All Your Base Are Belong To Bush
Above: Peggy Noonan is a contributing editor of The Wall Street Journal
and author of “John Paul the Great: Remembering a Spiritual Father”
Peggy Noonan wonders if it’s too early to start blaming eight years of disastrous and unpopular executive decisions on the next president, assuming that current Democratic trends continue:
If you are an absolute Bush partisan, you probably don’t really want a Republican to follow him and potentially, in decisions if not in words, rebuke him. That would be the worst thing, not being followed by Hillary or Obama. If the latter happens, the outgoing administration can–and will–blame the loss on lax candidates, on a party that wasn’t sufficiently inclusive, on congressional scandals, on immigration. “If only they’d followed our lead!”
It’s no wonder the modern Republican Party appeals to so many people; being a Republican means never having to admit you were wrong, which I suppose is more fun than the alternative. If anything, their candidates are rewarded for promising to be more wrong, and more often (e.g., “My view is we ought to double Guantanamo.”)
An election loss is, on balance, a small price to pay in the war against reality. It’s going fabulously, by the way. The war, that is.
What she was saying when that screenshot was taken is, “I just smoked a crack rock this big, man…”
Is that ANOTHER chancre on her lip? We know how she’s paying for her crack…
She had me at “If you are an absolute Bush partisan,” but then lost me. What should have read, “…ask your psychopharmacologist if Depakote is right for you” degenerated into some nonsense Republicans.
La Loony Noonan: always sincere, always wrong, always a hoot.
…some nonsense ABOUT Republicans.
Look, I said I got “lost.”
cooking fresh food for a husband’s just a drag
Another perfect opportunity to represent his holiness, Teh Sammy!
I might go for a super tuber instead.
In fact, we demand a Sammich gallery. If you apply Samminess to all wingnuts, it is no longer Teh Lookism.
Don’t make us involve our brothers, Teh Order of Teh Eternal Sammich, not to mention the Fraternal Order of His Sammichness!
How’s about a visual!
It’s a porn dog!
I thought that shot of P-Noon practically begged for a Ziploc baggie, hinting at Teh offscreen Sammich.
I thought that shot of P-Noon practically begged for a Ziploc baggie, hinting at Teh offscreen Sammich.
Or, forsooth, Teh Offscreen Cracke Rocke!
I dunno.
After 3 readings it sunk in that Noonan is calling loyal Bushies a bunch of parasites who worked for the biggest embarrassment in modern American political history.
That’s gotta count for something.
The fact is that the Democrat policies will lead to the economy tanking.
Already Democrats have taken many steps to start a war between America and Turkey in order to hamstring troops in Iraq and in order to end freedom in the Kurdish regions of Iraq.
I wonder if Gary Fuckstick here knows that most Turks are Moooslems…
alleged Gary
Turkey will merely invade iraq to aatack american soldiers…it’s easy since they bare sitting ducks
Already Democrats have taken many steps to start a war between America and Turkey in order to hamstring troops in Iraq and in order to end freedom in the Kurdish regions of Iraq.
My goodness, Gary. That is just breathtakingly stupid. You know, in a lot of cases it would seem to be a good idea if you and your fellow 28 percenters at least TRIED to educate yourselves about the realities of a given situation, say, US/Turkey bilateral relationship.
But you’re amazingly uninformed statements are kind of funny…
Freddy’s right, and I think so is Noonan (well, she’s not ‘right,’ but she’s correct). If a Democrat wins, the wingnuts will suddenly stop turning a blind eye to everything bad in Iraq and cheerfully blame it on the new administration, whoever they are and whatever they do. Bush ain’t ever withdrawing the troops – he’ll maintain the quagmire status quo so that the next poor bastard will take the heat for everything that goes wrong.
So Gary, is it hard not being able to step into sunlight for fear of Turning into stone?
you mean like when ronald reagan stood and watched as Saddam Gassed the kurds ?
Your post is entirely nonsensical. Start a war with the Turks in order to end Kurdish freedoms in Iraq?
Are you just stringing nouns and verbs together here?
Really, if you don’t have the slightest idea of what you’re talking about, it’s best for all concerned … for you, for us, for the nation as a whole … if you just shut up.
Best Regards, etc., etc.
We, as good, Sammich fearing folk, demand a Sammich Gallery!
And Gary-
Get that pastrami on rye out of your pants. You think we don’t know what’s going on here?
I see my brothers have already arrived.
We will present a unified front in the crusade for the elusive Sammich Gallery!
Gary’s right! It would be awful if we were distracted from more important global objectives through an ill-conceived war of choice with a Middle Eastern nation! Oh wait…
The fact is that Sadly, No! blows if they fail to comment on this from Dan Riehl:
And this from Malkin:
But it is the nature of the Democrat party to blow.
