Cry, The Beloved Whitey
Yes, yes, it’s just terrible that that scheming 12-year-old and his deadbeat parents are allowed to suckle at the public teat instead of going out and earning enough money to cure brain damage. And yes, we’re all just horrified that a God-fearing Christian man can’t have an innocent heart attack while preparing to go deep-sea diving with a dildo up his ass without people jumping to conclusions. But have we all forgotten that there is a war on? A war between white people and people who just happen not to be white?
Fjordman, who used to have his own blog before the IT guy from The Office came and planted a bunch of suicide logic-bombs in his hard drive, now posts exclusively at The Darkies Are Coming. His latest endless spiel about the bloodthirsty hordes of Dusk People got him an extra-special link over at Big Boy Jammies, so I thought it worth checking out. For your convenience, I’ve compressed it — or “condensed”, as the good people at Campbell’s Soup and Reader’s Digest put it — from its original skileventy vrillion pages into a mere fifty. It’s called “The Age of White Masochism”, which promises something sexy like HBO’s Sex and the City, but instead turns out to be boring and depressing, like HBO’s Real Sex. But let’s watch anyway!
Imagine if you planned a country’s economic future using calculations exclusively based on even numbers. For ideological reasons you excluded odd numbers because you declared that they represent bigotry and have divisive nature since they cannot be divided equally in half. Absolutely all calculations for the future would then end up being wrong.
Imagine if you started out a lengthy article using a metaphor that made no sense whatsoever. Absolutely everything that followed would end up being pointless.
An international poll in 2007 showed that 90 percent of the inhabitants in Egypt, Indonesia and India believed that each country should guard their innate culture and lifestyle.
And if the people in the crazy Muslim countries believe it, it must be true!
Guarding your identity is thus a universal human trait, not a white trait. In fact, it is less pronounced among whites today than among anybody else. Only whites cling onto the idea of universalism, everybody else sticks with their own ethnic group.
He’s got me there. I can’t think of any non-whites in modern times who preached that we should celebrate universal humanity among all people.
In white majority Western nations it has become a state-sponsored ideology to “celebrate diversity,” despite the fact that all available evidence indicates that more diversity leads to more conflict.
That’s true also, except for that it’s not.
Ayman al-ZawahriIn May 2007, Osama bin Laden’s deputy terrorist leader Ayman al-Zawahri stated that “Al-Qaida is not merely for the benefit of Muslims. That’s why I want blacks in America, people of color, American Indians, Hispanics, and all the weak and oppressed in North and South America, in Africa and Asia, and all over the world.”
Read that statement closely. This Jihadist organization is calling for a global war against whites. Not Christians or Jews. Whites. I have been told all of my life that skin color is irrelevant, but this balancing act gets a lot more difficult when somebody declares war against you because of your race.
Interestingly enough, I did read the statement closely, and I couldn’t find anywhere where it said “whites”. But, to be fair, it does say “the weak and oppressed…all over the world”, which couldn’t possibly mean white people.
DNA studies have proved that a significant majority of those who live in the British Isles today are descended directly from the Ice Age hunters, despite the Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Norman invasions. This accounts for 88% of the Irish, 81% of the Welsh, 70% of the Scots and 68% of the English.
These figures, which aren’t at all cooked-up pieces of shit blue-skied by a noteworthy academic crank for a right-wing British think tank, simply prove that we need more government programs to protect cavemen. But not American Indians, because that’s different.
I’m sure the English are told that this is a result of colonialism, but there are no Britons left in Pakistan, so why should there be Pakistanis in Britain?
Actually, there are over 50,000 Britons left in Pakistan (over twice that number of white Europeans), and more of them move there every year because of cheap living conditions. They tend to be among the wealthiest people in the country, but that’s just a coincidence based on their superior Nordic genes.
There are not many Dutch people left in Indonesia, so why should the Dutch be rendered a minority in their major cities by Moroccans and others?
It’s true! Whites in Amsterdam have been reduced to a minority of 81% of the population, while in Rotterdam, the city with the highest percentage in the Netherlands of foreigners from non-industrialized nations, the Dutch are a miserable 54%, which is such a small majority it might as well be a minority. As for the Moroccans, they represent a colossal 6% of the population! It’s a wonder they haven’t already voted to rename it “New Rabat” or something. You don’t even want to know what it’s like in ghetto towns like Utrecht and Eindhoven, where whites barely comprise 70, 75% of the population.
