too “irresponsible” to buy fire protection. Do I need to tell you he’s a devout Christian?
SCHIP funding = $5.04 billion per year, federal receipts in 2006 $2,178 billion, which made SCHIP last year ~.23% of the total. According to the 2006 tax rate schedule, the federal income tax for a single person making $19.5k was $2547.50 before deductions, making the portion of your tax going for SCHIP a maximum of ~$5.90. Tell you what, you pay my portion of the war funding and I’ll pay your portion of SCHIP costs, even if they increase it. Deal?
Great! Privatized emergency services! See an enactment here.
(btw, 999 is the British version of 911)
Why do you think I should pay for insuring someone else’s child?
Because everybody else will help pay for you.
Selfish prick.
SCHIP funding = $5.04 billion per year, federal receipts in 2006 $2,178 billion, which made SCHIP last year ~.23% of the total. According to the 2006 tax rate schedule, the federal income tax for a single person making $19.5k was $2547.50 before deductions, making the portion of your tax going for SCHIP a maximum of ~$5.90.
Shorter wingnuts: We’d rather pay thousands of dollars for a service that we actually hope we never have to use, then six bucks for a service that we actually hope we never have to use.
It is a dangerous injection of socialism into America.
I hate it when you’re trying to have a conversation with America and America is nodding off on the socialism and falls face-first into the soup.
Larkspur: Point taken, and I haven’t been reading her commentary all that thoroughly (I find her much too tiresome to keep up with). I didn’t take your comment as snarky and I will agree that I might have a different perspective had I read it all. I guess my thing is that I just don’t like stooping to her level. Even so, I think it’d’ve been different if the outing had been of her, rather than of her husband, but I mean, what’d he do?
And I know, what’d the Frosts do either – but now we have one more (relatively) uninvolved person who’s catching flak for this. And what’s more, it enables Michelle to shriek about how awful S!N was for posting that. I don’t really see the win, here.
You know, I’m certain she didn’t write that last post. It’s very calculated and fairly well written. You see her getting interviewed, well, dude, she’s not the writer of that post, let’s just put it that way. In a world that prizes looks over substance, it’s a smart idea to have a pretty front to your ugly ranting.
And I agree with the Passing Commenter: mentioning that he has a mental disorder was uncool. I don’t mean the wingnuttitude; I mean the one he was diagnosed with.
Passing Commenter–
We’re talking about what, depression, right? Lighten up a little (which I say somewhat kiddingly as I know all too well that the inability to do so is the dominant symptom). Greater public understanding of the condition=good. Kid-glove treatment=bad, with a 70% chance of counterproductivity.
I mean, yeah, it’s a black hole of nameless pain, but c’mon, step back from it a second. You make a teensy, inconsequential mistake and think to yourself, “this proves that I’m worthless and should die unmourned.” Standard non-“ha ha” caveat, that shit’s pretty funny.
Paying $750/yr “out of pocket” for health insurance w/ a 5K deductible
Why do you think I should pay for insuring someone else’s child?
Billy Bats, if you’re paying insurance premiums, you are already paying to insure someone else’s child.
Try to keep up.
two au pairs? Jesse needs more than one? He must be exhausted. No wonder they don’t have more children.
“trailertrash” was not me.
Besides, “cockstar, rockstar” rhymes, so I have real no problem with it, poetically speaking.
Ya know…
The word “malkin” evolved into “merkin,” which as we all know denotes a female pubic wig.
Thus I giggle at everything that comes from Malkin’s malformed brain. ^_^
[…] crazies. And while I wouldn’t call Michelle Malkin a terrorist, it is certainly true that her tactics are probably more about putting the fear of speaking out to other people than it is about having a […]
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