Rhymes With Duck Face

Daniel HenningerAnd now for a short break from the wingnut smear job of 12-year-old brain trauma victim Graeme Frost , let’s saunter over to the Wall Street Journal where Daniel Henninger is all lathered up about the totally unfair smear job on the 56-year-old drug addict Rush Limbaugh:

I would like to put a question to [Hillary Clinton]: Would you defend Rush Limbaugh’s speech rights against the pressure that was brought upon him on the floor of the Senate by your colleagues Harry Reid and Ken Salazar? Colorado’s Sen. Salazar went so far last week as to say he’d support a Senate vote to “censure” Mr. Limbaugh. Rhymes with censor.

OMFG. It’s the irrefutable “rhymes with” argument. Hillary says she wants to support the troops. Rhymes with deport. And then there’s Barack Obama. Rhymes with Osama.

[Gavin adds: It is irrefutable that ‘universal health care’ rhymes with ‘universal wealth scare,’ and that ‘Edwards’ = ‘dead birds.’ Also, welcome to the Wall Street Journal’s ‘O-Ed Age.’ Notice there is no ‘p’ in it; please keep it that way.]

Of course, the woes of Rush aren’t limited to rhyming schemes:

When Sen. Reid attacked Mr. Limbaugh on the floor of the Senate, some felt that Mr. Limbaugh was a big boy and perfectly capable of defending himself. I’m not so sure. If Mr. Limbaugh and his critics at Media Matters want to have a street fight, that’s their business. But Sens. Reid and Salazar aren’t just a couple of opinionated guys; they are agents of state authority, and they were leaning hard on Mr. Limbaugh.

Clearly if Reid and Salazar hadn’t laid off Oxycontin Rush, he’d have had no choice but to quit his radio job and spend the rest of his life as a sex tourist in the Dominican Republic.

But wait, what’s wrong with this picture? Isn’t there just a tad bit of irony in Henninger’s hissy fit about the weight of state authority leaning hard on private individuals for things they’ve said? There’s not a single word from Henninger about the Senate resolution condemning the MoveOn ad about General Petraeus. Imagine that.

Now explain to me again why it is such a bad thing that Rupert Murdoch is buying the Wall Street Journal.


Comments: 67


Clearly, the MoveOn resolution was totally different. It didn’t rhyme with anything.


Now explain to me again why it is such a bad thing that Rupert Murdoch is buying the Wall Street Journal.

Explain to me why Rupert Murdoch has the dough to buy the WSJ, along with all the other now-crap he’s bought and turned to shite.


To be fair, Rush has irreversible brain damage and although he is a big boy, the 40 pounds (or so) of jiggling abdominal lard he’s accumulated will only take him so far in the ring. Let’s also not forget the chronic pain that caused his ongoing drug addiction and the expensive viagra he depends on when he’s scouting for sexual ‘partners’ in third world slums.

Like the Baptist preacher who hog-tied himself in two wet suits, Rush is just another vulnerable person living on the fringes of our society. Have a little pity.


Plus, do I have to point out the obvious? “Censure” doesn’t rhyme with “censor.”

“Censure” rhymes with “Ben? Sure!” It’s what Mark (as Pierce says, “The Human”) Steyn rightly calls “a feminine rhyme,” where the penultimate syllable rhymes but the final is an identity. “Indenture,” etc.

What rhymes with “censor”? “Tensor.” “Flensor,” which isn’t a word. “When, Sir?” Which is what all right-thinking people want to know.

Henninger, I put it to you: When, sir?


Someday, I will be free of the Sadly, No! free speech zone. Someday.


Oddly, censure rhymes with “Shut the fuck up, ignorant gasbag”.


Salazar said he’d censure Limbaugh. Rhymes with “calenture” — Salazar has a fever, and the only prescription is more government crackdown! Snar-har-har.


Best. Title. Ever.