Ireland, Denmark, Britain, France, Sweden, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands have one, and only one, thing in common: The natives are white, and thereby have no legitimate claim to their own countries.
Which is why all of those countries are run by, governed by, owned by, and demographically dominated by ethnic minorities. What? They aren’t? Well, the point remains: they are.
The columnist Kevin Myers in Ireland thinks that no country has ever accepted, never mind assimilated, the volumes of immigrants now present in his country
Ireland’s immigrant population currently stands at around ten percent of the population, which is indeed far more than any country ever in the history of countries. (Plus, the largest immigrant group in Ireland are Polish, who are barely even white!)
The United States was almost 90% white as late as 1965, and will be minority white within a couple of generations.
Actually, the United States was already more than 12% non-white by 1960, and that’s not counting Hispanics, who likely accounted for at least another 5% by then. But, you know, Fjordman is on such a roll here, why interrupt him by making him go look up actual data and statistics and all that boring crap?
It has happened many times that a people move into an area and subdue those living there, but the natives have at least been allowed to defend themselves.
See, and here you have the inherent decency of the white man. In the past, he would go and conquer other lands, but he would at least have the good grace to let the native darkies fight back before they were ruthlessly slaughtered and enslaved. Nowadays, the dirty A-rabs are taking over our countries through sneaky tactics like coming here legally, and having children, and voting! We don’t even get to kill some of them! Is that fair? I ask you.
The idea that every white person who desires self-determination and self-preservation is a racist, a white supremacist and a Nazi is nonsense and should flatly be rejected. The vast majority of racist violence in Western nations is by non-whites attacking whites.
According to the most recent available statistics, 79.5 percent of violent hate crimes were directed at nonwhites, as opposed to 20.5% directed at whites. But who knows, maybe the US doesn’t count as a Western nation.
Whites, too, have a right to exist. The primary duty you have as a human being is to preserve the heritage of your ancestors and pass on to your children a country they can call their own and where they can live in dignity…I believe whites in the 21st century should desire a room of our own where we can prosper.
Is there nowhere where a white man can prosper? How far must we go to find a place that whites can call their own? Is there no longer a nation where whites may be allowed to thrive? You tell me, O Lord. You tell me.
And now I cry for my lost JSTOR access.
I miss being a student, if only for the unlimited access to every single e-subscription my uni library had – and from the comfort of my own home, too.
So I guess “even numbers” stands for “white people”, and for ideological reasons you exclude “odd numbers” … no wait, that would make his metaphor mean exactly the opposite of what he intends.
I think that figuring out what he intends with that metaphor is a exercise in metaphysics.
Also, can we all agree that I deserve some sort of super-special Master of Photoshop award for the awesome job I did on that image? Yeaaaaah.
Is it a compliment if I tell you that I look at the picture and the first thing I think of is Cute Overload?
Speaking as a white guy, I wish this jackass would find another group to champion. The hell does “white self-determination” mean, anyway? And don’t these guys ever read anything besides The Turner Diaries?
God, not more self pitying “oppressed white man” bull-shit. These people are really, really embarrassing. Ohh! We white males have it so hard! Who will set the white man free, and allow us to share in the freedom and basic dignity that other races have long enjoyed? Who will lift us from our poverty and ignorance? I say REVOLUTION!!!
DNA studies have proved that a significant majority of those who live in the British Isles today are descended directly from the Ice Age hunters, despite the Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Norman invasions.
Um, I’m not up to date on my anthro chops, but doesn’t “direct descent” mean simply that your claim to an inheritance is due to your parent, not a collateral relationship, like a brother or sister?
So all it means is those alive today had somewhere in their parental line what this idiot says are “Ice Age Hunters” but I assume he means the Celts or the Picts, since they’re the only other ones I can think of if you eliminate the Anglo Saxons, Norse, Romans, and Normans (although aren’t they redundant, being Norse anyway?).
So even if Boudiccea’s daughter had a wild fling with Scipio Africanus’s son, those in her direct line would be “descended directly” from her – of course, they’d also be descended directly from Scipio Africanus.
