Shorter Stalkin’ Malkin

‘Democrat poster-child abuse, the nutroots’ pushback, and the continued campaign to silence the Right’

  • WAAAAAAAAH-HAAAAAAAAH-HAAAAAAAAAH, mean wibweral bwoggers are twying to siwence me by calling me names, it’s not faaaaaaaaaaaay-yerrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.

UPDATE: Leenk ees feexed.


Comments: 50


wrong link?


i think you wuz redirected, the link i mean, now going to a statement from Grandpops Thompson.


malkin’s in ur internetz stealin ur linx


Prob not a bad link: It’s a trick Charles Johnson teaches his racist blogger friends, redirecting links. For a long time links from LGFWATCH pointing at vile crap on LGF were redirected to the IDF website.


I can understand why they redirect … if I wrote that kind of stuff I’d be ashamed too.

Sadly, Cambridgeport

Dirty Harry Reid’s poster child abuse:

A few weeks ago, Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid lured two young children to the public spotlight…

WTF? What did he lure them with, lollipops? Where were their parents?


Oh, silence the right, yes, the right has been so marginalized for so long, they have such a hard time getting their message out on the radio, god forbid we silence them!

It’s not like they’re all over billboards and airwaves like Ward Churchill or anything!


Mocking and criticizing the right when they are wrong, over and over = silencing the right.

Bed-wetters abound.


So now that the Times reveals more information, like the family tried and was rejected by 3 private health insurance comapnies, will Malkin issue an apology and STFU?


Hmm, The Baltimore Sun has gotten into the act:,0,4459992.story?page=1&coll=bal_tab01_layout

And Riehl, is whining about, *gasp* the prevailing sentiment of wingers like him, being publicly exposed:


The BBC news feed headline I’d like to see for this story would be:

Anchor Crybaby in Child Row


Personally, I think “silencing the right” would be awesome. I’m all for it. It’ll never happen though, because they never shut the fuck up.


In 2004, John Kerry propped up Mary Ann Knowles, a breast cancer patient who he claimed “had to keep working day after day right through her chemotherapy, no matter how sick she felt, because she was terrified of losing her family’s health insurance?” The conservative Manchester Union Leader editorial page reported: “Knowles chose to work through most, but not all, of her chemotherapy because her husband was out of a job…She and husband John did not want to take the pay cut that would have come with disability leave, so Mary Ann kept working.”

She wasn’t suffering! It turns out she was actually suffering!

Smiling Mortician

will Malkin issue an apology and STFU?

If I had to guess, I’d say Sadly, No! But that’s really only based on every possible piece of evidence that could be used to track precedent in these matters, so who knows?


Even if it were granted that Malkin did a form of reporting, it still has to be asked why she stopped investigating. She discovered their assets and found a private health plan they might have afforded… Ok, the next step is to figure out what that plan would have covered for their kids, how much they would have had to sell off to pay uncovered med bills, what financial position would they have been left in without the CHIP plan. The Republican health care plan seems to be, “lose all your assets until you qualify for medicaid.” And even then they’ll label you a welfare leech.


Daaaaamn, Legalize. That Sun story is the kind of journalism this nation has been needing desperately for years on end.


She means the abuse of a “Democrat poster child” by her coterie, right? Right? She’s not seriously accusing the DEMOCRATS of abusing the child after personally skulking around their family home, badgering their friends, and publishing bullshit and outright falsehoods about them? C’mon, no one is THAT out of touch with reality, that unhinged, as it were, it’s just not possible.


I went over to Dan Reihl – how cute. He’s all upset that the Sun “cherry picked” some RedState hate. I guess he means, as opposed to quoting the vile hatred in his own posts”


Ha, Riehl’s a piece of work. The first supporting comment in his whine thread requires no comment:

///You would think that the Frosts would have availed themselves to contraception or abortion “therapy” if they didn’t want to buy insurance.

Posted by: Captain Joe | Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 10:59 AM///


What’s a amzing about Malkin is in her update she’s all “Gee, kewl, the New York Times called me for a quote!” and then quotes herself extensively.

She calls the article “fair and balanced” and then she only excerpts her own quote. The article reveals information that directly contradicts the right’s assertions about the Frost family, but she doesn’t even allude to that information. and then she adds more vitriol from Dan Riehl.

Nice. So – “here’s an article that Quotes Me!!11!! on this story! Mee! here’s what I said! And here’s some more lies….”


You know the funniest part about all this?

Pages and pages of comments from all those folks dead bang certain that they’re living like Reagan’s fictional welfare queens, and not one of them has discussed how much time/effort/money actually go into caring for a relative who’s seriously disabled.

I mean, fuck, two people making around $10 an hour could combined make around $42k a year before taxes. Sounds good, right? How they gonna both work full-time while caring for two disabled kids? No way in hell. I mean, the cost of the medications, any surgeries, and then the attendant costs would suck them dry. Period.

But the freepers don’t know about any of that shit. Noooooo.


I must be kind of slow.