Gary’s right! It would be awful if we were distracted from more important global objectives through an ill-conceived war of choice with a Middle Eastern nation! Oh wait…
That’s a silly comparison. Everyone knows Turkey is the near east.
She’s gone from suck to blow!
The joint I’m about to roll requires a craftsman and can utilise up to twelve skins. It is called a Camberwell carrot.
The answer to Malkin’s question is pretty easy, even if a lot of people on the moderate left don’t like saying it. EVERYBODY deserves government-subsidized healthcare. The government ought to put at least as much effort into making sure its citizens were healthy as it does making sure they are chaste and fearful.
“Something I’d call the Twenty Percent Rule seems to exist in presidential polling. No matter what a president does, he gets to keep 20% approval. You could break into the Watergate hotel while having sex with an intern and keep them. The 20% is made up of the immovable, intractable base–those who fell for you early and hard and won’t quit, who hate the media so much that if they hate you they’ll love you, who are certain the incumbent is abused by history and its recent minor players, who stick because of this issue or that.”
I don’t think this is particularly loopy (though I might put the threshold a little lower–perhaps around fifteen percent). In fact, it’s the only factor that explains the sort of people you encounter on Michelle Malkin’s website.
There’s a certain sort of person who will simply never allow contradictory information to make a dent in his or her beliefs. No WMDs in Iraq? They must have been moved to Syria before the war, because we obviously knew they were there. Quiet day in Iraq? Ah, the war is working–they must not have any jihadists left. Violent day in Iraq? Ah, the war is working–the jihadists are getting desperate. Good news in the paper? See, Bush is great. Bad news in the paper? Liberal media, of course.
These people seem to take a certain pride in their own stubbornness, as though there were something meritorious in their ability to come up with a web of inconsistent rationalizations at the drop of a hat. There’s a certain giddiness about them too, perhaps because their intransigence allows them to avoid that awful churning shame you feel when you realize that you’re wrong about something. I suspect it feels like a victory to them, especially when they manage to piss off their opponents. They’re confusing making noise with making an argument.
As Noonan said, a lot of these people fell hard and fast for Bush early on, and they won’t give up now. Others are just ignorant–they don’t pay attention to the news very much, but the President seems like a decent guy on those clips you see during the ads for Live at 5. Others are, well, just plain dumb and can’t evaluate evidence. Others are simply insane.
What this means, though, is that George Bush is pretty much at rock-bottom. His recent approval ratings have ranged from the high 20s to the low 30s, which means that he has ten to fifteen percentage points left before he’s at the true zero.
It’s interesting, too, to watch what has happened to some of his most ardent defenders over the years. Noonan, for all her loopiness, sounds fairly disillusioned with the President. If memory serves, she started turning away when Bush started treating conservatives with the same utter unconcern that he’d previously reserved for liberals. Then there’s Rich Lowry, who, after coming back from Iraq, timorously advanced the opinion that, er, maybe Bush doesn’t quite get what’s going on. (And remember that Lowry no doubt got the full bread-and-circuses tour intended to make everything look just ducky.)
Whatever happens, it’ll be interesting to see where Bush ends up.
(N. B. There’s also a certain sort of person who makes multi-paragraph posts when everyone else is writing no more than a few lines. Forgive me. I’m an academic, it’s Friday afternoon, and I’m prone to distraction.)
Herr Doktor-
12 papers? You’better have a crowd to finish it. And just how do you prevent it from running?
“This will tend to make you very high.”
“An election loss is, on balance, a small price to pay in the war against reality. It’s going fabulously, by the way. The war, that is.”
No way, man. The glorious reality Surge is working!!!1!1!! Seriously. The space coyote told me it was.
Hey, I agree with Peggy completely, I don’t want another Republican to follow W in the White House, ever.
Herr Doktor–
We did one of those in college. It took 12 EZ doubles. Too bad it was the absolute shittiest weed on the face of the planet. It was whitish, almost. Utterly, amazingly useless.
Looking back with more knowledge, and recalling that that kid got the stuff for free, methinks he got the waste products from somebody’s hash oil extraction experiment or something.
WRT the Ruppert Challenge: Moophisto’s already done a fine job responding to the Malkin question. For a response to the other question, suffice it to say that Riehl remains a bilious liar.
Trilateral Chairman: Everyone knows the Crazification Factor in any population is 27%. It’s been scientistically provened!
I had an english roomate back in the late seventies. He rolled these 4 paper “bombers”, half weed and half tobacco, with a piece of matchbook cardboard rolled up as a mouthpiece. That was what we smoked. ALL the time.