Just like they’d be descended directly from whatever Viking raider, Flemish merchant, American GI, or Pakistani merchant that married into his family subsequently.
so it basically doesn’t mean jack shit.
sorry about the goddam tag.
And this is so fucked. There IS no white ethnic group. There are Germans and Prussians and Bavarians and Croats and Neopolitans and Venetians and Iberians and Basque and Highlanders and Lowlanders and Cajuns and Hillbillies.
It’s all – We People Who Live in This Valley and Those People Who Live in That One. We Who Like Our Bread Cooked This Way and Those Who Like Their Bread Made That Way.
Just as – I know it’s hard to believe – there is no Asian ethnic group. There is no BLACK ethnic group.
Just ask the Tutsis and Hutus.
You’ve nailed him to the bleedin’ perch!
so why should the Dutch be rendered a minority in their major cities by Moroccans and others?
I dunno. I guess this is a fair question. Has there ever been a nation where immigrants have marginalized the native population, killing them, taking their ancestral lands, driving them into exile and confining them to restricted territories? Just asking.
Skin color is irrelevant. That doesn’t mean people don’t still get heped up about it. People like you.
Basically: race doesn’t matter biologically, but it does matter socially.
Be sure to check out the comments section of that post, where one guy cites as evidence of the increasing marginalization of whites the fact that they are often outnumbered and victimized by ethnic gangs…IN PRISON!
Has there ever been a nation where immigrants have marginalized the native population, killing them, taking their ancestral lands, driving them into exile and confining them to restricted territories? Just asking.
Of course not! Besides, Michael Medved says that European immigrants only kind of committed genocide against the American Indian population, so it’s, like, totally okay.
Though, India is more Hindu then Muslim, but that’s okay.
“The idea that every white person who desires self-determination and self-preservation is a racist, a white supremacist and a Nazi is nonsense…”
No, no, I’d say that “We want an all-white nation.” is a racist remark. In fact, I would say that that would be very definition of a racist. That sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
“Whites, too, have a right to exist.”
Instead of being hunted down for sport by coons and spics, like they are now.
Give it a few hundred years, and this will all be about Light Mocha colored skins complaining about the onslaught of the Milk Chocolate colored skins.
This post almost makes me want to reprise a comment left in the terror in yer pants thread…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
But then I might piss my pantaloons………………
It’s all – We People Who Live in This Valley and Those People Who Live in That One. We Who Like Our Bread Cooked This Way and Those Who Like Their Bread Made That Way.
Don’t forget those of us who like to wear Onions on our belts…………………………the rest of you are simply plumb crazy.
DNA studies have proved that a significant majority of those who live in the British Isles today are descended directly from the Ice Age hunters, despite the Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Norman invasions.
I have always wondered about this Fjordman guy, is he for real or not, as his ‘arguments’ fall apart, like a Norwegian in the Bronx. I think that he hopes that no-one can be arsed trawling through his long winded stupidity, or that his reader ship is so dumb that is misses the contradictions.
The above is a typical example, and he should really know better. As g pointed out, much better than me, it depends who were the ice age hunters. Even the Celts and the Picts were thought to have some to Scotland from Ireland or over the land bridge just before the last ice age, so in essence there is no native Brits, as there is native Americans, or Indians, or any other nation, for fucks sake. I thought basing your politics on some mythical 15th standard was sad, but basing your politics on who was hanging around in the ice age is just the apex of teh stupid.
And another thing, why can’t a so called expert on Europe, figure out the difference between England and Britian. I don’t expect much from you US types, but old Viking boy advertises himself as a so called expert, the fool.
and another thing, who was it, a while back, that said that whenever he saw a Gates of Vienna link, he looked on the site like he would look upon a ‘retarded puppy playing with rocks’, that was a superb quote.
I’m pretty sure it was “a brain-damaged puppy barking at a rock.” It was sweet. I try to use it in conversations.
I ask any woman in this thread if she would voluntarily mate – even for cold hard cash – with Darrin Hodges over in Skinhead’s white supremacy comment thread.
Also, can we all agree that I deserve some sort of super-special Master of Photoshop award for the awesome job I did on that image? Yeaaaaah.