I just never seem to understand their point.

I mean, seems to me, if you were politically opposed to the expansion of SCHIP you could argue against it without attacking children that have actually been helped by it. It does, after all, make you look mean and ideologically driven.

And coming back to it from the other direction, how does attacking these children do anything to contribute to your political goal of sustaing the president’s veto? It seems to me, if the argument is the program works but it helps people who don’t deserve help, you are arguing in a circle.

People with actual insurance that covers the shit they need covered do not go through the time and effort of dealing with a government bureaucracy, since they’re actually getting the coverage they need already. So in a very real sense, it kind of means-checks itself.

And I tend to think most americans would rather spend a few tax dollars to help american children rather than kill iraqis. Of course, thats the “most” americans represented by the non-batshit contingent….



sent to the Baltimore Sun via this link

Thanks for compiling, researching and running the Frost family story. It’s disgusting to see just how shameless and concerted some of these attacks have been. I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to see a newspaper so unambiguously reject the evil-hearted, thoughtless polarization of American society – not with opinions, but with the plain facts. It’s clear who this sort of vulgarity benefits, and it is certainly not the American people – red, blue, brown, black or any other shade you might imagine.


Actually, Malkin was checking up on the Frosts because someone in the MSM said they were being “attacked.” She, very sensibly, did not believe this biased fabrication, so she saw for herself that the Frosts had not been beaten to bloody pulps, thus her suspicions that they had not been “attacked” were confirmed. Michelle was just doing her patriotic duty to fact-check the lying Liberals in the media, so lay off.

– Retconning for Dummies, 2007


I’ve been trying to think of a witty reply to Malkin’s stepping in it again and looking like a god damned fool again, but Little Miss Fake Outrage has just overdone it so much with the Frost family, all I want to do is send here a million emails calling her an asshole.


What other occupations may the Malacodakin brigades volunteer to assist the nation with their service?

In addition to “citizen journalism”, shall they volunteer as “citizen engineering” to assist the nation’s bridge designs (i.e., through the use of straw instead of all that overpriced concrete); “citizen surgery” (they are just trying to cheat their insurers by using all this so-called “sterilized” stuff; “citizen delivery services” where parcels are delivered to where they ‘ought’ to go.

I can’t wait.

Sadly, Cambridgeport

What other occupations may the Malacodakin brigades volunteer to assist the nation with their service?

How about citizen soldiers? Oh, but then they couldn’t afford health care either.

Principal Blackman

So now that the Times reveals more information, like the family tried and was rejected by 3 private health insurance comapnies, will Malkin issue an apology and STFU?

I don’t support stalking The Malkin, but I do think it would be rather funny to print out copies of this story, the Baltimore Sun story, and others that reveal her as being a total crybaby and repeatedly sticking them in The Malkin’s mailbox and/or sticking it on the front door of her Wingnut Welfare Queen mansion.


Malkin wrote:

…nutroots… lie through their teeth and attempt to intimidate critics through mass thuggishness…militant leftist bloggers… screaming “Stalker!”… unhinged mob… truly unhinged and destructive tactics…

It gives me a warm feeling of belonging to be part of a screaming, unhinged mob of destructive leftist militant thugs.


It’s interesting to see how terrified Malkin and her idiot followers are of Graeme and his sister. I guess they realize that if more Americans see how effective the government is in helping these people, maybe they will want that kind of effectiveness working for them.

S-CHIP puts the lie to their argument that single-payer health care would be inefficient and would work worse than the gangsterism we call private insurance today.

The funny thing is that Bush’s war has put this in a little perspective. When people hear that we can insure 4 million children for five years for the same price it costs us to run the war for a month, it makes them realize that universal health care isn’t a pipe dream.

How many people die from terrorist attacks every year? Contrast that with how many die from lack of insurance, denial of necessary procedures, and other maladies of our misbegotten system? How many people’s lives are ruined by catastrophic debt brought about by being uninsured or underinsured?

What benefit have we derived from the $600,000,000,000 we have spent on the Iraq war? Imagine how many people could have benefited from the amount of health coverage that would have paid for. Hell, imagine how many dilapidated bridges that money could have repaired. How many research projects to find alternative fuels, or, if you are a right-winger, alternative sources of stem cells. Oo, even better: Imagine how many “citizen journalists” we could keep off the wingnut welfare rolls.


It’s funny…you people (Americans) think the worst possible reaction would be to physically threaten someone, yet your brutal history (indigenous people’s genocide, 300 years of slavery and 100 years of apartheid, lynchings, Vietnam, Iraq, Abu Ghraib, secret prisons, torture…not to mention the levels of violence in your country that is just simply a way of life) is somehow not factored in the equation that determines just how “good” you are.

You people make me sick. Sick to my stomach. I hope the next 9/11 wipes you all out, altogether.


I hope the next 9/11 wipes you all out, altogether.

That would be some trick, no?



I hope the next 9/11 wipes you all out, altogether.

