Just your average Michelle Malkin column
Michelle Malkin works hard for her money:
The self-proclaimed Party of the Little People is rolling in cash, and Democrats are positively gloating. “The strength of the small donor has helped level the financial playing field with the Bush campaign,” Mary Beth Cahill, Sen. John Kerry’s campaign manager, crowed last week.
Just who are these “small donors” — these ordinary Americans, these average Joes and Janes, filling the Democratic Party’s coffers? [Emphasis added]
The rest of her column looks at four large contributors she describes as:
The pardon-pushing socialite. The Communist-coddling corporate sellout. The reckless Asian-American rainmaker. And the nicotine-stained heiress/almost-felon who keeps on giving
So was Mary Beth Cahill’s assertion totally worthless? Hmm:
Candidate | No. of $200+ Contributors | % from Donors of $200 or less | No. of $2,000+ Contributors | % from Donors of $2,000+ | Bush, George W | 118,246 | 29% | 55,423 | 54% |
Kerry, John | 75,658 | 46% | 18,925 | 30% |
So there’s a day’s work at TownHall: Ridicule a perfectly accurate assesment which you then “show” is “false” by picking four examples that support your “argument.”
These people are soooo fucking ridiculous. Whenever the Democratic party actually has some cash, they act like it’s an outrageous scandal, as if there is virtue in being cash-poor in a political campaign and there’s something terrible about leveling the playing field with the GOP, which always has lots of cash for presidential campaigns but somehow there’s nothing ‘bad’ about that.
Is she really that stupid, or is she so confident in the stupidity of her readers she’ll make the shittiest argument possible time and time again?
So there’s a day’s work at TownHall: Ridicule a perfectly accurate assesment which you then “show” is “false” by picking four examples that support your “argument.”
But it gave her a chance to ridicule Asian-Americans (she really hates those guys!), Commies, and socialites and heiresses who don’t invite her to their parties, so she doesn’t care that her argument is invalid.
“$2000+”? I thought $2000 was the limit.
I am contributing all I can to the Kerry (PBOH) campaign. I want them to win so we can come to your despicable country and saw your heads off slowly like we did with the infidel Nicholas Berg. You people are so Dhimmi. Hope to see you soon, God willing.