Absolutely. That army-capped parrot has me laughing my ass off every time I look at it.
it’s actually a huge advantage to be white in order to get into good public schools in LA. it’s based on some kind of race-mixing algorithm so complex that after the third time it was explained directly to me i just had to stare blankly, and say, “so can i get the kids into Beverly Hills or not?”
i still don’t know. but i’m told that white is good because there are so many persian or korean kids or something.
also, whatever. and also, fjordman, STOP FUCKING WHINING YOU ASSHOLE.
i really feel like all my comments are ending this way lately. perhaps less pot?
Oh, re Darrin Hodges, fanboy of Fjordman, his gravatar shows up in the small comment window, but here’s an even better picture.
Talk about your caveman! Forget sammiches, throw the guy a club and fur panties.
Britain is the island between England and Scotland.
(If I was a Republican, I’d be a geography expert, like Rush Limbaugh. But, sadly, no, I’m a liberal, and thus I’m merely reasonably well-informed.)
Though, India is more Hindu then Muslim, but that’s okay.
Muslim country and/or “more” muslim ?
That’s funny !
India’s 90% muslim-hating hindu majority would be interested to hear that they are “more” hindus than muslims (I’ve also heard maybe there are “more” caucasians than eskimos in the USA too). That 90% is further broken down into 60% aryan and 30% dravidan. (athough in practice, the holiest vedic/hindu religious symbols like swastikas, laltikas and shubhtikas are used in both groups but I digress)…
I’m pretty sure it was “a brain-damaged puppy barking at a rock.” It was sweet. I try to use it in conversations.
yeah, that was it, who was it that said it, probably ‘g’ ?
I had to go look over at GoV again, and found this little classic:
My guess is that we will soon be entering a period when the white population of many western nations will turn toward men on white horses as their only possible salvation.
and it was said without irony
Surely you mean “it was said without intentional irony”
the white population of many western nations will turn toward men on white horses as their only possible salvation.
There’s a moral here. Don’t blog at the same time as watching ‘Birth of a Nation’.
I tried to scream, but nothing came out but blood.
Please somebody photo-shop that pic of the horrible”I hate all Iranians”lady with a Pickelhaube and Hitler mustache.
No, Lesley, I would not “mate” with that Darrin Hodges for all the money in the world. And that picture and those disgusting political views are only the most obvious of my many reasons.
Nope, this pale European-American chick will be too busy giving birth to some medium-brown babies by my dark-brown East African husband, thanks.
Every time I hear one of these crazy conservative “white women need to have more babies” types, I chuckle to myself a bit. I don’t think I am doin’ it how they intended!
Very funny stuff.
For what it’s worth, Hodges has a one-man band in Australia called the ‘Anglo-Australian National Community Council’. In June of this year it came to the attention of Mediawatch, a show on ABC-TV. You can read the transcript here:
In his anti-Muslim paranoia, poor old boofhead picked up a ball marked ‘racist myth’ and just simply kept on running…
We need some good chants for our “Pale Pride” march.
How about these
We’re White, You’re Not!
We’re White, We’re Uptight, Get Used to It!
Pardon Me, Do You Have Any Grey Poupon?
Embrace, Embrace, Embrace the Master Race!
I ask any woman in this thread if she would voluntarily mate – even for cold hard cash – with Darrin Hodges over in Skinhead’s white supremacy comment thread.
It would have to be a whole lot of cold hard cash. And a bottle of good gin, maybe something like Citadelle or Hendrick’s. And a blindfold.
Some or most of the 47,000 (according to Wikipedia) British expats in Pakistan will be Pakistanis who came to the UK and have now gone home after retiring, or the British-born children of Pakistanis.
Even the Celts and the Picts were thought to have some to Scotland from Ireland or over the land bridge just before the last ice age, so in essence there is no native Brits
Of course. The Picts (living in Scotland) were displaced by the Scots (living in Ireland) who moved to Scotland and thus became Scots (living in brackets) and vice versa.
“The idea that every white person who desires self-determination and self-preservation is a racist, a white supremacist and a Nazi is nonsense and should flatly be rejected.”
“I believe whites in the 21st century should desire a room of our own where we can prosper.”
Look, if we aren’t all descended from Ice Age hunters, then who the fek are we descended from then? It’s not like brand new lineages sprang up that weren’t descended from anybody who had lived before.
Literally, if you aren’t descended from an Ice Age hunter, you can’t be descended from anyone at all, because there is no-one else to be descended from.