When cringer bends binger
Then injure Henninger


“Now explain to me again why it is such a bad thing that Rupert Murdoch is buying the Wall Street Journal.”

Who said it was a bad thing? I subscribed to the Journal for many years, and I had to watch in horror as one editorial after another after another after another after another (slaps own face, shakes head, pauses, continues) was completely contradicted by the very news stories upon which said editorials were supposedly based. (You liberals have no sympathy for the WSJ’s editorial writers, who are always and forever getting jacked by reality, with its well-known liberal bias.) Now that The Rupe has bought his way into power, those helpless wingnut-welfare queens– er, rock-ribbed All-American conservatives– need never again fear a mere news column contradicting their most cherished beliefs. And since nothing in this world matters more than the poor widdle feewings of Journalanimalsms’s proponents (really; just ask them) Sir Rupe’s rescue comes not a moment too soon. Ayn Rand’s auto-worshiping True Individualists need nothing so much as a trust-funded sugar daddy to save their large, pasty, sagging butts, and Rupey Boy is their boy! (MAN! I mean MAN! Mark Foley, get out of my head!)


Poop is a palindrome.

Do I get paid now or after the meal ?


motherfucker, I want more rhyming!


Wasn’t there a Seinfeld episode about rhymes?


My grade 11 pome (written in Physics class)

Alas alack what is my fate
I stumbled on some u238
It sat on my hand glowing silvery green
then it fell to the floor, my hand I mean

thank you, thank you


I’m with Lesley on this, Viagra is recommended for folk with heart problems (in fact, I Thailand, where I used to live, they used to lose about one old man a week that od’ed on Viagra), and old Rush looks as if he is in heart attack territory. While not wishing for anyone’s early demise, would it not be, at least, ironic, if Rush had the big one during rumpy after od’ing on Viagra.


damn that preview button, it would be worth using, I obviously meant Viagra is not recommended…


would it not be, at least, ironic, if Rush had the big one during rumpy after od’ing on Viagra.

Limbaugh has sex?!?

Somewhere, Darwin is confounded.


Limbaugh has sex?!?

Well, not for free, of course.


“Colorado’s Sen. Salazar went so far last week as to say he’d support a Senate vote to “censure” Mr. Limbaugh. Rhymes with censor.”



“Senator Salazar” …or….”80s rocker Pat Benatar”? Mere coincidence?


I think that’s “56 yr old,multi millionaire,Republican drug addict,Rush Limbaugh”. Not that it matters.


It’s a bad thing that Murdoch is buying the Journal because the paper’s reporting is arguably the best of any American paper, and when he gets the paper the reporting may become as bad as the editorials.


Censure, said the censor! Censure, said the censor!
Tension, apprehension and dissention are now done, sir!


Actually, Larry, I agree that there is fine reporting done by the WSJ off the editorial pages and that Murdoch does threaten that. My question was meant more as a snarky rhetorical question than a real one.


“Sex tourist,” is that you guys’s way of knocking the free market again?


Okey dokey ….

Qetesh the Abyssinian

Can anyone help me out here: what rhymes with “complete and utter knobbesticke”?

Qetesh the Abyssinian

BTW, love that wee green amphibian thingie. What is that?


Does someone need to explain that there’s a reason why “censor” and “censure” are different words? That they mean different things? To censor means to stop someone from saying something, while to censure means to let your displeasure with someone else’s statement be known.

A censure isn’t oppressing someone’s free speech, it’s responding to free speech with free speech of your own.


Can anyone help me out here: what rhymes with “complete and utter knobbesticke”?

Daniel Henninger?


Qetesh, the green thing is the Geico Gecko, a smarmy mascot for the Geico Insurance Company.


Does someone need to explain that there’s a reason why “censor” and “censure” are different words?

Look, it’s simple: census and censor kind of sound the same, so clearly they mean the same thing. You liberals and your ivory-tower book learning… next you’ll be trying to convince the American people that there are two different kinds of Muslims, and they don’t particularly like each other. Where will your perfidy* end?