Guess you’re gonna need a LOT of airline tickets, dude…



You people make me sick. Sick to my stomach. I hope the next 9/11 wipes you all out, altogether.

And yet you continually hang out with us. How strange, h8tr.


That would be some trick, no?

Well, the first 9/11 did the work of almost completely destroying your republic. I imagine the next one wouldn’t need to be a tenth as destructive.

By the way, who was the last American politician to claim that all the 9/11 terrorists came to the US through Canada? Was it Hillary?


Prob not a bad link: It’s a trick Charles Johnson teaches his racist blogger friends, redirecting links. For a long time links from LGFWATCH pointing at vile crap on LGF were redirected to the IDF website.

So when conservatives complain about people stifling their freedom of speech, their solution is to deny people access to their writing?

It doesn’t count as being denied access to the marketplace of ideas if you’ve put up the closed for business sign yourself.


Please please please keep the bedwetter theme up. It’s the perfect description of these clowns and has legs.

Principal Blackman

So when conservatives complain about people stifling their freedom of speech, their solution is to deny people access to their writing?

Yes. Stephen Colbert addressed this issue brilliantly:

“Hatemongers like Media Matters take innocent statements like mine, Rush Limbaugh’s, John Gibson’s, and Bill O’Reilly’s and make them offensive by posting them on the Internet, allowing the general public to hear words that were meant for people who already agree with us. Hey, Media Matters, you want to end offensive speech? Then stop recording it for people who would be offended. Because the Constitution gives us broadcasters the right to say anything we want but that doesn’t mean that just anyone has the right to listen.”

Principal Blackman

Also, Michelle Stalkin’s exploits keep reminding me of this classic Simpsons quote:

“I’m…going outside…to…stalk…Lenny and Carl…D’OH!”


I know it’s not even over yet, but this has been the best week ever on Sadly, No! It’s like Extra-Crazy Wingnut All-Stars Week or something. Just awesome.

Sadly, Cambridgeport

It’s funny…you people (Americans) think the worst possible reaction would be to physically threaten someone, yet your brutal history… is somehow not factored in the equation that determines just how “good” you are.

Well, I do agree that genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, and the atom bomb are much much worse than threatening to, say, bash Ms. Malkin’s head in with a shovel. So yeah, its not the absolute worst possible reaction. If stalking right-wingers or threatening them would stop the next atrocity, you could even make an ethical case for it.

Is that what you were trying to say with all of that? If so, you would have to show how threats and intimidation would serves some greater good. Cuz otherwise it looks like you are just saying that America is already such an evil place that we may as well just pile on ’till judgement day. Nukes away, so to speak.


I’m all broken up over Our Lady of the Internment Camps and her poor hurt little feelings. let the little brown brownshirt whine, i have no sympathy for her.


“The conservative Manchester Union Leader editorial page…”

Ah, yes, William Loeb, teh original wingnut.

He was even an early adopter of the chickenhawk method:

Loeb cited ulcers for his medical exemption from service during World War II, allegedly drinking large quantities of alcohol before doctor’s visits to ensure flare-ups.

Loeb was most famous for his front page editorials, which have no doubt served as inspiration for our current crop of Malkins et al. Among his boldfaced editorial headlines:

“Dopey Ike” (Eisenhower)
“Mush From the Wimp” (old man Bush)
“Kissinger the Kike”

One of Loeb’s first infamous journalistic exploits was the publishing of his own baptismal certificate on the front page of both Vermont papers in an attempt to disprove rumors of his Jewish ancestry.

I grew up in NH, and had a morning paper route (Boston Herald Traveler, Boston Globe, Boston Record American). One customer (the local priest) asked that I pick up a copy of the Union Leader at the corner store, and deliver it to him. I declined. Priests are notoriously shitty tippers.

In some ways, I’m never really surprised at what I read at wingnut blogs. They’re just picking up where Bill Loeb left off.


Cuz otherwise it looks like you are just saying that America is already such an evil place that we may as well just pile on ’till judgement day. Nukes away, so to speak.

Are you suggesting that something like that would be *worse* than what’s happened since 2003? Like it would make Abu Ghraib seem like garden party?

Frankly, I don’t fucking care what you people do anymore. I just hope the rest of us can protect ourselves.


Frankly, I don’t fucking care what you people do anymore.

Anyone remember when Mal De Mer was relatively stable? Anyone?


It’s funny…you people (Americans) think the worst possible reaction would be to physically threaten someone, yet your brutal history (indigenous people’s genocide, 300 years of slavery and 100 years of apartheid, lynchings, Vietnam, Iraq, Abu Ghraib, secret prisons, torture…not to mention the levels of violence in your country that is just simply a way of life) is somehow not factored in the equation that determines just how “good” you are.

Know what else is funny?

Go fuck yourself . . . now THAT’S funny!


Are you suggesting that something like that would be *worse* than what’s happened since 2003?

hope the next 9/11 wipes you all out

So, you want to keep people from being killed by… killing everyone in this country.

Makes perfect sense, h8tr.


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