In fact, the Black Africans, the Arabs, the Phillipinos, the Papuans and the Chinese are all descended from Ice Age hunters.
Not so special now, is it?
Gag —
I’m not sure about that. The entry refers to them as an ethnic group. If they were repatriated ethnic Pakistanis (Punjabis, Pashtuns, etc.), or the children of same, why would they be listed as an ethnic group? My reading of that entry, as well as other demographic data, leads me to believe that there’s around 50,000 white British in Pakistan, in addition to however many repatriated native Pakistanis and so on.
Djur –
Someone who not only links to the classic Darren MacLennan/Jason Sartin FATAL review but also has a blog named after Orz dialogue! May I bear your children?
(You guys need to go read the review Djur linked to – it’s not only hy-larious but scary. See, somebody decided to do a D&D-style role playing game and threw in a bunch of graphic sexual stuff and defended it on the grounds that they had sourced it to a book on medieval prostitution so it MUST have been realistic, and the aforementioned reviewers proceed to tear them and their “game” new orifices…)
(Oh, and a bunch of fratboy racism, too. Cripes, I forgot about “armor of Jewy Jewbacca”.)
Look, if we aren’t all descended from Ice Age hunters, then who the fek are we descended from then?
Duh. Cain. And his, um, sister, um, or mother, I guess. And he was a farmer.
Oh, that guy. I thought, actually we’re all descended from Eve.
A minor point..Morrocans have nothing to do with Dutch colonial rule of Indonesia..Moluccans did..just another example of the state of general knowledge and intellectual rigor of your right wing bloggers..
God, I miss the nineteenth century. And its lush bearding. And its lush writing.
“[F]avoured races [lead inevitably to] the extinction of all those low and mentally undeveloped populations with which Europeans came into contact. … The intellectual and moral, as well as the physical, qualities of the Europeans are superior, the same powers and capacities—which have made him rise in a few centuries from the condition of a wandering savage, with a scanty and stationary population, to his present stage of culture and advancement, with a greater average longevity, a greater average strength, and a capacity of more rapid increase,—enable him, when in contact with the savage man, to conquer in the struggle for existence, and to increase at his expense, just as the better adapted increase at the expense of the less adapted varieties in the animal and vegetable kingdoms,—just as the weeds of Europe overrun North America and Australia, extinguishing native productions by the inherent vigour of their organisation, and by their greater capacity for existence and multiplication.”
Europe. Even their flora are superior. Except when they’re not.
Does this faltering of whitey in the present mean that evolution has taken a new turn?! Have the heretofore “inferior” races flipped the equation? Guess Fjordman’s [and what a name for a white supremacist] just going to have to accept the fact that the shoe is on the other foot. It’s natural; it’s scientific: whitey’s gonna go!
See, and here you have the inherent decency of the white man. In the past, he would go and conquer other lands, but he would at least have the good grace to let the native darkies fight back before they were ruthlessly slaughtered and enslaved. Nowadays, the dirty A-rabs are taking over our countries through sneaky tactics like coming here legally, and having children, and voting! We don’t even get to kill some of them! Is that fair? I ask you.
My favorite paragraph.
Something that’s always mystified me: what is a racist’s definition of “racist?” Because as near as I can tell, according to them, the word applies to absolutely no white person on planet earth.
Without exception, every time you read some vile screed about the genetic superiority of the white race, how whites should have their own country and people should generally be divided by ethnic identity, etc., there is always a disclaimer arguing that the drooling lunatic writing the piece is not a racist. This doesn’t just include creepy internet “intellectual” racists. Even white supremacist groups like skinheads and the Klan often try to argue that they’re not racist. But why? If you really believe all this babble, why are you so afraid of the word “racist?” Are you really worried, after saying all of that, that self-applying the term “racist” is going to alienate or offend someone you haven’t already alienated or offended? It seems like an odd time and place to insert political correctness into your rhetoric.
Oh, who cares what a bunch of whiny Fjord Niggers think, anyway?
The overwhelming population of the United States immigrated from Ellis Island in the 19th Century. SOMEHOW, WE SURVIVED. (Or did we?)
Incidentally, I love the implicit assumption by Mighty Thor here that identifies “American” with “white.” It’s an assumption so outrageously common I make it myself occasionally.