*Which almost rhymes with untidy, so all liberals are slobs.


I love how this guy characterizes Reid and Salazar as “agents of state authority,” like they donned brownshirts and jackboots, stormed Phlegmball’s studio and beat him to a pulp with cudgels.

(They didn’t do that, did they? Dammit.)


Besides which, boo hoo hoo poor Rush, being “censored” and all by someone finally actually calling him out on his horseshit assholery. As if anyone has ever kept him from bloviating whatever vomitous hatebag lies and slanders he decides to pull out of his fat ass to regurgitate all over the airwaves for 20 fucking years or whatever. God I hate these fucking fuckers.


“Now explain to me again why it is such a bad thing that Rupert Murdoch is buying the Wall Street Journal.”

Because the news content has been pretty decent, and not uncommonly saying things contradicting the effluent on the editorial pages.

Since people have learned to trust, and therefore actually *use* the information on the news pages, it could be a bad thing if the WSJ’s news stories start being passed through a politicized, cheerleading-for-corruption Neal Cavuto-izing filter.


well, it’s a serious threat to free speech. Because I’m sure the frail, timid executives at Clear Channel are all quaking in their boots over a Senate censure.


And the beat goes on: Our liberal media wants you to think Democrats need to be vaccinated before attending NASCAR races.


Colorado’s Sen. Salazar went so far last week as to say he’d support a Senate vote to “censure” Mr. Limbaugh. Rhymes with censor.

But it really, really rhymes with denture. Salazar wants to take away Limbaugh’s teeth and replace them with fake ones! But fear not, brave wingnuts, for it will take more than that to defang Rush.


Censure rhymes with censor if you’re a moron. Oh wait we’re talking about a US right winger.


Qetesh, the green thing is the Geico Gecko

And in one of the commercials, he explains that he’s the mascot because “GEICO” sounds like “gecko.” Even a Cockney-accented CGI lizard knows the difference between “sounds like” and “rhymes.”


“Senator Salazar” …or….”80s rocker Pat Benatar”? Mere coincidence?

I laughed at this. I’m not sure why.


If every single radio station, TV station, newspaper, and magazine in the entire US were owned by a conglomerate formed by Fox News, the Republican National Congress, the Federalist Society, and the American Enterprise Institute; and the same conglomerate has replaced every single elementary, middle, and high school teacher and college professor with their Liberty University educated replacements, minus 1…

…and that 1 remaining professor were liberal…

…they would still be whining about the liberal establishment keeping conservatives down.


Clearly, the MoveOn resolution was totally different. It didn’t rhyme with anything.

Hey, Petraeus is hard to rhyme yo.


Rush. Rhymes with lush.


If every single radio station, TV station, newspaper, and magazine in the entire US were owned by a conglomerate formed by Fox News, the Republican National Congress, the Federalist Society, and the American Enterprise Institute…

,,,would we notice a difference?


And the beat goes on: Our liberal media wants you to think Democrats need to be vaccinated before attending NASCAR races.

Heard that on CNN this AM and did a double take. Stupid fuckers.

Besides, as every good Southerner knows, you don’t need to be vaccinated before attending a NASCAR event, you need to get pithed.


rush also rhymes with flush


Puck Race?
Truck MAce?
Muck Trace?
Cluck Embrace?


The real problem here is that he puts the question to Hillary Clinton. I don’t care about Hillary Clinton, I’m not voting for Hillary Clinton and the reason the question is put to Hillary Clinton is that the right-wingers want the election to be against Hillary Clinton, the only candidate (Democrat or Republican) that can get the right-wing base worked up enough to vote.


Hey, Petraeus is hard to rhyme yo.

I’m gonna stick with the old standby, “Betray Us”.

You can’t beat the classics.

Just ask Rod Stewart….


Tara the anti-social social worker

“Look, it’s simple: census and censor kind of sound the same, so clearly they mean the same thing.”