Creating them was a bit of an art form, but once you had it down they worked fine…
In the early ’80s I lived across the street from a guy who rolled nine-paper see-gars of the skunkiest homegrown imaginable. Hey, it was cheap and they burned forever. I don’t remember the guy’s name, but I can still picture his front porch and hear him saying “Flies ‘re bitin’. Gonna rain.”
And on second thought, Ruppert, Riehl’s a fetid, poxy, chancred, bilious liar.
They are already planning on the next Democratic president to be Carter II. One term and done…..Reagan will rise from the dead.
Thinking about it, that would be a pretty good trick.
Breaking into the Watergate while having sex with an intern.
Thinking about it, that would be a pretty good trick.
Breaking into the Watergate while having sex with an intern.
Maybe the intern is nine months pregnant!
“And what if I told you, in addition, that I was resourceful enough to cobble together financing (through scholarships and other means) for private school education for four children?”
I’d say “good for you, way to be savvy and look out for your kids.”
That was easy.
I like how conservatives, who push private schooling, are now using private schooling to paint the Frosts as richies underserving as help, *even though they don’t pay for it!*
When I was in Turkey, the locals would split three cigarettes, set aside the tobacco from two, assimilate the papers using spit and the soft, round part of the forearm. They would then roll a spliff with 2 fags worth of tobacco and this bright green hash that came in the rough shape of a fat credit card. They used cardboard for the filter, as well.
After smoking a couple, I remember watching the seagulls circle around a minaret as the muezzin sang the dawn ‘call to prayer’. All I could say was, “They know what he’s sayin, man. They really know what he’s sayin’…”
Maybe the intern is nine months pregnant!
Oh. I was thinking it was more like a tightrope artist performing while riding a bicycle. Now I’m confused.
Yes, but by next time, the formerly dominant power of the backwards ultra-reactionary right wing freaks over the Republican party will have weakened, and moderate Republicans in the Northeast, Midwest, West, and Pacific Northwest will tire of being shut out because they’re associated with the crazy redneck wing of the party.
In addition to finally killing the sickness that was New Right Reaganism, George Bush Jr. may have also killed the disgusting hold that the Cro-Magnon wing had over the national Republican Party.
The joint I’m about to roll requires a craftsman and can utilise up to twelve skins. It is called a Camberwell carrot.
Well, it’s not a sammich, but…
Is that ANOTHER chancre on her lip?
Those of us melanin-challenged Celtic/Nordic types who survive to Medicare-qualifying age are looking forward to multiple melanoma removals, especially on much-exposed skin like our faces. The exponential increase in such minor cancerous and pre-cancerous tumors is attributed to thinning of the ozone layer, secondary to global warming. All things are connected, what goes around comes around, and be sure you know your Skin Cancer ABCDs, fellow rednecks!
Also, trolls are objectively pro-genocide. Neither I nor the Armenians are the least bit surprised by that.
Despite all of her tears and whining about Bush’s mistakes over the past few months, Peggy can’t let her masturbation fantasy man go.
Sad sad sad.
Thanks, Lesley. I have to blowtorch my minds eye, now.
“These are not the Gary Rupperts you seek.”
…oh, and…
What is wrong with us?
Despite all of her tears and whining about Bush’s mistakes over the past few months, Peggy can’t let her masturbation fantasy man go.
Lesley, I am uncomfortable taking Noonans’ side, but you need to read the article again.
She refers metaphorically to Dan Bartlett and Ed Gillespie as a couple parasites who need to protect Bush, even though Bush is the biggest embarrassment in modern American political history. Read her last paragraph with sarcasm, and you’ll get her tone.
Noonan isn’t getting wet for Bush anymore, or vice versa.
The gestures in that image look creepier when I look at it again.
Symptoms of Stelazine over-prescription “may include a tight or mask-like expression on the face, drooling, tremors, pill-rolling motions in the hands…”
Just sayin’.
I’m unfamiliar with it.
Is it a good buzz?
Lemme try a couple. Along with half a ‘lude and a couple Dexamyl Spansules.
And a beer….
Is it a good buzz?
I don’t recommend it, Mikey. You get fewer hallucinations and psychotic thoughts, but basically it’s a chemical cosh for maintaining peace and quiet in the locked wards. That zombie walk you see in the back ward, because the patients can’t lift their feet properly — it’s the Stelazine Shuffle.
Drooling, though, I can live with that.
Time to go back to trading spliff stories.
[…] course, being a Republican means never having to acknowledge that you are wrong. But maybe, just maybe, we could at least get a few personal-ass-saving vote changes on SCHIP from […]