I mean, Jesus. Has this guy ever seen the casualty lists out of Iraq? They look like the sign-in sheets at a taco store. Where are all the great “white warriors” these worthless Fjord Niggers love to blab about?
If Siegfried lived today, he’d write articles in the Wall Street Journal about how poor Mexican migrants have a responsibility to kill the dragon Fafnir for him.
I would be very surprised if there were 50,000 white British people living in Pakistan. I suspect that whoever added that to the Wikipedia entry read a statistic about British citizens in Pakistan and simply assumed that they were white. In fact, looking back through the article history I found the user (an IP number, not a registered user) who added that statement. He/she did not do any other work on that article, so I doubt that he/she even thought about how this factoid fitted into the discussion of Pakistan’s ethnic groups. This user also hasn’t edited any other articles about Pakistan.
Ha ha!
I went over there and posted this:
As a long oppressed white American guy, I want to thank you for standing up for me and my downtrodden brethren.
You know, when I stop to think about it, I seethe inwardly. It’s so unfair. I mean, I had 2 loving parents, a happy childhood, a good education at a first rate college, the chance to do what I want in life, a loving wife, a brand new daughter who fills our lives with joy…
When am I going to catch a break? Just a little one? It’s true, I’ve never been lynched, or been on the receiving end of state sanctioned discrimination, or b een harrassed by the police for driving through the wrong neighborhood, but seriously, my life sucks, and it’s all because of those mean darkies who…
Well, to tell you the truth, I don’t know quite what they did to ruin my life or even what it is about my lucky life that’s so hard and unfair, but I assure you, some minority somewhere is responsible for the crippling hardships I labor under–hardships that are all the more crippling for me since I don’t even know what they are or how they are crippling me.
Thank you for standing up for me at last.
Yes Fjordman et al. are technically not telling the truth when they vomit this racist filth, but will that stop them from using the tired old “It’s not racism, it’s COURAGEOUS TRUTH TELLING!!!1!!11!!” line? Probably not.
It seems I’m just not Dain Brammaged enough. Must push crayon in farther…
Pere Ubu: Thanks lots. Every once in a while, when I need to laugh and laugh and laugh at something that isn’t as immediate and terrifying as all this stuff at S,N, I’ll go back and read that.
Fjordman would be horrified to learn that the reason Al-Zawahiri did not include whites in his list of people he wants to include in his global brotherhood is that he considers himself white.
You all sound exactly like what he says you are. I read your posts, and to one extent or another, you all apologize for being what you are. Most of you don’t have the balls to do it openly; you hide behind sarcastic comments about *gasp* racism, nazism (that’s always a favorite one), dragging out the American Indian again (that’s always another favorite one when discussing “racism” and genocide); you allow your heritage to be denigrated because most of you don’t even know anything about your heritage. It is safer for you to parrott what your teachers and the mainstream media pound into your heads everyday; white is bad, nonwhite is good. Hypocrites. We’ll see when the shit hits the fan just exactly where you stand in the scheme of things when the cops desert protecting you and your property, and you, disarmed for the most part because, like anything white, guns are bad, become fodder for the slaughter.
Okay, tuco22, you got me. I am not white, but I was born, raised, and live in Canada. I only speak English, and associate with people from all ethnic groups, regardless of the number of generations their family has lived in Canada.
I pay taxes and contribute to the economy by working in Canada and spending my hard-earned disposable income in Canada.
But blogs like GoV and posters like you have convinced me that I SHOULD apologize for who I am, even race has never been an issue for me except when someone makes a dumbass assumption about me based on my appearance, without knowing a single thing about me.
My name is Will, and I am a non-white alien, part of an invading army bent upon destroying everything Canada holds dear. My parents were immigrants, and while I cannot erase their crime of non-white emigration to Canada, I guess I can atone for it in some small way:
Just point me to the closest gas chamber, mmmkay?
[…] Don’t forget to read the commentary at Sadly, No!: Cry, The Beloved Whitey […]
Hi, I’m from the future, where it’s entirely possible that the person mocked in this post went on to murder dozens of people in Norway in a simultaneous Omagh/Hungerford, justifying it with a breezeblock-sized manifesto citing Pam Gellar and George Lincoln Rockwell. So look forward to that.
Hi, I’m from slightly further into the future where it’s been determined that he wasn’t.