That would make it a homonym. Which sounds like….


Now explain to me again why it is such a bad thing that Rupert Murdoch is buying the Wall Street Journal.

You’re quoting an article on the Opinion Journal. It ain’t the same thing. WSJ may be virulently pro-capitalist, but they’re reality-based, not “Waaaah dis not faer!” shilling political fools.



I linked to the Opinion Journal site because it’s non-subscription. But the article also appeared on page A20 of the WSJ and appears on the paid subscription required WSJ web site:


I also said earlier that my question about Murdoch was snarky rhetorical and that I fully agreed that the real reporting in the WSJ was top notch and would be endangered by Murdoch.


Wow, Stalkin’ Malkin is still going on about the Frosts:


You see, the Frosts really are rich rich rich, lazy, st00pid, etc. Guess how Michelle knows. Why, she received an anonymous, “unsolicited” email to that effect!!


You see, the Frosts really are rich rich rich, lazy, st00pid, etc. Guess how Michelle knows. Why, she received an anonymous, “unsolicited” email to that effect!!

Michelle also knows that pills give you a two-foot dick!!!1! AND that 9/11 was an inside job!!1! AND lots of good stock tips!!1!!1!


Has nobody pointed out that censure starts with C and that rhymes with P and that stands for Pool?


Wow. That Malkin thing really is a pissy l’il pus-bucket, in’t she? I mean, damn. I once had a part pit-bull/part boxer that was smarter than this, cuz unlike the Malkintent she always knew when to let go. Actually she was smarter than Stalkin’ Malkin in just about every way, now’s I think about it. Plus she was sweet-natured, and beautiful.

Damn, I miss that dog.


Hey – check out this cool device that can distinguish between a sentient human and a dummy (mannequin) riding together in the same car. Isn’t a Malkin a form of mannequin (dummy)? How would she read out on this, I wonder?

Also, this would be a good device for instantly ID’ing LOLcon and GOP straw men as they whiz past. I believe a ‘Malkin’ is a scarecrow, come to think of it, which is after all brainless and made of straw.



Has nobody pointed out that censure starts with C and that rhymes with P and that stands for Pool?

That’s right! There’s trouble in Wingnut City.


I think he means they both share the Latin root word, “cens,” meaning “judge.” It’s like saying “carnival” and “carnivore” rhyme because they both share the Latin root word for “flesh.” So, if Senator Reid says Rush’s show is like a carnival of bad taste, it means he thinks Rush eats a lot of spoiled meat on the air. Or something.


Stalkin’ Malkin is still going on about the Frosts

So now she’s relying on gossip from the neighbors? Journalism reaches a new frontier as Gladys Kravitz phones in a story from behind the curtains in the front room.


I think he means they both share the Latin root word, “cens,” meaning “judge.”

You know, it also sounds similar to “censer,” which must mean that Salazar ritualistically worships criticism of Rush Limbaugh. But that ain’t scented smoke he’s dealing…


Maybe if the Frost family dip their fingers in purple ink they can stand around waiting for the Bremer Express Cash Delivery pick -up truck without hearing a peep out of Malkin.

Tara the anti-social social worker

“I think he means they both share the Latin root word, “cens,” meaning “judge.”

You know, it also sounds similar to “censer,” which must mean that Salazar ritualistically worships criticism of Rush Limbaugh. But that ain’t scented smoke he’s dealing…”

Upon hearing this, Henninger was truly incensed.


“Salazar” … almost rhymes with “Sewer Czar (we will besmirch the city to its knees!)”. And “Harry Reid” rhymes with “El Seed”. “Daniel Henninger” is obviously The Hotel Manager.

That’s about all I got.


That would make it a homonym. Which sounds like….

LOL. awesome, Tara.


[…] you and your party get to pick up the tab for the likes of Ann Coulter and RedState and Malkin and “Pills” Limbaugh and their ilk. Is that really the face of the GOP that you want oozing out there day in, day out? I […]


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